Efficient Seismic Design of 3D Asymmetric and Setback RC Frame Buildings For Drift and Strain Limitation

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Efficient Seismic Design of 3D Asymmetric and Setback

RC Frame Buildings for Drift and Strain Limitation

Oren Lavan, Ph.D., S.E., M.ASCE 1; and Philip J. Wilkinson, Ph.D. 2

Abstract: This paper presents an analysis–redesign-type approach for the efficient seismic design of three-dimensional (3D) irregular RC
frame structures for bidirectional ground motions. The designs obtained using the approach satisfy interstory drift and ductility limits while
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having the minimum total moment capacity of all seismic members. This leads to cost-efficient designs because the total amount of steel as
well as the base shear and overturning moments are relatively low. While doing that, the approach is very intuitive and is relatively simple to
implement in practice because it only requires analysis tools, not background knowledge or tools related to optimization theory. The examples
show that the proposed methodology requires only a few analyses and converges to designs that exactly satisfy the design objectives with
limited amounts of steel assigned only where required. This makes the design approach feasible for practice in terms of computational effort
and time. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001689. © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Seismic effects; Irregular frame structures; Optimal seismic design; Efficient seismic design; Analysis–redesign.

Introduction quakes (e.g., BCJ 1981). Consequently, the performance matrix

was introduced and the concept of performance-based seismic
Irregular buildings are popular among architects and society in design (PBD) has emerged (Bertero 1997; Priestley 2000). In
general. Moreover, in some cases (e.g., public buildings such as PBD, different deformation and strain limits are assigned for
hospitals, hotels, museums, and theaters), functional demands dic- various levels of seismicity, thus limiting structural and nonstruc-
tate their irregular shapes. Hence, irregular buildings are a common tural damage. Again, while satisfying these limits, the structure is
sight in many cities around the world. It is often their irregular desired to be as economic as possible.
shape that is the reason for their higher seismic vulnerability To accommodate the PBD requirements economically, formal
compared with their regular counterparts (Stathopoulos and performance-based optimal seismic design methods for regular frame
Anagnostopoulos 2005; Kyrkos and Anagnostopoulos 2011). This structures have been developed and reported in the literature (Balling
is due to the large deformation demands typically expected in et al. 1983; Tzan and Pantelides 1996; Ganzerli et al. 2000; Zou
regions of irregularity. In addition to their relative vulnerability, and Chan 2005a, b; Fragiadakis and Papadrakakis 2008; Liu et al.
the behavior of irregular buildings is harder to predict using the 2010). Some of these works adopt heuristic optimization approaches
toolbox of analysis types readily available to most engineering (e.g., simulated annealing or genetic algorithms). While these meth-
practitioners (Moehle and Alarcon 1986; Valmundsson and Nau ods have a good chance of converging to good and robust solutions,
1997; Anagnostopoulos et al. 2015). This is due to the fact that they require a very large number of function evaluations. In the
many simplified analysis techniques are based on assumptions that problems considered, this implies a very large number of nonlinear
are reasonable only for regular buildings. Hence, the prediction of time-history analyses. Because the analyses themselves are computa-
the behavior of irregular buildings often requires more advanced tionally expensive, this implies that a very large computational
analysis tools (e.g., nonlinear dynamic analyses) (ASCE 2014). effort is required to solve the design problem. This may make the
Those methods, if performed appropriately, are expected to reason- use of these approaches unrealistic for large three-dimensional
ably predict the behavior of irregular buildings and could be used (3D) structures with a large number of design variables.
for verification purposes. Nonetheless, even with these tools avail- Another group of these works adopt first- or even second-
able for verification, the development of relatively simple methods order optimization approaches. As such, these usually converge to
for design is still beneficial. Preferably, such methods would lead to local optimum points. In problems that are convex, or close to being
optimal, or at least efficient and economic, designs. convex, there is only one local optimum, which is also the global one.
The goal of structural engineers is to find design solutions that However, the optimization problem formulation considered in the
are as economic as possible and that perform as desired. For seis- present work is nonconvex. This is because the design variables affect
mic loadings, it has long been required (for more than 30 years in the natural period of the structure. Because realistic earthquakes are
some codes) that structures sustain no damage under frequent considered, this may result in major difficulties to converge to the
earthquakes and not collapse under less frequent stronger earth- global optimum, or close to that. This could be explained by the
shape of response spectra of realistic ground motions, which is
Associate Professor, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa not smooth. In addition, first-order optimization methods require
3200003, Israel (corresponding author). E-mail: lavan@tx.technion.ac.il gradient information of the objective function and constraints. The
Former Ph.D. Student, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
evaluation of those is far from being straightforward or simple. In
3200003, Israel.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 19, 2016; approved
the case that those are evaluated using the finite-difference approach,
on September 8, 2016; published online on October 31, 2016. Discussion again, the computational effort becomes very large, especially with a
period open until March 31, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted growing number of design variables.
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural En- In addition to the computational effort issue, optimization meth-
gineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. ods in general are not intuitive to structural engineers and therefore

© ASCE 04016205-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 04016205

their use in the structural engineering community is not wide- corresponding optimization problem was identified. This revealed
spread. It is the authors’ opinion that analysis tools should be used that the procedure leads to a minimum or close to minimum steel
carefully, and only by those educated in the relevant underlying volume (strength) while satisfying the limits stated previously.
theory. Optimization methods and software for design such as The procedure involves two steps within each iteration. In the
the ones listed previously, on the other hand, could be used by prac- first step, a specified design is analyzed. In the second step,
titioners as a black box design tool without fear. This is because the the design is modified by adjusting the distribution of strength
designs obtained using these tools could be easily verified using and stiffness according to the performance evaluation. This AR
standard analysis. Hence, misuse of such a black box is unlikely procedure is carried out until convergence. Because the approach
to result in unsafe structures. Nonetheless, such tools are much is intuitive and transparent and only makes use of analysis tools
more difficult to promote to practitioners. This makes the use of without requiring any optimization tools or knowledge, it is
simple design methods that do not necessarily lead to efficient more likely to be utilized by the practicing community. Further-
designs widespread. Hence, there is still a strong need for more more, as the examples reveal, only a few analyses are required
intuitive methods for efficient design with which engineers would for convergence. This makes the computational effort, although
feel comfortable. These should also lead to the final designs with nonlinear time-history analysis is adopted, manageable and
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manageable computational effort. This is expected to enable the practical.

