Koran en Ali

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English translation of THE HOLY QURAN

(Yusuf Ali translation)

Surah 1. The Opening

1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; 3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful; . Master of the Day of Jud ment. !. !hee do we worshi", and !hine aid we see#. ". Show us the strai ht way, #. !he way of those on whom !hou hast bestowed !hy Grace, those whose $"ortion% is not wrath, and who o not astray.

Surah 2. The $o%

1. A.&.M. 2. !his is the 'oo#; in it is uidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah. 3. (ho belie)e in the *nseen, are steadfast in "rayer, and s"end out of what (e ha)e "ro)ided for them; . And who belie)e in the +e)elation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and $in their hearts% ha)e the assurance of the ,ereafter. !. !hey are on $true% uidance, from their &ord, and it is these who will "ros"er. ". As to those who re-ect .aith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not belie)e. #. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearin , and on their eyes is a )eil; reat is the "enalty they $incur%. &. /f the "eo"le there are some who say0 1(e belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day;1 but they do not $really% belie)e. '. .ain would they decei)e Allah and those who belie)e, but they only decei)e themsel)es, and realise $it% not2 1(. In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease0 And rie)ous is the "enalty they $incur%, because they are false $to themsel)es%. 11. (hen it is said to them0 1Ma#e not mischief on the earth,1 they say0 1(hy, we only (ant to ma#e "eace21

12. /f a surety, they are the ones who ma#e mischief, but they realise $it% not. 13. (hen it is said to them0 1'elie)e as the others belie)e01 !hey say0 1Shall we belie)e as the fools belie)e31 4ay, of a surety they are the fools, but they do not #now. 1 . (hen they meet those who belie)e, they say0 1(e belie)e;1 but when they are alone with their e)il ones, they say0 1(e are really with you0 (e $were% only -estin .1 1!. Allah will throw bac# their moc#ery on them, and i)e them ro"e in their tres"asses; so they will wander li#e blind ones $!o and fro%. 1". !hese are they who ha)e bartered Guidance for error0 'ut their traffic is "rofitless, and they ha)e lost true direction, 1#. !heir similitude is that of a man who #indled a fire; when it li hted all around him, Allah too# away their li ht and left them in utter dar#ness. So they could not see. 1&. Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return $to the "ath%. 1'. /r $another similitude% is that of a rain5laden cloud from the s#y0 In it are 6ones of dar#ness, and thunder and li htnin 0 !hey "ress their fin ers in their ears to #ee" out the stunnin thunder5cla", the while they are in terror of death. 'ut Allah is e)er round the re-ecters of .aith2 2(. !he li htnin all but snatches away their si ht; e)ery time the li ht $,el"s% them, they wal# therein, and when the dar#ness rows on them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, ,e could ta#e away their faculty of hearin and seein ; for Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 21. / ye "eo"le2 Adore your Guardian5&ord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may ha)e the chance to learn ri hteousness; 22. (ho has made the earth your couch, and the hea)ens your cano"y; and sent down rain from the hea)ens; and brou ht forth therewith .ruits for your sustenance; then set not u" ri)als unto Allah when ye #now $the truth%. 23. And if ye are in doubt as to what (e ha)e re)ealed from time to time to /ur ser)ant, then "roduce a Sura li#e thereunto; and call your witnesses or hel"ers $If there are any% besides Allah, if your $doubts% are true. 2 . 'ut if ye cannot5 and of a surety ye cannot5 then fear the .ire whose fuel is men and stones,5 which is "re"ared for those who re-ect .aith. 2!. 'ut i)e lad tidin s to those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, that their "ortion is Gardens, beneath which ri)ers flow. 7)ery time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say0 1(hy, this is what we were fed with before,1 for they are i)en thin s in similitude; and they ha)e therein com"anions "ure $and holy%; and they abide therein $for e)er%. 2". Allah disdains not to use the similitude of thin s, lowest as well as hi hest. !hose who belie)e #now that it is truth from their ⩝ but those who re-ect .aith say0 1(hat means Allah by this similitude31 'y it ,e causes many to stray, and many ,e leads into the ri ht "ath; but ,e causes not to stray, e8ce"t those who forsa#e $the "ath%,5 2#. !hose who brea# Allah.s Co)enant after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah ,as ordered to be -oined, and do mischief on earth0 !hese cause loss $only% to themsel)es. 2&. ,ow can ye re-ect the faith in Allah.5 seein that ye were without life, and ,e a)e you life; then will ,e cause you to die, and will a ain brin you to life; and a ain to ,im will ye return.

2'. It is ,e (ho hath created for you all thin s that are on earth; Moreo)er ,is desi n com"rehended the hea)ens, for ,e a)e order and "erfection to the se)en firmaments; and of all thin s ,e hath "erfect #nowled e. 3(. 'ehold, thy &ord said to the an els0 1I will create a )ice erent on earth.1 !hey said0 1(ilt !hou "lace therein one who will ma#e mischief therein and shed blood35 whilst we do celebrate !hy "raises and lorify !hy holy $name%31 ,e said0 1I #now what ye #now not.1 31. And ,e tau ht Adam the nature of all thin s; then ,e "laced them before the an els, and said0 1!ell me the nature of these if ye are ri ht.1 32. !hey said0 1Glory to !hee, of #nowled e (e ha)e none, sa)e what !hou ,ast tau ht us0 In truth it is !hou (ho art "erfect in #nowled e and wisdom.1 33. ,e said0 1/ Adam2 !ell them their natures.1 (hen he had told them, Allah said0 1Did I not tell you that I #now the secrets of hea)en and earth, and I #now what ye re)eal and what ye conceal31 3 . And behold, (e said to the an els0 1'ow down to Adam1 and they bowed down. 4ot so Iblis0 he refused and was hau hty0 ,e was of those who re-ect .aith. 3!. (e said0 1/ Adam2 dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful thin s therein as $where and when% ye will; but a""roach not this tree, or ye run into harm and trans ression.1 3". !hen did Satan ma#e them sli" from the $ arden%, and et them out of the state $of felicity% in which they had been. (e said0 1Get ye down, all $ye "eo"le%, with enmity between yoursel)es. /n earth will be your dwellin 5"lace and your means of li)elihood 5 for a time.1 3#. !hen learnt Adam from his &ord words of ins"iration, and his &ord !urned towards him; for ,e is /ft5+eturnin , Most Merciful. 3&. (e said0 1Get ye down all from here; and if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from me, whosoe)er follows My uidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 3'. 1'ut those who re-ect .aith and belie /ur Si ns, they shall be com"anions of the .ire; they shall abide therein.1 (. / Children of Israel2 call to mind the $s"ecial% fa)our which I bestowed u"on you, and fulfil your co)enant with Me as I fulfil My Co)enant with you, and fear none but Me. 1. And belie)e in what I re)eal, confirmin the re)elation which is with you, and be not the first to re-ect .aith therein, nor sell My Si ns for a small "rice; and fear Me, and Me alone. 2. And co)er not !ruth with falsehood, nor conceal the !ruth when ye #now $what it is%. 3. And be steadfast in "rayer; "ractise re ular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down $in worshi"%. . Do ye en-oin ri ht conduct on the "eo"le, and for et $!o "ractise it% yoursel)es, and yet ye study the Scri"ture3 (ill ye not understand3 !. 4ay, see# $$Allah%9s% hel" with "atient "erse)erance and "rayer0 It is indeed hard, e8ce"t to those who brin a lowly s"irit,5 ". (ho bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their &ord, and that they are to return to ,im. #. Children of Israel2 call to mind the $s"ecial% fa)our which I bestowed u"on you, and that I "referred you to all other $for My Messa e%.

&. !hen uard yoursel)es a ainst a day when one soul shall not a)ail another nor shall intercession be acce"ted for her, nor shall com"ensation be ta#en from her, nor shall anyone be hel"ed $from outside%. '. And remember, (e deli)ered you from the "eo"le of Pharaoh0 !hey set you hard tas#s and "unishments, slau htered your sons and let your women5fol# li)e; therein was a tremendous trial from your &ord. !(. And remember (e di)ided the sea for you and sa)ed you and drowned Pharaoh9s "eo"le within your )ery si ht. !1. And remember (e a""ointed forty ni hts for Moses, and in his absence ye too# the calf $for worshi"%, and ye did rie)ous wron . !2. 7)en then (e did for i)e you; there was a chance for you to be rateful. !3. And remember (e a)e Moses the Scri"ture and the Criterion $'etween ri ht and wron %0 !here was a chance for you to be uided ari ht. ! . And remember Moses said to his "eo"le0 1/ my "eo"le2 :e ha)e indeed wron ed yoursel)es by your worshi" of the calf0 So turn $in re"entance% to your Ma#er, and slay yoursel)es $the wron 5doers%; that will be better for you in the si ht of your Ma#er.1 !hen ,e turned towards you $in for i)eness%0 .or ,e is /ft5 +eturnin , Most Merciful. !!. And remember ye said0 1/ Moses2 (e shall ne)er belie)e in thee until we see Allah manifestly,1 but ye were da6ed with thunder and li htin e)en as ye loo#ed on. !". !hen (e raised you u" after your death0 :e had the chance to be rateful. !#. And (e a)e you the shade of clouds and sent down to you Manna and ;uails, sayin 0 17at of the ood thin s (e ha)e "ro)ided for you01 $'ut they rebelled%; to us they did no harm, but they harmed their own souls. !&. And remember (e said0 17nter this town, and eat of the "lenty therein as ye wish; but enter the ate with humility, in "osture and in words, and (e shall for i)e you your faults and increase $the "ortion of% those who do ood.1 !'. 'ut the trans ressors chan ed the word from that which had been i)en them; so (e sent on the trans ressors a "la ue from hea)en, for that they infrin ed $/ur command% re"eatedly. "(. And remember Moses "rayed for water for his "eo"le; (e said0 1Stri#e the roc# with thy staff.1 !hen ushed forth therefrom twel)e s"rin s. 7ach rou" #new its own "lace for water. So eat and drin# of the sustenance "ro)ided by Allah, and do no e)il nor mischief on the $face of the% earth. "1. And remember ye said0 1/ Moses2 we cannot endure one #ind of food $always%; so beseech thy &ord for us to "roduce for us of what the earth roweth, 5its "ot5herbs, and cucumbers, Its arlic, lentils, and onions.1 ,e said0 1(ill ye e8chan e the better for the worse3 Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want21 !hey were co)ered with humiliation and misery; they drew on themsel)es the wrath of Allah. !his because they went on re-ectin the Si ns of Allah and slayin ,is Messen ers without -ust cause. !his because they rebelled and went on trans ressin . "2. !hose who belie)e $in the <ur9an%, and those who follow the Jewish $scri"tures%, and the Christians and the Sabians,5 any who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, and wor# ri hteousness, shall ha)e their reward with their &ord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e.

"3. And remember (e too# your co)enant and (e raised abo)e you $!he towerin hei ht% of Mount $Sinai% 0 $Sayin %0 1,old firmly to what (e ha)e i)en you and brin $e)er% to remembrance what is therein0 Perchance ye may fear Allah.1 " . 'ut ye turned bac# thereafter0 ,ad it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah to you, ye had surely been amon the lost. "!. And well ye #new those amon st you who trans ressed in the matter of the Sabbath0 (e said to them0 1'e ye a"es, des"ised and re-ected.1 "". So (e made it an e8am"le to their own time and to their "osterity, and a lesson to those who fear Allah. "#. And remember Moses said to his "eo"le0 1$Allah% commands that ye sacrifice a heifer.1 !hey said0 1Ma#est thou a lau hin 5stoc# of us31 ,e said0 1$Allah% sa)e me from bein an i norant $fool%21 "&. !hey said0 1'eseech on our behalf !hy &ord to ma#e "lain to us what $heifer% it is21 ,e said; 1,e says0 !he heifer should be neither too old nor too youn , but of middlin a e. 4ow do what ye are commanded21 "'. !hey said0 1'eseech on our behalf !hy &ord to ma#e "lain to us ,er colour.1 ,e said0 1,e says0 A fawn5coloured heifer, "ure and rich in tone, the admiration of beholders21 #(. !hey said0 1'eseech on our behalf !hy &ord to ma#e "lain to us what she is0 !o us are all heifers ali#e0 (e wish indeed for uidance, if Allah wills.1 #1. ,e said0 1,e says0 A heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields; sound and without blemish.1 !hey said0 14ow hast thou brou ht the truth.1 !hen they offered her in sacrifice, but not with ood5will. #2. +emember ye slew a man and fell into a dis"ute amon yoursel)es as to the crime0 'ut Allah was to brin forth what ye did hide. #3. So (e said0 1Stri#e the $body% with a "iece of the $heifer%.1 !hus Allah brin eth the dead to life and showeth you ,is Si ns0 Perchance ye may understand. # . !henceforth were your hearts hardened0 !hey became li#e a roc# and e)en worse in hardness. .or amon roc#s there are some from which ri)ers ush forth; others there are which when s"lit asunder send forth water; and others which sin# for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. #!. Can ye $o ye men of .aith% entertain the ho"e that they will belie)e in you35 Seein that a "arty of them heard the (ord of Allah, and "er)erted it #nowin ly after they understood it. #". 'ehold2 when they meet the men of .aith, they say0 1(e belie)e10 'ut when they meet each other in "ri)ate, they say0 1Shall you tell them what Allah hath re)ealed to you, that they may en a e you in ar ument about it before your &ord315 Do ye not understand $their aim%3 ##. =now they not that Allah #noweth what they conceal and what they re)eal3 #&. And there are amon them illiterates, who #now not the 'oo#, but $see therein their own% desires, and they do nothin but con-ecture. #'. !hen woe to those who write the 'oo# with their own hands, and then say01!his is from Allah,1 to traffic with it for miserable "rice25 (oe to them for what their hands do write, and for the ain they ma#e thereby. &(. And they say0 1!he .ire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days01 Say0 1,a)e ye ta#en a "romise from Allah, for ,e ne)er brea#s ,is "romise3 or is it that ye say of Allah what ye do not #now31

&1. 4ay, those who see# ain in e)il, and are irt round by their sins,5 they are com"anions of the .ire0 !herein shall they abide $.or e)er%. &2. 'ut those who ha)e faith and wor# ri hteousness, they are com"anions of the Garden0 !herein shall they abide $.or e)er%. &3. And remember (e too# a co)enant from the Children of Israel $to this effect%0 (orshi" none but Allah. treat with #indness your "arents and #indred, and or"hans and those in need; s"ea# fair to the "eo"le; be steadfast in "rayer; and "ractise re ular charity. !hen did ye turn bac#, e8ce"t a few amon you, and ye bac#slide $e)en now%. & . And remember (e too# your co)enant $to this effect%0 Shed no blood amon st you, nor turn out your own "eo"le from your homes0 and this ye solemnly ratified, and to this ye can bear witness. &!. After this it is ye, the same "eo"le, who slay amon yoursel)es, and banish a "arty of you from their homes; assist $!heir enemies% a ainst them, in uilt and rancour; and if they come to you as ca"ti)es, ye ransom them, thou h it was not lawful for you to banish them. !hen is it only a "art of the 'oo# that ye belie)e in, and do ye re-ect the rest3 but what is the reward for those amon you who beha)e li#e this but dis race in this life35 and on the Day of Jud ment they shall be consi ned to the most rie)ous "enalty. .or Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. &". !hese are the "eo"le who buy the life of this world at the "rice of the ,ereafter0 their "enalty shall not be li htened nor shall they be hel"ed. &#. (e a)e Moses the 'oo# and followed him u" with a succession of a"ostles; (e a)e Jesus the son of Mary Clear $Si ns% and stren thened him with the holy s"irit. Is it that whene)er there comes to you an a"ostle with what ye yoursel)es desire not, ye are "uffed u" with "ride35 Some ye called im"ostors, and others ye slay2 &&. !hey say, 1/ur hearts are the wra""in s $which "reser)e Allah.s (ord0 we need no more%.1 4ay, Allah.s curse is on them for their blas"hemy0 &ittle is it they belie)e. &'. And when there comes to them a 'oo# from Allah, confirmin what is with them,5 althou h from of old they had "rayed for )ictory a ainst those without .aith,5 when there comes to them that which they $should% ha)e reco nised, they refuse to belie)e in it but the curse of Allah is on those without .aith. '(. Miserable is the "rice for which they ha)e sold their souls, in that they deny $the re)elation% which Allah has sent down, in insolent en)y that Allah of ,is Grace should send it to any of ,is ser)ants ,e "leases0 !hus ha)e they drawn on themsel)es (rath u"on (rath. And humiliatin is the "unishment of those who re-ect .aith. '1. (hen it is said to them, 1'elie)e in what Allah ,ath sent down, 1they say, 1(e belie)e in what was sent down to us01 yet they re-ect all besides, e)en if it be !ruth confirmin what is with them. Say0 1(hy then ha)e ye slain the "ro"hets of Allah in times one by, if ye did indeed belie)e31 '2. !here came to you Moses with clear $Si ns%; yet ye worshi""ed the calf $7)en% after that, and ye did beha)e wron fully. '3. And remember (e too# your co)enant and (e raised abo)e you $the towerin hei ht% of Mount $Sinai%0 $Sayin %0 1,old firmly to what (e ha)e i)en you, and hear#en $to the &aw%10 !hey said01 (e hear, and we disobey01 And they had to drin# into their hearts $of the taint% of the calf because of their .aithlessness. Say0 1>ile indeed are the behests of your .aith if ye ha)e any faith21

' . Say0 1If the last ,ome, with Allah, be for you s"ecially, and not for anyone else, then see# ye for death, if ye are sincere.1 '!. 'ut they will ne)er see# for death, on account of the $sins% which their hands ha)e sent on before them. and Allah is well5ac;uainted with the wron 5doers. '". !hou wilt indeed find them, of all "eo"le, most reedy of life,5e)en more than the idolaters0 7ach one of them wishes ,e could be i)en a life of a thousand years0 'ut the rant of such life will not sa)e him from $due% "unishment. .or Allah sees well all that they do. '#. Say0 (hoe)er is an enemy to Gabriel5for he brin s down the $re)elation% to thy heart by Allah.s will, a confirmation of what went before, and uidance and lad tidin s for those who belie)e,5 '&. (hoe)er is an enemy to Allah and ,is an els and a"ostles, to Gabriel and Michael,5 &o2 Allah is an enemy to those who re-ect .aith. ''. (e ha)e sent down to thee Manifest Si ns $ayat%; and none re-ect them but those who are "er)erse. 1((. Is it not $the case% that e)ery time they ma#e a co)enant, some "arty amon them throw it aside35 4ay, Most of them are faithless. 1(1. And when there came to them an a"ostle from Allah, confirmin what was with them, a "arty of the "eo"le of the 'oo# threw away the 'oo# of Allah behind their bac#s, as if $it had been somethin % they did not #now2 1(2. !hey followed what the e)il ones a)e out $falsely% a ainst the "ower of Solomon0 the blas"hemers (ere, not Solomon, but the e)il ones, teachin men Ma ic, and such thin s as came down at babylon to the an els ,arut and Marut. 'ut neither of these tau ht anyone $Such thin s% without sayin 0 1(e are only for trial; so do not blas"heme.1 !hey learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. 'ut they could not thus harm anyone e8ce"t by Allah.s "ermission. And they learned what harmed them, not what "rofited them. And they #new that the buyers of $ma ic% would ha)e no share in the ha""iness of the ,ereafter. And )ile was the "rice for which they did sell their souls, if they but #new2 1(3. If they had #e"t their .aith and uarded themsel)es from e)il, far better had been the reward from their &ord, if they but #new2 1( . / ye of .aith2 Say not $to the Messen er. words of ambi uous im"ort, but words of res"ect; and hear#en $to him%0 !o those without .aith is a rie)ous "unishment. 1(!. It is ne)er the wish of those without .aith amon the Peo"le of the 'oo#, nor of the Pa ans, that anythin ood should come down to you from your &ord. 'ut Allah will choose for ,is s"ecial Mercy whom ,e will 5 for Allah is &ord of race aboundin . 1(". 4one of /ur re)elations do (e abro ate or cause to be for otten, but (e substitute somethin better or similar0 =nowest thou not that Allah ,ath "ower o)er all thin s3 1(#. =nowest thou not that to Allah belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth3 And besides ,im ye ha)e neither "atron nor hel"er. 1(&. (ould ye ;uestion your Messen er as Moses was ;uestioned of old3 but whoe)er chan eth from .aith to *nbelief, ,ath strayed without doubt from the e)en way. 1('. <uite a number of the Peo"le of the 'oo# wish they could !urn you $"eo"le% bac# to infidelity after ye ha)e belie)ed, from selfish en)y, after the !ruth hath become Manifest unto them0 'ut for i)e and o)erloo#, !ill Allah accom"lish ,is "ur"ose; for Allah ,ath "ower o)er all thin s.

11(. And be steadfast in "rayer and re ular in charity0 And whate)er ood ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah. for Allah sees (ell all that ye do. 111. And they say0 14one shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.1 !hose are their $)ain% desires. Say0 1Produce your "roof if ye are truthful.1 112. 4ay,5whoe)er submits ,is whole self to Allah and is a doer of ood,5 ,e will et his reward with his &ord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 113. !he Jews say0 1!he Christians ha)e nau ht $to stand% u"on; and the Christians say0 1!he Jews ha)e nau ht $!o stand% u"on.1 :et they $Profess to% study the $same% 'oo#. &i#e unto their word is what those say who #now not; but Allah will -ud e between them in their ;uarrel on the Day of Jud ment. 11 . And who is more un-ust than he who forbids that in "laces for the worshi" of Allah, Allah.s name should be celebrated35whose 6eal is $in fact% to ruin them3 It was not fittin that such should themsel)es enter them e8ce"t in fear. .or them there is nothin but dis race in this world, and in the world to come, an e8ceedin torment. 11!. !o Allah belon the east and the (est0 (hithersoe)er ye turn, there is the "resence of Allah. .or Allah is all5Per)adin , all5=nowin . 11". !hey say0 1$Allah% hath be otten a son1 0Glory be to ,im.54ay, to ,im belon s all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 e)erythin renders worshi" to ,im. 11#. !o ,im is due the "rimal ori in of the hea)ens and the earth0 (hen ,e decreeth a matter, ,e saith to it0 1'e,1 and it is. 11&. Say those without #nowled e0 1(hy s"ea#eth not Allah unto us3 or why cometh not unto us a Si n31 So said the "eo"le before them words of similar im"ort. !heir hearts are ali#e. (e ha)e indeed made clear the Si ns unto any "eo"le who hold firmly to .aith $in their hearts%. 11'. >erily (e ha)e sent thee in truth as a bearer of lad tidin s and a warner0 'ut of thee no ;uestion shall be as#ed of the Com"anions of the 'la6in .ire. 12(. 4e)er will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of reli ion. Say0 1!he Guidance of Allah,5that is the $only% Guidance.1 (ert thou to follow their desires after the #nowled e which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor hel"er a ainst Allah. 121. !hose to whom (e ha)e sent the 'oo# study it as it should be studied0 !hey are the ones that belie)e therein0 !hose who re-ect faith therein,5 the loss is their own. 122. / Children of Israel2 call to mind the s"ecial fa)our which I bestowed u"on you, and that I "referred you to all others $for My Messa e%. 123. !hen uard yoursel)es a ainst a5Day when one soul shall not a)ail another, nor shall com"ensation be acce"ted from her nor shall intercession "rofit her nor shall anyone be hel"ed $from outside%. 12 . And remember that Abraham was tried by his &ord with certain commands, which he fulfilled0 ,e said0 1I will ma#e thee an Imam to the 4ations.1 ,e "leaded0 1And also $Imams% from my offs"rin 21 ,e answered0 1'ut My Promise is not within the reach of e)il5doers.1 12!. +emember (e made the ,ouse a "lace of assembly for men and a "lace of safety; and ta#e ye the station of Abraham as a "lace of "rayer; and (e co)enanted with Abraham and Isma9il, that they should sanctify My ,ouse for those who com"ass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or "rostrate themsel)es $therein in "rayer%.

12". And remember Abraham said0 1My &ord, ma#e this a City of Peace, and feed its "eo"le with fruits,5such of them as belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day.1 ,e said0 1$:ea%, and such as re-ect .aith,5for a while will I rant them their "leasure, but will soon dri)e them to the torment of .ire,5 an e)il destination $indeed%21 12#. And remember Abraham and Isma9il raised the foundations of the ,ouse $(ith this "rayer%0 1/ur &ord2 Acce"t $this ser)ice% from us0 .or !hou art the All5,earin , the All5 #nowin . 12&. 1/ur &ord2 ma#e of us Muslims, bowin to !hy $(ill%, and of our "ro eny a "eo"le Muslim, bowin to !hy $will%; and show us our "lace for the celebration of $due% rites; and turn unto us $in Mercy%; for !hou art the /ft5+eturnin , Most Merciful. 12'. 1/ur &ord2 send amon st them an Messen er of their own, who shall rehearse !hy Si ns to them and instruct them in scri"ture and wisdom, and sanctify them0 .or !hou art the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise.1 13(. And who turns away from the reli ion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly3 ,im (e chose and rendered "ure in this world0 And he will be in the ,ereafter in the ran#s of the +i hteous. 131. 'ehold2 his &ord said to him0 1'ow $thy will to Me%01 ,e said0 1I bow $my will% to the &ord and Cherisher of the *ni)erse.1 132. And this was the le acy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; 1/h my sons2 Allah hath chosen the .aith for you; then die not e8ce"t in the .aith of Islam.1 133. (ere ye witnesses when death a""eared before Jacob3 'ehold, he said to his sons0 1(hat will ye worshi" after me31 !hey said0 1(e shall worshi" !hy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma9il and Isaac,5 the one $!rue% Allah. !o ,im we bow $in Islam%.1 13 . !hat was a "eo"le that hath "assed away. !hey shall rea" the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do2 /f their merits there is no ;uestion in your case2 13!. !hey say0 1'ecome Jews or Christians if ye would be uided $!o sal)ation%.1 Say thou0 14ay2 $I would rather% the +eli ion of Abraham the !rue, and he -oined not ods with Allah.1 13". Say ye0 1(e belie)e in Allah, and the re)elation i)en to us, and to Abraham, Isma9il, Isaac, Jacob, and the !ribes, and that i)en to Moses and Jesus, and that i)en to $all% "ro"hets from their &ord0 (e ma#e no difference between one and another of them0 And we bow to Allah $in Islam%.1 13#. So if they belie)e as ye belie)e, they are indeed on the ri ht "ath; but if they turn bac#, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as a ainst them, and ,e is the All5 ,earin , the All5=nowin . 13&. $/ur reli ion is% the 'a"tism of Allah. And who can ba"ti6e better than Allah. And it is ,e (hom we worshi". 13'. Say0 (ill ye dis"ute with us about Allah, seein that ,e is our &ord and your &ord; that we are res"onsible for our doin s and ye for yours; and that (e are sincere $in our faith% in ,im3 1 (. /r do ye say that Abraham, Isma9il Isaac, Jacob and the !ribes were Jews or Christians3 Say0 Do ye #now better than Allah. Ah2 who is more un-ust than those who conceal the testimony they ha)e from Allah. but Allah is not unmindful of what ye do2 1 1. !hat was a "eo"le that hath "assed away. !hey shall rea" the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do2 /f their merits there is no ;uestion in your case0

1 2. !he fools amon the "eo"le will say0 1(hat hath turned them from the <ibla to which they were used31 Say0 !o Allah belon both east and (est0 ,e uideth whom ,e will to a (ay that is strai ht. 1 3. !hus, ha)e (e made of you an *mmat -ustly balanced, that ye mi ht be witnesses o)er the nations, and the Messen er a witness o)er yoursel)es; and (e a""ointed the <ibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messen er from those who would turn on their heels $.rom the .aith%. Indeed it was $A chan e% momentous, e8ce"t to those uided by Allah. And ne)er would Allah Ma#e your faith of no effect. .or Allah is to all "eo"le Most surely full of #indness, Most Merciful. 1 . (e see the turnin of thy face $for uidance to the hea)ens0 now Shall (e turn thee to a <ibla that shall "lease thee. !urn then !hy face in the direction of the sacred Mos;ue0 (here)er ye are, turn your faces in that direction. !he "eo"le of the 'oo# #now well that that is the truth from their &ord. 4or is Allah unmindful of what they do. 1 !. 7)en if thou wert to brin to the "eo"le of the 'oo# all the Si ns $to ether%, they would not follow !hy <ibla; nor art thou oin to follow their <ibla; nor indeed will they follow each other9s <ibla. If thou after the #nowled e hath reached thee, (ert to follow their $)ain% desires,5then wert thou Indeed $clearly% in the wron . 1 ". !he "eo"le of the 'oo# #now this as they #now their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themsel)es #now. 1 #. !he !ruth is from thy &ord; so be not at all in doubt. 1 &. !o each is a oal to which Allah turns him; then stri)e to ether $as in a race% !owards all that is ood. (heresoe)er ye are, Allah will brin you !o ether. .or Allah ,ath "ower o)er all thin s. 1 '. .rom whencesoe)er !hou startest forth, turn !hy face in the direction of the sacred Mos;ue; that is indeed the truth from the &ord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. 1!(. So from whencesoe)er !hou startest forth, turn !hy face in the direction of the sacred Mos;ue; and wheresoe)er ye are, !urn your face thither0 that there be no round of dis"ute a ainst you amon the "eo"le, e8ce"t those of them that are bent on wic#edness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may com"lete My fa)ours on you, and ye May $consent to% be uided; 1!1. A similar $fa)our ha)e ye already recei)ed% in that (e ha)e sent amon you an Messen er of your own, rehearsin to you /ur Si ns, and sanctifyin you, and instructin you in Scri"ture and (isdom, and in new #nowled e. 1!2. !hen do ye remember Me; I will remember you. 'e rateful to Me, and re-ect not .aith. 1!3. / ye who belie)e2 see# hel" with "atient "erse)erance and "rayer; for Allah is with those who "atiently "erse)ere. 1! . And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah. 1!hey are dead.1 4ay, they are li)in , thou h ye "ercei)e $it% not. 1!!. 'e sure we shall test you with somethin of fear and hun er, some loss in oods or li)es or the fruits $of your toil%, but i)e lad tidin s to those who "atiently "erse)ere, 1!". (ho say, when afflicted with calamity0 1!o Allah (e belon , and to ,im is our return105 1!#. !hey are those on whom $Descend% blessin s from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that recei)e uidance.

1!&. 'ehold2 Safa and Marwa are amon the Symbols of Allah. So if those who )isit the ,ouse in the Season or at other times, should com"ass them round, it is no sin in them. And if any one obeyeth his own im"ulse to ood,5 be sure that Allah is ,e (ho reco niseth and #noweth. 1!'. !hose who conceal the clear $Si ns% (e ha)e sent down, and the Guidance, after (e ha)e made it clear for the "eo"le in the 'oo#,5on them shall be Allah.s curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse,5 1"(. 78ce"t those who re"ent and ma#e amends and o"enly declare $the !ruth%0 !o them I turn; for I am /ft5returnin , Most Merciful. 1"1. !hose who re-ect .aith, and die re-ectin ,5 on them is Allah.s curse, and the curse of an els, and of all man#ind; 1"2. !hey will abide therein0 !heir "enalty will not be li htened, nor will res"ite be their $lot%. 1"3. And your Allah is /ne Allah. !here is no od but ,e, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1" . 'ehold2 in the creation of the hea)ens and the earth; in the alternation of the ni ht and the day; in the sailin of the shi"s throu h the ocean for the "rofit of man#ind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the s#ies, and the life which ,e i)es therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all #inds that ,e scatters throu h the earth; in the chan e of the winds, and the clouds which they !rail li#e their sla)es between the s#y and the earth;5 $,ere% indeed are Si ns for a "eo"le that are wise. 1"!. :et there are men who ta#e $for worshi"% others besides Allah, as e;ual $with Allah.0 !hey lo)e them as they should lo)e Allah. 'ut those of .aith are o)erflowin in their lo)e for Allah. If only the unri hteous could see, behold, they would see the "enalty0 that to Allah belon s all "ower, and Allah will stron ly enforce the "enalty. 1"". !hen would those who are followed clear themsel)es of those who follow $them% 0 !hey would see the "enalty, and all relations between them would be cut off. 1"#. And those who followed would say0 1If only (e had one more chance, (e would clear oursel)es of them, as they ha)e cleared themsel)es of us.1 !hus will Allah show them $!he fruits of% their deeds as $nothin but% re rets. 4or will there be a way for them out of the .ire. 1"&. / ye "eo"le2 7at of what is on earth, &awful and ood; and do not follow the footste"s of the e)il one, for he is to you an a)owed enemy. 1"'. .or he commands you what is e)il and shameful, and that ye should say of Allah that of which ye ha)e no #nowled e. 1#(. (hen it is said to them0 1.ollow what Allah hath re)ealed01 !hey say0 14ay2 we shall follow the ways of our fathers.1 (hat2 e)en thou h their fathers (ere )oid of wisdom and uidance3 1#1. !he "arable of those who re-ect .aith is as if one were to shout &i#e a oat5herd, to thin s that listen to nothin but calls and cries0 Deaf, dumb, and blind, they are )oid of wisdom. 1#2. / ye who belie)e2 7at of the ood thin s that (e ha)e "ro)ided for you, and be rateful to Allah, if it is ,im ye worshi". 1#3. ,e hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been in)o#ed besides that of Allah. 'ut if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor trans ressin due limits,5 then is he uiltless. .or Allah is /ft5for i)in Most Merciful.

1# . !hose who conceal Allah.s re)elations in the 'oo#, and "urchase for them a miserable "rofit,5 they swallow into themsel)es nau ht but .ire; Allah will not address them on the Day of +esurrection. 4or "urify them0 Grie)ous will be their "enalty. 1#!. !hey are the ones who buy 7rror in "lace of Guidance and !orment in "lace of .or i)eness. Ah2 what boldness $!hey show% for the .ire2 1#". $!heir doom is% because Allah sent down the 'oo# in truth but those who see# causes of dis"ute in the 'oo# are in a schism .ar $from the "ur"ose%. 1##. It is not ri hteousness that ye turn your faces !owards east or (est; but it is ri hteousness5 to belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, and the An els, and the 'oo#, and the Messen ers; to s"end of your substance, out of lo)e for ,im, for your #in, for or"hans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who as#, and for the ransom of sla)es; to be steadfast in "rayer, and "ractice re ular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye ha)e made; and to be firm and "atient, in "ain $or sufferin % and ad)ersity, and throu hout all "eriods of "anic. Such are the "eo"le of truth, the Allah.fearin . 1#&. / ye who belie)e2 the law of e;uality is "rescribed to you in cases of murder0 the free for the free, the sla)e for the sla)e, the woman for the woman. 'ut if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then rant any reasonable demand, and com"ensate him with handsome ratitude, this is a concession and a Mercy from your &ord. After this whoe)er e8ceeds the limits shall be in ra)e "enalty. 1#'. In the &aw of 7;uality there is $sa)in of% &ife to you, o ye men of understandin ; that ye may restrain yoursel)es. 1&(. It is "rescribed, when death a""roaches any of you, if he lea)e any oods that he ma#e a be;uest to "arents and ne8t of #in, accordin to reasonable usa e; this is due from the Allah.fearin . 1&1. If anyone chan es the be;uest after hearin it, the uilt shall be on those who ma#e the chan e. .or Allah hears and #nows $All thin s%. 1&2. 'ut if anyone fears "artiality or wron 5doin on the "art of the testator, and ma#es "eace between $!he "arties concerned%, there is no wron in him0 .or Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1&3. / ye who belie)e2 .astin is "rescribed to you as it was "rescribed to those before you, that ye may $learn% self5restraint,5 1& . $.astin % for a fi8ed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a -ourney, the "rescribed number $Should be made u"% from days later. .or those who can do it $(ith hardshi"%, is a ransom, the feedin of one that is indi ent. 'ut he that will i)e more, of his own free will,5 it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only #new. 1&!. +amadhan is the $month% in which was sent down the <ur9an, as a uide to man#ind, also clear $Si ns% for uidance and -ud ment $'etween ri ht and wron %. So e)ery one of you who is "resent $at his home% durin that month should s"end it in fastin , but if any one is ill, or on a -ourney, the "rescribed "eriod $Should be made u"% by days later. Allah intends e)ery facility for you; ,e does not want to "ut to difficulties. $,e wants you% to com"lete the "rescribed "eriod, and to lorify ,im in that ,e has uided you; and "erchance ye shall be rateful. 1&". (hen My ser)ants as# thee concernin Me, I am indeed close $to them%0 I listen to the "rayer of e)ery su""liant when he calleth on Me0 &et them also, with a will, &isten to My call, and belie)e in Me0 !hat they may wal# in the ri ht way.

1&#. Permitted to you, on the ni ht of the fasts, is the a""roach to your wi)es. !hey are your arments and ye are their arments. Allah #noweth what ye used to do secretly amon yoursel)es; but ,e turned to you and for a)e you; so now associate with them, and see# what Allah ,ath ordained for you, and eat and drin#, until the white thread of dawn a""ear to you distinct from its blac# thread; then com"lete your fast !ill the ni ht a""ears; but do not associate with your wi)es while ye are in retreat in the mos;ues. !hose are &imits $set by% Allah. A""roach not ni h thereto. !hus doth Allah ma#e clear ,is Si ns to men0 that they may learn self5restraint. 1&&. And do not eat u" your "ro"erty amon yoursel)es for )anities, nor use it as bait for the -ud es, with intent that ye may eat u" wron fully and #nowin ly a little of $other% "eo"le9s "ro"erty. 1&'. !hey as# thee concernin the 4ew Moons. Say0 !hey are but si ns to mar# fi8ed "eriods of time in $the affairs of% men, and for Pil rima e. It is no )irtue if ye enter your houses from the bac#0 It is )irtue if ye fear Allah. 7nter houses throu h the "ro"er doors0 And fear Allah. !hat ye may "ros"er. 1'(. .i ht in the cause of Allah those who fi ht you, but do not trans ress limits; for Allah lo)eth not trans ressors. 1'1. And slay them where)er ye catch them, and turn them out from where they ha)e !urned you out; for tumult and o""ression are worse than slau hter; but fi ht them not at the Sacred Mos;ue, unless they $first% fi ht you there; but if they fi ht you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who su""ress faith. 1'2. 'ut if they cease, Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1'3. And fi ht them on until there is no more !umult or o""ression, and there "re)ail -ustice and faith in Allah. but if they cease, &et there be no hostility e8ce"t to those who "ractise o""ression. 1' . !he "rohibited month for the "rohibited month,5 and so for all thin s "rohibited,5 there is the law of e;uality. If then any one trans resses the "rohibition a ainst you, !rans ress ye li#ewise a ainst him. 'ut fear Allah, and #now that Allah is with those who restrain themsel)es. 1'!. And s"end of your substance in the cause of Allah, and ma#e not your own hands contribute to $your% destruction; but do ood; for Allah lo)eth those who do ood. 1'". And com"lete the ,a-- or 9umra in the ser)ice of Allah. 'ut if ye are "re)ented $.rom com"letin it%, send an offerin for sacrifice, such as ye may find, and do not sha)e your heads until the offerin reaches the "lace of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill, or has an ailment in his scal", $4ecessitatin sha)in %, $,e should% in com"ensation either fast, or feed the "oor, or offer sacrifice; and when ye are in "eaceful conditions $a ain%, if any one wishes to continue the 9umra on to the ha--, ,e must ma#e an offerin , such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, ,e should fast three days durin the ha-- and se)en days on his return, Ma#in ten days in all. !his is for those whose household is not in $the "recincts of% the Sacred Mos;ue. And fear Allah, and #now that Allah Is strict in "unishment. 1'#. .or ,a-- are the months well #nown. If any one underta#es that duty therein, &et there be no obscenity, nor wic#edness, nor wran lin in the ,a--. And whate)er ood ye do, $be sure% Allah #noweth it. And ta#e a "ro)ision $(ith you% for the -ourney, but the best of "ro)isions is ri ht conduct. So fear Me, o ye that are wise. 1'&. It is no crime in you if ye see# of the bounty of your &ord $durin "il rima e%. !hen when ye "our down from $Mount% Arafat, celebrate the "raises of Allah at the Sacred

Monument, and celebrate ,is "raises as ,e has directed you, e)en thou h, before this, ye went astray. 1''. !hen "ass on at a ;uic# "ace from the "lace whence it is usual for the multitude so to do, and as# for Allah.s for i)eness. .or Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 2((. So when ye ha)e accom"lished your holy rites, celebrate the "raises of Allah, as ye used to celebrate the "raises of your fathers,5 yea, with far more ,eart and soul. !here are men who say0 1/ur &ord2 Gi)e us $!hy bounties% in this world21 but they will ha)e no "ortion in the ,ereafter. 2(1. And there are men who say0 1/ur &ord2 Gi)e us ood in this world and ood in the ,ereafter, and defend us from the torment of the .ire21 2(2. !o these will be allotted what they ha)e earned; and Allah is ;uic# in account. 2(3. Celebrate the "raises of Allah durin the A""ointed Days. 'ut if any one hastens to lea)e in two days, there is no blame on him, and if any one stays on, there is no blame on him, if his aim is to do ri ht. !hen fear Allah, and #now that ye will surely be athered unto ,im. 2( . !here is the ty"e of man whose s"eech about this world9s life May da66le thee, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart; yet is he the most contentious of enemies. 2(!. (hen he turns his bac#, ,is aim e)erywhere is to s"read mischief throu h the earth and destroy cro"s and cattle. 'ut Allah lo)eth not mischief. 2(". (hen it is said to him, 1.ear Allah., ,e is led by arro ance to $more% crime. 7nou h for him is ,ell;5An e)il bed indeed $!o lie on%2 2(#. And there is the ty"e of man who i)es his life to earn the "leasure of Allah. And Allah is full of #indness to $,is% de)otees. 2(&. / ye who belie)e2 7nter into Islam whole5heartedly; and follow not the footste"s of the e)il one; for he is to you an a)owed enemy. 2('. If ye bac#slide after the clear $Si ns% ha)e come to you, then #now that Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. 21(. (ill they wait until Allah comes to them in cano"ies of clouds, with an els $in ,is train% and the ;uestion is $thus% settled3 but to Allah do all ;uestions o bac# $for decision%. 211. As# the Children of Israel how many clear $Si ns% (e ha)e sent them. 'ut if any one, after Allah.s fa)our has come to him, substitutes $somethin else%, Allah is strict in "unishment. 212. !he life of this world is allurin to those who re-ect faith, and they scoff at those who belie)e. 'ut the ri hteous will be abo)e them on the Day of +esurrection; for Allah bestows ,is abundance without measure on whom ,e will. 213. Man#ind was one sin le nation, and Allah sent Messen ers with lad tidin s and warnin s; and with them ,e sent the 'oo# in truth, to -ud e between "eo"le in matters wherein they differed; but the Peo"le of the 'oo#, after the clear Si ns came to them, did not differ amon themsel)es, e8ce"t throu h selfish contumacy. Allah by ,is Grace Guided the belie)ers to the !ruth, concernin that wherein they differed. .or Allah uided whom ,e will to a "ath that is strai ht. 21 . /r do ye thin# that ye shall enter the Garden $of bliss% without such $trials% as came to those who "assed away before you3 they encountered sufferin and ad)ersity, and were so sha#en in s"irit that e)en the Messen er and those of faith who were with him cried0 1(hen $will come% the hel" of Allah.1 Ah2 >erily, the hel" of Allah is $always% near2

21!. !hey as# thee what they should s"end $In charity%. Say0 (hate)er ye s"end that is ood, is for "arents and #indred and or"hans and those in want and for wayfarers. And whate)er ye do that is ood, 5$Allah% #noweth it well. 21". .i htin is "rescribed for you, and ye disli#e it. 'ut it is "ossible that ye disli#e a thin which is ood for you, and that ye lo)e a thin which is bad for you. 'ut Allah #noweth, and ye #now not. 21#. !hey as# thee concernin fi htin in the Prohibited Month. Say0 1.i htin therein is a ra)e $offence%; but ra)er is it in the si ht of Allah to "re)ent access to the "ath of Allah, to deny ,im, to "re)ent access to the Sacred Mos;ue, and dri)e out its members.1 !umult and o""ression are worse than slau hter. 4or will they cease fi htin you until they turn you bac# from your faith if they can. And if any of you !urn bac# from their faith and die in unbelief, their wor#s will bear no fruit in this life and in the ,ereafter; they will be com"anions of the .ire and will abide therein. 21&. !hose who belie)ed and those who suffered e8ile and fou ht $and stro)e and stru led% in the "ath of Allah,5 they ha)e the ho"e of the Mercy of Allah. And Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 21'. !hey as# thee concernin wine and amblin . Say0 1In them is reat sin, and some "rofit, for men; but the sin is reater than the "rofit.1 !hey as# thee how much they are to s"end; Say0 1(hat is beyond your needs.1 !hus doth Allah Ma#e clear to you ,is Si ns0 In order that ye may consider5 22(. $!heir bearin s% on this life and the ,ereafter. !hey as# thee concernin or"hans. Say0 1!he best thin to do is what is for their ood; if ye mi8 their affairs with yours, they are your brethren; but Allah #nows the man who means mischief from the man who means ood. And if Allah had wished, ,e could ha)e "ut you into difficulties0 ,e is indeed 78alted in Power, (ise.1 221. Do not marry unbelie)in women $idolaters%, until they belie)e0 A sla)e woman who belie)es is better than an unbelie)in woman, e)en thou h she allures you. 4or marry $your irls% to unbelie)ers until they belie)e0 A man sla)e who belie)es is better than an unbelie)er, e)en thou h he allures you. *nbelie)ers do $but% bec#on you to the .ire. 'ut Allah bec#ons by ,is Grace to the Garden $of bliss% and for i)eness, and ma#es ,is Si ns clear to man#ind0 !hat they may celebrate ,is "raise. 222. !hey as# thee concernin women9s courses. Say0 !hey are a hurt and a "ollution0 So #ee" away from women in their courses, and do not a""roach them until they are clean. 'ut when they ha)e "urified themsel)es, ye may a""roach them in any manner, time, or "lace ordained for you by Allah. .or Allah lo)es those who turn to ,im constantly and ,e lo)es those who #ee" themsel)es "ure and clean. 223. :our wi)es are as a tilth unto you; so a""roach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some ood act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And #now that ye are to meet ,im $in the ,ereafter%, and i)e $these% ood tidin s to those who belie)e. 22 . And ma#e not Allah.s $name% an e8cuse in your oaths a ainst doin ood, or actin ri htly, or ma#in "eace between "ersons; for Allah is /ne (ho heareth and #noweth all thin s. 22!. Allah will not call you to account for thou htlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and ,e is /ft5for i)in , Most .orbearin . 22". .or those who ta#e an oath for abstention from their wi)es, a waitin for four months is ordained; if then they return, Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful.

