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Tran Thi Thuy Tien

HCM City, 05/2022

No.: 36-CLC




Student name : Tran Thi Thuy Tien

Student ID : 1852787
Supervisor : Lai Van Tai
Number : 36-CLC

HCM City, 05/2022

HCMC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Independence – Freedom – Happiness
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Ref No.: 36-CLC/ BKĐT


DEPARTMENT: Marketing and Management

1. Title:

2. Thesis assignment (requirements for content and data):

(1) Identify factors affecting customer satisfaction for Shopee.

(2) Measure, analyze, evaluate the level of each factor, and consider their impact on customer satisfaction for

(3) Propose appropriate recommendations for influencing factors to improve the satisfaction of nationwide
consumers for Shopee.

3. Date of assignment: 17/01/2022

4. Date of completion: 15/05/2022
5. Supervisor’s full name: Advised on:
1/ LAI VAN TAI M.B.A 100%

The proposal is approved by the School/ Department

…. /.... / ........
(Sign and write full name) (Sign and write full name)


Approved by (initially examined by):
Department :
Date of defense:
Total mark:
Stored at:
The author is very grateful to his advisor, Mr. Lai Van Tai who has been monitoring,
passionately guiding, and supporting the author throughout the process of making this
thesis. Thanks to his guidance, the author was capable of completing this thesis on time
and in compliance with the department's requirements.
The author also would like to express the appreciation to the instructors, lecturers at
HCMC University of Technology. Especially the lecturers in the Industrial Management
Department, who have directly taught and provided the author with valuable knowledge
and significant skills during all the time studying at the university.
Furthermore, the authors are thankful to the interviewees, experts, and friends for their
assistance, feedback, and suggestions on constructing the questionnaire, collecting data,
and revising the thesis structure.
Despite putting a lot of attempts to complete the paper, the author admits that there are
still limitations and mistakes in the thesis. The author would welcome all the comments
and suggestions to adjust the paper.

Ho Chi Minh City, 5th of May 2022

Your sincerely,
Tran Thi Thuy Tien

Nowadays, e-commerce is a very potential market, so there is fierce competition
between e-commerce platforms and Shopee is currently the leading e-commerce
platform in Vietnam. However, in contrast to that, customer satisfaction for Shopee is
not high, and is unappreciated compared to domestic competitors. With this momentum,
Shopee may be in danger of losing its lead. Therefore, this study was conducted to
initially identify the factors affecting customer satisfaction with Shopee, then measure,
analyze and evaluate the level of each factor and consider their impact, thereby, propose
relevant recommendations for influencing factors to increase Shopee's nationwide
consumer satisfaction.
The approach of the study consisted of 2 methods: First, the original research was
conducted through group interviews with 5 experts with experience of working and
shopping at Shopee and other e-commerce platforms. and 2 people sold and bought
products on Shopee platform. Second, the main study was carried out by quantitative
method with 220-sample survey questionnaire used to evaluate and confirm the research
model through data analysis methods such as Reliability Analysis Cronbach' Alpha,
EFA, Multilinear Regression Analysis and One-way ANOVA.
The results of the model analysis showed that six independent variables had positive
affect on dependent variable customer satisfaction for Shopee and had the following
effects from highest to lowest, respectively: Trust, Customer Service, Security and
Privacy, Website Design, Delivery Procedure and Ease of use. When comparing the
results with previous studies in chapter 2, the author found that there are similarities
with the results of the study on customer satisfaction of e-service in Taiwan, a country
also in Asia that Trust plays an important role and affects significantly on customer
satisfaction. In contrast, the variable Ease of use has the lowest effect on Shopee's
customer satisfaction while being the second most influential factor in the context of the
Digikala in Iran trading platform. Regarding the test of differences, the results show that
there is no statistically significant difference between different customer groups in the
satisfaction of using shopping services at Shopee.
In addition, regarding the test of differences, the results show that there is no statistically
significant difference between different customer groups in the satisfaction of using
shopping services at Shopee.
Due to limited time and resources, this study still has certain shortcomings. However,
based on the obtained results, recommendations are proposed and discussed to improve
the influencing factors for Shopee's customer satisfaction. This can help Shopee in
enhancing service quality and making their consumers more satisfied.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ iii
ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT .......................................................................................1
1.2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES .....................................................................................3
1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY .........................................................................................3
1.4. RESEARCH METHOD ...........................................................................................3
1.4.1 Preliminary qualitative method: .............................................................................3
1.4.2 Quantitative method: ..............................................................................................4
1.5. SIGNIFICANT OF THE RESEARCH ....................................................................4
1.6 THESIS STRUCTURE .............................................................................................4
1.7 CONCLUSION OF THE CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................5
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................... 6
2.1 DEFINITION OF STUDIED CONCEPTS ...............................................................6
2.1.1 E-commerce definition: ..........................................................................................6
2.1.2. The concept of satisfaction: ...................................................................................6
2.2 FOUNDATIONAL THEORY ..................................................................................7
2.2.1 Consumer Behavior Model.....................................................................................7
2.2.2 SERVQUAL & SERVPERF MODEL ...................................................................8
2.2.3 E-SERVQUAL .......................................................................................................8
2.3 PREVIOUS STUDY .................................................................................................9
IRAN (Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov, 2018) ....................................................................9
2.3.2 Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping (Gwo-Guang Lee,
Hsiu-Fen Lin, 2005) ......................................................................................................11

Minh Chau, 2014).......................................................................................................... 13
2.4 PROPOSED RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS .................................... 15
2.4.1 Summary of factors affecting the customer satisfaction for Shopee ................... 15
2.4.2. Proposed Research Model ................................................................................... 16
2.4.3 Hypothesis ............................................................................................................ 17
2.5 PROPOSED MEASUREMENT SCALE ............................................................... 20
2.6 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ............................................................................. 21
3.1. RESEARCH PROCESS ......................................................................................... 21
3.2. RESEARCH DESIGN ........................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Initial study ........................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Questionnaire Design ........................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Pilot Study ............................................................................................................ 27
3.2.4 Main research ....................................................................................................... 27
3.3 SAMPLE DESIGN ................................................................................................. 27
3.3.1 Sample description: .............................................................................................. 27
3.3.2 Selecting sample ................................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Sample size ........................................................................................................... 27
3.4 DATA ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 28
3.4.1 Testing the reliability of a scale (Cronbach ‘alpha coefficient) ........................... 28
3.4.2 EFA Analysis ....................................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 Correlation analysis .............................................................................................. 29
3.4.4 Multiple regression analysis ................................................................................. 29
3.5 CONCLUSION OF THE CHAPTER 3 .................................................................. 30
CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH OUTCOME .................................................................. 31
4.1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ............................................................... 31
4.1.1 Descriptive statistics for demographic variables .................................................. 31
4.1.2 Descriptive statistic of independent and dependent variables: ............................ 35
4.2 TESTING THE RELIABILITY OF SCALES: ...................................................... 37
4.3 EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS .............................................................. 39
4.3.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis for independent variables ....................................... 39
4.3.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis for dependent variable ........................................... 42
4.4 ADJUST RESEARCH MODEL SUMMARY .......................................................43
4.5 LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS ....................................................................43
4.5.1 Correlation analysis ..............................................................................................44
4.5.2 Multiple linear regression analysis .......................................................................45
4.6 HYPOTHESIS SUMMARY ...................................................................................48
4.7 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND T TEST ..........................................................49
4.7.1 ANOVA analysis of gender variable ....................................................................49
4.7.2 ANOVA analysis of age variable .........................................................................49
4.7.3 ANOVA analysis of academic level variable.......................................................50
4.7.4 ANOVA analysis of monthly income variable ....................................................50
4.8 FINDING DISCUSSION ........................................................................................51
4.9 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 4 ...........................................................................52
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 53
5.1 RESEARCH SUMMARY.......................................................................................53
5.2 IMPLICATION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................54
5.2.1. Increase Customer’s Trust ...................................................................................54
5.2.2. Improve Customer Service ..................................................................................54
5.2.3. Improve Delivery Procedure ...............................................................................55
5.2.4. Optimizing the Website Design...........................................................................56
5.2.5 Enhance Security and Privacy ..............................................................................56
5.2.6 Simplify the procurement processes (Ease of use):..............................................57
5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH ..................................................................58
5.4. FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTION .................................................................58
5.5 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 5 ...........................................................................59
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 60
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................. 64
APPENDIX A: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENT SCALE .............................................64
APPENDIX B: RESULT OF THE INITIAL STUDY .................................................68
APPENDIX C: NEW MEASUREMENT SCALE .......................................................76
BEHAVIOUR VARIABLES ........................................................................................88

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis

KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

Table 2. 1: Summary of previous studies relating to factors impacting on customer
satisfaction for Shopee. ................................................................................................. 16
Table 3. 1: List of interviewees .................................................................................... 23
Table 4. 1: Frequency statistics of demographic variables .......................................... 31
Table 4. 2: Descriptive statistic of independent variables ............................................ 35
Table 4. 3: Descriptive statistic of dependent variables ............................................... 36
Table 4. 4: The result of Cronbach’s alpha reliability test for independent and dependent
variables......................................................................................................................... 37
Table 4. 5: KMO and Bartlett's Test for independent factors version 1 ...................... 39
Table 4. 6: Rotated Component Matrix of independent variables version 1 ............... 39
Table 4. 7: KMO and Bartlett's Test for independent factors version 3 – final version
....................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 4. 8: Rotated Component Matrix of independent variables version 3 ............... 41
Table 4. 13: Linear regression analysis – ANOVA ..................................................... 46
Table 4. 14: Linear regression analysis – coefficients version 1 ................................. 46
Table 4. 15: Linear regression analysis – coefficients version 2 ................................. 47
Table 4. 16: Summary of hypothesis ............................................................................ 48
Table 4. 18: ANOVA test results of gender variable ................................................... 49
Table 4. 19: Test of homogeneity of age variances ...................................................... 49
Table 4. 22: ANOVA test results of academic level variable ...................................... 50
Table 4. 23: Test of homogeneity of monthly income variances ................................. 50
Table 4. 24: ANOVA test results of monthly income variable .................................... 51

Figure 2. 1: Consumer Beavior Model (Kotler &Armstrong, 2012) .............................7
Figure 2. 2: The model of Giti Irantaj and Farid Huseynov research (2018) ...............10
Figure 2. 3: The model of Gwo-Guang Lee, Hsiu-Fen Lin research (2005) ...............12
Figure 2. 4: The model of Pham Minh Chau research (2014)......................................14
Figure 2. 5: Proposed model.........................................................................................17
Figure 3. 1: The research process .................................................................................21
Figure 4. 1:Frequency statistics results of Gender .......................................................32
Figure 4. 2: Frequency statistics results of Age ...........................................................33
Figure 4. 3: Frequency statistics results of Academic Level........................................34
Figure 4. 4: Frequency statistics results of Monthly Income .......................................35

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1 gives an overview of the reason for the research topic “Researching Factor
affecting Customer Satisfaction for Shopee”. In addition, this chapter also introduces
the practical problems, the research objectives, implications of the research, scope of
the study, research method, and the thesis structure.


Practical Problem and Topic Rationale

E-commerce is always a potential market. In particular, in the past year when the
pandemic changed the way the world operates, and the number of e - banking has
become an integral part of the life of consumers and the world of business, the global
ecommerce and Vietnam ecommerce are more explosive. In the Southeast Asia E-
commerce 2020 reported by Google, Temasek and Bain & Company, Vietnam's e-
commerce in 2020 alone increased by 16% and reached 14 billion USD in size with 49,3
million of users in 2020. This report also forecasts that the industry's growth will reach
52 billion USD by 2025. Such impressive numbers are partly due to Vietnam's young
population, especially Gen Z is quite familiar with online shopping and online payment.
So, despite the pandemic and the surrounding changes, revenue on e-commerce
platforms in Vietnam still increased strongly. In Vietnam, Shopee and Lazada are the
two leading e-commerce sites. Specifically, in the first quarter of 2018, Lazada was the
leading e-commerce site in Vietnam in terms of monthly traffic (MAU), with nearly
42.5 million. By the first quarter of 2019, Shopee rose to the top with 40.7 million MAU
while Lazada was ranked 3rd, only 29 million, according to Iprice's data.
Despite the remarkable development in both quantity and quality, e-commerce still has
limitations such as difficulty in product quality management, information security
issues, personal security, etc. Therefore, the rate of uninstalling e-commerce
applications in Vietnam is also the highest in Southeast Asia, up to 49% in the 2nd
quarter 2020 (IPrice Group and AppsFlyer). Not stopping there, through Nielsen's
survey of Vietnam's e-commerce industry indexes, this unit conducted a survey with
users of the four leading e-commerce platforms in Vietnam today, Tiki, Lazada, Shopee
and Sendo for a total of 516 respondents to the survey. The results show that the
satisfaction index of online shopping users in Vietnam has never exceeded 65% from
October 2019 to January 2020. Specifically, Tiki is currently an e-commerce platform
with a high level of satisfaction with the number of good reviewers, accounting for at
least 60% and 65%. Meanwhile, Shopee although has recently risen to the top of e-
commerce platforms in Vietnam, but only 57% of respondents are satisfied with the
service provided by this e-commerce platform.
The level of customer satisfaction when using Shopee is still limited when compared to
other competitors. First of all, the high competition on this platform leads to complexity
and unfair competition from sellers and Shopee currently has no measures to limit this
problem. Vendors open many booths, create virtual interactions, sell poor quality items,
create prices to devalue, etc., causing confusion for customers. Shopee also does not
stand to check and ensure the quality of goods, so the situation of fake goods, imitation
Chapter 1: Introduction

goods, poor quality goods is not uncommon, so the reliability of customers is not high.
By contrast, this is done very well by Tiki, the product that wants to be listed for sale
needs to go through censorship, ensure its origin and quality, and be in the list of goods
circulated on the market, creating credibility for the buyer. Another factor that makes
customers must consider when buying on Shopee is that the Shopee customer care
switchboard has not been fully effective, mainly buyers negotiate and contact the seller
in the “Chat with the shop” while Lazada has both “Chat with Lazada” and “Chat with
the shop owner”. The customer care service in Lazada is quite good due to having a
clear policy to protect the interests of consumers. Besides, Tiki also has the best
customer support call center and email for handling returns and complaints.
Through market surveys, there are many cases where customers evaluate Shopee's
complaint handling as very unprofessional. In which, there are typical cases such as the
nickname Nguyen Van Tien reflected on social networks for his buying two Samsung
phones that are faulty and cannot be used on Shopee. After informing Shopee about this
problem, Shopee’s staff canceled the order by himself and said that he could not
intervene and asked him to contact the shop himself to exchange it, but until half a month
later, Mr. Tien still has not been resolved. The lack of a customer protection policy also
leads to forms of fraud, such as recently, the administrator of a user forum passionate
about smart technology devices in Hanoi had to warn members about the signs scam of
a shop on Shopee. With the method of selling products at extremely cheap prices, after
customers place an order and provide a delivery address, this store cancels the order and
hires an outside shipping company, not under Shopee unit to deliver "fake" goods, even
just trash, scrap paper to customers and collect money. After the customers opened the
goods and discovered that they had been cheated, they could only cry out because they
didn't know where to go to get their money back. Not only that, Shopee's delivery service
also causes customers many disadvantages. When placing an order on Shopee, the
customer will be split into many sellers and bear the shipping fee of each seller. In
particular, this fee is calculated by the delivery companies according to each item size
and delivery distance, so it is quite complicated. In contrast, Tiki's shipping fee is
calculated by order, and it is possible to combine many items of many different sellers
to order at once and charge only one shipping fee for this order. In addition, when buying
a Tikinow membership package, buyers will receive free shipping on all orders
regardless of item or seller. Furthermore, there are still many complaints that customers
reflect when using services at Shopee through AppStore and GooglePlay.
From the above examples, it can be seen that the field of e-commerce is a fast-growing
field with high competition, so research and development in this field is very necessary
and potential. And although Shopee is one of the e-commerce platforms in the top of the
most used e-commerce platforms in Vietnam thanks to a diverse number of goods,
customer satisfaction is disproportionate and unappropriated compared to other
competitors. Besides, on AppStore/ Play Store browsers, there are more and more
negative reflections on Shopee's services and customers tend to want to turn away from
this e-commerce platform. Moreover, in the situation that other e-commerce platforms
are increasingly developing and expanding in number, diversifying products, finding
ways to approach and expand their customer base, it has created a large competitive
pressure in the market. If Shopee does not make continuous improvements in service
quality, it will be in danger of losing its leading position. Therefore, it is very important
Chapter 1: Introduction

for researching the factors affecting customer satisfaction for Shopee, so that Shopee
can improve its service quality and increase the satisfaction of its consumer in order to
maintain its brand position and increase its competitiveness in the volatile and fiercely
competitive e-commerce market.


This study was conducted to identify and measure the factors affecting customer
satisfaction when shopping and using services on the Shopee e-commerce platform
nationwide to find out the level of customer satisfaction with the service quality of this
e-commerce platform, and at the same time help Shopee to improve the quality and
competitive factor in the market.
The objectives of the research are:
- Identify factors affecting customer satisfaction for Shopee.
- Measure, analyze, evaluate the level of each factor, and consider their impact on
customer satisfaction for Shopee.
- Thereby, propose appropriate recommendations for influencing factors to improve the
satisfaction of nationwide consumers for Shopee.


- Scope of the study: The scope of the research is done on a national scale because
Shopee is now a very popular e-commerce platform and has several consumers evenly
distributed across three regions of Vietnam. In addition, the research is carried out
mainly in the online form, so it is necessary and appropriate to expand the scope of the
research. As a result, research can reach a large number of consumers as well as ensure
diversity and objectivity for this research. The study will be conducted over a period of
16 weeks from 1st January 2022 to 30th April 2022.
- Research subject: The object of this study are the factors that affect customer
satisfaction when shopping or using services on the Shopee ecommerce platform.
- Respondents: For this study, the respondents are individuals who have purchased or
used services on the Shopee e-commerce platform.


1.4.1 Preliminary qualitative method:

Based on theory to build a proposed research model, identify observed variables to build
a questionnaire, consult with experts in the field of e-commerce, especially from those
who are knowledgeable about Shopee or have worked/are on the staff at this e-
commerce platform about research methods to identify research problems, research
questions, research methods, etc. research methods, research orientation, as well as to
reinforce the accuracy of the scales in the process of designing the survey, from which
the researcher has a basis to revise and complete the questionnaire. Therefore,

Chapter 1: Introduction

preliminary qualitative method is a method used to obtain a complete questionnaire in

order to serve the quantitative research process afterward.

1.4.2 Quantitative method:

The quantitative method is the main method used in this research in order to check and
adjust the appropriateness of the questionnaire and research hypotheses through the pilot
study. Besides quantitative method is used to conduct data processing by using SPSS
software version 20 to:
- Describe data and present data through statistical tables, charts, graphs.
- Measure the reliability of the scale by Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient, type
variables with low total correlation.
- Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to compact, re-test the scale and
for inclusion in linear (multiple) regression analysis procedures.
- Regression analysis and model fit test to determine the
Factors affecting customer satisfaction when shopping online.
- T-test, ANOVA to determine the difference in the assessment of
adapted to target groups.
- Test hypotheses according to the research model of the topic.


