An Engineering Application of Earthquake Early Warning ePAD-Based Decision Framework For Elevator Control

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An Engineering Application of Earthquake Early Warning:

ePAD-Based Decision Framework for Elevator Control

Stephen Wu, S.M.ASCE 1; Ming Hei Cheng, S.M.ASCE 2; James L. Beck, M.ASCE 3;
and Thomas H. Heaton, M.ASCE 4
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Abstract: In a medium-to-large earthquake, there are often reports of people being trapped or injured in elevators. This study investigates
using an earthquake early warning (EEW) system, which provides seconds to tens of seconds warning before seismic waves arrive at a site,
to help people escape from the elevators before a strong shaking arrives. However, such an application remains as a major engineering
challenge due to the uncertainty of the EEW information and the short lead time available. A recent study presented an earthquake prob-
ability-based automated decision-making (ePAD) framework to address these issues. This paper focuses on studying the influence of two
commonly ignored factors, uncertainty of warning and lead time, on the decision of stopping the elevators and opening the doors when an
EEW message is received. Application of the ePAD framework requires using the performance-based earthquake engineering methodology
for elevator damage prediction, making decision based on a cost-benefit model and reducing computational time with a surrogate model.
The authors’ results show that ePAD can provide rational decisions for elevator control based on EEW information under different amounts
of lead time and uncertainty level of the warning. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001356. © 2015 American Society of Civil
Author keywords: Performance-based earthquake engineering; Elevator control; Surrogate model; Earthquake early warning;
Decision-making; Safety and reliability.

Introduction a mitigation action when the expected intensity measure (IM)

based on EEW information exceeds a preset threshold. A common
Elevators in earthquake zones are often equipped with seismic approach for IM estimation is to use a ground motion prediction
sensors that can trigger an emergency shutdown to avoid falling equation (GMPE) based on the estimated earthquake magnitude
or severe damage. However, specialists are required to check the and hypocenter location (Boore and Atkinson 2008; Campbell
integrity of the elevator and restart the elevator system after an and Bozorgnia 2008), although recently a new approach has ap-
emergency shutdown. Hence, after a large earthquake occurs, there peared that directly estimates IM in a large region based on local
might be significant loss caused by people being trapped in the IM data from seismic network stations (Hoshiba 2013). However,
elevators. One example is an M6.3 earthquake that happened on the shaking experienced in a tall building will be significantly dif-
October 31, 2013, in Hualien, Taiwan, where there were reports ferent from that on the ground and it will also differ from one build-
of people trapped in the lifts (Yahoo News 2013). Earthquake ing to another, or even from one floor to another. During the April
early warning (EEW) systems, which provide a few seconds to 7, 2011, M9.0 Tohoku earthquake in Japan, for example, roof ac-
a minute of warning lead time, open a new solution to prevent such celerations on some tall buildings in the Tokyo metropolitan area
tragedies—stop the elevator at the closest floor and open the doors were amplified by a factor of around 3.5 compared to the ground
before the arrival of the destructive seismic waves. Due to the un- motions (Kasai et al. 2012).
certainty of EEW information, false alarms may occur, which This paper addresses this dynamic response amplification and
would lead to unnecessary disruption to the elevator service that provides a robust decision-making framework for elevator control
would trouble the passengers. Current practice is often to trigger based on uncertain EEW information from a simple structural
model and a decision model. It is always a challenge to make ra-
Graduate Student, Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, tional decisions based on uncertain EEW information and struc-
California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, tural models, and this is a major concern for any automated
CA 91125 (corresponding author). E-mail:
2 decision-making system. The authors use the recently published
Graduate Student, Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena,
probability-based decision framework, ePAD (Wu et al. 2013),
CA 91125. E-mail: which was developed for this particular reason. This framework,
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California which can be flexibly implemented for specific applications, al-
Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125. lows users to easily pick their desired decision behavior (i.e., to
E-mail: control how uncertainty influences the decision). It also includes
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Blvd, the contribution of warning lead time, which is a sensitive factor
California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, for EEW applications, to the decisions of whether to trigger
CA 91125. E-mail:
the mitigation action or not. In order to ensure a fast and robust
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 6, 2014; approved on May
12, 2015; published online on July 3, 2015. Discussion period open
decision with ePAD, the authors use a trained surrogate model
until December 3, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- based on the relevance vector machine (RVM) from machine learn-
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, ing to emulate the complex cost-benefit model that includes the
© ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/04015092(10)/$25.00. value of information (VoI). As an illustrative example, the authors

