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A Dangerous place is a documentary movie depicting what transpired under former President Ferdinand

Marcos' reign, from the death of Benigno Aquino Jr. through the People's Power Revolution that
brought Marcos' authority to an end. On August 21, 1983, Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino Jr. was
assassinated at Manila International Airport. The purpose of his return to the Philippines is to liberate
his countrymen from the tyrannical regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. Aquino was well aware that
his return from exile was a risky act. It was reportedly planned and approved by President Marcos
himself, but there is no evidence and the case remains unresolved to this day. Putting your nation ahead
of your own life necessitates the presence of a true man filled with passion and courage. He was the
catalyst for change and the EDSA People Power, ensuring that his death was not in vain. A guy like him
and a woman like his wife Corazon Aquino can show the world the real Filipinos. This is a tough race that
has historically overcome tremendous odds. In 1986 millions of Filipino have gathered and marched in
Epifanio de los Santos Avenue as their protest to end the Regime of Ferdinand Marcos and start a new
era of administration that has a freedom and democracy, Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin became a
driving element in the deposition of Marcos when he issued a call for action for the people to gather at
Edsa to defend the Coup led by Enrile and Ramos. The movement have been successful in removing
Marcos from the position and later on Corazon Aquino was inaugurated as a 11th and the first female
president of the Philippines. After the Marcos family fled, the Filipino people were able to taste
democracy for the first time thanks to the leadership of Former President Corazon Aquino.

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