In today's fiercely competitive market economy, the customer-centric business concept

has become the motto of every business in any field. Therefore, the customer's feedback
on the service they experience is really the most important measure for each business.
The research results will contribute to helping Shopee and other managers and
businesses have a more complete and accurate view of the factors affecting customer
satisfaction for the e-commerce industry in the Vietnam market. Thereby, giving some
suggestions have been proposed to help businesses improve the negative aspects,
promote the positive aspects to improve customer satisfaction, strengthen business
reputation, and retain more customers loyal customers as well as attracting more
potential customers, creating a competitive advantage in the context of e-commerce
which is very developed and fierce competition in Vietnam today. At the same time, the
improvement and enhancement of Shopee's online retail quality will also contribute to
strongly promoting the development of online services, gradually bringing online
shopping on this e-commerce platform to customers. closer to people's daily life in order
to save a lot of cost, time and in line with the trends of the times. In addition, this study
can also be used as a reference for further studies on online customer satisfaction with a
larger scale.


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION - The chapter includes the overview of the Vietnam

e-commerce market, this will determine the problem of the research and from that, the
Chapter 1: Introduction

author presents the meaning of the research, research objectives and questions, scale,
and scope of the research as well as the method and progress of the research.
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW - This chapter consists of concept review,
previous studies, theories, hypothesis, and proposed model. In addition, the chapter also
provides an overview of theoretical basis, research model related to customer
satisfaction for ecommerce platform.
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - In this chapter, the author proposes a
research model based on theory and practice, has explored, and posed research
hypotheses. At the same time, it presents research methods, research processes, and
builds scales to measure research concepts. This chapter will build a questionnaire with
complete scales to collect data for official research.
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS - This chapter focuses on the use of SPSS 20.0
software for data analysis, including descriptive statistics of survey samples; using
Cronbach's Alpha reliability tool and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to test the
reliability and calibrate the scales; then conduct correlation analysis and multiple
regression, test the research hypotheses, and complete the research model for the topic.
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION - This chapter will summarize the research results and
propose some solutions to increase customer satisfaction for Shopee e-commerce
platform. At the same time, the limitations of the study and directions for future research
are highlighted.


Chapter 1 has described the research background, research objectives, scope and
significance of the research, suggested thesis structure, and schedule for implementing
the thesis. Then, chapter 2 will go over the topics that have been researched, as well as
foundational theories and previous studies, before providing a research model and

Chapter 2: Literature Review


Chapter 2 examines the research literature, including certain concepts, hypotheses, and
previous studies, in order to suggest a research model. The model used in this study was
based on a well-known theory for the most part.


2.1.1 E-commerce definition:

E Commerce is the act of delivering goods, service, information and making a purchase
through electronic devices that connect to the internet (Turban et al., 2006). According
to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam: E-commerce is a form of commercial
activities by electronic methods. Exchange of electronic information through electronic
means without having to print paper at any stage of the transaction process. According
to The World Trade Organization (WTO), the term ‘electronic commerce’ is defined as
“the production, distribution, marketing, sale, or delivery of products and services via
electronic means.” Furthermore, according to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC), electronic commerce (Ecommerce) refers to the electronic exchange of goods
and services between parties, primarily through open Internet-based systems, in which
the parties interact electronically rather than through physical exchange or contact. A
wide range of communication technologies including e -mail, Internet, Intranet and
Extranet can be used to support electronic commerce. According to the European Union
(EU), e-commerce is the trading of products or services through computer networks
such as the internet using techniques particularly developed for receiving or placing
orders. Depending on whether an organization receives or puts orders, it may be
separated into e-commerce sales (e-sales) and e-commerce purchases (e-purchases).

2.1.2. The concept of satisfaction:

There are different definitions of customer satisfaction. According to Oliver (1997),

satisfaction is the consumer's response to the satisfaction of wants. According to
Woodruff (1997), satisfaction is defined as a generally positive or negative feeling about
the true value of a service received from a supplier. Hansemark and Albisson (2004)
argue that customer satisfaction is a customer's overall attitude towards a service
provider, or an emotional response to the difference between what the customer
anticipates and what they receive, for the fulfillment of some need, goal, or desire.
According to Vo Khanh Toan (2008), customer satisfaction is the evaluation, feeling
about a product or service that has met the customer's needs and expectations. According
to Lin & Sun (2009), satisfaction is a measure of experience related to customers'
evaluations of their past purchases and their shopping experiences. In general, customer
satisfaction is the fact that customers, based on their understanding and expectations of
a product or service before consumption, form subjective evaluations or judgments after
consuming them. use the product or service. Satisfaction level depends on the difference
between received results and expectations: If actual results are lower than expectations,
customers are not satisfied, if actual results match expectations, customers will be

Chapter 2: Literature Review

satisfied, if the actual result is higher than the expectation then the customer is satisfied
or satisfied. In addition, when applying the term 'customer satisfaction' to online
shopping, Hemon and Whitwan (2001) argue that "Online customer satisfaction is the
feedback that customers receive when using online services". According to Myers and
Mintu-Wimsatt (2003), "Online shopping satisfaction stems from online shopping
satisfaction and customer experience".


2.2.1 Consumer Behavior Model

The consumer buying decision process takes place through the following stages:
- Need awareness: The first stage of the buying process, when the consumer becomes
aware of the problem, the need for a particular product.
- Information search: Consumers can learn about products through information sources
(Personal information sources, popular sources, commercial sources or from personal
- Evaluation of alternatives: Consumers will use the information obtained to evaluate
the options for the final choice.
- Decision to buy: After evaluating the options, the consumer will choose the product
that they think is the best. Where will they buy? How many? What kind?
- Post-purchase behavior: Consumer behavior towards whether to use or not to use the
product in the future.

Figure 2. 1: Consumer Beavior Model (Kotler &Armstrong, 2012)

The model of consumer behavior (Kotler &Armstrong, 2012) shows a close connection
between three main processes when purchasing: pre-purchase, purchase decision and
after-purchase of customers. When the above two processes focus on the customer's
need awareness, information, and evaluation before buying, thereby leading to the
purchase decision, the post-acquisition process directly affects customer loyalty. For
Businesses. Customer loyalty determines whether consumers continue to use or not use
a product in the future, so it plays an extremely important role for any business. In which,

Chapter 2: Literature Review

customer satisfaction factor is also one of the key factors on whether they are loyal and
continue to buy or not. If the customer is satisfied, they will continue to use it in the
future and tend to let those around them know about the product. If not satisfied, the
customer will not continue to use and may tell the defects of the product to others.


Service quality measurement models SERVQUAL and SERVPERF When the

SERVQUAL scale (Parasuraman et al., 1988) was published, there were debates about
how to best measure service quality. Nearly two decades later, many researchers have
tried to prove the effectiveness of the SERVQUAL scale. The SERVQUAL scale set
aims to measure the perception of service through five service quality components,
including: reliability, responsiveness, service capacity (assurance), empathy and
tangible. The scale set is divided into two halves, each with 22 statements. The first
section seeks to ascertain the customer's expectations regarding the business's service
type in general. That is, regardless of the business, the respondents expressed a strong
demand for that service. The second section tries to find out how customers feel about
the questioned company's service performance. According to the SERVQUAL model,
Service quality is determined as follows:
Service quality = Perceived level – Expected value.
It is confirmed that SERVQUAL is a reliable and accurate service quality measurement
instrument (Parasuraman et al., 1988; 1991; 1993) and that this scale has been widely
used (Buttle, 1996; Robinson, 1999). However, the use of distance and quality models
as a basis for assessing service quality is also controversial (Carmen, 1990; Babakus &
Boller, 1992; Cronin & Taylor, 1992). Cronin and Taylor (1992) with the SERVPERF
model, said that the perceived level of customers towards the service performance of
the business best reflects the service quality. According to SERVPERF model: Service
quality = Perceived level. This conclusion has been agreed by other authors such as Lee
et al. (2000), Brady et al. (2002). The SERVPERF scale also uses 22 items similar to
the question about customer feelings in the SERVQUAL model, omitting the question
about expectations.


E-S-QUAL, created by Parasuraman et al. (2005) and used in this study, is a more
complete method since it allows for the evaluation of both pre- and post-e-service
quality characteristics. Furthermore, the E-S-QUAL dimensions were created by
analyzing data supplied by qualified respondents with extensive online purchasing
experience. E-S-QUAL therefore gives more representative information in terms of e-
service quality as compared to other research that employed convenience samples of
students (Kim et al., 2006).
The four dimensions of E-S-QUAL are as follows:
1. Efficiency: In e-commerce, the simplicity and speed with which a site may be
accessed and used is critical, because convenience and time savings are often cited as
the primary reasons for purchasing online (Ranganathan and Ganapathy, 2002).

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2. Fulfillment: the extent the site follows through on its claims concerning order delivery
and item availability. Because honoring service promises and correct order fulfillment
are parts of service quality that contribute to client pleasure or discontent, it is one of
the most important variables for judging the quality of an online business (Yang and
Fang, 2004).
3. System availability: The site's technical functionality is correct. When customers
make a purchase or simply browse your online store, malfunctions such as broken
buttons or missing links might frustrate them and cause them to leave. As a result, the
shop misses out on a chance to boost consumer loyalty (Wachter, 2002).
4. Privacy: The site's level of security and protection of consumer information. Many
consumers are still hesitant to purchase things via the internet because of the possibility
of personal information being misused. Online merchants are growing more aware of
the necessity of protecting their customers' personal information (Ranganathan and
Ganapathy, 2002). Customer happiness (Szymanski and Hise, 2000) and overall site
quality have all been demonstrated to be influenced by privacy (Loiacono et al., 2002).
(Yoo and Donthu, 2001).


Since the inception of e-commerce, researchers have conducted numerous studies to

better understand the concept of customer satisfaction, the various variables by which
customers are satisfied, and the perception of the difficulties that cause low repurchase
intention and, as a result, prevent the development of online shopping (Jarvenpaa &
Todd 1997). Previous research has suggested several models for customer satisfaction,
and many of them have attempted to determine elements that influence consumer


IRAN (Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov, 2018)

In this research paper, the research took place at Digikala Company, which is one of the
biggest Iranian B2C e-commerce platforms. The purpose of the study is to investigate
the main factors affecting the level of customer satisfaction in this trading platform and
also explore their relationships and the influencing extent in one of Iranian e-commerce
platforms. Research was carried out through different steps including qualitative
implication and quantitative data collection and online survey application was carried
out to assess and evaluate the factors affecting customer satisfaction. Through utilizing
a questionnaire as an assessment instrument, data were collected from customers of
Digikala Company and then were analyzed to finalize the results. To efficiently reach
the target group, a survey was distributed online via email through the questionnaire
with the items based on a 5-point Likert scale to a total 450 selected customers who
were asked to fill the questionnaire customers by email in November of 2017 and out of
these, there were 421 collected questionnaires. Based on the research by Molla and
Licker (2001), which is applied to the SERVQUAL model, the research by Hila Ludin
and Cheng (2014), which is applied to the E SERVQUAL model and many other studies

Chapter 2: Literature Review

from China, Saudi Arabia,...The author has come to the model with the following 6
independent variables: (1) Website Design, (2) Information Quality, (3) Website
Usability, (4) Order Fulfillment Quality, (5) Security and Privacy and (6) Trust.

Figure 2. 2: The model of Giti Irantaj and Farid Huseynov research (2018)

Research results show a positive impact of observed variables on customer satisfaction
at Digikala e-commerce platform. Therefore, all six factors are accepted and have a
significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. Based on influence, these six
variables can be ordered from most to least as follows: Security and Privacy, Website
Usability, Order Fulfillment Quality, Information Quality, Website Design and Trust.
The research conclusion indicates that Security and Privacy are taken seriously, and
Website Usability is considered as the most influential aspects that make them satisfied.
Other factors including order Fulfillment Quality, Information Quality, Website Design
and Reliability should also be considered as these factors aid in Customer Satisfaction
leading to their satisfaction at e-commerce platforms.
The research is mainly based on Parasuraman's E-SERVQUAL scale when using factors
such as Order Fulfillment Quality, Security & Privacy (Parasuraman et al. 2005) and
adding the variable Trust in the GAP model (Parasuraman et al. 1988). Besides, by
referring to many other studies, the author has added a number of factors to the model.
Newly added factors include Website Design, Website Usability and Information
Quality. Through the research, these variables have been shown to have a positive
impact on customer satisfaction. In addition, there are a number of studies supporting
these influencing factors. As for the Website Design variable, in the research paper on
Impact of Website Quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in the context of B2C
Chapter 2: Literature Review

e-commerce (Lin, 2007), it was emphasized that “the quality of a website in terms of
design and information presented are important factors affecting customer satisfaction
in B2C e-commerce” or "design and graphic features of the website derived it the first
visit from website." (Bai et al. 2008). As for the Information Quality variable, ''the
quality of the information presented on the website is one of the most important factors
influencing B2C e-commerce and plays an important role in customer satisfaction.
customers." (Chen and Dubinsky, 2003). The Website Usability variable is also a
common variable in studies of online retail and e-commerce. However, the phrase
''Website Usability'' will be changed to ''Ease of use'' for a more comprehensive meaning
and suitable with the observed variables. Besides, this phrase is also more common in
the scales of previous studies such as Yoo and Donthu (2001), Yang and Jun (2003,
2004), ...
In summary, almost all variables in this study are accepted and have a positive impact
on customer satisfaction. Therefore, almost all these variables remain the same
including Website Design, Information Quality, order Fulfillment Quality, Trust and
Security and Privacy. Moreover, to improve the scale and ensure the accuracy of the
scale, in this study, the Website Usability will be changed to the term of ‘Ease of use’.

2.3.2 Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping (Gwo-Guang

Lee, Hsiu-Fen Lin, 2005)

The study was conducted in Taiwan to study the customer's perception of the quality
of electronic services in online shopping through understanding the factors affecting
customer satisfaction when shopping on different platforms. online platform to
examine how e-service quality dimensions affect overall service quality, customer
satisfaction, and purchase intention. At the same time, it provides a valuable reference
for managers of online stores, as well as for researchers interested in internet
marketing. The study was carried out based on Parasuraman's original SERVQUAL
model, however the author made some modifications based on the online shopping
context and to see how the e-service quality dimensions affect overall service quality,
customer satisfaction and purchase intention. To demonstrate the utility of the research
model a total of 305 questionnaires were delivered to senior year undergraduate
students attending an e-commerce course at St. John's and St. Mary's Institute of
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan and collected 297 satisfactory answer sheets for the
research. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to check the reliability
and validity of the measurement model, and structural equation modeling (SEM)
technique was used to test the research model, supported by LISREL 8.3 software.
After synthesis and reference from other studies, the research model was proposed
with 5 factors: (1) Website Design, (2) Reliability, (3) Responsiveness, (4) Trust and
(5) Personalization.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure 2. 3: The model of Gwo-Guang Lee, Hsiu-Fen Lin research (2005)

The analytical results showed that the dimensions of Website Design, Reliability,
Responsiveness, and Trust affect positively on the customer satisfaction and are
accepted while the factor Personalization is not a significant predictor of overall service
quality and customer satisfaction for online stores and have been removed. Based on the
influence, these variables can be ordered from most to least as follows: Trust,
Reliability, Responsiveness and Website Design. Trust and Reliability most strongly
affected overall service quality and customer satisfaction for online stores. The
dimension of Responsiveness mildly affected customer satisfaction and although
Website Design had only a minor effect on customer satisfaction in this study, its
importance should not be underestimated.
This study is mainly based on the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1988), which
should include factors from the original scale such as Reliability and Responsiveness.
Both factors show a positive impact on customer satisfaction which matched to a great
extent with the previous customer satisfaction research results pointed out by Alam
(2008), Henig and Klee (1997), Pratminingsih et al (2013) and Turk et al (2012). In
addition, the author has also proposed new variables to be added to better suit the
research of online shopping in the current context such as Website Design and
Personalization. However, from the research results, it has been shown that none of the
observed variables of any Personalization factor has a significant impact on customer
satisfaction. Therefore, this element was removed and rejected. The remaining variables
all show a positive impact on customer satisfaction when shopping online, so they will
be considered and included in the research model. First of all, factor Trust is the factor
that has the strongest impact on customer satisfaction in this study. This analytical result
is consistent with that of Gefen (2000), who found that trust is a strong determinant of
e-service performance that identified trust as key drivers of customer satisfaction.
Although the Website Design factor has only a slight impact in this study, it is still an
important factor when studying online customer satisfaction. Not only that, Trust and

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Website Design are the two factors that appeared in the first previous study, showing
the importance of these two factors.
In addition, when comparing the content of the factors in this study with the factors in
the first previous study, an overlap was detected between the observed variables of the
Fulfillment and Reliability factors. In the factor of Fulfillment quality, this variable
includes observable variables of assurance in product quality, price, delivery, and so on,
this is also reflected in the observed variables of the Reliability factor. It also aims to
increase assurance in all stages, thereby leading to the trust of customers. Therefore, the
Fulfillment variable will be included in the Reliability variable.


(Pham Minh Chau, 2014)

The study was conducted in Vietnam to study the factors affecting customer satisfaction
with online retail services, specifically online retail customers through professional sales
websites in Vietnam. Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh City area to find out how factors
affect retailer customer satisfaction and propose some solutions to help businesses
improve service quality, improve customer satisfaction, thereby helping businesses and
stakeholders find the most effective and less expensive solutions and new directions in
improving service quality and enhancing customer satisfaction. row. and create
competitive advantage. The study was carried out in the city. Ho Chi Minh City and the
target audience is individuals who have shopped through online sales websites for at
least 6 months from August 2014 or earlier. The purpose of this study is to collect the
overall rating and satisfaction level of customers about online shopping in Ho Chi Minh
City. The first research is preliminary qualitative and quantitative research and is
formally studied through a quantitative form. To achieve the research results, the
research team used the Google Form tool to survey over the Internet and sent
questionnaires to the survey subjects via email, social networks. There were 400
questionnaires sent and as a result, only 279 questionnaires were answered validly and
included in the analysis of SPSS 20.0. After referring to models from previous studies,
the author proposes to combine service quality components in the SERVQUAL scale
(Parasuraman et al., 1985: 1991) with factors from research models about customer
satisfaction of Szymanski and Hise (2000), Lee (2000) and E-SAT model of Mills
(2002), while inheriting and developing research results from other thesis and forming
a set of scales, the research measure the quality of online sales service with the following
components: (1) Reliability, (2) Website Design, (3) Information Quality, (4) Delivery
Process, (5) Security & Privacy, (6) Payment Procedure, (7) Price.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure 2. 4: The model of Pham Minh Chau research (2014)

The analysis results show that only 6 out of 7 factors have a positive impact on customer
satisfaction: Reliability, Website Design, Security and Privacy, Delivery Procedure,
Payment Procedure and Price. Information Quality factor was excluded due to sig value
> 0.05, so there is no statistical significance. Accordingly, the factor that has the biggest
influence on customer satisfaction is the level of Reliability, the second most influential
factor is Price, then the following factors are Delivery Procedures, Website Design,
Security and Privacy, and finally Payment Procedure. In addition, according to the
regression model, although the trust component has a strong impact on their satisfaction,
in fact the level of customer evaluation of this component ranks second after the price
component. The payment procedure component has the lowest influence on satisfaction
according to the regression model but ranks third according to customer perception.
The study was conducted in Vietnam, so in terms of context, there are many similarities
with the research that the author is doing. Through the analysis results, this study has
shown that only 6 out of 7 research factors are accepted. When comparing the factors of
this study with two previous studies, it can be seen that some variables of the scale in
this article have appeared in the previous two articles such as: Reliability, Website
design, Security and privacy. That proves these factors have high reliability and have
been used in many previous studies. However, there are also differences in the impact
of research factors compared to the previous 2 studies. First, it can be seen in the first
previous study, that the variable Information quality is accepted as one of the factors

Chapter 2: Literature Review

that positively affect customer satisfaction, but in this study, the variable Information
quality reached the value sig > 0.05, showing that this variable is not statistically
significant in the study of customer satisfaction. The same happens in studies on
customer satisfaction with e-commerce platforms in Vietnam, such as in the Ho Chi
Minh City Consumer Satisfaction Study on product quality of Tiki (Mr. Ha Duc Son,
2018) or Research on customer satisfaction at the Sendo e-commerce platform (Ha Nam
Khanh Giao, 2018). Therefore, although the variable Information quality has a positive
effect on customer satisfaction for the trading floor Digikala (Iran) and some other
countries, in the context of Vietnam, the variable Information quality does not show a
positive effect on customer satisfaction and therefore will not be included in the
proposed model of the study.
In addition, there are also three new elements: Payment procedure, Delivery procedure
and Price. In the research paper 'Factors affecting customer satisfaction when shopping
online using Tiki application in Ho Chi Minh City' by Chung Thao Vy (2020), all three
factors are payment procedures and procedures. delivery and price are all added to the
scale, and good results are three out of six factors that positively influence customer
satisfaction for this e-commerce platform. It proves that these three factors have a
positive impact on customer satisfaction on e-commerce platforms in Vietnam.
Therefore, payment procedure, delivery procedure and price factors will be added in the
proposed research model. However, when comparing these 3 factors with the factors in
the 2 previous studies, the author found that the Responsiveness factor in the second
previous study had observed variables with the same content as observed variables in
the 2 factors. factor in Payment procedure and Delivery Procedure when jointly studying
the responsiveness of e-commerce platforms in payment and delivery activities for
customers. Therefore, the observed variables of the Responsiveness factor in the second
previous study will be included in the observed variables of the Payment Procedure and
Delivery Procedure elements.