22#. 'ut if their intention is firm for di)orce, Allah heareth and #noweth all thin s. 22&. Di)orced women shall wait concernin themsel)es for three monthly "eriods. 4or is it lawful for them to hide what Allah ,ath created in their wombs, if they ha)e faith in Allah and the &ast Day. And their husbands ha)e the better ri ht to ta#e them bac# in that "eriod, if they wish for reconciliation. And women shall ha)e ri hts similar to the ri hts a ainst them, accordin to what is e;uitable; but men ha)e a de ree $of ad)anta e% o)er them. And Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. 22'. A di)orce is only "ermissible twice0 after that, the "arties should either hold !o ether on e;uitable terms, or se"arate with #indness. It is not lawful for you, $Men%, to ta#e bac# any of your ifts $from your wi)es%, e8ce"t when both "arties fear that they would be unable to #ee" the limits ordained by Allah. If ye $-ud es% do indeed fear that they would be unable to #ee" the limits ordained by Allah, there is no blame on either of them if she i)e somethin for her freedom. !hese are the limits ordained by Allah. so do not trans ress them if any do trans ress the limits ordained by Allah, such "ersons wron $!hemsel)es as well as others%. 23(. So if a husband di)orces his wife $irre)ocably%, ,e cannot, after that, re5marry her until after she has married another husband and ,e has di)orced her. In that case there is no blame on either of them if they re5unite, "ro)ided they feel that they can #ee" the limits ordained by Allah. Such are the limits ordained by Allah, which ,e ma#es "lain to those who understand. 231. (hen ye di)orce women, and they fulfil the term of their $9Iddat%, either ta#e them bac# on e;uitable terms or set them free on e;uitable terms; but do not ta#e them bac# to in-ure them, $or% to ta#e undue ad)anta e; if any one does that; ,e wron s his own soul. Do not treat Allah.s Si ns as a -est, but solemnly rehearse Allah.s fa)ours on you, and the fact that ,e sent down to you the 'oo# and (isdom, for your instruction. And fear Allah, and #now that Allah is well ac;uainted with all thin s. 232. (hen ye di)orce women, and they fulfil the term of their $9Iddat%, do not "re)ent them from marryin their $former% husbands, if they mutually a ree on e;uitable terms. !his instruction is for all amon st you, who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day. !hat is $the course Ma#in for% most )irtue and "urity amon st you and Allah #nows, and ye #now not. 233. !he mothers shall i)e such to their offs"rin for two whole years, if the father desires to com"lete the term. 'ut he shall bear the cost of their food and clothin on e;uitable terms. 4o soul shall ha)e a burden laid on it reater than it can bear. 4o mother shall be !reated unfairly on account of her child. 4or father on account of his child, an heir shall be char eable in the same way. If they both decide on weanin , by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no blame on them. If ye decide on a foster5mother for your offs"rin , there is no blame on you, "ro)ided ye "ay $the mother% what ye offered, on e;uitable terms. 'ut fear Allah and #now that Allah sees well what ye do. 23 . If any of you die and lea)e widows behind, they shall wait concernin themsel)es four months and ten days0 (hen they ha)e fulfilled their term, there is no blame on you if they dis"ose of themsel)es in a -ust and reasonable manner. And Allah is well ac;uainted with what ye do. 23!. !here is no blame on you if ye ma#e an offer of betrothal or hold it in your hearts. Allah #nows that ye cherish them in your hearts0 'ut do not ma#e a secret contract with them e8ce"t in terms ,onourable, nor resol)e on the tie of marria e till the term "rescribed is fulfilled. And #now that Allah =noweth what is in your hearts, and ta#e heed of ,im; and #now that Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most .orbearin . 23". !here is no blame on you if ye di)orce women before consummation or the fi8ation of their dower; but bestow on them $A suitable ift%, the wealthy accordin to his means, and the

"oor accordin to his means;5 A ift of a reasonable amount is due from those who wish to do the ri ht thin . 23#. And if ye di)orce them before consummation, but after the fi8ation of a dower for them, then the half of the dower $Is due to them%, unless they remit it or $the man9s half% is remitted by him in whose hands is the marria e tie; and the remission $of the man9s half% is the nearest to ri hteousness. And do not for et &iberality between yoursel)es. .or Allah sees well all that ye do. 23&. Guard strictly your $habit of% "rayers, es"ecially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a de)out $frame of mind%. 23'. If ye fear $an enemy%, "ray on foot, or ridin , $as may be most con)enient%, but when ye are in security, celebrate Allah.s "raises in the manner ,e has tau ht you, which ye #new not $before%. 2 (. !hose of you who die and lea)e widows should be;ueath for their widows a year9s maintenance and residence; but if they lea)e $!he residence%, there is no blame on you for what they do with themsel)es, "ro)ided it is reasonable. And Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. 2 1. .or di)orced women Maintenance $should be "ro)ided% on a reasonable $scale%. !his is a duty on the ri hteous. 2 2. !hus doth Allah Ma#e clear ,is Si ns to you0 In order that ye may understand. 2 3. Didst thou not !urn by )ision to those who abandoned their homes, thou h they were thousands $In number%, for fear of death3 Allah said to them0 1Die10 !hen ,e restored them to life. .or Allah is full of bounty to man#ind, but Most of them are un rateful. 2 . !hen fi ht in the cause of Allah, and #now that Allah ,eareth and #noweth all thin s. 2 !. (ho is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multi"ly many times3 It is Allah that i)eth $you% (ant or "lenty, and to ,im shall be your return. 2 ". ,ast thou not !urned thy )ision to the Chiefs of the Children of Israel after $the time of% Moses3 they said to a "ro"het $!hat was% amon them0 1A""oint for us a #in , that we May fi ht in the cause of Allah.1 ,e said0 1Is it not "ossible, if ye were commanded to fi ht, that that ye will not fi ht31 !hey said0 1,ow could we refuse to fi ht in the cause of Allah, seein that we were turned out of our homes and our families31 but when they were commanded to fi ht, they turned bac#, e8ce"t a small band amon them. 'ut Allah ,as full #nowled e of those who do wron . 2 #. !heir Pro"het said to them0 1$Allah% hath a""ointed !alut as #in o)er you.1 !hey said0 1,ow can he e8ercise authority o)er us when we are better fitted than he to e8ercise authority, and he is not e)en ifted, with wealth in abundance31 ,e said0 1$Allah% hath Chosen him abo)e you, and hath ifted him abundantly with #nowled e and bodily "rowess0 Allah Granteth ,is authority to whom ,e "leaseth. Allah careth for all, and ,e #noweth all thin s.1 2 &. And $further% their Pro"het said to them0 1A Si n of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ar# of the co)enant, with $an assurance% therein of security from your &ord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by an els. In this is a symbol for you if ye indeed ha)e faith.1 2 '. (hen !alut set forth with the armies, he said0 1$Allah% will test you at the stream0 if any drin#s of its water, ,e oes not with my army0 /nly those who taste not of it o with me0 A mere si" out of the hand is e8cused.1 but they all dran# of it, e8ce"t a few. (hen they crossed the ri)er,5 ,e and the faithful ones with him,5 they said0 1!his day (e cannot co"e with Goliath and his forces.1 but those who were con)inced that they must meet Allah, said0 1,ow

oft, by Allah.s will, ,ath a small force )an;uished a bi one3 Allah is with those who steadfastly "erse)ere.1 2!(. (hen they ad)anced to meet Goliath and his forces, they "rayed0 1/ur &ord2 Pour out constancy on us and ma#e our ste"s firm0 ,el" us a ainst those that re-ect faith.1 2!1. 'y Allah.s will they routed them; and Da)id slew Goliath; and Allah a)e him "ower and wisdom and tau ht him whate)er $else% ,e willed. And did not Allah Chec# one set of "eo"le by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief0 'ut Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds. 2!2. !hese are the Si ns of Allah. we rehearse them to thee in truth0 )erily !hou art one of the a"ostles. 2!3. !hose a"ostles (e endowed with ifts, some abo)e others0 !o one of them Allah s"o#e; others ,e raised to de rees $of honour%; to Jesus the son of Mary (e a)e clear $Si ns%, and stren thened him with the holy s"irit. If Allah had so willed, succeedin enerations would not ha)e fou ht amon each other, after clear $Si ns% had come to them, but they $chose% to wran le, some belie)in and others re-ectin . If Allah had so willed, they would not ha)e fou ht each other; but Allah .ulfilleth ,is "lan. 2! . / ye who belie)e2 S"end out of $the bounties% (e ha)e "ro)ided for you, before the Day comes when no bar ainin $(ill a)ail%, nor friendshi" nor intercession. !hose who re-ect .aith they are the wron 5doers. 2!!. Allah. !here is no od but ,e,5the &i)in , the Self5subsistin , 7ternal. 4o slumber can sei6e ,im nor slee". ,is are all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth. (ho is there can intercede in ,is "resence e8ce"t as ,e "ermitteth3 ,e #noweth what $a""eareth to ,is creatures as% before or after or behind them. 4or shall they com"ass au ht of ,is #nowled e e8ce"t as ,e willeth. ,is !hrone doth e8tend o)er the hea)ens and the earth, and ,e feeleth no fati ue in uardin and "reser)in them for ,e is the Most ,i h, the Su"reme $in lory%. 2!". &et there be no com"ulsion in reli ion0 !ruth stands out clear from 7rror0 whoe)er re-ects e)il and belie)es in Allah hath ras"ed the most trustworthy hand5hold, that ne)er brea#s. And Allah heareth and #noweth all thin s. 2!#. Allah is the Protector of those who ha)e faith0 from the de"ths of dar#ness ,e will lead them forth into li ht. /f those who re-ect faith the "atrons are the e)il ones0 from li ht they will lead them forth into the de"ths of dar#ness. !hey will be com"anions of the fire, to dwell therein $.or e)er%. 2!&. ,ast thou not !urned thy )ision to one who dis"uted with Abraham About his &ord, because Allah had ranted him "ower3 Abraham said0 1My &ord is ,e (ho Gi)eth life and death.1 ,e said0 1I i)e life and death1. Said Abraham0 1'ut it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the east0 Do thou then cause him to rise from the (est.1 !hus was he confounded who $in arro ance% re-ected faith. 4or doth Allah Gi)e uidance to a "eo"le un-ust. 2!'. /r $ta#e% the similitude of one who "assed by a hamlet, all in ruins to its roofs. ,e said0 1/h2 how shall Allah brin it $e)er% to life, after $this% its death31 but Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him u" $a ain%. ,e said0 1,ow lon didst thou tarry $thus%31 ,e said0 $Perha"s% a day or "art of a day.1 ,e said0 14ay, thou hast tarried thus a hundred years; but loo# at thy food and thy drin#; they show no si ns of a e; and loo# at thy don#ey0 And that (e may ma#e of thee a si n unto the "eo"le, &oo# further at the bones, how (e brin them to ether and clothe them with flesh.1 (hen this was shown clearly to him, he said0 1I #now that Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s.1

2"(. 'ehold2 Abraham said0 1My &ord2 Show me how !hou i)est life to the dead.1 ,e said0 1Dost thou not then belie)e31 ,e said0 1:ea2 but to satisfy My own underta#in .1 ,e said0 1!a#e four birds; !ame them to turn to thee; "ut a "ortion of them on e)ery hill and call to them0 !hey will come to thee $.lyin % with s"eed. !hen #now that Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise.1 2"1. !he "arable of those who s"end their substance in the way of Allah is that of a rain of corn0 it roweth se)en ears, and each ear ,ath a hundred rains. Allah i)eth manifold increase to whom ,e "leaseth0 And Allah careth for all and ,e #noweth all thin s. 2"2. !hose who s"end their substance in the cause of Allah, and follow not u" their ifts with reminders of their enerosity or with in-ury,5for them their reward is with their &ord0 on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 2"3. =ind words and the co)erin of faults are better than charity followed by in-ury. Allah is free of all wants, and ,e is Most5.orbearin . 2" . / ye who belie)e2 cancel not your charity by reminders of your enerosity or by in-ury,5 li#e those who s"end their substance to be seen of men, but belie)e neither in Allah nor in the &ast Day. !hey are in "arable li#e a hard, barren roc#, on which is a little soil0 on it falls hea)y rain, which lea)es it $Just% a bare stone. !hey will be able to do nothin with au ht they ha)e earned. And Allah uideth not those who re-ect faith. 2"!. And the li#eness of those who s"end their substance, see#in to "lease Allah and to stren then their souls, is as a arden, hi h and fertile0 hea)y rain falls on it but ma#es it yield a double increase of har)est, and if it recei)es not ,ea)y rain, li ht moisture sufficeth it. Allah seeth well whate)er ye do. 2"". Does any of you wish that he should ha)e a arden with date5"alms and )ines and streams flowin underneath, and all #inds of fruit, while he is stric#en with old a e, and his children are not stron $enou h to loo# after themsel)es%5 that it should be cau ht in a whirlwind, with fire therein, and be burnt u"3 !hus doth Allah ma#e clear to you $,is% Si ns; that ye may consider. 2"#. / ye who belie)e2 Gi)e of the ood thin s which ye ha)e $honourably% earned, and of the fruits of the earth which (e ha)e "roduced for you, and do not e)en aim at ettin anythin which is bad, in order that out of it ye may i)e away somethin , when ye yoursel)es would not recei)e it e8ce"t with closed eyes. And #now that Allah is .ree of all wants, and worthy of all "raise. 2"&. !he 7)il one threatens you with "o)erty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah "romiseth you ,is for i)eness and bounties. And Allah careth for all and ,e #noweth all thin s. 2"'. ,e ranteth wisdom to whom ,e "leaseth; and he to whom wisdom is ranted recei)eth indeed a benefit o)erflowin ; but none will ras" the Messa e but men of understandin . 2#(. And whate)er ye s"end in charity or de)otion, be sure Allah #nows it all. 'ut the wron 5 doers ha)e no hel"ers. 2#1. If ye disclose $acts of% charity, e)en so it is well, but if ye conceal them, and ma#e them reach those $really% in need, that is best for you0 It will remo)e from you some of your $stains of% e)il. And Allah is well ac;uainted with what ye do. 2#2. It is not re;uired of thee $/ Messen er., to set them on the ri ht "ath, but Allah sets on the ri ht "ath whom ,e "leaseth. (hate)er of ood ye i)e benefits your own souls, and ye shall only do so see#in the 1.ace1 of Allah. (hate)er ood ye i)e, shall be rendered bac# to you, and ye shall not 'e dealt with un-ustly.

2#3. $Charity is% for those in need, who, in Allah.s cause are restricted $from tra)el%, and cannot mo)e about in the land, see#in $.or trade or wor#%0 the i norant man thin#s, because of their modesty, that they are free from want. !hou shalt #now them by their $*nfailin % mar#0 !hey be not im"ortunately from all the sundry. And whate)er of ood ye i)e, be assured Allah #noweth it well. 2# . !hose who $in charity% s"end of their oods by ni ht and by day, in secret and in "ublic, ha)e their reward with their &ord0 on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 2#!. !hose who de)our usury will not stand e8ce"t as stand one whom the 7)il one by his touch ,ath dri)en to madness. !hat is because they say0 1!rade is li#e usury,1 but Allah hath "ermitted trade and forbidden usury. !hose who after recei)in direction from their &ord, desist, shall be "ardoned for the "ast; their case is for Allah $to -ud e%; but those who re"eat $!he offence% are com"anions of the .ire0 !hey will abide therein $for e)er%. 2#". Allah will de"ri)e usury of all blessin , but will i)e increase for deeds of charity0 .or ,e lo)eth not creatures un rateful and wic#ed. 2##. !hose who belie)e, and do deeds of ri hteousness, and establish re ular "rayers and re ular charity, will ha)e their reward with their &ord0 on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 2#&. / ye who belie)e2 .ear Allah, and i)e u" what remains of your demand for usury, if ye are indeed belie)ers. 2#'. If ye do it not, !a#e notice of war from Allah and ,is Messen er. 'ut if ye turn bac#, ye shall ha)e your ca"ital sums0 Deal not un-ustly, and ye shall not be dealt with un-ustly. 2&(. If the debtor is in a difficulty, rant him time !ill it is easy for him to re"ay. 'ut if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only #new. 2&1. And fear the Day when ye shall be brou ht bac# to Allah. !hen shall e)ery soul be "aid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with un-ustly. 2&2. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye deal with each other, in transactions in)ol)in future obli ations in a fi8ed "eriod of time, reduce them to writin &et a scribe write down faithfully as between the "arties0 let not the scribe refuse to write0 as Allah ,as tau ht him, so let him write. &et him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear ,is &ord Allah, and not diminish au ht of what he owes. If they "arty liable is mentally deficient, or wea#, or unable ,imself to dictate, &et his uardian dictate faithfully, and et two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. !he witnesses should not refuse when they are called on $.or e)idence%. Disdain not to reduce to writin $your contract% for a future "eriod, whether it be small or bi 0 it is -uster in the si ht of Allah, More suitable as e)idence, and more con)enient to "re)ent doubts amon yoursel)es but if it be a transaction which ye carry out on the s"ot amon yoursel)es, there is no blame on you if ye reduce it not to writin . 'ut ta#e witness whene)er ye ma#e a commercial contract; and let neither scribe nor witness suffer harm. If ye do $such harm%, it would be wic#edness in you. So fear Allah. .or it is Good that teaches you. And Allah is well ac;uainted with all thin s. If ye are on a -ourney, and cannot find a scribe, a "led e with "ossession $may ser)e the "ur"ose%. And if one of you de"osits a thin on trust with another, let the trustee $faithfully% dischar e his trust, and let him .ear his &ord conceal not e)idence; for whoe)er conceals it, 5 his heart is tainted with sin. And Allah #noweth all that ye do. 2&3. If ye are on a -ourney, and cannot find a scribe, a "led e with "ossession $may ser)e the "ur"ose%. And if one of you de"osits a thin on trust with another, &et the trustee $.aithfully%

dischar e ,is trust, and let him fear his &ord. Conceal not e)idence; for whoe)er conceals it,5 ,is heart is tainted with sin. And Allah =noweth all that ye do. 2& . !o Allah belon eth all that is in the hea)ens and on earth. (hether ye show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth you to account for it. ,e for i)eth whom ,e "leaseth, and "unisheth whom ,e "leaseth, for Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 2&!. !he Messen er belie)eth in what hath been re)ealed to him from his &ord, as do the men of faith. 7ach one $of them% belie)eth in Allah, ,is an els, ,is boo#s, and ,is a"ostles. 1(e ma#e no distinction $they say% between one and another of ,is a"ostles.1 And they say0 1(e hear, and we obey0 $(e see#% !hy for i)eness, our &ord, and to !hee is the end of all -ourneys.1 2&". /n no soul doth Allah Place a burden reater than it can bear. It ets e)ery ood that it earns, and it suffers e)ery ill that it earns. $Pray0% 1/ur &ord2 Condemn us not if we for et or fall into error; our &ord2 &ay not on us a burden &i#e that which !hou didst lay on those before us; /ur &ord2 &ay not on us a burden reater than we ha)e stren th to bear. 'lot out our sins, and rant us for i)eness. ,a)e mercy on us. !hou art our Protector; ,el" us a ainst those who stand a ainst faith.1

Surah 3. The )a*il+ Of ,-*ran. The House Of ,-*ran

1. A. &. M. 2. Allah. !here is no od but ,e,5the &i)in , the Self5Subsistin , 7ternal. 3. It is ,e (ho sent down to thee $ste" by ste"%, in truth, the 'oo#, confirmin what went before it; and ,e sent down the &aw $of Moses% and the Gos"el $of Jesus% before this, as a uide to man#ind, and ,e sent down the criterion $of -ud ment between ri ht and wron %. . !hen those who re-ect .aith in the Si ns of Allah will suffer the se)erest "enalty, and Allah is 78alted in Mi ht, &ord of +etribution. !. .rom Allah, )erily nothin is hidden on earth or in the hea)ens. ". ,e it is (ho sha"es you in the wombs as ,e "leases. !here is no od but ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise. #. ,e it is (ho has sent down to thee the 'oo#0 In it are )erses basic or fundamental $of established meanin %; they are the foundation of the 'oo#0 others are alle orical. 'ut those in whose hearts is "er)ersity follow the "art thereof that is alle orical, see#in discord, and searchin for its hidden meanin s, but no one #nows its hidden meanin s e8ce"t Allah. And those who are firmly rounded in #nowled e say0 1(e belie)e in the 'oo#; the whole of it is from our &ord01 and none will ras" the Messa e e8ce"t men of understandin . &. 1/ur &ord21 $they say%, 1&et not our hearts de)iate now after !hou hast uided us, but rant us mercy from !hine own Presence; for !hou art the Grantor of bounties without measure. '. 1/ur &ord2 !hou art ,e that will ather man#ind !o ether a ainst a day about which there is no doubt; for Allah ne)er fails in ,is "romise.1 1(. !hose who re-ect .aith,5 neither their "ossessions nor their $numerous% "ro eny will a)ail them au ht a ainst Allah. !hey are themsel)es but fuel for the .ire. 11. $!heir "li ht will be% no better than that of the "eo"le of Pharaoh, and their "redecessors0 !hey denied our Si ns, and Allah called them to account for their sins. .or Allah is strict in "unishment.

12. Say to those who re-ect .aith0 1Soon will ye be )an;uished and athered to ether to ,ell,5 an e)il bed indeed $to lie on%2 13. 1!here has already been for you a Si n in the two armies that met $in combat%0 /ne was fi htin in the cause of Allah, the other resistin Allah. these saw with their own eyes !wice their number. 'ut Allah doth su""ort with ,is aid whom ,e "leaseth. In this is a warnin for such as ha)e eyes to see.1 1 . .air in the eyes of men is the lo)e of thin s they co)et0 (omen and sons; ,ea"ed5u" hoards of old and sil)er; horses branded $for blood and e8cellence%; and $wealth of% cattle and well5tilled land. Such are the "ossessions of this world9s life; but in nearness to Allah is the best of the oals $!o return to%. 1!. Say0 Shall I i)e you lad tidin s of thin s .ar better than those3 .or the ri hteous are Gardens in nearness to their &ord, with ri)ers flowin beneath; therein is their eternal home; with com"anions "ure $and holy%; and the ood "leasure of Allah. .or in Allah.s si ht are $all% ,is ser)ants,5 1". $4amely%, those who say0 1/ur &ord2 we ha)e indeed belie)ed0 for i)e us, then, our sins, and sa)e us from the a ony of the .ire;15 1#. !hose who show "atience, .irmness and self5control; who are true $in word and deed%; who worshi" de)outly; who s"end $in the way of Allah.; and who "ray for for i)eness in the early hours of the mornin . 1&. !here is no od but ,e0 !hat is the witness of Allah, ,is an els, and those endued with #nowled e, standin firm on -ustice. !here is no od but ,e, the 78alted in Power, the (ise. 1'. !he +eli ion before Allah is Islam $submission to ,is (ill%0 4or did the Peo"le of the 'oo# dissent therefrom e8ce"t throu h en)y of each other, after #nowled e had come to them. 'ut if any deny the Si ns of Allah, Allah is swift in callin to account. 2(. So if they dis"ute with thee, say0 1I ha)e submitted My whole self to Allah and so ha)e those who follow me.1 And say to the Peo"le of the 'oo# and to those who are unlearned0 1Do ye $also% submit yoursel)es31 If they do, they are in ri ht uidance, but if they turn bac#, !hy duty is to con)ey the Messa e; and in Allah.s si ht are $all% ,is ser)ants. 21. As to those who deny the Si ns of Allah and in defiance of ri ht, slay the "ro"hets, and slay those who teach -ust dealin with man#ind, announce to them a rie)ous "enalty. 22. !hey are those whose wor#s will bear no fruit in this world and in the ,ereafter nor will they ha)e anyone to hel". 23. ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who ha)e been i)en a "ortion of the 'oo#3 !hey are in)ited to the 'oo# of Allah, to settle their dis"ute, but a "arty of them !urn bac# and decline $!he arbitration%. 2 . !his because they say0 1!he .ire shall not touch us but for a few numbered days10 .or their for eries decei)e them as to their own reli ion. 2!. 'ut how $will they fare% when we ather them to ether a ainst a day about which there is no doubt, and each soul will be "aid out -ust what it has earned, without $fa)our or% in-ustice3 2". Say0 1/ Allah. &ord of Power $And +ule%, !hou i)est "ower to whom !hou "leasest, and !hou stri""est off "ower from whom !hou "leasest0 !hou enduest with honour whom !hou "leasest, and !hou brin est low whom !hou "leasest0 In !hy hand is all ood. >erily, o)er all thin s !hou hast "ower.

2#. 1!hou causest the ni ht to ain on the day, and thou causest the day to ain on the ni ht; !hou brin est the &i)in out of the dead, and !hou brin est the dead out of the &i)in ; and !hou i)est sustenance to whom !hou "leasest, without measure.1 2&. &et not the belie)ers !a#e for friends or hel"ers *nbelie)ers rather than belie)ers0 if any do that, in nothin will there be hel" from Allah. e8ce"t by way of "recaution, that ye may Guard yoursel)es from them. 'ut Allah cautions you $!o remember% ,imself; for the final oal is to Allah. 2'. Say0 1(hether ye hide what is in your hearts or re)eal it, Allah #nows it all0 ,e #nows what is in the hea)ens, and what is on earth. And Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. 3(. 1/n the Day when e)ery soul will be confronted with all the ood it has done, and all the e)il it has done, it will wish there were a reat distance between it and its e)il. 'ut Allah cautions you $!o remember% ,imself. And Allah is full of #indness to those that ser)e ,im.1 31. Say0 1If ye do lo)e Allah, .ollow me0 Allah will lo)e you and for i)e you your sins0 .or Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.1 32. Say0 1/bey Allah and ,is Messen er.0 'ut if they turn bac#, Allah lo)eth not those who re-ect .aith. 33. Allah did choose Adam and 4oah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 9Imran abo)e all "eo"le,5 3 . /ffs"rin , one of the other0 And Allah heareth and #noweth all thin s. 3!. 'ehold2 a woman of 9Imran said0 1/ my &ord2 I do dedicate unto !hee what is in my womb for !hy s"ecial ser)ice0 So acce"t this of me0 .or !hou hearest and #nowest all thin s.1 3". (hen she was deli)ered, she said0 1/ my &ord2 'ehold2 I am deli)ered of a female child215 and Allah #new best what she brou ht forth5 1And no wise is the male &i#e the female. I ha)e named her Mary, and I commend her and her offs"rin to !hy "rotection from the 7)il /ne, the +e-ected.1 3#. +i ht raciously did her &ord acce"t her0 ,e made her row in "urity and beauty0 !o the care of ?a#ariya was she assi ned. 7)ery time that he entered $,er% chamber to see her, ,e found her su""lied with sustenance. ,e said0 1/ Mary2 (hence $comes% this to you31 She said0 1.rom Allah. for Allah Pro)ides sustenance to whom ,e "leases without measure.1 3&. !here did ?a#ariya "ray to his &ord, sayin 0 1/ my &ord2 Grant unto me from !hee a "ro eny that is "ure0 for !hou art ,e that heareth "rayer2 3'. (hile he was standin in "rayer in the chamber, the an els called unto him0 1$Allah% doth i)e thee lad tidin s of :ahya, witnessin the truth of a (ord from Allah, and $be besides% noble, chaste, and a "ro"het,5 of the $ oodly% com"any of the ri hteous.1 (. ,e said0 1/ my lord2 ,ow shall I ha)e a son seein I am )ery old and my wife is barren31 1!hus1 was the answer 1doth Allah accom"lish whatt ,e willeth.1 1. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 Gi)e me a Si n21 1!hy Si n,1 was the answer, 1Shall be that thou shalt s"ea# to no man for three days but with si nals. !hen celebrate the "raises of thy &ord a ain and a ain, and lorify ,im in the e)enin and in the mornin .1 2. 'ehold2 the an els said0 1/ Mary2 Allah hath chosen thee and "urified thee5 chosen thee abo)e the women of all nations. 3. 1/ Mary2 worshi" !hy &ord de)outly0 Prostrate thyself, and bow down $in "rayer% with those who bow down.1

. !his is "art of the tidin s of the thin s unseen, which (e re)eal unto thee $/ Messen er.% by ins"iration0 !hou wast not with them when they cast lots with arrows, as to which of them should be char ed with the care of Mary0 4or wast thou with them when they dis"uted $the "oint%. !. 'ehold2 the an els said0 1/ Mary2 Allah i)eth thee lad tidin s of a (ord from ,im0 his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the ,ereafter and of $the com"any of% those nearest to Allah. ". 1,e shall s"ea# to the "eo"le in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be $of the com"any% of the ri hteous.1 #. She said0 1/ my &ord2 ,ow shall I ha)e a son when no man hath touched me31 ,e said0 17)en so0 Allah createth what ,e willeth0 (hen ,e hath decreed a "lan, ,e but saith to it, 9'e,9 and it is2 &. 1And Allah will teach him the 'oo# and (isdom, the &aw and the Gos"el, '. 1And $a""oint him% an a"ostle to the Children of Israel, $with this messa e%0 19I ha)e come to you, with a Si n from your &ord, in that I ma#e for you out of clay, as it were, the fi ure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah.s lea)e0 And I heal those born blind, and the le"ers, and I ;uic#en the dead, by Allah.s lea)e; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Si n for you if ye did belie)e; !(. 19$I ha)e come to you%, to attest the &aw which was before me. And to ma#e lawful to you "art of what was $'efore% forbidden to you; I ha)e come to you with a Si n from your &ord. So fear Allah, and obey me. !1. 19It is Allah (ho is my &ord and your &ord; then worshi" ,im. !his is a (ay that is strai ht.91 !2. (hen Jesus found *nbelief on their "art ,e said0 1(ho will be My hel"ers to $the wor# of% Allah.1 Said the disci"les0 1(e are Allah.s hel"ers0 (e belie)e in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims. !3. 1/ur &ord2 we belie)e in what !hou hast re)ealed, and we follow the Messen er. then write us down amon those who bear witness.1 ! . And $the unbelie)ers% "lotted and "lanned, and Allah too "lanned, and the best of "lanners is Allah. !!. 'ehold2 Allah said0 1/ Jesus2 I will ta#e thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee $of the falsehoods% of those who blas"heme; I will ma#e those who follow thee su"erior to those who re-ect faith, to the Day of +esurrection0 !hen shall ye all return unto me, and I will -ud e between you of the matters wherein ye dis"ute. !". 1As to those who re-ect faith, I will "unish them with terrible a ony in this world and in the ,ereafter, nor will they ha)e anyone to hel".1 !#. 1As to those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, Allah will "ay them $in full% their reward; but Allah lo)eth not those who do wron .1 !&. 1!his is what we rehearse unto thee of the Si ns and the Messa e of (isdom.1 !'. !he similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; ,e created him from dust, then said to him0 1'e1. And he was. "(. !he !ruth $comes% from Allah alone; so be not of those who doubt. "1. If any one dis"utes in this matter with thee, now after $full% #nowled e ,ath come to thee, say0 1Come2 let us ather to ether,5 our sons and your sons, our women and your women,

oursel)es and yoursel)es0 !hen let us earnestly "ray, and in)o#e the curse of Allah on those who lie21 "2. !his is the true account0 !here is no od e8ce"t Allah. and Allah.,e is indeed the 78alted in Power, the (ise. "3. 'ut if they turn bac#, Allah hath full #nowled e of those who do mischief. " . Say0 1/ Peo"le of the 'oo#2 come to common terms as between us and you0 !hat we worshi" none but Allah. that we associate no "artners with him; that we erect not, from amon oursel)es, &ords and "atrons other than Allah.1 If then they turn bac#, say ye0 1'ear witness that we $at least% are Muslims $bowin to Allah.s (ill%. "!. :e Peo"le of the 'oo#2 (hy dis"ute ye about Abraham, when the &aw and the Gos"el (ere not re)ealed !ill after him3 ,a)e ye no understandin 3 "". Ah2 :e are those who fell to dis"utin $7)en% in matters of which ye had some #nowled e2 but why dis"ute ye in matters of which ye ha)e no #nowled e3 It is Allah (ho #nows, and ye who #now not2 "#. Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in .aith, and bowed his will to Allah.s $(hich is Islam%, and he -oined not ods with Allah. "&. (ithout doubt, amon men, the nearest of #in to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Messen er and those who belie)e0 And Allah is the Protector of those who ha)e faith. "'. It is the wish of a section of the Peo"le of the 'oo# to lead you astray. 'ut they shall lead astray $4ot you%, but themsel)es, and they do not "ercei)e2 #(. :e Peo"le of the 'oo#2 (hy re-ect ye the Si ns of Allah, of which ye are $:oursel)es% witnesses3 #1. :e Peo"le of the 'oo#2 (hy do ye clothe !ruth with falsehood, and conceal the !ruth, while ye ha)e #nowled e3 #2. A section of the Peo"le of the 'oo# say0 1'elie)e in the mornin what is re)ealed to the belie)ers, but re-ect it at the end of the day; "erchance they may $themsel)es% !urn bac#; #3. 1And belie)e no one unless he follows your reli ion.1 Say0 1!rue uidance is the Guidance of Allah. $.ear ye% &est a re)elation be sent to someone $else% &i#e unto that which was sent unto you3 or that those $+ecei)in such re)elation% should en a e you in ar ument before your &ord31 Say0 1All bounties are in the hand of Allah. ,e ranteth them to whom ,e "leaseth0 And Allah careth for all, and ,e #noweth all thin s.1 # . .or ,is Mercy ,e s"ecially chooseth whom ,e "leaseth; for Allah is the &ord of bounties unbounded. #!. Amon the Peo"le of the 'oo# are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of old, will $readily% "ay it bac#; others, who, if entrusted with a sin le sil)er coin, will not re"ay it unless thou constantly stoodest demandin , because, they say, 1there is no call on us $to #ee" faith% with these i norant $Pa ans%.1 but they tell a lie a ainst Allah, and $well% they #now it. #". 4ay.5 !hose that #ee" their "li hted faith and act ari ht,5)erily Allah lo)es those who act ari ht. ##. As for those who sell the faith they owe to Allah and their own "li hted word for a small "rice, they shall ha)e no "ortion in the ,ereafter0 4or will Allah $Dei n to% s"ea# to them or loo# at them on the Day of Jud ment, nor will ,e cleans them $of sin%0 !hey shall ha)e a rie)ous "enalty.

#&. !here is amon them a section who distort the 'oo# with their ton ues0 $As they read% you would thin# it is a "art of the 'oo#, but it is no "art of the 'oo#; and they say, 1!hat is from Allah,1 but it is not from Allah. It is they who tell a lie a ainst Allah, and $well% they #now it2 #'. It is not $"ossible% that a man, to whom is i)en the 'oo#, and (isdom, and the "ro"hetic office, should say to "eo"le0 1'e ye my worshi""ers rather than Allah.s10 on the contrary $,e would say% 1'e ye worshi""ers of ,im (ho is truly the Cherisher of all0 .or ye ha)e tau ht the 'oo# and ye ha)e studied it earnestly.1 &(. 4or would he instruct you to ta#e an els and "ro"hets for &ords and "atrons. (hat2 would he bid you to unbelief after ye ha)e bowed your will $!o Allah in Islam%3 &1. 'ehold2 Allah too# the co)enant of the "ro"hets, sayin 0 1I i)e you a 'oo# and (isdom; then comes to you an a"ostle, confirmin what is with you; do ye belie)e in him and render him hel".1 Allah said0 1Do ye a ree, and ta#e this my Co)enant as bindin on you31 !hey said0 1(e a ree.1 ,e said0 1!hen bear witness, and I am with you amon the witnesses.1 &2. If any turn bac# after this, they are "er)erted trans ressors. &3. Do they see# for other than the +eli ion of Allah.5while all creatures in the hea)ens and on earth ha)e, willin or unwillin , bowed to ,is (ill $Acce"ted Islam%, and to ,im shall they all be brou ht bac#. & . Say0 1(e belie)e in Allah, and in what has been re)ealed to us and what was re)ealed to Abraham, Isma9il, Isaac, Jacob, and the !ribes, and in $the 'oo#s% i)en to Moses, Jesus, and the "ro"hets, from their &ord0 (e ma#e no distinction between one and another amon them, and to Allah do we bow our will $in Islam%.1 &!. If anyone desires a reli ion other than Islam $submission to Allah., ne)er will it be acce"ted of him; and in the ,ereafter ,e will be in the ran#s of those who ha)e lost $All s"iritual ood%. &". ,ow shall Allah Guide those who re-ect .aith after they acce"ted it and bore witness that the Messen er was true and that Clear Si ns had come unto them3 but Allah uides not a "eo"le un-ust. &#. /f such the reward is that on them $rests% the curse of Allah, of ,is an els, and of all man#ind;5 &&. In that will they dwell; nor will their "enalty be li htened, nor res"ite be $their lot%;5 &'. 78ce"t for those that re"ent $7)en% after that, and ma#e amends; for )erily Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. '(. 'ut those who re-ect .aith after they acce"ted it, and then o on addin to their defiance of .aith,5 ne)er will their re"entance be acce"ted; for they are those who ha)e $of set "ur"ose% one astray. '1. As to those who re-ect .aith, and die re-ectin ,5 ne)er would be acce"ted from any such as much old as the earth contains, thou h they should offer it for ransom. .or such is $in store% a "enalty rie)ous, and they will find no hel"ers. '2. 'y no means shall ye attain ri hteousness unless ye i)e $freely% of that which ye lo)e; and whate)er ye i)e, of a truth Allah #noweth it well. '3. All food was lawful to the Children of Israel, e8ce"t what Israel Made unlawful for itself, before the &aw $of Moses% was re)ealed. Say0 1'rin ye the &aw and study it, if ye be men of truth.1

' . If any, after this, in)ent a lie and attribute it to Allah, they are indeed un-ust wron 5doers. '!. Say0 1$Allah% s"ea#eth the !ruth0 follow the reli ion of Abraham, the sane in faith; he was not of the Pa ans.1 '". !he first ,ouse $of worshi"% a""ointed for men was that at 'a##a0 .ull of blessin and of uidance for all #inds of bein s0 '#. In it are Si ns Manifest; $for e8am"le%, the Station of Abraham; whoe)er enters it attains security; Pil rima e thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,5 those who can afford the -ourney; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of ,is creatures. '&. Say0 1/ Peo"le of the 'oo#2 (hy re-ect ye the Si ns of Allah, when Allah is ,imself witness to all ye do31 ''. Say0 1/ ye Peo"le of the 'oo#2 (hy obstruct ye those who belie)e, from the "ath of Allah, See#in to ma#e it croo#ed, while ye were yoursel)es witnesses $to Allah.s Co)enant%3 but Allah is not unmindful of all that ye do.1 1((. / ye who belie)e2 If ye listen to a faction amon the Peo"le of the 'oo#, they would $indeed% render you a"ostates after ye ha)e belie)ed2 1(1. And how would ye deny .aith while unto you are rehearsed the Si ns of Allah, and amon you &i)es the Messen er. (hoe)er holds firmly to Allah will be shown a way that is strai ht. 1(2. / ye who belie)e2 .ear Allah as ,e should be feared, and die not e8ce"t in a state of Islam. 1(3. And hold fast, all to ether, by the ro"e which Allah $stretches out for you%, and be not di)ided amon yoursel)es; and remember with ratitude Allah.s fa)our on you; for ye were enemies and ,e -oined your hearts in lo)e, so that by ,is Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brin# of the "it of .ire, and ,e sa)ed you from it. !hus doth Allah ma#e ,is Si ns clear to you0 !hat ye may be uided. 1( . &et there arise out of you a band of "eo"le in)itin to all that is ood, en-oinin what is ri ht, and forbiddin what is wron 0 !hey are the ones to attain felicity. 1(!. 'e not li#e those who are di)ided amon st themsel)es and fall into dis"utations after recei)in Clear Si ns0 .or them is a dreadful "enalty,5 1(". /n the Day when some faces will be $lit u" with% white, and some faces will be $in the loom of% blac#0 !o those whose faces will be blac#, $will be said%0 1Did ye re-ect .aith after acce"tin it3 !aste then the "enalty for re-ectin .aith.1 1(#. 'ut those whose faces will be $lit with% white,5 they will be in $the li ht of% Allah.s mercy0 therein to dwell $for e)er%. 1(&. !hese are the Si ns of Allah. (e rehearse them to thee in !ruth0 And Allah means no in-ustice to any of ,is creatures. 1('. !o Allah belon s all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 !o ,im do all ;uestions o bac# $for decision%. 11(. :e are the best of "eo"les, e)ol)ed for man#ind, en-oinin what is ri ht, forbiddin what is wron , and belie)in in Allah. If only the Peo"le of the 'oo# had faith, it were best for them0 amon them are some who ha)e faith, but most of them are "er)erted trans ressors. 111. !hey will do you no harm, barrin a triflin annoyance; if they come out to fi ht you, they will show you their bac#s, and no hel" shall they et.

112. Shame is "itched o)er them $&i#e a tent% where)er they are found, e8ce"t when under a co)enant $of "rotection% from Allah and from men; they draw on themsel)es wrath from Allah, and "itched o)er them is $the tent of% destitution. !his because they re-ected the Si ns of Allah, and slew the "ro"hets in defiance of ri ht; this because they rebelled and trans ressed beyond bounds. 113. 4ot all of them are ali#e0 /f the Peo"le of the 'oo# are a "ortion that stand $.or the ri ht%0 !hey rehearse the Si ns of Allah all ni ht lon , and they "rostrate themsel)es in adoration. 11 . !hey belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day; they en-oin what is ri ht, and forbid what is wron ; and they hasten $in emulation% in $all% ood wor#s0 !hey are in the ran#s of the ri hteous. 11!. /f the ood that they do, nothin will be re-ected of them; for Allah #noweth well those that do ri ht. 11". !hose who re-ect .aith,5 neither their "ossessions nor their $numerous% "ro eny will a)ail them au ht a ainst Allah. !hey will be com"anions of the .ire,5 dwellin therein $for e)er%. 11#. (hat they s"end in the life of this $material% world May be li#ened to a wind which brin s a ni""in frost0 It stri#es and destroys the har)est of men who ha)e wron ed their own souls0 it is not Allah that hath wron ed them, but they wron themsel)es. 11&. / ye who belie)e2 !a#e not into your intimacy those outside your ran#s0 !hey will not fail to corru"t you. !hey only desire your ruin0 +an# hatred has already a""eared from their mouths0 (hat their hearts conceal is far worse. (e ha)e made "lain to you the Si ns, if ye ha)e wisdom. 11'. Ah2 ye are those who lo)e them, but they lo)e you not,5 thou h ye belie)e in the whole of the 'oo#. (hen they meet you, they say, 1(e belie)e10 'ut when they are alone, they bite off the )ery ti"s of their fin ers at you in their ra e. Say0 1Perish in you ra e; Allah #noweth well all the secrets of the heart.1 12(. If au ht that is ood befalls you, it rie)es them; but if some misfortune o)erta#es you, they re-oice at it. 'ut if ye are constant and do ri ht, not the least harm will their cunnin do to you; for Allah Com"asseth round about all that they do. 121. +emember that mornin !hou didst lea)e !hy household $early% to "ost the faithful at their stations for battle0 And Allah heareth and #noweth all thin s0 122. +emember two of your "arties Meditated cowardice; but Allah was their "rotector, and in Allah should the faithful $7)er% "ut their trust. 123. Allah had hel"ed you at 'adr, when ye were a contem"tible little force; then fear Allah. thus May ye show your ratitude. 12 . +emember thou saidst to the .aithful0 1Is it not enou h for you that Allah should hel" you with three thousand an els $S"ecially% sent down3 12!. 1:ea, 5 if ye remain firm, and act ari ht, e)en if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your &ord would hel" you with fi)e thousand an els Ma#in a terrific onslau ht. 12". Allah made it but a messa e of ho"e for you, and an assurance to your hearts0 $in any case% there is no hel" e8ce"t from Allah. !he 78alted, the (ise0 12#. !hat ,e mi ht cut off a frin e of the *nbelie)ers or e8"ose them to infamy, and they should then be turned bac#, frustrated of their "ur"ose.

12&. 4ot for thee, $but for Allah., is the decision0 (hether ,e turn in mercy to them, or "unish them; for they are indeed wron 5doers. 12'. !o Allah belon eth all that is in the hea)ens and on earth. ,e for i)eth whom ,e "leaseth and "unisheth whom ,e "leaseth; but Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 13(. / ye who belie)e2 De)our not usury, doubled and multi"lied; but fear Allah. that ye may $really% "ros"er. 131. .ear the .ire, which is re"aired for those who re-ect .aith0 132. And obey Allah and the Messen er. that ye may obtain mercy. 133. 'e ;uic# in the race for for i)eness from your &ord, and for a Garden whose width is that $of the whole% of the hea)ens and of the earth, "re"ared for the ri hteous,5 13 . !hose who s"end $freely%, whether in "ros"erity, or in ad)ersity; who restrain an er, and "ardon $all% men;5 for Allah lo)es those who do ood;5 13!. And those who, ha)in done somethin to be ashamed of, or wron ed their own souls, earnestly brin Allah to mind, and as# for for i)eness for their sins,5 and who can for i)e sins e8ce"t Allah.5 and are ne)er obstinate in "ersistin #nowin ly in $the wron % they ha)e done. 13". .or such the reward is for i)eness from their &ord, and Gardens with ri)ers flowin underneath,5 an eternal dwellin 0 ,ow e8cellent a recom"ense for those who wor# $and stri)e%2 13#. Many were the (ays of &ife that ha)e "assed away before you0 tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the end of those who re-ected !ruth. 13&. ,ere is a "lain statement to men, a uidance and instruction to those who fear Allah. 13'. So lose not heart, nor fall into des"air0 .or ye must ain mastery if ye are true in .aith. 1 (. If a wound hath touched you, be sure a similar wound hath touched the others. Such days $of )aryin fortunes% (e i)e to men and men by turns0 that Allah may #now those that belie)e, and that ,e may ta#e to ,imself from your ran#s Martyr5witnesses $to !ruth%. And Allah lo)eth not those that do wron . 1 1. Allah.s ob-ect also is to "ur e those that are true in .aith and to de"ri)e of blessin !hose that resist .aith. 1 2. Did ye thin# that ye would enter ,ea)en without Allah testin those of you who fou ht hard $In ,is Cause% and remained steadfast3 1 3. :e did indeed wish for death before ye met him0 4ow ye ha)e seen him with your own eyes, $And ye flinch2% 1 . Muhammad is no more than an a"ostle0 many (ere the a"ostle that "assed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then !urn bac# on your heels3 If any did turn bac# on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah. but Allah $on the other hand% will swiftly reward those who $ser)e ,im% with ratitude. 1 !. 4or can a soul die e8ce"t by Allah.s lea)e, the term bein fi8ed as by writin . If any do desire a reward in this life, (e shall i)e it to him; and if any do desire a reward in the ,ereafter, (e shall i)e it to him. And swiftly shall (e reward those that $ser)e us with% ratitude. 1 ". ,ow many of the "ro"hets fou ht $in Allah.s way%, and with them $fou ht% &ar e bands of odly men3 but they ne)er lost heart if they met with disaster in Allah.s way, nor did they wea#en $in will% nor i)e in. And Allah &o)es those who are firm and steadfast.