achievement of efficient designs by engineers familiar with the The efficiency of the proposed approach is examined using
corresponding analysis tools. two asymmetric plan setback structures. The proposed analysis–
One of the most famous and simple methods for efficient design redesign approach is first used to obtain a design for each
of structures is of the analysis–redesign (AR) type. Using this iter- structure. Standard code designs are then obtained utilizing the
ative method, the engineer analyzes the current design and modifies force-based design approach for various force response modifica-
it based on the analysis results and a given recurrence relation. Be- tion coefficients [termed behavior factors in Eurocode 8 (CEN
cause this intuitive method only requires analysis tools and usually 2004)]. With the analysis–redesign and code designs at hand, a
converges very quickly, it is well liked by practicing engineers. In comparison of their performance is made by means of nonlinear
static problems, the recurrence relation of the AR method targets a time-history analyses.
fully stressed design (FSD) in which all elements reach their allow-
able stress in at least one loading condition. Intuitively, a design
that is fully stressed is considered an efficient one. In some cases, Optimization Problem Formulation: Seismic Design
FSD is actually a formal optimality criterion. That is, the optimal of 3D Irregular RC Moment Resisting Frames
solution of certain optimization problems possesses fully stressed Structures
characteristics. In those cases, use of the AR method would lead
to the optimal design of the associated optimization problem. Such Design Variables
FSD characteristics have been proposed as optimality criteria for When designing RC frames, the engineer has the freedom of choos-
the problem of truss of minimum weight as early as 1900 (Cilley ing the dimensions of beams and columns as well as their reinforce-
1900). ment. In general, initial dimensions of elements are presized based
Characteristics of the FSD type have been identified as optimality on architectural constraints, gravity design and initial seismic de-
criteria in formal optimal seismic retrofitting of regular [Lavan sign. In many cases, a minimal deviation from these dimensions is
and Levy (2010) and references therein] and irregular [Lavan and desired. Hence, if a feasible solution could be achieved while
Levy (2006) and references therein] buildings using viscous adopting these initial dimensions, these will be the final dimensions
dampers as well. The total added damping was minimized while of the elements. In some cases, a feasible solution could not be
constraints on story damage indices (e.g., peak interstory drifts, achieved while adopting the initial dimensions. In other cases,
hysteretic energy demand) were assigned. Those FSD-type character- reducing the sizes of the elements could lead to a more efficient
istics were then followed by AR schemes to attain designs design, as will be elaborated on subsequently. In these cases, min-
possessing such characteristics (Lavan and Levy 2005, 2009; Levy imal changes to these dimensions are made. The nominal flexural
and Lavan 2006). In other seismic design problems, characteristics of yield strengths in the various elements are therefore the sole design
the FSD type were intuitively proposed and corresponding variables. For given element dimensions, the yield strengths corre-
AR methods were formulated (Lavan and Daniel 2013; Daniel late to the amount of steel. With these parameters set, the element
and Lavan 2015; Lavan 2015). Those were compared with formal flexural stiffnesses are also known.
optimal designs obtained elsewhere (Daniel and Lavan 2014; Lavan
and Dargush 2009) and were shown to lead to near-optimal designs.
An AR-type algorithm was also adopted in the seismic design Objective Function
of regular plane RC frames (Hajirasouliha et al. 2012). It targeted The objective to be minimized reflects a reasonable measure of
the minimization of steel volume while constraining deformation the cost of construction. As will be discussed subsequently, this
demands throughout the height of the frame. Thus, a uniform objective function also, indirectly, leads to a better response of the
distribution of deformations was targeted. It was compared with building in terms of absolute accelerations.
code designs to reveal its efficiency. With the dimensions of the elements assumed, the main com-
This paper presents a simple iterative approach of the AR type ponents to affect the cost of construction (excluding labor) are the
for the seismic design of 3D irregular RC frame structures for bidi- total volume of steel and size of foundation members. Element
rectional ground motions. The aim is to obtain an efficient design nominal flexural strengths are directly proportional to steel
while satisfying interstory drifts and strain (or ductility) limits. reinforcing volume. Herein, the sum of the nominal flexural
The approach is similar in nature to ones proposed in the past strengths of all seismic elements (beams and columns) is mini-
for the seismic retrofitting of 3D irregular frames using viscous mized, while satisfying the constraints described in the next
dampers (Lavan and Levy 2005) and for the design of new regular section. Based on capacity design concepts, this is also expected
plane frames (Hajirasouliha et al. 2012). An attempt to associate to lead to reductions in base shear and overturning moments,
the proposed approach to an optimality criterion was made, and the and hence cost of foundations. Because the strength of the building

© ASCE 04016205-2 J. Struct. Eng.

