3.2 The Grand Alliance Worksheet

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VCE Modern History Unit 2

3.2 The Grand Alliance Area of Study 1: Causes, Course and Consequences of the
Cold War

Leaders of the Grand Alliance

Key Facts
 The Grand Alliance was formed by the USA, UK and USSR in 1941 with the goal of defeating Nazi
 However, the allied leaders distrusted one another and had competing motives
o Stalin was motivated by a paranoid fear of Western attack and a desire to rebuild the USSR
o Churchill was motivated by a fear of Communist expansion and a desire to help Poland
o Roosevelt wanted Soviet help to fight Japan, and was willing to make concessions

Key Questions
1) Why was the Grand Alliance formed in 1941?


2) Which member of the Grand Alliance contributed the most to the defeat of Nazi Germany?


3) Explain the motives of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1945.


4) Explain the motives of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1945.


5) Explain the motives of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1945.



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The Yalta and Potsdam Conferences

Key Facts
 In 1945, the allied leaders met at summit meetings to personally discuss their goals and form
o The Yalta Conference (Feb 1945) was held just before Nazi Germany was defeated
o The Potsdam Conference (July 1945) was held just after Nazi Germany was defeated
 The allied leaders were able to agree to demilitarise and divide Germany, but could not agree on the
future of Poland and Eastern Europe

Key Questions
6) What were the main agreements and disagreements of the Yalta Conference?


7) What key changes occurred in the four months after the Yalta Conference?


8) What were the main agreements and disagreements of the Potsdam Conference?


9) What was the significance of the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences? Why do many historians see these
meetings as the beginning of the Cold War?


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