1 #. All that they said was0 1/ur &ord2 .or i)e us our sins and anythin (e may ha)e done that trans ressed our duty0 7stablish our feet firmly, and hel" us a ainst those that resist .aith.1 1 &. And Allah a)e them a reward in this world, and the e8cellent reward of the ,ereafter. .or Allah &o)eth those who do ood. 1 '. / ye who belie)e2 If ye obey the *nbelie)ers, they will dri)e you bac# on your heels, and ye will turn bac# $from .aith% to your own loss. 1!(. 4ay, Allah is your "rotector, and ,e is the best of hel"ers. 1!1. Soon shall (e cast terror into the hearts of the *nbelie)ers, for that they -oined com"anions with Allah, for which ,e had sent no authority0 their abode will be the .ire0 And e)il is the home of the wron 5doers2 1!2. Allah did indeed fulfil ,is "romise to you when ye with ,is "ermission (ere about to annihilate your enemy,5until ye flinched and fell to dis"utin about the order, and disobeyed it after ,e brou ht you in si ht $of the booty% which ye co)et. Amon you are some that han#er after this world and some that desire the ,ereafter. !hen did ,e di)ert you from your foes in order to test you but ,e for a)e you0 .or Allah is full of race to those who belie)e. 1!3. 'ehold2 ye were climbin u" the hi h round, without e)en castin a side lance at any one, and the Messen er in your rear was callin you bac#. !here did Allah i)e you one distress after another by way of re;uital, to teach you not to rie)e for $the booty% that had esca"ed you and for $the ill% that had befallen you. .or Allah is well aware of all that ye do. 1! . After $the e8citement% of the distress, ,e sent down calm on a band of you o)ercome with slumber, while another band was stirred to an8iety by their own feelin s, Mo)ed by wron sus"icions of Allah.sus"icions due to i norance. !hey said0 1(hat affair is this of ours31 Say thou0 1Indeed, this affair is wholly Allah.s.1 !hey hide in their minds what they dare not re)eal to thee. !hey say $to themsel)es%0 1If we had had anythin to do with this affair, (e should not ha)e been in the slau hter here.1 Say0 17)en if you had remained in your homes, those for whom death was decreed would certainly ha)e one forth to the "lace of their death1; but $all this was% that Allah mi ht test what is in your breasts and "ur e what is in your hearts. .or Allah #noweth well the secrets of your hearts. 1!!. !hose of you who turned bac# on the day the two hosts Met,5it was Satan who caused them to fail, because of some $e)il% they had done. 'ut Allah ,as blotted out $their fault%0 .or Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most .orbearin . 1!". / ye who belie)e2 'e not li#e the *nbelie)ers, who say of their brethren, when they are tra)ellin throu h the 7arth or en a ed in fi htin 0 1If they had stayed with us, they would not ha)e died, or been slain.1 !his that Allah may ma#e it a cause of si hs and re rets in their hearts. It is Allah that i)es &ife and Death, and Allah sees well all that ye do. 1!#. And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, for i)eness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass. 1!&. And if ye die, or are slain, &o2 it is unto Allah that ye are brou ht to ether. 1!'. It is "art of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal ently with them (ert thou se)ere or harsh5hearted, they would ha)e bro#en away from about thee0 so "ass o)er $!heir faults%, and as# for $$Allah%9s% for i)eness for them; and consult them in affairs $of moment%. !hen, when thou hast !a#en a decision "ut thy trust in Allah. .or Allah lo)es those who "ut their trust $in ,im%. 1"(. If Allah hel"s you, none can o)ercome you0 If ,e forsa#es you, who is there, after that, that can hel" you3 in Allah, then, &et belie)ers "ut their trust.

1"1. 4o "ro"het could $e)er% be false to his trust. If any "erson is so false, ,e shall, on the Day of Jud ment, restore what he misa""ro"riated; then shall e)ery soul recei)e its due,5 whate)er it earned,5 and none shall be dealt with un-ustly. 1"2. Is the man who follows the ood "leasure of Allah &i#e the man who draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and whose abode is in ,ell35 A woeful refu e2 1"3. !hey are in )aryin ardens in the si ht of Allah, and Allah sees well all that they do. 1" . Allah did confer a reat fa)our on the belie)ers when ,e sent amon them an a"ostle from amon themsel)es, rehearsin unto them the Si ns of Allah, sanctifyin them, and instructin them in Scri"ture and (isdom, while, before that, they had been in manifest error. 1"!. (hat2 (hen a sin le disaster smites you, althou h ye smote $your enemies% with one twice as reat, do ye say35 1(hence is this31 Say $to them%0 1It is from yoursel)es0 .or Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s.1 1"". (hat ye suffered on the day the two armies Met, was with the lea)e of Allah, in order that ,e mi ht test the belie)ers,5 1"#. And the ,y"ocrites also. !hese were told0 1Come, fi ht in the way of Allah, or $at least% dri)e $!he foe from your city%.1 !hey said0 1,ad we #nown how to fi ht, we should certainly ha)e followed you.1 !hey were that day nearer to *nbelief than to .aith, sayin with their li"s what was not in their hearts but Allah hath full #nowled e of all they conceal. 1"&. $!hey are% the ones that say, $of their brethren slain%, while they themsel)es sit $at ease%0 1If only they had listened to us they would not ha)e been slain.1 Say0 1A)ert death from your own sel)es, if ye s"ea# the truth.1 1"'. !hin# not of those who are slain in Allah.s way as dead. 4ay, they li)e, findin their sustenance in the "resence of their &ord; 1#(. !hey re-oice in the bounty "ro)ided by Allah. And with re ard to those left behind, who ha)e not yet -oined them $in their bliss%, the $Martyrs% lory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor ha)e they $cause to% rie)e. 1#1. !hey lory in the Grace and the bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the .aithful to be lost $in the least%. 1#2. /f those who answered the call of Allah and the Messen er, e)en after bein wounded, those who do ri ht and refrain from wron ha)e a reat reward;5 1#3. Men said to them0 1A reat army is atherin a ainst you10 And fri htened them0 'ut it $only% increased their .aith0 !hey said0 1.or us Allah sufficeth, and ,e is the best dis"oser of affairs.1 1# . And they returned with Grace and bounty from Allah. no harm e)er touched them0 .or they followed the ood "leasure of Allah. And Allah is the &ord of bounties unbounded. 1#!. It is only the 7)il /ne that su them, but fear Me, if ye ha)e .aith. ests to you the fear of his )otaries0 'e ye not afraid of

1#". &et not those rie)e thee who rush headlon into *nbelief0 4ot the least harm will they do to Allah. Allah.s "lan is that ,e will i)e them no "ortion in the ,ereafter, but a se)ere "unishment. 1##. !hose who "urchase *nbelief at the "rice of faith,5 not the least harm will they do to Allah, but they will ha)e a rie)ous "unishment. 1#&. &et not the *nbelie)ers thin# that our res"ite to them is ood for themsel)es0 (e rant them res"ite that they may row in their ini;uity0 'ut they will ha)e a shameful "unishment.

1#'. Allah will not lea)e the belie)ers in the state in which ye are now, until ,e se"arates what is e)il from what is ood nor will ,e disclose to you the secrets of the *nseen. 'ut ,e chooses of ,is Messen er. $.or the "ur"ose% whom ,e "leases. So belie)e in Allah. And ,is a"ostles0 And if ye belie)e and do ri ht, ye ha)e a reward without measure. 1&(. And let not those who co)etously withhold of the ifts which Allah ,ath i)en them of ,is Grace, thin# that it is ood for them0 4ay, it will be the worse for them0 soon shall the thin s which they co)etously withheld be tied to their nec#s &i#e a twisted collar, on the Day of Jud ment. !o Allah belon s the herita e of the hea)ens and the earth; and Allah is well5 ac;uainted with all that ye do. 1&1. Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say0 1!ruly, Allah is indi ent and we are rich215 (e shall certainly record their word and $their act% of slayin the "ro"hets in defiance of ri ht, and (e shall say0 1!aste ye the "enalty of the Scorchin .ire2 1&2. 1!his is because of the $unri hteous deeds% which your hands sent on before ye0 .or Allah ne)er harms those who ser)e ,im.1 1&3. !hey $also% said0 1$Allah% too# our "romise not to belie)e in an a"ostle unless ,e showed us a sacrifice consumed by .ire $.rom hea)en%.1 Say0 1!here came to you a"ostles before me, with clear Si ns and e)en with what ye as# for0 why then did ye slay them, if ye s"ea# the truth31 1& . !hen if they re-ect thee, so were re-ected a"ostles before thee, who came with Clear Si ns, 'oo#s of dar# "ro"hecies, and the 'oo# of 7nli htenment. 1&!. 7)ery soul shall ha)e a taste of death0 And only on the Day of Jud ment shall you be "aid your full recom"ense. /nly he who is sa)ed far from the .ire and admitted to the Garden will ha)e attained the ob-ect $of &ife%0 .or the life of this world is but oods and chattels of dece"tion. 1&". :e shall certainly be tried and tested in your "ossessions and in your "ersonal sel)es; and ye shall certainly ,ear much that will rie)e you, from those who recei)ed the 'oo# before you and from those who worshi" many ods. 'ut if ye "erse)ere "atiently, and uard a ainst e)il,5then that will be a determinin factor in all affairs. 1&#. And remember Allah too# a co)enant from the Peo"le of the 'oo#, to ma#e it #nown and clear to man#ind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind their bac#s, and "urchased with it some miserable ain2 And )ile was the bar ain they made2 1&&. !hin# not that those who e8ult in what they ha)e brou ht about, and lo)e to be "raised for what they ha)e not done,5 thin# esca"e the "enalty. .or them is a "enalty Grie)ous indeed. 1&'. !o Allah belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth; and Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 1'(. 'ehold2 in the creation of the hea)ens and the earth, and the alternation of ni ht and day,5 there are indeed Si ns for men of understandin ,5 1'1. Men who celebrate the "raises of Allah, standin , sittin , and lyin down on their sides, and contem"late the $wonders of% creation in the hea)ens and the earth, $(ith the thou ht%0 1/ur &ord2 not for nau ht ,ast !hou created $all% this2 Glory to !hee2 Gi)e us sal)ation from the "enalty of the .ire. 1'2. 1/ur &ord2 any whom !hou dost admit to the .ire, !ruly !hou co)erest with shame, and ne)er will wron 5doers .ind any hel"ers2

1'3. 1/ur &ord2 we ha)e heard the call of one callin $*s% to .aith, 9'elie)e ye in the &ord,9 and we ha)e belie)ed. /ur &ord2 .or i)e us our sins, blot out from us our ini;uities, and ta#e to !hyself our souls in the com"any of the ri hteous. 1' . 1/ur &ord2 Grant us what !hou didst "romise unto us throu h !hine a"ostles, and sa)e us from shame on the Day of Jud ment0 .or !hou ne)er brea#est !hy "romise.1 1'!. And their &ord hath acce"ted of them, and answered them0 14e)er will I suffer to be lost the wor# of any of you, be he male or female0 :e are members, one of another0 !hose who ha)e left their homes, or been dri)en out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fou ht or been slain,5 )erily, I will blot out from them their ini;uities, and admit them into Gardens with ri)ers flowin beneath;5 A reward from the "resence of Allah, and from ,is "resence is the best of rewards.1 1'". &et not the struttin about of the *nbelie)ers throu h the land decei)e thee0 1'#. &ittle is it for en-oyment0 !heir ultimate abode is ,ell0 what an e)il bed $!o lie on%2 1'&. /n the other hand, for those who fear their &ord, are Gardens, with ri)ers flowin beneath; therein are they to dwell $for e)er%,5 a ift from the "resence of Allah. and that which is in the "resence of Allah is the best $bliss% for the ri hteous. 1''. And there are, certainly, amon the Peo"le of the 'oo#, those who belie)e in Allah, in the re)elation to you, and in the re)elation to them, bowin in humility to Allah. !hey will not sell the Si ns of Allah for a miserable ain2 .or them is a reward with their &ord, and Allah is swift in account. 2((. / ye who belie)e2 Perse)ere in "atience and constancy; )ie in such "erse)erance; stren then each other; and fear Allah. that ye may "ros"er.

Surah . /o*en
1. / man#ind2 re)erence your Guardian5&ord, who created you from a sin le "erson, created, of li#e nature, ,is mate, and from them twain scattered $li#e seeds% countless men and women;5 re)erence Allah, throu h whom ye demand your mutual $ri hts%, and $re)erence% the wombs $!hat bore you%0 for Allah e)er watches o)er you. 2. !o or"hans restore their "ro"erty $(hen they reach their a e%, nor substitute $your% worthless thin s for $their% ood ones; and de)our not their substance $by mi8in it u"% with your own. .or this is indeed a reat sin. 3. If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal -ustly with the or"hans, Marry women of your choice, !wo or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal -ustly $with them%, then only one, or $a ca"ti)e% that your ri ht hands "ossess, that will be more suitable, to "re)ent you from doin in-ustice. . And i)e the women $on marria e% their dower as a free ift; but if they, of their own ood "leasure, remit any "art of it to you, !a#e it and en-oy it with ri ht ood cheer. !. !o those wea# of understandin Ma#e not o)er your "ro"erty, which Allah hath made a means of su""ort for you, but feed and clothe them therewith, and s"ea# to them words of #indness and -ustice. ". Ma#e trial of or"hans until they reach the a e of marria e; if then ye find sound -ud ment in them, release their "ro"erty to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste a ainst their rowin u". If the uardian is well5off, &et him claim no remuneration, but if he is "oor,

let him ha)e for himself what is -ust and reasonable. (hen ye release their "ro"erty to them, ta#e witnesses in their "resence0 'ut all5sufficient is Allah in ta#in account. #. .rom what is left by "arents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the "ro"erty be small or lar e,5a determinate share. &. 'ut if at the time of di)ision other relati)es, or or"hans or "oor, are "resent, feed them out of the $"ro"erty%, and s"ea# to them words of #indness and -ustice. '. &et those $dis"osin of an estate% ha)e the same fear in their minds as they would ha)e for their own if they had left a hel"less family behind0 &et them fear Allah, and s"ea# words of a""ro"riate $comfort%. 1(. !hose who un-ustly eat u" the "ro"erty of or"hans, eat u" a .ire into their own bodies0 !hey will soon be endurin a 'la6in .ire2 11. Allah $thus% directs you as re ards your Children9s $Inheritance%0 to the male, a "ortion e;ual to that of two females0 if only dau hters, two or more, their share is two5thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her share is a half. .or "arents, a si8th share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; if no children, and the "arents are the $only% heirs, the mother has a third; if the deceased &eft brothers $or sisters% the mother has a si8th. $!he distribution in all cases $9s% after the "ayment of le acies and debts. :e #now not whether your "arents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. !hese are settled "ortions ordained by Allah. and Allah is All5#nowin , All5wise. 12. In what your wi)es lea)e, your share is a half, if they lea)e no child; but if they lea)e a child, ye et a fourth; after "ayment of le acies and debts. In what ye lea)e, their share is a fourth, if ye lea)e no child; but if ye lea)e a child, they et an ei hth; after "ayment of le acies and debts. If the man or woman whose inheritance is in ;uestion, has left neither ascendants nor descendants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two ets a si8th; but if more than two, they share in a third; after "ayment of le acies and debts; so that no loss is caused $to any one%. !hus is it ordained by Allah. and Allah is All5#nowin , Most .orbearin . 13. !hose are limits set by Allah. those who obey Allah and ,is Messen er will be admitted to Gardens with ri)ers flowin beneath, to abide therein $for e)er% and that will be the su"reme achie)ement. 1 . 'ut those who disobey Allah and ,is Messen er and trans ress ,is limits will be admitted to a .ire, to abide therein0 And they shall ha)e a humiliatin "unishment. 1!. If any of your women are uilty of lewdness, !a#e the e)idence of four $+eliable% witnesses from amon st you a ainst them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some $other% way. 1". If two men amon you are uilty of lewdness, "unish them both. If they re"ent and amend, &ea)e them alone; for Allah is /ft5returnin , Most Merciful. 1#. Allah acce"t the re"entance of those who do e)il in i norance and re"ent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy0 .or Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. 1&. /f no effect is the re"entance of those who continue to do e)il, until death faces one of them, and he says, 14ow ha)e I re"ented indeed;1 nor of those who die re-ectin .aith0 for them ha)e (e "re"ared a "unishment most rie)ous. 1'. / ye who belie)e2 :e are forbidden to inherit women a ainst their will. 4or should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may !a#e away "art of the dower ye ha)e i)en them,5 e8ce"t where they ha)e been uilty of o"en lewdness; on the contrary li)e with them on a

footin of #indness and e;uity. If ye ta#e a disli#e to them it may be that ye disli#e a thin , and Allah brin s about throu h it a reat deal of ood. 2(. 'ut if ye decide to ta#e one wife in "lace of another, e)en if ye had i)en the latter a whole treasure for dower, !a#e not the least bit of it bac#0 (ould ye ta#e it by slander and manifest wron 3 21. And how could ye ta#e it when ye ha)e one in unto each other, and they ha)e !a#en from you a solemn co)enant3 22. And marry not women whom your fathers married,5 e8ce"t what is "ast0 It was shameful and odious,5 an abominable custom indeed. 23. Prohibited to you $.or marria e% are05 :our mothers, dau hters, sisters; father9s sisters, Mother9s sisters; brother9s dau hters, sister9s dau hters; foster5mothers $(ho a)e you suc#%, foster5sisters; your wi)es9 mothers; your ste"5dau hters under your uardianshi", born of your wi)es to whom ye ha)e one in,5 no "rohibition if ye ha)e not one in;5 $!hose who ha)e been% wi)es of your sons "roceedin from your loins; and two sisters in wedloc# at one and the same time, e8ce"t for what is "ast; for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful;5 2 . Also $"rohibited are% women already married, e8ce"t those whom your ri ht hands "ossess0 !hus hath Allah ordained $Prohibitions% a ainst you0 78ce"t for these, all others are lawful, "ro)ided ye see# $them in marria e% with ifts from your "ro"erty,5 desirin chastity, not lust, seein that ye deri)e benefit from them, i)e them their dowers $at least% as "rescribed; but if, after a dower is "rescribed, a ree Mutually $to )ary it%, there is no blame on you, and Allah is All5#nowin , All5wise. 2!. If any of you ha)e not the means wherewith to wed free belie)in women, they may wed belie)in irls from amon those whom your ri ht hands "ossess0 And Allah hath full #nowled e about your faith. :e are one from another0 (ed them with the lea)e of their owners, and i)e them their dowers, accordin to what is reasonable0 !hey should be chaste, not lustful, nor ta#in "aramours0 when they are ta#en in wedloc#, if they fall into shame, their "unishment is half that for free women. !his $"ermission% is for those amon you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye "ractise self5restraint. And Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 2". Allah doth wish to ma#e clear to you and to show you the ordinances of those before you; and $,e doth wish to% turn to you $In Mercy%0 And Allah is All5#nowin , All5wise. 2#. Allah doth wish to !urn to you, but the wish of those who follow their lusts is that ye should turn away $from ,im%,5 far, far away. 2&. Allah doth wish to li hten your $difficulties%0 .or man was created (ea# $in flesh%. 2'. / ye who belie)e2 7at not u" your "ro"erty amon yoursel)es in )anities0 'ut let there be amon st you !raffic and trade by mutual ood5will0 4or #ill $or destroy% yoursel)es0 for )erily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful2 3(. If any do that in rancour and in-ustice,5 soon shall (e cast them into the .ire0 And easy it is for Allah. 31. If ye $but% eschew the most heinous of the thin s which ye are forbidden to do, (e shall e8"el out of you all the e)il in you, and admit you to a ate of reat honour. 32. And in no wise co)et those thin s in which Allah ,ath bestowed ,is ifts More freely on some of you than on others0 !o men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn0 'ut as# Allah of ,is bounty. .or Allah hath full #nowled e of all thin s.

33. !o $benefit% e)ery one, (e ha)e a""ointed shares and heirs to "ro"erty left by "arents and relati)es. !o those, also, to whom your ri ht hand was "led ed, i)e their due "ortion. .or truly Allah is witness to all thin s. 3 . Men are the "rotectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has i)en the one more $stren th% than the other, and because they su""ort them from their means. !herefore the ri hteous women are de)outly obedient, and uard in $the husband9s% absence what Allah would ha)e them uard. As to those women on whose "art ye fear disloyalty and ill5conduct, admonish them $first%, $4e8t%, refuse to share their beds, $And last% beat them $li htly%; but if they return to obedience, see# not a ainst them Means $of annoyance%0 .or Allah is Most ,i h, reat $abo)e you all%. 3!. If ye fear a breach between them twain, a""oint $two% arbiters, one from his family, and the other from hers; if they wish for "eace, Allah will cause their reconciliation0 .or Allah hath full #nowled e, and is ac;uainted with all thin s. 3". Ser)e Allah, and -oin not any "artners with ,im; and do ood5 to "arents, #insfol#, or"hans, those in need, nei hbours who are near, nei hbours who are stran ers, the com"anion by your side, the wayfarer $ye meet%, and what your ri ht hands "ossess0 .or Allah lo)eth not the arro ant, the )ain lorious;5 3#. $4or% those who are ni ardly or en-oin ni ardliness on others, or hide the bounties which Allah hath bestowed on them; for (e ha)e "re"ared, for those who resist .aith, a "unishment that stee"s them in contem"t;5 3&. 4ot those who s"end of their substance, to be seen of men, but ha)e no faith in Allah and the &ast Day0 If any ta#e the 7)il /ne for their intimate, what a dreadful intimate he is2 3'. And what burden (ere it on them if they had faith in Allah and in the &ast Day, and they s"ent out of what Allah hath i)en them for sustenance3 .or Allah hath full #nowled e of them. (. Allah is ne)er un-ust in the least de ree0 If there is any ood $done%, ,e doubleth it, and i)eth from ,is own "resence a reat reward. 1. ,ow then if (e brou ht from each "eo"le a witness, and (e brou ht thee as a witness a ainst these "eo"le2 2. /n that day those who re-ect .aith and disobey the a"ostle will wish that the earth (ere made one with them0 'ut ne)er will they hide a sin le fact from Allah. 3. / ye who belie)e2 A""roach not "rayers with a mind befo ed, until ye can understand all that ye say,5 nor in a state of ceremonial im"urity $78ce"t when tra)ellin on the road%, until after washin your whole body. If ye are ill, or on a -ourney, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye ha)e been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then ta#e for yoursel)es clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. .or Allah doth blot out sins and for i)e a ain and a ain. . ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who were i)en a "ortion of the 'oo#3 they traffic in error, and wish that ye should lose the ri ht "ath. !. 'ut Allah hath full #nowled e of your enemies0 Allah is enou h for a "rotector, and Allah is enou h for a ,el"er. ". /f the Jews there are those who dis"lace words from their $ri ht% "laces, and say0 1(e hear and we disobey1; and 1,ear what is not ,eard1; and 1+a9ina1; with a twist of their ton ues and a slander to .aith. If only they had said0 1(hat hear and we obey1; and 1Do hear1; and 1Do loo# at us1; it would ha)e been better for them, and more "ro"er; but Allah hath cursed them for their *nbelief; and but few of them will belie)e.

#. / ye Peo"le of the 'oo#2 belie)e in what (e ha)e $now% re)ealed, confirmin what was $already% with you, before (e chan e the face and fame of some $of you% beyond all reco nition, and turn them hindwards, or curse them as (e cursed the Sabbath5brea#ers, for the decision of Allah Must be carried out. &. Allah for i)eth not that "artners should be set u" with ,im; but ,e for i)eth anythin else, to whom ,e "leaseth; to set u" "artners with Allah is to de)ise a sin Most heinous indeed. '. ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who claim sanctity for themsel)es3 4ay5but Allah Doth sanctify whom ,e "leaseth. 'ut ne)er will they fail to recei)e -ustice in the least little thin . !(. 'ehold2 how they in)ent a lie a ainst Allah. but that by itself is a manifest sin2 !1. ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who were i)en a "ortion of the 'oo#3 they belie)e in sorcery and 7)il, and say to the *nbelie)ers that they are better uided in the $ri ht% way !han the belie)ers2 !2. !hey are $men% whom Allah hath cursed0 And those whom Allah ,ath cursed, thou wilt find, ha)e no one to hel". !3. ,a)e they a share in dominion or "ower3 'ehold, they i)e not a farthin to their fellow5 men3 ! . /r do they en)y man#ind for what Allah hath i)en them of his bounty3 but (e had already i)en the "eo"le of Abraham the 'oo# and (isdom, and conferred u"on them a reat #in dom. !!. Some of them belie)ed, and some of them a)erted their faces from him0 And enou h is ,ell for a burnin fire. !". !hose who re-ect our Si ns, (e shall soon cast into the .ire0 as often as their s#ins are roasted throu h, (e shall chan e them for fresh s#ins, that they may taste the "enalty0 for Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. !#. 'ut those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness, (e shall soon admit to Gardens, with ri)ers flowin beneath,5 their eternal home0 !herein shall they ha)e com"anions "ure and holy0 (e shall admit them to shades, cool and e)er dee"enin . !&. Allah doth command you to render bac# your !rusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye -ud e between man and man, that ye -ud e with -ustice0 >erily how e8cellent is the teachin which ,e i)eth you2 .or Allah is ,e (ho heareth and seeth all thin s. !'. / ye who belie)e2 /bey Allah, and obey the Messen er, and those char ed with authority amon you. If ye differ in anythin amon yoursel)es, refer it to Allah and ,is Messen er, if ye do belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day0 !hat is best, and most suitable for final determination. "(. ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who declare that they belie)e in the re)elations that ha)e come to thee and to those before thee3 !heir $real% wish is to resort to ether for -ud ment $in their dis"utes% to the 7)il /ne, thou h they were ordered to re-ect him. 'ut Satan9s wish is to lead them astray far away $from the ri ht%. "1. (hen it is said to them0 1Come to what Allah hath re)ealed, and to the Messen er.0 !hou seest the ,y"ocrites a)ert their faces from thee in dis ust. "2. ,ow then, when they are sei6ed by misfortune, because of the deeds which they hands ha)e sent forth3 !hen their come to thee, swearin by Allah. 1(e meant no more than ood5 will and conciliation21

"3. !hose men,5$Allah% #nows what is in their hearts; so #ee" clear of them, but admonish them, and s"ea# to them a word to reach their )ery souls. " . (e sent not an a"ostle, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were un-ust to themsel)es, come unto thee and as#ed Allah.s for i)eness, and the Messen er had as#ed for i)eness for them, they would ha)e found Allah indeed /ft5 returnin , Most Merciful. "!. 'ut no, by the &ord, they can ha)e no $real% .aith, until they ma#e thee -ud e in all dis"utes between them, and find in their souls no resistance a ainst !hy decisions, but acce"t them with the fullest con)iction. "". If (e had ordered them to sacrifice their li)es or to lea)e their homes, )ery few of them would ha)e done it0 'ut if they had done what they were $actually% told, it would ha)e been best for them, and would ha)e one farthest to stren then their $faith%; "#. And (e should then ha)e i)en them from our "resence a reat reward; "&. And (e should ha)e shown them the Strai ht (ay. "'. All who obey Allah and the a"ostle are in the com"any of those on whom is the Grace of Allah,5 of the "ro"hets $who teach%, the sincere $lo)ers of !ruth%, the witnesses $who testify%, and the +i hteous $who do ood%0 Ah2 what a beautiful fellowshi"2 #(. Such is the bounty from Allah. And sufficient is it that Allah #noweth all. #1. / ye who belie)e2 !a#e your "recautions, and either o forth in "arties or o forth all to ether. #2. !here are certainly amon you men who would tarry behind0 If a misfortune befalls you, they say0 1$Allah% did fa)our us in that we were not "resent amon them.1 #3. 'ut if ood fortune comes to you from Allah, they would be sure to say 5 as if there had ne)er been !ies of affection between you and them 5 1/h2 I wish I had been with them; a fine thin should I then ha)e made of it21 # . &et those fi ht in the cause of Allah (ho sell the life of this world for the hereafter. !o him who fi hteth in the cause of Allah,5 whether he is slain or ets )ictory 5 Soon shall (e i)e him a reward of reat $)alue%. #!. And why should ye not fi ht in the cause of Allah and of those who, bein wea#, are ill5 treated $and o""ressed%35 Men, women, and children, whose cry is0 1/ur &ord2 +escue us from this town, whose "eo"le are o""ressors; and raise for us from thee one who will "rotect; and raise for us from thee one who will hel"21 #". !hose who belie)e fi ht in the cause of Allah, and those who re-ect .aith .i ht in the cause of 7)il0 So fi ht ye a ainst the friends of Satan0 feeble indeed is the cunnin of Satan. ##. ,ast thou not turned !hy )ision to those who were told to hold bac# their hands $from fi ht% but establish re ular "rayers and s"end in re ular charity3 (hen $at len th% the order for fi htin was issued to them, behold2 a section of them feared men as 5 or e)en more than 5 they should ha)e feared Allah. !hey said0 1/ur &ord2 (hy hast !hou ordered us to fi ht3 (ouldst !hou not Grant us res"ite to our $natural% term, near $enou h%31 Say0 1Short is the en-oyment of this world0 the ,ereafter is the best for those who do ri ht0 4e)er will ye be dealt with un-ustly in the )ery least2 #&. 1(here)er ye are, death will find you out, e)en if ye are in towers built u" stron and hi h21 If some ood befalls them, they say, 1!his is from Allah.; but if e)il, they say, 1!his is from thee1 $/ Pro"het%. Say0 1All thin s are from Allah.1 'ut what hath come to these "eo"le, that they fail to understand a sin le fact3

#'. (hate)er ood, $/ man2% ha""ens to thee, is from Allah. but whate)er e)il ha""ens to thee, is from thy $own% soul. and (e ha)e sent thee as an a"ostle to $instruct% man#ind. And enou h is Allah for a witness. &(. ,e who obeys the Messen er, obeys Allah. 'ut if any turn away, (e ha)e not sent thee to watch o)er their $e)il deeds%. &1. !hey ha)e 1/bedience1 on their li"s; but when they lea)e thee, a section of them Meditate all ni ht on thin s )ery different from what thou tellest them. 'ut Allah records their ni htly $"lots%0 So #ee" clear of them, and "ut thy trust in Allah, and enou h is Allah as a dis"oser of affairs. &2. Do they not consider the <ur9an $with care%3 ,ad it been from other !han Allah, they would surely ha)e found therein Much discre"ancy. &3. (hen there comes to them some matter touchin $Public% safety or fear, they di)ul e it. If they had only referred it to the Messen er, or to those char ed with authority amon them, the "ro"er in)esti ators would ha)e !ested it from them $direct%. (ere it not for the Grace and Mercy of Allah unto you, all but a few of you would ha)e fallen into the clutches of Satan. & . !hen fi ht in Allah.s cause 5 !hou art held res"onsible only for thyself 5 and rouse the belie)ers. It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the *nbelie)ers; for Allah is the stron est in mi ht and in "unishment. &!. (hoe)er recommends and hel"s a ood cause becomes a "artner therein0 And whoe)er recommends and hel"s an e)il cause, shares in its burden0 And Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. &". (hen a $courteous% reetin is offered you, meet it with a reetin still more courteous, or $at least% of e;ual courtesy. Allah ta#es careful account of all thin s. &#. Allah. !here is no od but ,e0 of a surety ,e will ather you to ether a ainst the Day of Jud ment, about which there is no doubt. And whose word can be truer than Allah.s3 &&. (hy should ye be di)ided into two "arties about the ,y"ocrites3 Allah hath u"set them for their $e)il% deeds. (ould ye uide those whom Allah hath thrown out of the (ay3 .or those whom Allah hath thrown out of the (ay, ne)er shalt thou find the (ay. &'. !hey but wish that ye should re-ect .aith, as they do, and thus be on the same footin $as they%0 'ut ta#e not friends from their ran#s until they flee in the way of Allah $.rom what is forbidden%. 'ut if they turn rene ades, sei6e them and slay them where)er ye find them; and $in any case% ta#e no friends or hel"ers from their ran#s;5 '(. 78ce"t those who -oin a rou" between whom and you there is a treaty $of "eace%, or those who a""roach you with hearts restrainin them from fi htin you as well as fi htin their own "eo"le. If Allah had "leased, ,e could ha)e i)en them "ower o)er you, and they would ha)e fou ht you0 !herefore if they withdraw from you but fi ht you not, and $instead% send you $Guarantees of% "eace, then Allah ,ath o"ened no way for you $to war a ainst them%. '1. /thers you will find that wish to ain your confidence as well as that of their "eo"le0 7)ery time they are sent bac# to tem"tation, they succumb thereto0 if they withdraw not from you nor i)e you $ uarantees% of "eace besides restrainin their hands, sei6e them and slay them where)er ye et them0 In their case (e ha)e "ro)ided you with a clear ar ument a ainst them. '2. 4e)er should a belie)er #ill a belie)er; but $If it so ha""ens% by mista#e, $Com"ensation is due%0 If one $so% #ills a belie)er, it is ordained that he should free a belie)in sla)e, and "ay com"ensation to the deceased9s family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belon ed to

a "eo"le at war with you, and he was a belie)er, the freein of a belie)in sla)e $Is enou h%. If he belon ed to a "eo"le with whom ye ha)e treaty of Mutual alliance, com"ensation should be "aid to his family, and a belie)in sla)e be freed. .or those who find this beyond their means, $is "rescribed% a fast for two months runnin 0 by way of re"entance to Allah. for Allah hath all #nowled e and all wisdom. '3. If a man #ills a belie)er intentionally, his recom"ense is ,ell, to abide therein $.or e)er%0 And the wrath and the curse of Allah are u"on him, and a dreadful "enalty is "re"ared for him. ' . / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye o abroad in the cause of Allah, in)esti ate carefully, and say not to any one who offers you a salutation0 1!hou art none of a belie)er21 Co)etin the "erishable oods of this life0 with Allah are "rofits and s"oils abundant. 7)en thus were ye yoursel)es before, till Allah conferred on you ,is fa)ours0 !herefore carefully in)esti ate. .or Allah is well aware of all that ye do. '!. 4ot e;ual are those belie)ers who sit $at home% and recei)e no hurt, and those who stri)e and fi ht in the cause of Allah with their oods and their "ersons. Allah hath ranted a rade hi her to those who stri)e and fi ht with their oods and "ersons than to those who sit $at home%. *nto all $in .aith% ,ath Allah "romised ood0 'ut those who stri)e and fi ht ,ath ,e distin uished abo)e those who sit $at home% by a s"ecial reward,5 '". +an#s s"ecially bestowed by ,im, and .or i)eness and Mercy. .or Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. '#. (hen an els ta#e the souls of those who die in sin a ainst their souls, they say0 1In what $"li ht% (ere ye31 !hey re"ly0 1(ea# and o""ressed (ere we in the earth.1 !hey say0 1(as not the earth of Allah s"acious enou h for you to mo)e yoursel)es away $.rom e)il%31 Such men will find their abode in ,ell,5 (hat an e)il refu e2 5 '&. 78ce"t those who are $really% wea# and o""ressed 5 men, women, and children 5 who ha)e no means in their "ower, nor $a uide5"ost% to their way. ''. .or these, there is ho"e that Allah will for i)e0 .or Allah doth blot out $sins% and for i)e a ain and a ain. 1((. ,e who forsa#es his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth Many a refu e, wide and s"acious0 Should he die as a refu ee from home for Allah and ,is Messen er, ,is reward becomes due and sure with Allah. And Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1(1. (hen ye tra)el throu h the earth, there is no blame on you if ye shorten your "rayers, for fear the *nbelie)ers May attac# you0 .or the *nbelie)ers are unto you o"en enemies. 1(2. (hen thou $/ Messen er. art with them, and standest to lead them in "rayer, &et one "arty of them stand u" $in "rayer% with thee, !a#in their arms with them0 (hen they finish their "rostrations, let them !a#e their "osition in the rear. And let the other "arty come u" which hath not yet "rayed 5 and let them "ray with thee, !a#in all "recaution, and bearin arms0 the *nbelie)ers wish, if ye were ne li ent of your arms and your ba a e, to assault you in a sin le rush. 'ut there is no blame on you if ye "ut away your arms because of the incon)enience of rain or because ye are ill; but ta#e $e)ery% "recaution for yoursel)es. .or the *nbelie)ers Allah hath "re"ared a humiliatin "unishment. 1(3. (hen ye "ass $Con re ational% "rayers, celebrate Allah.s "raises, standin , sittin down, or lyin down on your sides; but when ye are free from dan er, set u" +e ular Prayers0 .or such "rayers are en-oined on belie)ers at stated times.

1( . And slac#en not in followin u" the enemy0 If ye are sufferin hardshi"s, they are sufferin similar hardshi"s; but ye ha)e ,o"e from Allah, while they ha)e none. And Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. 1(!. (e ha)e sent down to thee the 'oo# in truth, that thou mi htest -ud e between men, as uided by Allah. so be not $used% as an ad)ocate by those who betray their trust; 1(". 'ut see# the for i)eness of Allah. for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1(#. Contend not on behalf of such as betray their own souls; for Allah lo)eth not one i)en to "erfidy and crime0 1(&. !hey may hide $!heir crimes% from men, but they cannot hide $!hem% from Allah, seein that ,e is in their midst when they "lot by ni ht, in words that ,e cannot a""ro)e0 And Allah Doth com"ass round all that they do. 1('. Ah2 !hese are the sort of men on whose behalf ye may contend in this world; but who will contend with Allah on their behalf on the Day of Jud ment, or who will carry their affairs throu h3 11(. If any one does e)il or wron s his own soul but afterwards see#s Allah.s for i)eness, he will find Allah /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 111. And if any one earns sin. he earns it a ainst ,is own soul0 for Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. 112. 'ut if any one earns a fault or a sin and throws it on to one that is innocent, ,e carries $on himself% $'oth% a falsehood and a fla rant sin. 113. 'ut for the Grace of Allah to thee and his Mercy, a "arty of them would certainly ha)e "lotted to lead thee astray. 'ut $in fact% they will only &ead their own souls astray, and to thee they can do no harm in the least. .or Allah hath sent down to thee the 'oo# and wisdom and tau ht thee what thou =newest not $before%0 And reat is the Grace of Allah unto thee. 11 . In most of their secret tal#s there is no ood0 'ut if one e8horts to a deed of charity or -ustice or conciliation between men, $Secrecy is "ermissible%0 !o him who does this, see#in the ood "leasure of Allah, (e shall soon i)e a reward of the hi hest $)alue%. 11!. If anyone contends with the Messen er e)en after uidance has been "lainly con)eyed to him, and follows a "ath other than that becomin to men of .aith, (e shall lea)e him in the "ath he has chosen, and land him in ,ell,5 what an e)il refu e2 11". Allah for i)eth not $!he sin of% -oinin other ods with ,im; but ,e for i)eth whom ,e "leaseth other sins than this0 one who -oins other ods with Allah, ,ath strayed far, far away $from the ri ht%. 11#. $!he Pa ans%, lea)in ,im, call but u"on female deities0 !hey call but u"on satan the "ersistent rebel2 11&. Allah did curse him, but he said0 1I will ta#e of !hy ser)ants a "ortion Mar#ed off; 11'. 1I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the $fair% nature created by Allah.1 (hoe)er, forsa#in Allah, ta#es satan for a friend, hath of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest. 12(. Satan ma#es them "romises, and creates in them false desires; but satan9s "romises are nothin but dece"tion. 121. !hey $his du"es% will ha)e their dwellin in ,ell, and from it they will find no way of esca"e.

122. 'ut those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness,5 we shall soon admit them to ardens, with ri)ers flowin beneath,5to dwell therein for e)er. Allah.s "romise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than Allah.s3 123. 4ot your desires, nor those of the Peo"le of the 'oo# $can "re)ail%0 whoe)er wor#s e)il, will be re;uited accordin ly. 4or will he find, besides Allah, any "rotector or hel"er. 12 . If any do deeds of ri hteousness,5 be they male or female 5 and ha)e faith, they will enter ,ea)en, and not the least in-ustice will be done to them. 12!. (ho can be better in reli ion than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does ood, and follows the way of Abraham the true in .aith3 .or Allah did ta#e Abraham for a friend. 12". 'ut to Allah belon 7ncom"asseth all thin s. all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth0 And ,e it is that

12#. !hey as# thy instruction concernin the women say0 Allah doth instruct you about them0 And $remember% what hath been rehearsed unto you in the 'oo#, concernin the or"hans of women to whom ye i)e not the "ortions "rescribed, and yet whom ye desire to marry, as also concernin the children who are wea# and o""ressed0 that ye stand firm for -ustice to or"hans. !here is not a ood deed which ye do, but Allah is well5ac;uainted therewith. 12&. If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband9s "art, there is no blame on them if they arran e an amicable settlement between themsel)es; and such settlement is best; e)en thou h men9s souls are swayed by reed. 'ut if ye do ood and "ractise self5restraint, Allah is well5ac;uainted with all that ye do. 12'. :e are ne)er able to be fair and -ust as between women, e)en if it is your ardent desire0 'ut turn not away $from a woman% alto ether, so as to lea)e her $as it were% han in $in the air%. If ye come to a friendly understandin , and "ractise self5 restraint, Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 13(. 'ut if they disa ree $and must "art%, Allah will "ro)ide abundance for all from ,is all5 reachin bounty0 for Allah is ,e that careth for all and is (ise. 131. !o Allah belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth. >erily we ha)e directed the Peo"le of the 'oo# before you, and you $o Muslims% to fear Allah. 'ut if ye deny ,im, lo2 unto Allah belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth, and Allah is free of all wants, worthy of all "raise. 132. :ea, unto Allah belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth, and enou h is Allah to carry throu h all affairs. 133. If it were ,is will, ,e could destroy you, o man#ind, and create another race; for ,e hath "ower this to do. 13 . If any one desires a reward in this life, in Allah.s $ ift% is the reward $both% of this life and of the hereafter0 for Allah is ,e that heareth and seeth $all thin s%. 13!. / ye who belie)e2 stand out firmly for -ustice, as witnesses to Allah, e)en as a ainst yoursel)es, or your "arents, or your #in, and whether it be $a ainst% rich or "oor0 for Allah can best "rotect both. .ollow not the lusts $of your hearts%, lest ye swer)e, and if ye distort $-ustice% or decline to do -ustice, )erily Allah is well5 ac;uainted with all that ye do. 13". / ye who belie)e2 'elie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er, and the scri"ture which ,e hath sent to ,is Messen er and the scri"ture which ,e sent to those before $him%. Any who denieth Allah, ,is an els, ,is 'oo#s, ,is Messen er., and the Day of Jud ment, hath one far, far astray.