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achieves a low value, overall, absolute accelerations are also Formally, this optimization problem could be stated as follows:
expected to be low (e.g., Lavan 2015). X
min Myi
i ¼ all
Constraints seismic
To comply with the performance-based design framework, damage elements
is limited to allowable values for the various seismicity levels subject to PIθj ≤ 1.0 ∀ j ¼ seismic bent for all intensities
considered. Structural damage in frame structures correlates very
well to the peak interstory drifts. Hence, interstory drifts are to PIμb ≤ 1.0 ∀ b ¼ seismic beam for all intensities
be constrained by a number of limits, each corresponding to a PIμc ≤ 1.0 ∀ c ¼ seismic column base for all intensities
different level of seismicity considered in the PBD framework
i ≤ ρi ≤ ρmax
i ∀ i ¼ seismic element
[e.g., design basis earthquake (DBE), maximum credible earth-
quake (MCE)]. The damage to some nonstructural components bmin
i ≤ bi ≤ bmax
i ∀ i ¼ seismic element
(e.g., partition walls, facades) also correlates well to peak interstory dmin ≤ di ≤ dmax
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i i ∀ i ¼ seismic element
drifts. Similarly, constraints are assigned on seismic beam and col-
umn base ductility demands. M yb ≤ M yb ∀ b ¼ seismic beam
The behavior of irregular structures is often characterized M grav ∀ c1 ¼ seismic column bending axis 1
yc1 ≤ M yc1
by highly concentrated local deformation demands in regions of
irregularity (both heightwise and planwise). Asymmetric and gen- M grav
yc2 ≤ M yc2 ∀ c2 ¼ seismic column bending axis 2 ð1Þ
erally irregular 3D buildings, for example, often experience the
largest deformation demands in their peripheries. Thus, local Here, M yi = nominal flexural yield strength of seismic element
damage measures in these locations are to be constrained so as (beam or column) i considering its gravity axial force. When i re-
to regularize the response of the building. In this paper, the peak fers to a column, Myi equals the sum of M yc1 and M yc2 , which are
interstory drift of each story of each peripheral frame is limited to the nominal flexural yield strengths of column c about Bending
an allowable value. This value is adjusted for each level of seismic- Axes 1 and 2, respectively. The interstory drift performance index,
ity considered. Suites of realistic ground motions are adopted to PIθj ¼ maxk ðθjk =θLIMk Þ = maximum over all intensities k, where
describe the various levels of seismic hazard. For each level of θjk is the selected peak interstory drift response in bent j for inten-
seismic hazard, the mean peak interstory drift at each location is sity k, and θLIMk is the interstory drift limit for intensity k. The se-
constrained. Alternatively, the mean plus standard deviation or lected interstory drift response could be, for example, the mean
the envelope interstory drift from all ground motions for a peak drift response to all ground motions considered for that inten-
selected seismic hazard level could be adopted. If the latter is sity, the maximum peak drift response, or the mean plus standard
chosen, the active set of ground motions approach (Lavan and Levy deviation. A bent refers in this paper to one story of a plane
2006) could be used to appreciably reduce the computational frame including columns and the beams connected to the top of
effort. the columns, for example, all ground-story columns and first-
According to the capacity design philosophy, elastic response is floor beams of a peripheral frame (e.g., Fig. 2 in “Examples”).
desired in the columns above their bases. Thus, additional con- The local seismic beam ductility response performance index,
straints in the form of minimum column-to-beam strength ratios PIμb ¼ maxk ðμbk =μLIMk Þ, is the maximum over all intensities k,
are assigned to minimize column yielding above their bases. where μbk is the maximum (of the two potential plastic hinges,
As mentioned previously, the elements are presized, with the one at each beam end) selected peak plastic hinge ductility response
of seismic beam b for intensity k, and μLIMk is the maximum
option of changing their sizes in very limited and specific cases.
allowable beam plastic hinge ductility for intensity k. The local
Nonetheless, limits on their minimum and maximum values are
seismic column base ductility response performance index, PIμc ¼
also assigned. In addition, modern seismic codes assign limits
maxk ðμck =μcLIMk Þ, is the maximum over all intensities k, where μck
on the minimum and maximum reinforcement ratios allowed in
is the maximum selected peak plastic hinge ductility response of
the beams and columns. These limits are set so as to ensure a ductile
seismic column base c for intensity k, and μcLIMk is the maximum
behavior. Such limits are adopted in this work too. Because the
allowable column base plastic hinge ductility for intensity k. The
frames are also part of the gravity load–resisting system, a limit
selected peak ductility could be the mean to all ground motions
on the minimum stiffness and strength that is required to carry considered for that intensity, the maximum, or the mean plus stan-
the gravity loads is assigned as well. dard deviation. Additionally, ρi is the steel reinforcing ratio of
seismic element i; bi and di are the cross section width and depth,
Optimization Problem respectively, of seismic element i; the superscripts min i and max
denote minimum and maximum allowable values for the particular
The optimization problem to follow is based on the previous sec- parameter (ρi , bi , and di ) for seismic element i; M grav
yb is the nominal
tions. The nominal flexural strengths in the various elements serve flexural yield strength of seismic beam b required by the gravity
as the primary design variables while some changes in elements load case(s); and M grav grav
yc1 and M yc2 are the nominal flexural yield
dimensions are allowed under some circumstances. The total flexu- strengths about Bending Axes 1 and 2 of seismic column c required
ral strength is to be minimized. Constraints are added on the inter- by the gravity load case(s).
story drift of each story and each peripheral frame, as well as beam As the problem formulation implies, shear capacity of the col-
strains, under each of the seismic levels considered (e.g., DBE, umns and beams is assumed to be sufficient. Thus, once the flexural
MCE). The columns are intended to yield at their bases only, by strengths are obtained, the shear capacity of the columns and beams
virtue of predefined column-to-beam strength ratios. Side con- is to be designed to prevent shear failure. This also implies that the
straints are assigned to the sizes of the elements and the reinforce- problem formulation and the proposed solution scheme are not
ment ratios. In addition, constraints are added so as to ensure applicable to geometries in which shear failure is expected to con-
acceptable behavior under gravity loads. trol the behavior of elements (e.g., short beams or columns).

© ASCE 04016205-3 J. Struct. Eng.

