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Comparative nutritional evaluation of
four botanical source plants of jīvantī:
A classical Ayurvedic drug
Raghavendra Naik, Rabinarayan Acharya1
10.4103/ijhas.IJHAS_123_17 CONTEXT: Jīvantī is one among the best vegetable drugs to be consumed according to classical
texts of āyurveda. As a single drug it is used as jīvanīya (longevity promoter), snehopaga (oleating),
śvāsahara (anti‑asthmatic), vayasthāpana (anti‑aging), rasāyana (rejuvenator) and cakṣuṣya
(eye tonic). It is also included as an ingredient of many polyherbal formulations.
AIMS: The present study was carried out to evaluate the comparative nutritional values of aerial
parts of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.), Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult., Wattakaka volubilis (Linn. f.)
Stapf., and Dendrobium macraei Lindl., four claimed botanical source plants of jīvanti.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Different nutritional parameters like carbohydrate, fat, protein energy
value, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C were evaluated following
the standard guidelines.
RESULTS: Among the four plants, L. reticulata is found more nutritious by having the highest content
of protein, fat, energy value phosphorus, and Vitamin A, compared to other three source drugs of
jīvanti. Micronutrients such as zinc, manganese and calcium are more in W. volubilis. Holostemma
ada‑kodien Schult. Is having more amount of carbohydrate and Vitamin C while iron content is high
in D. macraei Lindl.
CONCLUSIONS: Among the four different source plants used in the name of classical drug jīvantī,
L. reticulata is found more nutritious with the highest content of protein, fat, energy value phosphorus,
and Vitamin A. Micronutrients such as zinc, manganese, and calcium are more in Wattakaka volubilis.
Dendrobium macraei Lindl, Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult, Jīvantī, Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.),
Wattakaka volubilis (Linn. f.) Stapf

Regional Ayurveda
Research Institute for Introduction promoter), snehopaga (oleating), śvāsahara
Metabolic Disorders, (anti‑asthmatic), vayasthāpana (anti‑aging),

CCRAS, Ministry of
lassical texts of Āyurveda have rasāyana (rejuvenator), and cakṣuṣya (eye
AYUSH, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, 1Department explained different categories of food tonic) actions in Āyurveda.[2,3] Apart from
of Dravyaguna, Institute materials including vegetables under its use as a vegetable, it is also used as a
for Postgraduate the heading of śākavarga. This aspect ingredient of 223 polyherbal formulations
Teaching and Research
of āhāra (diet) is developed under the explained in Āyurvedic literature.[4]
in Ayurveda, Jamnagar,
Gujarat, India umbrella of nutraceutical in the current
scenario which is gaining more popularity. Though jīvanti is considered as best śāka
Address for Ācārya Caraka mentioned jīvanti dravya (vegetable) by many authors and
correspondence: as ṣreṣṭha śāka (best vegetable) to be attributed with important properties, the
Dr. Raghavendra Naik,
consumed for maintaining good health.[1] botanical source of jīvanti is in a state of
Regional Ayurveda
Research Institute for It is also known for its jīvanīya (longevity controversy. Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) is
Metabolic Disorders, accepted as the botanical source of genuine
Unit of CCRAS, Ministry This is an open access journal, and articles are jīvanti,[5] but various herbs are used under
of AYUSH, GCP distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Annexe, Near Ashoka Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which
Pillar, Jayanagar, allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work How to cite this article: Naik R, Acharya R.
Bengaluru ‑ 560 011, non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and Comparative nutritional evaluation of four botanical
Karnataka, India. the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. source plants of jīvantī: A classical Ayurvedic drug.
E‑mail: ayuraghu@gmail. Int J Health Allied Sci 2018;7:69-74.
com For reprints contact:

© 2018 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 69
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Naik and Acharya: Nutritional evaluation of four sources plants of jīvantī

the name of jīvantī in the different parts of the country, Fat

namely, Wattakaka volubilis (Linn. f.) Stapf, Holostemma This estimation was performed using the Soxhlet
ada‑kodien Schult. of Asclepiadaceae family, Dendrobium extraction method.[10] A total of 10 g of the powder form
macraei Lindl.(orchidaceae),[6] etc. of the sample was weighed and wrapped with a filter
paper and placed in a thimble. The thimble was covered
Recent literature review shows that only a few with cotton wool and placed in the extraction column
preliminary works have been carried out on these plants that was connected to a condenser. A volume of 200 ml
regarding their nutritional values. To establish the drug of n– Hexane was used to extract the lipid.
as best śāka dravya, a detailed evaluation regarding their
comparative nutritional value is still lacking. Hence, Energy value
the present study has been planned to estimate the The sample calorific value was estimated (in Kcal) by
comparative nutritional value of four different source multiplying the percentage crude protein, crude lipid,
plants used in the name of jīvantī. and carbohydrate by the recommended factor (2.44, 8.37,
and 3.57, respectively) used in the analysis. The caloric
Materials and Methods value was determined based on the Atwater factor.[11]