© ASCE 04015092-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

presented an application of ePAD to elevator control for a for a high-rise building in Tokyo, Japan. Their study also includes
building in downtown Los Angeles and with an earthquake on an elevator control system based on EEW. In their approach,
the San Andreas Fault. elevators are moved to the closest floor and the doors are opened
if the expected peak floor acceleration exceeds a preset threshold
based on a Japanese standard. The expected peak floor acceleration
Background is calculated based on the EEW information, a ground motion
prediction equation, and a lumped-mass building model. In con-
trast, Cheng et al. (2014) conducted a study on elevator control
Current EEW and Japan’s Elevator Control Strategy
that used a performance-based earthquake engineering framework
EEW systems exploit the elapsed time due to the speed difference and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Their study
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between seismic network signals and seismic wave speeds presents a probability-based approach that utilizes data from the
(P-wave, S-wave, and surface waves) to estimate and broadcast rel- California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program database. A
evant earthquake information, such as the earthquake magnitude, threshold to stop the elevators is chosen based on a trade-off be-
hypocenter location, origin time, and local intensity measure tween the empirical false alarm and missed alarm rate. In this paper,
(Hilbring et al. 2014), before the arrival of damaging waves. the authors investigate the influence of the uncertainties in the EEW
Typical warning time ranges from a few seconds to a minute or information and warning lead time on decision making, which were
so, depending on various factors, such as seismic network density, not included in the previous studies.
geological structure of the region, and the site-to-hypocenter dis-
tance. Recently, an EEW system called the California integrated
seismic network (CISN) ShakeAlert, has been developed in ePAD Framework
California. The system combines the outputs of three distinct The ePAD framework (Wu et al. 2013) utilizes the EEW informa-
early warning algorithms: τ c − Pd on-site algorithm (Böse et al. tion to robustly and rapidly choose an optimal action from a set of
2009a, b), earthquake alarm systems (ElarmS) (Allen et al. possible mitigation actions Ω ¼ fa0 ; a1 ; : : : ; an g, where ai de-
2009a), and virtual seismologist (V-S) (Cua and Heaton 2007). notes initiating a certain action for i ¼ 1, : : : ,n, and a0 denotes
Fig. 1 demonstrates a sample user interface of the CISN ShakeAlert not to initiate any action. It makes decisions based on fundamental
system. Detailed information can be found in Böse et al. (2014). In decision theory (Raiffa and Schlaifer 1961; Von Neumann and
addition, a smartphone version of such a system is currently under Morgenstern 1944), and it is designed to include the contributions
development (Faulkner et al. 2011). of lead time and uncertainties from the selected models and EEW
Japans EEW system, hosted by the Japan meteorological agent information in the automated decision making. ePAD provides a
(JMA), has been broadcasting warnings since 2007 (Allen et al. flexible platform for application-specific models in the decision-
2009b). The warning can be received through cellphones, televi- making process, and allows users to select structural and decision
sions, and the Internet. Particularly for applications to tall build- models that match their desired decision behavior.
ings, Kubo et al. (2011) investigated a method that combines an ePAD makes decisions based on a cost-benefit approach. Apply-
EEW system and a real-time strong motion monitoring system ing a performance-based earthquake early warning (PBEEW)

Fig. 1. Sample of the CISN ShakeAlert user interface

© ASCE 04015092-2 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

methodology (Grasso 2005; Iervolino et al. 2007), which is a com- Structural Model
bination of performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE)
A structural model is needed to calculate the fragility function
and EEW, ePAD separates the EEW information input from all
PðDMjIM; A1 Þ. This study adopts a generic structural model de-
the precalculable user-specific models (e.g., decision model, struc-
veloped by (Miranda and Taghavi-Ardakan 2005) to readily predict
tural model, and/or GMPE), and lumps the latter into a single func-
peak floor accelerations (PFA), one of the controlling variables for
tion called the decision function (DF). This leads to a simpler
the decision on elevator control, from peak ground acceleration
representation during calculation, an easier way of performing
(PGA), the chosen IM in this study. The chosen model categorizes
analyses, as well as allowing the possibility of replacing the pre-
buildings by four parameters: fundamental period T 1 , modal damp-
calculable function with a surrogate model for fast computing. The
ing ratio ζ, lateral stiffness ratio α0 , and lateral stiffness reduction
lead time contribution is embedded in the framework in two ways:
ratio . The dimensionless parameter α0 describes the participation
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an incomplete action model and a value of information model. The

