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Scene 6

Sa: I had
I had I had
I had somehow

I had I had somehow

I had somehow
I had somehow

I had escaped somehow

a family that wanted to kill me

A: There is a white fish

Sa: Somehow
I had escaped a family
I had a family

I had I had escaped

I had I had somehow
I had somehow
I had somehow

A: There is a white fish coming out of the water

Sa: Cuss I ehm because I Cuss I

Cuss I ehm
Gave a heartbreak
Because I cuss I
Gave a heartbreak
To their their sibling
Heartbreak to their sibling

A: There is a There is a

White fish coming out of the water. It’s flying above the ground
It’s always trying to follow me and i'm trying to keep it in an animal pen
A very shabby one with a lot of doors that don’t really close
Just made out of wood
a lot of doors that don’t really close
Just Just made out of wood
and doors found in the trash probably
a lot of doors found in the trash probably
I tried to keep it there because maybe somehow the fish is poisonous
somehow the fish is poisonous

Sa: I had somehow

A: Makes me itch makes my eyes cry

Sa: I had I had Somehow

A: It’s not a nice thing to have the fish with me

Sa: I had I had Somehow

A: So i try to put it back in the pen

Sa: I had Somehow Somehow

A: and i catch it with a blanket

Sa: I had somehow escaped

A: And it's just thrashing around violently

And it's just violently thrashing around

Sa: Somehow escaped

A: And I put it back in the pen and it keeps on coming out.

Sa: I had I had somehow

I had somehow
I had somehow
escaped (5x)

A: And i think at some point it turns into a cat A cat with long white fur
And at some point there’s like three of them
I don’t know (4, 5, 5)

Aah yeah and this is why the fish could stay out of the water i guess
Because scientifically it was a cat and not a fish

cat and not a fish (3x)


So: But I just remember that it was so creepy

And then
We both
Stared at each other and Aaah (5x)

After 1x Sophie

A: Cat and not a fish (3x)

After 2x Sophie

Si: And it just me

Totally naked
And it just me
Totally naked
With two of my friends
One who has dark hair and one who has blonde hair (3x)

After 4x Sophie

Ma: But you didn’t ssseem to feel the threat so much

You were not too worried (3x)

After 5x Sophie

Sa: Cuss I ehm

Because I cuss I
Cuss I ehm
Gave a heartbreak (3x)

After 2x Sasa

A: Cat and not a fish

Si: And its just me totally naked
A: Cat and not a fish
Si: And its just me totally naked

---------- Repeat

A: There is a white fish coming out of the water.

It’s flying above the ground
It’s always trying to follow me

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