This chapter highlights the relevant aspects that were taken into consideration in this
study in order to create related hypotheses based on the research questions and literature
evaluation. Later, an updated research framework for the study was created, which is
used as a customer satisfaction model in one of the most popular ecommerce platforms
in Vietnam, named Shopee Company.

2.4.1 Summary of factors affecting the customer satisfaction for Shopee

Based on the foundational theory and three previous studies, it is necessary to examine
ten factors affecting the customer satisfaction for Shopee that was proposed in research
(1) Website design - WD
(2) Reliability - REL
(3) Security and privacy - SP
(4) Ease of use - ES

Chapter 2: Literature Review

(5) Payment procedure - PP

(6) Delivery procedure - DP
(7) Trust - TRU
(8) Price – PRI

Table 2. 1: Summary of previous studies relating to factors impacting on customer

satisfaction for Shopee.
Previous Factors affecting customer satisfaction for Shopee
studies (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Giti Irantaj,
Huseynov, X X X X
Lee, Hsiu-
Fen Lin, X X X X X
Pham Minh
Chau, 2014 X X X X X X

2.4.2. Proposed Research Model

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure 2. 5: Proposed model

The research model consists of 10 variables are (1) Website design, (2) Reliability, (3)
Security and privacy, (4) Ease of use, (5) Payment Procedure, (6) Delivery Procedure,
(7) Trust, (8) Price.

2.4.3 Hypothesis

Through studying theoretical models of service quality and online customer satisfaction,
it can be concluded that online customer satisfaction cannot be assessed in general but
must be measured by a set of multiple scales. measure to measure component concepts
that are related to each other and that together influence customer satisfaction. In which,
the proposed research model is based on SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1988)
and E-SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 2005), and inherits and develops
research results from the dissertations mentioned in the overview form the online sales
service quality scale with the following components: Website design

Website design is described as the features of a website that has a creative and appealing
design that provides customers with uncluttered screens, clear search routes, relevant
material, and quick presentations, allowing them to trust and engage effectively with
sellers (Gefen 2000; Pastrick 1997)

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Website design is described as the features of a website that has a creative and appealing
design that provides customers with uncluttered screens, clear search routes, relevant
material, and quick presentations, allowing them to trust and engage effectively with
sellers (Gefen 2000; Pastrick 1997)
In this study, the Website design element is produced from the customer satisfaction
study at Digikala e-commerce platform, Iran (Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov, 2018). The
factor includes 5 observed variables and has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
As the results, there is the following hypothesis:
H1: Website design has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for Shopee. Reliability

“Reliability defined as an ability from service provider, such as company or

organization, to deliver promised services to customer accurately and dependably”
(Auka et al., 2013). The concept of providing service as promised may be regarded as
the company's ability to maintain commitments and provide the service correctly the
first time without making mistakes for the consumer.
Reliability factor in this study is established from Pham Minh Chau's research, includes
6 items and all indicate that the factor has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
Therefore, the hypothesis of Reliability is presented as follows:
H2: Reliability has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for Shopee. Security and privacy

Security and privacy is one of the most significant elements of a online shop website ,
which protects consumers' personal information from any unauthorized use or exposure
during online buying (Guo et al. 2012). He separated them into two sections: data and
transaction security and user authentication.
Research by Giti Irantaj and Farid Huseynov (2018) presented Security and Privacy as
an important factor that has the greatest impact on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the
Security and Privacy hypothesis will be inherited, including 4 items, which all have a
positive impact on customer satisfaction. Therefore, hypothesis 3 would be stated as
H3: Security and privacy has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for
Shopee. Ease of Use

Ease of use is "the degree to which a person believes that using a technology will be
devoid of effort," (Davis 1989). In the context of this study, ‘ease of use’ refers to how
confident users are that their continuous use of e-service is effortless. Individuals will
be more inclined to learn about a system's features and eventually want to continue using
it if it is relatively simple to use. In the context of Web-based learning, studies show that
‘ease of use’ is positively associated with intention to continue (Chiu & Wang, 2008).

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The Ease of use factor was derived from the research of Giti Irantaj and Farid Huseynov
(2018) and consists of four items that all have a significant impact on customer
satisfaction. As a result, Hypothesis 4 is described below:
H4: Ease of use has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for Shopee. Payment Procedure

Online payment systems that involve a third party places the control over the transaction
to an independent and licensed third party to ensure the protection of both buyer and
seller. Money is released only after both parties confirm that the transaction was
completed upon the agreed terms. In case of conflicts between the involved parties,
dispute resolutions are processed (Choi & Sun, 2016). Within online payment, various
methods exist such as card payment (both credit and debit), bank transfer, mobile
payment (direct carrier billing, digital wallet, etc.) and other payments (such as PayPal)
(CBI, 2015).
This is one of the most typical factors in customer satisfaction models for e-services in
Vietnam. As a result, this factor will be inherited from Pham Minh Chau's study article.
The factor comprised of 3 items and has been shown to have a positive influence on the
dependent variable. So, hypothesis 5 is as follows:
H5: Payment procedure has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for
Shopee. Delivery Procedure

E-commerce delivery refers to all of the services necessary to transfer items ordered
online from a retailer to the customer's delivery location. With a suitable partner,
Ecommerce delivery may be reasonable, economical, and quick.
This factor is generated from a research paper on customer satisfaction in Ho Chi Minh
City (Pham Minh Chau, 2014), includes 4 factors and has a positive impact on customer
satisfaction. There by, there are the hypothesis 6 below:
H6: Delivery procedure has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for
Shopee. Trust

It is the degree of trust and overcoming the perception of uncertainties of an online store
as perceived by customers.
The Trust variable is adopted from the satisfaction research model in Digikala, Iran (Giti
Irantaj, Farid Huseynov, 2018) and has a positive influence on customer satisfaction in
this study, which are stated as follows:
H7: Trust has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for Shopee. Price

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The value of price in customer satisfaction is when one may expect that high levels of
satisfaction with the ordering process will lead to reduced price sensitivity as reflected
in increased price satisfaction.
The price component is referenced from Pham Minh Chau's paper. The factor includes
three items and has a favorable effect on consumer satisfaction. As a result, it is
described as follows:
H8: Price has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for Shopee.


Because of the limited thesis size, the proposed measurement scale is covered in detail
in appendix A.


To propose the research model and hypotheses, Chapter Two evaluated the studied
concepts, foundational theories, and previous studies relevant to the topic. The research
procedure, research design, measurement revision and questionnaire development,
sampling and data analysis methodologies will all be covered in Chapter Three.

Chapter 3: Methodology


Presenting the research process:

Figure 3. 1: The research process

Step 1: Define Research Problem
Identifying the problem is the first stage in the research process. The author conducted
research in this stage by reviewing papers, journals, news, and previous studies. The
problem identified in the thesis is consumer happiness for the Shopee e-commerce
platform, and the thesis purpose is to uncover elements affecting customer satisfaction,
which acts as the thesis's focus.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Step 2: Literature Review

Following the definition of the problem, the following stage is to study the literature
connected to the research problem, which includes concepts, studies, articles, and
theories regarding the topic that have been investigated before. Theories of e-commerce,
online purchase, online service quality, and customer satisfaction are discussed in the
thesis. Following a study of prior studies and research, it is critical to pick and justify a
research model from those studies; this will give foundation information for the
following phase, which is hypothesis formulation.
Step 3: Propose Research model, Hypothesis and Measurement Scale
The measuring scale for this research is inherited from previous studies' definitions of
studied concepts and applications of measurement scales, which aids in the
determination of hypotheses. The suggested model of this thesis contains ten
independent variables and one dependent variable after evaluating prior works and
inheriting measuring scales. In total, 49 items would be evaluated on a five-point Likert
scale, similar to the prior study.
Step 4: Design Research
The author created the study plan for the thesis in this stage, which included the research
method, data collection techniques, questionnaire design, structured interviews, and
sample size. This will result in a compilation of pertinent evidence to back up the data
Step 5: Data Collection
The author gathers, measures, and analyzes insights for the thesis study in this stage,
which serves as the foundation for evaluating the hypothesis and providing evidence
that either supports or invalidates the proposed hypothesis.
Step 6: Data Analysis
Following data collection, it moved on to data cleansing, transformation, and modeling.
This involved assessing data for the preliminary research in order to test the hypothesis
and the main study in order to explain the relationship between variables.
Step 7: Conclusion and Recommendation
In this stage, the author will draw conclusions, identify limitations, provide suggestions,
and recommend research directions based on the findings of the study.


The research is implemented in two stages: initial study and main study.

3.2.1 Initial study

Initial study is to identify, adjust and revising the items that proposed from other
researchers to measure the constructs in the proposed model and measurement scales.
The measurement scales are adapted to the Vietnamese context and will be translated
from English to Vietnamese so that it will be understood for the local responses.

Chapter 3: Methodology

With the goal of developing a research model of the topic and being able to fully collect
the factors affecting customer satisfaction when shopping or using Shopee's services,
qualitative research has been conducted through direct interview method. Besides,
thanks to the in-depth interview, the research can be added or modified, or removed
some inappropriate observed variables to form a complete questionnaire. The criteria
that the author used to select respondents is experience is determined by the ability to
perform shopping tasks on this e-commerce platform with weekly or monthly usage,
and those experts with at least one year of experience and worked in stages are directly
related to customer satisfaction in Shopee. In-depth interviews were conducted with two
different groups. First of all, for the first group, the questionnaire is presented and used
to interview 2 random consumers who have sold goods and used shopping services on
the Shopee platform with multiple types of industries. For the second group, the
questionnaire is interviewed with 2 experts who have worked at stages related to
customer satisfaction at Shopee and 3 other experts who have worked at other
ecommerce platform and online shopping websites. This method aims to explore the
behavior and learn the evaluation and satisfaction of consumers, thereby helping to find
the factors that customers are interested in and feel satisfied when participating in
purchasing products at Shopee platform, then adjust the scale to best suit the purpose of
the study.
Table 3. 1: List of interviewees

No Types Full name Roles Description

• Worked as a Business
1 Ms. Business Development Associate
Nguyen Development at Shopee for 1 year
Hao Associate at • Regularly shop online
Xuan Shopee in Ho on Shopee with a
Shopee Mai Chi Minh City,
experts frequency of 5-6 times/
VietNam month

• Worked as a Member of
2 Mr. Marketing Marketing team at Shopee
Nguyễn Team Member for 1 and a half years
Dinh Phu at Shopee in • Regularly shop online
Ho Chi Minh on Shopee a frequency
City, Vietnam of 3-4 times/month

• Experienced as the
3 Ms. Nguyen Head of Strategy Head of Strategy and
Pham and Planning at Planning for 2 years
Thanh Van TIKI • Regularly shop online
Corporation Ho on Shopee and Lazada
Chi Minh City, since 2017

Chapter 3: Methodology

• Worked as a Member of
4 Ms. Marketing Team Marketing team at TIKI
Nguyen Member at TIKI Corporation for 1 year
Lam Corporation Ho • Regularly shop online
Quynh Chi Minh City, on Shopee with a frequency
Other Nhu Vietnam
experts of 4-5 times/month

• Worked as a Website
5 Mr. Le Website Developer at Amanotes
Hoang development at for 2 years, with the duty
Vinh Amanotes in Ho of designing websites
Chi Minh City, meeting client needs
Vietnam • Regularly shop on Shopee
and Sendo since 2019

• Opened a home appliance

6 Ms. Le Home store on Shopee for over 2
Ngoc Appliances store years (from 2019)
Anh owner on Shopee • Regularly shop on Shopee,
Lazada since 2018

• Opened a fashion shop on

7 Ms. Le Fashion shop Shopee for 3 year (from 2018)
Hong owner on Shopee • Often shop on e-commerce
Phuong platforms Shopee, Lazada,

All respondents provided suggestions and opinions after the qualitative research was
completed, which were included into the factors of the proposed research model. These
findings are noted for adjusting and contributing to the questionnaire and plan for the
pilot project.
The results of the expert problem are presented briefly as follows: Website Design

For the factor Website Design, 4 out of 5 items are agreed by the experts, but still need
to edit the text to make the meaning clearer. Item WD4: "As I see the website, I know
that in which area it works." is removed according to expert's opinion as Shopee is an e-
commerce platform that is an intermediary channel between shops and buyers, so there
is no specific field of activity. Reliability

Reliability factor can still keep all its items after interviewing experts opinion. However,
the 3 items REL3, REL4, REL5 still need to be edited to be able to follow the research
paper more closely.

Chapter 3: Methodology Security and Privacy

All items of the Security and Privacy are approved by experts and have been edited to
make the meaning clearer. In addition, a new item is proposed to be added, which is
SP2: "Shopee always has the option for customers to refuse to provide personal
information." According to experts, this item is necessary because customers should
have the right to refuse to provide personal information when they are not ready or feel
unsafe to provide. Ease of use

There are a lot of changes in the Ease of use scale after the qualitative interview. First,
the ES2 variable is proposed to be included in the ES1 item because the expert thinks
that the meaning of ES2 is already covered in ES1 so it can cause confusion for
respondent when doing survey in the next step. In addition, two new items are proposed
to be added, which are ES4: "I can easily compare prices and product information on
Shopee." and ES5: "Shopee is easily used from many different devices such as laptops,
tablets, phones...". Based on expert's perspective, these are two outstanding convenient
features of Shopee that can be included in the model to increase the reliability of the
Ease of use scale. Payment Procedure

In the Payment Procedure element, all 3 items are agreed by the experts, however PP3
is suggested to be expressed clearer in text. Delivery Procedure

The qualitative interview results show that 3 out of 4 items of the Delivery Procedure
element are accepted. Item DP1:"Save time buying compared to traditional style." is
suggested to remove as the experts believes that time savings are based on the entire
purchase fulfillment process not just in the shipping method. In addition, a new item is
added which is DP4: "After placing an order on Shopee, I can fully track the shipping
status of the goods." According to expert's opinion, order tracking is becoming more
and more popular on e-commerce platforms, including Shopee, so these items need to
be further considered in the model. Trust

3 out of 4 items of Trust variable are agreed by experts to be included in the survey
model. The variable TRU3 is evaluated to have the same meaning as TRU1 so this item
and item 1 could be made into one. Price

All 3 items of the Price scale, inherited from Pham Minh Chau's research, are agreed,
but in order to be more meaningful in terms of survey, this item should be expressed

Chapter 3: Methodology Customer Service – New added factor

Besides the scales inherited from the model of the 3 previous studies above, experts have
proposed a new factor, which is Customer Service because they said that in their
experience working at Shopee or other ecommerce platform in Vietnam, customer
service is a factor that customers are extremely interested in and is often discussed on
quality evaluation forums of e-commerce platforms, as well as on the Appstore/Google
play, so it can be a potential influencing factor on customer satisfaction for Shopee in
this study. On the other hand, the Customer Service factor has also been used in some
previous research articles in Vietnam such as "Customer satisfaction at e-
commerce platform" (Ha Nam Khanh Giao, 2020), "Assessment of student satisfaction
with 24-hour convenience stores in Ho Chi Minh City" (Nguyen Thi Quynh Nga, Phan
My Huyen, 2019) and "Factors Affecting Customers' Satisfaction And Legality When
Buying Online On Lazada In Vietnam" (Nguyen Thanh Huyen, 2018) . All three studies
above prove that the factor "Customer Service" has a positive impact on customer
satisfaction. Moreover, based on previous research models and suggestions from
experts, the new variable "Customer Service" is measured on 4 observed variables,
respectively CSE1, CSE2, CSE3 and CSE4.
Therefore, the definition of Customer Service is added that customer services are
services that provide to customers selling goods such as technical support, warranty,
after-sales services... In addition, it is convenient that the services that an online sales
website provides to customers will affect the satisfaction of customers when making
purchases on that website (Shankar et al, 2003). From the above comments and
definitions, hypothesis 9 is derived:
H9: Customer Service has a positive effect on customer satisfaction level for
Shopee. Customer Satisfaction

For the dependent element "Customer Satisfaction", the experts completely agree and
all 4 items are kept and included in the survey model.
The above is a summary of the qualitative interview results. In addition, all details about
the changes in measuring scales are listed in the Appendix B.

3.2.2 Questionnaire Design

After the qualitative interview, the changes in the measurement scale will be updated,
thereby helping to complete the questionnaire.
The official questionnaire includes 3 parts:
- Part 1: The filter questions to not waste participant or researcher time in collecting data
about whether respondent used Shopee's services in the past 1 year.
- Part 2: The questions related to factor affecting customer satisfaction on Shopee. This
part contains 41 questions, and the respondent assesses the agreement level with each
question through Likert scales (5 levels): 1 - Strongly disagree; 2 - Disagree; 3 - Neutral;
4 - Agree; 5 - Strongly Agree.

Chapter 3: Methodology

- Part 3: The questions related to personal information of respondents such as: Gender,
Age, Academic level, and monthly income.

3.2.3 Pilot Study

The pilot test was conducted once the group interview was concluded. Pilot Test is
used in this phase to test the proposed questionnaire before it is deployed on a larger
scale. The questionnaire was sent to 30 people to text the quality of the questionnair
before going for the main study. All respondents to this pilot test said that they found
the survey questions easy to understand and evaluate. Therefore, there is no adjustment
in the questionnaire, and it will be used for the main study.

3.2.4 Main research

The primary quantitative research method is to collect data by randomly surveying

customers via questionnaires. In this research, a random and reliable sampling
mechanism is proposed (valid for large-scale consumer surveys - nationwide and for
those using Shopee shopping service). Statistical analysis, scale testing (Cronbach's
Alpha), exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and multiple regression analysis were used
to complete the synthesis using SPSS 20 software. The processing results will be
examined and interpreted in order to establish the elements influencing customer
satisfaction when buying or using services at Shopee and to make recommendations for
future development and marketing.


3.3.1 Sample description:

Due to a lack of time and resources, the author chooses nonprobability sampling
methods and convenient sampling methods in the scope of the thesis. A convenience
sample is a non-probability sample in which the researcher employs the participants
who are nearest to them and accessible to take part in the study. This method is
frequently employed in pilot studies prior to the start of a bigger research effort. (2019,
Ashley Crossman) Those who used to purchase or utilize Shopee's services are the
subjects of the survey. As a result, the survey will include a broad range of gender, age,
and occupation to guarantee that the sample is representative of the whole population.
Pay special attention to everyone who has ever experienced this e-commerce platform.