13#. !hose who belie)e, then re-ect faith, then belie)e $a ain% and $a ain% re-ect faith, and o on increasin in unbelief,5 Allah will not for i)e them nor uide them nor uide them on the way. 13&. !o the ,y"ocrites i)e the lad tidin s that there is for them $but% a rie)ous "enalty;5 13'. :ea, to those who ta#e for friends unbelie)ers rather than belie)ers0 is it honour they see# amon them3 4ay,5 all honour is with Allah. 1 (. Already has ,e sent you (ord in the 'oo#, that when ye hear the si ns of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme0 if ye did, ye would be li#e them. .or Allah will collect the hy"ocrites and those who defy faith 5 all in ,ell05 1 1. $!hese are% the ones who wait and watch about you0 if ye do ain a )ictory from Allah, they say0 1(ere we not with you315 but if the unbelie)ers ain a success, they say $to them%0 1Did we not ain an ad)anta e o)er you, and did we not uard you from the belie)ers31 but Allah will -ud e betwi8t you on the Day of Jud ment. And ne)er will Allah rant to the unbelie)ers a way $to trium"hs% o)er the belie)ers. 1 2. !he ,y"ocrites 5 they thin# they are o)er5reachin Allah, but ,e will o)er5 reach them0 (hen they stand u" to "rayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance; 1 3. $!hey are% distracted in mind e)en in the midst of it,5 bein $sincerely% for neither one rou" nor for another whom Allah lea)es strayin ,5 ne)er wilt thou find for him the way. 1 . / ye who belie)e2 !a#e not for friends unbelie)ers rather than belie)ers0 Do ye wish to offer Allah an o"en "roof a ainst yoursel)es3 1 !. !he ,y"ocrites will be in the lowest de"ths of the .ire0 no hel"er wilt thou find for them;5 1 ". 78ce"t for those who re"ent, mend $their li)es% hold fast to Allah, and "urify their reli ion as in Allah.s si ht0 if so they will be $numbered% with the belie)ers. And soon will Allah rant to the belie)ers a reward of immense )alue. 1 #. (hat can Allah ain by your "unishment, if ye are rateful and ye belie)e3 4ay, it is Allah that reco niseth $all ood%, and #noweth all thin s. 1 &. Allah lo)eth not that e)il should be noised abroad in "ublic s"eech, e8ce"t where in-ustice hath been done; for Allah is ,e who heareth and #noweth all thin s. 1 '. (hether ye "ublish a ood deed or conceal it or co)er e)il with "ardon, )erily Allah doth blot out $sins% and hath "ower $in the -ud ment of )alues%. 1!(. !hose who deny Allah and ,is a"ostles, and $those who% wish to se"arate Allah from ,is a"ostles, sayin 0 1(e belie)e in some but re-ect others10 And $those who% wish to ta#e a course midway,5 1!1. !hey are in truth $e;ually% unbelie)ers; and we ha)e "re"ared for unbelie)ers a humiliatin "unishment. 1!2. !o those who belie)e in Allah and ,is a"ostles and ma#e no distinction between any of the a"ostles, we shall soon i)e their $due% rewards0 for Allah is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. 1!3. !he "eo"le of the 'oo# as# thee to cause a boo# to descend to them from hea)en0 Indeed they as#ed Moses for an e)en reater $miracle%, for they said0 1Show us Allah in "ublic,1 but they were da6ed for their "resum"tion, with thunder and li htnin . :et they worshi""ed the

calf e)en after clear si ns had come to them; e)en so we for a)e them; and a)e Moses manifest "roofs of authority. 1! . And for their co)enant we raised o)er them $the towerin hei ht% of Mount $Sinai%; and $on another occasion% we said0 17nter the ate with humility1; and $once a ain% we commanded them0 1!rans ress not in the matter of the sabbath.1 And we too# from them a solemn co)enant. 1!!. $!hey ha)e incurred di)ine dis"leasure%0 In that they bro#e their co)enant; that they re-ected the si ns of Allah. that they slew the Messen ers in defiance of ri ht; that they said, 1/ur hearts are the wra""in s $which "reser)e Allah.s (ord; (e need no more%1;5 4ay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blas"hemy, and little is it they belie)e;5 1!". !hat they re-ected .aith; that they uttered a ainst Mary a ra)e false char e; 1!#. !hat they said $in boast%, 1(e #illed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messen er of Allah.;5 but they #illed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to a""ear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no $certain% #nowled e, but only con-ecture to follow, for of a surety they #illed him not05 1!&. 4ay, Allah raised him u" unto ,imself; and Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise;5 1!'. And there is none of the Peo"le of the 'oo# but must belie)e in him before his death; and on the Day of Jud ment he will be a witness a ainst them;5 1"(. .or the ini;uity of the Jews (e made unlawful for them certain $foods% ood and wholesome which had been lawful for them;5 in that they hindered many from Allah.s (ay;5 1"1. !hat they too# usury, thou h they were forbidden; and that they de)oured men9s substance wron fully;5 we ha)e "re"ared for those amon them who re-ect faith a rie)ous "unishment. 1"2. 'ut those amon them who are well5 rounded in #nowled e, and the belie)ers, belie)e in what hath been re)ealed to thee and what was re)ealed before thee0 And $es"ecially% those who establish re ular "rayer and "ractise re ular charity and belie)e in Allah and in the &ast Day0 !o them shall (e soon i)e a reat reward. 1"3. (e ha)e sent thee ins"iration, as (e sent it to 4oah and the Messen ers after him0 we sent ins"iration to Abraham, Isma9il, Isaac, Jacob and the !ribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and solomon, and to Da)id (e a)e the Psalms. 1" . /f some a"ostles (e ha)e already told thee the story; of others (e ha)e not;5 and to Moses Allah s"o#e direct;5 1"!. Messen er. who a)e ood news as well as warnin , that man#ind, after $the comin % of the a"ostles, should ha)e no "lea a ainst Allah. .or Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. 1"". 'ut Allah beareth witness that what ,e hath sent unto thee ,e hath sent from ,is $own% #nowled e, and the an els bear witness0 'ut enou h is Allah for a witness. 1"#. !hose who re-ect .aith and #ee" off $men% from the way of Allah, ha)e )erily strayed far, far away from the Path. 1"&. !hose who re-ect .aith and do wron ,5 Allah will not for i)e them nor uide them to any way5 1"'. 78ce"t the way of ,ell, to dwell therein for e)er. And this to Allah is easy. 1#(. / Man#ind2 !he Messen er hath come to you in truth from Allah. belie)e in him0 It is best for you. 'ut if ye re-ect .aith, to Allah belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth0 And Allah is All5#nowin , All5wise.

1#1. / Peo"le of the 'oo#2 Commit no e8cesses in your reli ion0 4or say of Allah au ht but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was $no more than% an a"ostle of Allah, and ,is (ord, which ,e bestowed on Mary, and a s"irit "roceedin from ,im0 so belie)e in Allah and ,is a"ostles. Say not 1!rinity1 0 desist0 it will be better for you0 for Allah is one Allah. Glory be to ,im0 $far e8alted is ,e% abo)e ha)in a son. !o ,im belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth. And enou h is Allah as a Dis"oser of affairs. 1#2. Christ disdaineth nor to ser)e and worshi" Allah, nor do the an els, those nearest $to Allah.0 those who disdain ,is worshi" and are arro ant,5,e will ather them all to ether unto ,imself to $answer%. 1#3. 'ut to those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness, ,e will i)e their $due% rewards,5 and more, out of ,is bounty0 'ut those who are disdainful and arro ant, ,e will "unish with a rie)ous "enalty; 4or will they find, besides Allah, any to "rotect or hel" them. 1# . / man#ind2 )erily there hath come to you a con)incin "roof from your &ord0 .or (e ha)e sent unto you a li ht $that is% manifest. 1#!. !hen those who belie)e in Allah, and hold fast to ,im,5 soon will ,e admit them to mercy and race from ,imself, and uide them to ,imself by a strai ht way. 1#". !hey as# thee for a le al decision. Say0 Allah directs $thus% about those who lea)e no descendants or ascendants as heirs. If it is a man that dies, lea)in a sister but no child, she shall ha)e half the inheritance0 If $such a deceased was% a woman, who left no child, ,er brother ta#es her inheritance0 If there are two sisters, they shall ha)e two5thirds of the inheritance $between them%0 if there are brothers and sisters, $they share%, the male ha)in twice the share of the female. !hus doth Allah ma#e clear to you $,is law%, lest ye err. And Allah hath #nowled e of all thin s.

Surah !. The Ta0le. The Ta0le Sprea1

1. / ye who belie)e2 fulfil $all% obli ations. &awful unto you $for food% are all four5footed animals, with the e8ce"tions named0 'ut animals of the chase are forbidden while ye are in the sacred "recincts or in "il rim arb0 for Allah doth command accordin to ,is will and "lan. 2. / ye who belie)e2 >iolate not the sanctity of the symbols of Allah, nor of the sacred month, nor of the animals brou ht for sacrifice, nor the arlands that mar# out such animals, nor the "eo"le resortin to the sacred house, see#in of the bounty and ood "leasure of their &ord. 'ut when ye are clear of the sacred "recincts and of "il rim arb, ye may hunt and let not the hatred of some "eo"le in $once% shuttin you out of the Sacred Mos;ue lead you to trans ression $and hostility on your "art%. ,el" ye one another in ri hteousness and "iety, but hel" ye not one another in sin and rancour0 fear Allah. for Allah is strict in "unishment. 3. .orbidden to you $for food% are0 dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been in)o#ed the name of other than Allah. that which hath been #illed by stran lin , or by a )iolent blow, or by a headlon fall, or by bein ored to death; that which hath been $"artly% eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slau hter it $in due form%; that which is sacrificed on stone $altars%; $forbidden% also is the di)ision $of meat% by rafflin with arrows0 that is im"iety. !his day ha)e those who re-ect faith i)en u" all ho"e of your reli ion0 yet fear them not but fear Me. !his day ha)e I "erfected your reli ion for you, com"leted My fa)our u"on you, and ha)e chosen for you Islam as your reli ion. 'ut if any is forced by hun er, with no inclination to trans ression, Allah is indeed /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. . !hey as# thee what is lawful to them $as food%. Say0 lawful unto you are $all% thin s ood and "ure0 and what ye ha)e tau ht your trained huntin animals $to catch% in the manner

directed to you by Allah. eat what they catch for you, but "ronounce the name of Allah o)er it0 and fear Allah. for Allah is swift in ta#in account. !. !his day are $all% thin s ood and "ure made lawful unto you. !he food of the Peo"le of the 'oo# is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. $&awful unto you in marria e% are $not only% chaste women who are belie)ers, but chaste women amon the Peo"le of the 'oo#, re)ealed before your time,5 when ye i)e them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intri ues if any one re-ects faith, fruitless is his wor#, and in the ,ereafter he will be in the ran#s of those who ha)e lost $all s"iritual ood%. ". / ye who belie)e2 when ye "re"are for "rayer, wash your faces, and your hands $and arms% to the elbows; +ub your heads $with water%; and $wash% your feet to the an#les. If ye are in a state of ceremonial im"urity, bathe your whole body. 'ut if ye are ill, or on a -ourney, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye ha)e been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then ta#e for yoursel)es clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to "lace you in a difficulty, but to ma#e you clean, and to com"lete his fa)our to you, that ye may be rateful. #. And call in remembrance the fa)our of Allah unto you, and ,is co)enant, which ,e ratified with you, when ye said0 1(e hear and we obey10 And fear Allah, for Allah #noweth well the secrets of your hearts. &. / ye who belie)e2 stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealin , and let not the hatred of others to you ma#e you swer)e to wron and de"art from -ustice. 'e -ust0 that is ne8t to "iety0 and fear Allah. .or Allah is well5ac;uainted with all that ye do. '. !o those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness hath Allah "romised for i)eness and a reat reward. 1(. !hose who re-ect faith and deny our si ns will be com"anions of ,ell5fire. 11. / ye who belie)e2 Call in remembrance the fa)our of Allah unto you when certain men formed the desi n to stretch out their hands a ainst you, but $$Allah%% held bac# their hands from you0 so fear Allah. And on Allah let belie)ers "ut $all% their trust. 12. Allah did aforetime ta#e a co)enant from the Children of Israel, and we a""ointed twel)e ca"tains amon them. And Allah said0 1I am with you0 if ye $but% establish re ular "rayers, "ractise re ular charity, belie)e in my a"ostles, honour and assist them, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan, )erily I will wi"e out from you your e)ils, and admit you to ardens with ri)ers flowin beneath; but if any of you, after this, resisteth faith, he hath truly wandered from the "ath or rectitude.1 13. 'ut because of their breach of their co)enant, (e cursed them, and made their hearts row hard; they chan e the words from their $ri ht% "laces and for et a ood "art of the messa e that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them5 barrin a few 5 e)er bent on $new% deceits0 but for i)e them, and o)erloo# $their misdeeds%0 for Allah lo)eth those who are #ind. 1 . .rom those, too, who call themsel)es Christians, (e did ta#e a co)enant, but they for ot a ood "art of the messa e that was sent them0 so we estran ed them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of -ud ment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they ha)e done. 1!. / "eo"le of the 'oo#2 !here hath come to you our Messen er, re)ealin to you much that ye used to hide in the 'oo#, and "assin o)er much $that is now unnecessary%. !here hath come to you from Allah a $new% li ht and a "ers"icuous 'oo#,5

1". (herewith Allah uideth all who see# ,is ood "leasure to ways of "eace and safety, and leadeth them out of dar#ness, by ,is will, unto the li ht,5 uideth them to a "ath that is strai ht. 1#. In blas"hemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say0 1(ho then hath the least "ower a ainst Allah, if ,is will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all e)ery 5 one that is on the earth3 .or to Allah belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth, and all that is between. ,e createth what ,e "leaseth. .or Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s.1 1&. $'oth% the Jews and the Christians say0 1(e are sons of Allah, and his belo)ed.1 Say0 1(hy then doth ,e "unish you for your sins3 4ay, ye are but men,5 of the men he hath created0 ,e for i)eth whom ,e "leaseth, and ,e "unisheth whom ,e "leaseth0 and to Allah belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth, and all that is between0 and unto ,im is the final oal $of all%1 1'. / Peo"le of the 'oo#2 4ow hath come unto you, ma#in $thin s% clear unto you, /ur Messen er, after the brea# in $the series of% our a"ostles, lest ye should say0 1!here came unto us no brin er of lad tidin s and no warner $from e)il%10 'ut now hath come unto you a brin er of lad tidin s and a warner $from e)il%. And Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 2(. +emember Moses said to his "eo"le0 1/ my "eo"le2 Call in remembrance the fa)our of Allah unto you, when ,e "roduced "ro"hets amon you, made you #in s, and a)e you what ,e had not i)en to any other amon the "eo"les. 21. 1/ my "eo"le2 7nter the holy land which Allah hath assi ned unto you, and turn not bac# i nominiously, for then will ye be o)erthrown, to your own ruin.1 22. !hey said0 1/ Moses2 In this land are a "eo"le of e8ceedin stren th0 4e)er shall we enter it until they lea)e it0 if $once% they lea)e, then shall we enter.1 23. $'ut% amon $their% Allah.fearin men were two on whom Allah had bestowed ,is race0 !hey said0 1Assault them at the $"ro"er% Gate0 when once ye are in, )ictory will be yours; 'ut on Allah "ut your trust if ye ha)e faith.1 2 . !hey said0 1/ Moses2 while they remain there, ne)er shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy &ord, and fi ht ye two, while we sit here $and watch%.1 2!. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 I ha)e "ower only o)er myself and my brother0 so se"arate us from this rebellious "eo"le21 2". Allah said0 1!herefore will the land be out of their reach for forty years0 In distraction will they wander throu h the land0 'ut sorrow thou not o)er these rebellious "eo"le. 2#. +ecite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. 'ehold2 they each "resented a sacrifice $to Allah.0 It was acce"ted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter0 1'e sure I will slay thee.1 1Surely,1 said the former, 1$Allah% doth acce"t of the sacrifice of those who are ri hteous. 2&. 1If thou dost stretch thy hand a ainst me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand a ainst thee to slay thee0 for I do fear Allah, the cherisher of the worlds. 2'. 1.or me, I intend to let thee draw on thyself my sin as well as thine, for thou wilt be amon the com"anions of the fire, and that is the reward of those who do wron .1 3(. !he $selfish% soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother0 he murdered him, and became $himself% one of the lost ones.

31. !hen Allah sent a ra)en, who scratched the round, to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. 1(oe is me21 said he; 1(as I not e)en able to be as this ra)en, and to hide the shame of my brother31 then he became full of re rets5 32. /n that account0 (e ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a "erson 5 unless it be for murder or for s"readin mischief in the land 5 it would be as if he slew the whole "eo"le0 and if any one sa)ed a life, it would be as if he sa)ed the life of the whole "eo"le. !hen althou h there came to them /ur a"ostles with clear si ns, yet, e)en after that, many of them continued to commit e8cesses in the land. 33. !he "unishment of those who wa e war a ainst Allah and ,is Messen er, and stri)e with mi ht and main for mischief throu h the land is0 e8ecution, or crucifi8ion, or the cuttin off of hands and feet from o""osite sides, or e8ile from the land0 that is their dis race in this world, and a hea)y "unishment is theirs in the ,ereafter; 3 . 78ce"t for those who re"ent before they fall into your "ower0 in that case, #now that Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 3!. / ye who belie)e2 Do your duty to Allah, see# the means of a""roach unto ,im, and stri)e with mi ht and main in his cause0 that ye may "ros"er. 3". As to those who re-ect .aith,5 if they had e)erythin on earth, and twice re"eated, to i)e as ransom for the "enalty of the Day of Jud ment, it would ne)er be acce"ted of them, theirs would be a rie)ous "enalty. 3#. !heir wish will be to et out of the .ire, but ne)er will they et out therefrom0 their "enalty will be one that endures. 3&. As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands0 a "unishment by way of e8am"le, from Allah, for their crime0 and Allah is 78alted in "ower. 3'. 'ut if the thief re"ents after his crime, and amends his conduct, Allah turneth to him in for i)eness; for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. (. =nowest thou not that to Allah $alone% belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth3 ,e "unisheth whom ,e "leaseth, and ,e for i)eth whom ,e "leaseth0 and Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 1. / Messen er. let not those rie)e thee, who race each other into unbelief0 $whether it be% amon those who say 1(e belie)e1 with their li"s but whose hearts ha)e no faith; or it be amon the Jews,5 men who will listen to any lie,5 will listen e)en to others who ha)e ne)er so much as come to thee. !hey chan e the words from their $ri ht% times and "laces0 they say, 1If ye are i)en this, ta#e it, but if not, beware21 If any one9s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him a ainst Allah. .or such 5 it is not Allah.s will to "urify their hearts. .or them there is dis race in this world, and in the ,ereafter a hea)y "unishment. 2. $!hey are fond of% listenin to falsehood, of de)ourin anythin forbidden. If they do come to thee, either -ud e between them, or decline to interfere. If thou decline, they cannot hurt thee in the least. If thou -ud e, -ud e in e;uity between them. .or Allah lo)eth those who -ud e in e;uity. 3. 'ut why do they come to thee for decision, when they ha)e $their own% law before them35 therein is the $"lain% command of Allah. yet e)en after that, they would turn away. .or they are not $really% Peo"le of .aith. . It was (e who re)ealed the law $to Moses%0 therein was uidance and li ht. 'y its standard ha)e been -ud ed the Jews, by the "ro"hets who bowed $as in Islam% to Allah.s will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law0 for to them was entrusted the "rotection of Allah.s boo#, and they were witnesses thereto0 therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my si ns for

a miserable "rice. If any do fail to -ud e by $the li ht of% what Allah hath re)ealed, they are $no better than% *nbelie)ers. !. (e ordained therein for them0 1&ife for life, eye for eye, nose or nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds e;ual for e;ual.1 'ut if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to -ud e by $the li ht of% what Allah hath re)ealed, they are $4o better than% wron 5doers. ". And in their footste"s (e sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirmin the &aw that had come before him0 (e sent him the Gos"el0 therein was uidance and li ht, and confirmation of the &aw that had come before him0 a uidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. #. &et the "eo"le of the Gos"el -ud e by what Allah hath re)ealed therein. If any do fail to -ud e by $the li ht of% what Allah hath re)ealed, they are $no better than% those who rebel. &. !o thee (e sent the Scri"ture in truth, confirmin the scri"ture that came before it, and uardin it in safety0 so -ud e between them by what Allah hath re)ealed, and follow not their )ain desires, di)er in from the !ruth that hath come to thee. !o each amon you ha)e we "rescribed a law and an o"en way. If Allah had so willed, ,e would ha)e made you a sin le "eo"le, but $,is "lan is% to test you in what ,e hath i)en you0 so stri)e as in a race in all )irtues. !he oal of you all is to Allah. it is ,e that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dis"ute; '. And this $,e commands%0 Jud e thou between them by what Allah hath re)ealed, and follow not their )ain desires, but beware of them lest they be uile thee from any of that $teachin % which Allah hath sent down to thee. And if they turn away, be assured that for some of their crime it is Allah.s "ur"ose to "unish them. And truly most men are rebellious. !(. Do they then see# after a -ud ment of $the days of% i norance3 'ut who, for a "eo"le whose faith is assured, can i)e better -ud ment than Allah. !1. / ye who belie)e2 ta#e not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and "rotectors0 !hey are but friends and "rotectors to each other. And he amon st you that turns to them $for friendshi"% is of them. >erily Allah uideth not a "eo"le un-ust. !2. !hose in whose hearts is a disease 5 thou seest how ea erly they run about amon st them, sayin 0 1(e do fear lest a chan e of fortune brin us disaster.1 Ah2 "erha"s Allah will i)e $thee% )ictory, or a decision accordin to ,is will. !hen will they re"ent of the thou hts which they secretly harboured in their hearts. !3. And those who belie)e will say0 1Are these the men who swore their stron est oaths by Allah, that they were with you31 All that they do will be in )ain, and they will fall into $nothin but% ruin. ! . / ye who belie)e2 if any from amon you turn bac# from his .aith, soon will Allah "roduce a "eo"le whom ,e will lo)e as they will lo)e ,im,5 lowly with the belie)ers, mi hty a ainst the re-ecters, fi htin in the way of Allah, and ne)er afraid of the re"roaches of such as find fault. !hat is the race of Allah, which ,e will bestow on whom ,e "leaseth. And Allah encom"asseth all, and ,e #noweth all thin s. !!. :our $real% friends are $no less than% Allah, ,is Messen er, and the $fellowshi" of% belie)ers,5 those who establish re ular "rayers and re ular charity, and they bow down humbly $in worshi"%. !". As to those who turn $for friendshi"% to Allah, ,is Messen er, and the $fellowshi" of% belie)ers,5 it is the fellowshi" of Allah that must certainly trium"h.

!#. / ye who belie)e2 ta#e not for friends and "rotectors those who ta#e your reli ion for a moc#ery or s"ort,5 whether amon those who recei)ed the Scri"ture before you, or amon those who re-ect .aith; but fear ye Allah, if ye ha)e faith $indeed%. !&. (hen ye "roclaim your call to "rayer they ta#e it $but% as moc#ery and s"ort; that is because they are a "eo"le without understandin . !'. Say0 1/ "eo"le of the 'oo#2 Do ye disa""ro)e of us for no other reason than that we belie)e in Allah, and the re)elation that hath come to us and that which came before $us%, and $"erha"s% that most of you are rebellious and disobedient31 "(. Say0 1Shall I "oint out to you somethin much worse than this, $as -ud ed% by the treatment it recei)ed from Allah. those who incurred the curse of Allah and ,is wrath, those of whom some ,e transformed into a"es and swine, those who worshi""ed e)il;5 these are $many times% worse in ran#, and far more astray from the e)en "ath21 "1. (hen they come to thee, they say0 1(e belie)e10 but in fact they enter with a mind a ainst .aith, and they o out with the same but Allah #noweth fully all that they hide. "2. Many of them dost thou see, racin each other in sin and rancour, and their eatin of thin s forbidden. 7)il indeed are the thin s that they do. "3. (hy do not the rabbis and the doctors of &aw forbid them from their $habit of% utterin sinful words and eatin thin s forbidden3 7)il indeed are their wor#s. " . !he Jews say0 1$Allah%9s hand is tied u".1 'e their hands tied u" and be they accursed for the $blas"hemy% they utter. 4ay, both ,is hands are widely outstretched0 ,e i)eth and s"endeth $of ,is bounty% as ,e "leaseth. 'ut the re)elation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blas"hemy. Amon st them we ha)e "laced enmity and hatred till the Day of Jud ment. 7)ery time they #indle the fire of war, Allah doth e8tin uish it; but they $e)er% stri)e to do mischief on earth. And Allah lo)eth not those who do mischief. "!. If only the Peo"le of the 'oo# had belie)ed and been ri hteous, (e should indeed ha)e blotted out their ini;uities and admitted them to ardens of bliss. "". If only they had stood fast by the &aw, the Gos"el, and all the re)elation that was sent to them from their &ord, they would ha)e en-oyed ha""iness from e)ery side. !here is from amon them a "arty on the ri ht course0 but many of them follow a course that is e)il. "#. / Messen er. "roclaim the $messa e% which hath been sent to thee from thy &ord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not ha)e fulfilled and "roclaimed ,is mission. And Allah will defend thee from men $who mean mischief%. .or Allah uideth not those who re-ect .aith. "&. Say0 1/ Peo"le of the 'oo#2 ye ha)e no round to stand u"on unless ye stand fast by the &aw, the Gos"el, and all the re)elation that has come to you from your &ord.1 It is the re)elation that cometh to thee from thy &ord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blas"hemy. 'ut sorrow thou not o)er $these% "eo"le without .aith. "'. !hose who belie)e $in the <ur9an%, those who follow the Jewish $scri"tures%, and the Sabians and the Christians,5 any who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, and wor# ri hteousness,5 on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. #(. (e too# the co)enant of the Children of Israel and sent them a"ostles, e)ery time, there came to them an a"ostle with what they themsel)es desired not 5 some $of these% they called im"ostors, and some they $ o so far as to% slay.

#1. !hey thou ht there would be no trial $or "unishment%; so they became blind and deaf; yet Allah $in mercy% turned to them; yet a ain many of them became blind and deaf. 'ut Allah sees well all that they do. #2. !hey do blas"heme who say0 1$Allah% is Christ the son of Mary.1 'ut said Christ0 1/ Children of Israel2 worshi" Allah, my &ord and your &ord.1 (hoe)er -oins other ods with Allah,5 Allah will forbid him the arden, and the .ire will be his abode. !here will for the wron 5doers be no one to hel". #3. !hey do blas"heme who say0 Allah is one of three in a !rinity0 for there is no od e8ce"t /ne Allah. If they desist not from their word $of blas"hemy%, )erily a rie)ous "enalty will befall the blas"hemers amon them. # . (hy turn they not to Allah, and see# ,is for i)eness3 .or Allah is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. #!. Christ the son of Mary was no more than an a"ostle; many were the a"ostles that "assed away before him. ,is mother was a woman of truth. !hey had both to eat their $daily% food. See how Allah doth ma#e ,is si ns clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth2 #". Say0 1(ill ye worshi", besides Allah, somethin which hath no "ower either to harm or benefit you3 'ut Allah,5 ,e it is that heareth and #noweth all thin s.1 ##. Say0 1/ "eo"le of the 'oo#2 e8ceed not in your reli ion the bounds $of what is "ro"er%, tres"assin beyond the truth, nor follow the )ain desires of "eo"le who went wron in times one by,5 who misled many, and strayed $themsel)es% from the e)en way. #&. Curses were "ronounced on those amon the Children of Israel who re-ected .aith, by the ton ue of Da)id and of Jesus the son of Mary0 because they disobeyed and "ersisted in e8cesses. #'. 4or did they $usually% forbid one another the ini;uities which they committed0 e)il indeed were the deeds which they did. &(. !hou seest many of them turnin in friendshi" to the *nbelie)ers. 7)il indeed are $the wor#s% which their souls ha)e sent forward before them $with the result%, that Allah.s wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide. &1. If only they had belie)ed in Allah, in the Messen er, and in what hath been re)ealed to him, ne)er would they ha)e ta#en them for friends and "rotectors, but most of them are rebellious wron 5doers. &2. Stron est amon men in enmity to the belie)ers wilt thou find the Jews and Pa ans; and nearest amon them in lo)e to the belie)ers wilt thou find those who say, 1(e are Christians10 because amon st these are men de)oted to learnin and men who ha)e renounced the world, and they are not arro ant. &3. And when they listen to the re)elation recei)ed by the Messen er, thou wilt see their eyes o)erflowin with tears, for they reco nise the truth0 they "ray0 1/ur &ord2 we belie)e; write us down amon the witnesses. & . 1(hat cause can we ha)e not to belie)e in Allah and the truth which has come to us, seein that we lon for our &ord to admit us to the com"any of the ri hteous31 &!. And for this their "rayer hath Allah rewarded them with ardens, with ri)ers flowin underneath,5 their eternal home. Such is the recom"ense of those who do ood. &". 'ut those who re-ect .aith and belie our Si ns,5 they shall be com"anions of ,ell5fire.

&#. / ye who belie)e2 ma#e not unlawful the ood thin s which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no e8cess0 for Allah lo)eth not those i)en to e8cess. &&. 7at of the thin s which Allah hath "ro)ided for you, lawful and ood; but fear Allah, in (hom ye belie)e. &'. Allah will not call you to account for what is futile in your oaths, but ,e will call you to account for your deliberate oaths0 for e8"iation, feed ten indi ent "ersons, on a scale of the a)era e for the food of your families; or clothe them; or i)e a sla)e his freedom. If that is beyond your means, fast for three days. !hat is the e8"iation for the oaths ye ha)e sworn. 'ut #ee" to your oaths. !hus doth Allah ma#e clear to you ,is si ns, that ye may be rateful. '(. / ye who belie)e2 Into8icants and amblin , $dedication of% stones, and $di)ination by% arrows, are an abomination,5 of Satan9s handwor#0 eschew such $abomination%, that ye may "ros"er. '1. Satan9s "lan is $but% to e8cite enmity and hatred between you, with into8icants and amblin , and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from "rayer0 will ye not then abstain3 '2. /bey Allah, and obey the Messen er, and beware $of e)il%0 if ye do turn bac#, #now ye that it is /ur Messen er.s duty to "roclaim $the messa e% in the clearest manner. '3. /n those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness there is no blame for what they ate $in the "ast%, when they uard themsel)es from e)il, and belie)e, and do deeds of ri hteousness,5 $or% a ain, uard themsel)es from e)il and belie)e,5 $or% a ain, uard themsel)es from e)il and do ood. .or Allah lo)eth those who do ood. ' . / ye who belie)e2 Allah doth but ma#e a trial of you in a little matter of ame well within reach of your hands and your lances, that ,e may test who feareth him unseen0 any who trans ress thereafter, will ha)e a rie)ous "enalty. '!. / ye who belie)e2 =ill not ame while in the sacred "recincts or in "il rim arb. If any of you doth so intentionally, the com"ensation is an offerin , brou ht to the =a9ba, of a domestic animal e;ui)alent to the one he #illed, as ad-ud ed by two -ust men amon you; or by way of atonement, the feedin of the indi ent; or its e;ui)alent in fasts0 that he may taste of the "enalty of his deed. Allah for i)es what is "ast0 for re"etition Allah will e8act from him the "enalty. .or Allah is 78alted, and &ord of +etribution. '". &awful to you is the "ursuit of water5 ame and its use for food,5 for the benefit of yoursel)es and those who tra)el; but forbidden is the "ursuit of land5 ame;5 as lon as ye are in the sacred "recincts or in "il rim arb. And fear Allah, to (hom ye shall be athered bac#. '#. Allah made the =a9ba, the Sacred ,ouse, an asylum of security for men, as also the Sacred Months, the animals for offerin s, and the arlands that mar# them0 !hat ye may #now that Allah hath #nowled e of what is in the hea)ens and on earth and that Allah is well ac;uainted with all thin s. '&. =now ye that Allah is strict in "unishment and that Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. ''. !he Messen er.s duty is but to "roclaim $the messa e%. 'ut Allah #noweth all that ye re)eal and ye conceal. 1((. Say0 14ot e;ual are thin s that are bad and thin s that are ood, e)en thou h the abundance of the bad may da66le thee; so fear Allah, / ye that understand; that $so% ye may "ros"er.1

1(1. / ye who belie)e2 As# not ;uestions about thin s which, if made "lain to you, may cause you trouble. 'ut if ye as# about thin s when the <ur9an is bein re)ealed, they will be made "lain to you, Allah will for i)e those0 for Allah is /ft5 for i)in , Most .orbearin . 1(2. Some "eo"le before you did as# such ;uestions, and on that account lost their faith. 1(3. It was not Allah who instituted $su"erstitions li#e those of% a slit5ear she5 camel, or a she5 camel let loose for free "asture, or idol sacrifices for twin5births in animals, or stallion5camels freed from wor#0 It is blas"hemers who in)ent a lie a ainst Allah. but most of them lac# wisdom. 1( . (hen it is said to them0 1Come to what Allah hath re)ealed; come to the Messen er.0 !hey say0 17nou h for us are the ways we found our fathers followin .1 what2 e)en thou h their fathers were )oid of #nowled e and uidance3 1(!. / ye who belie)e2 Guard your own souls0 If ye follow $ri ht% uidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray. the oal of you all is to Allah. it is ,e that will show you the truth of all that ye do. 1(". / ye who belie)e2 (hen death a""roaches any of you, $ta#e% witnesses amon yoursel)es when ma#in be;uests,5 two -ust men of your own $brotherhood% or others from outside if ye are -ourneyin throu h the earth, and the chance of death befalls you $thus%. If ye doubt $their truth%, detain them both after "rayer, and let them both swear by Allah. 1(e wish not in this for any worldly ain, e)en thou h the $beneficiary% be our near relation0 we shall hide not the e)idence before Allah. if we do, then behold2 the sin be u"on us21 1(#. 'ut if it ets #nown that these two were uilty of the sin $of "er-ury%, let two others stand forth in their "laces,5 nearest in #in from amon those who claim a lawful ri ht0 let them swear by Allah. 1(e affirm that our witness is truer than that of those two, and that we ha)e not tres"assed $beyond the truth%0 if we did, behold2 the wron be u"on us21 1(&. !hat is most suitable0 that they may i)e the e)idence in its true nature and sha"e, or else they would fear that other oaths would be ta#en after their oaths. 'ut fear Allah, and listen $to ,is counsel%0 for Allah uideth not a rebellious "eo"le0 1('. /ne day will Allah ather the a"ostles to ether, and as#0 1(hat was the res"onse ye recei)ed $from men to your teachin %31 !hey will say0 1(e ha)e no #nowled e0 it is !hou (ho #nowest in full all that is hidden.1 11(. !hen will Allah say0 1/ Jesus the son of Mary2 +ecount My fa)our to thee and to thy mother. 'ehold2 I stren thened thee with the holy s"irit, so that thou didst s"ea# to the "eo"le in childhood and in maturity. 'ehold2 I tau ht thee the 'oo# and (isdom, the &aw and the Gos"el and behold2 thou ma#est out of clay, as it were, the fi ure of a bird, by My lea)e, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My lea)e, and thou healest those born blind, and the le"ers, by My lea)e. And behold2 thou brin est forth the dead by My lea)e. And behold2 I did restrain the Children of Israel from $)iolence to% thee when thou didst show them the clear Si ns, and the unbelie)ers amon them said0 9!his is nothin but e)ident ma ic.9 111. 1And behold2 I ins"ired the disci"les to ha)e faith in Me and Mine Messen er. they said, 9(e ha)e faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims91. 112. 'ehold2 the disci"les, said0 1/ Jesus the son of Mary2 can thy &ord send down to us a table set $with )iands% from hea)en31 Said Jesus0 1.ear Allah, if ye ha)e faith.1 113. !hey said0 1(e only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to #now that thou hast indeed told us the truth; and that we oursel)es may be witnesses to the miracle.1

11 . Said Jesus the son of Mary0 1/ Allah our &ord2 Send us from hea)en a table set $with )iands%, that there may be for us 5 for the first and the last of us 5 a solemn festi)al and a si n from thee; and "ro)ide for our sustenance, for thou art the best Sustainer $of our needs%.1 11!. Allah said0 1I will send it down unto you0 'ut if any of you after that resisteth faith, I will "unish him with a "enalty such as I ha)e not inflicted on any one amon all the "eo"les.1 11". And behold2 Allah will say0 1/ Jesus the son of Mary2 Didst thou say unto men, worshi" me and my mother as ods in dero ation of Allah.31 ,e will say0 1Glory to !hee2 ne)er could I say what I had no ri ht $to say%. ,ad I said such a thin , thou wouldst indeed ha)e #nown it. !hou #nowest what is in my heart, !hou I #now not what is in !hine. .or !hou #nowest in full all that is hidden. 11#. 14e)er said I to them au ht e8ce"t what !hou didst command me to say, to wit, 9worshi" Allah, my &ord and your &ord9; and I was a witness o)er them whilst I dwelt amon st them; when !hou didst ta#e me u" !hou wast the (atcher o)er them, and !hou art a witness to all thin s. 11&. 1If !hou dost "unish them, they are !hy ser)ant0 If !hou dost for i)e them, !hou art the 78alted in "ower, the (ise.1 11'. Allah will say0 1!his is a day on which the truthful will "rofit from their truth0 theirs are ardens, with ri)ers flowin beneath,5 their eternal ,ome0 Allah well5"leased with them, and they with Allah. !hat is the reat sal)ation, $the fulfilment of all desires%. 12(. !o Allah doth belon the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth, and all that is therein, and it is ,e (ho hath "ower o)er all thin s.

Surah ". $attle. Li2esto34

1. Praise be Allah, (ho created the hea)ens and the earth, and made the dar#ness and the li ht. :et those who re-ect .aith hold $others% as e;ual, with their Guardian5&ord. 2. ,e it is created you from clay, and then decreed a stated term $for you%. And there is in ,is "resence another determined term; yet ye doubt within yoursel)es2 3. And ,e is Allah in the hea)ens and on earth. ,e #noweth what ye hide, and what ye re)eal, and ,e #noweth the $recom"ense% which ye earn $by your deeds%. . 'ut ne)er did a sin le one of the si ns of their &ord reach them, but they turned away therefrom. !. And now they re-ect the truth when it reaches them0 but soon shall they learn the reality of what they used to moc# at. ". See they not how many of those before them (e did destroy35 enerations (e had established on the earth, in stren th such as (e ha)e not i)en to you 5 for whom (e "oured out rain from the s#ies in abundance, and a)e $fertile% streams flowin beneath their $feet%0 yet for their sins (e destroyed them, and raised in their wa#e fresh enerations $to succeed them%. #. If (e had sent unto thee a written $messa e% on "archment, so that they could touch it with their hands, the *nbelie)ers would ha)e been sure to say0 1!his is nothin but ob)ious ma ic21 &. !hey say0 1(hy is not an an el sent down to him31 If we did send down an an el, the matter would be settled at once, and no res"ite would be ranted them.

'. If (e had made it an an el, (e should ha)e sent him as a man, and (e should certainly ha)e caused them confusion in a matter which they ha)e already co)ered with confusion. 1(. Moc#ed were $many% a"ostles before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thin that they moc#ed. 11. Say0 1!ra)el throu h the earth and see what was the end of those who re-ected !ruth.1 12. Say0 1!o whom belon eth all that is in the hea)ens and on earth31 Say0 1!o Allah. ,e hath inscribed for ,imself $the rule of% Mercy. !hat ,e will ather you to ether for the Day of Jud ment, there is no doubt whate)er. It is they who ha)e lost their own souls, that will not belie)e. 13. !o him belon eth all that dwelleth $or lur#eth% in the ni ht and the day. .or he is the one who heareth and #noweth all thin s.1 1 . Say0 1Shall I ta#e for my "rotector any other than Allah, the Ma#er of the hea)ens and the earth3 And ,e it is that feedeth but is not fed.1 Say0 14ay2 but I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah $in Islam%, and be not thou of the com"any of those who -oin ods with Allah.1 1!. Say0 1I would, if I disobeyed my &ord, indeed ha)e fear of the "enalty of a Mi hty Day. 1". 1/n that day, if the "enalty is a)erted from any, it is due to Allah.s mercy; And that would be $Sal)ation%, the ob)ious fulfilment of all desire. 1#. 1If Allah touch thee with affliction, none can remo)e it but ,e; if ,e touch thee with ha""iness, ,e hath "ower o)er all thin s. 1&. 1,e is the irresistible, $watchin % from abo)e o)er ,is worshi""ers; and ,e is the (ise, ac;uainted with all thin s.1 1'. Say0 1(hat thin is most wei hty in e)idence31 Say0 1$Allah% is witness between me and you; !his <ur9an hath been re)ealed to me by ins"iration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye "ossibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another Allah.1 Say0 14ay2 I cannot bear witness21 Say0 1'ut in truth ,e is the one Allah, and I truly am innocent of $your blas"hemy of% -oinin others with ,im.1 2(. !hose to whom (e ha)e i)en the 'oo# #now this as they #now their own sons. !hose who ha)e lost their own souls refuse therefore to belie)e. 21. (ho doth more wron than he who in)enteth a lie a ainst Allah or re-ecteth ,is sin s3 'ut )erily the wron 5doers ne)er shall "ros"er. 22. /ne day shall (e ather them all to ether0 (e shall say to those who ascribed "artners $to *s%0 1(here are the "artners whom ye $in)ented and% tal#ed about31 23. !here will then be $left% no subterfu e for them but to say0 1'y Allah our &ord, we were not those who -oined ods with Allah.1 2 . 'ehold2 how they lie a ainst their own souls2 'ut the $lie% which they in)ented will lea)e them in the lurch. 2!. /f them there are some who $"retend to% listen to thee; but (e ha)e thrown )eils on their hearts, So they understand it not, and deafness in their ears; if they saw e)ery one of the si ns, not they will belie)e in them; in so much that when they come to thee, they $but% dis"ute with thee; the *nbelie)ers say0 1!hese are nothin but tales of the ancients.1 2". /thers they #ee" away from it, and themsel)es they #ee" away; but they only destroy their own souls, and they "ercei)e it not.

2#. If thou couldst but see when they are confronted with the .ire2 !hey will say0 1(ould that we were but sent bac#2 !hen would we not re-ect the si ns of our &ord, but would be amon st those who belie)e21 2&. :ea, in their own $eyes% will become manifest what before they concealed. 'ut if they were returned, they would certainly rela"se to the thin s they were forbidden, for they are indeed liars. 2'. And they $sometimes% say0 1!here is nothin e8ce"t our life on this earth, and ne)er shall we be raised u" a ain.1 3(. If thou couldst but see when they are confronted with their &ord2 ,e will say0 1Is not this the truth31 !hey will say0 1:ea, by our &ord21 ,e will say0 1!aste ye then the "enalty, because ye re-ected .aith.1 31. &ost indeed are they who treat it as a falsehood that they must meet Allah,5 until on a sudden the hour is on them, and they say0 1Ah2 woe unto us that we too# no thou ht of it1; for they bear their burdens on their bac#s, and e)il indeed are the burdens that they bear3 32. (hat is the life of this world but "lay and amusement3 'ut best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are ri hteous. (ill ye not then understand3 33. (e #now indeed the rief which their words do cause thee0 It is not thee they re-ect0 it is the si ns of Allah, which the wic#ed contemn. 3 . +e-ected were the a"ostles before thee0 with "atience and constancy they bore their re-ection and their wron s, until /ur aid did reach them0 there is none that can alter the words $and decrees% of Allah. Already hast thou recei)ed some account of those a"ostles. 3!. If their s"urnin is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to see# a tunnel in the round or a ladder to the s#ies and brin them a si n,5 $what ood3%. If it were Allah.s will, ,e could ather them to ether unto true uidance0 so be not thou amon st those who are swayed by i norance $and im"atience%2 3". !hose who listen $in truth%, be sure, will acce"t0 as to the dead, Allah will raise them u"; then will they be turned unto ,im. 3#. !hey say0 1(hy is not a si n sent down to him from his &ord31 Say0 1$Allah% hath certainly "ower to send down a si n0 but most of them understand not. 3&. !here is not an animal $that li)es% on the earth, nor a bein that flies on its win s, but $forms "art of% communities li#e you. 4othin ha)e we omitted from the 'oo#, and they $all% shall be athered to their &ord in the end. 3'. !hose who re-ect our sin s are deaf and dumb,5 in the midst of dar#ness "rofound0 whom Allah willeth, ,e lea)eth to wander0 whom ,e willeth, ,e "laceth on the way that is strai ht. (. Say0 1!hin# ye to yoursel)es, if there come u"on you the wrath of Allah, or the ,our $that ye dread%, would ye then call u"on other than Allah.5 $re"ly% if ye are truthful2 1. 14ay,5 /n ,im would ye call, and if it be ,is will, ,e would remo)e $the distress% which occasioned your call u"on ,im, and ye would for et $the false ods% which ye -oin with ,im21 2. 'efore thee (e sent $a"ostles% to many nations, and (e afflicted the nations with sufferin and ad)ersity, that they mi ht learn humility. 3. (hen the sufferin reached them from us, why then did they not learn humility3 /n the contrary their hearts became hardened, and Satan made their $sinful% acts seem allurin to them.

. 'ut when they for ot the warnin they had recei)ed, (e o"ened to them the ates of all $ ood% thin s, until, in the midst of their en-oyment of /ur ifts, on a sudden, (e called them to account, when lo2 they were "lun ed in des"air2 !. /f the wron 5doers the last remnant was cut off. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds. ". Say0 1!hin# ye, if Allah too# away your hearin and your si ht, and sealed u" your hearts, who 5 a od other than Allah 5 could restore them to you31 See how (e e8"lain the si ns by )arious $symbols%; yet they turn aside. #. Say0 1!hin# ye, if the "unishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or o"enly, will any be destroyed e8ce"t those who do wron 3 &. (e send the a"ostles only to i)e ood news and to warn0 so those who belie)e and mend $their li)es%,5 u"on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. '. 'ut those who re-ect our si ns,5 them shall "unishment touch, for that they ceased not from trans ressin . !(. Say0 1I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I #now what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an an el. I but follow what is re)ealed to me.1 Say0 1can the blind be held e;ual to the seein 31 (ill ye then consider not3 !1. Gi)e this warnin to those in whose $hearts% is the fear that they will be brou ht $to -ud ment% before their &ord0 e8ce"t for ,im they will ha)e no "rotector nor intercessor0 that they may uard $a ainst e)il%. !2. Send not away those who call on their &ord mornin and e)enin , see#in ,is face. In nau ht art thou accountable for them, and in nau ht are they accountable for thee, that thou shouldst turn them away, and thus be $one% of the un-ust. !3. !hus did (e try some of them by com"arison with others, that they should say0 1Is it these then that Allah hath fa)oured from amon st us31 Doth not Allah #now best those who are rateful3 ! . (hen those come to thee who belie)e in /ur si ns, Say0 1Peace be on you0 :our &ord hath inscribed for ,imself $the rule of% mercy0 )erily, if any of you did e)il in i norance, and thereafter re"ented, and amend $his conduct%, lo2 ,e is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. !!. !hus do (e e8"lain the si ns in detail0 that the way of the sinners may be shown u". !". Say0 1I am forbidden to worshi" those 5 others than Allah 5 whom ye call u"on.1 Say0 1I will not follow your wain desires0 If I did, I would stray from the "ath, and be not of the com"any of those who recei)e uidance.1 !#. Say0 1.or me, I $wor#% on a clear si n from my &ord, but ye re-ect ,im. (hat ye would see hastened, is not in my "ower. !he command rests with none but Allah. ,e declares the truth, and ,e is the best of -ud es.1 !&. Say0 1If what ye would see hastened were in my "ower, the matter would be settled at once between you and me. 'ut Allah #noweth best those who do wron .1 !'. (ith ,im are the #eys of the unseen, the treasures that none #noweth but ,e. ,e #noweth whate)er there is on the earth and in the sea. 4ot a leaf doth fall but with ,is #nowled e0 there is not a rain in the dar#ness $or de"ths% of the earth, nor anythin fresh or dry $ reen or withered%, but is $inscribed% in a record clear $to those who can read%.

