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(MR22-2BM0114) Strategic Management

1) Briefly discuss the differences between vision and mission

2) Define strategic management .Discuss the Nature of strategic management
3) Explain the steps in strategic management
4) “Strategic management process is the way in which strategists determine
objectives and strategic decisions”. Discuss
5) Describe Michael Porters Five Forces Model
6) Explain 7S Framework
7) Illustrate the significance of Ansoff Matrix
8) Elaborate the term PESTLE analysis
9) Many companies announce in their corporate communications : “ Our people are
our greatest resource”. Can employees be considered of the utmost strategic
importance? Explain.
10) Discuss the resources and capabilities of a firm as a sources of profits
11) Outline the developing resources and capabilities
12) Classify the factors affecting the internal environment
13) Construct the strategy formulation process
14) Under what conditions would you recommend the use of Turnaround strategy in
an organization? What could be a suitable work plan for this?
15) Explain the significant of corporate strategies adopted by a firm?
16) Discuss the following strategies : a) Growth/Expansion strategy b) Diversification
strategy c) Stability strategy d) Retrenchment strategy
17) Create a new framework to examine generic strategies using different dimensions
than the two offered by Porters framework. What does your approach offer that
Porter’s does not?
18) Explain the role of strategic evaluation and control
19) Describe a) Functional strategies b) Focus strategies c) Differentiation strategies
d) Low cost strategies
20) Outline the process of strategy implementation
(MR22-2BM0301) Retail and Digital Marketing

1) Critically review the current trends in retail industry example from Indian
2) Discuss the following terms with an example:
a) Hypermarkets b) Supermarkets c) Discount stores.
d) Off-shore retailers.
3) Differentiate between product retailing and service retailing?
4) Explain briefly about the strategy followed by retail managers?
5) Explain briefly about legal, social, economic, technological issues in Retailing
6) Explain in detail about, site evaluation and issues regarding the selection of retail
7) Explain the process of Retail store Layout design and planning?
8) What are the different types of store layouts and designs?
9) What are the methods of determining inventory valuation?
10) What is Comprehensive store planning?
11) How important is the relationship between the buyer and vendor?
12) What is markup and markdown in retail management?
13) What is Merchandise pricing and psychological pricing?
14) What is planning process of merchandise needs and merchandise budgets?
15) What is Digital marketing? what are the components of Digital Marketing?
16) Discuss critical strengths and applications of Digital Marketing.
17) Differentiate between traditional and digital marketing?
18) Explain keywords in Digital marketing? How important is it for SEO?
19) Explain briefly about SERP?
20) What is SEM? Explain briefly about tools used for SEM.
21) What is Omni -Channel marketing in the digital world
22) What is pay-per-click? Which internet marketing model does it follow
(MR22-2BM0302) Service Marketing

1) What do you understand about the Service Marketing? Explain the various services
which are available in the modern economy.
2) Briefly discuss about the classification of services. Distinguish between Marketing
services and Physical services.
3) Elaborately explain about the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing.
4) Briefly discuss about (a) Understanding customer needs and expectations (b)
Nature of service consumption (c) Strategic responses to the Intangibility of
service performance.
5) Define Market Segmentation. Describe the process and types of Market
6) What do you understand about the Customer Loyalty? How to create value in a
competitive market?
7) Briefly explain about (a) Market Segmentation (b) Selecting the appropriate
customer Portfolio (c) Positioning a service in the Market.
8) Critically examine the concept about the value addition helps to the service
product with suitable examples.
9) What is the meaning of service pricing? Discuss various pricing strategies putting
into practice.
10) Discuss about the promotion strategies of services. Examine the role of marketing
11) Write a short note on (a) Monetary Pricing Objectives (b) Foundations of Pricing
Objectives (c) Marketing Communication Mix.
12) What are the implications for communication strategies? Examine the concept of
Setting communication objectives.
13) Critically examine the concept about how to create delivery system in price.
14) What is the purpose of the physical evidence of the service space? Explain with
suitable examples.
15) Write a short note on (a) Cyberspace and time (b) Role of Intermediaries (c)
Enhancing value by improving quality and productivity.
16) Why quality and value of the product are important? Elucidate the service delivery
17) What is marketing planning? Critically examine the marketing planning process.
18) Discuss about the marketing strategy formulation process.
19) Write a short note on (a) Strategic Context (b) Resource Allocations (c) Monitory
Market Planning and services.
20) What is the purpose of making marketing planning? Critically examine the impact
of marketing planning on the overall process.
(MR22-2BM0401) Compensation Management