of shear and flexural deformations in the model, which affects the
former considers the case where the benefit and cost of a mitigation
lateral deflected shape of the building. The other dimensionless
action may change if it is not completed before the arrival of the
parameter δ describes the variation of lateral stiffness along the
damaging seismic waves; the latter considers the case where deci-
building height. Taghavi-Ardakan (2006) concluded that lateral
sion may be delayed if there is to be future updates of EEW infor-
stiffness reduction has negligible effect on the prediction of floor
mation and the predicted lead time is more than enough to complete
responses over a practical range of stiffness reduction, so δ ¼ 1,
a mitigation action.
i.e., uniform stiffness along the height is adopted in this study.
A typical value of modal damping ratio ζ ¼ 5% is selected. This
Methodology study considers three values of α0 suggested by Miranda and Reyes
(2002): α0 ¼ 12.5 is used for moment resisting frame buildings;
α0 ¼ 3.125 is used for dual system (e.g., resisting frame and shear
Basic Model (No Lead Time Contribution)
wall) buildings; and α0 ¼ 1 is used for shear wall buildings. The
For the elevator control application, examples of possible mitiga- fundamental period T 1 is predetermined for each building. Figs. 2
tion actions include immediate stop, stop at the closest floor, and 3 show the mean μST and standard deviation σST of
move to the ground floor, etc. For this study, a single action is lnðPFA=PGAÞ along the building height. For a set of selected val-
considered—stop the elevator at the closest floor and open the door. ues of the four building parameters in the model, which determines
For the basic model (decision making without the influence of lead the values of μST and σST , the probability of PFA given PGA is
time), let the action set Ω ¼ fA0 ; A1 g, where A0 = no action and expressed as
A1 = take action. A decision is made based on the trade-off between  PFA   
the cost (induced economic cost after taking the action) and the lnðPGAÞ ln PFA − ln PGA − μST
pðPFAjPGAÞ ¼ ϕ ¼ϕ ð4Þ
benefit (reduced economic loss after taking the action), LC and σST σST
LB , respectively, given the seismic data DðtÞ at time t. Following
the ePAD framework, the authors use the decision function: This continuum model combines a flexural cantilever beam
and a shear cantilever beam that inherits some limitations, such
Take optimal action  ¼ argmaxA∈Ω E½DFjDðtÞ; A ð1Þ as linear elastic behavior and classical damping. Also, tall buildings
Z are more sensitive to long-period acceleration, while short build-
where E½DFjDðtÞ; A ¼ DFðIM; AÞp½IMjDðtÞdIM ð2Þ ings are more sensitive to high-frequency acceleration. Therefore,
the estimation of PFA based on PGA by this model may not
be the best choice, because PGA is controlled by high-frequency
and DFðIM; AÞ ¼ E½LB jIM; A − E½LC jIM; A ð3Þ components of the ground motion. This model is selected because
a probability distribution for PFA given PGA is available
When no action is taken, there is no benefit and cost corre- (Taghavi-Ardakan 2006) and the log-normally distributed PFA
sponding to the action, thus, the expected value of LB and LC given results in closed form solutions that provide insights into how
IM and A0 , E½LB jIM; A0  and E½LC jIM; A0 , are both zero. Hence, the uncertainty of different model parameters influences the deci-
E½DFjDðtÞ; A0  ¼ 0. On the other hand, E½LB jIM; A1  and sion behavior.
E½LC jIM; A1  are calculated based on a loss model and a structural
model. Let the cost of action be time delayed and service interrup-
tion from stopping the elevator, which occurs each time the action Incomplete Action Model
is taken. Hence, E½LC jIM; A1  ¼ rC1 lC1 þ rC2 lC2 , a constant with When lead time is too short to complete the action, an incomplete
respect to IM, where lC1 and lC2 represent the expected amount of action model is considered by adding a discounting factor to both
time delay and service interruption, respectively, affecting the pas- LB and LC . These factors, as a function of warning lead time T lead ,
sengers, and rC1 and rC2 represent the corresponding factors to model potential change of benefit and cost of the action due to lack
transfer the loss terms, lC1 and lC2 , to economic loss. Also, let of time. Let Ωa ¼ fa0 ; a1 g be the new set of actions, where a0 = no
the benefit of action be preventing injury or death for occupants action at current time step and a1 = take action at current time step.
trapped in the elevator after an earthquake. Hence, E½LB jIM; A1  ¼ From ePAD
rB lB PðDMjIM; A1 Þ, where PðDMjIM; A1 Þ represents the fragility
function of damage state DM and is described in detail in the
next section. Here, DM represents the state of elevator in danger Take optimal action â ¼ argmaxi∈½0,1 E½DFjDðtÞ; ai  ð5Þ
(defined more specifically in the section of closed form solution for
basic model), lB represents the number of injured individuals, and where E½DFjDðtÞ; ai 
rB represents a factor to transfer injury to economic loss. The ZZ
choice of rC1 , rC2 , and rB is directly related to the decision behav- ¼ DFðIM; T lead ; ai Þp½IMjDðtÞp½T lead jDðtÞdIMdT lead
ior, which will be discussed in detail later in the analyses and
discussion section. ð6Þ