All the four source plants of jīvantī, i.e., L. reticulata (Retz.), Calcium
Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult., W. volubilis (Linn. f.) Calcium estimation was carried out following versanate
Stapf., and D. macraei Lindl. were collected from their EDTA method.[12] About 2–4 g of sample was weighed in
natural habitats following good collection practices. The conical fl ask or 100 ml centrifuge tubes. To this, 30 ml
collected materials were washed under running water, of NH4OAc was added and shaken well for 5 min and
shade dried, powdered, and stored in airtight container. decanted. Then, 30 ml of 0.5N HCl was added to each
Dried leaf powder was used for nutritional evaluation by sample and shaken well for 5 min in an upright loosened
following standard guidelines mentioned below. position. Then, the solution was filtered using Whatman
No. 1 filter paper and the filtrate was collected. For 5
Carbohydrate or 10 ml extract, 10 drops each of NH2OH. HCL, K4Fe
Total carbohydrates were estimated by phenol‑sulfuric (CN) 6 and TEA were added and enough of 10% NaOH
acid method.[7] To 1 ml of sample, 1 ml 5% (w/v) phenol was added to raise pH to 12. 5 drops of calcon indicator
was added followed by 5 ml concentrated sulfuric acid. was added and titrated against standard EDTA. The
The sample tubes were kept in ice while adding sulphuric endpoint is the change of color from red to blue.
acid. The mixture was incubated at room temperature
for 20 min and the absorbance read at 490 nm. Vitamin C
Vitamin C was estimated by the method of Omaye
Protein et al.,[13] One gram of powdered sample was treated with
Protein determination was performed as per the method 4.0 ml of 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and centrifuged
described in AOAC.[8] 2 g of sample was taken and dried for 20 min at 3500 g. A volume of 0.5 ml of supernatant
at 105°C to constant weight and transferred to digestion was then, mixed with 0.1 ml DTC reagent. The tubes
tube. To each sample 7 g K2SO4, 5 g selenium powder, were incubated at 37°C for 3 h. 0.75 ml of ice cold 65%
12 ml H2SO4 and 5 ml H2O2 was added. It was then heated H2SO4 was added and the tubes were allowed to stand
for 60 min at 400°C. The digestion tube was then cooled at room temperature for an additional 30 min. The color
to 50°C–60°C. 50 ml NaOH was added to the sample. developed was read at 520 nm.
The sample was then titrated with 0.2 N HCl.
Vitamin A
Calculation One gram of the sample was weighed and macerated
with 20 ml of n‑hexane in a test tube for 10 min. Then,
Protein ( % ) =
3 ml of the upper hexane extract was transferred into a
Titre value × Volume of acid taken × 6.25 × 100 dry test tube in duplicates and evaporated to dryness.
Sample weight × 0.2N × 1000 Following this, 0.2 ml of acetic anhydride chloroform
reagent was added and 2 ml of 50% TCA in chloroform
True protein was also added. The absorbance was taken at 15 s and
Total soluble protein content present in the samples 30 s intervals at 620 nm.[14]
was estimated by the Folin‑Lowry method.[9] To 1 ml
sample, 5 ml reagent C was added and mixed well. The Iron, zinc, and manganese
mixture was incubated at room temperature for 10 min. Microwave plasma‑atomic emission spectrometry
To this added 0.5 ml reagent D, mixed and kept at dark was used to determine iron, zinc, and manganese.[15]
for 20 min. The resulting color was measured at 660 nm. The viewing position and nebulizer pressures were
70 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences - Volume 7, Issue 2, April‑June 2018
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Naik and Acharya: Nutritional evaluation of four sources plants of jīvantī

