Thuyết trình TACN 1

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Recently everyone heard an overview of time management.

In the life, we often

hear the saying “Time is money” or “Time is gold”. So, when you manage your time
well, you will receive the following benefits:
3. Why we need time management
3.1. Time management helps improve work efficiency
Survey and interview results show time management skills of many students are not
good enough, leading to time not being used effectively for learning activities. This
leads to a situation where students think they study too much but don't get good
results. Knowing how to manage your time will help you organize your daily plans
and tasks based on importance and priority. Prioritizing and combining tasks with
available time is a way for you to work without spending too much effort.
Effective time management skills help avoid procrastination and laziness. You are
motivated to focus more on your work. In addition, it also helps you improve thinking,
logic, and increase creative skills to complete tasks. From there, work efficiency will
be improved and you will save a lot of time.
Just spending a lot of time studying doesn’t mean your learning will improve. Many
students sit for half a day studying or completing tasks, but they are not as effective as
those who only focus on completing assignments for 2 or 3 hours. So why? It is
thanks to time management skills. Reasonable time allocation for each task. Things
that can be done quickly should be done first.
3.2. Balance life, reduce stress and fatigue
Effective time control will help you reduce stress, avoid “deadline” pressure and
complete work in the best way. If you don’t how to organize your time properly, you
will always feel like you have a lot of work to complete. You’ll always think about
deadlines and assignments and fear that you’ll be late in completing them. From there,
you will often feel tired, afraid and your life will become chaotic with a lot of work.
When you manage your time properly, you will complete deadlines quickly and
smoothly. Then you will reduce stress, you will have more time to hang out with
friends, family, relatives. Your life will become happier and more meaningful when
you have time to do other things instead of always buried in a pile of deadlines. That’s
a balanced and rewarding life.
Students often have difficulty balancing study and work. That's why you need to
know how to manage your time to study well and work well. I also struggled with
many deadlines for class discussions. But when I learned how to organize my time,
things gradually became easier for me. I no longer feel tired because there are too
many deadlines coming up.
3.3. Create self-discipline
When you don’t know how to manage your time, your life will happen without a
plan, without a specific direction. Only when the deadline is approaching do you
suddenly remember the task you need to do and rush to complete it so as not to miss
the deadline. There are times when you will have a lot of free time because there is
nothing to do, there are also times when you feel you need more time to complete the
assigned work. Those things happen because you don’t know how to manage your
When you manage your time well, you’ll proactively arrange your schedule, which
work should be done first, which work should be done later and which work should be
prioritized. If you complete your work according to the plan you have set up, you’ll
always be proactive in your work and in control of your time fund.
When you live and work in a planned way, you also train yourself to be proactive
and disciplined, you won’t need to worry and question yourself about what is the next
thing to do? Does this task need to be completed or not?
3.4. Have more free time to do things love
Time is infinite but human life is finite and we have too many things to do and
accomplish in life. Therefore, scientific and effective time management helps you get
more done. Besides sleeping, eating and personal care, when you arrange your time
well, you’ll have time for yourself to do your favorite things. We need to live a
diverse life, do the things we love, go to the places we want to go and explore the
world. I believe everyone has a list of things they want to do, besides study and work.
But we always say “I don’t have time”, so we need to arrange our lives to be able to
live truly balanced, happy and joyful.
You will have opportunities to develop yourself, join clubs, learn new things,
experience things which you have never done before or spend time traveling with
family, friends…When we are students, we also need to have memorable memories
instead of just studying. To do that, we need to manage our time well. This is a
meaningful and priceless time that you shouldn’t miss.
3.5. Eliminate bad habits
When you don’t know how to manage your time, some bad habits in life will be
formed such as: procrastinating work, poor concentration ability, poor organizing
ability, passivity in life, low discipline,...
For example, when you don't manage your time, you feel like you're sleeping all
day despite assignments and discussion deadlines waiting for you. You feel like it's no
longer important when you finish your work because you're lazy right now.
Therefore, if you don’t change yourself, these bad habits will make you a worse
version. To get rid of these bad habits, learn how to manage your time. Because when
you manage your time well, you’ll complete everything scheduled, thereby training
you to be highly focused to complete the job. You’ll also know how to arrange
everything in life, so that everything happens in the right order, according to your own
arrangement. You don’t want to postpone today’s work until tomorrow because that
will disrupt the perfection of your schedule.
3.6. Other benefits
- Doesn’t take much effort to get everything done
- Help yourself become more confident
- Easier to achieve goals in life
- Improve and become a better version

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