3.3.2 Selecting sample

A practical sample selection strategy is employed. This entails sampling depending on

the object's accessibility or convenience, where investigators are more likely to
encounter it.

3.3.3 Sample size

According to Hair (1998), minimum sample size = number of questions * 5. In this study
there are 41 questions for main study, so minimum sample size is about 41 * 5 = 205

Chapter 3: Methodology

samples. So, the minimum number of studies samples is about 205 samples. In fact, 281
samples were collected, after filtering and cleaning samples, only 220 samples were
valid. So, this research actually used a sample number of 220 samples.


Using survey techniques through questionnaires and direct interviews with some
individuals in order to build standards of scales and hypotheses. After removing the
inappropriate results, the survey results will be analyzed by SPSS20 software with the
applications of descriptive statistics, reliability assessment by Cronbach's Alpha,
exploratory factor analysis EFA, analysis of multiple linear regression model between
the auxiliary variable dependent and independent variables... to test the influence of the
factors in the model.

3.4.1 Testing the reliability of a scale (Cronbach ‘alpha coefficient)

To evaluate the reliability of the scale, the author uses Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to
evaluate the reliability of the scale. Depending on the research context, the researcher
decides that the Alpha coefficient must be greater than 0.6; 0.7 or 0.8.
According to Nunnaly (1978), Peterson (1994) and Slate (1995), the alpha coefficient is
considered in the following cases:
α < 0.6. The factor scale is not appropriate (maybe in the research environment the
subject does not have a perception of that factor)
0.60 ≤ α < 0.70: Acceptable (in case of a completely new study or new in the research
0.70 ≤ α < 0.80: Acceptable.
0.80 ≤ α < 0.90: Good.
However, in the case that the study of online sales is considered new in Vietnam, the
system Cronbach's Alpha numbers greater than 0.6 are acceptable. At the same time, the
systematic variables item-total correlation less than 0.3 will be excluded.

3.4.2 EFA Analysis

EFA factor analysis will be used to collect variables from Cronbach Alpha analysis
results to create new variables from the given variables that are suitable for the
considered sample. In factor analysis, the necessary condition is that the variables must
be correlated. Bartlett's test of sphericity

Bartlett's test of sphericity will be used to test the hypothesis that Ho are variables are
not correlated with each other in the overall population. In other words, the overall
correlation matrix is an identity matrix, with each variable fully correlated with itself
(r=1) but not with the other variable (r=0). Therefore, if the test shows no statistical
significance, then factor analysis should not be applied to the variables under
Chapter 3: Methodology KMO analysis

“In factor analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index (KMO) is used to consider

appropriateness of factor analysis. A large value of KMO (between 0.5 and 1) is a
sufficient condition for factor analysis to be appropriate, while less than 0.5, factor
analysis is likely to be inappropriate for the data” (Hoang Hoang, 2016).
“In factor analysis, Principal components analysis with Varimax rotation is most
commonly used” (Hoang Trong and Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc, 2008, page 31, volume
2). Factor rotating

“The results of the factor matrix analysis will be further analyzed by rotating the factors.
After rotating the factors, a factor loading greater than 0.5 is considered to be of practical
significance” (Hair et al., 1998). “The criterion for the difference between the factor
loading coefficient of an observed variable among the factors is greater than or equal to
0.3 to ensure the discriminant value between the factors” (Jabnoun and A1 Tamimi,
2003). “The extracted variance must be 50% or more” (Hair et al., 1998). “Eigenvalue
must be greater than 1. Only factors with Eigenvalue greater than 1 will be kept in the
analytical model. Factors with Eigenvalue less than 1 will not have the effect of
summarizing information more than one original variable” (Hoang Trong and Chu
Nguyen Mong Ngoc, 2008).
After factor analysis, the theoretical model will be adjusted according to the analysis
results and the hypotheses will be adjusted.

3.4.3 Correlation analysis

Linear correlation analysis (Pearson correlation) was performed between dependent

variables and independent variables to confirm a linear relationship between dependent
variables and independent variables. The purpose of considering independent variables
that are significantly correlated with dependent variables is considered separately for
each independent variable. When the level of significance (Sig.) of the regression
coefficient is less than 0.05 (Sig. <0.05), which means that the reliability is 95%, and it
is concluded that there is a significant variables correlation between the independent and

3.4.4 Multiple regression analysis

The cause-effect relationship may be visualized using linear regression analysis when
the Pearson correlation coefficient is justified to have a linear relationship between
variables. The Enter method is used to evaluate multiple regression since it includes all
variables in the analysis at the same time.
Adjusted R Square
Adjusted R Square is used to justify the suitability of the multivariate regression model,
indicating how independent factors affect dependent variables.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Statistical testing methods: T-Test, ANOVA

To compare the means of two groups, the Independent Samples T-test is utilized.
However, the Independent Samples T-test has the constraint of being able to compare
just two groups. If there are three or more groups, ANOVA method will be utilized.
However, the statistical variables in the article all have more than 3 groups, so the
ANOVA method will be used.
1. Levene test: used to test whether variance is equal or not between groups.
Ho: “Equal variance”
Sig <= 0.05: reject Ho
Sig > 0.05: accept Ho -> eligible for further analysis ANOVA.
2. ANOVA test: Test ANOVA
Ho: “Equal average”
Sig <=0.05: reject Ho -> qualified to confirm that there is a difference between groups
for the dependent variable.
Sig > 0.05: accept Ho -> not qualified to confirm the difference between groups for
dependent variable.


Chapter 3 has discussed the research design, process, and two research methods:
quantitative and qualitative research. The research's quantitative method relies on 9
independent variables and one dependent variable, with a sample size of 220. Face-to-
face interviews with specialists were used to conduct qualitative research. The
questionnaire is measured on a 5-level Likert scale using a range of 1 to 5 based on this
to change the scale and questionnaire. This study makes advantage of convenient
sampling. The following chapter will cover data analysis.

Chapter 4: Research Outcome


Previous chapter identified the research process, research design, measurement scales
and sampling method. In this chapter, the research results were presented based on data
analysis, which are processed by IBM SPSS software 20, which included: exploratory
descriptive analysis, reliability testing with Cronbach's coefficient Alpha, exploratory
factor analysis and multiple regression analysis which is to test the relation between
independent variables and a dependent variable, and t-test, one way ANOVA analysis.


The survey questionnaire was conducted through Google Form (281 samples collected),
shared online via Facebook, Messenger, and Zalo, and posted publicly in the Facebook
group and author's Facebook wall. However, 61 samples were eliminated as invalid
following data screening and cleaning. One example reason could be that some of them
have never utilized Shopee's shopping service or that they are part of the biased
response. That is, respondents' propensity to provide the same answer to every question.
As a result, the author chose just 220 samples, accounting for 78.29% of the total. The
collection of 220 samples was preferred and stayed more than the minimum requirement
(205 samples).
Table 4. 1: Frequency statistics of demographic variables
Academic Monthly
Gender Age Level Income
N Valid 220 220 220 220
Missing 0 0 0 0

4.1.1 Descriptive statistics for demographic variables

The questionnaire results in this section identified gender, ages, academic level and
monthly income of respondents and there are no missing variables in descriptive
statistics. Gender

The diagram illustrates that there is a slight difference between male and female. The
number of female customers accounts for more than 50%, while for male is about 42%.
Based on this result, it is indicated that the majority of customers participating in online
shopping are still mainly women. Research by Nielsen Vietnam also shows that female
customers count for a large percentage of online shopping with a rate of 60%, while just
40% for male. Besides, only a small part of customers is of other gender, with under

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Figure 4. 1:Frequency statistics results of Gender Age

Survey subjects include four main age groups ranging from adolescence to adulthood.
The respondents are mainly in the “under 24 years old” group, accounting for more than
50%, and in descending order are the “24-34 years old” group and the “35-50 years old”
group. The age group with the least number of survey participants is "Over 50",
accounting for only 3.18%.
There is quite a big difference between the age groups because the author is currently a
student, so most of the relationships around are people of the same age or young people.
Moreover, the survey has limited access to older people, so the percentage of
respondents has a strong concentration in 2 groups "under 24 years old" and "24-24
years old". This may differ from reality due to the significant uneven distribution of age

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Figure 4. 2: Frequency statistics results of Age Academic level

To avoid confusion, the author wants to refer to the definition of the concept of
"academic level", which is the highest level of education of a person when he or she
completes in the national education system that he or she has attended.
The results of running descriptive statistics show that about three-quarters of the
respondents have a university degree, accounting for 65%, followed by a descending
order of "high school" (19.1%) respectively., Graduate (7.7%), College/Intermediate
(5%) and only a small group of Others (3.2%).
From that, it can be seen that most of the respondents are highly educated, and highly
concentrated in the "University" group. This can be linked with the above age group
survey when the majority of respondents are from the younger generation showing that
they have the capacity, knowledge and skills to use the Internet and technology devices
to use and experience the Internet. experience online shopping services on e-commerce
platforms, especially on Shopee.

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Figure 4. 3: Frequency statistics results of Academic Level Income

The results show that the majority of respondents have moderate to good income. The
group with income from “under 5,000,000 VND” is the highest with 52.7%, the next
groups with income from “5,000,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND” account for 23.2% and
from “10,000,000 VND to 20,000,000 VND” is 19.1%. The rest income "over
20,000,000 VND" accounts for the smallest proportion with 5.0%.
There is a significant disparity between average/fair income and high/very high income
as the majority of Shopee customers are due to:
As mentioned in the age survey, the majority of respondents belong to the "Under 24
years old" and "24-34 years old" groups. This is the age group are mostly students or
young people who are still income dependent or in the career development stage, so
their income is mainly at average level.

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Figure 4. 4: Frequency statistics results of Monthly Income

4.1.2 Descriptive statistic of independent and dependent variables: Descriptive statistic of independent variables

Descriptive Statistic of Independent Variable:

Table 4. 2: Descriptive statistic of independent variables
Factors Items N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
WD1 220 3 5 4.22 .676
Website WD2 220 3 5 4.06 .712
Design WD3 220 3 5 4.25 .719
WD4 220 3 5 4.20 .688
REL1 220 3 5 4.34 .639
REL2 220 3 5 4.27 .661
Reliability REL3 220 1 5 4.30 .778
REL4 220 3 5 4.36 .615
REL5 220 3 5 4.39 .642
REL6 220 3 5 4.39 .583
SP1 220 1 5 4.11 .951
Security & SP2 220 1 5 4.10 .840
Privacy SP3 220 1 5 4.22 .848
SP4 220 1 5 4.15 .973
SP5 220 1 5 3.95 .818
Chapter 4: Research Outcome

ES1 220 1 5 4.00 .982

ES2 220 1 5 4.27 .901
Ease of use ES3 220 1 5 3.95 .959
ES4 220 1 5 4.15 .898
ES5 220 2 5 4.42 .695
Payment PP1 220 3 5 4.59 .578
Procedure PP2 220 2 5 4.54 .636
PP3 220 2 5 4.58 .667
DP1 220 2 5 4.22 .707
Delivery DP2 220 2 5 4.17 .720
Procedure DP3 220 3 5 4.21 .692
DP4 220 2 5 4.43 .662
TRU1 220 1 5 3.91 .935
Trust TRU2 220 1 5 3.96 .976
TRU3 220 1 5 4.03 .936
PRI1 220 1 5 4.35 .723
Price PRI2 220 1 5 4.29 .785
PRI3 220 1 5 4.22 .855
Customer CSE1 220 3 5 4.26 .649
Service CSE2 220 2 5 4.24 .675
CSE3 220 3 5 4.39 .656
CSE4 220 2 5 4.32 .695
Valid N (listwise) 220
The descriptive statistics outputs for all the independent variables labeled as scale are
shown in the table. The author utilized the results to interpret statistics in the context of
customer satisfaction, as well as to check for data error and normality assumptions.
Valid N is equal to the number of samples which is 220, this indicated that there are no
data error and missing data. In the Mean factor, all items have mean over 3 that means
all respondents agree with these statements of these questions. In which, the table shows
that the item in Payment Procedure scale which is labeled in PP1 “Shopee's payment
methods are very diverse.” gets the highest mean at 4.59. The number here show that
respondents strongly agree with “Shopee's payment methods are very diverse.”
Meanwhile, item in Trust scale – TRU1 “Based on my experience with Shopee in the
past, I know it's a very honest and trustworthy site.” reach the lowest mean at 3.91. Descriptive statistic of dependent variables

Descriptive Statistic of Dependent Variable:

Table 4. 3: Descriptive statistic of dependent variables

Factors Items N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

CS1 220 2 5 4.18 .709

Customer CS2 220 2 5 4.10 .749
Satisfaction CS3 220 2 5 4.23 .768
CS4 220 2 5 4.48 .712
Valid N (listwise) 220
The descriptive statistic from the table above shows that variables measuring the
satisfaction of customer for Shopee (CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4) have average mean values
from 4.10 to 4.48 and standard deviation is between 0.709 to 0.768. This indicates the
respondents have consistency in expressing their view about satisfaction when using
shopping service at Shopee.


The scale is preliminarily assessed through two main tools: Cronbach’s Alpha reliability
and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA).
After finishing sample descriptive statistics, the scale was assessed reliability by using
the coefficient of Cronbach Alpha to consider the consistency and base to remove
unsatisfactory items. The table below show the result of Cronbach’s alpha reliability of
independent and dependent variables.
Table 4. 4: The result of Cronbach’s alpha reliability test for independent and
dependent variables
Scale Mean if Scale Corrected Cronbach’s
Item Deleted Variance if Item – Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
Independent Variables
WD with Cronbach’s Alpha = .787
WD1 12.52 2.963 .579 .741
WD2 12.68 2.923 .549 .757
WD3 12.49 2.735 .637 .711
WD4 12.54 2.871 .610 .726
REL with Cronbach’s Alpha = .714
REL1 21.72 4.548 .522 .653
REL2 21.79 4.595 .476 .667
REL3 21.76 4.860 .267 .742
REL4 21.70 4.805 .444 .677
REL5 21.67 4.532 .525 .652
REL6 21.67 4.760 .503 .661
SP with Cronbach’s Alpha = .819
SP1 16.42 7.496 .587 .792
SP2 16.43 7.762 .638 .777
SP3 16.31 7.312 .747 .745
SP4 16.39 7.708 .518 .815
SP5 16.58 8.034 .594 .790
ES with Cronbach’s Alpha = .745

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

ES1 16.80 6.761 .418 .738

ES2 16.53 6.643 .518 .696
ES3 16.85 6.396 .524 .695
ES4 16.65 6.687 .509 .700
ES5 16.38 7.076 .622 .673
PP with Cronbach’s Alpha = .756
PP1 9.12 1.368 .507 .758
PP2 9.17 1.185 .577 .684
PP3 9.13 1.019 .685 .550
DP with Cronbach’s Alpha = .821
DP1 12.81 2.983 .635 .779
DP2 12.86 2.944 .637 .778
DP3 12.82 2.999 .650 .772
DP4 12.60 3.080 .654 .771
TRU with Cronbach’s Alpha = .869
TRU1 7.99 3.082 .751 .813
TRU2 7.94 2.969 .742 .821
TRU3 7.87 3.070 .754 .810
PRI with Cronbach’s Alpha = .764
PRI1 8.51 2.023 .614 .668
PRI2 8.58 1.880 .609 .667
PRI3 8.64 1.775 .572 .717
CSE with Cronbach’s Alpha = .789
CSE1 12.94 2.686 .598 .736
CSE2 12.96 2.684 .561 .754
CSE3 12.81 2.645 .612 .729
CSE4 12.88 2.534 .616 .727
Dependent Variables
CS with Cronbach’s Alpha = .799
12.81 3.297 .619 .746
12.89 3.148 .633 .738
12.75 3.044 .656 .726
12.50 3.457 .540 .782
The results of Cronbach's Alpha analysis show that both all independent and dependent
variables have Alpha coefficients greater than 0.7, which can be presented that the
reliability of the variables are all acceptable. With the results in Table 4.4, the factor
with the largest reliability is Trust with alpha coefficient of 0.869 and the Reliability
factor has the smallest alpha coefficient of 0.714. However, when considering the
correlation coefficient of each item of every factor, the corrected item – total correlation
of REL3 is 0.267 < 0.3, which indicates that reliability this item does not meet the
requirement and must be removed to ensure the index of variables.
After removing the item REL3, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of Reliability increased
from 0.714 to 0.742, thereby increasing the reliability of the Reliability scale. Besides,
after removing REL3, the scale including 41 items were reduced to 40 items and all the

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

remaining items have correlation coefficient > 0.3, so no further variables were
eliminated. Therefore, after testing the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, all remaining
variables will be used in further analysis.


From the results of reliability analysis of the scale in the previous section, the factor
analyses were firstly conducted based on 40 items of independent variables affecting
Customer Satisfaction for Shopee. Next, the exploratory factor analysis will be
conducted for independent variables and dependent variables.

4.3.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis for independent variables Exploratory factor analysis – version 1

Table 4. 5: KMO and Bartlett's Test for independent factors version 1

KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 3125.453
Sphericity df 630
Sig. .000
Table above shows the result of EFA the first time were as follows: including 9 factors,
Kaiser Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient = 0.843 > 0.7, indicating sufficient items for
each factor. Bartlett's Test was 3125.453 with Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05.
The total variance test results of independent variables shows that there are 9 factors
extracted at Initial Eigenvalues point of 1.344 > 1.0 and Total variance explained equals
63.295% > 50%. Thus, the analysis conditions are satisfactory, and the results of this
analysis are meaningful.
Table 4. 6: Rotated Component Matrix of independent variables version 1
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SP3 .814
SP1 .710
SP2 .709
SP4 .702
SP5 .550 .384
ES4 .736
ES2 .685
ES5 .671
ES3 .669
ES1 .432
DP1 .808
DP3 .744
Chapter 4: Research Outcome

DP4 .736
DP2 .709
WD2 .781
WD4 .730
WD3 .720
WD1 .686
REL5 .749
REL2 .712
REL1 .683
REL4 .622
REL6 .603
TRU3 .861
TRU1 .817
TRU2 .809
CSE2 .785
CSE3 .731
CSE1 .700
CSE4 .675
PRI2 .828
PRI1 .824
PRI3 .791
PP3 .799
PP1 .766
PP2 .670
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
Based on the analysis result of the table above, all items are clustered into 9 groups
which defined by high loadings except ES1 and SP5. On Cronbach's Alpha analysis,
item ES1 and SP5 are satisfactory, however, in EFA analysis they are not achieved. For
the 220 samples collected, the loading standard was chosen as 0.5 to observe the variable
with good statistical significance. However, the load factor of ES1 is 0.432 < 0.5 so will
be removed first. In addition, after analysis, there is a cross loading in item SP5. SP5
explains two factors at a time, explain Security and Privacy and Ease of Use. The
difference of the 2 factors with SP5 is 0.166 < 0.3, so item SP5 will be eliminated from
the measurement scale. Exploratory factor analysis version 2

After eliminating unsatisfied item ES1, we get the result below:

KMO value of second-time analysis result equal 0.840 > 0.7, indicating sufficient items
for each factor. Bartlett's Test was 3035.141 with Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05.
Based on the result of Total Variance Explained in version 2, there are 9 factors extracted
at the Eigenvalues points of 1.341 > 1.0 and percent of variance for each factor before

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

and after rotation is 64.193% > 50%. Thus, the analysis conditions are satisfactory, and
the results are meaningful.
Based on the analysis result of Rotated Component Matrix, all items are gathered into 9
groups which defined by high loadings except SP5, which had a cross loading. SP5
explains two factors at a time, explain Security and Privacy and Ease of Use. The
difference of the 2 factors with SP5 is 0.188 < 0.3 , so item SP5 will be eliminated from
the measurement scale. Exploratory factor analysis version 3 – final version

After eliminating unsatisfied item SP5, we get the result as follows:

Table 4. 7: KMO and Bartlett's Test for independent factors version 3 – final version
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 2863.01
Sphericity 4
df 561
Sig. .000
KMO value of third-time analysis result equal 0.832 > 0.7, indicating sufficient items
for each factor. Bartlett's Test was 2863.014 with Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05.
The result of Total Variance Explained in this version indicates that there are 9 factors
extracted at the Eigenvalues points of 1.338 > 1.0 and percent of variance for each factor
before and after rotation is 64.449% > 50%. Thus, the analysis conditions are
satisfactory, and the results are meaningful.
Table 4. 8: Rotated Component Matrix of independent variables version 3
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SP3 .801
SP2 .724
SP4 .718
SP1 .698
WD2 .783
WD4 .733
WD3 .723
WD1 .682
DP1 .810
DP3 .751
DP4 .740
DP2 .710
REL5 .745
REL2 .714

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

REL1 .672
REL4 .632
REL6 .615
CSE2 .788
CSE3 .738
CSE1 .700
CSE4 .676
TRU3 .860
TRU1 .822
TRU2 .813
ES4 .765
ES2 .677
ES5 .671
ES3 .670
PRI2 .831
PRI1 .825
PRI3 .793
PP3 .809
PP1 .763
PP2 .677
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
This table shows the analysis result of Rotated Component Matrix for independent
variables version 3, all items are qualified and clustered into 9 groups of components,
which all defined by high loadings.
The results of the Rotated Component Matrix analysis also show that all items of the
dependent variables have a high correlation with loading value above 0.5, the smallest
value is REL6 with 0.615 and the highest value is TRU3 with 0.860, thus, no item will
be eliminated.

