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Velocity is the
most commonly
misused metric.
Quantity, not quality

Comparing teams

It becomes a target

Ready to up
your game?
Here are 10
alternatives that
mean so much
[Clickbait warning]
#7 changed my life.

p le s
xa m o
ith e e s t
w u rc
re so d
r e e a rt e
+ f u st
t y o
Days since last user
Like ‘Days without
accident’ but in reverse.

We want the number of days since we last

spoke to a customer to be as low as
feedback loop Got that down?

You’re more likely to build the right thing

that meets their needs.

Less wasted $$
Number of
experiments run

Behave like scientists.

One of the best ways to reduce risk is to run

small experiments.

Amplify what works. Pivot when it doesn’t.

More experiments = More learning = More

opportunity to create value

Keep scrolling for a free template

to help you create experiments
Number of
experiments run

te -
Team Health

Health Checks help teams narrow in on their

areas of focus.

Trends over time can be gauged to show

improvement (or not)

Zoom out to spot where

you can help your team.

This rocks! Not bad This sucks!

Another free template this way

Team Health
Free template - Spotify Health Check

Focus here

And here

Pro Tip - Run this with multiple

teams to spot systemic challenges
Dependencies Removed
Don't just manage dependencies, minimise them.

More Delivery

More dependencies Higher cost

Fewer dependencies Greater autonomy

Improved employee

Top tip - Not all dependencies are bad

Let’s look at the different types

Dependencies Removed
The 10 Types of Dependency by
Improvements Actioned
Capturing actions isn’t enough.

Aware of the data

Small changes build

to great results

Actions captured vs implemented

Speaking of value...
Value Delivered

Earlier in my career, I believed:

Too much focus on this

More Features delivered =

More Value

Reality Value delivered = Value

Rather than this

Building 100's features efficiently is still a

waste if they don’t add value.
Value Delivered
The Five Types of Value
Cat Memes Shared
Made you scroll. Worth it right?

In all seriousness. Cat memes shared

boosts morale rather than drains it.

Thus, more valuable than velocity.

Cycle Time

One of the most commonly used Flow

Metrics along with ‘Throughput’

Easier to identify bottlenecks in your


Helps with sizing work. Smaller

chunks = Faster time to learning

Better navigate stakeholder expectations

about when something will be done
Cycle Time
Let’s investigate these further.
Why were they outliers?

85% of our work items will be

completed in 6 days or less
Throughput = WIP / cycle time

#NoEstimation - It’s a simple count of

items completed, regardless of size

Less time estimating = More time on

value delivery

Used for probablistic forecasting

Monte Carlo you say?


It ain’t happening Beginning to look doable!

Used with Monte Carlo Simulations to

answer the questions:

‘When will it be done?’

‘How many can we complete by then?’

Employee Engagement
Take care of your people and
everything else will follow

Quarterly surveys aren’t enough.

Especially if you don’t communicate back what

you’ve learned + what you intend to do differently.

Bonus - A team that laughs together is more

engaged. Make time for fun in the workplace.

These metrics won’t fix

all your problems.

They are your compass

to point you in the right

P.S - Get insights like this

every week in your inbox
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If you found
this valuable
don't forget to
share it

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