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Proposed Scheme: Seismic AR of 3D Irregular work with other types of input to model the ground motion hazard,
RC MRF Structures depending on the analysis tool adopted.
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the procedure starts with an initial
Optimality Criterion design that satisfies gravity carrying capacity requirements and
qualifies some minimum seismic design demands. This allows
In view of the AR approach and the FSD criteria–related works smoother convergence of the algorithm and minimizes unreason-
discussed previously and the strong relation of the story damage able responses during the analyses. The peripheral frames in each
(or interstory drifts) to its stiffness and strength, it seems that direction in each story are designated as seismic and only their
the solution to the optimization problem of the previous section, strengths are changed in the AR procedure. Elements in peripheral
i.e., the optimal design, would satisfy the following FSD type bents located on setback grid lines above the setback and columns
optimality criterion: for 3D framed structures, the optimal design in the story immediately below the setback level are designated
will attain a flexural strength in beams of peripheral frames larger as seismic. The other beams and columns of that frame below
than the minimum gauge only in floors for which the performance the setback level are not designated as seismic. Nevertheless,
measure has reached the allowable. column cross section dimensions are not permitted to increase with
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Here, the minimum gauge for beam flexural strength is deter- height.
mined either by reinforcement ratio and size limitations or by For the initial seismic design of the examples presented in this
gravity (or other) load cases. The performance measure is the maxi- paper, minimum section flexural strengths were set by applying
mum of PIθj of the peripheral frame in the story below the floor typical factors to moment demands obtained from a linear elastic
and the maximum PIμb in the beams of that bent. For the first floor, static analysis of a structural model. Initial section sizes were set by
the maximum PIμc in the direction of the bent, of all column bases relating story shears to drifts using Wilbur’s formula (Stafford
in that bent, is also considered in the performance measure. This Smith and Coull 1991, section 7.4.1), attributing half the allowed
optimality criterion could be achieved by a generalization of the AR drift to beam deformations and half to column deformations. The
procedure as presented in the next section. story shears were derived from a preliminary equivalent lateral load
In the preceding discussion, interstory drifts were taken as the assessment similar to that found in most current design codes. For
damaging deformations and were assumed to be strongly related this purpose, cracked cross sections were assumed to have second
to the story stiffnesses and strengths. In general, this is more ap- moments of area equal to half the gross section second moments
parent in low-rise to midrise buildings. These deform mainly of area.
due to the total story shear. In high-rise buildings, on the other
hand, the axial contraction of columns leads to nonnegligible Step 2: Analysis
deformations due to the external overturning moment. Thus, the With a given design at hand, the structure is subjected to seismic
interstory drifts (the relative horizontal displacement of two ad- analysis for the various ground motion intensities considered. Be-
jacent floors) are comprised of two contributors: a rigid body dis- cause the methodology is tailored for the design of nonlinear 3D
placement and a racking (shear) deformation (CTBUH 2008). generally irregular RC MRF buildings, an analysis method captur-
Here, racking is the main contributor to damage. It is also the one ing the unique behavior of such structures, as elaborated in the “In-
strongly related to the story stiffness and strength. Thus, it seems troduction,” should be adopted. Specifically, the analysis method
reasonable to use the racking deformation rather than the inter- should reasonably predict the interstory drifts at the peripheries.
story drift in tall buildings. This, however, was not verified as part The ductility demands in the beams, and column bases of the seis-
of the study. mic frames, are also required, although strains very rarely govern
the design (Priestley et al. 2007).
In the examples presented in this work the authors adopted a
Analysis–Redesign Scheme
3D nonlinear response history analysis (NRHA) to predict the
As per the optimality criterion stated previously, strength and stiff- responses of interest. This analysis approach is becoming more
ness are concentrated in the peripheral frames. Hence, inner frames widespread for the purpose of design verification when it comes
are considered as gravity frames and are designed to sustain gravity to nonlinear 3D generally irregular buildings. Because this analysis
loads only. The gravity columns typically have smaller sections type is required by some codes for design verification of the type of
and, in practice, would be detailed for ductilities congruent with structure considered, such a model has to be built in any case. The
the expected peak deformations. Appropriate details are to be de- analysis–redesign procedure does not usually require more that
signed for the columns of these frames so as to ensure their ability 10–15 iterations for practical convergence. Thus, it is the authors’
to sustain the gravity loads while experiencing displacements due opinion that adopting NRHA for the design as well would not
to the seismic action. Because the yield displacements of these col- require excessive additional effort. With the proposed design
umns depend mainly on their geometry and material yield strains approach, the engineer can use any analysis tool the engineer be-
(Paulay 2002), their ductility demands do not, in general, depend lieves would lead to reasonable response prediction. However, it
on their strength. Hence, the addition of longitudinal reinforcement should be kept in mind that the designs generated using the pro-
would not directly reduce their ductility demands. Steel reinforcing posed methodology satisfy the acceptance criteria when verified
details that provide sufficient ductility capacity should be adopted. using the same analysis tool that was used for design. Hence, the
The last statement, in the authors’ opinion, holds regardless of the quality of the designs is as good as the quality of the structural
method of design adopted. model, seismic hazard modeling, and analysis tools used.
An overview of the proposed AR method is presented in Fig. 1.
The various steps will now be elaborated. Step 3: Stopping Criteria
If the stopping criteria are met, the process ends. If not, the process
Step 1: Initial Design continues until convergence. Three criteria were employed simul-
In this step, the seismic intensities as well as corresponding accep- taneously. The first checked the seismic performance against the
tance criteria should be defined. The seismic hazard is modeled in target performance. The second two checked convergence. The first
the examples to follow using a suite of ground motion histories to criterion was that the performance indices (PIs) (responses or
describe each seismicity level. Nonetheless, the methodology could limits of all seismic frame interstory drifts and all seismic beam

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Fig. 1. Proposed analysis–redesign procedure

and column base plastic hinge ductilities) must all be less than 1 yield curvature [as per Paulay (2002), φyi ¼ 2.1εsy =di for bending
(plus tolerance). The second criterion was that the objective about axis parallel to bi dimension and φyi ¼ 2.1εsy =bi for bending
function value (the total volume of steel reinforcing) must have about axis parallel to di dimension; εsy = longitudinal reinforcing
stabilized (converged) to a tolerable change per iteration for two steel design yield strain].
consecutive iterations. The third criterion was similar to the second, Strength distribution within a bent (all columns and beams in
being that all the performance indices must have stabilized one story of a frame) using this recurrence relation may depend
(converged). This was checked for each location by comparing on the initial design. Various relative beam strength distributions
the change of each PI during each of the last two iterations against depending on relative beam lengths were investigated (results
the selected change tolerance. These criteria allowed drifts to be not shown). However, the total volume of reinforcing steel was
less than allowable but not greater. This was necessary to allow found to be insensitive to variations of such distributions. Priestley
gravity considerations to govern elements where appropriate. et al. (2007) suggested that constant beam cross section within
bents may be a rational solution considering the dependence of
Step 4: Redesign Beams ductility demand and capacity ratios on relative beam length and
The beams in each seismic frame in each story are redesigned using ease of construction. However, other rational distributions may
the following recurrence relation: be used.
ðpþ1Þ ðpÞ