"(. It is ,e who doth ta#e your souls by ni ht, and hath #nowled e of all that ye ha)e done by day0 by day doth ,e raise you u" a ain; that a term a""ointed be fulfilled; In the end unto ,im will be your return; then will ,e show you the truth of all that ye did. "1. ,e is the irresistible, $watchin % from abo)e o)er ,is worshi""ers, and ,e sets uardians o)er you. At len th, when death a""roaches one of you, /ur an els ta#e his soul, and they ne)er fail in their duty. "2. !hen are men returned unto Allah, their "rotector, the $only% reality0 Is not ,is the command3 and ,e is the swiftest in ta#in account. "3. Say0 1(ho is it that deli)ereth you from the dar# recesses of land and sea, when ye call u"on ,im in humility and silent terror0 9If ,e only deli)ers us from these $dan ers%, $we )ow% we shall truly show our ratitude9.31 " . Say 1It is Allah that deli)ereth you from these and all $other% distresses0 and yet ye worshi" false ods21 "!. Say0 1,e hath "ower to send calamities on you, from abo)e and below, or to co)er you with confusion in "arty strife, i)in you a taste of mutual )en eance 5 each from the other.1 See how (e e8"lain the si ns by )arious $symbols%; that they may understand. "". 'ut thy "eo"le re-ect this, thou h it is the truth. Say0 14ot mine is the res"onsibility for arran in your affairs; "#. .or e)ery messa e is a limit of time, and soon shall ye #now it.1 "&. (hen thou seest men en a ed in )ain discourse about /ur si ns, turn away from them unless they turn to a different theme. If Satan e)er ma#es thee for et, then after recollection, sit not thou in the com"any of those who do wron . "'. /n their account no res"onsibility falls on the ri hteous, but $their duty% is to remind them, that they may $learn to% fear Allah. #(. &ea)e alone those who ta#e their reli ion to be mere "lay and amusement, and are decei)ed by the life of this world. 'ut "roclaim $to them% this $truth%0 that e)ery soul deli)ers itself to ruin by its own acts0 it will find for itself no "rotector or intercessor e8ce"t Allah. if it offered e)ery ransom, $or re"aration%, none will be acce"ted0 such is $the end of% those who deli)er themsel)es to ruin by their own acts0 they will ha)e for drin# $only% boilin water, and for "unishment, one most rie)ous0 for they "ersisted in re-ectin Allah. #1. Say0 1Shall we indeed call on others besides Allah,5 thin s that can do us neither ood nor harm,5 and turn on our heels after recei)in uidance from Allah. 5 li#e one whom the e)il ones ha)e made into a fool, wanderin bewildered throu h the earth, his friends callin , come to us9, $)ainly% uidin him to the "ath.1 Say0 1$Allah%9s uidance is the $only% uidance, and we ha)e been directed to submit oursel)es to the &ord of the worlds;5 #2. 1!o establish re ular "rayers and to fear Allah. for it is to ,im that we shall be athered to ether.1 #3. It is ,e who created the hea)ens and the earth in true $"ro"ortions%0 the day ,e saith, 1'e,1 behold2 it is. ,is word is the truth. ,is will be the dominion the day the trum"et will be blown. ,e #noweth the unseen as well as that which is o"en. .or ,e is the (ise, well ac;uainted $with all thin s%. # . &o2 Abraham said to his father A6ar0 1!a#est thou idols for ods3 .or I see thee and thy "eo"le in manifest error.1 #!. So also did (e show Abraham the "ower and the laws of the hea)ens and the earth, that he mi ht $with understandin % ha)e certitude.

#". (hen the ni ht co)ered him o)er, ,e saw a star0 ,e said0 1!his is my &ord.1 'ut when it set, ,e said0 1I lo)e not those that set.1 ##. (hen he saw the moon risin in s"lendour, he said0 1!his is my &ord.1 'ut when the moon set, ,e said0 1unless my &ord uide me, I shall surely be amon those who o astray.1 #&. (hen he saw the sun risin in s"lendour, he said0 1!his is my &ord; this is the reatest $of all%.1 'ut when the sun set, he said0 1/ my "eo"le2 I am indeed free from your $ uilt% of i)in "artners to Allah. #'. 1.or me, I ha)e set my face, firmly and truly, towards ,im (ho created the hea)ens and the earth, and ne)er shall I i)e "artners to Allah.1 &(. ,is "eo"le dis"uted with him. ,e said0 1$Come% ye to dis"ute with me, about Allah, when ,e $,imself% hath uided me3 I fear not $the bein s% ye associate with Allah. *nless my &ord willeth, $nothin can ha""en%. My &ord com"rehendeth in ,is #nowled e all thin s. (ill ye not $yoursel)es% be admonished3 &1. 1,ow should I fear $the bein s% ye associate with Allah, when ye fear not to i)e "artners to Allah without any warrant ha)in been i)en to you3 (hich of $us% two "arties hath more ri ht to security3 $tell me% if ye #now. &2. 1It is those who belie)e and confuse not their beliefs with wron 5 that are $truly% in security, for they are on $ri ht% uidance.1 &3. !hat was the reasonin about *s, which (e a)e to Abraham $to use% a ainst his "eo"le0 (e raise whom (e will, de ree after de ree0 for thy &ord is full of wisdom and #nowled e. & . (e a)e him Isaac and Jacob0 all $three% uided0 and before him, (e uided 4oah, and amon his "ro eny, Da)id, Solomon, Job, Jose"h, Moses, and Aaron0 thus do (e reward those who do ood0 &!. And ?a#ariya and John, and Jesus and 7lias0 all in the ran#s of the ri hteous0 &". And Isma9il and 7lisha, and Jonas, and &ot0 and to all (e a)e fa)our abo)e the nations0 &#. $!o them% and to their fathers, and "ro eny and brethren0 (e chose them, and we uided them to a strai ht way. &&. !his is the uidance of Allah. ,e i)eth that uidance to whom ,e "leaseth, of ,is worshi""ers. If they were to -oin other ods with ,im, all that they did would be )ain for them. &'. !hese were the men to whom (e a)e the 'oo#, and authority, and "ro"hethood0 if these $their descendants% re-ect them, 'ehold2 (e shall entrust their char e to a new "eo"le who re-ect them not. '(. !hose were the $"ro"hets% who recei)ed Allah.s uidance0 Co"y the uidance they recei)ed; Say0 14o reward for this do I as# of you0 !his is no less than a messa e for the nations.1 '1. 4o -ust estimate of Allah do they ma#e when they say0 14othin doth Allah send down to man $by way of re)elation%1 Say0 1(ho then sent down the 'oo# which Moses brou ht35 a li ht and uidance to man0 'ut ye ma#e it into $se"arate% sheets for show, while ye conceal much $of its contents%0 therein were ye tau ht that which ye #new not5 neither ye nor your fathers.1 Say0 1$Allah% $sent it down%10 !hen lea)e them to "lun e in )ain discourse and triflin . '2. And this is a 'oo# which (e ha)e sent down, brin in blessin s, and confirmin $the re)elations% which came before it0 that thou mayest warn the mother of cities and all around

her. !hose who belie)e in the ,ereafter belie)e in this $'oo#%, and they are constant in uardin their "rayers. '3. (ho can be more wic#ed than one who in)enteth a lie a ainst Allah, or saith, 1I ha)e recei)ed ins"iration,1 when he hath recei)ed none, or $a ain% who saith, 1I can re)eal the li#e of what Allah hath re)ealed13 If thou couldst but see how the wic#ed $do fare% in the flood of confusion at death2 5 the an els stretch forth their hands, $sayin %,1:ield u" your souls0 this day shall ye recei)e your reward,5 a "enalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies a ainst Allah, and scornfully to re-ect of ,is si ns21 ' . 1And behold2 ye come to us bare and alone as (e created you for the first time0 ye ha)e left behind you all $the fa)ours% which (e bestowed on you0 (e see not with you your intercessors whom ye thou ht to be "artners in your affairs0 so now all relations between you ha)e been cut off, and your $"et% fancies ha)e left you in the lurch21 '!. It is Allah (ho causeth the seed5 rain and the date5stone to s"lit and s"rout. ,e causeth the li)in to issue from the dead, and ,e is the one to cause the dead to issue from the li)in . !hat is Allah. then how are ye deluded away from the truth3 '". ,e it is that clea)eth the day5brea# $from the dar#%0 ,e ma#es the ni ht for rest and tran;uillity, and the sun and moon for the rec#onin $of time%0 Such is the -ud ment and orderin of $,im%, the 78alted in Power, the /mniscient. '#. It is ,e (ho ma#eth the stars $as beacons% for you, that ye may uide yoursel)es, with their hel", throu h the dar# s"aces of land and sea0 (e detail /ur si ns for "eo"le who #now. '&. It is ,e (ho hath "roduced you from a sin le "erson0 here is a "lace of so-ourn and a "lace of de"arture0 (e detail /ur si ns for "eo"le who understand. ''. It is ,e (ho sendeth down rain from the s#ies0 with it (e "roduce )e etation of all #inds0 from some (e "roduce reen $cro"s%, out of which (e "roduce rain, hea"ed u" $at har)est%; out of the date5"alm and its sheaths $or s"athes% $come% clusters of dates han in low and near0 and $then there are% ardens of ra"es, and oli)es, and "ome ranates, each similar $in #ind% yet different $in )ariety%0 when they be in to bear fruit, feast your eyes with the fruit and the ri"eness thereof. 'ehold2 in these thin s there are si ns for "eo"le who belie)e. 1((. :et they ma#e the Jinns e;uals with Allah, thou h Allah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, ha)in no #nowled e, attribute to ,im sons and dau hters. Praise and lory be to ,im2 $for ,e is% abo)e what they attribute to ,im2 1(1. !o ,im is due the "rimal ori in of the hea)ens and the earth0 ,ow can ,e ha)e a son when ,e hath no consort3 ,e created all thin s, and ,e hath full #nowled e of all thin s. 1(2. !hat is Allah, your &ord2 there is no od but ,e, the Creator of all thin s0 then worshi" ye ,im0 and ,e hath "ower to dis"ose of all affairs. 1(3. 4o )ision can ras" ,im, but ,is ras" is o)er all )ision0 ,e is abo)e all com"rehension, yet is ac;uainted with all thin s. 1( . 14ow ha)e come to you, from your &ord, "roofs $to o"en your eyes%0 if any will see, it will be for $the ood of% his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own $harm%0 I am not $here% to watch o)er your doin s.1 1(!. !hus do we e8"lain the si ns by )arious $symbols%0 that they may say, 1!hou hast tau ht $us% dili ently,1 and that (e may ma#e the matter clear to those who #now. 1(". .ollow what thou art tau ht by ins"iration from thy &ord0 there is no od but ,e0 and turn aside from those who -oin ods with Allah.

1(#. If it had been Allah.s "lan, they would not ha)e ta#en false ods0 but (e made thee not one to watch o)er their doin s, nor art thou set o)er them to dis"ose of their affairs. 1(&. +e)ile not ye those whom they call u"on besides Allah, lest they out of s"ite re)ile Allah in their i norance. !hus ha)e (e made allurin to each "eo"le its own doin s. In the end will they return to their &ord, and (e shall then tell them the truth of all that they did. 1('. !hey swear their stron est oaths by Allah, that if a $s"ecial% si n came to them, by it they would belie)e. Say0 1Certainly $all% si ns are in the "ower of Allah. but what will ma#e you $Muslims% realise that $e)en% if $s"ecial% si ns came, they will not belie)e.13 11(. (e $too% shall turn to $confusion% their hearts and their eyes, e)en as they refused to belie)e in this in the first instance0 (e shall lea)e them in their tres"asses, to wander in distraction. 111. 7)en if (e did send unto them an els, and the dead did s"ea# unto them, and (e athered to ether all thin s before their )ery eyes, they are not the ones to belie)e, unless it is in Allah.s "lan. 'ut most of them i nore $the truth%. 112. &i#ewise did (e ma#e for e)ery Messen er an enemy,5 e)il ones amon men and -inns, ins"irin each other with flowery discourses by way of dece"tion. If thy &ord had so "lanned, they would not ha)e done it0 so lea)e them and their in)entions alone. 113. !o such $deceit% let the hearts of those incline, who ha)e no faith in the hereafter0 let them deli ht in it, and let them earn from it what they may. 11 . Say0 1Shall I see# for -ud e other than Allah. 5 when ,e it is (ho hath sent unto you the 'oo#, e8"lained in detail.1 !hey #now full well, to whom (e ha)e i)en the 'oo#, that it hath been sent down from thy &ord in truth. 4e)er be then of those who doubt. 11!. !he word of thy &ord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in -ustice0 4one can chan e ,is words0 for ,e is the one who heareth and #noweth all. 11". (ert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead thee away from the way of Allah. !hey follow nothin but con-ecture0 they do nothin but lie. 11#. !hy &ord #noweth best who strayeth from ,is way0 ,e #noweth best who they are that recei)e ,is uidance. 11&. So eat of $meats% on which Allah.s name hath been "ronounced, if ye ha)e faith in ,is si ns. 11'. (hy should ye not eat of $meats% on which Allah.s name hath been "ronounced, when ,e hath e8"lained to you in detail what is forbidden to you 5 e8ce"t under com"ulsion of necessity3 'ut many do mislead $men% by their a""etites unchec#ed by #nowled e. !hy &ord #noweth best those who trans ress. 12(. 7schew all sin, o"en or secret0 those who earn sin will et due recom"ense for their 1earnin s.1 121. 7at not of $meats% on which Allah.s name hath not been "ronounced0 !hat would be im"iety. 'ut the e)il ones e)er ins"ire their friends to contend with you if ye were to obey them, ye would indeed be Pa ans. 122. Can he who was dead, to whom (e a)e life, and a li ht whereby he can wal# amon st men, be li#e him who is in the de"ths of dar#ness, from which he can ne)er come out3 !hus to those without faith their own deeds seem "leasin . 123. !hus ha)e (e "laced leaders in e)ery town, its wic#ed men, to "lot $and burrow% therein0 but they only "lot a ainst their own souls, and they "ercei)e it not.

12 . (hen there comes to them a si n $from Allah., !hey say0 1(e shall not belie)e until we recei)e one $e8actly% li#e those recei)ed by Allah.s a"ostles.1 Allah #noweth best where $and how% to carry out ,is mission. Soon will the wic#ed be o)erta#en by humiliation before Allah, and a se)ere "unishment, for all their "lots. 12!. !hose whom Allah $in ,is "lan% willeth to uide,5 ,e o"eneth their breast to Islam; those whom ,e willeth to lea)e strayin ,5 ,e ma#eth their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb u" to the s#ies0 thus doth Allah $hea"% the "enalty on those who refuse to belie)e. 12". !his is the way of thy &ord, leadin strai ht0 (e ha)e detailed the si ns for those who recei)e admonition. 12#. .or them will be a home of "eace in the "resence of their &ord0 ,e will be their friend, because they "ractised $ri hteousness%. 12&. /ne day will ,e ather them all to ether, $and say%0 1/ ye assembly of Jinns2 Much $toll% did ye ta#e of men.1 !heir friends amon st men will say0 1/ur &ord2 we made "rofit from each other0 but $alas2% we reached our term 5 which thou didst a""oint for us.1 ,e will say0 1!he .ire be your dwellin 5"lace0 you will dwell therein for e)er, e8ce"t as Allah willeth.1 for thy &ord is full of wisdom and #nowled e. 12'. !hus do we ma#e the wron 5doers turn to each other, because of what they earn. 13(. 1/ ye assembly of Jinns and men2 came there not unto you a"ostles from amon st you, settin forth unto you My si ns, and warnin you of the meetin of this Day of yours31 !hey will say0 1(e bear witness a ainst oursel)es.1 It was the life of this world that decei)ed them. So a ainst themsel)es will they bear witness that they re-ected .aith. 131. $!he a"ostles were sent% thus, for thy &ord would not destroy for their wron 5doin men9s habitations whilst their occu"ants were unwarned. 132. !o all are de rees $or ran#s% accordin to their deeds0 for thy &ord is not unmindful of anythin that they do. 133. !hy &ord is self5sufficient, full of Mercy0 if it were ,is will, ,e could destroy you, and in your "lace a""oint whom ,e will as your successors, e)en as ,e raised you u" from the "osterity of other "eo"le. 13 . All that hath been "romised unto you will come to "ass0 nor can ye frustrate it $in the least bit%. 13!. Say0 1/ my "eo"le2 Do whate)er ye can0 I will do $my "art%0 soon will ye #now who it is whose end will be $best% in the ,ereafter0 certain it is that the wron 5 doers will not "ros"er.1 13". /ut of what Allah hath "roduced in abundance in tilth and in cattle, they assi ned ,im a share0 they say, accordin to their fancies0 1!his is for Allah, and this1 5 for our 1"artners12 but the share of their1 "artners 1reacheth not Allah, whilst the share of Allah reacheth their 1"artners1 2 e)il $and un-ust% is their assi nment2 13#. 7)en so, in the eyes of most of the "a ans, their 1"artners1 made allurin the slau hter of their children, in order to lead them to their own destruction, and cause confusion in their reli ion. If Allah had willed, they would not ha)e done so0 'ut lea)e alone them and their in)entions. 13&. And they say that such and such cattle and cro"s are taboo, and none should eat of them e8ce"t those whom 5 so they say 5 (e wish; further, there are cattle forbidden to yo#e or burden, and cattle on which, $at slau hter%, the name of Allah is not "ronounced; 5 in)entions a ainst Allah.s name0 soon will ,e re;uite them for their in)entions.

13'. !hey say0 1(hat is in the wombs of such and such cattle is s"ecially reser)ed $for food% for our men, and forbidden to our women; but if it is still5born, then all ha)e share therein. .or their $false% attribution $of su"erstitions to Allah., ,e will soon "unish them0 for ,e is full of wisdom and #nowled e. 1 (. &ost are those who slay their children, from folly, without #nowled e, and forbid food which Allah hath "ro)ided for them, in)entin $lies% a ainst Allah. !hey ha)e indeed one astray and heeded no uidance. 1 1. It is ,e (ho "roduceth ardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and tilth with "roduce of all #inds, and oli)es and "ome ranates, similar $in #ind% and different $in )ariety%0 eat of their fruit in their season, but render the dues that are "ro"er on the day that the har)est is athered. 'ut waste not by e8cess0 for Allah lo)eth not the wasters. 1 2. /f the cattle are some for burden and some for meat0 eat what Allah hath "ro)ided for you, and follow not the footste"s of Satan0 for he is to you and a)owed enemy. 1 3. $!a#e% ei ht $head of cattle% in $four% "airs0 of shee" a "air, and of oats a "air; say, hath ,e forbidden the two males, or the two females, or $the youn % which the wombs of the two females enclose3 !ell me with #nowled e if ye are truthful0 1 . /f camels a "air, and o8en a "air; say, hath ,e forbidden the two males, or the two females, or $the youn % which the wombs of the two females enclose3 5 (ere ye "resent when Allah ordered you such a thin 3 'ut who doth more wron than one who in)ents a lie a ainst Allah, to lead astray men without #nowled e3 .or Allah uideth not "eo"le who do wron . 1 !. Say0 1I find not in the messa e recei)ed by me by ins"iration any $meat% forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be dead meat, or blood "oured forth, or the flesh of swine,5 for it is an abomination 5 or, what is im"ious, $meat% on which a name has been in)o#ed, other than Allah.s1. 'ut $e)en so%, if a "erson is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor trans ressin due limits,5 thy &ord is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1 ". .or those who followed the Jewish &aw, (e forbade e)ery $animal% with undi)ided hoof, and (e forbade them that fat of the o8 and the shee", e8ce"t what adheres to their bac#s or their entrails, or is mi8ed u" with a bone0 this in recom"ense for their wilful disobedience0 for (e are true $in /ur ordinances%. 1 #. If they accuse thee of falsehood, say0 1:our &ord is full of mercy all5 embracin ; but from "eo"le in uilt ne)er will ,is wrath be turned bac#. 1 &. !hose who i)e "artners $to Allah. will say0 1If Allah had wished, we should not ha)e i)en "artners to ,im nor would our fathers; nor should we ha)e had any taboos.1 So did their ancestors ar ue falsely, until they tasted of /ur wrath. Say0 1,a)e ye any $certain% #nowled e3 If so, "roduce it before us. :e follow nothin but con-ecture0 ye do nothin but lie.1 1 '. Say0 1(ith Allah is the ar ument that reaches home0 if it had been ,is will, ,e could indeed ha)e uided you all.1 1!(. Say0 1'rin forward your witnesses to "ro)e that Allah did forbid so and so.1 If they brin such witnesses, be not thou amon st them0 4or follow thou the )ain desires of such as treat our si ns as falsehoods, and such as belie)e not in the ,ereafter0 for they hold others as e;ual with their Guardian5&ord. 1!1. Say0 1Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath $really% "rohibited you from10 Join not anythin as e;ual with ,im; be ood to your "arents; #ill not your children on a "lea of want;5 (e "ro)ide sustenance for you and for them;5 come not ni h to shameful deeds. (hether

o"en or secret; ta#e not life, which Allah hath made sacred, e8ce"t by way of -ustice and law0 thus doth ,e command you, that ye may learn wisdom. 1!2. And come not ni h to the or"han9s "ro"erty, e8ce"t to im"ro)e it, until he attain the a e of full stren th; i)e measure and wei ht with $full% -ustice;5 no burden do (e "lace on any soul, but that which it can bear;5 whene)er ye s"ea#, s"ea# -ustly, e)en if a near relati)e is concerned; and fulfil the co)enant of Allah. thus doth ,e command you, that ye may remember. 1!3. >erily, this is My way, leadin strai ht0 follow it0 follow not $other% "aths0 they will scatter you about from ,is $ reat% "ath0 thus doth ,e command you. that ye may be ri hteous. 1! . Moreo)er, (e a)e Moses the 'oo#, com"letin $/ur fa)our% to those who would do ri ht, and e8"lainin all thin s in detail,5 and a uide and a mercy, that they mi ht belie)e in the meetin with their &ord. 1!!. And this is a 'oo# which (e ha)e re)ealed as a blessin 0 so follow it and be ri hteous, that ye may recei)e mercy0 1!". &est ye should say0 1!he 'oo# was sent down to two Peo"les before us, and for our "art, we remained unac;uainted with all that they learned by assiduous study01 1!#. /r lest ye should say0 1If the 'oo# had only been sent down to us, we should ha)e followed its uidance better than they.1 4ow then hath come unto you a clear $si n% from your &ord,5 and a uide and a mercy0 then who could do more wron than one who re-ecteth Allah.s si ns, and turneth away therefrom3 In ood time shall (e re;uite those who turn away from /ur si ns, with a dreadful "enalty, for their turnin away. 1!&. Are they waitin to see if the an els come to them, or thy &ord $,imself%, or certain of the si ns of thy &ord2 the day that certain of the si ns of thy &ord do come, no ood will it do to a soul to belie)e in them then if it belie)ed not before nor earned ri hteousness throu h its faith. Say0 1(ait ye0 we too are waitin .1 1!'. As for those who di)ide their reli ion and brea# u" into sects, thou hast no "art in them in the least0 their affair is with Allah. ,e will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. 1"(. ,e that doeth ood shall ha)e ten times as much to his credit0 ,e that doeth e)il shall only be recom"ensed accordin to his e)il0 no wron shall be done unto $any of% them. 1"1. Say0 1>erily, my &ord hath uided me to a way that is strai ht,5 a reli ion of ri ht,5 the "ath $trod% by Abraham the true in .aith, and he $certainly% -oined not ods with Allah.1 1"2. Say0 1!ruly, my "rayer and my ser)ice of sacrifice, my life and my death, are $all% for Allah, the Cherisher of the (orlds0 1"3. 4o "artner hath ,e0 this am I commanded, and I am the first of those who bow to ,is will. 1" . Say0 1Shall I see# for $my% Cherisher other than Allah, when ,e is the Cherisher of all thin s $that e8ist%3 7)ery soul draws the meed of its acts on none but itself0 no bearer of burdens can bear of burdens can bear the burden of another. :our oal in the end is towards Allah. ,e will tell you the truth of the thin s wherein ye dis"uted.1 1"!. It is ,e (ho hath made you $,is% a ents, inheritors of the earth0 ,e hath raised you in ran#s, some abo)e others0 that ,e may try you in the ifts ,e hath i)en you0 for thy &ord is ;uic# in "unishment0 yet ,e is indeed /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful.

Surah #. The Heights

1. Alif, &am, Mim, Sad. 2. A 'oo# re)ealed unto thee,5 So let thy heart be o""ressed no more by any difficulty on that account,5 that with it thou mi htest warn $the errin % and teach the 'elie)ers%. 3. .ollow $/ men2% the re)elation i)en unto you from your &ord, and follow not, as friends or "rotectors, other than ,im. &ittle it is ye remember of admonition. . ,ow many towns ha)e (e destroyed $for their sins%3 /ur "unishment too# them on a sudden by ni ht or while they sle"t for their afternoon rest. !. (hen $thus% /ur "unishment too# them, no cry did they utter but this0 1Indeed we did wron .1 ". !hen shall we ;uestion those to whom /ur messa e was sent and those by whom (e sent it. #. And )erily, (e shall recount their whole story with #nowled e, for (e were ne)er absent $at any time or "lace%. &. !he balance that day will be true $to nicety%0 those whose scale $of ood% will be hea)y, will "ros"er0 '. !hose whose scale will be li ht, will be their souls in "erdition, for that they wron fully treated /ur si ns. 1(. It is (e (ho ha)e "laced you with authority on earth, and "ro)ided you therein with means for the fulfilment of your life0 small are the than#s that ye i)e2 11. It is (e (ho created you and a)e you sha"e; then (e bade the an els bow down to Adam, and they bowed down; not so Iblis; ,e refused to be of those who bow down. 12. $$Allah%% said0 1(hat "re)ented thee from bowin down when I commanded thee31 ,e said0 1I am better than he0 !hou didst create me from fire, and him from clay.1 13. $$Allah%% said0 1Get thee down from this0 it is not for thee to be arro ant here0 et out, for thou art of the meanest $of creatures%.1 1 . ,e said0 1Gi)e me res"ite till the day they are raised u".1 1!. $$Allah%% said0 1'e thou amon those who ha)e res"ite.1 1". ,e said0 1'ecause thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo2 I will lie in wait for them on thy strai ht way0 1#. 1!hen will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their ri ht and their left0 4or wilt thou find, in most of them, ratitude $for thy mercies%.1 1&. $$Allah%% said0 1Get out from this, dis raced and e8"elled. If any of them follow thee,5 ,ell will I fill with you all. 1'. 1/ Adam2 dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and en-oy $its ood thin s% as ye wish0 but a""roach not this tree, or ye run into harm and trans ression.1 2(. !hen be an Satan to whis"er su estions to them, brin in o"enly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them $before%0 he said0 1:our &ord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become an els or such bein s as li)e for e)er.1

21. And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere ad)iser. 22. So by deceit he brou ht about their fall0 when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and they be an to sew to ether the lea)es of the arden o)er their bodies. And their &ord called unto them0 1Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan was an a)owed enemy unto you31 23. !hey said0 1/ur &ord2 (e ha)e wron ed our own souls0 If thou for i)e us not and bestow not u"on us !hy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.1 2 . $$Allah%% said0 1Get ye down. (ith enmity between yoursel)es. /n earth will be your dwellin 5"lace and your means of li)elihood,5 for a time.1 2!. ,e said0 1!herein shall ye li)e, and therein shall ye die; but from it shall ye be ta#en out $at last%.1 2". / ye Children of Adam2 (e ha)e bestowed raiment u"on you to co)er your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. 'ut the raiment of ri hteousness,5 that is the best. Such are amon the Si ns of Allah, that they may recei)e admonition2 2#. / ye Children of Adam2 &et not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as ,e ot your "arents out of the Garden, stri""in them of their raiment, to e8"ose their shame0 for he and his tribe watch you from a "osition where ye cannot see them0 (e made the e)il ones friends $only% to those without faith. 2&. (hen they do au ht that is shameful, they say0 1(e found our fathers doin so1; and 1$Allah% commanded us thus10 Say0 14ay, Allah ne)er commands what is shameful0 do ye say of Allah what ye #now not31 2'. Say0 1My &ord hath commanded -ustice; and that ye set your whole sel)es $to ,im% at e)ery time and "lace of "rayer, and call u"on ,im, ma#in your de)otion sincere as in ,is si ht0 such as ,e created you in the be innin , so shall ye return.1 3(. Some ,e hath uided0 /thers ha)e $by their choice% deser)ed the loss of their way; in that they too# the e)il ones, in "reference to Allah, for their friends and "rotectors, and thin# that they recei)e uidance. 31. / Children of Adam2 wear your beautiful a""arel at e)ery time and "lace of "rayer0 eat and drin#0 'ut waste not by e8cess, for Allah lo)eth not the wasters. 32. Say0 (ho hath forbidden the beautiful $ ifts% of Allah, which ,e hath "roduced for ,is ser)ants, and the thin s, clean and "ure, $which ,e hath "ro)ided% for sustenance3 Say0 !hey are, in the life of this world, for those who belie)e, $and% "urely for them on the Day of Jud ment. !hus do (e e8"lain the si ns in detail for those who understand. 33. Say0 the thin s that my &ord hath indeed forbidden are0 shameful deeds, whether o"en or secret; sins and tres"asses a ainst truth or reason; assi nin of "artners to Allah, for which ,e hath i)en no authority; and sayin thin s about Allah of which ye ha)e no #nowled e. 3 . !o e)ery "eo"le is a term a""ointed0 when their term is reached, not an hour can they cause delay, nor $an hour% can they ad)ance $it in antici"ation%. 3!. / ye Children of Adam2 whene)er there come to you a"ostles from amon st you, rehearsin My si ns unto you,5 those who are ri hteous and mend $their li)es%,5 on them shall be no fear nor shall they rie)e. 3". 'ut those who re-ect /ur si ns and treat them with arro ance,5 they are com"anions of the .ire, to dwell therein $for e)er%.

3#. (ho is more un-ust than one who in)ents a lie a ainst Allah or re-ects ,is Si ns3 .or such, their "ortion a""ointed must reach them from the 'oo# $of decrees%0 until, when our messen ers $of death% arri)e and ta#e their souls, they say0 1(here are the thin s that ye used to in)o#e besides Allah.1 !hey will re"ly, 1!hey ha)e left us in the lurch,1 And they will bear witness a ainst themsel)es, that they had re-ected Allah. 3&. ,e will say0 17nter ye in the com"any of the "eo"les who "assed away before you 5 men and -inns, 5 into the .ire.1 7)ery time a new "eo"le enters, it curses its sister5"eo"le $that went before%, until they follow each other, all into the .ire. Saith the last about the first0 1/ur &ord2 it is these that misled us0 so i)e them a double "enalty in the .ire.1 ,e will say0 1Doubled for all1 0 but this ye do not understand. 3'. !hen the first will say to the last0 1See then2 4o ad)anta e ha)e ye o)er us; so taste ye of the "enalty for all that ye did 21 (. !o those who re-ect /ur si ns and treat them with arro ance, no o"enin will there be of the ates of hea)en, nor will they enter the arden, until the camel can "ass throu h the eye of the needle0 Such is /ur reward for those in sin. 1. .or them there is ,ell, as a couch $below% and folds and folds of co)erin abo)e0 such is /ur re;uital of those who do wron . 2. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness,5 no burden do (e "lace on any soul, but that which it can bear,5 they will be Com"anions of the Garden, therein to dwell $for e)er%. 3. And (e shall remo)e from their hearts any lur#in sense of in-ury;5 beneath them will be ri)ers flowin ;5 and they shall say0 1Praise be to Allah, who hath uided us to this $felicity%0 ne)er could we ha)e found uidance, had it not been for the uidance of Allah. indeed it was the truth, that the a"ostles of our &ord brou ht unto us.1 And they shall hear the cry0 1'ehold2 the arden before you2 :e ha)e been made its inheritors, for your deeds $of ri hteousness%.1 . !he Com"anions of the Garden will call out to the Com"anions of the .ire0 1(e ha)e indeed found the "romises of our &ord to us true0 ,a)e you also found :our &ord9s "romises true31 !hey shall say, 1:es1; but a crier shall "roclaim between them0 1!he curse of Allah is on the wron 5doers;5 !. 1!hose who would hinder $men% from the "ath of Allah and would see# in it somethin croo#ed0 they were those who denied the ,ereafter.1 ". 'etween them shall be a )eil, and on the hei hts will be men who would #now e)ery one by his mar#s0 they will call out to the Com"anions of the Garden, 1"eace on you10 they will not ha)e entered, but they will ha)e an assurance $thereof%. #. (hen their eyes shall be turned towards the Com"anions of the .ire, they will say0 1/ur &ord2 send us not to the com"any of the wron 5doers.1 &. !he men on the hei hts will call to certain men whom they will #now from their mar#s, sayin 0 1/f what "rofit to you were your hoards and your arro ant ways3 '. 1'ehold2 are these not the men whom you swore that Allah with ,is Mercy would ne)er bless3 7nter ye the Garden0 no fear shall be on you, nor shall ye rie)e.1 !(. !he Com"anions of the .ire will call to the Com"anions of the Garden0 1Pour down to us water or anythin that Allah doth "ro)ide for your sustenance.1 !hey will say0 1'oth these thin s hath Allah forbidden to those who re-ected ,im.1 !1. 1Such as too# their reli ion to be mere amusement and "lay, and were decei)ed by the life of the world.1 !hat day shall (e for et them as they for ot the meetin of this day of theirs, and as they were wont to re-ect /ur si ns.

!2. .or (e had certainly sent unto them a 'oo#, based on #nowled e, which (e e8"lained in detail,5 a uide and a mercy to all who belie)e. !3. Do they -ust wait for the final fulfilment of the e)ent3 /n the day the e)ent is finally fulfilled, those who disre arded it before will say0 1!he a"ostles of our &ord did indeed brin true $tidin s%. ,a)e we no intercessors now to intercede on our behalf3 /r could we be sent bac#3 then should we beha)e differently from our beha)iour in the "ast.1 In fact they will ha)e lost their souls, and the thin s they in)ented will lea)e them in the lurch. ! . :our Guardian5&ord is Allah, (ho created the hea)ens and the earth in si8 days, and is firmly established on the throne $of authority%0 ,e draweth the ni ht as a )eil o9er the day, each see#in the other in ra"id succession0 ,e created the sun, the moon, and the stars, $all% o)erned by laws under ,is command. Is it not ,is to create and to o)ern3 'lessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds2 !!. Call on your &ord with humility and in "ri)ate0 for Allah lo)eth not those who tres"ass beyond bounds. !". Do no mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order, but call on ,im with fear and lon in $in your hearts%0 for the Mercy of Allah is $always% near to those who do ood. !#. It is ,e (ho sendeth the winds li#e heralds of lad tidin s, oin before ,is mercy0 when they ha)e carried the hea)y5laden clouds, (e dri)e them to a land that is dead, ma#e rain to descend thereon, and "roduce e)ery #ind of har)est therewith0 thus shall (e raise u" the dead0 "erchance ye may remember. !&. .rom the land that is clean and ood, by the will of its Cherisher, s"rin s u" "roduce, $rich% after its #ind0 but from the land that is bad, s"rin s u" nothin but that which is ni ardly0 thus do we e8"lain the si ns by )arious $symbols% to those who are rateful. !'. (e sent 4oah to his "eo"le. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im. I fear for you the "unishment of a dreadful day2 "(. !he leaders of his "eo"le said0 1Ah2 we see thee e)idently wanderin $in mind%.1 "1. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 4o wanderin is there in my $mind%0 on the contrary I am an a"ostle from the &ord and Cherisher of the worlds2 "2. 1I but fulfil towards you the duties of my &ord9s mission0 Sincere is my ad)ice to you, and I #now from Allah somethin that ye #now not. "3. 1Do ye wonder that there hath come to you a messa e from your &ord, throu h a man of your own "eo"le, to warn you,5 so that ye may fear Allah and ha"ly recei)e ,is Mercy31 " . 'ut they re-ected him, and (e deli)ered him, and those with him, in the Ar#0 but (e o)erwhelmed in the flood those who re-ected /ur si ns. !hey were indeed a blind "eo"le2 "!. !o the 9Ad "eo"le, $(e sent% ,ud, one of their $own% brethren0 ,e said0 / my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im will ye not fear $$Allah%%31 "". !he leaders of the *nbelie)ers amon his "eo"le said0 1Ah2 we see thou art an imbecile21 and 1(e thin# thou art a liar21 "#. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 I am no imbecile, but $I am% an a"ostle from the &ord and Cherisher of the worlds2 "&. 1I but fulfil towards you the duties of my &ord9s mission0 I am to you a sincere and trustworthy ad)iser. "'. 1Do ye wonder that there hath come to you a messa e from your &ord throu h a man of your own "eo"le, to warn you3 call in remembrance that ,e made you inheritors after the

"eo"le of 4oah, and a)e you a stature tall amon the nations. Call in remembrance the benefits $ye ha)e recei)ed% from Allah. that so ye may "ros"er.1 #(. !hey said0 1Comest thou to us, that we may worshi" Allah alone, and i)e u" the cult of our fathers3 brin us what thou threatenest us with, if so be that thou tellest the truth21 #1. ,e said0 1Punishment and wrath ha)e already come u"on you from your &ord0 dis"ute ye with me o)er names which ye ha)e de)ised 5 ye and your fathers,5 without authority from Allah. then wait0 I am amon st you, also waitin .1 #2. (e sa)ed him and those who adhered to him. 'y /ur mercy, and (e cut off the roots of those who re-ected /ur si ns and did not belie)e. #3. !o the !hamud "eo"le $(e sent% Salih, one of their own brethren0 ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im. 4ow hath come unto you a clear $Si n% from your &ord2 !his she5camel of Allah is a Si n unto you0 So lea)e her to ra6e in Allah.s earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be sei6ed with a rie)ous "unishment. # . 1And remember how ,e made you inheritors after the 9Ad "eo"le and a)e you habitations in the land0 ye build for yoursel)es "alaces and castles in $o"en% "lains, and care out homes in the mountains; so brin to remembrance the benefits $ye ha)e recei)ed% from Allah, and refrain from e)il and mischief on the earth.1 #!. !he leaders of the arro ant "arty amon his "eo"le said to those who were rec#oned "owerless 5 those amon them who belie)ed0 1#now ye indeed that Salih is an a"ostle from his &ord31 !hey said0 1(e do indeed belie)e in the re)elation which hath been sent throu h him.1 #". !he Arro ant "arty said0 1.or our "art, we re-ect what ye belie)e in.1 ##. !hen they ham5strun the she5camel, and insolently defied the order of their &ord, sayin 0 1/ Salih2 brin about thy threats, if thou art an a"ostle $of Allah.21 #&. So the earth;ua#e too# them unawares, and they lay "rostrate in their homes in the mornin 2 #'. So Salih left them, sayin 0 1/ my "eo"le2 I did indeed con)ey to you the messa e for which I was sent by my &ord0 I a)e you ood counsel, but ye lo)e not ood counsellors21 &(. (e also $sent% &ut0 ,e said to his "eo"le0 1Do ye commit lewdness such as no "eo"le in creation $e)er% committed before you3 &1. 1.or ye "ractise your lusts on men in "reference to women 0 ye are indeed a "eo"le trans ressin beyond bounds.1 &2. And his "eo"le a)e no answer but this0 they said, 1Dri)e them out of your city0 these are indeed men who want to be clean and "ure21 &3. 'ut we sa)ed him and his family, e8ce"t his wife0 she was of those who le ed behind. & . And we rained down on them a shower $of brimstone%0 !hen see what was the end of those who indul ed in sin and crime2 &!. !o the Madyan "eo"le (e sent Shu9aib, one of their own brethren0 he said0 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. :e ha)e no other od but ,im. 4ow hath come unto you a clear $Si n% from your &ord2 Gi)e -ust measure and wei ht, nor withhold from the "eo"le the thin s that are their due; and do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order0 that will be best for you, if ye ha)e .aith. &". 1And s;uat not on e)ery road, breathin threats, hinderin from the "ath of Allah those who belie)e in ,im, and see#in in it somethin croo#ed; 'ut remember how ye were little,

and ,e a)e you increase. And hold in your mind9s eye what was the end of those who did mischief. &#. 1And if there is a "arty amon you who belie)es in the messa e with which I ha)e been sent, and a "arty which does not belie)e, hold yoursel)es in "atience until Allah doth decide between us0 for ,e is the best to decide. &&. !he leaders, the arro ant "arty amon his "eo"le, said0 1/ Shu9aib2 we shall certainly dri)e thee out of our city 5 $thee% and those who belie)e with thee; or else ye $thou and they% shall ha)e to return to our ways and reli ion.1 ,e said0 1(hat2 e)en thou h we do detest $them%3 &'. 1(e should indeed in)ent a lie a ainst Allah, if we returned to your ways after Allah hath rescued us therefrom; nor could we by any manner of means return thereto unless it be as in the will and "lan of Allah, /ur &ord. /ur &ord can reach out to the utmost recesses of thin s by ,is #nowled e. In the Allah is our trust. our &ord2 decide !hou between us and our "eo"le in truth, for !hou art the best to decide.1 '(. !he leaders, the unbelie)ers amon his "eo"le, said0 1If ye follow Shu9aib, be sure then ye are ruined21 '1. 'ut the earth;ua#e too# them unawares, and they lay "rostrate in their homes before the mornin 2 '2. !he men who re-ect Shu9aib became as if they had ne)er been in the homes where they had flourished0 the men who re-ected Shu9aib 5 it was they who were ruined2 '3. So Shu9aib left them, sayin 0 1/ my "eo"le2 I did indeed con)ey to you the messa es for which I was sent by my &ord0 I a)e you ood counsel, but how shall I lament o)er a "eo"le who refuse to belie)e21 ' . (hene)er (e sent a "ro"het to a town, (e too# u" its "eo"le in sufferin and ad)ersity, in order that they mi ht learn humility. '!. !hen (e chan ed their sufferin into "ros"erity, until they rew and multi"lied, and be an to say0 1/ur fathers $too% were touched by sufferin and affluence1 ... 'ehold2 (e called them to account of a sudden, while they realised not $their "eril%. '". If the "eo"le of the towns had but belie)ed and feared Allah, (e should indeed ha)e o"ened out to them $All #inds of% blessin s from hea)en and earth; but they re-ected $the truth%, and (e brou ht them to boo# for their misdeeds. '#. Did the "eo"le of the towns feel secure a ainst the comin of /ur wrath by ni ht while they were aslee"3 '&. /r else did they feel secure a ainst its comin in broad dayli ht while they "layed about $care5free%3 ''. Did they then feel secure a ainst the "lan of Allah.5 but no one can feel secure from the Plan of Allah, e8ce"t those $doomed% to ruin2 1((. !o those who inherit the earth in succession to its $"re)ious% "ossessors, is it not a uidin , $lesson% that, if (e so willed, (e could "unish them $too% for their sins, and seal u" their hearts so that they could not hear3 1(1. Such were the towns whose story (e $thus% relate unto thee0 !here came indeed to them their a"ostles with clear $si ns%0 'ut they would not belie)e what they had re-ected before. !hus doth Allah seal u" the hearts of those who re-ect faith.

