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Today, I address a grave issue plaguing Uttar Pradesh politics –

the intertwining of crime and the mafia. While not unique to this
state, it remains a pressing concern.
In UP, individuals with criminal backgrounds have entered
politics, using their influence for political gains. They forge
alliances with criminal organisations, who, in turn, provide
electoral support and funding. This nexus has historical roots,
dating back to the 1990s when regional parties emerged, needing
financial backing and community support.
This issue has far-reaching consequences. Law enforcement
often struggles to deal with politically connected criminals.
Caste and religion play a pivotal role in politics, with voters
supporting candidates of their caste. This entangled web
undermines democratic values, weakens law and order,
exacerbates inequalities, deters economic development, and
diverts resources from public services.
Case studies of individuals like Dhananjay Singh, Atiq Ahmed,
Amarmani Tripathi, Azam Khan, and DP Yadav underscore the
challenges in maintaining political integrity.
In conclusion, addressing the "Entangled Nature" of Crime and
the Mafia in Uttar Pradesh Politics is essential. We must demand
accountability, transparency, and strict law enforcement to
ensure a prosperous Uttar Pradesh. Thank you.

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