Shokhryor Kholmurodov (Workshop Week 2)

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Name: Shokhriyor Kholmurodov Matriculation no.

: 60459746
Week: 2

Part I
Security and disclaimer of responsibility for the articles we publish:

First of all, by citing a source, we first of all absolve ourselves of responsibility for the
reliability or authenticity of the information we share or publish in our work, so we can avoid
bad reputation and remain independent in this context.

The second equally important reason is to build credibility:

Citing sources increases the credibility of your paper or report. It shows that your arguments
and findings are based on authoritative and reliable sources, which can strengthen the validity
of your work. This in turn makes your research material more convincing and persuasive to
your audience.It is recommended to cite academic books or publications from credible
sources it is advisable to verify the information in advance.

Third major reason is transparency:

By citing a source, we give the reader the opportunity to explore the material independently
thus it also promotes constructive criticism and academic dialog, contributing to the
development of knowledge.

Part II
1. Good citation practices make you a better writer (Sankaran, Falcon Scientific Editing,

All of us aspire towards that elegant paper in which the prose is as compelling as the content
and good attribution habits build a strong foundation towards that goal. Citing specific
sources for the various facts that we present removes the hallmarks of intellectual laziness,
vague thinking, and sloppy writing as generalizations, clichés, and outright false claims, e.g.,
as when the phrases, “everyone knows” or “they say,” are replaced with specific sources.
2. Citation enables better verification of your work.
Any piece of academic writing gets vetted several times over before it finally makes it into
print or onto a website. Whether one is a peer reviewer, editor, or editorial assistant whose
job is simply to track down sources in the bibliography and make sure that the citations are
accurate, life is simply easier when there is less busy work. So, your paper is much more
likely to be passed through these multiple rounds of editing with minimal criticism and
Name: Shokhriyor Kholmurodov Matriculation no.: 60459746
Week: 2

positive feedback if you have already taken the trouble to attribute your information correctly
and cite all your sources.

3. Attribution serves as a fact-checking tool. (Sankaran, Falcon Scentific Editing, 2018)

Accuracy is important in any written work, especially when we are writing about science.
The research and verification process itself serves as a great way to check if a quote has been
paraphrased or misrepresented. As it is always important to know the source in order to
independently research the material itself.

Part III
The evening of 1973 was remembered for everyone thanks to a 60-second speech from
Native American activist and actress Sechin Littlefeather, who told public about the
unpleasant image of her face and how to contact her.

In this connection, the guests were especially stunned by the guests of the evening and the
guest stars. In this story, the main role was played by Marlon Brando, who not only refused
his Oscar, but also gave Sacheen Littlefeather the opportunity to perform, all the fault was the
high sense of social justice of the actor who experienced huge criticism and was practically
an outcast for his work in films such as "The Godfather (SLANKARD, 2023) served as a
grandiose return to Brando, who was supposed to derail a major dry spell from his career in
the previous decade, partly due to his behavioral problems and controversies in films such as
One-Eyed Jacks, Mutiny on the Bounty, and The Countess of Hong Kong.

This small act for freedom was significant in that she mentioned the recent events of that time
"Wounded Knee" (Wikipedia, 1973). Although she was criticized and laughed at for a very
long time and even stopped being invited to various kinds of films, her example served as the
foundation for solving social problems among Hollywood stars.

Works Cited
Wikipedia. (1973). Retrieved from
Sankaran, N. (2018). Retrieved from Falcon Scientific Editing:
Sankaran, N. (2018). Retrieved from Falcon Scentific Editing:
Name: Shokhriyor Kholmurodov Matriculation no.: 60459746
Week: 2

SLANKARD, J. (2023, June 12). Collider. Retrieved from

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