ðpÞ Q Ductility capacities rarely govern the design (Priestley et al.
Myb ¼ M yb max PIθj ; PIμb ð2Þ 2007, p. 226, section 5.3.1). Hence, interstory drifts are the leading
criteria for design. If the ductility limit in a single beam governs,
ðpþ1Þ ðpÞ
where M yb and M yb = nominal flexural yield strengths of there are two possible redesign approaches. The first decreases the
ðpÞ depth of that beam. This would increase the yield curvature and
seismic beam b for iterations p þ 1 and p, respectively; PIθj and
ðpÞ decrease the ductility demand for a given maximum curvature
PIμb = parameters PIθj and PIμb defined in “Optimization Problem” (Priestley et al. 2007). Alternatively, increasing the total strength
computed for iteration p, respectively. The new flexural stiffness is [and stiffness, which is proportional to strength (Priestley et al.
computed from the new flexural strength M yb and corresponding 2007)] of all beams in that bent by adding reinforcement would

© ASCE 04016205-5 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 04016205

decrease the neighboring interstory drifts and hence the ductility be used in the analysis (EIcr ¼ M y =φy ) does depend on their di-
demands of all beams in that bent. Because an attempt was made mensions, reinforcement ratios, and axial loads. Thus, it should
for the examples presented in this paper to keep the original depth be properly modeled and updated in each iteration.
of all elements with minimal change, the latter approach is adopted. No column section size or strength was allowed to increase with
Increasing the strength (and stiffness) of the specific beam whose height. This resulted in gravity columns under seismic columns at
ductility demands govern by adding reinforcement is not expected setbacks being larger than required for gravity loads for the sake of
to appreciably affect its ductility demands. This is because the regularity and continuity of capacity down columns. Both cross
peak curvatures strongly correlate to the interstory drifts and the section dimensions of all seismic columns were allowed to change
yield curvature is insensitive to the reinforcement ratio (Priestley according to the target capacities for each column bending axis
et al. 2007). based on the capacity design procedure.
At this point, the required reinforcement ratio for each beam is At the end of this step, the redesign of all beams and columns
determined by section analysis. If the required reinforcement ratio is complete. At this point the process continues by repeating
is smaller than the minimum code reinforcement ratios or larger Steps 2–5 until convergence is achieved at Step 3.
than the maximum code reinforcement ratio, decrease or increase
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(respectively) the section depth and recalculate the required rein-

forcement ratio. An alternative approach could redistribute the Examples
strength of beams within the bent, i.e., if the minimum code
reinforcement ratio leads to strength larger than required beam Example 1: 3-Story Generally Irregular
strength, reduce the required strength of other beams in the bent, RC MRF Structure
and vice versa. If all beams in a story of a peripheral frame reach
their minimum limit strengths, gravity considerations govern the Six designs for the 3-story generally irregular RC frame structure
design of that bent. That story of that frame may not achieve its shown in Fig. 2 were carried out. The structure has a total of 21
target drift. If all beams in a story of a peripheral frame reach beam segments and 19 column segments, or 40 design variables.
their maximum limit strengths, the closest parallel frame could One design was generated using the proposed analysis–redesign
be identified as seismic and its strength increased to further reduce method, and five designs were generated following a typical force-
drifts at the peripheral frame. based design approach, each for a different response modification
coefficient, R. The seismic performance of the designs is compared
Step 5: Redesign Columns subsequently in this section.
Ideally, columns could be designed to remain elastic above their A 25-MPa concrete strength was used with 300-MPa design
bases. Initially an attempt was made to develop an algorithm aimed reinforcing steel strength with a Young’s modulus of 200 GPa.
at achieving elastic response in all columns above their bases. This A 7.2-kPa uniformly distributed floor weight was assumed to in-
algorithm designed each column individually to a common target clude the seismic gravity floor load.
value (maximum and mean peaks were investigated) of the biaxial
bending moment–axial force (MN) interaction equation defining Design Limit States
the column section yield surfaces. However, it proved impossible Two limit states were simultaneously designed for. The first repre-
to completely eliminate column yielding above bases regardless sented a serviceability limit state. The second represented a life
of the column-beam strength ratio. The authors reasoned that this safety (ultimate) limit state. All column bases and beams were as-
was due to the irregularity of the structures considered, leading to signed the same curvature ductility limits of 5 and 7.3 for Limit
higher mode response which sometimes produced single curvature States 1 and 2, respectively. Interstory drift limits for the two limit
in columns extending over one or more stories. In such cases, states were 1 and 2%, respectively.
column moment demands are not limited by the beam capacities,
Ground Motions and Scaling
and the columns act more like walls. Not surprisingly, this algo-
The 5% damped elastic design acceleration and displacement re-
rithm tended toward designs resembling coupled wall systems
sponse spectra for the second limit state are presented in Fig. 3
rather than MRFs.
(thickest lines). The medium thickness lines are the mean spectra
After extensive experimentation by the authors, they concluded
of 10 modified ground motion records (from five bidirectional
that some column yielding above the base was unavoidable. There-
ground motions) used for design and verification. These historic
fore a much simpler capacity design approach for the columns was
ground motion records were selected from the LA10/50 set
settled on. A single column-to-beam strength ratio was used for all
(Somerville et al. 1997) downloaded from NISEE (2016) and were
joints. A range of column-to-beam strength ratios were investi-
gated. A value of 2.0 was deemed to limit mean peak column
ductility responses to reasonable levels. This value is also proposed
in Dooley and Bracci (2001) and Zaghi et al. (2015).
During the first few iterations (10 at most), the analysis consid-
ered possible column yielding only at their bases in the ground
story. Once all seismic column peak MN (biaxial moment–axial
force interaction equation defining the yield surface) response
values reduced to below 2, all ends of all columns were allowed
to potentially yield about both bending axes. This minimized
collapses during NRHAs in the first AR iterations and hastened
convergence. Values of MN responses were computed at each
analysis time step according to the Ruaumoko 3D manual [Carr
2006, section 15j, RC Beam/Column (Type 1)].
Although the columns are modeled as linear above their bases
Fig. 2. Example 1: 3-story generally irregular RC frame structure
during the first 10 (at most) iterations, their cracked stiffness to

© ASCE 04016205-6 J. Struct. Eng.

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acceleration numerical integration scheme was used with
Newton–Raphson iteration for computation of nonlinear response
within each time step.

