P2 MAT 8º Do FII 3º Trim 2019

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Disciplina: INGLÊS Ano: 8° Ensino: FUNDAMENTAL II

Avaliação: Mensal 2 - Matutino Valor: 9,0 Média: 6,3

Data: 20/11/2019

Nome: ________________________________________________________________________

QUESTÃO 01 (0 ,8 crédito)

Label the types of weather:

QUESTÃO 02 (1,0 crédito)

Label the following outfit. Then answer; for what type of weather is this person packing?
Read the article and answer the questions:

QUESTÃO 03 (0,8 crédito)

a) How long will the trip be?


b) How much time will travelers spend in each country?


QUESTÃO 04 (1,0 crédito)

Check if the sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a) ( ) Cathy Adams is the author of the article.

b) ( ) The article was published at 12:57.

c) ( ) The “7 Wonders” trip departs next September.

d) ( ) The travelers will spend about 7 days exploring each country

QUESTÃO 05 (1,5 crédito)

What is the extra word in each of the following sentences? Find out and review them:

a) Tomorrow, Celia and her husband are going to visit Taj Mahal next year.


b) Alright, I am will take you to the university!


c) Will we to travel by plane or by car next Christmas?


QUESTÃO 06 (1,0 crédito)

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate QUESTION WORD below. Pay attention to
the answers, there are extra question words.


a) ________________will Fernando have his visa interview?

Next Monday after class.

b) ________________ will wait for you at the airport?

My parents.

c) ________________ didn´t your sister go with you?

Because she had to work.

d)________________time is your visa interview?

At 10 o´clock

QUESTÃO 07 (1,5 crédito)

What future forms best complete these sentences?

a) Kátia ______________at 7p.m today. I saw her flight ticket.

( ) will travel ( ) is going to travel

b) I never know who my trip mate_______________ until the last minute.

( ) will be ( ) is going to be
c) All right. I think we ________________with a city tour…or do you suggest anything else?

( ) will start ( ) are going to start

QUESTÃO 08 (1,4 crédito)

Answer the questions, give complete answers.

a) Do you pack by yourself or do you get any assistence? Who helps you out?


b) Does the weather influence your plans?


Have a nice test!

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