© ASCE 04015092-3 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

=1 = 3.125 = 12.5
1 1
0 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4
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0.3 0.3 0.3 T = 0.5

0.2 0.2 0.2 T = 1.5
T = 2.5
0.1 0.1 0.1
T = 3.5
0 0 0
-1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2
Mean ln (PFA/PGA) Mean ln (PFA/PGA) Mean ln (PFA/PGA)

Fig. 2. Mean of floor acceleration demand: z is the height of the level considered; H is the total height of a building; and α0 is the lateral stiffness ratio
(data from Taghavi-Ardakan 2006)

=1 0
= 3.125 = 12.5
0 0
1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6


0.5 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3 T1 = 0.5

0.2 0.2 T = 1.5
0.2 1
T = 2.5
0.1 0.1 0.1 T1 = 3.5
0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Std ln (PFA/PGA) Std ln (PFA/PGA) Std ln (PFA/PGA)

Fig. 3. Standard deviation of floor acceleration demand: z is the height of the level considered; H is the total height of a building; and α0 is lateral
stiffness ratio (data from Taghavi-Ardakan 2006)

and DFðIM; T lead ; ai Þ ¼ β i ðT lead ÞE½LB jIM; Ai  γ 1 as a function of T lead . [β 0 and γ 0 are not needed be-
cause DFðIM; T lead ; a0 Þ ¼ 0].
− γ i ðT lead ÞE½LC jIM; Ai  ð7Þ

Similar to the basic model case, DFðIM; T lead ; a0 Þ ¼ 0, Value of Information Model
E½LB jIM; A1 , and E½LC jIM; A1  are the same as in the basic If an EEW system continually provides early warning information,
model, and the discounting factors β and γ as a function of T lead one may want to delay a decision of initiating a mitigation action
are chosen as follows:
when the expected warning lead time is sufficiently long and the
Let T a be the amount of time required to finish the action. When
T lead < T a , the elevator cannot appropriately stop at the closest
floor and open the door for people to evacuate. Thus, β 1 is assumed
to be a step function with value of zero when T lead < T a , and with
value of 1 otherwise. This represents an all-or-nothing benefit
model. For the time delay and service interruption cost, γ 1 is
assumed to be a simple linear function with value between r0
and 1 when T lead < T a , where r0 represents the ratio of fixed
cost (independent of T lead ) over the total cost. In this study, the
service interruption cost rC2 lC2 is taken as a fixed cost, thus,
Fig. 4. β 1 and γ 1 as a function of T lead
r0 ¼ rC2 lC2 =ðrC1 lC1 þ rC2 lC2 Þ. Fig. 4 shows the value of β 1 and

© ASCE 04015092-4 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

current EEW information is very uncertain. This is a trade-off acceleration is more than 0.5 g (Cal/OSHA 2012). In contrast,
between the potential benefit of having less uncertain EEW infor- Japanese elevator regulation requires elevators to stop operation
mation and the potential cost of not being able to complete the ac- at a much lower threshold—0.08 to 0.15 g of acceleration depending
tion. ePAD models this extra cost-benefit factor using a value of on building properties and elevator location (Kubo et al. 2011).
information (VoI) model (Howard 1966), which estimates the ex- Let the natural log of the threshold on PFA be ln pfa0 ; examples
pected marginal benefit of delaying the decision, or in other words, in this study use the Cal/OSHA standard, ln pfa0 ¼ lnð0.5Þ. Given
not to take any action now (action a0 ). Hence, E½DFjDðtÞ; A0  ¼ the chosen structural model {a Gaussian model on lnðPFA=PGAÞ
VoI instead of zero. From ePAD (Wu et al. 2013) depending on structural properties [Eq. (4)]}, the fragility functions
ZZ PðDMjIM; A1 Þ and P½DMjDðtÞ; A1  are described as follows:
VoI ¼ max½DFðIM; T lead  
ln PGA − μIM
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LetpðIMjDðtÞÞ ¼ ϕ ð9Þ
− Δt; a1 Þ; 0p½IMjDðtÞp½T lead jDðtÞdIMdT lead ð8Þ σIM