optimized automatically using the Agilent MP Expert True protein reflects only the nitrogen associated
software. Detection limits and limits of quantification with protein and does not include the nitrogen from
for the analyzed elements are calculated. nonprotein sources. In the present study, L. reticulata
and Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult. are found having
Phosphorus maximum amount of protein and true protein contents
The vanaomolybdophosphoric acid colorimetric [Graph 1].
method[16] was used to determine phosphorus content of
acid extractions. Two milliliter of the sample was added Lipids help with brain function, joint mobilization, and
to a test tube, followed by 2 ml of a vanadate‑molybdate even energy production. They also help the body to
color reagent. The absorbency of the sample was absorb fat‑soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and E.[19]
determined at 440 nm. It is reported that vegetable fats and oil lower blood
lipids, thereby reducing the occurrence of disease
Statistical analysis associated with damage of coronary artery.[20] Among
Results of the study were analyzed using analysis of
four source plants of jīvanti, the highest amount of fat
variance. All the statistical tests were performed at 5%
content is found in L. reticulata and W. volubilis (Linn. f.)
level of significance using Sigmastat software. The results
Stapf [Graph 1].
were expressed as mean values ± standard deviation.
Energy value
Results and Discussion
Among the four source plants of jīvanti, W. volubilis
Nutritional value is having the highest energy value followed by
Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories L. reticulata and Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult [Graph 2].
or energy. These are substances needed for growth, Energy support many functions of the body at work
metabolism, and for other body functions. According and play. Carbohydrate, proteins, and fats are main
to the Dietary Reference Intakes published by the sources of energy. Among the three, fat is the most
USDA, 45%–65% of calories should come from concentrated source of energy because it furnishes
carbohydrate, 10%–35% of calories should come from more than twice as much energy for a given weight as
protein and 20%–35% of calories should come from protein or carbohydrate. Fats have the greatest amount
fat. of food energy per mass 9 cal/g. Proteins and most
carbohydrates have about 4 cal/g.[21]
Carbohydrate serves as stored forms of energy as
glycogen in liver and muscles. It provides major source Mineral composition
of energy and responsible for breaking‑down of fatty Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances
acids and preventing ketosis.[17] Among four source with a definite chemical composition and an ordered
plants of jīvanti, the highest amount of carbohydrate atomic arrangement. Among the plants, vegetables are
is observed in Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult. and the excellent sources of minerals and contribute to the
L. reticulata [Graph 1]. Proteins are building blocks required dietary allowance of these essential nutrients.
of the human body they help in normal growth and
Minerals are very important and essential ingredients
development and are responsible for maintenance and
of diet required for normal metabolic activities of body
repair of body tissue. The other functions of proteins
tissues. Out of 92 naturally occurring minerals, 25 are
are regulation of body processes and formation of
enzymes and hormones. Proteins also aid in the present in living organisms. They are constituent of
formation of antibodies that enable the body to fight bones, teeth, blood, muscles, hair, and nerve cells.
infection. They serve as a major energy supplier.[18] Vitamins cannot be properly assimilated without the
correct balance of minerals.[22]
30.00% 26.56 24.24 239.29
250 236.76
25.00% 23.96 24.24 207.06
Kcl/100 gm

15.25 13.35 15.35 150
15.00% 9.93 11.93
10.00% 9.02
6.66 7.39 5.57 50
5.00% 2.86
0.00% Category 1
Carbohydrate Protein True protein Fat
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei

Graph 1: Nutritional value of four source plants of jīvanti Graph 2: Energy value of four source plants of jīvanti

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Naik and Acharya: Nutritional evaluation of four sources plants of jīvantī

