B2 UNIT 4 Culture

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Culture B2 Unit

1 Work with a partner. Look at the
infographic. What factors do you
think make these the top 10 most
intelligent countries?

2a Read the article. Is intelligence

thought about differently now
compared to the past?
Singapore Hong Kong South Korea Japan Taiwan Finland Estonia Switzerland Netherlands Canada

What is no education to achieve success. Albert

Einstein initially failed the entrance exams

for university and Mark Twain had little
schooling but educated himself by reading
everything he could in a public library.
Many leaders in the ancient world, such

onsider the game of chess. It has as Genghis Khan, were illiterate. Nearly all
been around for thousands of the kings and queens
years and is known as the game of Europe in the Middle Albert Einstein initia
Ages could not read lly
of kings. It has evolved as a game that
and write – they had failed the entrance
requires considerable mental skills, or other people to do it for exams for universi
some might say intelligence. them. We must imagine ty and
that they called on Mark Twain had lit
It is a strategic game that requires tactics and the need other skills such as a
to think many moves ahead. It is only recently that a deep understanding schooling
supercomputer, programmed to check out the millions of of human nature,
possible game permutations, has been able to beat a grand incredible memory or the ability to be
master. Many world leaders have been competent chess articulate and a good orator.
players. Chess does need creative thinking, but when we In looking further at intelligence, we can start to see that there
think of creativity we think of the arts and the outstanding are big differences between Western cultures and Eastern
artists and writers who have created culture as we know it. cultures. A number of different philosophies across Eastern
This brings us nicely to culture. cultures consider aspects of intelligence to involve things like
Different countries and their different cultures will define waking up and noticing. Feelings, thoughts and opinions are
intelligence in many different ways. For example in Western also included. Where Eastern cultures see things like mental
culture there is a focus on mentally processing things quickly; effort and a person’s level of determination as aspects of
in Eastern cultures the quality of work might come in to intelligence, through Western eyes too much effort is seen
question if it has been completed too quickly. With so many as a struggle and therefore more of a weakness. There are
differences, how can we measure which is the most intelligent studies that highlight, for example, how the Chinese concept
country, where the smartest people are from, or, who the of intelligence measures the ability to reason and have a good
brightest sparks are? memory. In contrast, the American
concept of intelligence is mostly about
Generally, the
Different countries and
things such as practical problem-solving,
values of different
verbal ability and social skills.
cultures do not
their different cultures come into the
will define intelligence in equation when
tallying up the
many different ways most intelligent
country. Many are
based on Western It’s worth highlighting how
test results of subjects such as mathematics, reading and intelligence can also manifest itself
sciences, like PISA (Programme for International Student in negative ways. For example, in Western
Assessment) which is carried out on 15 year olds across more cultures the word ‘clever’ has some negative connotations.
than 70 countries worldwide, such as Italy, New Zealand and ‘Too clever by half’ and the word ‘cunning’ implies an ability
Korea. In the modern world it is unusual to find an illiterate to outsmart or trick others. It would seem that a more global
person in a prominent position, but historically there are many and cultural approach should be taken when measuring, and
success stories of people who have overcome limited or considering what is, intelligence.

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Culture B2 Unit

2b Read the article again and decide if the sentences Gateway to culture
are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false 3a Work with a partner and discuss the questions.
1 What do you think it means to be intelligent?
1 Being able to think creatively will help
2 How does your country measure intelligence?
you play chess. T/F
3 What is considered to be intelligence in your country
and how does it compare to other Eastern or
2 The ability to reason is an American concept Western cultures?
of intelligence. T/F
3 Verbal ability is a concept of intelligence 3b You are going to prepare a small presentation
in Western cultures. T/F about two well-known public figures that you
consider intelligent. They should be people
that you can research. Read the questions and
4 Feelings, thoughts and opinions all come prepare for your project research.
under intelligence according to Eastern
1 Work in small groups. Choose two different
cultures. T/F
people; one in your country and one in another
country of your choice.
5 Most royalty in the Middle Ages were 2 In your groups, think about the points below when
talented readers and writers. T/F you do your research online.
■ What makes them intelligent?
6 PISA is a Western test given around the world
■ Differences?
as a measurement of intelligence. T/F ■ Similarities?
■ Are they both viewed as intelligent in your
7 A computer has never been able to beat ■ Are they both viewed as intelligent in Western
a grand master at chess. T/F
and Eastern cultures?
■ Any other useful information.
8 The phrase ‘too clever by half’ has a positive 3c Present your findings to the class. Choose the
meaning. T/F most interesting points and add some of your
personal thoughts and opinions, too.

2c Read the article and answer the questions.

1 How does the aspect of mental effort and
intelligence differ in Eastern and Western cultures?

2 How is intelligence often measured in Western


3 How do you think many world leaders have played

chess well?

4 Which culture considers good memory a concept of


5 How can intelligence present itself in negative ways?

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