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Has not yet reached

competition; needs to Reaches some elements of Reaches the competition, but Strengthens competence and
Criteria optimize his/her level of the competition, must work there are still possibilities to evidence with optimal level of
competition with the help on important aspects. optimize its performance. performance.
of the citizen inspiring
The learner identifies The learner analyzes problems
patterns in simple number and uses inductive reasoning The learner analyzes and
The learner has difficulty
sequences, uses inductive to establish patterns in solves problems that involve
analyzing and solving
reasoning to make number sequences, applies algebraic language, geometric
problems, confuses
assumptions, and presents deductive reasoning to justify theorems, and statistical data
Reasoning reasoning strategies, and
basic justifications based on algebraic properties, applying deductive reasoning
provides insufficient
examples for algebraic geometric theorems, and to reach solid conclusions
justifications for his
language, geometric statistical data, and presents and strong arguments for
theorems, and statistical coherent arguments in their their solutions.
data. solutions.
The learner communicates The learner communicates The learner uses accurate
basic mathematical mathematical ideas in an math language to explain
concepts, uses elementary understandable way, uses algebraic concepts, geometric
The learner has difficulty
mathematical language to mathematical language to theorems, and statistical data,
expressing mathematical
describe algebraic express algebraic presenting strong and
Communication concepts clearly, uses
relationships, geometric relationships, geometric coherent arguments in their
vague or incorrect
theorems, and statistical theorems, and statistical data solutions, and use appropriate
language in his answers.
data when presenting presenting coherent mathematical notation in
relevant information in their arguments in their written and written and oral
responses. oral responses. presentations.
The learner solves complex
The learner struggles to The learner solves simple The learner solves problems problems involving
analyze and solver algebraic, geometric of algebra, geometric algebraical language,
mathematical problems, theorem, and statistical theorems and descriptive geometric theorems, and
has difficulty selecting problems using strategies statistics applying strategies statistical data using
solving strategies, and such as trial and error to find to find solutions and checks strategies such as case
does not adequately answers and presents basic their answers to make sure analysis, and checks their
check his or her solutions. solutions. they are reasonable. solutions to ensure their

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