Iron hydrolase, decarboxylase, and transferase enzymes.[30] It is

D. macraei Lindl. is having maximum iron content involved in glycoprotein and proteoglycan synthesis and
among four source plants of Jīvanti [Graph 3]. Iron is a component of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase.
functions as hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen. In Manganese is a co‑factor in phosphohydrolases
cellular respiration, it functions as essential component and phosphotransferases involved in the synthesis
of enzymes involved in biological oxidation such as of proteoglycans in cartilage. Manganese is a part
cytochromes c, c1, a1, etc.[23] Iron is required for proper of enzymes involved in urea formation, pyruvate
myelination of the spinal cord and white matter of metabolism and the galactotransferase of connective
cerebellar folds in the brain and is a cofactor for a tissue biosynthesis.[31]
number of enzymes involved in neurotransmitter
synthesis.[24] Iron is involved in synthesis and packaging Phosphorus
of neurotransmitters, their uptake and degradation into In the present study, amount of phosphorus is found
other iron‑containing proteins which may directly or the maximum in L. reticulata and Holostemma ada‑kodien
indirectly alter brain function.[25] Schult [Graph 6]. Phosphorus is located in every cell of
the body and is vitally concerned with many metabolic
Zinc processes, including those involving the buffers in
body fluids.[32] It functions as a constituent of bones,
Maximum zinc content is found in W. volubilis
teeth, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphorylated
followed by L. reticulata and Holostemma ada‑kodien
metabolic intermediates, and nucleic acids. It serves
Schult [Graph 4] Zinc is a component of many
buffering action, which is phosphate buffers, functions
metalloenzymes and also a membrane stabilizer and a
in the formation of high energy compounds, that is, ATP
stimulator of the immune response.[26,27] Its deficiency
and is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids and
leads to loss of appetite and impaired immune function.
In more severe cases, zinc deficiency causes hair loss,
diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, Calcium
hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions.[28,29] Highest calcium content is found in W. volubilis followed
The high zinc content may be useful in skin diseases by L. reticulata [Graph 7]. Calcium contributes to
and rheumatism. healthy bones and strong teeth. It also assists in various
other physical functions of the body like regulation of
Manganese heartbeat, blood clotting, and nerve‑related functions.
Among the four different source plants of jīvanti, Calcium plays an important part in nerve‑impulse
maximum manganese content is observed in W. volubilis transmission, prevention of colorectal carcinoma and in
and L. reticulata [Graph 5]. Manganese is a cofactor of the mechanism of the neuromuscular system.[33] Reduced

2000 1831.19
1800 60
1600 51.49
50 47.26
1400 40.86
1200 40 32.48


1000 30
600 423.12 455.35
400 300.17 10
200 0
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei

Graph 3: Iron content of four source plants of jīvanti Graph 4: Zinc content of four source plants of jīvanti

6000 2000 1850.8

4870.25 1693.7


3000 1000
1975.07 1891.3
1289.66 500
0 0
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. Volubilis D. macraei

Graph 5: Manganese content of four source plants of jīvanti Graph 6: Phosphorus content of four source plants of jīvanti

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Naik and Acharya: Nutritional evaluation of four sources plants of jīvantī

extracellular blood calcium increases the irritability of

60000 56000
nerve tissue, and very low levels may cause spontaneous
discharges of nerve impulses leading to tetany and 40000

30000 24800
16800 18400
Vitamins 0
Vitamins are organic compounds occurring in natural L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. volubilis D. macraei
foods, especially in vegetables either as such or as
utilizable “precursors.” Vitamins are needed for Graph 7: Calcium content of four source plants of Jīvanti
maintenance of skin, mucous membranes, bones, teeth
and hair, vision and reproduction. They help the body
to absorb calcium and phosphorous; needed for bone 600
growth and maintenance. Vitamins are involved in 500
404.17 419.23
blood clotting, normal functioning of nervous system 400

and endocrine glands. They are also needed for the 300


metabolism of macromolecules.[34] 200

Vitamin A
L. reticulata H. ada-kodien W. Volubilis D. macraei
Among the four source plants of jīvanti, studied for their
vitamin content, the highest amount of Vitamin A is
Graph 8: Vitamin A content of four source plants of jīvanti
observed in L. reticulata followed by W. volubilis [Graph 8].
Vitamin A (retinol) is an essential nutrient needed in
small amounts by humans for the normal functioning
1.15 1.13
of the visual system; growth and development; and
1.1 1.07
maintenance of epithelial cellular integrity, immune

1.05 1.02
function, and reproduction.[35] 1 0.97
Vitamin C 0.9
In this study, vitamin C content is found the maximum 0.85
in Holostemma ada‑kodien Schult. followed by D. L. reticulata H. ada-kodien Schult W. volubilis (Linn. f.) Stapf. D. macraei Lindl

macraei Lindl. and L. reticulata [Graph 9]. Vitamin C

(Ascorbic acid) is water‑soluble vitamin required in Graph 9: Vitamin C content of four source plants of jīvanti
high amount, as its loss is frequent from the body. It
participates in reversible oxidation‑reduction system. Conflicts of interest
Vitamin C prevents Scurvy disease and also aids in the There are no conflicts of interest.
formation of folic acid derivatives, which are essential
for DNA synthesis.[34] References
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