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Oral Communication

Presented To
Presented By

1. Alex (Melvin) - An American business professional

2. Mei (Ana May)- A Chinese business professional
3. Maria (Annicah) - A Brazilian business professional
4. Hassan (Jimmy) - A Middle Eastern business

Narrator: Sherlyn Tiozon


Melvin Dela Torre

Ana May Bayes
Annicah Eiya Jolan
Jimmy Basinang
Ethel Baltar
Rysan John Macoco
Erica Villano
Sherlyn Dumali

A conference room in an international business
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication


Scene 1: The Introduction

Narrator [Alex, Mei, Maria, and Hassan sit around a

conference table.]

Alex: (Smiling) Hello, everyone! I'm Alex from the

United States. It's great to meet you all.

Mei: (Nodding) Ni hao! I'm Mei from China. Nice to

meet you, Alex.

Maria: (Warmly) Oi! I'm Maria from Brazil. Pleasure

to meet you both.

Hassan: (Friendly) Marhaba! I'm Hassan from the

Middle East. Good to be here.
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication

Scene 2: Misunderstanding

Narrator [Alex begins talking about a recent project.]

Alex: So, in our project, we need to meet tight deadlines,

which means working long hours if necessary.

Mei: (Surprised) Long hours? But work-life balance is

essential in China. We prefer to avoid overtime.

Maria: (Nodding) Yes, in Brazil, we value our personal

time as well. Long hours may lead to burnout.

Hassan: (Agreeing) In the Middle East, we also prioritize

work-life balance. We usually work smart rather than

Alex: (Realizing) I see. I didn't consider that. Let's find a

compromise that respects everyone's values.
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication

Scene 3: Non-verbal Communication

Narrator [Alex notices Mei's facial expression

during a meeting.]

Alex: Mei, I noticed you looked concerned

during the meeting. Is there something you'd
like to share?

Mei: (Smiling) Oh, it's just a cultural thing. In

China, we sometimes use non-verbal cues to
express agreement or disagreement. I'm
learning to adapt to a more direct
communication style.

Alex: (Understanding) Thanks for letting me

know. I'll keep that in mind.
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication

Scene 4: Decision-Making Styles

Narrator [Alex, Mei, Maria, and Hassan discuss a

critical decision.]

Maria: (Excited) I think we should make this decision

quickly and take some risks. That's how we do it in

Hassan: (Cautious) In the Middle East, we tend to

take our time with decisions, considering all
possibilities and risks.

Mei: (Thoughtful) In China, we often seek consensus

and avoid hasty decisions.

Alex: (Balancing) I suggest we take the time to

consider options but be open to some calculated
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication

Scene 5: Building Trust

Narrator [Alex proposes team-building activities.]

Alex: To build trust within our team, I thought we

could have team-building activities.

Mei: (Curious) That sounds interesting. In China,

trust is crucial for business relationships.

Maria: (Enthusiastic) In Brazil, we love team-building

activities. It brings us closer.

Hassan: (Open-minded) In the Middle East, trust is

built through personal connections. I'm willing to

Alex: (Appreciative) Great! Let's combine our cultural

values to strengthen our team.
Title: "Bridging Cultures: An
Intercultural Communication
Scene 6: Conclusion

Narrator [Alex, Mei, Maria, and Hassan wrap up the


Alex: (Smiling) This has been a productive meeting. I

appreciate our diverse perspectives.

Mei: (Grateful) Yes, it's been eye-opening. I look

forward to working together effectively.

Maria: (Optimistic) I'm excited about our team's

potential. Our differences can be our strength.

Hassan: (Respectful) I agree. Let's continue to learn

from each other and succeed together.

Narrator [They leave the conference room, ready to

embrace the opportunities of intercultural

[End of roleplay script]

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