Here, Δt is the expected time interval for the next EEW update. and PðDMjIM; A1 Þ ¼ Pðln PFA > ln pfa0 j ln PGAÞ ð10Þ
With the max function involved, VoI often does not have a closed
form solution and so a numerical approximation must be made.  
ln PGA þ μST − ln pfa0
This approximation can be prelearned by a surrogate model so that ¼Φ
it can be rapidly computed as the EEW information arrives. In this σST
study, the RVM from machine learning (Tipping 2001) is chosen to
then P½DMjDðtÞ; A1  ¼ PðDMjIM; A1 Þp½IMjDðtÞdIM
construct a surrogate model for VoI because of its ability to create a
sparse model using a Bayesian approach. Results are shown in the  
μ þ μIM − ln pfa0
section of numerical solution for value of information model using ¼ Φ ST pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ð11Þ
surrogate model. σ2ST þ σ2IM

Here, ϕðxÞ and ΦðxÞ are the standard Gaussian probability

Analyses and Discussion density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF),
Note that Eq. (1) can be simplified when a single action is
Closed Form Solution for Basic Model
In the basic model, the only incoming EEW information is Take action if and only if
p½IMjDðtÞ, which is typically modeled as a Gaussian distribution
with μIM and σIM as the mean and standard deviation of IM for E½DFjDðtÞ; A1  > 0
IM ¼ ln PGA. This study investigates the influence of each model  
μST þ μIM − ln pfa0 r l þ rC2 lC2
parameter on decision behavior using the decision contour method ⇔Φ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi > C1 C1 ≜ P0 ð12Þ
2 2
σST þ σIM r B lB
introduced in ePAD—a map of action and no-action regions par-
titioning the 2D parameter space of μIM and σIM . The resulting
The decision contour can then be found in closed form by solv-
critical contour that separates the two regions, called the decision
ing Eq. (12) for μIM as a function of σIM in the case of equality
contour, is used to interpret different decision behaviors.
According to the State of California (Cal/OSHA) regulation
standards, an earthquake sensing device must be installed in μIM ¼ ðln pfa0 − μST Þ þ 2ðσ2ST þ σ2IM Þerf −1 ð2P0 − 1Þ ð13Þ
every elevator to trigger an emergency shutdown if the detected
Here, erf −1 is the inverse error function. Note that P0 is always
between 0 and 1, with P0 approaching zero when benefit dominates
P 0 =0.1 μ ST = 0.1, σ ST = 0.2 cost, and action is always taken. If P0 is greater than or equal to 1,
0 the action is never taken because the benefit cannot cover the cost.
P 0 =0.3
This result illustrates the possibility of choosing the type of deci-
P 0 =0.5 sion behavior that a user desires based on P0 , instead of going
P 0 =0.7 through a complete cost-benefit analysis that leads to a fixed
P 0 =0.9 decision behavior.
-0.5 Fig. 5 shows the influence of P0 on the decision contour
(a method to understand how uncertainty influences decision).

When P0 < 0.5, the critical mean value of lnPGA that separates

action and no-action region decreases as uncertainty (the standard

deviation) increases. The authors will stop the elevator with a
-1 smaller shaking level as the EEW information becomes more un-
certain, and it represents a conservative decision behavior, which
is also called uncertainty averse in the ePAD framework. On the
contrary, P0 > 0.5 represents a risk-taking decision behavior, be-
cause the authors will not stop the elevator until a higher shaking
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 level is reached as uncertainty increases, which is also called
σ IM
uncertainty taking in ePAD. In this sense, P0 ¼ 0.5 represents
an uncertainty-neutral decision behavior.
Fig. 5. Decision contours with fixed μST and σST values but varying P0
Fig. 6 shows the influence of structural model uncertainty
values (region above the contour represents taking action and below the
σST on the decision contour (or the decision behavior). From
contour represents no action)
Eq. (13), the decision contour approaches a linear function when

© ASCE 04015092-5 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

μ ST = 0.1, P 0 = 0.3 μST = 0.1, P 0 = 0.7
-0.75 -0.4

-0.8 -0.45


σST =0

σST =0.1
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σST =0.2
-1.1 σST =0.3
-0.75 σST =0.4
σST =0.5
-1.2 -0.8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
σ IM σ IM

Fig. 6. Decision contours with fixed P0 , μST values and varying σST values (region above the contour represents taking action and below the contour
represents no action)