Initial Seismic Design

Minimum section flexural strengths were set considering gravity
loads. Initial section sizes were set proportional to story shear de-
mands from a typical equivalent lateral force vector by relating
story shears to drifts using Wilbur’s formula (Stafford Smith and
Coull 1991). Half the allowed drift was attributed to beam defor-
mations and half to column deformations. The story shears were
derived from a preliminary equivalent lateral load assessment
Fig. 3. Design response spectra and spectra and mean spectrum of similar to that found in most current design codes. For this purpose,
ground motions cracked cross sections were assumed to have second moments of
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area equal to half the gross section second moments of area. The
better the initial seismic design, the fewer the iterations required to
achieve convergence.
modified using the program SeismoMatch to match the design re-
sponse spectrum. This was used as the seismicity for Limit State 2. Discussion of AR Design Performance
The period range of interest for scaling purposes was 0.6–3 s. As The analysis–redesign procedure leads to a fully stressed design
will be shown subsequently, the fundamental periods of the final solution within the constraints on flexural strengths. Minimum
designs obtained using both the AR designs and force-based strengths are based on the gravity load design. Maximum flexural
designs in this example and in the next example fall in the range strengths were based on reasonable beam–column dimension
of 0.63–1.68 s. The thin gray lines are the response spectra of the limits and allowable steel reinforcing ratios. The analysis–redesign
individual scaled ground motions. The final design is expected to algorithm was then executed. Fig. 4 shows the convergence of the
be well into the constant velocity region, thus the matched spectra objective function (total steel volume) and the maximum constraint
agree well with the design spectra for the relevant period range. violation (MCV) in percent for a Q value of 0.7 [Eq. (2) in “Step 4:
For simplicity, the same ground motion records were simply Redesign Beams”]. It can be seen that after approximately 10
factored by 0.5 to model the seismicity for the serviceability limit iterations, the MCV reaches approximately 10%, which is probably
state. acceptable for most design purposes considering the uncertainty
usually inherent in the input data (e.g., characteristics of materials
Modeling and Analysis and seismicity).
The modeling and analysis was done in Ruaumoko 3D (Carr 2006). Fig. 2 shows the final component dimensions and relative
Finite-element models were built using one (Giberson beam) line flexural strengths (darker is stronger). The AR design verification
element for each beam–column member. These elements have one results (interstory drifts and beam and column ductility demands
potential plastic hinge of a specified constant length at each end. normalized by allowable values) are shown in Fig. 5.
Uniformly distributed line loads were applied to the beams In general, most of the peripheral frames achieved the interstory
assuming reasonable gravity loads. Moment–axial force interaction drift limit in most stories for one or both of the limit states
was modeled using the Reinforced Concrete Type 1 (IBEAM = 2) considered. The black drift bars show the serviceability mean peak
option. The modified Takeda hysteresis model (Otani 1974) was demands and the gray bars the ultimate limit state (ULS) demands.
employed (α ¼ 0.25, β ¼ 0.3, NF ¼ 1, and KKK ¼ 1), as well The vertical lines in the interstory drift figures show the drift limits
as strength degradation (ILOS ¼ 6) considering peak ductility (tolerance of 2% shown each side).
demand and number of inelastic cycles. Column plastic hinges In Figs. 5(e and f), one horizontal bar is shown for each seismic
were assigned post-yield and elastic moment-curvature stiffness column story element and beam element. Only results for seismic
of 5%, whereas 2% was assigned to the beam plastic hinges. columns and beams are shown, hence the number of columns
Rotational fixity of column bases was modeled by moment- shown (18) is less than the total number of columns (19), and the
resisting connections to elastic foundation beams of relatively same for the beams. The column ductility performance indices
low flexural rigidity connecting the column bases. If desired, the (demand and limit) show that most of the eight base plastic hinges
foundation beams could also be designed in the AR procedure. in the ground-story seismic columns achieved more than half their
However, for these examples, they were assumed to be designed as ductility capacities. The curvature ductility limits of the column
floor slab edge beams and ties between columns, so their constant
properties were preselected. Column uplift was modeled using
compression-only springs having axial stiffnesses resulting in
approximately 5-mm settlement under gravity loads at each
ground-story column base. As recommended by Carr (2006),
5% damping was assigned to all modes using the Wilson and
Penzien (1972) damping model (ICTYPE ¼ 2). This damping
model uses the initial elastic modal properties and so is constant
throughout the NRHA.
Because all seismic and gravity beams and columns were mod-
eled, no P-delta leaning columns were required to account for
P-delta effects in the analyses. Reasonable vertical and rotational
Fig. 4. Convergence: objective function and maximum constraint
inertias were assigned to column end nodes. An analysis time step
of 0.0025 s was used. The Newmark (Carr 2006) constant average

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Fig. 5. Analysis–redesign design verification results (black drift bars show the serviceability mean peak demands and the gray bars the ULS demands)

bases were set equal to the beam ductility limits [5 for serviceability formulation and therefore considered geometrical nonlinearity
limit state (SLS) and 7.3 for ULS]. The above-base column (P-delta effects) directly. Sections were determined using the AR
ductility limit was 1. It can be seen that some yielding occurred approach to increase element dimensions when drifts were larger
above the column bases. However, these ductility demands were than the limits and vice versa. Here, as per code requirements
limited to less than 1.25 in all columns but one, and to less than (e.g., Eurocode 8) the cracked flexural stiffnesses were taken as
2 in all columns. Overall, the capacity design approach succeeded 0.5EIg (where EIg is the gross cross section bending stiffness).
in distributing plasticity at the column bases and beam ends in Therefore, these designs represent the best designs achievable using
accordance with the intended ductile collapse mechanism targeted typical force-based design assumptions about section stiffnesses
and in limiting column ductility demand above bases to acceptable and linear analysis with the equal displacements assumption. Final
values. plastic hinge region nominal flexural yield strengths were taken as
The absolute beam ductility limit is also shown as a vertical line the maximum responses recorded during the last AR linear re-
in the bottom right beam ductility bar chart in Fig. 5(f). As can be sponse history analysis divided by the reduced response modifica-
seen in this bar chart, the AR design was relatively efficient, uti- tion coefficient. Five values for response modification coefficient
lizing on average more than half the ductility capacity of the beams. were selected to result in five different force-based designs. These
The design of the beams in the peripheral frames that did not are R ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Because interstory drifts usually govern
achieve the drift limit were governed by gravity loads. In Fig. 2 the designs, the use of different R values allows the comparison of
it can be seen that some of these beams (e.g., x-direction Frame the AR method with the best possible design that could be achieved
Edge 2 Story 1) had final depths greater than the minimum allowed using force-based design. The response modification coefficients
values. This could be due to the analysis–redesign algorithm were reduced according to Eurocode 8 by 20% due to irregularity
converging to the expected gravity resistance capacities at slightly (setbacks) in elevation. The interstory drift sensitivity index, which
larger beam depths. Although the depths of these beams did not
aims to consider geometric nonlinearity, was computed for each
reach the expected minimum gravity design values, the flexural
story, and the strengths of all seismic elements were increased ac-
strengths at these locations reached the expected gravity design
cording to code requirements where necessary. Only the 6-story
force-based designs (next example) for R ¼ 4 and 5 were affected
Force-Based Designs by this index.
The force-based designs used the same minimum gravity load Capacity design principles as were applied in the AR procedure
capacities and the same initial seismic design. Element dimensions were applied to the force-based designs to ensure monotonic
were set so as to achieve the allowable interstory drifts in linear column strength and size reduction with height and a minimum
response history analysis. These analyses used large displacement column–beam strength ratio of 2. Element dimensions were also

