MYSQLAssignment 4

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MYSQL Assignment 4

Q1 Write the output of the following:

Select 76+75%4 from dual;

Q2 Write the queries of the following:

Table : student

Rollno Name Class Fee Percentage

1 Amit X 3400 78
2 Sumit XI 2800 45
3 Suman X 3700 84
4 Pushkar IX 2500 60

(a) Display all the records of table student.

(b) Display roll number,name and class of table student.
(c) Display records of students of class x.
(d) Display details of sumit.
(e) Display records of student paying fees less than 3000.
(f) Display fee of Amit.
(g) Display Class and percentage of Pushkar.
(h) Delete record of Amit.
(i) Display the structure of table student.
(j) Insert the following record in table student

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