4.3.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis for dependent variable

Dependent variable “Customer Satisfaction” for fashion products, includes 4 items

(CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4). These items were inputted to run exploratory factor analysis.
Table 4.9: KMO and Bartlett's Test result of Customer Satisfaction
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 261.954
Sphericity df 6
Sig. .000
Based on this table above, the KMO coefficient value is 0.779, which is above 0.5, this
confirmed sufficient items for each factor to be described. Bartlett’s test was 261.954

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

with Sig. = 0.000 < 0.05. The result indicates the appropriateness of exploratory factor
analysis to the data. Thus, the further analysis will be conducted in the next step.
Total variance test results of dependent variable shows that the Initial Eigenvalue point
is 2.498 > 1.0 and percent of Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings is 62,440% > 50%.
This confirmed the analysis conditions are satisfactory and the results are meaningful.
Table 4.10: Component Matrix result of Customer Satisfaction
Component Matrixa
CS3 .823
CS2 .808
CS1 .796
CS4 .730
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.
The table illustrates that 4 items all have high correlation with factor Customer
Satisfaction. The smallest value is CS4 with 0.730 > 0.5 and the highest value is 0.823.
Item PI1 to PI4 fit together and reflect the satisfaction of the customer using shopping
services at Shopee.


After analysis, there are 9 independent factors, and 1 dependent factor as follows:
- Factor 1: Website Design, including set of items WD1, WD2, WD3, WD4
- Factor 2: Reliability, including set of items REL1, REL2, REL4, REL5, REL6
- Factor 3: Security and Privacy, including set of items SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4
- Factor 4: Ease of use, including set of items ES2, ES3, ES4, ES5
- Factor 5: Payment Procedure, including set of items PP1, PP2, PP3
- Factor 6: Delivery Procedure, including set of items DP1, DP2, DP3, DP4
- Factor 7: Trust, including set of items TRU1, TRU2, TRU3
- Factor 8: Price, including set of items PRI1, PRI2, PRI3
- Factor 9: Customer Service, including set of items CSE1, CSE2, CSE3, CSE4
- Dependent factor: Customer Satisfaction, including set of items CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4
Mean value of these factors would be calculated to apply for next steps.


After performing Cronbach's Alpha and Exploratory analysis, which is showed in the
final result, Multiple Linear Regression analysis is conducted to predict the relations
between the independent variables and dependent variable customer satisfaction for

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

4.5.1 Correlation analysis

In this step, research model was adjusted to perform correlation analysis, evaluate the
strength of relationship between two quantitative variables. A high correlation means
that two or more variables have a strong relationship with each other, while a weak
correlation means that the variables are hardly related.
The results in table 4.32 shows that the sig. value of independent variables except for
factor Price pair with dependent variable equal 0.219. This suggests that these
independent variables have strong correlation with dependent variable. Variable
Customer Service has the strongest correlation with Customer Satisfaction with Pearson
correlation coefficient is 0.526. Next is Trust with Pearson correlation of 0.524.
Reliability has the lowest correlation with 0.271, indicates the weakest correlation with
dependent variable. In addition, the sig. value of some independent variables pair is less
than 0.5, this means that these independent variables correlate with themselves. There
is one independent variable that is not correlated with the dependent variable, that is
Price with unsatisfactory sig. value of 0.219 > 0.05. Therefore, Price will be eliminated
from the independent variables before performing linear regression analysis.
Table 4.11: Correlations analysis result
CS Pearson
.444* .271* .502* .484* .419* .496* .524* .08 .526*
Correlatio 1 * * * * * * * *
Sig. (2- .21
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 9
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
WD Pearson
.444* .252* .294* .367* .374* .316* .241* .02 .278*
Correlatio * 1 * * * * * * *
Sig. (2- .69
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 0
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
REL Pearson
.271* .252* .216* .238* .330* .200* .244* .00 .302*
Correlatio * * 1 * * * * * *
Sig. (2- .99
.000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .003 .000 .000
tailed) 0
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
SP Pearson
.502* .294* .216* .351* .237* .324* .373* .00 .378*
Correlatio * * * 1 * * * * *
Sig. (2- .99
.000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 5
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

ES Pearson -
.484* .367* .238* .351* .311* .397* .317* .340*
Correlatio * * * * 1 * * * .09 *
n 1
Sig. (2- .18
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 0
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
PP Pearson
.419* .374* .330* .237* .311* .328* .308* .08 .341*
Correlatio * * * * * 1 * * *
Sig. (2- .21
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 5
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
DP Pearson -
.496* .316* .200* .324* .397* .328* .352* .381*
Correlatio * * * * * * 1 * .05 *
n 6
Sig. (2- .40
.000 .000 .003 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 6
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
TR Pearson
.524* .241* .244* .373* .317* .308* .352* .03 .332*
U Correlatio * * * * * * * 1 *
Sig. (2- .65
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 3
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
PRI Pearson
Correlatio .083 .027 .001 .000 -.091 .084 -.056 .030 1 .081
Sig. (2-
.219 .690 .990 .995 .180 .215 .406 .653 .234
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
CSE Pearson
.526* .278* .302* .378* .340* .341* .381* .332* .08
Correlatio * * * * * * * * 1
Sig. (2- .23
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
tailed) 4
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.5.2 Multiple linear regression analysis

After the data from adjusted model is completely satisfied, the author conducted
multiple linear regression analysis in order to determine in detail among each of the
factors affecting the buyer's Online Purchase Intention of fashion products. Multiple
linear regression analysis will be performed with 5 independent variables and 1
dependent variable. The multiple linear regression result is as follows:

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Table 4.12: Linear regression analysis - model summary

Model Summaryb
Mode R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
l R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .750 .562 .545 .391 1.965
a. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, REL, TRU, ES, SP, PP, DP
b. Dependent Variable: CS
The Table 4.33 provides the R and R square values. The R value is 0.750 > 0.5, which
indicates a high degree of correlation between independent variables and dependent
variables. The R square value indicate that 56.2% of the total variation in the dependent
variable “Customer Satisfaction" for Shopee can be explained by the independent
variables. The Adjusted R Square is 54.5%, which is higher than 50% and is satisfactory,
thus, the independent variables explain 54.5% of the variation of the dependent variable.
The remaining 45.5% is explained by out-of-model variables and random error.
Table 4. 9: Linear regression analysis – ANOVA
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 41.483 8 5.185 33.845 .000b
Residual 32.327 211 .153
Total 73.810 219
a. Dependent Variable: CS
b. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, REL, TRU, ES, SP, PP, DP
The Table 4.34 provide result of linear regression analysis with F value of 33.845 and
the statistical significance of the regression model is 0 which is less than 0.05. Overall,
the regression model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variables.
The Coefficients table below contains the required data to determine the correlation
coefficients or factor weights of satisfaction of Shopee’s customer when using
online shopping service from independent factors. In addition to establishing if those
variables have a statistically significant impact on the model (Sig. value).
Table 4. 10: Linear regression analysis – coefficients version 1
Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) -.202 .344 -.589 .557
WD .160 .056 .150 2.862 .005 .754 1.326
REL -.023 .066 -.018 -.355 .723 .827 1.209
SP .145 .043 .177 3.344 .001 .737 1.356
ES .123 .048 .138 2.558 .011 .714 1.400
PP .103 .060 .092 1.717 .087 .729 1.372
DP .153 .056 .148 2.741 .007 .713 1.402

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

TRU .160 .036 .232 4.419 .000 .750 1.334

CSE .234 .060 .211 3.892 .000 .709 1.411
a. Dependent Variable: CS
Table 4.35 shows the linear regression analysis results are qualified. From table 4.33,
we have 1 – R square = 1 – 0.562 = 0.438. All factors have a tolerance value above
0.438, which means all factors contribute to the multiple regression predicting
“Customer Satisfaction” for Shopee and there is no problem with multi collinearity.
However, factor Reliability and Payment Procedure have sig. values of 0.723 and 0.087
respectively, which are above 0.05 and statistically unacceptable, thus, these factors do
not have a significant contribute to “customer satisfaction” for Shopee and will be
Table 4. 11: Linear regression analysis – coefficients version 2
Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) -.065 .285 -.227 .821
WD .180 .054 .169 3.317 .001 .803 1.246
SP .144 .044 .176 3.310 .001 .738 1.355
ES .129 .048 .144 2.686 .008 .721 1.386
DP .164 .056 .158 2.945 .004 .722 1.384
TRU .167 .036 .243 4.661 .000 .768 1.301
CSE .247 .059 .222 4.194 .000 .743 1.347
a. Dependent Variable: CS
After eliminating Price and processing multiple regression again, the results are showed
in table 4.36. First, all sig. value for each independent variable is less than 0.05 means
that these variables are significant in the model. As a result, no variables need to be
removed. Next, all standardized beta coefficients have changed their value but still
remained positive, which means all independent variables have positive impact on
dependent variable. Particularly, Trust still has the largest standardized beta coefficient
with 0.243, which is followed by Customer Service with 0.222 and the smallest
standardized beta coefficient is for Ease of use with 0.144.
Furthermore, recognizing multicollinearity is the most important step since it decreases
the statistical significance of the independent variables while having no effect on the
model's explanatory capacity. The VIF value is used to check for multicollinearity since
it is a measure of multicollinearity among the independent variables in multiple
regression model. Based on the table 4.31, there is no multicollinearity for all variables
because all VIF are less than 2 with the highest value is 1,386 and the lowest value is
1.246. As a result, there is no need to change the model's structure or the independent
variable selection.
Based on the results from table 4.36, the linear regression equation is presented as:
CS = 0.243 x TRU + 0.222 x CSE + 0.176 x SP + 0.169 x WD + 0.158 x DP + 0.144 x ES

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Or the equation can be expressed in words such as bellow:

Customer Satisfaction = 0.243 x Trust + 0.222 x Customer Service + 0.176 x
Security and Privacy + 0.169 x Website Design + 0.158 x
Delivery Procedure + 0.144 x Ease of use


The table 4.36 reflects the correlation coefficient between affecting factors and
Customer Satisfaction for Shopee, 6 hypotheses can be tested.
H0: The affecting factors do not have a positive impact on Customer Satisfaction for
H1: The affecting factors do not have a positive impact on Customer Satisfaction for
Null hypothesis will reject if P - value < 0.05.
Thus, 9 hypotheses are now considered in specificity.
Table 4. 12: Summary of hypothesis
Std. Sig. VIF
Hypothesis Relationship Conclusion
Website Design has a
positive impact on Customer 0.169 0.001 1.246 Supported
Satisfaction for Shopee
Reliability has a positive
impact on Customer -0.018 0.723 1.209 Rejected
Satisfaction for Shopee
Security and Privacy has a
positive impact on Customer 0.176 0.001 1.355 Supported
Satisfaction for Shopee
Ease of use has a positive
impact on Customer 0.144 0.008 1.386 Supported
Satisfaction for Shopee
Payment Procedure has a
positive impact on Customer 0.092 0.087 1.372 Rejected
Satisfaction for Shopee
Delivery Procedure has a
positive impact on Customer 0.158 0.004 1.384 Supported
Satisfaction for Shopee
Trust has a positive impact
on Customer Satisfaction for 0.243 0.000 1.301 Supported
Price has a positive impact
on Customer Satisfaction for Rejected

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Customer Service has a

positive impact on Customer 0.222 0.000 1.347 Supported
Satisfaction for Shopee


In this study, one-way ANOVA analysis were applied to determine if differences exist
between three or more groups of gender, age, academic level, and monthly incomes.

4.7.1 ANOVA analysis of gender variable

The data in table 4.38 show Levene test result have Sig. = 0.154 > 0.05. Therefore, the
hypothesis H0- variance of gender group is homogeneous. Then use the results in the
ANOVA table to conclude the mean difference. Sig F = 0.735 > 0.05. There is no
difference between gender group about customer satisfaction. This means the gender
level factor does not affect to the customer satisfaction for Shopee platform.
Table 4.17: Test of homogeneity of gender variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.887 2 217 .154

Table 4. 13: ANOVA test results of gender variable

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .210 2 .105 .309 .735
Within Groups 73.600 217 .339
Total 73.810 219

4.7.2 ANOVA analysis of age variable

Based on Table 4.40, the test of homogeneity of age variance result shows that Sig.=
0.081 > 0.05, the variances between the age groups are not different which mean that
the assumption of ANOVA is not violated. Table 4.41 show the sig value of 0.271 >
0.05 which mean that there is no difference in the level of age groups of the customer
satisfaction for Shopee.
Table 4. 14: Test of homogeneity of age variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.277 3 216 .081

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Table 4.20: ANOVA test results of age variable

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.323 3 .441 1.314 .271
Within Groups 72.487 216 .336
Total 73.810 219

4.7.3 ANOVA analysis of academic level variable

Based on Table 4.42, the test of homogeneity of academic level variance result shows
that Sig.= 0.946 > 0.05. Table 4.43 show the sig value of 0.226 which is greater than
0.05 indicating that there is no difference in the level of assessment of customer
satisfaction for Shopee with people in different academic levels.
Table 4.21: Test of homogeneity of academic level variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.184 4 215 .946

Table 4. 15: ANOVA test results of academic level variable

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.908 4 .477 1.426 .226
Within Groups 71.902 215 .334
Total 73.810 219

4.7.4 ANOVA analysis of monthly income variable

Based on Table 4.44, the test of homogeneity of monthly income variance result shows
that Sig.= 0.503 > 0.05, the variances between the income levels are not different which
mean that the assumption of ANOVA is not violated. Table 4.45 show the sig value of
0.089 > 0.05 which mean that there is no difference in the level of monthly incomes of
the customer satisfaction for Shopee.
Table 4. 16: Test of homogeneity of monthly income variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.785 3 216 .503

Table 4. 17: ANOVA test results of monthly income variable

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 2.186 3 .729 2.197 .089
Within Groups 71.624 216 .332
Total 73.810 219


From the analysis results, the study comes to the conclusion that there are 6 hypotheses
that are correlated and have influence on customer satisfaction, namely Website Design,
Security and Privacy, Ease of use, Delivery Procedure, Trust, and Customer Service,
and are therefore adopted in the final model. Besides, there are 3 factors in the regression
model that have no association or significance, including Reliability, Payment
Procedure, and Price. Furthermore, the data analysis completed with 27 remaining items
from the initial 41 observed items.
All 6 factors show a positive impact on customer satisfaction. The most influential factor
is Trust, followed by Customer Service, Security and Privacy, Website Design, Delivery
Procedure, and eventually Ease of use. In which, to mention the Customer Service
factor, which was not included in the model of the studies reviewed in Chapter 2 and
was only introduced after qualitative interviews but had remarkably favorable results,
has a significant impact on the dependent variable, second only to Trust. This
demonstrates that expert evaluations about this factor are realistic and appropriate to this
research context, and consumer service element is one of the most important aspects
affecting customer satisfaction when shopping on Shopee.
When compared to previous studies, it can be seen that there was a similarity with the
second previous study (Gwo-Guang Lee, Hsiu-Fen Lin, 2005) with the research context
in Taiwan, which is the TRU factor also reached the highest level of influence on
customer satisfaction. However, in the research of Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)
on Digikala in Iran, the results showed that TRU had the slightest influence on
dependent variable of customer satisfaction. In addition, whereas the factor Ease of use
had the second greatest effect on customer satisfaction in the previous study (called
Website Usability), it had the least impact on customer satisfaction in this research. In
this study and Pham Minh Chau's study, Website Design has the average impact as the
fifth strongest factor determining customer satisfaction, in descending order.
For Customer Service, the second strongest impact on customer satisfaction for Shopee,
although not in the research models discussed in chapter 2, demonstrates a significant
impact on customer satisfaction at e-commerce platforms in Vietnam such as Lazada

Chapter 4: Research Outcome

and Sendo when compared to other Vietnamese studies such as Ha Nam Khanh Giao,
2020, and Nguyen Thanh Huyen, 2018. Moreover, 2 out of 3 factors were added after
considering the previous third study of Pham Minh Chau, which were Procedure and
Payment Price, were assessed to have a strong impact on customer satisfaction on sales
websites in Ho Chi Minh City. However, there is no significance and correlation in this
study on customer satisfaction at Shopee.
With the above comments, Shopee should especially focus on improving and developing
factors such as Trust, Customer Service, Security and Privacy to improve customer
satisfaction in purchasing on this e-commerce platform.


In chapter 4, the analysis was detailed through IBM SPSS software 20 with 220 samples
of data collected. Cronbach's Alpha reliability analysis, EFA, correlation analysis, linear
regression analysis and ANOVA were performed. As the results of linear regression
analysis show that there are 6 factors affecting Customer Satisfaction for Shopee such
as: Website Design, Security and Privacy, Ease of use, Delivery Procedure, Trust, and
Customer Service. Regarding to ANOVA testing, the results show that there are no
statistically significant differences in satisfaction for Shopee between customers in
different gender, age, different academic level and monthly income. Chapter 5 will
evaluate the data and provide answers to the research questions.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

In this chapter, the conclusions of the research will be presented by summarizing the
results of the previous chapter's analysis. Based on that information to identify the
factors, the degree of each factor and their impact on customer satisfaction for Shopee.
As a result, provide recommendations to assist Shopee in increasing the satisfaction of
the customer who usually utilize its shopping services. Furthermore, the chapter also
discusses the research's shortcomings and future research directions.