1) Define Compensation Management. Explain the contributions of various

compensation management theories.
2) Elaborate Conceptual Framework of Compensation Management.
3) Examine various factors considered by HR manager in wage Fixation Criteria.
4) Explain the impact of Institutional and Cultural factors on Compensation
5) Define Compensating Strategy. Elaborate the mechanism for formulation of
Compensation Strategy.
6) A) Define Job Evaluation and explain different Job Evaluations Systems.
B) Examine the role of Job Evaluation System in effective Compensation
7) List out and explain different Compensation and Non-Compensation dimensions
impacting on Performance of Compensation Management Functions.
8) A) Discuss various factors considered by HR Manager in Pay Design Process.
B) Explain various components of Pay Structure.
9) Explain the role of different Macro and Micro factors in Pay Structure Architecture.
10) A) Examine the characteristics of effective Pay Structure.
B) Explain various factors considered by central government in revising employee
pay structure.
11) Examine various incentive schemes followed at micro and macro level in Indian
Manufacturing companies.
12) A) Explain different strategic reasons for formulating Incentive Plans in Business
B) Explain various types of Group Incentive Plans followed by HR Manager for
improving employee performance.
13) A) Elaborate Executive Compensation Plan.
B) Examine various components of executive compensation system.
14) A) Explain the importance of Annual Bonus plans.
B) Examine different variables impacting on Short term bonus plan.
15) Discuss the long term performance bonus plans and severance packages of Top
Level executives in Business organizations.
16) A) Explain various benefits and pre-requisites for executives at top level.
B) Examine the characteristics of Effective Executive Compensation.
17) Explain the importance and objectives of Compensation in International Context.
18) Examine the elements of compensation management system for enhancing
performance of global employees.
19) Define Global Governance. Explain the impact of Global Governance on
implementation of International Compensation Practices.
20) A) Explain the importance of Employee Benefits in Global organizations.
B) Explain different types of Employee Benefits around the world.
(MR22-2BM0402) Leadership and Change Management

1) Define Leadership . Explain the role and functions of a Leader

2) Illustrate the traits of a Leader
3) Describe Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid
4) Classify different Leadership style approaches
5) Outline different theories of Leadership
6) Distinguish between Transformational leadership style and Transactional
Leadership style
7) Explain the role of Ethics and Integrity in leadership
8) Formulate the relationship between leadership and Empowerment
9) What are the various types of changes? Under what circumstances would each
change be desirable?
10) Differentiate between Proactive Change and Reactive Change
11) Justify to overcome the barriers in change management
12) Categorise the perspectives on Organizational change .Describe the elements of
planned change.
13) Construct Kotter’s eight step change management model
14) Interpret the link between Power, Politics and Conflict
15) Explain the factors contributing to resistance to change management
16) Discuss any two models of change
17) Illustrate the dimensions of Organizational Culture
18) Describe Organizational Development process
19) What are the factors that are influencing the effective change?
20) Classify the different types of cultures. Explain the elements of Organizational
(MR22-2BM0403) Industrial Relationship and Labour Law

1) A) Explain the Background of Industrial Relations in India.

