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!" hǎi bào - poster

"# bào zhǐ - newspaper
"$ bào míng - to sign up; to enter one's name; to apply; to register; to enroll; to enlist
"% bào gào - report
&'"%( chéng jì bào gào dān - school reports
"%) bào gào tīng - auditorium, lecture hall
*+"% kǒu tóu bào gào n. oral report, oral presentation
,*+"% zuò kǒu tóu bào gào - to give an oral report/presentation

-."% shū miàn bào gào - written report

/% guǎng gào - advertisement
/%0 (guǎng gào pái) - billboard; commercial signboard
12 (cái yì) talent and skill
23 yì shù - art
43 měi shù - art
1256 cái yì dà sài - talent show competion
1278 (cái yì zhǎn shì) Talent Show
78 zhǎn shì - to show; exhibition, showcase
79 zhǎn lǎn to put on display / to exhibit / exhibition / show
7: zhǎn chū - to put on display / to be on show / to exhibit
7; (zhǎn xiàn) to unfold before one's eyes, to present, to exhibit
7< zhǎn kāi - to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch
=7 fā zhǎn - development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand
>? shǒu jiè-- first session (of a conference etc)
@A? dì èr jiè - the second session (of a conference etc)
?B jiè shí -CBD, at the appointed time; when the time comes

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EB lín shí - temporarily, at the time when sth is needed

E......FG lín ......zhī qián - right before...
.E miàn lín - facing, to be faced with
.H miàn duì - to face, confront
IJK liú xué shēng - student studying abroad
LMNOIJK zài xiào wài guó liú xué shēng - foreign students on campus

POQR5J Zhōng guó Rén mín Dà xué - Renmin University of China

ST mèi lì - charm, glamour, enchantment, fascination, loveliness

4U měi lì - beautiful, lovely, beautifulness
VW zhǔ tí - theme, topic
XY mù dì - purpose, intent, aim, goal, objective
XYZ mù dì dì - destination
[Z mù dì - tomb
X\]^ mù biāo kè hù - target customer
]^ kè hù - client; customer
X\ mù biāo - target / goal / objective
_`a cān jiā zhě - participants
Hb duì xiàng - target, object, boy/girlfriend
_`Hb cān jiā duì xiàng - people eligible to participate
cdHb fú wù duì xiàng - the object to serve
eT néng lì - ability, capability
1f cái gàn - ability; competence
gh fēng cǎi - elegant demeanour (formal); graceful bearing
i` zēng jiā - to raise; to increase
ij zēng jìn - promote / enhance
ijkl zēng jìn gǎn qíng- improve/ enhance relationship
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`mno jiā shēn liǎo jiě - deepen understanding

H......Ypo duì ...... de lǐ jiě - understanding on...
qr jí qí - and; as well as
q jí - to reach; and
sq yǐjí as well as
qB jí shí - in time; promptly; without delay; timely
tq/tu/tC tán jí / tán qǐ / tán dào - speaking of...
Pvwx zhōng huá wén huà - Chinese culture
PvRy Zhōng huá Mín zú - the Chinese People
Pvzp zhōng huá liào lǐ - Chinese cuisine
PvQR{|O (zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó) The People's Republic Of China
}~ fēng fù - abundant, rich, plentiful
}~•€ fēng fù duō cǎi - rich and varied
~• fù yǒu rich; wealthy; richness; abound
M‚ xiào yuán - campus
M‚ƒ xiào yuán kǎ-campus ID
M‚„ xiào yuán wǎng - campus net
…† qīng chūn - youth
‡ˆ huó dòng - activity OR to move about
K‡ shēng huó - life, to live
‰Š shǒu biǎo - wristwatch
Š‹ biǎo yǎn - performance, to perform
‹: yǎn chū - performance, to perform
Š; biǎo xiàn - to show, display
Š8 biǎo shì - to express, to show, to state

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ŠŒ biǎo míng - to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to

indicate; known
Šl biǎo qíng - expression
Š• (biǎo bái) express or state clearly
Ž• nèi róng - content
•‘ lèi xíng - type
•’x duō yàng huà diversification; to diversify
“” zhòng diǎn - emphasis; focal point; priority; key; with the emphasis on; focusing on
•: tū chū - emphasise, prominent, protruding
–— shǐ yòng - to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of
˜™ fǎn yìng - to reflect, report
˜š fǎn yìng - respond, reaction
›X jié mù - program; item (on a program); CL:œ[tái] ,•,ž[tào]
›Ÿ jié rì - festival, holiday
• lèi - kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble
• (lèi bié) n. category
Ry¡¢ mín zú gē qǔ - R¡, folk songs
£¤¡¢ (liú xíng gē qǔ) Pop song
Ž•}~ nèi róng fēng fù - rich in content
¥¦ xíng shì - format, form
¥¦•’ xíng shì duō yàng - various forms
§¨ dú chàng -solo, vocal solo
©¨ hé chàng - chorus; tutti
¡¢ª¨ gē qǔ lián chàng - sing different songs(no need to be the whole song) one after another

«¬ huà jù - stage play / modern drama

-® xiàng sheng • comic dialogue; repartee

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¯° lǎng sòng - to recite aloud

,± zuò pǐn - works; writing; production; opus
²³ (yuán chuàng) original creation
²³´µ yuán chuàng shè jì - original design
¶· mó fǎng - to imitate / to copy
¸(s)......¹º¸»s¼...... can (be)..., also can (be)...
r½ qí tā - other
½Q other people, the others
¾¿ wǔ dǎo - dance
ÀÁ gōng fu-kung fu/Chinese martial arts; time
ÂÃ‹Ä qì yuè yǎn zòu - playing music instruments
ÅÆÃÇ guǎn xián yuè tuán - orchestra ÅÆÃÈ
ÅÆÃÈ guǎn xián yuè duì -orchestra ÅÉÃÇ
ÊË ān pái - to arrange; to plan; to set up; arrangement
BÌ shí jiān time; period; CL:Í[duàn]
BÎ shí dài era; age; epoch; period, times
Z” dì diǎn - place / site / location
ÏÐ jié zhǐ (v) close; stop / cut-off point / stopping point / deadline
Ñ6 bǐ sài - competition, contest, match
56 dà sài; big competition, contest
Ò6 chū sài - preliminary contest, first round of a competition
Ó6 (fù sài) semifinal; second round competition
Ô6 jué sài - (competition) finals
ÒÕ chū shì - qualifying examinationÖpreliminary exam
ÓÕ fù shì - n. second round exam/interview
.Õ miàn shì - to interview; interview (for a job or school admission)
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*Õ kǒu shì - oral test

×Õ bǐ shì - written examination
ØÙ tōng guò by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through
ØÙn.Õ passed the interview
tōng guò zhè jiàn shì ! tā yì shí dào le xué xí de zhòng yào xìng - He realised the importance
of studying through this matter.

Øã tōng zhī - notification, to inform

ä¤Øã (ling xing tong zhi) until further notice
åæ huì yì - meeting, conference
åæç huì yì shì - meeting room/ confernce room
åæPè huì yì zhōng xīn - conference center

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