This study aims to investigate the factors affecting customer satisfaction with Shopee in
Vietnam. To be able to complete the research, three groups of objectives were set: (1)
Identify factors affecting customer satisfaction for Shopee. By referring to previous
theories and research results on e-commerce, service quality of shopping websites,
research models as well as measurement scales have been proposed. The results give a
model with 8 factors identified that affect customer satisfaction for Shopee, which are
(1) Website Design, (2) Reliability, (3) Security and Privacy, (4) Ease of use, (5)
Payment Procedure, (6) Delivery Procedure, (7) Trust, (8) Price. The approach of the
study includes two methods. Firstly, the initial research was conducted through group
interviews with 5 professionals who have experience working and shopping at Shopee
and other e-commerce platforms and 2 people who have sold and purchased products
on the platform. Shopee. Next, a pilot study was conducted with 30 samples sent to test
the feasibility of going to the official questionnaire, including 41 questions
corresponding to 41 observed variables. The main research is carried out through an
online survey via Google form, then the data will be entered into SPSS 20 software for
data analysis. (2) Measure, analyze, evaluate the level of each factor, and consider their
impact on customer satisfaction for Shopee. After collect and clean samples, a total of
220 valid samples were collected, used to evaluate and validate the research model
through data analysis methods such as Cronbach' Alpha Reliability Analysis, EFA,
Multilinear regression analysis and one-way ANOVA. Research results show that there
are 6 variables that have an impact on customer satisfaction, and all have a positive
impact, arranged in order of impact from high to low: Trust, Customer Service, Security
and Privacy, Website Design, Delivery Procedure, and Ease of use. In contrast, factors
such as Reliability, Payment Procedure and Price are not accepted because there is no
correlation with the dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction) and there is no statistical
significance in the regression. In addition, on the test of differences, the results show
that there is no statistically significant difference between different customer groups in
terms of satisfaction when using shopping services at Shopee. (3) Propose appropriate
recommendations for influencing factors to improve the satisfaction of quality
consumers for Shopee. Based on the results of data analysis, implications are proposed
for factors that have a positive impact on customer satisfaction when shopping at
Shopee. Thereby, it can help Shopee to improve the quality of its services and increase
customer satisfaction when experiencing shopping services at this e-commerce

Chapter 5: Conclusion


From the results of scientific research, in order to enhance customer satisfaction when
shopping online, a number of orientation ideas are proposed for Shopee to improve
customer satisfaction when shopping at this e-commerce platform.

5.2.1. Increase Customer’s Trust

Customer trust is the objective and motivation of any business, especially for online
shopping since the industry's specificity and limitation are that customers can't feel,
products are sold online products are sold online by feeling without sight. As a result, in
order to increase client trust, Shopee should consider things such as:
- Remove risks and pressures from customers' minds, making them feel comfortable
while purchasing online, for example, by implementing a free trial policy, allowing
return and exchange if not satisfied, and refunding 100% of money... Shopee may then
assist in increasing customers' perceptions of an honest and trustworthy website.
- Besides, Shopee should establish communication channels with clients in order to
receive comments, suggestions, or complaints from customers, so Shopee can know
which services customers are interested in to improve and develop as well as which they
are dissatisfied with so that Shopee can quickly find the solution. From that, it may assist
buyers feel as though the e-commerce platform truly cares about and listens to their
demands, improving their trust while purchasing here.
- Additionally, clients' trust may be increased by prioritizing healthy and legitimate
competition with competitors, such as employing honest and accurate advertising
pictures that are neither flashy or exaggerated about products/services. Most buyers
prefer that firms utilize actual product photographs in their advertising. They want to
acquire exactly what they see and learn about on the internet. This raises customer
awareness of the platform, as well as knowledge of the market and how to compete with
Furthermore, Shopee may progressively construct marketing methods, social and
charitable activities related with the online trading operations to gradually transform
customers' impressions of the company's image.

5.2.2. Improve Customer Service

Customer service if done well and breakthrough in the market will help create
competitive strength and increase customer satisfaction.
- Customer service, if done properly and innovatively, may enhance competitive
strength and boost customer satisfaction. Clients are very concerned in the behavior of
customer service representatives. Thereby, client complaints or grievances must be
settled as promptly and appropriately as feasible, and employees must have a positive
attitude and demonstrate a willingness to assist customers when necessary. Moreover,
responding to client queries rapidly must be done on a frequent basis. As a result, Shopee
must continue to improve its customer service. Shopee must strengthen their complaint
handling procedure in order to reduce resolution time to the bare minimum. For that,

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Shopee must have a 24/7 call center infrastructure in place to allow consumers to reach
them at any time. Call center employees must be trained in both professionalism and
product/service expertise to not only answer client queries but also handle aggressive
customer complaints. When a customer has a complaint or requires to exchange or return
goods, whether the customer is right or wrong, Shopee must first express a sincere
apology for causing the customer to have an unpleasant experience, and then show
goodwill to cooperate and commit to solve the customer's problem as soon as possible.
- Likewise, Shopee should fulfill the return, warranty, complaint, and compensation
policies. With the exchange and return policy, Shopee should have detailed and
unambiguous regulations on the circumstances that may and cannot be exchanged.
These regulations must be clearly defined from the start and carefully followed before,
during, and after interaction with clients. The following are some specific solutions:
+ Allow 3 to 7 days for a trial period; if not satisfied, customers may return.
+ Allow for flexible refunds, including a full return of money if the goods is faulty or
damaged by the seller/supplier.
+ Product exchanges and refunds must be completed quickly, with all conditions in place
to support clients and ensure that they are pleased even if they do not purchase goods.
A positive perception of profitability motivates clients to return and may be tell their
friends to support the platform.

5.2.3. Improve Delivery Procedure

When comparing the respondents' agreement with the items on that scale, the DP4 has
a relatively high mean value (4.43), indicating that the customer's agreement level is
near to the absolute level. As a result, additional elements will be prioritized in order to
improve consumer satisfaction.
- Delivery is an essential element in an online sales website's activity chain. The
reputation and sales of online businesses are heavily influenced by delivery time.
However, early delivery is sometimes not as important as delivering on time to the
customer. Before scheduling a delivery schedule, employees must contact to confirm
customers and set a precise time and location that is most convenient for consumers. If
a delay occurs, delivery staff must apologize to the consumer and reconfirm the delivery
date. It is necessary to formulate a notification system on the website or by email so that
consumers are aware of the state of their purchase, the projected delivery progress, the
identity of the delivery person, etc.
- Shopee should always guarantee that the things supplied by Shopee are adequately
wrapped and secure. Because packing and the packaging aspect are so significant, they
provide the initial impression of the goods and the seller's concern for the
product/service they deliver. The most essential criterion is that the packing technique
and usage of packaging assure the protection of the goods, be easy to transport, and be
beautiful but not fussy in order to demonstrate expertise. Furthermore, based on the
nature and kind of different items, suitable packages and packaging methods may be

Chapter 5: Conclusion

- The attitude of delivery staff is also very important. The last phases of providing things
to customers are delivery and reception of goods. The attitude of passionate delivery
staff who are dedicated to assisting consumers will make a great impression on the
business, demonstrating professionalism in transportation in particular and throughout
the transaction in general. As a result, Shopee should prioritize training delivery
personnel and establish strict criteria for hiring for these roles.

5.2.4. Optimizing the Website Design

- In order to make customers appreciate and remain faithful to the website, Shopee must
establish a positive first impression. The superior features and customer-oriented design
will make them feel satisfied and enjoy the website. Some alternative solutions are as
+ Shopee's designs must clearly demonstrate the company's marketing plan, product
strategy, and branding strategy, as well as show customers the benefits of the items and
services they purchase... The website must be created with the intended audience in
+ Shopee websites should be well-organized, straightforward, and simple to use. The
text on the website should be brief, concise, and appealing to the reader. The website's
navigation must also be easy, with a clear and connected table of contents that assists
consumers in finding items simply, swiftly, and correctly so that readers may examine
it as many times as necessary.
+ It is essential to include images on the website, but they must be appropriate for the
transmission capacity. Customers in Vietnam may be discouraged by slow connection
speeds due to long waits, lack of interest in viewing and shutting the browser. To
minimize clients having to wait a long time, images must be short, and drawings are
more than photos. Text can be highlighted with color. Avoid using too many animations
that may distract the reader from the core material.
+ The information on the website must be provided in a reasonable, logical, and
comprehensive manner. To draw attention to information, different font sizes, colors,
and weights might be utilized.
+ Allowing product customization based on each client's particular requirements and
rapid, instant contact are two qualities that assist the website easily record a positive
impression and consumer satisfaction when buying online.
- Being prepared to assist customers who encounter difficulties when buying online is
a significant factor in increasing customer satisfaction. Therefore, Shopee should
consider developing a system to automatically identify problems when consumers alert
them that they want assistance, as well as adding a FAQ function (frequently asked
questions) so that the system can classify and discover solutions quickly. Otherwise, the
query will be transferred to the administration department, and the response time will
be informed to the client. Furthermore, to develop distinctive, enjoyable online buying
experiences that leave a lasting impact and imprint in the minds of clients.

5.2.5 Enhance Security and Privacy

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Because the Internet environment is always full of threats, security and privacy are
characteristics that foster client confidence and loyalty in online transactions. One of the
biggest reasons people avoid online purchasing is the fear of having their personal
information exposed and their credit card accounts stolen.
- To improve security, computer systems and databases, as well as online business
systems, must be managed consistently, with backup plans for power outages, anti-virus,
and anti-access and unlawful access. Shopee should select a security solution provider
for online transactions, particularly those involving electronic payments.
- Privacy policies should be revised on a regular basis as the work environment or
technology evolves. Security and privacy concerns must be addressed at the corporate
level. Shopee must conduct training and remind and monitor staff' professional ethics
on a regular basis to guarantee that customer information is not exposed. Important
client information should be properly handled by security software that only authorized
individuals may access. Furthermore, you should consider including the option for
clients to reject to disclose personal information if they are not ready or wish to
safeguard their personal information.
- Maintaining regular client contacts is also a method to increase cross-checking and
detect symptoms of system insecurity for prompt handling measures. Furthermore, in
order to boost customer confidence in safety, Shopee must have a system that sends
notifications on the website and even emails to customers to validate the transaction,
order status, and payment status so that customers can rest comfortable.

5.2.6 Simplify the procurement processes (Ease of use):

- Make it simple to use:

+ User-friendly navigation has a significant impact on conversions. Essentially, the
website should make it as simple as possible for visitors to locate what they are searching
for. Consider developing a site-wide search engine to save time. Instead, integrate
features that are both easy to find and valuable. Users may more effectively explore the
site by employing links to the next and previous product pages, and the navigation bars
should emphasize the most significant pages.
+ Selecting a single list of horizontal links over many sidebars and navigation choices
streamlines store navigation by allowing consumers who are interested in a certain
product to find it. that thing with little effort. The checkout button should be prominently
displayed on the e-commerce site, adjacent to an easy-to-use navigation bar. The user's
shopping cart should be accessible from anywhere on their site.
- Registration might sometimes be an obstacle to purchasing:
After clients provide all their information, Shopee's website should not freeze. Shopee
should offer more capabilities to automatically recall client information or build
synchronization of customer information across the buying process to do this. For
example, Shopee may improve its usability by automatically allowing consumers to
establish an account using the information they gave during checkout after making a
purchase. The ability to save credit card information for repeat customers simplifies
purchases the next time they visit an e-commerce site.

Chapter 5: Conclusion


This study has provided a pretty good measuring tool, showing the most common
customer relationships and feelings towards online retail services, and has made certain
contributions to Shopee in improving customer satisfaction. satisfaction of customers as
well as businesses doing business online. However, the study still has unavoidable
limitations, which are:
Firstly, although it has basically measured the factors affecting customer satisfaction,
the research has not fully mentioned several other factors affecting customer satisfaction
related to customer service characteristics, products, brands, images of partner
companies providing products and services... Regression results show that the fit of the
model is 54.50%, that is, the independent variables in the model. The model explained
54.50% of the variation of the dependent variable “Customer satisfaction”. Thus,
45.50% of the variation of the dependent variable is still explained by external factors
that the topic has not mentioned in the proposed model. This is a direction for future
research topics.
Second, the research sample was selected by the convenience method (non-probability)
and the sample size was relatively small, so the representativeness was not high, the
generalization ability was limited. Further research should select samples by
stratification method (one of the methods of sampling by probability and with object
classification) in order to increase generalization ability and achieve higher statistical
Finally, because the study was conducted during the Covid epidemic situation, the
research was only conducted via the online form (Google form). As a result, it is possible
to reduce the quality of the answers and not be able to receive direct input from the
survey participants.


With the limitation that has been stated, future research can base on this study to extend
the approach to study the relationship between the influencing factors with customer
satisfaction on the Shopee platform.
- Firstly, the next study can conduct a survey with a larger sample size, and at the same
time select the sample according to the probability method to better reflect the research
- Second, although the study has basically measured the factors affecting customer
satisfaction, there are still many other factors affecting service quality satisfaction at
Shopee that this study has not mentioned. That could be a suggestion for further studies.
- In addition, the research was only conducted through quantitative method and the
subjects were customers who have participated in shopping at Shopee, so they did not
differentiate and survey the wishes and feelings of potential customers at Shopee
platform. For further research, it is possible to develop a strategy to attract more of this
group of potential customers through studying their consumption habits and desires
about online services.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

- Last but not least, future studies can focus on factors affecting customer satisfaction
when buying online for many other e-commerce sites such as Lazada, Sendo... from that
compares the salient features of those e-commerce sites with each other.


Chapter 5 presented a summary of quantitative research results from Chapter 4,

preliminary conclusions about the impact of factors affecting customer satisfaction
when shopping at Shopee e-commerce platform. On that basis, the topic proposes
several recommendations according to each factor to help Shopee improve the quality
of shopping services to increase customer satisfaction. In addition, the study also points
out limitations in the study and directions for future research.

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Independent Code Items (in English) Items (in Sources

Variables Vietnamese)
WD1 The overall design of Thiết kế tổng thể
the website is của trang web dễ
welcoming and visually nhìn và dễ chịu
WD2 The links between the Các liên kết giữa các
pages are clear. trang rõ ràng.
WD3 The website is clearly Trang web có cấu Irantaj,
structured. trúc rõ ràng. Farid
(WD) WD4 As I see the website, I Khi tôi xem trang
know that in which area web, tôi biết rằng nó (2018)
it works hoạt động trong lĩnh
vực nào
WD5 When interacting with Khi tương tác với
the website, it provides trang web, nó cung
me with tailored cấp cho tôi thông tin
information (e.g. phù hợp (ví dụ: đề
product xuất sản phẩm).
REL1 The website sells the Trang web bán hàng
right product at the đúng giá niêm yết
listed price on the trên trang web.
website. Phạm
Minh Châu
Reliability REL2 The quality of the Chất lượng của sản
(REL) product is exactly as phẩm đúng như hình (2014)
shown on the website. trên website.
REL3 The website delivered Trang web giao
the right goods at the đúng hàng ngay lần
first time (quantity, đầu (số lượng,
type...) chủng loại ...)
REL4 The website always Trang web luôn giữ
keeps its promises to its lời hứa với khách
customers. hàng của mình.

REL5 The website has a clear Trang web có một
return policy. chính sách hoàn trả
rõ ràng.
REL6 The website always Trang web luôn thực
fulfills its commitment hiện đúng cam kết
to warranty and after về chế độ bảo hành
sales service. và hậu mãi.
SP1 The website is Trang web cam kết
committed to protecting bảo mật thông tin cá
customer personal nhân khách hàng.
Security & SP2 The website has all the Trang web có tất cả Giti
Privacy necessary security các tính năng bảo Irantaj,
features. mật cần thiết. Farid
SP3 Transactions are Giao dịch được xác
verified via email or nhận qua email hoặc (2018)
phone. điện thoại.
SP4 I feel safe when Tôi cảm thấy an
transacting on the toàn khi giao dịch
website. trên trang web.

ES1 The website is easy to Trang web dễ điều

navigate and links well hướng và liên kết tốt
with the shops on the với các cửa hàng
site. trên trang web.
ES2 The website’s links are Các liên kết của
problem free, accurate. trang web không có
vấn đề, chính xác.
ES3 In the process of Trong quá trình mua Irantaj,
Ease of Use purchase, it’s easy to hàng, bạn có thể dễ Farid
(ES) master the flow of dàng nắm vững quy Huseynov
online shopping. trình mua sắm trực
tuyến. (2018)

ES4 The website’s pages Các trang của trang

don’t freeze after I put web không bị đóng
in all my information. băng sau khi tôi
nhập tất cả thông tin
của mình.

PP1 The website has a Trang web có nhiều
variety of payment phương thức thanh
methods. toán.
PP2 The payment procedure Thủ tục thanh toán
Payment on the website is trên trang web rất Phạm
Procedure simple. đơn giản. Minh Châu
(PP) (2014)
PP3 Easily choose the right Dễ dàng lựa chọn
payment method. hình thức thanh toán
phù hợp.
DP1 Save time buying Tiết kiệm thời gian
compared to traditional mua hàng so với
style. kiểu truyền thống.
DP2 The website Trang web giao
delivers/voucher at a hàng/voucher vào
time convenient for me. thời điểm thuận tiện
cho tôi.
Delivery Phạm
Procedure DP3 Goods are carefully Hàng hóa được đóng Minh
packed and safe. gói cẩn thận và đảm Châu
(DP) bảo an toàn.
DP4 Delivery staff ready to Nhân viên giao hàng
respond to my sẵn sàng đáp ứng
exchange/return yêu cầu đổi/trả hàng
request. của tôi.
TRU1 Based on my Dựa trên kinh
experience with this nghiệm của tôi với
website in the past, I trang web này trong
know it to be an honest quá khứ, tôi biết đây
and trustworthy là một trang web
website. trung thực và đáng
tin cậy.
TRU2 Based on my Dựa trên kinh
experience with this nghiệm của tôi với
website in the past, I trang web này trong
know it cares about its quá khứ, tôi biết nó
customers. quan tâm đến khách
hàng của mình.

TRU3 Based on my Dựa trên kinh Giti
experience with this nghiệm của tôi với Irantaj,
website in the past, I trang web này trong Farid
(TRU) feel I can trust this quá khứ, tôi cảm Huseynov
website. thấy tôi có thể tin
tưởng trang web
TRU4 I know that the website Tôi biết rằng trang
knows its market well web biết rất rõ về thị
and how to compete trường và cách thức
with its competitors. cạnh tranh với các
đối thủ.
PRI1 The website's selling Giá bán hàng hóa
price is highly của trang web mang
competitive. tính cạnh tranh cao.

PRI2 Online selling prices on Giá bán trực tuyến

Price the website have more trên website có Phạm
discounts than nhiều chiết khấu hơn Minh Châu
traditional buying and so với các kênh mua (2014)
selling channels. bán truyền thống.
PRI3 Price is the deciding Giá cả là yếu tố
factor when I shop on quyết định khi tôi
the website. mua sắm trên
CS1 I rate the website's Tôi đánh giá tốt dịch
online sales service as vụ bán hàng trực
good. tuyến của trang web.
CS2 The quality of online Chất lượng dịch vụ
sales service is worth bán hàng trực tuyến
the money I spend là xứng đáng với số
tiền tôi bỏ ra
Customer Phạm
Satisfaction CS3 Overall, I am Nhìn chung, tôi Minh Châu
completely satisfied hoàn toàn hài lòng
(CS) with the website's về dịch vụ bán hàng (2014)
online sales service. trực tuyến của trang
CS4 I will continue to shop Tôi sẽ vẫn tiếp tục
online at this website. mua hàng trực tuyến
trên trang web này.


Original Scales Opinions from Code Revised Scales Revised Scales

experts (In English) (In Vietnamese)

Website Design - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

The overall Should be WD1 Shopee's website Trang web của

design of the expressed has a very Shopee có giao
website is clearer attractive and diện rất thu hút,
welcoming and beautiful đẹp mắt.
visually pleasing. interface.

The links Should be WD2 Links between Liên kết giữa các
between the expressed pages work very trang hoạt động
pages are clear. clearer smoothly. rất mượt và trơn

The website is Should be WD3 The directory Cấu trúc các thư
clearly structured expressed structure of the mục của trang
clearer website is web được sắp xếp
arranged very rất rõ ràng, hợp
clearly and lý.