1(2. Most of them (e found not men $true% to their co)enant0 but most of them (e found rebellious and disobedient. 1(3. !hen after them (e sent Moses with /ur si ns to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they wron fully re-ected them0 So see what was the end of those who made mischief. 1( . Moses said0 1/ Pharaoh2 I am an a"ostle from the &ord of the worlds,5 1(!. /ne for whom it is ri ht to say nothin but truth about Allah. 4ow ha)e I come unto you $"eo"le%, from your &ord, with a clear $Si n%0 So let the Children of Israel de"art alon with me.1 1(". $Pharaoh% said0 1If indeed thou hast come with a Si n, show it forth,5 if thou tellest the truth.1 1(#. !hen $Moses% threw his rod, and behold2 it was a ser"ent, "lain $for all to see%2 1(&. And he drew out his hand, and behold2 it was white to all beholders2 1('. Said the Chiefs of the "eo"le of Pharaoh0 1!his is indeed a sorcerer well5 )ersed. 11(. 1,is "lan is to et you out of your land0 then what is it ye counsel31 111. !hey said0 1=ee" him and his brother in sus"ense $for a while%; and send to the cities men to collect5 112. And brin u" to thee all $our% sorcerers well5)ersed.1 113. So there came the sorcerers to Pharaoh0 !hey said, 1of course we shall ha)e a $suitable% reward if we win21 11 . ,e said0 1:ea, $and more%,5 for ye shall in that case be $raised to "osts% nearest $to my "erson%.1 11!. !hey said0 1/ Moses2 wilt thou throw $first%, or shall we ha)e the $first% throw31 11". Said Moses0 1!hrow ye $first%.1 So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the "eo"le, and struc# terror into them0 for they showed a reat $feat of% ma ic. 11#. (e "ut it into Moses9s mind by ins"iration0 1!hrow $now% thy rod10and behold2 it swallows u" strai ht away all the falsehoods which they fa#e2 11&. !hus truth was confirmed, and all that they did was made of no effect. 11'. So the $ reat ones% were )an;uished there and then, and were made to loo# small. 12(. 'ut the sorcerers fell down "rostrate in adoration. 121. Sayin 0 1(e belie)e in the &ord of the (orlds,5 122. 1!he &ord of Moses and Aaron.1 123. Said Pharaoh0 1'elie)e ye in ,im before I i)e you "ermission3 Surely this is a tric# which ye ha)e "lanned in the city to dri)e out its "eo"le0 but soon shall ye #now $the conse;uences%. 12 . 1'e sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on a""osite sides, and I will cause you all to die on the cross.1 12!. !hey said0 1.or us, (e are but sent bac# unto our &ord0 12". 1'ut thou dost wrea# thy )en eance on us sim"ly because we belie)ed in the Si ns of our &ord when they reached us2 /ur &ord2 "our out on us "atience and constancy, and ta#e our souls unto thee as Muslims $who bow to thy will%2

12#. Said the chiefs of Pharaoh9s "eo"le0 1(ilt thou lea)e Moses and his "eo"le, to s"read mischief in the land, and to abandon thee and thy ods31 ,e said0 1!heir male children will we slay; $only% their females will we sa)e ali)e; and we ha)e o)er them $"ower% irresistible.1 12&. Said Moses to his "eo"le0 1Pray for hel" from Allah, and $wait% in "atience and constancy0 for the earth is Allah.s, to i)e as a herita e to such of ,is ser)ants as ,e "leaseth; and the end is $best% for the ri hteous. 12'. !hey said0 1(e ha)e had $nothin but% trouble, both before and after thou camest to us.1 ,e said0 1It may be that your &ord will destroy your enemy and ma#e you inheritors in the earth; that so ,e may try you by your deeds.1 13(. (e "unished the "eo"le of Pharaoh with years $of drou hts% and shortness of cro"s; that they mi ht recei)e admonition. 131. 'ut when ood $times% came, they said, 1!his is due to us;1 (hen ri""ed by calamity, they ascribed it to e)il omens connected with Moses and those with him2 'ehold2 in truth the omens of e)il are theirs in Allah.s si ht, but most of them do not understand2 132. !hey said $to Moses%0 1(hate)er be the Si ns thou brin est, to wor# therewith thy sorcery on us, we shall ne)er belie)e in thee. 133. So (e sent $"la ues% on them0 (holesale death, &ocusts, &ice, .ro s, And 'lood0 Si ns o"enly self5e8"lained0 but they were stee"ed in arro ance,5 a "eo"le i)en to sin. 13 . 7)ery time the "enalty fell on them, they said0 1/ Moses2 on your behalf call on thy &ord in )irtue of his "romise to thee0 If thou wilt remo)e the "enalty from us, we shall truly belie)e in thee, and we shall send away the Children of Israel with thee.1 13!. 'ut e)ery time (e remo)ed the "enalty from them accordin to a fi8ed term which they had to fulfil,5 'ehold2 they bro#e their word2 13". So (e e8acted retribution from them0 (e drowned them in the sea, because they re-ected /ur Si ns and failed to ta#e warnin from them. 13#. And (e made a "eo"le, considered wea# $and of no account%, inheritors of lands in both east and west, 5 lands whereon (e sent down /ur blessin s. !he fair "romise of thy &ord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had "atience and constancy, and (e le)elled to the round the reat wor#s and fine buildin s which Pharaoh and his "eo"le erected $with such "ride%. 13&. (e too# the Children of Israel $with safety% across the sea. !hey came u"on a "eo"le de)oted entirely to some idols they had. !hey said0 1/ Moses2 fashion for us a od li#e unto the ods they ha)e.1 ,e said0 1Surely ye are a "eo"le without #nowled e. 13'. 1As to these fol#,5 the cult they are in is $but% a fra ment of a ruin, and )ain is the $worshi"% which they "ractise.1 1 (. ,e said0 1Shall I see# for you a od other than the $true% Allah, when it is Allah (ho hath endowed you with ifts abo)e the nations31 1 1. And remember (e rescued you from Pharaoh9s "eo"le, who afflicted you with the worst of "enalties, who slew your male children and sa)ed ali)e your females0 in that was a momentous trial from your &ord. 1 2. (e a""ointed for Moses thirty ni hts, and com"leted $the "eriod% with ten $more%0 thus was com"leted the term $of communion% with his &ord, forty ni hts. And Moses had char ed his brother Aaron $before he went u"%0 1Act for me amon st my "eo"le0 Do ri ht, and follow not the way of those who do mischief.1

1 3. (hen Moses came to the "lace a""ointed by *s, and his &ord addressed him, ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 show $!hyself% to me, that I may loo# u"on thee.1 Allah said0 1'y no means canst thou see Me $direct%; 'ut loo# u"on the mount; if it abide in its "lace, then shalt thou see Me.1 (hen his &ord manifested ,is lory on the Mount, ,e made it as dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. (hen he reco)ered his senses he said0 1Glory be to !hee2 to !hee I turn in re"entance, and I am the first to belie)e.1 1 . $$Allah%% said0 1/ Moses2 I ha)e chosen thee abo)e $other% men, by the mission I $ha)e i)en thee% and the words I $ha)e s"o#en to thee%0 ta#e then the $re)elation% which I i)e thee, and be of those who i)e than#s.1 1 !. And (e ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both commandin and e8"lainin all thin s, $and said%0 1!a#e and hold these with firmness, and en-oin thy "eo"le to hold fast by the best in the "rece"ts0 soon shall I show you the homes of the wic#ed,5 $,ow they lie desolate%.1 1 ". !hose who beha)e arro antly on the earth in defiance of ri ht 5 them will I turn away from My si ns0 7)en if they see all the si ns, they will not belie)e in them; and if they see the way of ri ht conduct, they will not ado"t it as the way; but if they see the way of error, that is the way they will ado"t. .or they ha)e re-ected our si ns, and failed to ta#e warnin from them. 1 #. !hose who re-ect /ur si ns and the meetin in the ,ereafter,5 )ain are their deeds0 Can they e8"ect to be rewarded e8ce"t as they ha)e wrou ht3 1 &. !he "eo"le of Moses made, in his absence, out of their ornaments, the ima e of calf, $for worshi"%0 it seemed to low0 did they not see that it could neither s"ea# to them, nor show them the way3 !hey too# it for worshi" and they did wron . 1 '. (hen they re"ented, and saw that they had erred, they said0 1If our &ord ha)e not mercy u"on us and for i)e us, we shall indeed be of those who "erish.1 1!(. (hen Moses came bac# to his "eo"le, an ry and rie)ed, he said0 17)il it is that ye ha)e done in my "lace in my absence0 did ye ma#e haste to brin on the -ud ment of your &ord31 ,e "ut down the tablets, sei6ed his brother by $the hair of% his head, and dra ed him to him. Aaron said0 1Son of my mother2 the "eo"le did indeed rec#on me as nau ht, and went near to slayin me2 Ma#e not the enemies re-oice o)er my misfortune, nor count thou me amon st the "eo"le of sin.1 1!1. Moses "rayed0 1/ my &ord2 for i)e me and my brother2 admit us to !hy mercy2 for !hou art the Most Merciful of those who show mercy21 1!2. !hose who too# the calf $for worshi"% will indeed be o)erwhelmed with wrath from their &ord, and with shame in this life0 thus do (e recom"ense those who in)ent $falsehoods%. 1!3. 'ut those who do wron but re"ent thereafter and $truly% belie)e,5 )erily thy &ord is thereafter /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1! . (hen the an er of Moses was a""eased, he too# u" the tablets0 in the writin thereon was uidance and Mercy for such as fear their &ord. 1!!. And Moses chose se)enty of his "eo"le for /ur "lace of meetin 0 when they were sei6ed with )iolent ;ua#in , he "rayed0 1/ my &ord2 if it had been !hy will !hou couldst ha)e destroyed, lon before, both them and me0 wouldst !hou destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones amon us3 this is no more than !hy trial0 by it !hou causest whom !hou wilt to stray, and !hou leadest whom !hou wilt into the ri ht "ath. !hou art our Protector0 so for i)e us and i)e us !hy mercy; for !hou art the best of those who for i)e.

1!". 1And ordain for us that which is ood, in this life and in the ,ereafter0 for we ha)e turned unto !hee.1 ,e said0 1(ith My "unishment I )isit whom I will; but My mercy e8tendeth to all thin s. !hat $mercy% I shall ordain for those who do ri ht, and "ractise re ular charity, and those who belie)e in /ur si ns;5 1!#. 1!hose who follow the a"ostle, the unlettered Pro"het, whom they find mentioned in their own $scri"tures%,5 in the law and the Gos"el;5 for he commands them what is -ust and forbids them what is e)il; he allows them as lawful what is ood $and "ure% and "rohibits them from what is bad $and im"ure%; ,e releases them from their hea)y burdens and from the yo#es that are u"on them. So it is those who belie)e in him, honour him, hel" him, and follow the li ht which is sent down with him,5 it is they who will "ros"er.1 1!&. day0 1/ men2 I am sent unto you all, as the Messen er of Allah, to (hom belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 there is no od but ,e0 it is ,e !hat i)eth both life and death. So belie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er, the *nlettered Pro"het, who belie)eth in Allah and ,is words0 follow him that $so% ye may be uided.1 1!'. /f the "eo"le of Moses there is a section who uide and do -ustice in the li ht of truth. 1"(. (e di)ided them into twel)e tribes or nations. (e directed Moses by ins"iration, when his $thirsty% "eo"le as#ed him for water0 1Stri#e the roc# with thy staff10 out of it there ushed forth twel)e s"rin s0 7ach rou" #new its own "lace for water. (e a)e them the shade of clouds, and sent down to them manna and ;uails, $sayin %0 17at of the ood thin s (e ha)e "ro)ided for you10 $but they rebelled%; to *s they did no harm, but they harmed their own souls. 1"1. And remember it was said to them0 1Dwell in this town and eat therein as ye wish, but say the word of humility and enter the ate in a "osture of humility0 (e shall for i)e you your faults; (e shall increase $the "ortion of% those who do ood.1 1"2. 'ut the trans ressors amon them chan ed the word from that which had been i)en them so we sent on them a "la ue from hea)en. .or that they re"eatedly trans ressed. 1"3. As# them concernin the town standin close by the sea. 'ehold2 they trans ressed in the matter of the Sabbath. .or on the day of their Sabbath their fish did come to them, o"enly holdin u" their heads, but on the day they had no Sabbath, they came not0 thus did (e ma#e a trial of them, for they were i)en to trans ression. 1" . (hen some of them said0 1(hy do ye "reach to a "eo"le whom Allah will destroy or )isit with a terrible "unishment315 said the "reachers01 !o dischar e our duty to your &ord, and "erchance they may fear ,im.1 1"!. (hen they disre arded the warnin s that had been i)en them, (e rescued those who forbade 7)il; but (e )isited the wron 5doers with a rie)ous "unishment because they were i)en to trans ression. 1"". (hen in their insolence they trans ressed $all% "rohibitions, (e said to them0 1'e ye a"es, des"ised and re-ected.1 1"#. 'ehold2 thy &ord did declare that ,e would send a ainst them, to the Day of Jud ment, those who would afflict them with rie)ous "enalty. !hy &ord is ;uic# in retribution, but ,e is also /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1"&. (e bro#e them u" into sections on this earth. !here are amon them some that are the ri hteous, and some that are the o""osite. (e ha)e tried them with both "ros"erity and ad)ersity0 In order that they mi ht turn $to us%. 1"'. After them succeeded an $e)il% eneration0 !hey inherited the 'oo#, but they chose $for themsel)es% the )anities of this world, sayin $for e8cuse%0 1$7)erythin % will be for i)en us.1

$7)en so%, if similar )anities came their way, they would $a ain% sei6e them. (as not the co)enant of the 'oo# ta#en from them, that they would not ascribe to Allah anythin but the truth3 and they study what is in the 'oo#. 'ut best for the ri hteous is the home in the ,ereafter. (ill ye not understand3 1#(. As to those who hold fast by the 'oo# and establish re ular "rayer,5 ne)er shall (e suffer the reward of the ri hteous to "erish. 1#1. (hen (e shoo# the Mount o)er them, as if it had been a cano"y, and they thou ht it was oin to fall on them $(e said%0 1,old firmly to what (e ha)e i)en you, and brin $e)er% to remembrance what is therein; "erchance ye may fear Allah.1 1#2. (hen thy &ord drew forth from the Children of Adam 5 from their loins 5 their descendants, and made them testify concernin themsel)es, $sayin %0 1Am I not your &ord $who cherishes and sustains you%315 !hey said0 1:ea2 (e do testify21 $!his%, lest ye should say on the Day of Jud ment0 1/f this we were ne)er mindful10 1#3. /r lest ye should say0 1/ur fathers before us may ha)e ta#en false ods, but we are $their% descendants after them0 wilt !hou then destroy us because of the deeds of men who were futile31 1# . !hus do (e e8"lain the si ns in detail; and "erchance they may turn $unto *s%. 1#!. +elate to them the story of the man to whom (e sent /ur si ns, but he "assed them by0 so Satan followed him u", and he went astray. 1#". If it had been /ur will, (e should ha)e ele)ated him with /ur si ns; but he inclined to the earth, and followed his own )ain desires. ,is similitude is that of a do 0 if you attac# him, he lolls out his ton ue, or if you lea)e him alone, he $still% lolls out his ton ue. !hat is the similitude of those who re-ect /ur si ns; So relate the story; "erchance they may reflect. 1##. 7)il as an e8am"le are "eo"le who re-ect /ur si ns and wron their own souls. 1#&. (hom Allah doth uide,5 he is on the ri ht "ath0 whom ,e re-ects from ,is uidance,5 such are the "ersons who "erish. 1#'. Many are the Jinns and men we ha)e made for ,ell0 !hey ha)e hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. !hey are li#e cattle,5 nay more mis uided0 for they are heedless $of warnin %. 1&(. !he most beautiful names belon to Allah. so call on him by them; but shun such men as use "rofanity in his names0 for what they do, they will soon be re;uited. 1&1. /f those (e ha)e created are "eo"le who direct $others% with truth. And dis"ense -ustice therewith. 1&2. !hose who re-ect /ur si ns, (e shall radually )isit with "unishment, in ways they "ercei)e not; 1&3. +es"ite will I rant unto them0 for My scheme is stron $and unfailin %. 1& . Do they not reflect3 !heir com"anion is not sei6ed with madness0 he is but a "ers"icuous warner. 1&!. Do they see nothin in the o)ernment of the hea)ens and the earth and all that Allah hath created3 $Do they not see% that it may well be that their terms is ni h drawin to an end3 In what messa e after this will they then belie)e3 1&". !o such as Allah re-ects from ,is uidance, there can be no uide0 ,e will lea)e them in their tres"asses, wanderin in distraction.

1&#. !hey as# thee about the $final% ,our 5 when will be its a""ointed time3 Say0 1!he #nowled e thereof is with my &ord $alone%0 4one but ,e can re)eal as to when it will occur. ,ea)y were its burden throu h the hea)ens and the earth. /nly, all of a sudden will it come to you.1 !hey as# thee as if thou (ert ea er in search thereof0 Say0 1!he #nowled e thereof is with Allah $alone%, but most men #now not.1 1&&. Say0 1I ha)e no "ower o)er any ood or harm to myself e8ce"t as Allah willeth. If I had #nowled e of the unseen, I should ha)e multi"lied all ood, and no e)il should ha)e touched me0 I am but a warner, and a brin er of lad tidin s to those who ha)e faith.1 1&'. It is ,e (ho created you from a sin le "erson, and made his mate of li#e nature, in order that he mi ht dwell with her $in lo)e%. (hen they are united, she bears a li ht burden and carries it about $unnoticed%. (hen she rows hea)y, they both "ray to Allah their &ord, $sayin %0 1If !hou i)est us a oodly child, we )ow we shall $e)er% be rateful.1 1'(. 'ut when ,e i)eth them a oodly child, they ascribe to others a share in the ift they ha)e recei)ed0 but Allah is e8alted hi h abo)e the "artners they ascribe to ,im. 1'1. Do they indeed ascribe to ,im as "artners thin s that can create nothin , but are themsel)es created3 1'2. 4o aid can they i)e them, nor can they aid themsel)es2 1'3. If ye call them to uidance, they will not obey0 .or you it is the same whether ye call them or ye hold your "eace2 1' . >erily those whom ye call u"on besides Allah are ser)ants li#e unto you0 Call u"on them, and let them listen to your "rayer, if ye are $indeed% truthful2 1'!. ,a)e they feet to wal# with3 /r hands to lay hold with3 /r eyes to see with3 /r ears to hear with3 Say0 1Call your 9 od5"artners9, scheme $your worst% a ainst me, and i)e me no res"ite2 1'". 1.or my Protector is Allah, (ho re)ealed the 'oo# $from time to time%, and ,e will choose and befriend the ri hteous. 1'#. 1'ut those ye call u"on besides ,im, are unable to hel" you, and indeed to hel" themsel)es.1 1'&. If thou callest them to uidance, they hear not. !hou wilt see them loo#in at thee, but they see not. 1''. ,old to for i)eness; command what is ri ht; 'ut turn away from the i norant. 2((. If a su estion from Satan assail thy $mind%, see# refu e with Allah. for ,e heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. 2(1. !hose who fear Allah, when a thou ht of e)il from Satan assaults them, brin Allah to remembrance, when lo2 they see $ari ht%2 2(2. 'ut their brethren $the e)il ones% "lun e them dee"er into error, and ne)er rela8 $their efforts%. 2(3. If thou brin them not a re)elation, they say0 1(hy hast thou not ot it to ether31 Say0 1I but follow what is re)ealed to me from my &ord0 this is $nothin but% li hts from your &ord, and Guidance, and mercy, for any who ha)e faith.1 2( . (hen the <ur9an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your "eace0 that ye may recei)e Mercy.

2(!. And do thou $/ reader2% 'rin thy &ord to remembrance in thy $)ery% soul, with humility and in re)erence, without loudness in words, in the mornin s and e)enin s; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. 2(". !hose who are near to thy &ord, disdain not to do ,im worshi"0 !hey celebrate ,is "raises, and bow down before ,im.

Surah &. Spoils Of /ar. 5oot+

1. !hey as# thee concernin $thin s ta#en as% s"oils of war. Say0 1$such% s"oils are at the dis"osal of Allah and the Messen er. So fear Allah, and #ee" strai ht the relations between yoursel)es0 /bey Allah and ,is Messen er, if ye do belie)e.1 2. .or, 'elie)ers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a tremor in their hearts, and when they hear ,is si ns rehearsed, find their faith stren thened, and "ut $all% their trust in their &ord; 3. (ho establish re ular "rayers and s"end $freely% out of the ifts (e ha)e i)en them for sustenance0 . Such in truth are the belie)ers0 they ha)e rades of di nity with their &ord, and for i)eness, and enerous sustenance0 !. Just as thy &ord ordered thee out of thy house in truth, e)en thou h a "arty amon the 'elie)ers disli#ed it, ". Dis"utin with thee concernin the truth after it was made manifest, as if they were bein dri)en to death and they $actually% saw it. #. 'ehold2 Allah "romised you one of the two $enemy% "arties, that it should be yours0 :e wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but Allah willed to -ustify the !ruth accordin to ,is words and to cut off the roots of the *nbelie)ers;5 &. !hat ,e mi ht -ustify !ruth and "ro)e .alsehood false, distasteful thou h it be to those in uilt. '. +emember ye im"lored the assistance of your &ord, and ,e answered you0 1I will assist you with a thousand of the an els, ran#s on ran#s.1 1(. Allah made it but a messa e of ho"e, and an assurance to your hearts0 $in any case% there is no hel" e8ce"t from Allah. and Allah is 78alted in Power, (ise. 11. +emember ,e co)ered you with a sort of drowsiness, to i)e you calm as from ,imself, and he caused rain to descend on you from hea)en, to clean you therewith, to remo)e from you the stain of Satan, to stren then your hearts, and to "lant your feet firmly therewith. 12. +emember thy &ord ins"ired the an els $with the messa e%0 1I am with you0 i)e firmness to the 'elie)ers0 I will instil terror into the hearts of the *nbelie)ers0 smite ye abo)e their nec#s and smite all their fin er5ti"s off them.1 13. !his because they contended a ainst Allah and ,is Messen er. If any contend a ainst Allah and ,is Messen er, Allah is strict in "unishment. 1 . !hus $will it be said%0 1!aste ye then of the $"unishment%0 for those who resist Allah, is the "enalty of the .ire.1 1!. / ye who belie)e2 when ye meet the *nbelie)ers in hostile array, ne)er turn your bac#s to them.

1". If any do turn his bac# to them on such a day 5 unless it be in a strata em of war, or to retreat to a troo" $of his own%5 he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is ,ell,5 an e)il refu e $indeed%2 1#. It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah. when thou threwest $a handful of dust%, it was not thy act, but Allah.s0 in order that ,e mi ht test the 'elie)ers by a racious trial from ,imself0 for Allah is ,e (ho heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. 1&. !hat, and also because Allah is ,e (ho ma#es feeble the "lans and strata em of the *nbelie)ers. 1'. $/ *nbelie)ers2% if ye "rayed for )ictory and -ud ment, now hath the -ud ment come to you0 if ye desist $from wron %, it will be best for you0 if ye return $to the attac#%, so shall (e. 4ot the least ood will your forces be to you e)en if they were multi"lied0 for )erily Allah is with those who belie)e2 2(. / ye who belie)e2 /bey Allah and ,is Messen er, and turn not away from him when ye hear $him s"ea#%. 21. 4or be li#e those who say, 1(e hear,1 but listen not0 22. .or the worst of beasts in the si ht of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,5 those who understand not. 23. If Allah had found in them any ood. ,e would indeed ha)e made them listen0 $As it is%, if ,e had made them listen, they would but ha)e turned bac# and declined $.aith%. 2 . / ye who belie)e2 i)e your res"onse to Allah and ,is Messen er, when ,e calleth you to that which will i)e you life; and #now that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is ,e to (hom ye shall $all% be athered. 2!. And fear tumult or o""ression, which affecteth not in "articular $only% those of you who do wron 0 and #now that Allah is strict in "unishment. 2". Call to mind when ye were a small $band%, des"ised throu h the land, and afraid that men mi ht des"oil and #idna" you; 'ut ,e "ro)ided a safe asylum for you, stren thened you with ,is aid, and a)e you Good thin s for sustenance0 that ye mi ht be rateful. 2#. / ye that belie)e2 betray not the trust of Allah and the Messen er, nor misa""ro"riate #nowin ly thin s entrusted to you. 2&. And #now ye that your "ossessions and your "ro eny are but a trial; and that it is Allah with (hom lies your hi hest reward. 2'. / ye who belie)e2 if ye fear Allah, ,e will rant you a criterion $to -ud e between ri ht and wron %, remo)e from you $all% e)il $that may afflict% you, and for i)e you0 for Allah is the &ord of race unbounded. 3(. +emember how the *nbelie)ers "lotted a ainst thee, to #ee" thee in bonds, or slay thee, or et thee out $of thy home%. !hey "lot and "lan, and Allah too "lans; but the best of "lanners is Allah. 31. (hen /ur Si ns are rehearsed to them, they say0 1(e ha)e heard this $before%0 if we wished, we could say $words% li#e these0 these are nothin but tales of the ancients.1 32. +emember how they said0 1/ Allah if this is indeed the !ruth from !hee, rain down on us a shower of stones form the s#y, or send us a rie)ous "enalty.1 33. 'ut Allah was not oin to send them a "enalty whilst thou wast amon st them; nor was ,e oin to send it whilst they could as# for "ardon.

3 . 'ut what "lea ha)e they that Allah should not "unish them, when they #ee" out $men% from the sacred Mos;ue 5 and they are not its uardians3 4o men can be its uardians e8ce"t the ri hteous; but most of them do not understand. 3!. !heir "rayer at the ,ouse $of Allah. is nothin but whistlin and cla""in of hands0 $Its only answer can be%, 1!aste ye the "enalty because ye blas"hemed.1 3". !he *nbelie)ers s"end their wealth to hinder $man% from the "ath of Allah, and so will they continue to s"end; but in the end they will ha)e $only% re rets and si hs; at len th they will be o)ercome0 and the *nbelie)ers will be athered to ether to ,ell;5 3#. In order that Allah may se"arate the im"ure from the "ure, "ut the im"ure, one on another, hea" them to ether, and cast them into ,ell. !hey will be the ones to ha)e lost. 3&. Say to the *nbelie)ers, if $now% they desist $from *nbelief%, their "ast would be for i)en them; but if they "ersist, the "unishment of those before them is already $a matter of warnin for them%. 3'. And fi ht them on until there is no more tumult or o""ression, and there "re)ail -ustice and faith in Allah alto ether and e)erywhere; but if they cease, )erily Allah doth see all that they do. (. If they refuse, be sure that Allah is your Protector 5 the best to "rotect and the best to hel". 1. And #now that out of all the booty that ye may ac;uire $in war%, a fifth share is assi ned to Allah,5 and to the Messen er, and to near relati)es, or"hans, the needy, and the wayfarer,5 if ye do belie)e in Allah and in the re)elation (e sent down to /ur ser)ant on the Day of !estin ,5 the Day of the meetin of the two forces. .or Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. 2. +emember ye were on the hither side of the )alley, and they on the farther side, and the cara)an on lower round than ye. 7)en if ye had made a mutual a""ointment to meet, ye would certainly ha)e failed in the a""ointment0 'ut $thus ye met%, that Allah mi ht accom"lish a matter already enacted; that those who died mi ht die after a clear Si n $had been i)en%, and those who li)ed mi ht li)e after a Clear Si n $had been i)en%. And )erily Allah is ,e (ho heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. 3. +emember in thy dream Allah showed them to thee as few0 if ,e had shown them to thee as many, ye would surely ha)e been discoura ed, and ye would surely ha)e dis"uted in $your% decision; but Allah sa)ed $you%0 for ,e #noweth well the $secrets% of $all% hearts. . And remember when ye met, ,e showed them to you as few in your eyes, and ,e made you a""ear as contem"tible in their eyes0 that Allah mi ht accom"lish a matter already enacted. .or to Allah do all ;uestions o bac# $for decision%. !. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye meet a force, be firm, and call Allah in remembrance much $and often%; that ye may "ros"er0 ". And obey Allah and ,is Messen er. and fall into no dis"utes, lest ye lose heart and your "ower de"art; and be "atient and "erse)erin 0 .or Allah is with those who "atiently "erse)ere0 #. And be not li#e those who started from their homes insolently and to be seen of men, and to hinder $men% from the "ath of Allah. .or Allah com"asseth round about all that they do. &. +emember Satan made their $sinful% acts seem allurin to them, and said0 14o one amon men can o)ercome you this day, while I am near to you10 'ut when the two forces came in si ht of each other, he turned on his heels, and said0 1&o2 I am clear of you; lo2 I see what ye see not; &o2 I fear Allah. for Allah is strict in "unishment.1 '. &o2 the hy"ocrites say, and those in whose hearts is a disease0 1!hese "eo"le,5 their reli ion has misled them.1 'ut if any trust in Allah, behold2 Allah is 78alted in mi ht, (ise.

!(. If thou couldst see, when the an els ta#e the souls of the *nbelie)ers $at death%, $,ow% they smite their faces and their bac#s, $sayin %0 1!aste the "enalty of the bla6in .ire5 !1. 1'ecause of $the deeds% which your $own% hands sent forth; for Allah is ne)er un-ust to ,is ser)ants0 !2. 1$Deeds% after the manner of the "eo"le of Pharaoh and of those before them0 !hey re-ected the Si ns of Allah, and Allah "unished them for their crimes0 for Allah is Stron , and Strict in "unishment0 !3. 1'ecause Allah will ne)er chan e the race which ,e hath bestowed on a "eo"le until they chan e what is in their $own% souls0 and )erily Allah is ,e (ho heareth and #noweth $all thin s%.1 ! . $Deeds% after the manner of the "eo"le of Pharaoh and those before them10 !hey treated as false the Si ns of their &ord0 so (e destroyed them for their crimes, and (e drowned the "eo"le of Pharaoh0 for they were all o""ressors and wron 5 doers. !!. .or the worst of beasts in the si ht of Allah are those who re-ect ,im0 !hey will not belie)e. !". !hey are those with whom thou didst ma#e a co)enant, but they brea# their co)enant e)ery time, and they ha)e not the fear $of Allah.. !#. If ye ain the mastery o)er them in war, dis"erse, with them, those who follow them, that they may remember. !&. If thou fearest treachery from any rou", throw bac# $their co)enant% to them, $so as to be% on e;ual terms0 for Allah lo)eth not the treacherous. !'. &et not the unbelie)ers thin# that they can et the better $of the odly%0 they will ne)er frustrate $them%. "(. A ainst them ma#e ready your stren th to the utmost of your "ower, includin steeds of war, to stri#e terror into $the hearts of% the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not #now, but whom Allah doth #now. (hate)er ye shall s"end in the cause of Allah, shall be re"aid unto you, and ye shall not be treated un-ustly. "1. 'ut if the enemy incline towards "eace, do thou $also% incline towards "eace, and trust in Allah. for ,e is /ne that heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. "2. Should they intend to decei)e thee,5 )erily Allah sufficeth thee0 ,e it is !hat hath stren thened thee with ,is aid and with $the com"any of% the 'elie)ers; "3. And $moreo)er% ,e hath "ut affection between their hearts0 not if thou hadst s"ent all that is in the earth, couldst thou ha)e "roduced that affection, but Allah hath done it0 for ,e is 78alted in mi ht, (ise. " . / Messen er. sufficient unto thee is Allah,5 $unto thee% and unto those who follow thee amon the 'elie)ers. "!. / Messen er. rouse the 'elie)ers to the fi ht. If there are twenty amon st you, "atient and "erse)erin , they will )an;uish two hundred0 if a hundred, they will )an;uish a thousand of the *nbelie)ers0 for these are a "eo"le without understandin . "". .or the "resent, Allah hath li htened your $tas#%, for ,e #noweth that there is a wea# s"ot in you0 'ut $e)en so%, if there are a hundred of you, "atient and "erse)erin , they will )an;uish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will )an;uish two thousand, with the lea)e of Allah. for Allah is with those who "atiently "erse)ere.

"#. It is not fittin for an a"ostle that he should ha)e "risoners of war until he hath thorou hly subdued the land. :e loo# for the tem"oral oods of this world; but Allah loo#eth to the ,ereafter0 And Allah is 78alted in mi ht, (ise. "&. ,ad it not been for a "re)ious ordainment from Allah, a se)ere "enalty would ha)e reached you for the $ransom% that ye too#. "'. 'ut $now% en-oy what ye too# in war, lawful and ood0 but fear Allah. for Allah is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. #(. / Messen er. say to those who are ca"ti)es in your hands0 1If Allah findeth any ood in your hearts, ,e will i)e you somethin better than what has been ta#en from you, and ,e will for i)e you0 for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful.1 #1. 'ut if they ha)e treacherous desi ns a ainst thee, $/ Messen er.%, they ha)e already been in treason a ainst Allah, and so hath ,e i)en $thee% "ower o)er them. And Allah so ,e (ho hath $full% #nowled e and wisdom. #2. !hose who belie)ed, and ado"ted e8ile, and fou ht for the .aith, with their "ro"erty and their "ersons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who a)e $them% asylum and aid,5 these are $all% friends and "rotectors, one of another. As to those who belie)ed but came not into e8ile, ye owe no duty of "rotection to them until they come into e8ile; but if they see# your aid in reli ion, it is your duty to hel" them, e8ce"t a ainst a "eo"le with whom ye ha)e a treaty of mutual alliance. And $remember% Allah seeth all that ye do. #3. !he *nbelie)ers are "rotectors, one of another0 *nless ye do this, $"rotect each other%, there would be tumult and o""ression on earth, and reat mischief. # . !hose who belie)e, and ado"t e8ile, and fi ht for the .aith, in the cause of Allah as well as those who i)e $them% asylum and aid,5 these are $all% in )ery truth the 'elie)ers0 for them is the for i)eness of sins and a "ro)ision most enerous. #!. And those who acce"t .aith subse;uently, and ado"t e8ile, and fi ht for the .aith in your com"any,5 they are of you. 'ut #indred by blood ha)e "rior ri hts a ainst each other in the 'oo# of Allah. >erily Allah is well5ac;uainted with all thin s.

Surah '. Repentan3e. 6ispensation

1. A $declaration% of immunity from Allah and ,is Messen er, to those of the Pa ans with whom ye ha)e contracted mutual alliances05 2. Go ye, then, for four months, bac#wards and forwards, $as ye will%, throu hout the land, but #now ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah $by your falsehood% but that Allah will co)er with shame those who re-ect ,im. 3. And an announcement from Allah and ,is Messen er, to the "eo"le $assembled% on the day of the Great Pil rima e,5 that Allah and ,is Messen er dissol)e $treaty% obli ations with the Pa ans. If then, ye re"ent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, #now ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah. And "roclaim a rie)ous "enalty to those who re-ect .aith. . $'ut the treaties are% not dissol)ed with those Pa ans with whom ye ha)e entered into alliance and who ha)e not subse;uently failed you in au ht, nor aided any one a ainst you. So fulfil your en a ements with them to the end of their term0 for Allah lo)eth the ri hteous. !. 'ut when the forbidden months are "ast, then fi ht and slay the Pa ans where)er ye find them, an sei6e them, belea uer them, and lie in wait for them in e)ery strata em $of war%; but if they re"ent, and establish re ular "rayers and "ractise re ular charity, then o"en the way for them0 for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful.

". If one amon st the Pa ans as# thee for asylum, rant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. and then escort him to where he can be secure. !hat is because they are men without #nowled e. #. ,ow can there be a lea ue, before Allah and ,is Messen er, with the Pa ans, e8ce"t those with whom ye made a treaty near the sacred Mos;ue3 As lon as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them0 for Allah doth lo)e the ri hteous. &. ,ow $can there be such a lea ue%, seein that if they et an ad)anta e o)er you, they res"ect not in you the ties either of #inshi" or of co)enant3 (ith $fair words from% their mouths they entice you, but their hearts are a)erse from you; and most of them are rebellious and wic#ed. '. !he Si ns of Allah ha)e they sold for a miserable "rice, and $many% ha)e they hindered from ,is way0 e)il indeed are the deeds they ha)e done. 1(. In a 'elie)er they res"ect not the ties either of #inshi" or of co)enant2 It is they who ha)e trans ressed all bounds. 11. 'ut $e)en so%, if they re"ent, establish re ular "rayers, and "ractise re ular charity,5 they are your brethren in .aith0 $thus% do (e e8"lain the Si ns in detail, for those who understand. 12. 'ut if they )iolate their oaths after their co)enant, and taunt you for your .aith,5 fi ht ye the chiefs of *nfaith0 for their oaths are nothin to them0 that thus they may be restrained. 13. (ill ye not fi ht "eo"le who )iolated their oaths, "lotted to e8"el the Messen er, and too# the a ressi)e by bein the first $to assault% you3 Do ye fear them3 4ay, it is Allah (hom ye should more -ustly fear, if ye belie)e2 1 . .i ht them, and Allah will "unish them by your hands, co)er them with shame, hel" you $to )ictory% o)er them, heal the breasts of 'elie)ers, 1!. And still the indi nation of their hearts. .or Allah will turn $in mercy% to whom ,e will; and Allah is All5=nowin , All5(ise. 1". /r thin# ye that ye shall be abandoned, as thou h Allah did not #now those amon you who stri)e with mi ht and main, and ta#e none for friends and "rotectors e8ce"t Allah, ,is Messen er, and the $community of% 'elie)ers3 'ut Allah is well5 ac;uainted with $all% that ye do. 1#. It is not for such as -oin ods with Allah, to )isit or maintain the mos;ues of Allah while they witness a ainst their own souls to infidelity. !he wor#s of such bear no fruit0 In .ire shall they dwell. 1&. !he mos;ues of Allah shall be )isited and maintained by such as belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, establish re ular "rayers, and "ractise re ular charity, and fear none $at all% e8ce"t Allah. It is they who are e8"ected to be on true uidance. 1'. Do ye ma#e the i)in of drin# to "il rims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mos;ue, e;ual to $the "ious ser)ice of% those who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, and stri)e with mi ht and main in the cause of Allah. !hey are not com"arable in the si ht of Allah. and Allah uides not those who do wron . 2(. !hose who belie)e, and suffer e8ile and stri)e with mi ht and main, in Allah.s cause, with their oods and their "ersons, ha)e the hi hest ran# in the si ht of Allah. they are the "eo"le who will achie)e $sal)ation%. 21. !heir &ord doth i)e them lad tidin s of a Mercy from ,imself, of ,is ood "leasure, and of ardens for them, wherein are deli hts that endure0

22. !hey will dwell therein for e)er. >erily in Allah.s "resence is a reward, the reatest $of all%. 23. / ye who belie)e2 ta#e not for "rotectors your fathers and your brothers if they lo)e infidelity abo)e .aith0 if any of you do so, they do wron . 2 . Say0 If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your #indred; the wealth that ye ha)e ained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline0 or the dwellin s in which ye deli ht 5 are dearer to you than Allah, or ,is Messen er, or the stri)in in ,is cause;5 then wait until Allah brin s about ,is decision0 and Allah uides not the rebellious. 2!. Assuredly Allah did hel" you in many battle5fields and on the day of ,unain0 'ehold2 your reat numbers elated you, but they a)ailed you nau ht0 the land, for all that it is wide, did constrain you, and ye turned bac# in retreat. 2". 'ut Allah did "our ,is calm on the Messen er and on the 'elie)ers, and sent down forces which ye saw not0 ,e "unished the *nbelie)ers; thus doth ,e reward those without .aith. 2#. A ain will Allah, after this, turn $in mercy% to whom ,e will0 for Allah is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. 2&. / ye who belie)e2 !ruly the Pa ans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, a""roach the Sacred Mos;ue. And if ye fear "o)erty, soon will Allah enrich you, if ,e wills, out of ,is bounty, for Allah is All5#nowin , All5wise. 2'. .i ht those who belie)e not in Allah nor the &ast Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and ,is Messen er, nor ac#nowled e the reli ion of !ruth, $e)en if they are% of the Peo"le of the 'oo#, until they "ay the Ji6ya with willin submission, and feel themsel)es subdued. 3(. !he Jews call 9*6air a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. !hat is a sayin from their mouth; $in this% they but imitate what the unbelie)ers of old used to say. Allah.s curse be on them0 how they are deluded away from the !ruth2 31. !hey ta#e their "riests and their anchorites to be their lords in dero ation of Allah, and $they ta#e as their &ord% Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worshi" but /ne Allah. there is no od but ,e. Praise and lory to ,im0 $.ar is ,e% from ha)in the "artners they associate $with ,im%. 32. .ain would they e8tin uish Allah.s li ht with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that ,is li ht should be "erfected, e)en thou h the *nbelie)ers may detest $it%. 33. It is ,e (ho hath sent ,is Messen er with uidance and the +eli ion of !ruth, to "roclaim it o)er all reli ion, e)en thou h the Pa ans may detest $it%. 3 . / ye who belie)e2 there are indeed many amon the "riests and anchorites, who in .alsehood de)our the substance of men and hinder $them% from the way of Allah. And there are those who bury old and sil)er and s"end it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most rie)ous "enalty5 3!. /n the Day when heat will be "roduced out of that $wealth% in the fire of ,ell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flan#s, and their bac#s, their flan#s, and their bac#s.5 1!his is the $treasure% which ye buried for yoursel)es0 taste ye, then, the $treasures% ye buried21 3". !he number of months in the si ht of Allah is twel)e $in a year%5 so ordained by ,im the day ,e created the hea)ens and the earth; of them four are sacred0 that is the strai ht usa e. So wron not yoursel)es therein, and fi ht the Pa ans all to ether as they fi ht you all to ether. 'ut #now that Allah is with those who restrain themsel)es.

3#. >erily the trans"osin $of a "rohibited month% is an addition to *nbelief0 the *nbelie)ers are led to wron thereby0 for they ma#e it lawful one year, and forbidden another year, in order to ad-ust the number of months forbidden by Allah and ma#e such forbidden ones lawful. !he e)il of their course seems "leasin to them. 'ut Allah uideth not those who re-ect .aith. 3&. / ye who belie)e2 what is the matter with you, that, when ye are as#ed to o forth in the cause of Allah, ye clin hea)ily to the earth3 Do ye "refer the life of this world to the ,ereafter3 'ut little is the comfort of this life, as com"ared with the ,ereafter. 3'. *nless ye o forth, ,e will "unish you with a rie)ous "enalty, and "ut others in your "lace; but ,im ye would not harm in the least. .or Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. (. If ye hel" not $your leader%, $it is no matter%0 for Allah did indeed hel" him, when the *nbelie)ers dro)e him out0 he had no more than one com"anion; they two were in the ca)e, and he said to his com"anion, 1,a)e no fear, for Allah is with us10 then Allah sent down ,is "eace u"on him, and stren thened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the de"ths the word of the *nbelie)ers. 'ut the word of Allah is e8alted to the hei hts0 for Allah is 78alted in mi ht, (ise. 1. Go ye forth, $whether e;ui""ed% li htly or hea)ily, and stri)e and stru le, with your oods and your "ersons, in the cause of Allah. !hat is best for you, if ye $but% #new. 2. If there had been immediate ain $in si ht%, and the -ourney easy, they would $all% without doubt ha)e followed thee, but the distance was lon , $and wei hed% on them. !hey would indeed swear by Allah, 1If we only could, we should certainly ha)e come out with you10 !hey would destroy their own souls; for Allah doth #now that they are certainly lyin . 3. Allah i)e thee race2 why didst thou rant them until those who told the truth were seen by thee in a clear li ht, and thou hadst "ro)ed the liars3 . !hose who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day as# thee for no e8em"tion from fi htin with their oods and "ersons. And Allah #noweth well those who do their duty. !. /nly those as# thee for e8em"tion who belie)e not in Allah and the &ast Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so that they are tossed in their doubts to and fro. ". If they had intended to come out, they would certainly ha)e made some "re"aration therefor; but Allah was a)erse to their bein sent forth; so ,e made them la behind, and they were told, 1Sit ye amon those who sit $inacti)e%.1 #. If they had come out with you, they would not ha)e added to your $stren th% but only $made for% disorder, hurryin to and fro in your midst and sowin sedition amon you, and there would ha)e been some amon you who would ha)e listened to them. 'ut Allah #noweth well those who do wron . &. Indeed they had "lotted sedition before, and u"set matters for thee, until,5 the !ruth arri)ed, and the Decree of Allah became manifest much to their dis ust. '. Amon them is $many% a man who says0 1Grant me e8em"tion and draw me not into trial.1 ,a)e they not fallen into trial already3 and indeed ,ell surrounds the *nbelie)ers $on all sides%. !(. If ood befalls thee, it rie)es them; but if a misfortune befalls thee, they say, 1(e too# indeed our "recautions beforehand,1 and they turn away re-oicin . !1. Say0 14othin will ha""en to us e8ce"t what Allah has decreed for us0 ,e is our "rotector10 and on Allah let the 'elie)ers "ut their trust.

!2. Say0 1Can you e8"ect for us $any fate% other than one of two lorious thin s5 $Martyrdom or )ictory%3 'ut we can e8"ect for you either that Allah will send his "unishment from ,imself, or by our hands. So wait $e8"ectant%; we too will wait with you.1 !3. Say0 1S"end $for the cause% willin ly or unwillin ly0 not from you will it be acce"ted0 for ye are indeed a "eo"le rebellious and wic#ed.1 ! . !he only reasons why their contributions are not acce"ted are0 that they re-ect Allah and ,is Messen er. that they come to "rayer without earnestness; and that they offer contributions unwillin ly. !!. &et not their wealth nor their $followin in% sons da66le thee0 in reality Allah.s "lan is to "unish them with these thin s in this life, and that their souls may "erish in their $)ery% denial of Allah. !". !hey swear by Allah that they are indeed of you; but they are not of you0 yet they are afraid $to a""ear in their true colours%. !#. If they could find a "lace to flee to, or ca)es, or a "lace of concealment, they would turn strai htaway thereto, with an obstinate rush. !&. And amon them are men who slander thee in the matter of $the distribution of% the alms0 if they are i)en "art thereof, they are "leased, but if not, behold2 they are indi nant2 !'. If only they had been content with what Allah and ,is Messen er a)e them, and had said, 1Sufficient unto us is Allah. Allah and ,is Messen er will soon i)e us of ,is bounty0 to Allah do we turn our ho"es21 $that would ha)e been the ri ht course%. "(. Alms are for the "oor and the needy, and those em"loyed to administer the $funds%; for those whose hearts ha)e been $recently% reconciled $to !ruth%; for those in bonda e and in debt; in the cause of Allah. and for the wayfarer0 $thus is it% ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. "1. Amon them are men who molest the Pro"het and say, 1,e is $all% ear.1 Say, 1,e listens to what is best for you0 he belie)es in Allah, has faith in the 'elie)ers, and is a Mercy to those of you who belie)e.1 'ut those who molest the Messen er will ha)e a rie)ous "enalty. "2. !o you they swear by Allah. In order to "lease you0 'ut it is more fittin that they should "lease Allah and ,is Messen er, if they are 'elie)ers. "3. =now they not that for those who o""ose Allah and ,is Messen er, is the .ire of ,ell35 wherein they shall dwell. !hat is the su"reme dis race. " . !he ,y"ocrites are afraid lest a Sura should be sent down about them, showin them what is $really "assin % in their hearts. Say0 1Moc# ye2 'ut )erily Allah will brin to li ht all that ye fear $should be re)ealed%. "!. If thou dost ;uestion them, they declare $with em"hasis%0 1(e were only tal#in idly and in "lay.1 Say0 1(as it at Allah, and ,is Si ns, and ,is Messen er, that ye were moc#in 31 "". Ma#e ye no e8cuses0 ye ha)e re-ected .aith after ye had acce"ted it. If (e "ardon some of you, (e will "unish others amon st you, for that they are in sin. "#. !he ,y"ocrites, men and women, $ha)e an understandin % with each other0 !hey en-oin e)il, and forbid what is -ust, and are close with their hands. !hey ha)e for otten Allah. so ,e hath for otten them. >erily the ,y"ocrites are rebellious and "er)erse. "&. Allah hath "romised the ,y"ocrites men and women, and the re-ecters, of .aith, the fire of ,ell0 !herein shall they dwell0 Sufficient is it for them0 for them is the curse of Allah, and an endurin "unishment,5

"'. As in the case of those before you0 they were mi htier than you in "ower, and more flourishin in wealth and children. !hey had their en-oyment of their "ortion0 and ye ha)e of yours, as did those before you; and ye indul e in idle tal# as they did. !hey25 their wor# are fruitless in this world and in the ,ereafter, and they will lose $all s"iritual ood%. #(. ,ath not the story reached them of those before them35 the Peo"le of 4oah, and 9Ad, and !hamud; the Peo"le of Abraham, the men of Midian, and the cities o)erthrown. !o them came their a"ostles with clear si ns. It is not Allah (ho wron s them, but they wron their own souls. #1. !he 'elie)ers, men and women, are "rotectors one of another0 they en-oin what is -ust, and forbid what is e)il0 they obser)e re ular "rayers, "ractise re ular charity, and obey Allah and ,is Messen er. /n them will Allah "our ,is mercy0 for Allah is 78alted in "ower, (ise. #2. Allah hath "romised to 'elie)ers, men and women, ardens under which ri)ers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in ardens of e)erlastin bliss. 'ut the reatest bliss is the ood "leasure of Allah. that is the su"reme felicity. #3. / Pro"het2 stri)e hard a ainst the unbelie)ers and the ,y"ocrites, and be firm a ainst them. !heir abode is ,ell,5 an e)il refu e indeed. # . !hey swear by Allah that they said nothin $e)il%, but indeed they uttered blas"hemy, and they did it after acce"tin Islam; and they meditated a "lot which they were unable to carry out0 this re)en e of theirs was $their% only return for the bounty with which Allah and ,is Messen er had enriched them2 If they re"ent, it will be best for them; but if they turn bac# $to their e)il ways%, Allah will "unish them with a rie)ous "enalty in this life and in the ,ereafter0 !hey shall ha)e none on earth to "rotect or hel" them. #!. Amon st them are men who made a co)enant with Allah, that if ,e bestowed on them of ,is bounty, they would i)e $lar ely% in charity, and be truly amon st those who are ri hteous. #". 'ut when ,e did bestow of ,is bounty, they became co)etous, and turned bac# $from their co)enant%, a)erse $from its fulfilment%. ##. So ,e hath "ut as a conse;uence hy"ocrisy into their hearts, $to last% till the Day, whereon they shall meet ,im0 because they bro#e their co)enant with Allah, and because they lied $a ain and a ain%. #&. =now they not that Allah doth #now their secret $thou hts% and their secret counsels, and that Allah #noweth well all thin s unseen3 #'. !hose who slander such of the belie)ers as i)e themsel)es freely to $deeds of% charity, as well as such as can find nothin to i)e e8ce"t the fruits of their labour,5 and throw ridicule on them,5 Allah will throw bac# their ridicule on them0 and they shall ha)e a rie)ous "enalty. &(. (hether thou as# for their for i)eness, or not, $their sin is unfor i)able%0 if thou as# se)enty times for their for i)eness, Allah will not for i)e them0 because they ha)e re-ected Allah and ,is Messen er. and Allah uideth not those who are "er)ersely rebellious. &1. !hose who were left behind $in the !abu# e8"edition% re-oiced in their inaction behind the bac# of the Messen er of Allah. they hated to stri)e and fi ht, with their oods and their "ersons, in the cause of Allah. they said, 1Go not forth in the heat.1 Say, 1!he fire of ,ell is fiercer in heat.1 If only they could understand2 &2. &et them lau h a little0 much will they wee"0 a recom"ense for the $e)il% that they do.