σST approaches zero, and the contour approaches a horizontal line E½DFjDðtÞ; a1  > 0
when σST dominates σIM . It demonstrates that the decision is less    
μST þ μIM − ln pfa0 fγ
sensitive to the IM uncertainty when σST dominates. ⇔Φ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > þ 1 − r 0 P0 ≜ r T P0
σ2ST þ σ2IM fβ
Closed Form Solution for Incomplete Action Model
In the incomplete action model, the influence of insufficient lead As before, the decision contour can then be found in closed form
time on decision making is investigated. This model utilizes the by solving Eq. (19) in the case of equality for μIM as a function
lead time information, p½T lead jDðtÞ, from EEW as well. Similar of σIM
to the previous section, Eq. (1) is simplified to
Take action if and only if E½DFjDðtÞ; a1  > 0 ð14Þ μIM ¼ ðln pfa0 − μST Þ þ 2ðσ2ST þ σ2IM Þerf −1 ð2rT P0 − 1Þ
Exploiting the separation of T lead and IM in DF for the incom-
plete action model [Eqs. (6) and (7)]
If one rearranges the expression for rT in Eq. (19), it can be
E½DFjDðtÞ; a1  ¼ E½β 1 jDðtÞE½LB jDðtÞ; A1  found that rT ≥ 1, which means that the incomplete action model
in this case introduces an amplification factor rT for P0 from the
− E½γ 1 jDðtÞE½LC jDðtÞ; A1  ð15Þ basic model. In other words, it always gives a more uncertainty-
taking decision. This is because an incomplete action is less
The expected values of β 1 and γ 1 are found by integrating β 1 beneficial than taking the complete action, which leads to a higher
and γ 1 with p½T lead jDðtÞ, which is taken as log-normally distrib- critical μIM value compared to the basic model. When rT P0 ≥ 1,
uted, with mean ln μT and standard deviation σT . [β 1 ðT lead Þ and the action is never taken. In practice, when the basic model sug-
γ 1 ðT lead Þ are shown in Fig. 4] gests taking action, but the incomplete action model suggests the
  opposite, then a backup action is triggered instead. Such backup
1 ln T lead − ln μT
Letp½T lead jDðtÞ ¼ ϕ ð16Þ action should be fast to complete, but will usually come with less
T lead σT benefit. In this case, the backup action could be an immediate stop
of the elevator at the current location.
ln μT − ln T a Fig. 7 shows the value of rT as a function of μT and σT . Assum-
then E½β 1 jDðtÞ ¼ Φ ≜ fβ ð17Þ ing T a ¼ 2s and r0 ¼ 0.5 in Fig. 4, rT increases exponentially as
μT approaches and exceeds T a , and its rate of increase reduces as
    the uncertainty in the lead time σT increases. On the other hand, the
1 − r0 lnμT þσ2 =2 ln T a − ln μT incomplete action model has no influence on the decision when
and E½γ 1 jDðtÞ ¼ e T Φ − σ T þ r0
Ta σT there is sufficient lead time, where rT ≈ 1.
  Fig. 8 shows the decision contours for ln pfa0 ¼ lnð0.5Þ,
ln μT − ln T a
þ ð1 − r0 ÞΦ α0 ¼ 3.125, T 1 ¼ 2.5s, and P0 ¼ 0.3, which represents a typical
dual system high-rise building with around 20–30 floors, and a
≜ fγ þ ð1 − r0 Þf β ð18Þ slightly conservative decision behavior under the U.S. elevator
standard. In this case, μST ¼ 0.82 and σST ¼ 0.22. The parameter
Following a similar approach to that used in the previous section values for lead time models are T a ¼ 2s, r0 ¼ 0.5, σT ¼ 0.2, and
with P0 defined as in Eq. (12), Eq. (14) can be rearranged to be μT ranges from 1 to 4 s. Note that, when μT is less than 2 s,

© ASCE 04015092-6 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

T a = 2, r0 = 0.5 Z ∞
VoI ¼ p½T lead jDðtÞdT lead
T a þΔt
7 × max½DFðIM; A1 Þ; 0p½IMjDðtÞdIM ð21Þ

The first integral in Eq. (21) is simply the lognormal
CDF, which can be rewritten as fΦ½ðlnðμT Þ lnðT a þ ΔtÞ=σT g;

4 DFðIM; A1 Þ ¼ rB lB PðDMjIM; A1 ÞðrC1 lC1 þ rC2 lC2 Þ. Now, one

3 can rearrange Eq. (1) to be:
Take action if and only if
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1 E½DFjDðtÞ; a1  ¼ E½LB jDðtÞ; a1  − E½LC jDðtÞ; a1  > VoI ð22Þ