As I see the Removed as

website, I know Shopee is an e-
that in which area commerce
it works. platform that is
an intermediary X X
channel between
shops and
buyers, so there
is no specific
field of activity.

When interacting Should be WD4 The layout of the Cách bố trí của
with the website, expressed homepage makes trang chủ giúp tôi
it provides me clearer it easy for me to luôn dễ dàng tìm
with tailored always find the kiếm các thông
information (e.g. information I tin cần thiết.
product need.

Reliability - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

The website sells They agreed REL1 Shopee always Shopee luôn bán
the right product sells goods at the hàng đúng giá
at the listed price price listed on the niêm yết trên
on the website. website. trang web.

The quality of the They agreed REL2 Product quality is Chất lượng sản
product is exactly often the same as phẩm thường
as shown on the described on the xuyên giống với
website. website. mô tả trên trang

The website Should be REL3 Goods are Hàng hóa thường

delivered the expressed regularly xuyên được giao
right goods at the clearer delivered đúng (chủng loại)
first time correctly (type) và đủ (số lượng).
(quantity, type...) and sufficient

The website Should be REL4 Shopee always Shopee luôn thực

always keeps its expressed fulfills its hiện đúng những
promises to its clearer promises to cam kết đã hứa
customers. customers. với khách hàng.

The website has a Should be REL5 Shopee always Shopee luôn thực
clear return expressed fulfills its hiện đúng cam kết
policy. clearer commitment to về bảo hành, hậu
warranty and after mãi.
sales service.

The website They agreed REL6 Shopee ensures a Shopee luôn đảm
always fulfills its favorable return bảo chính sách
commitment to policy for hoàn trả thuận lợi
warranty and customers in case và dễ dàng cho
after sales the product does khách hàng trong
service. not meet the trường hợp sản
requirements. phẩm không đúng
yêu cầu.

Security & Privacy - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

The website is Should be SP1 Shopee does not Shopee hoàn toàn
committed to expressed share my personal không chia sẻ
protecting clearer information with thông tin cá nhân
customer personal third parties at all. của tôi cho bên
thứ ba.


Added new item SP2 Shopee always Shopee luôn có

has the option for tùy chọn cho việc
customers to khách hàng từ
refuse to provide chối cung cấp
personal thông tin cá nhân.

The website has Should be SP3 Shopee always Shopee luôn luôn
all the necessary expressed protects my bảo vệ thông tin
security features. clearer online transaction giao dịch trực
information. tuyến của tôi.

Transactions are Should be SP4 Shopee always Shopee luôn xác

verified via email expressed confirms my nhận giao dịch
or phone. clearer customer khách hàng của
transactions (by tôi (qua điện thoại
phone or email). hoặc email).

I feel safe when They agreed SP5 I always feel safe Tôi luôn cảm thấy
transacting on the when transacting an toàn khi giao
website. on Shopee. dịch trên Shopee.

Ease of use - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

The website is This and item 2 ES1 The site is always Trang web luôn
easy to navigate could be made easy to navigate dễ dàng điều
and links well into one. and links well hướng và liên kết
with the shops on with the stores on tốt với các cửa
the site. the site. hàng trên trang

The website’s This and item 1

links are problem could be made X X
free, accurate. into one.

In the process of Should be ES2 Online shopping Thủ tục và các

purchase, it’s expressed procedures and thao tác mua hàng
easy to master the clearer operations on trực tuyến trên
flow of online Shopee are very Shopee rất dễ
shopping. easy and simple. dàng và đơn giản.

The website’s They agreed ES3 Shopee's pages Các trang của
pages don’t regularly do not Shopee thường
freeze after I put freeze after me. xuyên không bị
in all my đóng băng sau khi
information. tôi nhập tấc cả
thông tin.

Added new item ES4 I can easily Tôi hoàn toàn có

compare prices thể dễ dàng so
and product sánh giá cả và
information on thông tin sản
Shopee. phẩm trên

Added new item ES5 Shopee is easily Shopee dễ dàng

used from many được sử dụng từ
different devices nhiều thiết bị
such as laptops, khác nhau như
tablets, phones,... laptop, máy tính
bảng, điện

Payment Procedure - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

The website has a They agreed PP1 Shopee's payment Các hình thức
variety of methods are very thanh toán của
payment diverse. Shopee rất đa
methods. dạng.

The payment They agreed PP2 The payment Thủ tục thanh
procedure on the procedure on toán trên Shopee
website is simple. Shopee is very rất đơn giản.

Easily choose the Should be PP3 I am always free Tôi luôn được
right payment expressed to choose a thoải mái lựa
method. clearer payment method chọn phương thức
that works for me. thanh toán có lợi
cho tôi.

Delivery Procedure - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

Save time buying Removed as the

compared to experts believes
traditional style. that time
savings are X X

based on the
entire purchase
process not just
in the shipping

The website Should be DP1 Before shipping, Trước khi giao

delivers/voucher expressed Shopee always hàng, Shopee
at a time clearer contact me to luôn liên hệ với
convenient for confirm a tôi để xác nhận
me. convenient thời gian và địa
delivery time and điểm giao hàng
location. thuận tiện.

Goods are Should be DP2 Items sent by Các mặt hàng

carefully packed expressed Shopee are được gửi bởi
and safe. clearer always well Shopee luôn được
packed and safe. đóng gói tốt và
đảm bảo an toàn.

Delivery staff Should be DP3 I am very Tôi rất hài lòng

ready to respond expressed satisfied with the với thái độ của
to my clearer attitude of nhân viên giao
exchange/return Shopee's delivery hàng của Shopee.
request staff.

Added new item DP4 After placing an Sau khi đặt hàng
order on Shopee, trên Shopee, tôi
I can fully track hoàn toàn có thể
the shipping theo dõi tình trạng
status of the vận chuyển của
goods. hàng hóa.

Trust - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

Based on my This and item 3 TRU1 Based on my Dựa trên kinh

experience with could be made experience with nghiệm của tôi
this website in the into one. Shopee in the với Shopee trong
past, I know it to past, I know it's a quá khứ, tôi biết
be an honest and very honest and đó là một trang
trustworthy trustworthy site. web rất trung thực
website. và đáng tin cậy.

Based on my They agreed TRU2 Based on my Dựa trên kinh
experience with experience with nghiệm của tôi
this website in the Shopee in the với Shopee trong
past, I know it past, I know quá khứ, tôi biết
cares about its Shopee cares Shopee rất quan
customers. about its tâm tới khách
customers. hàng của mình.

Based on my This and item 1

experience with could be made X X
this website in the into one.
past, I feel I can
trust this website.

I know that the They agreed TRU3 I know that Tôi biết rằng
website knows its Shopee knows the Shopee biết rất rõ
market well and market very well thị trường và cách
how to compete and how to thức cạnh tranh
with its compete with its với các đối thủ.
competitors. competitors.

Price - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

The website's Should be PRI1 The general price Mức giá chung
selling price is expressed of goods on của hàng hóa trên
highly clearer Shopee is very Shopee rất phù
competitive. suitable for my hợp với khả năng
financial ability. tài chính của tôi.

Online selling They agreed PRI2 Online selling Giá bán trực
prices on the prices on Shopee tuyến trên Shopee
website have always have more luôn có nhiều
more discounts discounts than chiết khấu hơn so
than traditional traditional buying với các kênh mua
buying and and selling bán truyền thống.
selling channels. channels.

Price is the They agreed PRI3 Price is often the Giá cả thường
deciding factor deciding factor xuyên là nhân tố
when I shop on when I shop on quyết định khi tôi
the website Shopee. mua hàng trên

Customer Service - Added new factor

Added new item CSE1 Shopee Customer Nhân viên Chăm
Care staff is sóc khách hàng
always willing to của Shopee luôn
help me. sẵn lòng giúp đỡ

Added new item CSE2 My questions are Thắc mắc của tôi
always answered luôn được giải
promptly. đáp kịp thời.

Added new item CSE3 Shopee regularly Shopee thường

has many xuyên có nhiều
attractive chương trình bảo
warranty and hành, hậu mãi hấp
after-sales dẫn.

Added new item CSE4 Shopee always Shopee luôn có

has a return chính sách đổi trả
policy when the hàng khi sản
product does not phẩm không đúng
meet the yêu cầu.

Customer Satisfaction - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

I rate the They agreed CS1 I appreciate Tôi đánh giá rất
website's online Shopee's online tốt dịch vụ bán
sales service as sales service very hàng trực tuyến
good. well. của Shopee.

The quality of They agreed CS2 The quality of Chất lượng dịch
online sales Shopee's online vụ bán hàng trực
service is worth sales service is tuyến của Shopee
the money I completely worth hoàn toàn xứng
spend the money I đáng với số tiền
spent. tôi bỏ ra.

Overall, I am They agreed CS3 Overall, I am Nhìn chung, tôi

completely completely hoàn toàn hài
satisfied with the satisfied with lòng về dịch vụ
website's online Shopee's online bán hàng trực
sales service. sales service. tuyến của Shopee.

I will continue to They agreed CS4 I will continue to Tôi sẽ vẫn tiếp
shop online at shop online on tục mua hàng trực
this website. Shopee. tuyến trên


No. Code Items

Website Design - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

1 WD1 Shopee's website has a very attractive and beautiful interface.

2 WD2 Links between pages work very smoothly.

3 WD3 The directory structure of the website is arranged very clearly and

4 WD4 The layout of the homepage makes it easy for me to always find the
information I need.

Reliability - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

5 REL1 Shopee always sells goods at the price listed on the website.

6 REL2 Product quality is often the same as described on the website.

7 REL3 Goods are regularly delivered correctly (type) and sufficient (quantity).

8 REL4 Shopee always fulfills its promises to customers.

9 REL5 Shopee always fulfills its commitment to warranty and after sales

10 REL6 Shopee ensures a favorable return policy for customers in case the
product does not meet the requirements.

Security & Privacy - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

11 SP1 Shopee does not share my personal information with third parties at all.

12 SP2 Shopee always has the option for customers to refuse to provide
personal information.

13 SP3 Shopee always protects my online transaction information.

14 SP4 Shopee always confirms my customer transactions (by phone or email).

15 SP5 I always feel safe when transacting on Shopee.

Ease of use - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

16 ES1 The site is always easy to navigate and links well with the stores on the

17 ES2 Online shopping procedures and operations on Shopee are very easy
and simple.

18 ES3 Shopee's pages regularly do not freeze after me.

19 ES4 I can easily compare prices and product information on Shopee.

20 ES5 Shopee is easily used from many different devices such as laptops,
tablets, phones...

Payment Procedure - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

21 PP1 Shopee's payment methods are very diverse.

22 PP2 The payment procedure on Shopee is very simple.

23 PP3 I am always free to choose a payment method that works for me.

Delivery Procedure - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

24 DP1 Before shipping, Shopee always contact me to confirm a convenient

delivery time and location.

25 DP2 Items sent by Shopee are always well packed and safe.

26 DP3 I am very satisfied with the attitude of Shopee's delivery staff.

27 DP4 After placing an order on Shopee, I can fully track the shipping status
of the goods.

Trust - Giti Irantaj, Farid Huseynov (2018)

28 TRU1 Based on my experience with Shopee in the past, I know it's a very
honest and trustworthy site.

29 TRU2 Based on my experience with Shopee in the past, I know Shopee cares
about its customers.

30 TRU3 I know that Shopee knows the market very well and how to compete
with its competitors.

Price - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

31 PRI1 The general price of goods on Shopee is very suitable for my financial

32 PRI2 Online selling prices on Shopee always have more discounts than
traditional buying and selling channels.

33 PRI3 Price is often the deciding factor when I shop on Shopee.

Customer Service - Added new factor

34 CSE1 Shopee Customer Care staff is always willing to help me.

35 CSE2 My questions are always answered promptly.

36 CSE3 Shopee regularly has many attractive warranty and after-sales


37 CSE4 Shopee always has a return policy when the product does not meet the

Customer Satisfaction - Phạm Minh Châu (2014)

38 CS1 I appreciate Shopee's online sales service very well.

39 CS2 The quality of Shopee's online sales service is completely worth the
money I spent.

40 CS3 Overall, I am completely satisfied with Shopee's online sales service.

41 CS4 I will continue to shop online on Shopee.


Vietnamese ver:
Xin chào Anh/Chị,
Tôi là Trần Thị Thủy Tiên, sinh viên năm cuối Khoa Quản lý Công nghiệp – Trường
ĐH Bách Khoa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Hiện nay, tôi đang thực hiện một đề tài nghiên
cứu về “Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng khi mua sắm và sử
dụng dịch vụ tại Shopee”.
Kính mong Anh/Chị có thể dành chút ít thời gian quý báu để giúp tôi hoàn thành phiếu
khảo sát này. Không có câu trả lời nào là đúng hay sai, mọi thông tin mà Anh/Chị cung
cấp đều vô cùng hữu ích và quan trọng đối với nghiên cứu. Tôi xin cam kết mọi thông
tin mà Anh/Chị cung cấp sẽ hoàn toàn được bảo mật và chỉ sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên
cứu khoa học. Sự hỗ trợ nhiệt tình của Anh/Chị sẽ góp phần rất lớn vào thành công của
nghiên cứu.


Anh/Chị có mua sắm/ sử dụng dịch vụ của Shopee trong 1 năm trở lại đây không ?



Trong phần này Anh/Chị vui lòng cho biết mức độ đồng ý của Anh/Chị đối với từng
phát biểu về các khía cạnh của Shopee tác động đến sự hài lòng của bản thân (Mức độ
đồng ý tăng dần theo thang điểm 1 đến 5):
1 – Hoàn toàn KHÔNG đồng ý
2 – Không đồng ý
3 – Bình thường
4 – Đồng ý
5 – Hoàn toàn đồng ý


1 Trang web của Shopee có giao diện rất thu hút, 1 2 3 4 5

đẹp mắt.

2 Liên kết giữa các trang hoạt động rất mượt và 1 2 3 4 5

trơn tru.

3 Cấu trúc các thư mục của trang web được sắp xếp 1 2 3 4 5
rất rõ ràng, hợp lý.

4 Cách bố trí của trang chủ giúp tôi luôn dễ dàng 1 2 3 4 5

tìm kiếm các thông tin cần thiết.

5 Shopee luôn bán hàng đúng giá niêm yết trên 1 2 3 4 5

trang web.

6 Chất lượng sản phẩm thường xuyên giống với mô 1 2 3 4 5

tả trên trang web.

7 Hàng hóa thường xuyên được giao đúng (chủng 1 2 3 4 5

loại) và đủ (số lượng).

8 Shopee luôn thực hiện đúng những cam kết đã 1 2 3 4 5

hứa với khách hàng.

9 Shopee luôn thực hiện đúng cam kết về bảo hành, 1 2 3 4 5

hậu mãi.

10 Shopee luôn đảm bảo chính sách hoàn trả thuận 1 2 3 4 5

lợi và dễ dàng cho khách hàng trong trường hợp
sản phẩm không đúng yêu cầu.

11 Shopee hoàn toàn không chia sẻ thông tin cá 1 2 3 4 5

nhân của tôi cho bên thứ ba.

12 Shopee luôn có tùy chọn cho việc khách hàng từ 1 2 3 4 5

chối cung cấp thông tin cá nhân.

13 Shopee luôn luôn bảo vệ thông tin giao dịch trực 1 2 3 4 5

tuyến của tôi.

14 Shopee luôn xác nhận giao dịch khách hàng của 1 2 3 4 5

tôi (qua điện thoại hoặc email).

15 Tôi luôn cảm thấy an toàn khi giao dịch trên 1 2 3 4 5


16 Trang web luôn dễ dàng điều hướng và liên kết 1 2 3 4 5

tốt với các cửa hàng trên trang web.

17 Thủ tục và các thao tác mua hàng trực tuyến trên 1 2 3 4 5
Shopee rất dễ dàng và đơn giản.

18 Các trang của Shopee thường xuyên không bị 1 2 3 4 5
đóng băng sau khi tôi nhập tấc cả thông tin.

19 Tôi hoàn toàn có thể dễ dàng so sánh giá cả và 1 2 3 4 5

thông tin sản phẩm trên Shopee.

20 Shopee dễ dàng được sử dụng từ nhiều thiết bị 1 2 3 4 5

khác nhau như laptop, máy tính bảng, điện

21 Các hình thức thanh toán của Shopee rất đa dạng. 1 2 3 4 5

22 Thủ tục thanh toán trên Shopee rất đơn giản. 1 2 3 4 5

23 Tôi luôn được thoải mái lựa chọn phương thức 1 2 3 4 5

thanh toán có lợi cho tôi.

24 Trước khi giao hàng, Shopee luôn liên hệ với tôi 1 2 3 4 5

để xác nhận thời gian và địa điểm giao hàng
thuận tiện.

25 Các mặt hàng được gửi bởi Shopee luôn được 1 2 3 4 5

đóng gói tốt và đảm bảo an toàn.

26 Tôi rất hài lòng với thái độ của nhân viên giao 1 2 3 4 5
hàng của Shopee.

27 Sau khi đặt hàng trên Shopee, tôi hoàn toàn có 1 2 3 4 5

thể theo dõi tình trạng vận chuyển của hàng hóa.

28 Dựa trên kinh nghiệm của tôi với Shopee trong 1 2 3 4 5

quá khứ, tôi biết đó là một trang web rất trung
thực và đáng tin cậy.

29 Dựa trên kinh nghiệm của tôi với Shopee trong 1 2 3 4 5

quá khứ, tôi biết Shopee rất quan tâm tới khách
hàng của mình.

30 Tôi biết rằng Shopee biết rất rõ thị trường và 1 2 3 4 5

cách thức cạnh tranh với các đối thủ.

31 Mức giá chung của hàng hóa trên Shopee rất phù 1 2 3 4 5
hợp với khả năng tài chính của tôi.

32 Giá bán trực tuyến trên Shopee luôn có nhiều 1 2 3 4 5

chiết khấu hơn so với các kênh mua bán truyền

33 Giá cả thường xuyên là nhân tố quyết định khi tôi 1 2 3 4 5
mua hàng trên Shopee.

34 Nhân viên Chăm sóc khách hàng của Shopee 1 2 3 4 5

luôn sẵn lòng giúp đỡ tôi.

35 Thắc mắc của tôi luôn được giải đáp kịp thời. 1 2 3 4 5

36 Shopee thường xuyên có nhiều chương trình bảo 1 2 3 4 5

hành, hậu mãi hấp dẫn.

37 Shopee luôn có chính sách đổi trả hàng khi sản 1 2 3 4 5

phẩm không đúng yêu cầu.

38 Tôi đánh giá rất tốt dịch vụ bán hàng trực tuyến 1 2 3 4 5
của Shopee.

39 Chất lượng dịch vụ bán hàng trực tuyến của 1 2 3 4 5

Shopee hoàn toàn xứng đáng với số tiền tôi bỏ ra.

40 Nhìn chung, tôi hoàn toàn hài lòng về dịch vụ 1 2 3 4 5

bán hàng trực tuyến của Shopee.

41 Tôi sẽ vẫn tiếp tục mua hàng trực tuyến trên 1 2 3 4 5



Anh/ Chị cho biết đôi điều về bản thân (Đánh dấu đáp án thích hợp)
1. Giới tính của Anh/Chị:
2. Độ tuổi của Anh/Chị vào khoảng:
Dưới 24 tuổi
24 - 34 tuổi
35 - 55 tuổi
Trên 55 tuổi
3. Trình độ học vấn của Anh/Chị:
Trung học Phổ thông
Cao đẳng/ Trung cấp

Đại học
Trên Đại học
4. Thu nhập hàng tháng của anh/chị (VND):
< 5 triệu
5 - 10 triệu
11 - 20 triệu
> 20 triệu

Xin chân thành cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của Anh/Chị!