&3. If, then, Allah brin thee bac# to any of them, and they as# thy "ermission to come out $with thee%, say0 14e)er shall ye come out with me, nor fi ht an enemy with me0 for ye "referred to sit inacti)e on the first occasion0 !hen sit ye $now% with those who la behind.1 & . 4or do thou e)er "ray for any of them that dies, nor stand at his ra)e; for they re-ected Allah and ,is Messen er, and died in a state of "er)erse rebellion. &!. 4or let their wealth nor their $followin in% sons da66le thee0 Allah.s "lan is to "unish them with these thin s in this world, and that their souls may "erish in their $)ery% denial of Allah. &". (hen a Sura comes down, en-oinin them to belie)e in Allah and to stri)e and fi ht alon with ,is Messen er, those with wealth and influence amon them as# thee for e8em"tion, and say0 1&ea)e us $behind%0 we would be with those who sit $at home%.1 &#. !hey "refer to be with $the women%, who remain behind $at home%0 their hearts are sealed and so they understand not. &&. 'ut the Messen er, and those who belie)e with him, stri)e and fi ht with their wealth and their "ersons0 for them are $all% ood thin s0 and it is they who will "ros"er. &'. Allah hath "re"ared for them ardens under which ri)ers flow, to dwell therein0 that is the su"reme felicity. '(. And there were, amon the desert Arabs $also%, men who made e8cuses and came to claim e8em"tion; and those who were false to Allah and ,is Messen er $merely% sat inacti)e. Soon will a rie)ous "enalty sei6e the *nbelie)ers amon them. '1. !here is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or who find no resources to s"end $on the cause%, if they are sincere $in duty% to Allah and ,is Messen er. no round $of com"laint% can there be a ainst such as do ri ht0 and Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. '2. 4or $is there blame% on those who came to thee to be "ro)ided with mounts, and when thou saidst, 1I can find no mounts for you,1 they turned bac#, their eyes streamin with tears of rief that they had no resources wherewith to "ro)ide the e8"enses. '3. !he round $of com"laint% is a ainst such as claim e8em"tion while they are rich. !hey "refer to stay with the $women% who remain behind0 Allah hath sealed their hearts; so they #now not $(hat they miss%. ' . !hey will "resent their e8cuses to you when ye return to them. Say thou0 1Present no e8cuses0 we shall not belie)e you0 Allah hath already informed us of the true state of matters concernin you0 It is your actions that Allah and ,is Messen er will obser)e0 in the end will ye be brou ht bac# to ,im (ho #noweth what is hidden and what is o"en0 then will ,e show you the truth of all that ye did.1 '!. !hey will swear to you by Allah, when ye return to them, that ye may lea)e them alone. So lea)e them alone0 .or they are an abomination, and ,ell is their dwellin 5"lace,5a fittin recom"ense for the $e)il% that they did. '". !hey will swear unto you, that ye may be "leased with them but if ye are "leased with them, Allah is not "leased with those who disobey. '#. !he Arabs of the desert are the worst in *nbelief and hy"ocrisy, and most fitted to be in i norance of the command which Allah hath sent down to ,is Messen er. 'ut Allah is All5 #nowin , All5(ise. '&. Some of the desert Arabs loo# u"on their "ayments as a fine, and watch for disasters for you0 on them be the disaster of e)il0 for Allah is ,e !hat heareth and #noweth $all thin s%.

''. 'ut some of the desert Arabs belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, and loo# on their "ayments as "ious ifts brin in them nearer to Allah and obtainin the "rayers of the Messen er. Aye, indeed they brin them nearer $to ,im%0 soon will Allah admit them to ,is Mercy0 for Allah is /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 1((. !he )an uard $of Islam%5 the first of those who forsoo# $their homes% and of those who a)e them aid, and $also% those who follow them in $all% ood deeds,5 well5 "leased is Allah with them, as are they with ,im0 for them hath ,e "re"ared ardens under which ri)ers flow, to dwell therein for e)er0 that is the su"reme felicity. 1(1. Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hy"ocrites, as well as $desert Arabs% amon the Medina fol#0 they are obstinate in hy"ocrisy0 thou #nowest them not0 (e #now them0 twice shall (e "unish them0 and in addition shall they be sent to a rie)ous "enalty. 1(2. /thers $there are who% ha)e ac#nowled ed their wron 5doin s0 they ha)e mi8ed an act that was ood with another that was e)il. Perha"s Allah will turn unto them $in Mercy%0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1(3. /f their oods, ta#e alms, that so thou mi htest "urify and sanctify them; and "ray on their behalf. >erily thy "rayers are a source of security for them0 And Allah is /ne (ho heareth and #noweth. 1( . =now they not that Allah doth acce"t re"entance from ,is )otaries and recei)es their ifts of charity, and that Allah is )erily ,e, the /ft5+eturnin , Most Merciful3 1(!. And say0 1(or# $ri hteousness%0 Soon will Allah obser)e your wor#, and ,is Messen er, and the 'elie)ers0 Soon will ye be brou ht bac# to the #nower of what is hidden and what is o"en0 then will ,e show you the truth of all that ye did.1 1(". !here are $yet% others, held in sus"ense for the command of Allah, whether ,e will "unish them, or turn in mercy to them0 and Allah is All5=nowin , (ise. 1(#. And there are those who "ut u" a mos;ue by way of mischief and infidelity 5 to disunite the 'elie)ers 5 and in "re"aration for one who warred a ainst Allah and ,is Messen er aforetime. !hey will indeed swear that their intention is nothin but ood; 'ut Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars. 1(&. 4e)er stand thou forth therein. !here is a mos;ue whose foundation was laid from the first day on "iety; it is more worthy of the standin forth $for "rayer% therein. In it are men who lo)e to be "urified; and Allah lo)eth those who ma#e themsel)es "ure. 1('. (hich then is best3 5 he that layeth his foundation on "iety to Allah and ,is ood "leasure3 5 or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand5cliff ready to crumble to "ieces3 and it doth crumble to "ieces with him, into the fire of ,ell. And Allah uideth not "eo"le that do wron . 11(. !he foundation of those who so build is ne)er free from sus"icion and sha#iness in their hearts, until their hearts are cut to "ieces. And Allah is All5=nowin , (ise. 111. Allah hath "urchased of the belie)ers their "ersons and their oods; for theirs $in return% is the arden $of Paradise%0 they fi ht in ,is cause, and slay and are slain0 a "romise bindin on ,im in truth, throu h the &aw, the Gos"el, and the <ur9an0 and who is more faithful to his co)enant than Allah. then re-oice in the bar ain which ye ha)e concluded0 that is the achie)ement su"reme. 112. !hose that turn $to Allah. in re"entance; that ser)e ,im, and "raise ,im; that wander in de)otion to the cause of Allah,0 that bow down and "rostrate themsel)es in "rayer; that en-oin ood and forbid e)il; and obser)e the limit set by Allah.5 $!hese do re-oice%. So "roclaim the lad tidin s to the 'elie)ers.

113. It is not fittin , for the Pro"het and those who belie)e, that they should "ray for for i)eness for Pa ans, e)en thou h they be of #in, after it is clear to them that they are com"anions of the .ire. 11 . And Abraham "rayed for his father9s for i)eness only because of a "romise he had made to him. 'ut when it became clear to him that he was an enemy to Allah, he dissociated himself from him0 for Abraham was most tender5hearted, forbearin . 11!. And Allah will not mislead a "eo"le after ,e hath uided them, in order that ,e may ma#e clear to them what to fear $and a)oid%5 for Allah hath #nowled e of all thin s. 11". *nto Allah belon eth the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth. ,e i)eth life and ,e ta#eth it. 78ce"t for ,im ye ha)e no "rotector nor hel"er. 11#. Allah turned with fa)our to the Pro"het, the Muha-irs, and the Ansar,5 who followed him in a time of distress, after that the hearts of a "art of them had nearly swer)ed $from duty%; but ,e turned to them $also%0 for ,e is unto them Most =ind, Most Merciful. 11&. $,e turned in mercy also% to the three who were left behind; $they felt uilty% to such a de ree that the earth seemed constrained to them, for all its s"aciousness, and their $)ery% souls seemed straitened to them,5 and they "ercei)ed that there is no fleein from Allah $and no refu e% but to ,imself. !hen ,e turned to them, that they mi ht re"ent0 for Allah is /ft5 +eturnin , Most Merciful. 11'. / ye who belie)e2 .ear Allah and be with those who are true $in word and deed%. 12(. It was not fittin for the "eo"le of Medina and the 'edouin Arabs of the nei hbourhood, to refuse to follow Allah.s Messen er, nor to "refer their own li)es to his0 because nothin could they suffer or do, but was rec#oned to their credit as a deed of ri hteousness,5 whether they suffered thirst, or fati ue, or hun er, in the cause of Allah, or trod "aths to raise the ire of the *nbelie)ers, or recei)ed any in-ury whate)er from an enemy0 for Allah suffereth not the reward to be lost of those who do ood;5 121. 4or could they s"end anythin $for the cause% 5 small or reat5 nor cut across a )alley, but the deed is inscribed to their credit0 that Allah may re;uite their deed with the best $"ossible reward%. 122. 4or should the 'elie)ers all o forth to ether0 if a contin ent from e)ery e8"edition remained behind, they could de)ote themsel)es to studies in reli ion, and admonish the "eo"le when they return to them,5 that thus they $may learn% to uard themsel)es $a ainst e)il%. 123. / ye who belie)e2 fi ht the unbelie)ers who ird you about, and let them find firmness in you0 and #now that Allah is with those who fear ,im. 12 . (hene)er there cometh down a sura, some of them say0 1(hich of you has had ,is faith increased by it31 :ea, those who belie)e,5 their faith is increased and they do re-oice. 12!. 'ut those in whose hearts is a disease,5 it will add doubt to their doubt, and they will die in a state of *nbelief. 12". See they not that they are tried e)ery year once or twice3 :et they turn not in re"entance, and they ta#e no heed. 12#. (hene)er there cometh down a Sura, they loo# at each other, $sayin %, 1Doth anyone see you31 !hen they turn aside0 Allah hath turned their hearts $from the li ht%; for they are a "eo"le that understand not. 12&. 4ow hath come unto you an Messen er from amon st yoursel)es0 it rie)es him that ye should "erish0 ardently an8ious is he o)er you0 to the 'elie)ers is he most #ind and merciful.

12'. 'ut if they turn away, Say0 1$Allah% sufficeth me0 there is no od but ,e0 /n ,im is my trust,5 ,e the &ord of the !hrone $of Glory% Su"reme21

Surah 1(. 7onah

1. A.&.+. !hese are the ayats of the 'oo# of (isdom. 2. Is it a matter of wonderment to men that (e ha)e sent /ur ins"iration to a man from amon themsel)es35 that he should warn man#ind $of their dan er%, and i)e the ood news to the 'elie)ers that they ha)e before their &ord the lofty ran# of truth. $'ut% say the *nbelie)ers0 1!his is indeed an e)ident sorcerer21 3. >erily your &ord is Allah, who created the hea)ens and the earth in si8 days, and is firmly established on the throne $of authority%, re ulatin and o)ernin all thin s. 4o intercessor $can "lead with ,im% e8ce"t after ,is lea)e $hath been obtained%. !his is Allah your &ord; ,im therefore ser)e ye0 will ye not recei)e admonition3 . !o ,im will be your return5 of all of you. !he "romise of Allah is true and sure. It is ,e (ho be inneth the "rocess of creation, and re"eateth it, that ,e may reward with -ustice those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness; but those who re-ect ,im will ha)e drau hts of boilin fluids, and a "enalty rie)ous, because they did re-ect ,im. !. It is ,e (ho made the sun to be a shinin lory and the moon to be a li ht $of beauty%, and measured out sta es for her; that ye mi ht #now the number of years and the count $of time%. 4owise did Allah create this but in truth and ri hteousness. $!hus% doth ,e e8"lain ,is Si ns in detail, for those who understand. ". >erily, in the alternation of the ni ht and the day, and in all that Allah hath created, in the hea)ens and the earth, are si ns for those who fear ,im. #. !hose who rest not their ho"e on their meetin with *s, but are "leased and satisfied with the life of the "resent, and those who heed not /ur Si ns,5 &. !heir abode is the .ire, because of the $e)il% they earned. '. !hose who belie)e, and wor# ri hteousness,5 their &ord will uide them because of their faith0 beneath them will flow ri)ers in ardens of bliss. 1(. $!his will be% their cry therein0 1Glory to !hee, / Allah.1 And 1Peace1 will be their reetin therein2 and the close of their cry will be0 1Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds21 11. If Allah were to hasten for men the ill $they ha)e earned% as they would fain hasten on the ood,5 then would their res"ite be settled at once. 'ut (e lea)e those who rest not their ho"e on their meetin with *s, in their tres"asses, wanderin in distraction to and fro. 12. (hen trouble toucheth a man, ,e crieth unto *s $in all "ostures%5 lyin down on his side, or sittin , or standin . 'ut when (e ha)e sol)ed his trouble, he "asseth on his way as if he had ne)er cried to *s for a trouble that touched him2 thus do the deeds of trans ressors seem fair in their eyes2 13. Generations before you (e destroyed when they did wron 0 their a"ostles came to them with clear5si ns, but they would not belie)e2 thus do (e re;uite those who sin2 1 . !hen (e made you heirs in the land after them, to see how ye would beha)e2 1!. 'ut when /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed unto them, those who rest not their ho"e on their meetin with *s, Say0 1'rin us a readin other than this, or chan e this,1 Say0 1It is not for

me, of my own accord, to chan e it0 I follow nau ht but what is re)ealed unto me0 if I were to disobey my &ord, I should myself fear the "enalty of a Great Day $to come%.1 1". Say0 1If Allah had so willed, I should not ha)e rehearsed it to you, nor would ,e ha)e made it #nown to you. A whole life5time before this ha)e I tarried amon st you0 will ye not then understand31 1#. (ho doth more wron than such as for e a lie a ainst Allah, or deny ,is Si ns3 'ut ne)er will "ros"er those who sin. 1&. !hey ser)e, besides Allah, thin s that hurt them not nor "rofit them, and they say0 1!hese are our intercessors with Allah.1 Say0 1Do ye indeed inform Allah of somethin ,e #nows not, in the hea)ens or on earth35 Glory to ,im2 and far is ,e abo)e the "artners they ascribe $to ,im%21 1'. Man#ind was but one nation, but differed $later%. ,ad it not been for a word that went forth before from thy &ord, their differences would ha)e been settled between them. 2(. !hey say0 1(hy is not a si n sent down to him from his &ord31 Say0 1!he *nseen is only for Allah $to #now%, then wait ye0 I too will wait with you.1 21. (hen (e ma#e man#ind taste of some mercy after ad)ersity hath touched them, behold2 they ta#e to "lottin a ainst /ur Si ns2 Say0 1Swifter to "lan is Allah.1 >erily, /ur messen ers record all the "lots that ye ma#e2 22. ,e it is (ho enableth you to tra)erse throu h land and sea; so that ye e)en board shi"s;5 they sail with them with a fa)ourable wind, and they re-oice thereat; then comes a stormy wind and the wa)es come to them from all sides, and they thin# they are bein o)erwhelmed0 they cry unto Allah, sincerely offerin $their% duty unto ,im sayin , 1If thou dost deli)er us from this, we shall truly show our ratitude21 23. 'ut when he deli)ereth them, behold2 they trans ress insolently throu h the earth in defiance of ri ht2 / man#ind2 your insolence is a ainst your own souls,5 an en-oyment of the life of the "resent0 in the end, to *s is your return, and (e shall show you the truth of all that ye did. 2 . !he li#eness of the life of the "resent is as the rain which (e send down from the s#ies0 by its min lin arises the "roduce of the earth5 which "ro)ides food for men and animals0 $It rows% till the earth is clad with its olden ornaments and is dec#ed out $in beauty%0 the "eo"le to whom it belon s thin# they ha)e all "owers of dis"osal o)er it0 !here reaches it /ur command by ni ht or by day, and (e ma#e it li#e a har)est clean5mown, as if it had not flourished only the day before2 thus do (e e8"lain the Si ns in detail for those who reflect. 2!. 'ut Allah doth call to the ,ome of Peace0 ,e doth uide whom ,e "leaseth to a way that is strai ht. 2". !o those who do ri ht is a oodly $reward%5 :ea, more $than in measure%2 4o dar#ness nor shame shall co)er their faces2 they are com"anions of the arden; they will abide therein $for aye%2 2#. 'ut those who ha)e earned e)il will ha)e a reward of li#e e)il0 i nominy will co)er their $faces%0 4o defender will they ha)e from $the wrath of% Allah. !heir faces will be co)ered, as it were, with "ieces from the de"th of the dar#ness of ni ht0 they are com"anions of the .ire0 they will abide therein $for aye%2 2&. /ne day shall (e ather them all to ether. !hen shall (e say to those who -oined ods $with *s%0 1!o your "lace2 ye and those ye -oined as 9"artners9 (e shall se"arate them, and their 1Partners1 shall say0 1It was not us that ye worshi""ed2

2'. 17nou h is Allah for a witness between us and you0 we certainly #new nothin of your worshi" of us21 3(. !here will e)ery soul "ro)e $the fruits of% the deeds it sent before0 they will be brou ht bac# to Allah their ri htful &ord, and their in)ented falsehoods will lea)e them in the lurch. 31. Say0 1(ho is it that sustains you $in life% from the s#y and from the earth3 or who is it that has "ower o)er hearin and si ht3 And who is it that brin s out the li)in from the dead and the dead from the li)in 3 and who is it that rules and re ulates all affairs31 !hey will soon say, 1$Allah%1. Say, 1will ye not then show "iety $to ,im%31 32. Such is Allah, your real Cherisher and Sustainer0 a"art from truth, what $remains% but error3 ,ow then are ye turned away3 33. !hus is the word of thy &ord "ro)ed true a ainst those who rebel0 >erily they will not belie)e. 3 . Say0 1/f your 9"artners9, can any ori inate creation and re"eat it31 Say0 1It is Allah (ho ori inates creation and re"eats it0 then how are ye deluded away $from the truth%31 3!. Say0 1/f your 9"artners9 is there any that can i)e any uidance towards truth31 Say0 1It is Allah (ho i)es uidance towards truth, is then ,e (ho i)es uidance to truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not uidance $himself% unless he is uided3 what then is the matter with you3 ,ow -ud e ye31 3". 'ut most of them follow nothin but fancy0 truly fancy can be of no a)ail a ainst truth. >erily Allah is well aware of all that they do. 3#. !his <ur9an is not such as can be "roduced by other than Allah. on the contrary it is a confirmation of $re)elations% that went before it, and a fuller e8"lanation of the 'oo# 5 wherein there is no doubt 5 from the &ord of the worlds. 3&. /r do they say, 1,e for ed it13 say0 1'rin then a Sura li#e unto it, and call $to your aid% anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye s"ea# the truth21 3'. 4ay, they char e with falsehood that whose #nowled e they cannot com"ass, e)en before the elucidation thereof hath reached them0 thus did those before them ma#e char es of falsehood0 but see what was the end of those who did wron 2 (. /f them there are some who belie)e therein, and some who do not0 and thy &ord #noweth best those who are out for mischief. 1. If they char e thee with falsehood, say0 1My wor# to me, and yours to you2 ye are free from res"onsibility for what I do, and I for what ye do21 2. Amon them are some who $"retend to% listen to thee0 'ut canst thou ma#e the deaf to hear,5 e)en thou h they are without understandin 3 3. And amon them are some who loo# at thee0 but canst thou uide the blind,5 e)en thou h they will not see3 . >erily Allah will not deal un-ustly with man in au ht0 It is man that wron s his own soul. !. /ne day ,e will ather them to ether0 $It will be% as if they had tarried but an hour of a day0 they will reco nise each other0 assuredly those will be lost who denied the meetin with Allah and refused to recei)e true uidance. ". (hether (e show thee $realised in thy life5time% some "art of what (e "romise them,5 or (e ta#e thy soul $to /ur Mercy% $'efore that%,5 in any case, to *s is their return0 ultimately Allah is witness, to all that they do.

#. !o e)ery "eo"le $was sent% an a"ostle0 when their a"ostle comes $before them%, the matter will be -ud ed between them with -ustice, and they will not be wron ed. &. !hey say0 1(hen will this "romise come to "ass,5 if ye s"ea# the truth31 '. Say0 1I ha)e no "ower o)er any harm or "rofit to myself e8ce"t as Allah willeth. !o e)ery "eo"le is a term a""ointed0 when their term is reached, not an hour can they cause delay, nor $an hour% can they ad)ance $it in antici"ation%.1 !(. Say0 1Do ye see,5 if ,is "unishment should come to you by ni ht or by day,5 what "ortion of it would the sinners wish to hasten3 !1. 1(ould ye then belie)e in it at last, when it actually cometh to "ass3 $It will then be said%0 9Ah2 now3 and ye wanted $aforetime% to hasten it on29 !2. 1At len th will be said to the wron 5doers0 9!aste ye the endurin "unishment2 ye et but the recom"ense of what ye earned291 !3. !hey see# to be informed by thee0 1Is that true31 Say0 1Aye2 by my &ord2 it is the )ery truth2 and ye cannot frustrate it21 ! . 7)ery soul that hath sinned, if it "ossessed all that is on earth, would fain i)e it in ransom0 !hey would declare $their% re"entance when they see the "enalty0 but the -ud ment between them will be with -ustice, and no wron will be done unto them. !!. Is it not $the case% that to Allah belon eth whate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth3 Is it not $the case% that Allah.s "romise is assuredly true3 :et most of them understand not. !". It is ,e (ho i)eth life and who ta#eth it, and to ,im shall ye all be brou ht bac#. !#. / man#ind2 there hath come to you a direction from your &ord and a healin for the $diseases% in your hearts,5 and for those who belie)e, a uidance and a Mercy. !&. Say0 1In the bounty of Allah. And in ,is Mercy,5 in that let them re-oice10 that is better than the $wealth% they hoard. !'. Say0 1See ye what thin s Allah hath sent down to you for sustenance3 :et ye hold forbidden some thin s thereof and $some thin s% lawful.1 Say0 1,ath Allah indeed "ermitted you, or do ye in)ent $thin s% to attribute to Allah.1 "(. And what thin# those who in)ent lies a ainst Allah, of the Day of Jud ment3 >erily Allah is full of bounty to man#ind, but most of them are un rateful. "1. In whate)er business thou mayest be, and whate)er "ortion thou mayest be recitin from the <ur9an,5 and whate)er deed ye $man#ind% may be doin ,5 (e are witnesses thereof when ye are dee"ly en rossed therein. 4or is hidden from thy &ord $so much as% the wei ht of an atom on the earth or in hea)en. And not the least and not the reatest of these thin s but are recorded in a clear record. "2. 'ehold2 )erily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they rie)e; "3. !hose who belie)e and $constantly% uard a ainst e)il;5 " . .or them are lad tidin s, in the life of the "resent and in the ,ereafter; no chan e can there be in the words of Allah. !his is indeed the su"reme felicity. "!. &et not their s"eech rie)e thee0 for all "ower and honour belon to Allah. It is ,e (ho heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. "". 'ehold2 )erily to Allah belon all creatures, in the hea)ens and on earth. (hat do they follow who worshi" as ,is 1"artners1 other than Allah. !hey follow nothin but fancy, and they do nothin but lie.

"#. ,e it is !hat hath made you the ni ht that ye may rest therein, and the day to ma#e thin s )isible $to you%. >erily in this are si ns for those who listen $to ,is Messa e%. "&. !hey say0 1$Allah% hath be otten a son21 5 Glory be to ,im2 ,e is self5 sufficient2 ,is are all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth2 4o warrant ha)e ye for this2 say ye about Allah what ye #now not3 "'. Say0 1!hose who in)ent a lie a ainst Allah will ne)er "ros"er.1 #(. A little en-oyment in this world25 and then, to *s will be their return, then shall (e ma#e them taste the se)erest "enalty for their blas"hemies. #1. +elate to them the story of 4oah. 'ehold2 he said to his "eo"le0 1/ my "eo"le, if it be hard on your $mind% that I should stay $with you% and commemorate the si ns of Allah,5 yet I "ut my trust in Allah. Get ye then an a reement about your "lan and amon your "artners, so your "lan be on to you dar# and dubious. !hen "ass your sentence on me, and i)e me no res"ite. #2. 1'ut if ye turn bac#, $consider%0 no reward ha)e I as#ed of you0 my reward is only due from Allah, and I ha)e been commanded to be of those who submit to Allah.s will $in Islam%.1 #3. !hey re-ected ,im, but (e deli)ered him, and those with him, in the Ar#, and (e made them inherit $the earth%, while (e o)erwhelmed in the flood those who re-ected /ur Si ns. !hen see what was the end of those who were warned $but heeded not%2 # . !hen after him (e sent $many% a"ostles to their "eo"les0 they brou ht them Clear Si ns, but they would not belie)e what they had already re-ected beforehand. !hus do (e seal the hearts of the trans ressors. #!. !hen after them sent (e Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with /ur Si ns. 'ut they were arro ant0 they were a "eo"le in sin. #". (hen the !ruth did come to them from *s, they said0 1!his is indeed e)ident sorcery21 ##. Said Moses0 1Say ye $this% about the truth when it hath $actually% reached you3 Is sorcery $li#e% this3 'ut sorcerers will not "ros"er.1 #&. !hey said0 1,ast thou come to us to turn us away from the ways we found our fathers followin ,5 in order that thou and thy brother may ha)e reatness in the land3 'ut not we shall belie)e in you21 #'. Said Pharaoh0 1'rin me e)ery sorcerer well )ersed.1 &(. (hen the sorcerers came, Moses said to them0 1!hrow ye what ye $wish% to throw21 &1. (hen they had had their throw, Moses said0 1(hat ye ha)e brou ht is sorcery0 Allah will surely ma#e it of no effect0 for Allah "ros"ereth not the wor# of those who ma#e mischief. &2. 1And Allah by ,is words doth "ro)e and establish ,is truth, howe)er much the sinners may hate it21 &3. 'ut none belie)ed in Moses e8ce"t some children of his "eo"le, because of the fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, lest they should "ersecute them; and certainly Pharaoh was mi hty on the earth and one who trans ressed all bounds. & . Moses said0 1/ my "eo"le2 If ye do $really% belie)e in Allah, then in ,im "ut your trust if ye submit $your will to ,is%.1 &!. !hey said0 1In Allah do we "ut out trust. /ur &ord2 ma#e us not a trial for those who "ractise o""ression; &". 1And deli)er us by !hy Mercy from those who re-ect $!hee%.1

&#. (e ins"ired Moses and his brother with this Messa e0 1Pro)ide dwellin s for your "eo"le in 7 y"t, ma#e your dwellin s into "laces of worshi", and establish re ular "rayers0 and i)e lad tidin s to those who belie)e21 &&. Moses "rayed0 1/ur &ord2 !hou hast indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his chiefs s"lendour and wealth in the life of the "resent, and so, /ur &ord, they mislead $men% from !hy Path. Deface our &ord, the features of their wealth, and send hardness to their hearts, so they will not belie)e until they see the rie)ous "enalty.1 &'. Allah said0 1Acce"ted is your "rayer $/ Moses and Aaron%2 So stand ye strai ht, and follow not the "ath of those who #now not.1 '(. (e too# the Children of Israel across the sea0 Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and s"ite. At len th, when o)erwhelmed with the flood, he said0 1I belie)e that there is no od e8ce"t ,im (hom the Children of Israel belie)e in0 I am of those who submit $to Allah in Islam%.1 '1. $It was said to him%0 1Ah now25 'ut a little while before, wast thou in rebellion25 and thou didst mischief $and )iolence%2 '2. 1!his day shall (e sa)e thee in the body, that thou mayest be a si n to those who come after thee2 but )erily, many amon man#ind are heedless of /ur Si ns21 '3. (e settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwellin 5"lace, and "ro)ided for them sustenance of the best0 it was after #nowled e had been ranted to them, that they fell into schisms. >erily Allah will -ud e between them as to the schisms amon st them, on the Day of Jud ment. ' . If thou wert in doubt as to what (e ha)e re)ealed unto thee, then as# those who ha)e been readin the 'oo# from before thee0 the !ruth hath indeed come to thee from thy &ord0 so be in no wise of those in doubt. '!. 4or be of those who re-ect the si ns of Allah, or thou shalt be of those who "erish. '". !hose a ainst whom the word of thy &ord hath been )erified would not belie)e5 '#. 7)en if e)ery Si n was brou ht unto them,5 until they see $for themsel)es% the "enalty rie)ous. '&. (hy was there not a sin le townshi" $amon those (e warned%, which belie)ed,5 so its faith should ha)e "rofited it,5 e8ce"t the "eo"le of Jonah3 (hen they belie)ed, (e remo)ed from them the "enalty of i nominy in the life of the "resent, and "ermitted them to en-oy $their life% for a while. ''. If it had been thy &ord9s will, they would all ha)e belie)ed,5 all who are on earth2 wilt thou then com"el man#ind, a ainst their will, to belie)e2 1((. 4o soul can belie)e, e8ce"t by the will of Allah, and ,e will "lace doubt $or obscurity% on those who will not understand. 1(1. Say0 1'ehold all that is in the hea)ens and on earth1; but neither Si ns nor (arners "rofit those who belie)e not. 1(2. Do they then e8"ect $any thin % but $what ha""ened in% the days of the men who "assed away before them3 Say0 1(ait ye then0 for I, too, will wait with you.1 1(3. In the end (e deli)er /ur a"ostles and those who belie)e0 !hus is it fittin on /ur "art that (e should deli)er those who belie)e2

1( . Say0 1/ ye men2 If ye are in doubt as to my reli ion, $behold2% I worshi" not what ye worshi", other than Allah. 'ut I worshi" Allah 5 (ho will ta#e your souls $at death%0 I am commanded to be $in the ran#s% of the 'elie)ers, 1(!. 1And further $thus%0 9set thy face towards reli ion with true "iety, and ne)er in any wise be of the *nbelie)ers; 1(". 194or call on any, other than Allah.5 Such will neither "rofit thee nor hurt thee0 if thou dost, behold2 thou shalt certainly be of those who do wron .91 1(#. If Allah do touch thee with hurt, there is none can remo)e it but ,e0 if ,e do desi n some benefit for thee, there is none can #ee" bac# ,is fa)our0 ,e causeth it to reach whomsoe)er of ,is ser)ants ,e "leaseth. And ,e is the /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1(&. Say0 1/ ye men2 4ow !ruth hath reached you from your &ord2 those who recei)e uidance, do so for the ood of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss0 and I am not $set% o)er you to arran e your affairs.1 1('. .ollow thou the ins"iration sent unto thee, and be "atient and constant, till Allah do decide0 for ,e is the best to decide.

Surah 11. Hu1

1. A. &. +. $!his is% a 'oo#, with )erses basic or fundamental $of established meanin %, further e8"lained in detail,5 from /ne (ho is (ise and (ell5ac;uainted $with all thin s%0 2. $It teacheth% that ye should worshi" none but Allah. $Say%0 1>erily I am $sent% unto you from ,im to warn and to brin lad tidin s0 3. 1$And to "reach thus%, 9See# ye the for i)eness of your &ord, and turn to ,im in re"entance; that ,e may rant you en-oyment, ood $and true%, for a term a""ointed, and bestow ,is aboundin race on all who abound in merit2 'ut if ye turn away, then I fear for you the "enalty of a reat day0 . 9!o Allah is your return, and ,e hath "ower o)er all thin s.91 !. 'ehold2 they fold u" their hearts, that they may lie hid from ,im2 Ah e)en when they co)er themsel)es with their arments, ,e #noweth what they conceal, and what they re)eal0 for ,e #noweth well the $inmost secrets% of the hearts. ". !here is no mo)in creature on earth but its sustenance de"endeth on Allah. ,e #noweth the time and "lace of its definite abode and its tem"orary de"osit0 All is in a clear +ecord. #. ,e it is (ho created the hea)ens and the earth in si8 Days 5 and ,is !hrone was o)er the waters 5 that ,e mi ht try you, which of you is best in conduct. 'ut if thou wert to say to them, 1:e shall indeed be raised u" after death1, the *nbelie)ers would be sure to say, 1!his is nothin but ob)ious sorcery21 &. If (e delay the "enalty for them for a definite term, they are sure to say, 1(hat #ee"s it bac#31 Ah2 /n the day it $actually% reaches them, nothin will turn it away from them, and they will be com"letely encircled by that which they used to moc# at2 '. If (e i)e man a taste of Mercy from /ursel)es, and then withdraw it from him, behold2 he is in des"air and $falls into% blas"hemy. 1(. 'ut if (e i)e him a taste of $/ur% fa)ours after ad)ersity hath touched him, he is sure to say, 1All e)il has de"arted from me01 'ehold2 he falls into e8ultation and "ride. 11. 4ot so do those who show "atience and constancy, and wor# ri hteousness; for them is for i)eness $of sins% and a reat reward.

12. Perchance thou mayest $feel the inclination% to i)e u" a "art of what is re)ealed unto thee, and thy heart feeleth straitened lest they say, 1(hy is not a treasure sent down unto him, or why does not an an el come down with him31 'ut thou art there only to warn2 It is Allah that arran eth all affairs2 13. /r they may say, 1,e for ed it,1 Say, 1'rin ye then ten suras for ed, li#e unto it, and call $to your aid% whomsoe)er ye can, other than Allah.5 If ye s"ea# the truth2 1 . 1If then they $your false ods% answer not your $call%, #now ye that this re)elation is sent down $re"lete% with the #nowled e of Allah, and that there is no od but ,e2 will ye e)en then submit $to Islam%31 1!. !hose who desire the life of the "resent and its litter,5 to them we shall "ay $the "rice of% their deeds therein,5 without diminution. 1". !hey are those for whom there is nothin in the ,ereafter but the .ire0 )ain are the desi ns they frame therein, and of no effect and the deeds that they do2 1#. Can they be $li#e% those who acce"t a Clear $Si n% from their &ord, and whom a witness from ,imself doth teach, as did the 'oo# of Moses before it,5 a uide and a mercy3 !hey belie)e therein; but those of the Sects that re-ect it,5 the .ire will be their "romised meetin 5 "lace. 'e not then in doubt thereon0 for it is the truth from thy &ord0 yet many amon men do not belie)e2 1&. (ho doth more wron than those who in)ent a lie a ainst Allah. !hey will be turned bac# to the "resence of their &ord, and the witnesses will say, 1!hese are the ones who lied a ainst their &ord2 'ehold2 the Curse of Allah is on those who do wron 25 1'. 1!hose who would hinder $men% from the "ath of Allah and would see# in it somethin croo#ed0 these were they who denied the ,ereafter21 2(. !hey will in no way frustrate $,is desi n% on earth, nor ha)e they "rotectors besides Allah. !heir "enalty will be doubled2 !hey lost the "ower to hear, and they did not see2 21. !hey are the ones who ha)e lost their own souls0 and the $fancies% they in)ented ha)e left them in the lurch2 22. (ithout a doubt, these are the )ery ones who will lose most in the ,ereafter2 23. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, and humble themsel)es before their &ord,5 !hey will be com"anions of the ardens, to dwell therein for aye2 2 . !hese two #inds $of men% may be com"ared to the blind and deaf, and those who can see and hear well. Are they e;ual when com"ared3 (ill ye not then ta#e heed3 2!. (e sent 4oah to his "eo"le $with a mission%0 1I ha)e come to you with a Clear (arnin 0 2". 1!hat ye ser)e none but Allah. >erily I do fear for you the "enalty of a rie)ous day.1 2#. 'ut the chiefs of the *nbelie)ers amon his "eo"le said0 1(e see $in% thee nothin but a man li#e oursel)es0 4or do we see that any follow thee but the meanest amon us, in -ud ment immature0 4or do we see in you $all% any merit abo)e us0 in fact we thin ye are liars21 2&. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 See ye if $it be that% I ha)e a Clear Si n from my &ord, and that ,e hath sent Mercy unto me from ,is own "resence, but that the Mercy hath been obscured from your si ht3 shall we com"el you to acce"t it when ye are a)erse to it3 2'. 1And / my "eo"le2 I as# you for no wealth in return0 my reward is from none but Allah. 'ut I will not dri)e away $in contem"t% those who belie)e0 for )erily they are to meet their &ord, and ye I see are the i norant ones2

3(. 1And / my "eo"le2 who would hel" me a ainst Allah if I dro)e them away3 (ill ye not then ta#e heed3 31. 1I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I #now what is hidden, nor claim I to be an an el. 4or yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do des"ise that Allah will not rant them $all% that is ood0 Allah #noweth best what is in their souls0 I should, if I did, indeed be a wron 5doer.1 32. !hey said0 1/ 4oah2 thou hast dis"uted with us, and $much% hast thou "rolon ed the dis"ute with us0 now brin u"on us what thou threatenest us with, if thou s"ea#est the truth231 33. ,e said0 1!ruly, Allah will brin it on you if ,e wills,5 and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it2 3 . 1/f no "rofit will be my counsel to you, much as I desire to i)e you $ ood% counsel, if it be that Allah willeth to lea)e you astray0 ,e is your &ord2 and to ,im will ye return21 3!. /r do they say, 1,e has for ed it13 Say0 1If I had for ed it, on me were my sin2 and I am free of the sins of which ye are uilty2 3". It was re)ealed to 4oah0 14one of thy "eo"le will belie)e e8ce"t those who ha)e belie)ed already2 So rie)e no lon er o)er their $e)il% deeds. 3#. 1'ut construct an Ar# under /ur eyes and /ur ins"iration, and address Me no $further% on behalf of those who are in sin0 for they are about to be o)erwhelmed $in the .lood%.1 3&. .orthwith he $starts% constructin the Ar#0 7)ery time that the chiefs of his "eo"le "assed by him, they threw ridicule on him. ,e said0 1If ye ridicule us now, we $in our turn% can loo# down on you with ridicule li#ewise2 3'. 1'ut soon will ye #now who it is on whom will descend a "enalty that will co)er them with shame,5 on whom will be unloosed a "enalty lastin 01 (. At len th, behold2 there came /ur command, and the fountains of the earth ushed forth2 (e said0 17mbar# therein, of each #ind two, male and female, and your family 5 e8ce"t those a ainst whom the word has already one forth,5 and the 'elie)ers.1 but only a few belie)ed with him. 1. So he said0 17mbar# ye on the Ar#, In the name of Allah, whether it mo)e or be at rest2 .or my &ord is, be sure, /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful21 2. So the Ar# floated with them on the wa)es $towerin % li#e mountains, and 4oah called out to his son, who had se"arated himself $from the rest%0 1/ my son2 embar# with us, and be not with the unbelie)ers21 3. !he son re"lied0 1I will beta#e myself to some mountain0 it will sa)e me from the water.1 4oah said0 1!his day nothin can sa)e, from the command of Allah, any but those on whom ,e hath mercy2 1And the wa)es came between them, and the son was amon those o)erwhelmed in the .lood. . !hen the word went forth0 1/ earth2 swallow u" thy water, and / s#y2 (ithhold $thy rain%21 and the water abated, and the matter was ended. !he Ar# rested on Mount Judi, and the word went forth0 1Away with those who do wron 21 !. And 4oah called u"on his &ord, and said0 1/ my &ord2 surely my son is of my family2 and !hy "romise is true, and !hou art the -ustest of Jud es21 ". ,e said0 1/ 4oah2 ,e is not of thy family0 .or his conduct is unri hteous. So as# not of Me that of which thou hast no #nowled e2 I i)e thee counsel, lest thou act li#e the i norant21

#. 4oah said0 1/ my &ord2 I do see# refu e with !hee, lest I as# !hee for that of which I ha)e no #nowled e. And unless thou for i)e me and ha)e Mercy on me, I should indeed be lost21 &. !he word came0 1/ 4oah2 Come down $from the Ar#% with "eace from *s, and blessin on thee and on some of the "eo"les $who will s"rin % from those with thee0 but $there will be other% "eo"les to whom (e shall rant their "leasures $for a time%, but in the end will a rie)ous "enalty reach them from *s.1 '. Such are some of the stories of the unseen, which (e ha)e re)ealed unto thee0 before this, neither thou nor thy "eo"le #new them. So "erse)ere "atiently0 for the 7nd is for those who are ri hteous. !(. !o the 9Ad Peo"le $(e sent% ,ud, one of their own brethren. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im. $:our other ods% ye do nothin but in)ent2 !1. 1/ my "eo"le2 I as# of you no reward for this $Messa e%. My reward is from none but ,im who created me0 (ill ye not then understand3 !2. 1And / my "eo"le2 As# for i)eness of your &ord, and turn to ,im $in re"entance%0 ,e will send you the s#ies "ourin abundant rain, and add stren th to your stren th0 so turn ye not bac# in sin21 !3. !hey said0 1/ ,ud2 4o Clear $Si n% that hast thou brou ht us, and we are not the ones to desert our ods on thy word2 4or shall we belie)e in thee2 ! . 1(e say nothin but that $"erha"s% some of our ods may ha)e sei6ed thee with imbecility.1 ,e said0 1I call Allah to witness, and do ye bear witness, that I am free from the sin of ascribin , to ,im, !!. 1/ther ods as "artners2 so scheme $your worst% a ainst me, all of you, and i)e me no res"ite. !". 1I "ut my trust in Allah, My &ord and your &ord2 !here is not a mo)in creature, but ,e hath ras" of its fore5loc#. >erily, it is my &ord that is on a strai ht Path. !#. 1If ye turn away,5 I $at least% ha)e con)eyed the Messa e with which I was sent to you. My &ord will ma#e another "eo"le to succeed you, and you will not harm ,im in the least. .or my &ord hath care and watch o)er all thin s.1 !&. So when /ur decree issued, (e sa)ed ,ud and those who belie)ed with him, by $s"ecial% Grace from /ursel)es0 (e sa)ed them from a se)ere "enalty. !'. Such were the 9Ad Peo"le0 they re-ected the Si ns of their &ord and Cherisher; disobeyed ,is a"ostles; And followed the command of e)ery "owerful, obstinate trans ressor. "(. And they were "ursued by a Curse in this life,5 and on the Day of Jud ment. Ah2 'ehold2 for the 9Ad re-ected their &ord and Cherisher2 Ah2 'ehold2 remo)ed $from si ht% were 9Ad the "eo"le of ,ud2 "1. !o the !hamud Peo"le $(e sent% Salih, one of their own brethren. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 (orshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im. It is ,e (ho hath "roduced you from the earth and settled you therein0 then as# for i)eness of ,im, and turn to ,im $in re"entance%0 for my &ord is $always% near, ready to answer.1 "2. !hey said0 1/ Salih2 thou hast been of us2 a centre of our ho"es hitherto2 dost thou $now% forbid us the worshi" of what our fathers worshi""ed3 'ut we are really in sus"icious $dis;uietin % doubt as to that to which thou in)itest us.1

"3. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 do ye see3 if I ha)e a Clear $Si n% from my &ord and ,e hath sent Mercy unto me from ,imself,5 who then can hel" me a ainst Allah if I were to disobey ,im3 (hat then would ye add to my $"ortion% but "erdition3 " . 1And / my "eo"le2 !his she5camel of Allah is a symbol to you0 lea)e her to feed on Allah.s $free% earth, and inflict no harm on her, or a swift "enalty will sei6e you21 "!. 'ut they did ham5strin her. So he said0 17n-oy yoursel)es in your homes for three days0 $!hen will be your ruin%0 $'ehold% there a "romise not to be belied21 "". (hen /ur Decree issued, (e sa)ed Salih and those who belie)ed with him, by $s"ecial% Grace from /ursel)es 5 and from the I nominy of that day. .or thy &ord 5 ,e is the Stron /ne, and able to enforce ,is (ill. "#. !he $mi hty% 'last o)ertoo# the wron 5doers, and they lay "rostrate in their homes before the mornin ,5 "&. As if they had ne)er dwelt and flourished there. Ah2 'ehold2 for the !hamud re-ected their &ord and Cherisher2 Ah2 'ehold2 remo)ed $from si ht% were the !hamud2 "'. !here came /ur messen ers to Abraham with lad tidin s. !hey said, 1Peace21 ,e answered, 1Peace21 and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. #(. 'ut when he saw their hands went not towards the $meal%, he felt some mistrust of them, and concei)ed a fear of them. !hey said0 1.ear not0 (e ha)e been sent a ainst the "eo"le of &ut.1 #1. And his wife was standin $there%, and she lau hed0 'ut we a)e her lad tidin s of Isaac, and after him, of Jacob. #2. She said0 1Alas for me2 shall I bear a child, seein I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man3 !hat would indeed be a wonderful thin 21 #3. !hey said0 1Dost thou wonder at Allah.s decree3 !he race of Allah and ,is blessin s on you, o ye "eo"le of the house2 for ,e is indeed worthy of all "raise, full of all lory21 # . (hen fear had "assed from $the mind of% Abraham and the lad tidin s had reached him, he be an to "lead with us for &ut9s "eo"le. #!. .or Abraham was, without doubt, forbearin $of faults%, com"assionate, and i)en to loo# to Allah. #". / Abraham2 See# not this. !he decree of thy &ord hath one forth0 for them there cometh a "enalty that cannot be turned bac#2 ##. (hen /ur messen ers came to &ut, he was rie)ed on their account and felt himself "owerless $to "rotect% them. ,e said0 1!his is a distressful day.1 #&. And his "eo"le came rushin towards him, and they had been lon in the habit of "ractisin abominations. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 ,ere are my dau hters0 they are "urer for you $if ye marry%2 4ow fear Allah, and co)er me not with shame about my uests2 Is there not amon you a sin le ri ht5minded man31 #'. !hey said0 1(ell dost thou #now we ha)e no need of thy dau hters0 indeed thou #nowest ;uite well what we want21 &(. ,e said0 1(ould that I had "ower to su""ress you or that I could beta#e myself to some "owerful su""ort.1 &1. $!he Messen ers% said0 1/ &ut2 (e are Messen ers from thy &ord2 'y no means shall they reach thee2 now tra)el with thy family while yet a "art of the ni ht remains, and let not

any of you loo# bac#0 but thy wife $will remain behind%0 !o her will ha""en what ha""ens to the "eo"le. Mornin is their time a""ointed0 Is not the mornin ni h31 &2. (hen /ur Decree issued, (e turned $the cities% u"side down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as ba#ed clay, s"read, layer on layer,5 &3. Mar#ed as from thy &ord0 4or are they e)er far from those who do wron 2 & . !o the Madyan Peo"le $(e sent% Shu9aib, one of their own brethren0 he said0 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. :e ha)e no other od but ,im. And i)e not short measure or wei ht0 I see you in "ros"erity, but I fear for you the "enalty of a day that will com"ass $you% all round. &!. 1And / my "eo"le2 i)e -ust measure and wei ht, nor withhold from the "eo"le the thin s that are their due0 commit not e)il in the land with intent to do mischief. &". 1!hat which is left you by Allah is best for you, if ye $but% belie)ed2 but I am not set o)er you to #ee" watch21 &#. !hey said0 1/ Shu9aib2 Does thy $reli ion of% "rayer command thee that we lea)e off the worshi" which our fathers "ractised, or that we lea)e off doin what we li#e with our "ro"erty3 truly, thou art the one that forbeareth with faults and is ri ht5 minded21 &&. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 see ye whether I ha)e a Clear $Si n% from my &ord, and ,e hath i)en me sustenance $"ure and% ood as from ,imself3 I wish not, in o""osition to you, to do that which I forbid you to do. I only desire $your% betterment to the best of my "ower; and my success $in my tas#% can only come from Allah. In ,im I trust, and unto ,im I loo#. &'. 1And / my "eo"le2 let not my dissent $from you% cause you to sin, lest ye suffer a fate similar to that of the "eo"le of 4oah or of ,ud or of Salih, nor are the "eo"le of &ut far off from you2 '(. 1'ut as# for i)eness of your &ord, and turn unto ,im $in re"entance%0 .or my &ord is indeed full of mercy and lo)in 5#indness.1 '1. !hey said0 1/ Shu9aib2 much of what thou sayest we do not understand2 In fact amon us we see that thou hast no stren th2 (ere it not for thy family, we should certainly ha)e stoned thee2 for thou hast amon us no reat "osition21 '2. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 is then my family of more consideration with you than Allah. .or ye cast ,im away behind your bac#s $with contem"t%. 'ut )erily my &ord encom"asseth on all sides all that ye do2 '3. 1And / my "eo"le2 Do whate)er ye can0 I will do $my "art%0 Soon will ye #now who it is on whom descends the "enalty of i nominy; and who is a liar2 and watch ye2 for I too am watchin with you21 ' . (hen /ur decree issued, (e sa)ed Shu9aib and those who belie)ed with him, by $s"ecial% mercy from /ursel)es0 'ut the $mi hty% blast did sei6e the wron 5 doers, and they lay "rostrate in their homes by the mornin ,5 '!. As if they had ne)er dwelt and flourished there2 Ah2 'ehold2 ,ow the Madyan were remo)ed $from si ht% as were remo)ed the !hamud2 '". And we sent Moses, with /ur Clear $Si ns% and an authority manifest, '#. *nto Pharaoh and his chiefs0 but they followed the command of Pharaoh and the command of Pharaoh was no ri ht $ uide%. '&. ,e will o before his "eo"le on the Day of Jud ment, and lead them into the .ire $as cattle are led to water%0 'ut woeful indeed will be the "lace to which they are led2

''. And they are followed by a curse in this $life% and on the Day of Jud ment0 and woeful is the ift which shall be i)en $unto them%2 1((. !hese are some of the stories of communities which (e relate unto thee0 of them some are standin , and some ha)e been mown down $by the sic#le of time%. 1(1. It was not (e that wron ed them0 !hey wron ed their own souls0 the deities, other than Allah, whom they in)o#ed, "rofited them no whit when there issued the decree of thy &ord0 4or did they add au ht $to their lot% but "erdition2 1(2. Such is the chastisement of thy &ord when ,e chastises communities in the midst of their wron 0 rie)ous, indeed, and se)ere is ,is chastisement. 1(3. In that is a Si n for those who fear the "enalty of the ,ereafter0 that is a Day for which man#ind will be athered to ether0 that will be a Day of !estimony. 1( . 4or shall (e delay it but for a term a""ointed. 1(!. !he day it arri)es, no soul shall s"ea# e8ce"t by ,is lea)e0 of those $ athered% some will be wretched and some will be blessed. 1(". !hose who are wretched shall be in the .ire0 !here will be for them therein $nothin but% the hea)in of si hs and sobs0 1(#. !hey will dwell therein for all the time that the hea)ens and the earth endure, e8ce"t as thy &ord willeth0 for thy &ord is the $sure% accom"lisher of what ,e "lanneth. 1(&. And those who are blessed shall be in the Garden0 !hey will dwell therein for all the time that the hea)ens and the earth endure, e8ce"t as thy &ord willeth0 a ift without brea#. 1('. 'e not then in doubt as to what these men worshi". !hey worshi" nothin but what their fathers worshi""ed before $them%0 but )erily (e shall "ay them bac# $in full% their "ortion without $the least% abatement. 11(. (e certainly a)e the 'oo# to Moses, but differences arose therein0 had it not been that a word had one forth before from thy &ord, the matter would ha)e been decided between them, but they are in sus"icious doubt concernin it. 111. And, of a surety, to all will your &ord "ay bac# $in full the recom"ense% of their deeds0 for ,e #noweth well all that they do. 112. !herefore stand firm $in the strai ht Path% as thou art commanded,5 thou and those who with thee turn $unto Allah.; and trans ress not $from the Path%0 for ,e seeth well all that ye do. 113. And incline not to those who do wron , or the .ire will sei6e you; and ye ha)e no "rotectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be hel"ed. 11 . And establish re ular "rayers at the two ends of the day and at the a""roaches of the ni ht0 .or those thin s, that are ood remo)e those that are e)il0 'e that the word of remembrance to those who remember $their &ord%0 11!. And be steadfast in "atience; for )erily Allah will not suffer the reward of the ri hteous to "erish. 11". (hy were there not, amon the enerations before you, "ersons "ossessed of balanced ood sense, "rohibitin $men% from mischief in the earth 5 e8ce"t a few amon them whom (e sa)ed $from harm%3 'ut the wron 5doers "ursued the en-oyment of the ood thin s of life which were i)en them, and "ersisted in sin. 11#. 4or would thy &ord be the /ne to destroy communities for a sin le wron 5 doin , if its members were li#ely to mend.

