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How will AI change the world?

1 According to Stuart Russel, what's one problem with the way we've designed
Artificial Intelligence?
A. We give AI too many objectives to compute at once.
B. We give AI a single, fixed objective.
C. Computer engineers don't understand how everything in the AI system is connected.
D. The AI systems are infused with human bias.

2 Which trait can lead to psychopathic behavior on the part of AI systems, according
to the video?
A. Uncertainty
B. Complexity
C. Certainty
D. Objectivity

3 In 1930, what technical term did the economist John Maynard Keynes give for the
idea of machines replacing human workers?
A. Human Redundancy Model (HRM)
B. Digital Replacement Theory (DRT)
C. Mechanistic Superiority
D. Technological Unemployment

4 The short story "The Machine Stops," as well as the animated film Wall-e, depicts
a future in which humans have handed over the management of civilization over to
machines. This, according to the video, has what result?
A. It makes people infantilized and enfeebled
B. We lose the incentive to figure out how the world works
C. We lose the incentive to pass knowledge down to future generations.
D. All of the above.
5 Most experts say that by ______ humans will have developed general AI.
A. the end of the century
B. the end of this decade
C. 2500
D. None of the above.

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