English ver:
Hello Mr/Ms,
I'm Tran Thi Thuy Tien, a final year student at Faculty of Industrial Management - Ho
Chi Minh City University of Technology. Currently, I am conducting a research project
on "Factors affecting customer satisfaction when shopping and using services at
I hope you could spare some of your precious time to help me complete this survey.
There is no right or wrong answer, any information you provide is extremely helpful
and important to the research. I pledge that all information you provide will be
completely confidential and used only for scientific research purposes. Your
enthusiastic support will greatly contribute to the success of this study.

Have you shopped/used Shopee's services in the past 1 year?


In this section, please indicate your level of agreement with each statement about aspects
of Shopee that affect your satisfaction (The level of agreement increases gradually on a
scale of 1 to 5):
1 – Totally disagree

2 – Disagree
3 – Neutral
4 – Agree
5 – Totally agree



1 Shopee's website has a very attractive and 1 2 3 4 5

beautiful interface.

2 Links between pages work very smoothly. 1 2 3 4 5

3 The directory structure of the website is arranged 1 2 3 4 5

very clearly and logically

4 The layout of the homepage makes it easy for me 1 2 3 4 5

to always find the information I need.

5 Shopee always sells goods at the price listed on the 1 2 3 4 5


6 Product quality is often the same as described on 1 2 3 4 5

the website.

7 Goods are regularly delivered correctly (type) and 1 2 3 4 5

sufficient (quantity).

8 Shopee always fulfills its promises to customers. 1 2 3 4 5

9 Shopee always fulfills its commitment to warranty 1 2 3 4 5

and after sales service.

10 Shopee ensures a favorable return policy for 1 2 3 4 5

customers in case the product does not meet the

11 Shopee does not share my personal information 1 2 3 4 5

with third parties at all.

12 Shopee always has the option for customers to 1 2 3 4 5

refuse to provide personal information.

13 Shopee always protects my online transaction 1 2 3 4 5


14 Shopee always confirms my customer transactions 1 2 3 4 5
(by phone or email).

15 I always feel safe when transacting on Shopee. 1 2 3 4 5

16 The site is always easy to navigate and links well 1 2 3 4 5

with the stores on the site.

17 Online shopping procedures and operations on 1 2 3 4 5

Shopee are very easy and simple.

18 Shopee's pages regularly do not freeze after me. 1 2 3 4 5

19 I can easily compare prices and product 1 2 3 4 5

information on Shopee.

20 Shopee is easily used from many different devices 1 2 3 4 5

such as laptops, tablets, phones,...

21 Shopee's payment methods are very diverse. 1 2 3 4 5

22 The payment procedure on Shopee is very simple. 1 2 3 4 5

23 I am always free to choose a payment method that 1 2 3 4 5

works for me.

24 Before shipping, Shopee always contact me to 1 2 3 4 5

confirm a convenient delivery time and location.

25 Items sent by Shopee are always well packed and 1 2 3 4 5


26 I am very satisfied with the attitude of Shopee's 1 2 3 4 5

delivery staff.

27 After placing an order on Shopee, I can fully track 1 2 3 4 5

the shipping status of the goods.

28 Based on my experience with Shopee in the past, 1 2 3 4 5

I know it's a very honest and trustworthy site.

29 Based on my experience with Shopee in the past, 1 2 3 4 5

I know Shopee cares about its customers.

30 I know that Shopee knows the market very well 1 2 3 4 5

and how to compete with its competitors.

31 The general price of goods on Shopee is very 1 2 3 4 5
suitable for my financial ability.

32 Online selling prices on Shopee always have more 1 2 3 4 5

discounts than traditional buying and selling

33 Price is often the deciding factor when I shop on 1 2 3 4 5


34 Shopee Customer Care staff is always happy to 1 2 3 4 5

help me.

35 My questions are always answered promptly. 1 2 3 4 5

36 Shopee regularly has many attractive warranty and 1 2 3 4 5

after-sales programs.

37 Shopee always has a return policy when the 1 2 3 4 5

product does not meet the requirements.

38 I appreciate Shopee's online sales service very 1 2 3 4 5


39 The quality of Shopee's online sales service is 1 2 3 4 5

completely worth the money I spent.

40 Overall, I am completely satisfied with Shopee's 1 2 3 4 5

online sales service.

41 I will continue to shop online on Shopee. 1 2 3 4 5


Please tell us something about yourself (Mark the correct answer):
1. Your gender:
2. Your age:
Under 24
24 - 34
35 - 55

Over 55
3. Your academic level:
High school
College// Intermediate
4. Your monthly income (VND):
< 5 million
5 - 10 million
11 - 20 million
> 20 million

Sincerely thank you for doing this survey




Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

Valid Female 123 55.9 55.9 55.9

Male 92 41.8 41.8 97.7

Other 5 2.3 2.3 100.0

Total 220 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

Valid Under 24 117 53.2 53.2 53.2

24 - 34 57 25.9 25.9 79.1

35 - 55 39 17.7 17.7 96.8

Over 55 7 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 220 100.0 100.0

Academic Level

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

Valid High school 42 19.1 19.1 19.1

11 5.0 5.0 24.1

University 143 65.0 65.0 89.1

Graduate 17 7.7 7.7 96.8

Other 7 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 220 100.0 100.0

Monthly Income

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent

Valid < 5 million 116 52.7 52.7 52.7

5 - 10
51 23.2 23.2 75.9

11 - 20
42 19.1 19.1 95.0

> 20 million 11 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 220 100.0 100.0


Descriptive Statistic of Independent Variables

Factors Items N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
WD1 220 3 5 4.22 .676
Website WD2 220 3 5 4.06 .712
Design WD3 220 3 5 4.25 .719
WD4 220 3 5 4.20 .688
REL1 220 3 5 4.34 .639
REL2 220 3 5 4.27 .661
Reliability REL3 220 1 5 4.30 .778
REL4 220 3 5 4.36 .615
REL5 220 3 5 4.39 .642
REL6 220 3 5 4.39 .583
SP1 220 1 5 4.11 .951
Security & SP2 220 1 5 4.10 .840
Privacy SP3 220 1 5 4.22 .848
SP4 220 1 5 4.15 .973
SP5 220 1 5 3.95 .818
ES1 220 1 5 4.00 .982
ES2 220 1 5 4.27 .901
Ease of use ES3 220 1 5 3.95 .959
ES4 220 1 5 4.15 .898
ES5 220 2 5 4.42 .695
Payment PP1 220 3 5 4.59 .578
Procedure PP2 220 2 5 4.54 .636
PP3 220 2 5 4.58 .667
DP1 220 2 5 4.22 .707
Delivery DP2 220 2 5 4.17 .720
Procedure DP3 220 3 5 4.21 .692
DP4 220 2 5 4.43 .662
TRU1 220 1 5 3.91 .935
Trust TRU2 220 1 5 3.96 .976
TRU3 220 1 5 4.03 .936
PRI1 220 1 5 4.35 .723
Price PRI2 220 1 5 4.29 .785
PRI3 220 1 5 4.22 .855
Customer CSE1 220 3 5 4.26 .649
Service CSE2 220 2 5 4.24 .675
CSE3 220 3 5 4.39 .656
CSE4 220 2 5 4.32 .695
Valid N (listwise) 220

Descriptive Statistic of Dependent Variables
Factors Items N Minimum Maximu Mean Std.
m Deviation
CS1 220 2 5 4.18 .709
Customer CS2 220 2 5 4.10 .749
Satisfaction CS3 220 2 5 4.23 .768
CS4 220 2 5 4.48 .712
Valid N (listwise) 220


First reliability test on factor “Website Design”

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.787 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
WD1 12.52 2.963 .579 .741
WD2 12.68 2.923 .549 .757
WD3 12.49 2.735 .637 .711
WD4 12.54 2.871 .610 .726

First reliability test on factor “Reliability”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.714 6

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
REL1 21.72 4.548 .522 .653
REL2 21.79 4.595 .476 .667
REL3 21.76 4.860 .267 .742
REL4 21.70 4.805 .444 .677
REL5 21.67 4.532 .525 .652
REL6 21.67 4.760 .503 .661

First reliability test on factor “Security & Privacy”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items

.819 5

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
SP1 16.42 7.496 .587 .792
SP2 16.43 7.762 .638 .777
SP3 16.31 7.312 .747 .745
SP4 16.39 7.708 .518 .815
SP5 16.58 8.034 .594 .790

First reliability test on factor “Ease of use”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.745 5

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
ES1 16.80 6.761 .418 .738
ES2 16.53 6.643 .518 .696
ES3 16.85 6.396 .524 .695
ES4 16.65 6.687 .509 .700
ES5 16.38 7.076 .622 .673

First reliability test on factor “Payment Procedure”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.756 3

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted

PP1 9.12 1.368 .507 .758
PP2 9.17 1.185 .577 .684
PP3 9.13 1.019 .685 .550

First reliability test on factor “Delivery Procedure”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.821 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
DP1 12.81 2.983 .635 .779
DP2 12.86 2.944 .637 .778
DP3 12.82 2.999 .650 .772
DP4 12.60 3.080 .654 .771

First reliability test on factor “Trust”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.869 3

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
TRU1 7.99 3.082 .751 .813
TRU2 7.94 2.969 .742 .821
TRU3 7.87 3.070 .754 .810

First reliability test on factor “Price”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.764 3

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
PRI1 8.51 2.023 .614 .668
PRI2 8.58 1.880 .609 .667
PRI3 8.64 1.775 .572 .717

First reliability test on factor “Customer Service”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.789 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
CSE1 12.94 2.686 .598 .736
CSE2 12.96 2.684 .561 .754
CSE3 12.81 2.645 .612 .729
CSE4 12.88 2.534 .616 .727

First reliability test on factor “Customer Satisfaction”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.799 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
CS1 12.81 3.297 .619 .746
CS2 12.89 3.148 .633 .738
CS3 12.75 3.044 .656 .726
CS4 12.50 3.457 .540 .782


Second reliability test on factor “Website Design”

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.787 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
WD1 12.52 2.963 .579 .741
WD2 12.68 2.923 .549 .757
WD3 12.49 2.735 .637 .711
WD4 12.54 2.871 .610 .726

Second reliability test on factor “Reliability”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.742 5

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
REL1 17.42 3.286 .503 .697
REL2 17.49 3.237 .499 .699
REL4 17.40 3.418 .467 .710
REL5 17.37 3.156 .565 .673
REL6 17.37 3.457 .490 .702

Second reliability test on factor “Security & Privacy”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.819 5

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
SP1 16.42 7.496 .587 .792
SP2 16.43 7.762 .638 .777
SP3 16.31 7.312 .747 .745
SP4 16.39 7.708 .518 .815
SP5 16.58 8.034 .594 .790

Second reliability test on factor “Ease of use”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.745 5

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
ES1 16.80 6.761 .418 .738
ES2 16.53 6.643 .518 .696
ES3 16.85 6.396 .524 .695
ES4 16.65 6.687 .509 .700
ES5 16.38 7.076 .622 .673

Second reliability test on factor “Payment Procedure”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.756 3

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
PP1 9.12 1.368 .507 .758
PP2 9.17 1.185 .577 .684

PP3 9.13 1.019 .685 .550

Second reliability test on factor “Delivery Procedure”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.821 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
DP1 12.81 2.983 .635 .779
DP2 12.86 2.944 .637 .778
DP3 12.82 2.999 .650 .772
DP4 12.60 3.080 .654 .771

Second reliability test on factor “Trust”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.869 3

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
TRU1 7.99 3.082 .751 .813
TRU2 7.94 2.969 .742 .821
TRU3 7.87 3.070 .754 .810

Second reliability test on factor “Price”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.764 3

Item Statistics

Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
PRI1 8.51 2.023 .614 .668
PRI2 8.58 1.880 .609 .667
PRI3 8.64 1.775 .572 .717

Second reliability test on factor “Customer Service”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.789 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
CSE1 12.94 2.686 .598 .736
CSE2 12.96 2.684 .561 .754
CSE3 12.81 2.645 .612 .729
CSE4 12.88 2.534 .616 .727

Second reliability test on factor “Customer Satisfaction”

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items
.799 4

Item Statistics
Scale Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Variance if Corrected Alpha if
Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
CS1 12.81 3.297 .619 .746
CS2 12.89 3.148 .633 .738
CS3 12.75 3.044 .656 .726
CS4 12.50 3.457 .540 .782


Independent variables

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 3125.453
Sphericity df 630
Sig. .000

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Component Total Variance % Total Variance % Total Variance %
1 8.400 23.333 23.333 8.400 23.333 23.333 3.015 8.376 8.376
2 2.446 6.794 30.127 2.446 6.794 30.127 2.690 7.471 15.847
3 2.204 6.123 36.250 2.204 6.123 36.250 2.652 7.367 23.214
4 2.022 5.616 41.866 2.022 5.616 41.866 2.643 7.341 30.555
5 1.803 5.008 46.874 1.803 5.008 46.874 2.608 7.244 37.800
6 1.697 4.714 51.588 1.697 4.714 51.588 2.498 6.939 44.739
7 1.457 4.047 55.635 1.457 4.047 55.635 2.493 6.924 51.663
8 1.413 3.926 59.561 1.413 3.926 59.561 2.156 5.989 57.653
9 1.344 3.734 63.295 1.344 3.734 63.295 2.031 5.643 63.295
10 .941 2.614 65.909
11 .895 2.486 68.395
12 .793 2.204 70.598
13 .752 2.090 72.688
14 .706 1.962 74.650
15 .694 1.927 76.577
16 .679 1.885 78.462
17 .600 1.666 80.129
18 .581 1.615 81.744
19 .554 1.540 83.284
20 .528 1.466 84.750
21 .519 1.441 86.191
22 .456 1.267 87.458
23 .435 1.207 88.666
24 .421 1.169 89.834
25 .413 1.147 90.982
26 .398 1.106 92.087
27 .388 1.078 93.166
28 .359 .996 94.162
29 .329 .914 95.076
30 .306 .849 95.925
31 .296 .823 96.748
32 .281 .779 97.528
33 .261 .726 98.254
34 .228 .632 98.886
35 .215 .598 99.484
36 .186 .516 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SP3 .814
SP1 .710
SP2 .709
SP4 .702
SP5 .550 .384
ES4 .736
ES2 .685
ES5 .671
ES3 .669
ES1 .432
DP1 .808
DP3 .744
DP4 .736
DP2 .709
WD2 .781
WD4 .730
WD3 .720
WD1 .686
REL5 .749
REL2 .712
REL1 .683
REL4 .622
REL6 .603
TRU3 .861
TRU1 .817
TRU2 .809
CSE2 .785
CSE3 .731
CSE1 .700
CSE4 .675
PRI2 .828
PRI1 .824
PRI3 .791
PP3 .799
PP1 .766
PP2 .670
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

Dependent Variable

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 261.954
Sphericity df 6
Sig. .000

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues Loadings
Componen % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
t Total Variance % Total Variance %
1 2.498 62.440 62.440 2.498 62.440 62.440
2 .622 15.546 77.986
3 .479 11.969 89.955
4 .402 10.045 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa
CS3 .823
CS2 .808
CS1 .796
CS4 .730
Extraction Method:
Principal Component
a. 1 components


KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 3035.141
Sphericity df 595
Sig. .000

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SP3 .814
SP2 .714
SP1 .714
SP4 .704
SP5 .553 .365
DP1 .806
DP3 .752
DP4 .737
DP2 .711
WD2 .783
WD4 .731
WD3 .721
WD1 .680
REL5 .749
REL2 .714
REL1 .672
REL4 .633
REL6 .610
TRU3 .858
TRU1 .818
TRU2 .809
ES4 .760
ES5 .673
ES2 .669
ES3 .668
CSE2 .784
CSE3 .738
CSE1 .700
CSE4 .680
PRI2 .831
PRI1 .823

PRI3 .793
PP3 .806
PP1 .765
PP2 .672
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.


KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 2863.01
Sphericity 4
df 561
Sig. .000

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SP3 .801
SP2 .724
SP4 .718
SP1 .698
WD2 .783
WD4 .733
WD3 .723
WD1 .682
DP1 .810
DP3 .751
DP4 .740
DP2 .710
REL5 .745
REL2 .714
REL1 .672
REL4 .632
REL6 .615
CSE2 .788
CSE3 .738
CSE1 .700
CSE4 .676
TRU3 .860
TRU1 .822
TRU2 .813
ES4 .765
ES2 .677
ES5 .671
ES3 .670
PRI2 .831
PRI1 .825
PRI3 .793

PP3 .809
PP1 .763
PP2 .677
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.


CS Pearson
1 .444** .271** .502** .484** .419** .496** .524** .083 .526**
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .219 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
WD Pearson
.444** 1 .252** .294** .367** .374** .316** .241** .027 .278**
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .690 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
REL Pearson
.271** .252** 1 .216** .238** .330** .200** .244** .001 .302**
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .003 .000 .990 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
SP Pearson
.502** .294** .216** 1 .351** .237** .324** .373** .000 .378**
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .995 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
ES Pearson -
.484** .367** .238** .351** 1 .311** .397** .317** .340**
Correlation .091
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .180 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
PP Pearson
.419** .374** .330** .237** .311** 1 .328** .308** .084 .341**
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .215 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
DP Pearson -
.496** .316** .200** .324** .397** .328** 1 .352** .381**
Correlation .056
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .003 .000 .000 .000 .000 .406 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
TR Pearson
.524** .241** .244** .373** .317** .308** .352** 1 .030 .332**
U Correlation
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .653 .000
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
PRI Pearson
.083 .027 .001 .000 -.091 .084 -.056 .030 1 .081
Sig. (2-
.219 .690 .990 .995 .180 .215 .406 .653 .234
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
CSE Pearson
.526** .278** .302** .378** .340** .341** .381** .332** .081 1
Sig. (2-
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .234
N 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Model Summaryb
Mode R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
l R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .750 .562 .545 .391 1.965
a. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, REL, TRU, ES, SP, PP, DP
b. Dependent Variable: CS

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 41.483 8 5.185 33.845 .000b
Residual 32.327 211 .153
Total 73.810 219
a. Dependent Variable: CS
b. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, REL, TRU, ES, SP, PP, DP

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) -.202 .344 -.589 .557
WD .160 .056 .150 2.862 .005 .754 1.326
REL -.023 .066 -.018 -.355 .723 .827 1.209
SP .145 .043 .177 3.344 .001 .737 1.356
ES .123 .048 .138 2.558 .011 .714 1.400
PP .103 .060 .092 1.717 .087 .729 1.372
DP .153 .056 .148 2.741 .007 .713 1.402
TRU .160 .036 .232 4.419 .000 .750 1.334
CSE .234 .060 .211 3.892 .000 .709 1.411
a. Dependent Variable: CS


Model Summaryb
Mode R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
l R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .746 .556 .543 .392 1.959
a. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, TRU, ES, SP, DP
b. Dependent Variable: CS

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressio
41.031 6 6.838 44.437 .000b
Residual 32.779 213 .154
Total 73.810 219
a. Dependent Variable: CS
b. Predictors: (Constant), CSE, WD, TRU, ES, SP, DP

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) -.065 .285 -.227 .821
WD .180 .054 .169 3.317 .001 .803 1.246
SP .144 .044 .176 3.310 .001 .738 1.355
ES .129 .048 .144 2.686 .008 .721 1.386
DP .164 .056 .158 2.945 .004 .722 1.384
TRU .167 .036 .243 4.661 .000 .768 1.301
CSE .247 .059 .222 4.194 .000 .743 1.347
a. Dependent Variable: CS


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