© ASCE 04016205-8 J. Struct. Eng.

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Table 1. Comparison of KPIs of AR Design with Those of Force-Based Designs
Design T (s) Vs (m3 ) Vc (m3 ) Maximum PIθ Maximum PIμc Maximum PIμb BSx=Wt BSz=Wt OTMx (kN · m) OTMz (kN · m)
AR 0.82 1.05 75.9 1.01 1.84 0.891 0.296 0.286 5,960 5,570
R¼1 0.63 2.04 76.9 1.13 1.72 0.882 0.510 0.438 17,366 11,839
R¼2 (1.6) 0.78 1.47 69.2 1.18 1.52 0.864 0.402 0.338 9,072 7,132
R¼3 (2.4) 0.90 1.09 65.4 1.41 1.81 1.21 0.321 0.282 6,475 5,223
R¼4 (3.2) 0.97 0.90 63.8 2.24 3.95 1.55 0.282 0.245 5,252 4,215
R¼5 (4) 1.03 0.77 63.4 3.74 7.07 2.18 0.254 0.223 4,374 3,607

volume Vs, the total concrete volume Vc, the maximum PIθ of
all stories of all peripheral frames, the maximum PIμc of all seismic
columns, the maximum PIμb of all seismic beams, mean peak
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base shears normalized by the total seismic weight BSx=Wt

and BSz=Wt in the x- and z-directions, respectively, and mean
peak base overturning moment OTMx and OTMz in the x- and
z-directions, respectively. Two values of R are given for each force-
based design. One is the basic response modification coefficient,
while the other (in parentheses) is the reduced value accounting
for irregularity and P-delta effects (where applicable).
Although one would expect that the maximum interstory drifts
for the R ¼ 1 force-based design (R being the response modifica-
tion coefficient) would be smaller or equal to the limits, this is
not the case. This is because in the force-based design process,
although the elements were dimensioned based on this criterion,
an assumption was made that the cracked cross section flexural
stiffness is half of that of the gross cross section. In the verification,
the true cracked cross section stiffness (EIcr ¼ My =φy ) was taken.
Fig. 6. Absolute total floor accelerations and demand-limit ratios of
Additionally, because stiffness is proportional to strength, one
interstory drifts: (a and c) x-direction; (b and d) z-direction
would expect the periods of the force-based designs to scale
with the square root of the actual reduction factor. Nonetheless,
it should be kept in mind that not all elements’ strength is reduced
modified where necessary to achieve steel reinforcing ratios within by the actual reduction factor (e.g., gravity frames, beams that reach
the selected limits. As can be seen in Table 1, this resulted in the minimum strength due to gravity)
significantly larger total concrete volumes for the force-based de- As can be seen from Table 1, the AR design had a total reinforc-
signs for smaller response modification coefficients than those for ing steel volume between those of the force-based designs for R ¼
larger response modification coefficients. 3 and 4. The R ¼ 4 force-based design had 14% less steel but its
peak drift was 124% over the limit, whereas the AR design’s peak
Comparison of AR Design Performance with That of Force- drift was only 1% over. The force-based designs violated the drift
Based Designs limits by between 13 and 274% while requiring between 84% more
Key performance indicators (KPIs) of the six designs are compared to 26% less total longitudinal reinforcing steel than the AR design,
in Table 1. These are the fundamental period T, the total steel respectively. The force-based design for R ¼ 3 was closest to the

Fig. 7. Example 2: 6-story generally irregular RC frame structure

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direction are compared in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6 it can be seen that
the AR design achieved maximum peak floor total accelerations
generally between those of the R ¼ 2 and R ¼ 3 force-based de-
signs. It can be seen that the maximum mean peak drift responses of
the AR design in each direction in each story were very close to the
target limit response. Such a result is satisfactory and demonstrates
the utility of the analysis–redesign approach presented in this paper
as a performance-based seismic design method for low-rise gener-
ally irregular RC frame structures.
Fig. 8. Convergence: objective function and maximum constraint
violation Example 2: 6-Story Generally Irregular
RC MRF Structure
The 6-story generally irregular RC frame structure shown in Fig. 7
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AR design in terms of total steel volume, column ductility, base was designed using the proposed analysis–redesign method and us-
shears, and overturning moments. However, beam ductility demands ing a typical force-based design approach for a range of response
exceeded capacities by 20% and the drift limits were exceeded by modification coefficients. The structure has a total of 142 beam
40%. This essentially represents the best possible design achievable segments and 96 column segments, or 238 design variables. The
using assumptions typically accepted by design codes regarding performance of the designs is discussed and compared in this sec-
section stiffness and the equal displacements approximation. tion. The same material properties and floor unit masses were used
While the AR designs had the second to highest total concrete as in the 3-story example. The same procedure for generating the
volume, this parameter was not targeted for minimization in the AR initial seismic designed was also utilized.
algorithm because steel reinforcing is generally significantly more The same two limit states that were considered in the design of
expensive than concrete. The concrete volume varied less than 20% the preceding 3-story example were adopted in this example as
from the AR design at the most. well: a SLS and a ULS. Also, the same seismic action, modeling
As can be seen in Fig. 6, the top two stories experienced very and AR algorithm as for the 3-story example was used. Fig. 8
high peak interstory drift response, reaching values of 3.74 times shows the convergence of the objective function (total steel
the allowable in the top story for R ¼ 5, verging on collapse. volume) and the MCV in percent for a recursion exponent value
The final response modification coefficient values used in the of Q ¼ 0.7 [Eq. (1) in “Step 4: Redesign Beams”]. It can be
force-based designs are shown in parentheses in Table 1. Mean seen that, as for the 3-story example, after approximately 10 iter-
peak interstory drift demands divided by target response limits, ations, the MCV decreases to below 10%. All the selected conver-
and maximum (of the four corners of the building plan) absolute gence criteria were satisfied within 20 iterations for this 6-story
values of mean peak floor total accelerations in each horizontal case.