0.5 Dividing the inequality by rB lB leads to the following simplified
2 0.3 expression:
μT 0.2
1.5 0.1 σT Take action if and only if
μ þ μIM − ln pfa0
Fig. 7. Value of rT as a function of μT and σT given a fixed T a and r0 Φ ST pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi > rT P0 þ rVoI I VoI ð23Þ
σ2ST þ σ2IM

ln μT − lnðT a þ ΔtÞ ln μT − ln T a
no-decision contours are shown in the figure. This is because the where rVoI ðμT ; σT Þ ¼ Φ Φ
σT σT
action is never taken due to the lack of benefit of an incomplete
action, which the backup action is taken instead when necessary. ð24Þ
One can observe that as μT decreases, the decision contour deviates Z
from the one without lead time model (same as μT ≈ 3–4 s) and
and I VoI ðμT ; σT Þ ¼ maxf0; PðDMjIM; A1 Þ − P0 g
becomes more uncertainty taking. Consistent with the intuition, this
is due to the reduced expected benefit of an incomplete action.  
IM − μIM
×ϕ dIM ð25Þ
Numerical Solution for Value of Information Model
Using Surrogate Model Note that rVoI I VoI ≥ 0, which means that the value of informa-
tion model in this case increases the value of rT P0 from the incom-
In the value of information model, the influence of adding extra plete action model. In other words, it always gives an even more
benefit for action a0 on decision making is investigated. Before uncertainty-taking decision. This is because the extra benefit from
directly applying a surrogate model to VoI, the authors first sim- delaying the decision represented by VoI leads to an even higher
plify the expression given for the chosen β 1 and γ 1 models in critical μIM value compared to the incomplete action model with no
the section of incomplete action model. Since DFðIM; T lead − waiting for more EEW information. Different from this incomplete
Δt; a1 Þ < 0 when T lead < T a þ Δt, maxfDFðIM; T lead − action model, VoI is not only a function of μT and σT , but is also a
Δt; a1 Þ; 0g ¼ 0 in this range. Hence, the T lead lower bound of function of μIM and σIM . This is reasonable because, for example,
the integral of VoI can be changed to T a þ Δt instead of Δt. Also, one is more likely to delay a decision when the EEW information is
in this range, both β 1 and γ 1 equal 1, which leads to a separation of
the double integral on T lead and IM into two single integrals
T1 = 2.500000 , α 0 = 3.125000, P0CB = 0.300000

DC: μ St = 0.8249, σ St = 0.2203, σ T = 0.2, r0 = 0.5, T a = 2, P0 = 0.3, pfa 0 = 0.5

-1.4 0.8

-1.45 0.7
μ T =2 0.6
μ T =2.5

μ T =3

ln(μ IM)

-1.6 μ T =3.5 0.4

μ T =4 0.3

-1.75 0.4 0
0.3 -0.5
-1.8 0.2 -1
σ IM
-1.85 0.1 -1.5 μ IM
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
σ IM
Fig. 9. RVM surrogate model for I VoI as a function of μIM and σIM
Fig. 8. Decision contours with incomplete action model (T 1 ¼ 2.5, P0 ¼ 0.3 fixed)

© ASCE 04015092-7 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

DC IVOI (solid from MCS, dotted from RVM) very uncertain. Whereas rVoI can be calculated in closed form from
Eq. (24), an RVM surrogate model is used to calculate I VoI .
μT = 2
Fig. 9 shows an RVM surrogate model for ln pfa0 ¼ lnð0.5Þ,
-1.2 μ T = 2.5 α0 ¼ 3.125, T 1 ¼ 2.5s, and P0 ¼ 0.3, which are the same values
μT = 3 as in Fig. 8. The data points for generating the surrogate model are
-1.3 μ T = 3.5 obtained from Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) of the actual integral
μT = 4 I VoI . In this study, the authors generated a total of nine surrogate
-1.4 models [three building types: α0 ¼ 1,3.125,12.5 and three elevator
ln(μ )

standards: ln pfa0 ¼ lnð0.08Þ; lnð0.15Þ; lnð0.5Þ] as a function of

P0 ; T 1 ; μIM and σIM . The maximum approximation error among
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all models is controlled to be under 5%.

