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In his government there was important events such as the peasant military pact, a strong
link that General Barrientos had to win the affection of the peasants, the San Juan
massacre, a sad and dark event for the miners of that dictatorship

One achievement was that he overthrew Che’s guerrilla in Ñancahuazu organized and
promoted by the government of Cuba, where the guerrilla Dr. Ernesto Guevara, a
prominent manager and actor of the socialist government of Cuba, whose battle
name was “Che” lost his life.


Barrientos was president of the military government junta that carried out the coup d’état
and overthrew Victor Paz Estenssoro since the triumph of the so-called “restoration”
revolution, it was one of Barrientos’ first acts to enter the government.

In his government, “the bad thing” was the San Juan Massacre on June 24, 1967 in the
middle of celebrations on the traditional night of San Juan in a meeting of miners
with their wives and children, attacked by the army, surprisingly leaving several dead
and wounded

He also appointed the Nazi criminal Klaus Barbie as president of the State Shipping
Society and also appointed him as an advisor to the Bolivian Intelligence Services.
This was frowned upon internationally as it was considered to establish it for
dominance strategies.

The poor relationship he had with the miners and the COB after Lechín’s exile and several
requests rejected by the executive branch caused a general strike by the COB in
May 1965, leading to armed confrontations in the mines and clashes in La Paz.

The “good” ones organized elections in 1966 where 6 candidates presented themselves
but none could face the official candidacy, the formula René Barrientos and Luis
Adolfo Siles will win the elections with 61% of the votes, thus giving them their .
The peasant military pact was the best for Barrientos because his charisma made him tune
in with the peasants since they were the basis of his government. Agrarian
achievements were fundamental to confront the popular, mining and urban sectors.

The Barrientos government brought economic stability and also carried out good
infrastructure works underway in the field of construction works such as the Corani
dam and penetration roads 1 to 4.

He eliminated the revolutionary approach of “Che” Guevara because he avoided the

attempt to establish a process of revolution in Latin America with the resources and
support of the United States, making it an achievement for his government to
assassinate Che.

After several good and bad acts, Barrientos leaves power after dying in an accident, hated
by popular sectors, workers and miners who suffered in his government and loved
by the peasants for his charisma.


In conclusion, the Barrientos government had good and bad actions. It was the beginning
of the dictatorial period. It began with this government hated by workers, union
members and miners and loved by peasants for his charisma and his relationship
with them.

The administrative acts, the functioning of the infrastructure and the economic government
that he had were good, without a doubt his mistake was attacking the miners, ending
their lives, and his greatest achievement was eliminating the revolutionary focus of
Che Guevara.


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