Fig. 9. Analysis–redesign design verification results

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Table 2. Comparison of KPIs of AR Design with Those of Force-Based Designs
Design T (s) Vs (m3 ) Vc ðm3 Þ Maximum PIθ Maximum PIμc Maximum PIμb BSx=Wt BSz=Wt OTMx (kN · m) OTMz (kN · m)
AR 1.49 2.74 336 1.02 1.62 0.759 0.161 0.135 31,134 25,157
R¼1 1.19 6.19 357 1.45 1.87 0.864 0.227 0.225 52,016 51,392
R¼2 (1.6) 1.40 4.57 323 1.72 1.34 1.00 0.183 0.179 37,481 39,298
R¼3 (2.4) 1.56 3.33 307 1.77 1.83 0.98 0.160 0.152 28,212 29,587
R¼4 (2.8) 1.62 2.96 304 1.80 1.65 1.05 0.151 0.145 26,494 26,251
R¼5 (3.4) 1.68 2.54 301 3.41 4.06 1.15 0.144 0.133 28,161 23,430

concrete volumes were fairly constant, varying less than 11% from
the AR design value.
The base shear and overturning moment KPIs of the AR design
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solution were mostly between those of the force-based designs for

R ¼ 2 and 3 for the x-direction, and between R ¼ 4 and 5 for the
z-direction. These results support the claim that minimizing
strength reduces base shear and overturning moment demands
on foundations. The force-based design for R ¼ 5 collapsed during
one of the verification analyses. This explains the high (average)
PIθ values for this design. Collapse was defined as an average in-
terstory drift (over all stories) of 5%.
The maximum over all stories of the stability coefficient [θ in
ASCE 7 (ASCE 2010)] was larger than 0.1 only for the force-based
designs for R ¼ 4 and 5. The strengths of all seismic beams were
increased by a factor equal to 1=ð1 − θÞ. The parenthetical values in
Table 2 include this modification for P-delta effects. The final
response modification coefficient values used in the force-based
designs are shown in parentheses in Table 2.
Although the AR design had a steel volume very similar to the
R ¼ 3 force-based design, all of the force-based designs (except
R ¼ 1) exceeded the drift limits by more than 70% (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10. Absolute total floor accelerations and interstory drift demand– The maximum (of all four corners of the building plan) absolute
limit ratios: (a and c) x-direction; (b and d) z-direction values of mean peak floor total accelerations in each horizontal di-
rection are compared in Figs. 10(a and b) in units of gravity. From
these figures it can be seen that the AR design experienced maxi-
mum peak floor total accelerations similar to the R ¼ 5 force-based
Fig. 7 shows the final component dimensions and relative flexu- design. This is congruent with the similarity between the total steel
ral strengths (darker is stronger). Figs. 9(a–d) show that most volumes (and fundamental periods) of these two designs. However,
peripheral frames of the AR design achieved the target drift limits the drift response of the AR design achieves the target drifts for
in most of their stories for at least one of the two seismic intensities many more stories than the force-based designs.
designed for. All peripheral frames in the top story were governed
by gravity considerations. Apart from that, only two other locations
Summary and Conclusions
failed to achieve the target drift limits: the third story on Edge 1 and
the fourth story on Edge 2 of the x-direction frames. These loca- A methodology of the analysis–redesign type for the efficient seis-
tions were also governed by gravity considerations. As noted for mic design of 3D generally irregular frame structures was pre-
the 3-story case, the beam depths of these bents shown in Fig. 7 sented. The methodology aims at minimizing the total moment
are not necessarily the minimum depths because the minimum capacity of all members within interstory drift and ductility demand
gravity strengths may have been achieved with deeper beams hav- constraints. Because the methodology is very intuitive and requires
ing a smaller reinforcing steel ratio than used in the gravity design. analysis tools only, it is intended for practical use in design offices.
The large variance of the seismic column ductility demands The methodology was applied to two setback structures to dem-
shows how inefficient traditional capacity design can sometimes onstrate its utility. In both examples, the final design was achieved
be when prescribing the same column-to-beam strength ratio for with less than 20 iterations, which is manageable even though non-
all joints. The column mean peak ductility demands above their linear time-history analyses are adopted. This further highlights
bases are relatively low (all < 1.75) and are considered acceptable the applicability of the method to design offices. Considering the
in light of how well the drifts are controlled. fact that the number of design variables was as high as 238 in the
The column base and beam ductility demands are similar to the second example, the number of analyses is much smaller than what
3-story case, averaging just over half the ductility capacities. This would be required with other zero-order optimization methods
indicates a fairly efficient design overall, which achieved the de- (e.g., genetic algorithms, tabu search). As intended, the final de-
sired strong column weak beam ductile failure mechanism. signs achieved flexural strengths in beams larger than the minimum
Force-based designs were generated using the same procedure gauge only in floors for which the performance measure reached
as for the 3-story example. Table 2 and Fig. 10 summarize the the allowable. Thus, strength was assigned only where required.
results. For this 6-story case, the AR design had a steel volume The example setback structures were further designed using a
between those of the R ¼ 4 and R ¼ 5 force-based designs. Total typical force-based approach for a range of response modification

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