Fig. 10 shows the resulting decision contours of a specific case
-1.6 where I VoI in Eq. (23) is obtained from the RVM surrogate model
and also directly from MCS based on the same parameter values as
-1.7 in Fig. 8 with Δt ¼ 1s. The surrogate model estimates the actual
decision contours well. Also, one can see that as μT increases, the
-1.8 decision contour becomes more uncertainty taking because of
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 the expected benefit of the potentially less uncertain information
σ IM
in the future. However, comparing to Fig. 8, the larger σIM is
Fig. 10. Decision contours with value-of-information model (solid
the larger the difference in the decision contours. This is consistent
line = MCS; dotted line = RVM) with the intuition that one will only want to delay the decision if
the current information is uncertain. Note that again, when μT is

Fig. 11. Location of a segment of San Andreas Fault (solid black line) and a chosen building in downtown Los Angeles (star) (map data © 2013
Google, INEGI)

© ASCE 04015092-8 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2016, 142(1): 04015092

less than 2 s, no-decision contours are shown in the figure. This is influence from both incomplete action model and the value of in-
because the action is never taken due to the lack of benefit from formation model because there is just enough time to perform the
an incomplete action. As mentioned in the section of closed form action (both models penalize the benefit of taking action in
solution for incomplete action model, the backup action is triggered some way).
when necessary.

A segment of the San Andreas Fault (from Palmdale to San This study presents a decision framework for elevator control
Bernardino) is selected to demonstrate the authors’ proposed appli- based on uncertain EEW information using the ePAD framework
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cation to elevator control. A building with parameters T 1 ¼ 2.5s (Wu et al. 2013) with a suggested structural model, decision model,
and α0 ¼ 3.125 is chosen (same values as previously used in and lead time model. The authors’ analysis shows that instead of
the analyses), that is located in downtown Los Angeles. The solid going through the complication of a complete cost-benefit analysis,
black line in Fig. 11 shows the causative fault segment and the star a user may select the value of a related variable P0 that can re-
indicates the building location. present the users desired type of decision behavior. Also, the influ-
Instead of parameterizing the PDF of IM from EEW, ence of lead time and EEW uncertainties on decisions can be easily
p½IMjDðtÞ, into μIM and σIM , the PDF is found as a function understood through the use of decision contours, which represent
of earthquake magnitude and hypocenter-to-site distance using different types of decision behaviors. A surrogate model using the
the ground motion prediction equation developed by Boore and machine learning algorithm RVM is created for the sake of fast
Atkinson (2008). Hence, instead of plotting the decision contours computation of the value of information model. The steps to setup
in a 2D space of μIM and σIM , the contours are plotted in a 2D space the algorithm for automated decisions of elevator control using un-
of earthquake magnitude and location along the chosen segment of certain EEW information are summarized by:
the San Andreas Fault. Once again, the region above the decision 1. Model parameters setup: Choose T 1 and α0 based on a target
contour represents taking action; the region below the decision con- building; choose Δt and ln pfa0 based on the EEW system
tour represents not to take action. Change of decision contours is operation and the elevator standard for the region where the
investigated based on two factors: varying μT for a fixed ln pfa0 ; building is located; choose T a and r0 based on a specific ele-
and varying ln pfa0 for a fixed μT . vator application;
Fig. 12 shows the result of this simulation. As one would expect, 2. Evaluate decision contour: Pick a P0 value and generate de-
the location on the fault line that is the closest to the building has cision contours as a function of (μT , σT ) and (μIM , σIM ) or
the lowest critical magnitude to trigger the action, and a decrease in (earthquake magnitude, fault line segments); and
ln pfa0 lowers the whole-decision contour in this plot. Note that 3. Check decision behavior: Iteratively increase or decrease P0 to
no-decision contour is shown in the plot for ln pfa0 ¼ lnð0.5Þ find a value that can best represent the user’s desired decision
(the U.S. standard) because the action is never taken within the behavior under uncertain EEW information.
tested range of magnitude on the chosen fault segment. This is Further refinement of the models employed in ePAD for elevator
not an intuitive result and the authors suggest that the current stan- control could be explored. As explained in Wu et al. (2013), more
dard may need to be changed if a robust decision framework is to be flexibility in the types of decision behavior can be obtained by ad-
put in place. Also, μT ¼ 2.5s leads to the lowest set of values of the justing Δt. Although the chosen structural model can be readily
critical magnitude along the fault segment because after including applied to various types of buildings, in order to obtain a better
the lead time uncertainty, this is the mean lead time that has the least representation of a target building, a more sophisticated structural
model can be used to replace the simpler model used in this paper.
If necessary, the decision model and lead time model (β 1 and γ 1 )
9 can also be changed, at the possible expense of introducing extra
Jap 0.15g μ T =2 complexity into the problem.
Jap 0.15g μ T = 2.5
Jap 0.15g μ =3
Jap 0.15g μ T = 3.5
8 Jap 0.15g μ T =4 Acknowledgments
Earthquake Magnitude

Jap 0.08g μ T = 2.5

7.5 The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge funding from the
U.S. Geological Survey and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
7 for this project.

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