B) Discuss different approaches to Industrial Relations.
2) Examine various factors influencing on Industrial Relations in Indian Enterprises.
3) Define industrial Relations and examine different Industrial Relations Problems in
Indian Public Sector.
4) A) Define Trade Unions and explain various objectives of Trade unions in India.
B) Elaborate critical stages in growth of Trade Unions in India.
5) A) Define collective bargaining. Explain the objectives of collective bargaining.
B) Examine various steps involved in Collective Bargaining Process.
6) Explain objectives and importance of different levels of collective bargaining in
Indian Organizations.
7) Define Workers Participation. Explain the impact of Workers Participation in
maintaining Industrial Democracy.
8) Elaborate different levels of Workers Participation in Indian Industries.
9) A) Explain the concept of Employee Grievance.
B) Examine various causes of Employee Grievances in Indian organizations.
10) A) Explain the mechanism for settlement of employee grievances.
B) Critically examine the role of Arbitration and Adjudication in Grievance
11) Define Industrial Dispute. Explain nature and scope of Industrial Disputes in Indian
12) A) Explain causes and consequences of Industrial Disputes in Manufacturing
B) Examine Prevention and settlement mechanism of Industrial Disputes in India.
13) Explain the important features of Factories Act 1948 in relation to industrial
14) Explain the salient features of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
15) Elaborate importance and objectives of Industrial Employment Act 1946.
16) Define Trade Union and Explain the salient features of trade union act, 1926.
17) Explain the main provisions of payment of wages Act 1936.
18) Explain the Objective and Important features of Minimum Wages Act 1948.
19) Explain the different kinds of disabilities recognized under the Employees
compensation Act 1923.
20) A) Discuss the importance of Maternity Benefit Act 1961.
B) Explain eligibility and conditions for claiming the Maternity Benefit Act 1961.
(MR22-2BM0502) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

1) Discuss the investment environment. What is investment decision process? What

factor should be considered in making investment decision?
2) Distinguish between investment and speculation. Discuss various avenues for
3) Give a brief overview of Indian securities market. Write a note on securities
trading settlement
4) What is Risk? What are its various sources? How can Risk on an asset be calculated
on? Distinguish between systematic Risk and unsystematic Risk.
5) Explain in detail the fundamental analysis and how it is useful in selection of
6) Industry life Cycle exhibits the status of industry and gives the clue to entry and
exit for investors, elucidate.
7) Explain in detail Dow’s theory and how it is used to determine the directions of
stock market.
8) Write short notes on the following:
Technical analysis
Industry analysis
Fundamental analysis
Efficient market Hypothesis
9) Discuss the impact of changes in interest rates and inflation rates on bonds.
10) Explain the theories under term structure of interest.
11) How is bond portfolio managed? Write a note on active and passive bond portfolio
management strategies.
12) Bring out the importance of bond valuation. What are the features and types of
13) Discuss various equity valuation models.
14) Evaluate the necessity of equity analysis and valuation. Discuss basic features of
common stock.
15) One practical question can be expected from this chapter
16) Explain the rationale for using present value models to value equity and describe
the dividend discount and free-cash-flow-to-equity models
17) Explain and illustrate the concept of capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with the
help of suitable diagram.
18) Discuss in detail about methods of portfolio investment performance with the help
of a diagram.
19) a)One practical question can be expected from this chapter on Sharpe’s, Treynor’s
and Jensen.
b) Distinguish between efficient frontiers and efficient portfolios.
20) Discuss the concept of portfolio risk and return. Explain harry Markowitz’s
portfolio theory and how minimum portfolio risk is constructed.
(MR22-2BM0503) Derivative Markets

1) Describe the concept, Characteristics and different types of Derivatives.

2) Elucidate the Characteristics of Forward Contracts and Futures Contracts.
3) Critically examine the Concept and Classification of Forward Contracts.
4) Discuss the role of Derivative securities to manage risk and to exploit
opportunities to enhance returns.
5) Examine the factors which are driving the Growth of Financial Derivatives.
6) Explain different categories of derivatives trading and regulatory authorities in
7) Describe the growth of exchange traded derivatives market in India.
8) Discuss different types of players who are available in the Derivatives Market.
9) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Forward Contracts.
10) Critically examine the Concepts of Forward Contract and Spot Contract.
Distinguish between Forward Contract and Spot Contract.
11) Explain the features, valuation and Pay-off profile of Forward Contract.
12) Define Forward Contract. How to determine the forward prices? Illustrate the
classification of Forward Contract.
13) Define Futures Contracts. Distinguish between Forward Contracts and Futures
14) Write a short note on (a) Clearing House ( b) Marking to Market (c) Margin
15) What is the meaning of Hedging with Currency Futures? Examine the Hedging
Strategy using futures.
16) Discuss briefly about (a) Risk Management with Futures contracts (b) The Hedge
Ratio (c) Portfolio approach to a risk managing Hedge.
17) Critically examine the concept, features and different types of Options.
18) Describe the value of Option. Distinguish between Options and futures contracts.
19) Explain the concept and different types of Interest Rate Swaps.
20) Illustrate the concept of Swaps. Elucidate the concept and different types of
Currency swaps with examples.

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