11&. If thy &ord had so willed, ,e could ha)e made man#ind one "eo"le0 but they will not cease to dis"ute. 11'. 78ce"t those on whom thy &ord hath bestowed ,is Mercy0 and for this did ,e create them0 and the (ord of thy &ord shall be fulfilled0 1I will fill ,ell with -inns and men all to ether.1 12(. All that we relate to thee of the stories of the a"ostles,5 with it (e ma#e firm thy heart0 in them there cometh to thee the !ruth, as well as an e8hortation and a messa e of remembrance to those who belie)e. 121. Say to those who do not belie)e0 1Do what e)er ye can0 (e shall do our "art; 122. 1And wait ye2 (e too shall wait.1 123. !o Allah do belon the unseen $secrets% of the hea)ens and the earth, and to ,im oeth bac# e)ery affair $for decision%0 then worshi" ,im, and "ut thy trust in ,im0 and thy &ord is not unmindful of au ht that ye do.

Surah 12. 7oseph

1. A.&.+. !hese are the symbols $or >erses% of the "ers"icuous 'oo#. 2. (e ha)e sent it down as an Arabic <ur9an, in order that ye may learn wisdom. 3. (e do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories, in that (e re)eal to thee this $"ortion of the% <ur9an0 before this, thou too was amon those who #new it not. . 'ehold2 Jose"h said to his father0 1/ my father2 I did see ele)en stars and the sun and the moon0 I saw them "rostrate themsel)es to me21 !. Said $the father%0 1My $dear% little son2 relate not thy )ision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a "lot a ainst thee0 for Satan is to man an a)owed enemy2 ". 1!hus will thy &ord choose thee and teach thee the inter"retation of stories $and e)ents% and "erfect ,is fa)our to thee and to the "osterity of Jacob 5 e)en as ,e "erfected it to thy fathers Abraham and Isaac aforetime2 for Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom.1 #. >erily in Jose"h and his brethren are si ns $or symbols% for see#ers $after !ruth%. &. !hey said0 1!ruly Jose"h and his brother are lo)ed more by our father than we0 'ut we are a oodly body2 really our father is ob)iously wanderin $in his mind%2 '. 1Slay ye Jose"h or cast him out to some $un#nown% land, that so the fa)our of your father may be i)en to you alone0 $there will be time enou h% for you to be ri hteous after that21 1(. Said one of them0 1Slay not Jose"h, but if ye must do somethin , throw him down to the bottom of the well0 he will be "ic#ed u" by some cara)an of tra)ellers.1 11. !hey said0 1/ our father2 why dost thou not trust us with Jose"h,5 seein we are indeed his sincere well5wishers3 12. 1Send him with us tomorrow to en-oy himself and "lay, and we shall ta#e e)ery care of him.1 13. $Jacob% said0 1+eally it saddens me that ye should ta#e him away0 I fear lest the wolf should de)our him while ye attend not to him.1 1 . !hey said0 1If the wolf were to de)our him while we are $so lar e% a "arty, then should we indeed $first% ha)e "erished oursel)es21

1!. So they did ta#e him away, and they all a reed to throw him down to the bottom of the well0 and (e "ut into his heart $this Messa e%0 9/f a surety thou shalt $one day% tell them the truth of this their affair while they #now $thee% not9 1". !hen they came to their father in the early "art of the ni ht, wee"in . 1#. !hey said0 1/ our father2 (e went racin with one another, and left Jose"h with our thin s; and the wolf de)oured him.... 'ut thou wilt ne)er belie)e us e)en thou h we tell the truth.1 1&. !hey stained his shirt with false blood. ,e said0 14ay, but your minds ha)e made u" a tale $that may "ass% with you, $for me% "atience is most fittin 0 A ainst that which ye assert, it is Allah $alone% (hose hel" can be sou ht1.. 1'. !hen there came a cara)an of tra)ellers0 they sent their water5carrier $for water%, and he let down his buc#et $into the well%...,e said0 1Ah there2 Good news2 ,ere is a $fine% youn man21 So they concealed him as a treasure2 'ut Allah #noweth well all that they do2 2(. !he $'rethren% sold him for a miserable "rice, for a few dirhams counted out0 in such low estimation did they hold him2 21. !he man in 7 y"t who bou ht him, said to his wife0 1Ma#e his stay $amon us% honourable0 may be he will brin us much ood, or we shall ado"t him as a son.1 !hus did (e establish Jose"h in the land, that (e mi ht teach him the inter"retation of stories $and e)ents%. And Allah hath full "ower and control o)er ,is affairs; but most amon man#ind #now it not. 22. (hen Jose"h attained ,is full manhood, (e a)e him "ower and #nowled e0 thus do (e reward those who do ri ht. 23. 'ut she in whose house he was, sou ht to seduce him from his $true% self0 she fastened the doors, and said0 14ow come, thou $dear one%21 ,e said0 1$Allah% forbid2 truly $thy husband% is my lord2 he made my so-ourn a reeable2 truly to no ood come those who do wron 21 2 . And $with "assion% did she desire him, and he would ha)e desired her, but that he saw the e)idence of his &ord0 thus $did (e order% that (e mi ht turn away from him $all% e)il and shameful deeds0 for he was one of /ur ser)ants, sincere and "urified. 2!. So they both raced each other to the door, and she tore his shirt from the bac#0 they both found her lord near the door. She said0 1(hat is the $fittin % "unishment for one who formed an e)il desi n a ainst thy wife, but "rison or a rie)ous chastisement31 2". ,e said0 1It was she that sou ht to seduce me 5 from my $true% self.1 And one of her household saw $this% and bore witness, $thus%05 1If it be that his shirt is rent from the front, then is her tale true, and he is a liar2 2#. 1'ut if it be that his shirt is torn from the bac#, then is she the liar, and he is tellin the truth21 2&. So when he saw his shirt,5 that it was torn at the bac#,5 $her husband% said0 1'ehold2 It is a snare of you women2 truly, mi hty is your snare2 2'. 1/ Jose"h, "ass this o)er2 $/ wife%, as# for i)eness for thy sin, for truly thou hast been at fault21 3(. &adies said in the City0 1!he wife of the $ reat% 9A6i6 is see#in to seduce her sla)e from his $true% self0 !ruly hath he ins"ired her with )iolent lo)e0 we see she is e)idently oin astray.1 31. (hen she heard of their malicious tal#, she sent for them and "re"ared a ban;uet for them0 she a)e each of them a #nife0 and she said $to Jose"h%, 1Come out before them.1 (hen

they saw him, they did e8tol him, and $in their ama6ement% cut their hands0 they said, 1$Allah% "reser)e us2 no mortal is this2 this is none other than a noble an el21 32. She said0 1!here before you is the man about whom ye did blame me2 I did see# to seduce him from his $true% self but he did firmly sa)e himself uiltless2....and now, if he doth not my biddin , he shall certainly be cast into "rison, and $what is more% be of the com"any of the )ilest21 33. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 the "rison is more to my li#in than that to which they in)ite me0 *nless !hou turn away their snare from me, I should $in my youthful folly% feel inclined towards them and -oin the ran#s of the i norant.1 3 . So his &ord hear#ened to him $in his "rayer%, and turned away from him their snare0 >erily ,e heareth and #noweth $all thin s%. 3!. !hen it occurred to the men, after they had seen the si ns, $that it was best% to im"rison him for a time. 3". 4ow with him there came into the "rison two youn men. Said one of them0 1I see myself $in a dream% "ressin wine.1 said the other0 1I see myself $in a dream% carryin bread on my head, and birds are eatin , thereof.1 1!ell us1 $they said% 1!he truth and meanin thereof0 for we see thou art one that doth ood $to all%.1 3#. ,e said0 1'efore any food comes $in due course% to feed either of you, I will surely re)eal to you the truth and meanin of this ere it befall you0 that is "art of the $duty% which my &ord hath tau ht me. I ha)e $I assure you% abandoned the ways of a "eo"le that belie)e not in Allah and that $e)en% deny the ,ereafter. 3&. 1And I follow the ways of my fathers,5 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and ne)er could we attribute any "artners whate)er to Allah. that $comes% of the race of Allah to us and to man#ind0 yet most men are not rateful. 3'. 1/ my two com"anions of the "rison2 $I as# you%0 are many lords differin amon themsel)es better, or the /ne Allah, Su"reme and Irresistible3 (. 1If not ,im, ye worshi" nothin but names which ye ha)e named,5 ye and your fathers,5 for which Allah hath sent down no authority0 the command is for none but Allah. ,e hath commanded that ye worshi" none but ,im0 that is the ri ht reli ion, but most men understand not... 1. 1/ my two com"anions of the "rison2 As to one of you, he will "our out the wine for his lord to drin#0 as for the other, he will han from the cross, and the birds will eat from off his head. $so% hath been decreed that matter whereof ye twain do en;uire1... 2. And of the two, to that one whom he consider about to be sa)ed, he said0 1Mention me to thy lord.1 'ut Satan made him for et to mention him to his lord0 and $Jose"h% lin ered in "rison a few $more% years. 3. !he #in $of 7 y"t% said0 1I do see $in a )ision% se)en fat #ine, whom se)en lean ones de)our, and se)en reen ears of corn, and se)en $others% withered. / ye chiefs2 78"ound to me my )ision if it be that ye can inter"ret )isions.1 . !hey said0 1A confused medley of dreams0 and we are not s#illed in the inter"retation of dreams.1 !. 'ut the man who had been released, one of the two $who had been in "rison% and who now bethou ht him after $so lon % a s"ace of time, said0 1I will tell you the truth of its inter"retation0 send ye me $therefore%.1

". 1/ Jose"h21 $he said% 1/ man of truth2 78"ound to us $the dream% of se)en fat #ine whom se)en lean ones de)our, and of se)en reen ears of corn and $se)en% others withered0 that I may return to the "eo"le, and that they may understand.1 #. $Jose"h% said0 1.or se)en years shall ye dili ently sow as is your wont0 and the har)ests that ye rea", ye shall lea)e them in the ear,5 e8ce"t a little, of which ye shall eat. &. 1!hen will come after that $"eriod% se)en dreadful $years%, which will de)our what ye shall ha)e laid by in ad)ance for them,5 $all% e8ce"t a little which ye shall ha)e $s"ecially% uarded. '. 1!hen will come after that $"eriod% a year in which the "eo"le will ha)e abundant water, and in which they will "ress $wine and oil%.1 !(. So the #in said0 1'rin ye him unto me.1 'ut when the messen er came to him, $Jose"h% said0 1Go thou bac# to thy lord, and as# him, 9(hat is the state of mind of the ladies who cut their hands93 .or my &ord is certainly well aware of their snare.1 !1. $!he #in % said $to the ladies%0 1(hat was your affair when ye did see# to seduce Jose"h from his $true% self31 !he ladies said0 1$Allah% "reser)e us2 no e)il #now we a ainst him21 Said the 9A6i69s wife0 14ow is the truth manifest $to all%0 it was I who sou ht to seduce him from his $true% self0 ,e is indeed of those who are $e)er% true $and )irtuous%. !2. 1!his $say I%, in order that ,e may #now that I ha)e ne)er been false to him in his absence, and that Allah will ne)er uide the snare of the false ones. !3. 14or do I absol)e my own self $of blame%0 the $human% soul is certainly "rone to e)il, unless my &ord do bestow ,is Mercy0 but surely my &ord is /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful.1 ! . So the #in said0 1'rin him unto me; I will ta#e him s"ecially to ser)e about my own "erson.1 !herefore when he had s"o#en to him, he said0 1'e assured this day, thou art, before our own "resence, with ran# firmly established, and fidelity fully "ro)ed2 !!. $Jose"h% said0 1Set me o)er the store5houses of the land0 I will indeed uard them, as one that #nows $their im"ortance%.1 !". !hus did (e i)e established "ower to Jose"h in the land, to ta#e "ossession therein as, when, or where he "leased. (e bestow of our Mercy on whom (e "lease, and (e suffer not, to be lost, the reward of those who do ood. !#. 'ut )erily the reward of the ,ereafter is the best, for those who belie)e, and are constant in ri hteousness. !&. !hen came Jose"h9s brethren0 they entered his "resence, and he #new them, but they #new him not. !'. And when he had furnished them forth with "ro)isions $suitable% for them, he said0 1'rin unto me a brother ye ha)e, of the same father as yoursel)es, $but a different mother%0 see ye not that I "ay out full measure, and that I do "ro)ide the best hos"itality3 "(. 14ow if ye brin him not to me, ye shall ha)e no measure $of corn% from me, nor shall ye $e)en% come near me.1 "1. !hey said0 1(e shall certainly see# to et our wish about him from his father0 Indeed we shall do it.1 "2. And $Jose"h% told his ser)ants to "ut their stoc#5in5trade $with which they had bartered% into their saddle5ba s, so they should #now it only when they returned to their "eo"le, in order that they mi ht come bac#.

"3. 4ow when they returned to their father, they said0 1/ our father2 4o more measure of rain shall we et $unless we ta#e our brother%0 So send our brother with us, that we may et our measure; and we will indeed ta#e e)ery care of him.1 " . ,e said0 1Shall I trust you with him with any result other than when I trusted you with his brother aforetime3 'ut Allah is the best to ta#e care $of him%, and ,e is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy21 "!. !hen when they o"ened their ba a e, they found their stoc#5in5trade had been returned to them. !hey said0 1/ our father2 (hat $more% can we desire3 this our stoc#5in5trade has been returned to us0 so we shall et $more% food for our family; (e shall ta#e care of our brother; and add $at the same time% a full camel9s load $of rain to our "ro)isions%. !his is but a small ;uantity. "". $Jacob% said0 14e)er will I send him with you until ye swear a solemn oath to me, in Allah.s name, that ye will be sure to brin him bac# to me unless ye are yoursel)es hemmed in $and made "owerless%. And when they had sworn their solemn oath, he said0 1/)er all that we say, be Allah the witness and uardian21 "#. .urther he said0 1/ my sons2 enter not all by one ate0 enter ye by different ates. 4ot that I can "rofit you au ht a ainst Allah $with my ad)ice%0 4one can command e8ce"t Allah. /n ,im do I "ut my trust0 and let all that trust "ut their trust on ,im.1 "&. And when they entered in the manner their father had en-oined, it did not "rofit them in the least a ainst $the "lan of% Allah. It was but a necessity of Jacob9s soul, which he dischar ed. .or he was, by our instruction, full of #nowled e $and e8"erience%0 but most men #now not. "'. 4ow when they came into Jose"h9s "resence, he recei)ed his $full% brother to stay with him. ,e said $to him%0 1'ehold2 I am thy $own% brother; so rie)e not at au ht of their doin s.1 #(. At len th when he had furnished them forth with "ro)isions $suitable% for them, he "ut the drin#in cu" into his brother9s saddle5ba . !hen shouted out a crier0 1/ ye $in% the cara)an2 behold2 ye are thie)es, without doubt21 #1. !hey said, turnin towards them0 1(hat is it that ye miss31 #2. !hey said0 1(e miss the reat bea#er of the #in ; for him who "roduces it, is $the reward of% a camel load; I will be bound by it.1 #3. $!he brothers% said0 1'y Allah. well ye #now that we came not to ma#e mischief in the land, and we are no thie)es21 # . $!he 7 y"tians% said0 1(hat then shall be the "enalty of this, if ye are $"ro)ed% to ha)e lied31 #!. !hey said0 1!he "enalty should be that he in whose saddle5ba it is found, should be held $as bondman% to atone for the $crime%. !hus it is we "unish the wron 5 doers21 #". So he be an $the search% with their ba a e, before $he came to% the ba a e of his brother0 at len th he brou ht it out of his brother9s ba a e. !hus did (e "lan for Jose"h. ,e could not ta#e his brother by the law of the #in e8ce"t that Allah willed it $so%. (e raise to de rees $of wisdom% whom (e "lease0 but o)er all endued with #nowled e is one, the All5 =nowin . ##. !hey said0 1If he steals, there was a brother of his who did steal before $him%.1 'ut these thin s did Jose"h #ee" loc#ed in his heart, re)ealin not the secrets to them. ,e $sim"ly% said $to himself%0 1:e are the worse situated; and Allah #noweth best the truth of what ye assert21

#&. !hey said0 1/ e8alted one2 'ehold2 he has a father, a ed and )enerable, $who will rie)e for him%; so ta#e one of us in his "lace; for we see that thou art $ racious% in doin ood.1 #'. ,e said0 1$Allah% forbid that we ta#e other than him with whom we found our "ro"erty0 indeed $if we did so%, we should be actin wron fully. &(. 4ow when they saw no ho"e of his $yieldin %, they held a conference in "ri)ate. !he leader amon them said0 1=now ye not that your father did ta#e an oath from you in Allah.s name, and how, before this, ye did fail in your duty with Jose"h3 !herefore will I not lea)e this land until my father "ermits me, or Allah commands me; and ,e is the best to command. &1. 1!urn ye bac# to your father, and say, 9/ our father2 behold2 thy son committed theft2 we bear witness only to what we #now, and we could not well uard a ainst the unseen2 &2. 19As# at the town where we ha)e been and the cara)an in which we returned, and $you will find% we are indeed tellin the truth.91 &3. Jacob said0 14ay, but ye ha)e yoursel)es contri)ed a story $ ood enou h% for you. So "atience is most fittin $for me%. Maybe Allah will brin them $bac#% all to me $in the end%. .or ,e is indeed full of #nowled e and wisdom.1 & . And he turned away from them, and said0 1,ow reat is my rief for Jose"h21 And his eyes became white with sorrow, and he fell into silent melancholy. &!. !hey said0 1'y Allah. $ne)er% wilt thou cease to remember Jose"h until thou reach the last e8tremity of illness, or until thou die21 &". ,e said0 1I only com"lain of my distraction and an uish to Allah, and I #now from Allah that which ye #now not... &#. 1/ my sons2 o ye and en;uire about Jose"h and his brother, and ne)er i)e u" ho"e of Allah.s Soothin Mercy0 truly no one des"airs of Allah.s Soothin Mercy, e8ce"t those who ha)e no faith.1 &&. !hen, when they came $bac#% into $Jose"h9s% "resence they said0 1/ e8alted one2 distress has sei6ed us and our family0 we ha)e $now% brou ht but scanty ca"ital0 so "ay us full measure, $we "ray thee%, and treat it as charity to us0 for Allah doth reward the charitable.1 &'. ,e said0 1=now ye how ye dealt with Jose"h and his brother, not #nowin $what ye were doin %31 '(. !hey said0 1Art thou indeed Jose"h31 ,e said, 1I am Jose"h, and this is my brother0 Allah has indeed been racious to us $all%0 behold, he that is ri hteous and "atient,5 ne)er will Allah suffer the reward to be lost, of those who do ri ht.1 '1. !hey said0 1'y Allah. indeed has Allah "referred thee abo)e us, and we certainly ha)e been uilty of sin21 '2. ,e said0 1!his day let no re"roach be $cast% on you0 Allah will for i)e you, and ,e is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy2 '3. 1Go with this my shirt, and cast it o)er the face of my father0 he will come to see $clearly%. !hen come ye $here% to me to ether with all your family.1 ' . (hen the cara)an left $7 y"t%, their father said0 1I do indeed scent the "resence of Jose"h0 4ay, thin# me not a dotard.1 '!. !hey said0 1'y Allah. truly thou art in thine old wanderin mind.1 '". !hen when the bearer of the ood news came, ,e cast $the shirt% o)er his face, and he forthwith re ained clear si ht. ,e said0 1Did I not say to you, 9I #now from Allah that which ye #now not391

'#. !hey said0 1/ our father2 as# for us for i)eness for our sins, for we were truly at fault.1 '&. ,e said0 1Soon will I as# my &ord for for i)eness for you0 for he is indeed /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.1 ''. !hen when they entered the "resence of Jose"h, he "ro)ided a home for his "arents with himself, and said0 17nter ye 7 y"t $all% in safety if it "lease Allah.1 1((. And he raised his "arents hi h on the throne $of di nity%, and they fell down in "rostration, $all% before him. ,e said0 1/ my father2 this is the fulfilment of my )ision of old2 Allah hath made it come true2 ,e was indeed ood to me when ,e too# me out of "rison and brou ht you $all here% out of the desert, $e)en% after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers. >erily my &ord understandeth best the mysteries of all that ,e "lanneth to do, for )erily ,e is full of #nowled e and wisdom. 1(1. 1/ my &ord2 !hou hast indeed bestowed on me some "ower, and tau ht me somethin of the inter"retation of dreams and e)ents,5 / !hou Creator of the hea)ens and the earth2 !hou art my Protector in this world and in the ,ereafter. !a#e !hou my soul $at death% as one submittin to !hy will $as a Muslim%, and unite me with the ri hteous.1 1(2. Such is one of the stories of what ha""ened unseen, which (e re)eal by ins"iration unto thee; nor wast thou $"resent% with them then when they concerted their "lans to ether in the "rocess of wea)in their "lots. 1(3. :et no faith will the reater "art of man#ind ha)e, howe)er ardently thou dost desire it. 1( . And no reward dost thou as# of them for this0 it is no less than a messa e for all creatures. 1(!. And how many Si ns in the hea)ens and the earth do they "ass by3 :et they turn $their faces% away from them2 1(". And most of them belie)e not in Allah without associatin $other as "artners% with ,im2 1(#. Do they then feel secure from the comin a ainst them of the co)erin )eil of the wrath of Allah,5 or of the comin a ainst them of the $final% ,our all of a sudden while they "ercei)e not3 1(&. Say thou0 1!his is my way0 I do in)ite unto Allah,5 on e)idence clear as the seein with one9s eyes,5 I and whoe)er follows me. Glory to Allah. and ne)er will I -oin ods with Allah.1 1('. 4or did (e send before thee $as a"ostles% any but men, whom we did ins"ire,5 $men% li)in in human habitations. Do they not tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the end of those before them3 'ut the home of the hereafter is best, for those who do ri ht. (ill ye not then understand3 11(. $+es"ite will be ranted% until, when the a"ostles i)e u" ho"e $of their "eo"le% and $come to% thin# that they were treated as liars, there reaches them /ur hel", and those whom (e will are deli)ered into safety. 'ut ne)er will be warded off our "unishment from those who are in sin. 111. !here is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understandin . It is not a tale in)ented, but a confirmation of what went before it,5 a detailed e8"osition of all thin s, and a uide and a mercy to any such as belie)e.

Surah 13. The Thun1er

1. A.&.M.+. !hese are the si ns $or )erses% of the 'oo#0 that which hath been re)ealed unto thee from thy &ord is the !ruth; but most men belie)e not. 2. Allah is ,e (ho raised the hea)ens without any "illars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne $of authority%; ,e has sub-ected the sun and the moon $to his &aw%2 7ach one runs $its course% for a term a""ointed. ,e doth re ulate all affairs, e8"lainin the si ns in detail, that ye may belie)e with certainty in the meetin with your &ord. 3. And it is ,e who s"read out the earth, and set thereon mountains standin firm and $flowin % ri)ers0 and fruit of e)ery #ind ,e made in "airs, two and two0 ,e draweth the ni ht as a )eil o9er the Day. 'ehold, )erily in these thin s there are si ns for those who consider2 . And in the earth are tracts $di)erse thou h% nei hbourin , and ardens of )ines and fields sown with corn, and "alm trees 5 rowin out of sin le roots or otherwise0 watered with the same water, yet some of them (e ma#e more e8cellent than others to eat. 'ehold, )erily in these thin s there are si ns for those who understand2 !. If thou dost mar)el $at their want of faith%, stran e is their sayin 0 1(hen we are $actually% dust, shall we indeed then be in a creation renewed31 !hey are those who deny their &ord2 !hey are those round whose nec#s will be yo#es $of ser)itude%0 they will be Com"anions of the .ire, to dwell therein $for aye%2 ". !hey as# thee to hasten on the e)il in "reference to the ood0 :et ha)e come to "ass, before them, $many% e8em"lary "unishments2 'ut )erily thy &ord is full of for i)eness for man#ind for their wron 5doin , and )erily thy &ord is $also% strict in "unishment. #. And the *nbelie)ers say0 1(hy is not a si n sent down to him from his &ord31 'ut thou art truly a warner, and to e)ery "eo"le a uide. &. Allah doth #now what e)ery female $womb% doth bear, by how much the wombs fall short $of their time or number% or do e8ceed. 7)ery sin le thin is before ,is si ht, in $due% "ro"ortion. '. ,e #noweth the unseen and that which is o"en0 ,e is the Great, the Most ,i h. 1(. It is the same $to ,im% whether any of you conceal his s"eech or declare it o"enly; whether he lie hid by ni ht or wal# forth freely by day. 11. .or each $such "erson% there are $an els% in succession, before and behind him0 !hey uard him by command of Allah. >erily ne)er will Allah chan e the condition of a "eo"le until they chan e it themsel)es $with their own souls%. 'ut when $once% Allah willeth a "eo"le9s "unishment, there can be no turnin it bac#, nor will they find, besides ,im, any to "rotect. 12. It is ,e (ho doth show you the li htnin , by way both of fear and of ho"e0 It is ,e (ho doth raise u" the clouds, hea)y with $fertilisin % rain2 13. 4ay, thunder re"eateth ,is "raises, and so do the an els, with awe0 ,e flin eth the loud5 )oiced thunder5bolts, and therewith ,e stri#eth whomsoe)er ,e will..yet these $are the men% who $dare to% dis"ute about Allah, with the stren th of ,is "ower $su"reme%2 1 . .or ,im $alone% is "rayer in !ruth0 any others that they call u"on besides ,im hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths but it reaches them not0 for the "rayer of those without .aith is nothin but $futile% wanderin $in the mind%.

1!. (hate)er bein s there are in the hea)ens and the earth do "rostrate themsel)es to Allah $Ac#nowled in sub-ection%,5 with ood5will or in s"ite of themsel)es0 so do their shadows in the mornin and e)enin s. 1". Say0 1(ho is the &ord and Sustainer of the hea)ens and the earth31 Say0 1$It is% Allah.1 Say0 1Do ye then ta#e $for worshi"% "rotectors other than ,im, such as ha)e no "ower either for ood or for harm to themsel)es31 Say0 1Are the blind e;ual with those who see3 /r the de"ths of dar#ness e;ual with li ht31 /r do they assi n to Allah "artners who ha)e created $anythin % as ,e has created, so that the creation seemed to them similar3 Say0 1$Allah% is the Creator of all thin s0 ,e is the /ne, the Su"reme and Irresistible.1 1#. ,e sends down water from the s#ies, and the channels flow, each accordin to its measure0 'ut the torrent bears away to foam that mounts u" to the surface. 7)en so, from that $ore% which they heat in the fire, to ma#e ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum li#ewise. !hus doth Allah $by "arables% show forth !ruth and >anity. .or the scum disa""ears li#e froth cast out; while that which is for the ood of man#ind remains on the earth. !hus doth Allah set forth "arables. 1&. .or those who res"ond to their &ord, are $all% ood thin s. 'ut those who res"ond not to ,im,5 7)en if they had all that is in the hea)ens and on earth, and as much more, $in )ain% would they offer it for ransom. .or them will the rec#onin be terrible0 their abode will be ,ell,5 what a bed of misery2 1'. Is then one who doth #now that that which hath been re)ealed unto thee from thy &ord is the !ruth, li#e one who is blind3 It is those who are endued with understandin that recei)e admonition;5 2(. !hose who fulfil the co)enant of Allah and fail not in their "li hted word; 21. !hose who -oin to ether those thin s which Allah hath commanded to be -oined, hold their &ord in awe, and fear the terrible rec#onin ; 22. !hose who "atiently "erse)ere, see#in the countenance of their &ord; 7stablish re ular "rayers; s"end, out of $the ifts% (e ha)e bestowed for their sustenance, secretly and o"enly; and turn off 7)il with ood0 for such there is the final attainment of the $eternal% home,5 23. Gardens of "er"etual bliss0 they shall enter there, as well as the ri hteous amon their fathers, their s"ouses, and their offs"rin 0 and an els shall enter unto them from e)ery ate $with the salutation%0 2 . 1Peace unto you for that ye "erse)ered in "atience2 4ow how e8cellent is the final home21 2!. 'ut those who brea# the Co)enant of Allah, after ha)in "li hted their word thereto, and cut asunder those thin s which Allah has commanded to be -oined, and wor# mischief in the land;5 on them is the curse; for them is the terrible home2 2". Allah doth enlar e, or rant by $strict% measure, the sustenance $which ,e i)eth% to whomso ,e "leaseth. $!he wordly% re-oice in the life of this world0 'ut the life of this world is but little comfort in the ,ereafter. 2#. !he *nbelie)ers say0 1(hy is not a si n sent down to him from his &ord31 Say0 1!ruly Allah lea)eth, to stray, whom ,e will; 'ut ,e uideth to ,imself those who turn to ,im in "enitence,5 2&. 1!hose who belie)e, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. 2'. 1.or those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, is $e)ery% blessedness, and a beautiful "lace of $final% return.1

3(. !hus ha)e we sent thee amon st a Peo"le before whom $lon since% ha)e $other% Peo"les $ one and% "assed away; in order that thou mi htest rehearse unto them what (e send down unto thee by ins"iration; yet do they re-ect $,im%, the Most Gracious2 Say0 1,e is my &ord2 !here is no od but ,e2 /n ,im is my trust, and to ,im do I turn21 31. If there were a <ur9an with which mountains were mo)ed, or the earth were clo)en asunder, or the dead were made to s"ea#, $this would be the one2% 'ut, truly, the command is with Allah in all thin s2 Do not the 'elie)ers #now, that, had Allah $so% willed, ,e could ha)e uided all man#ind $to the ri ht%3 'ut the *nbelie)ers,5 ne)er will disaster cease to sei6e them for their $ill% deeds, or to settle close to their homes, until the "romise of Allah come to "ass, for, )erily, Allah will not fail in ,is "romise. 32. Moc#ed were $many% a"ostles before thee0 but I ranted res"ite to the unbelie)ers, and finally I "unished them0 !hen how $terrible% was my re;uital2 33. Is then ,e who standeth o)er e)ery soul $and #noweth% all that it doth, $li#e any others%3 And yet they ascribe "artners to Allah. Say0 1'ut name them2 is it that ye will inform ,im of somethin he #noweth not on earth, or is it $-ust% a show of words31 4ay2 to those who belie)e not, their "retence seems "leasin , but they are #e"t bac# $thereby% from the "ath. And those whom Allah lea)es to stray, no one can uide. 3 . .or them is a "enalty in the life of this world, but harder, truly, is the "enalty of the ,ereafter0 and defender ha)e they none a ainst Allah. 3!. !he "arable of the Garden which the ri hteous are "romised25 beneath it flow ri)ers0 "er"etual is the en-oyment thereof and the shade therein0 such is the end of the +i hteous; and the end of *nbelie)ers in the .ire. 3". !hose to whom (e ha)e i)en the 'oo# re-oice at what hath been re)ealed unto thee0 but there are amon the clans those who re-ect a "art thereof. Say0 1I am commanded to worshi" Allah, and not to -oin "artners with ,im. *nto ,im do I call, and unto ,im is my return.1 3#. !hus ha)e (e re)ealed it to be a -ud ment of authority in Arabic. (ert thou to follow their $)ain% desires after the #nowled e which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither "rotector nor defender a ainst Allah. 3&. (e did send a"ostles before thee, and a""ointed for them wi)es and children0 and it was ne)er the "art of an a"ostle to brin a si n e8ce"t as Allah "ermitted $or commanded%. .or each "eriod is a 'oo# $re)ealed%. 3'. Allah doth blot out or confirm what ,e "leaseth0 with ,im is the Mother of the 'oo#. (. (hether (e shall show thee $within thy life5time% "art of what we "romised them or ta#e to oursel)es thy soul $before it is all accom"lished%,5 thy duty is to ma#e $the Messa e% reach them0 it is our "art to call them to account. 1. See they not that (e radually reduce the land $in their control% from its outlyin borders3 $(here% Allah commands, there is none to "ut bac# ,is Command0 and ,e is swift in callin to account. 2. !hose before them did $also% de)ise "lots; but in all thin s the master5 "lannin is Allah.s ,e #noweth the doin s of e)ery soul0 and soon will the *nbelie)ers #now who ets home in the end. 3. !he *nbelie)ers say0 14o a"ostle art thou.1 Say0 17nou h for a witness between me and you is Allah, and such as ha)e #nowled e of the 'oo#.1

Surah 1 . A0raha*
1. A. &. +. A 'oo# which (e ha)e re)ealed unto thee, in order that thou mi htest lead man#ind out of the de"ths of dar#ness into li ht 5 by the lea)e of their &ord 5 to the (ay of $,im% the 78alted in "ower, worthy of all "raise25 2. /f Allah, to (hom do belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth2 'ut alas for the *nbelie)ers for a terrible "enalty $their *nfaith will brin them%25 3. !hose who lo)e the life of this world more than the ,ereafter, who hinder $men% from the Path of Allah and see# therein somethin croo#ed0 they are astray by a lon distance. . (e sent not an a"ostle e8ce"t $to teach% in the lan ua e of his $own% "eo"le, in order to ma#e $thin s% clear to them. 4ow Allah lea)es strayin those whom ,e "leases and uides whom ,e "leases0 and ,e is 78alted in "ower, full of (isdom. !. (e sent Moses with /ur si ns $and the command%. 1'rin out thy "eo"le from the de"ths of dar#ness into li ht, and teach them to remember the Days of Allah.1 >erily in this there are Si ns for such as are firmly "atient and constant,5 rateful and a""reciati)e. ". +emember2 Moses said to his "eo"le0 1Call to mind the fa)our of Allah to you when ,e deli)ered you from the "eo"le of Pharaoh0 they set you hard tas#s and "unishments, slau htered your sons, and let your women5fol# li)e0 therein was a tremendous trial from your &ord.1 #. And remember2 your &ord caused to be declared $"ublicly%0 1If ye are rateful, I will add more $fa)ours% unto you; 'ut if ye show in ratitude, truly My "unishment is terrible indeed.1 &. And Moses said0 1If ye show in ratitude, ye and all on earth to ether, yet is Allah free of all wants, worthy of all "raise. '. ,as not the story reached you, $/ "eo"le2%, of those who $went% before you3 5 of the "eo"le of 4oah, and 9Ad, and !hamud3 5 And of those who $came% after them3 4one #nows them but Allah. !o them came a"ostles with Clear $Si ns%; but they "ut their hands u" to their mouths, and said0 1(e do deny $the mission% on which ye ha)e been sent, and we are really in sus"icious $dis;uietin % doubt as to that to which ye in)ite us.1 1(. !heir a"ostles said0 1Is there a doubt about Allah, !he Creator of the hea)ens and the earth3 It is ,e (ho in)ites you, in order that ,e may for i)e you your sins and i)e you res"ite for a term a""ointed21 !hey said0 1Ah2 ye are no more than human, li#e oursel)es2 :e wish to turn us away from the $ ods% our fathers used to worshi"0 then brin us some clear authority.1 11. !heir a"ostles said to them0 1!rue, we are human li#e yoursel)es, but Allah doth rant ,is race to such of his ser)ants as ,e "leases. It is not for us to brin you an authority e8ce"t as Allah "ermits. And on Allah let all men of faith "ut their trust. 12. 14o reason ha)e we why we should not "ut our trust on Allah. Indeed ,e ,as uided us to the (ays we $follow%. (e shall certainly bear with "atience all the hurt you may cause us. .or those who "ut their trust should "ut their trust on Allah.1 13. And the *nbelie)ers said to their a"ostles0 1'e sure we shall dri)e you out of our land, or ye shall return to our reli ion.1 'ut their &ord ins"ired $this Messa e% to them0 1>erily (e shall cause the wron 5doers to "erish2 1 . 1And )erily (e shall cause you to abide in the land, and succeed them. !his for such as fear the !ime when they shall stand before My tribunal,5 such as fear the "unishment denounced.1

1!. 'ut they sou ht )ictory and decision $there and then%, and frustration was the lot of e)ery "owerful obstinate trans ressor. 1". In front of such a one is ,ell, and he is i)en, for drin#, boilin fetid water. 1#. In ul"s will he si" it, but ne)er will he be near swallowin it down his throat0 death will come to him from e)ery ;uarter, yet will he not die0 and in front of him will be a chastisement unrelentin . 1&. !he "arable of those who re-ect their &ord is that their wor#s are as ashes, on which the wind blows furiously on a tem"estuous day0 4o "ower ha)e they o)er au ht that they ha)e earned0 that is the strayin far, far $from the oal%. 1'. Seest thou not that Allah created the hea)ens and the earth in !ruth3 If ,e so will, ,e can remo)e you and "ut $in your "lace% a new creation3 2(. 4or is that for Allah any reat matter. 21. !hey will all be marshalled before Allah to ether0 then will the wea# say to those who were arro ant, 1.or us, we but followed you; can ye then a)ail us to all a ainst the wrath of Allah.1 !hey will re"ly, 1If we had recei)ed the Guidance of Allah, we should ha)e i)en it to you0 to us it ma#es no difference $now% whether we ra e, or bear $these torments% with "atience0 for oursel)es there is no way of esca"e.1 22. And Satan will say when the matter is decided0 1It was Allah (ho a)e you a "romise of !ruth0 I too "romised, but I failed in my "romise to you. I had no authority o)er you e8ce"t to call you but ye listened to me0 then re"roach not me, but re"roach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I re-ect your former act in associatin me with Allah. .or wron 5doers there must be a rie)ous "enalty.1 23. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness will be admitted to ardens beneath which ri)ers flow,5 to dwell therein for aye with the lea)e of their &ord. !heir reetin therein will be0 1Peace21 2 . Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a "arable3 5 A oodly word li#e a oodly tree, whose root is firmly fi8ed, and its branches $reach% to the hea)ens,5 of its &ord. So Allah sets forth "arables for men, in order that they may recei)e admonition. 2!. It brin s forth its fruit at all times, by the lea)e of its &ord. So Allah sets forth "arables for men, in order that they may recei)e admonition. 2". And the "arable of an e)il (ord is that of an e)il tree0 It is torn u" by the root from the surface of the earth0 it has no stability. 2#. Allah will establish in stren th those who belie)e, with the word that stands firm, in this world and in the ,ereafter; but Allah will lea)e, to stray, those who do wron 0 Allah doeth what ,e willeth. 2&. ,ast thou not turned thy )ision to those who ha)e chan ed the fa)our of Allah. Into blas"hemy and caused their "eo"le to descend to the ,ouse of Perdition35 2'. Into ,ell3 !hey will burn therein,5 an e)il "lace to stay in2 3(. And they set u" $idols% as e;ual to Allah, to mislead $men% from the Path2 Say0 17n-oy $your brief "ower%2 'ut )erily ye are ma#in strai htway for ,ell21 31. S"ea# to my ser)ants who ha)e belie)ed, that they may establish re ular "rayers, and s"end $in charity% out of the sustenance we ha)e i)en them, secretly and o"enly, before the comin of a Day in which there will be neither mutual bar ainin nor befriendin .

32. It is Allah (ho hath created the hea)ens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the s#ies, and with it brin eth out fruits wherewith to feed you; it is ,e (ho hath made the shi"s sub-ect to you, that they may sail throu h the sea by ,is command; and the ri)ers $also% hath ,e made sub-ect to you. 33. And ,e hath made sub-ect to you the sun and the moon, both dili ently "ursuin their courses; and the ni ht and the day hath he $also% made sub-ect to you. 3 . And ,e i)eth you of all that ye as# for. 'ut if ye count the fa)ours of Allah, ne)er will ye be able to number them. >erily, man is i)en u" to in-ustice and in ratitude. 3!. +emember Abraham said0 1/ my &ord2 ma#e this city one of "eace and security0 and "reser)e me and my sons from worshi""in idols. 3". 1/ my &ord2 they ha)e indeed led astray many amon man#ind; ,e then who follows my $ways% is of me, and he that disobeys me,5 but !hou art indeed /ft5 for i)in , Most Merciful. 3#. 1/ our &ord2 I ha)e made some of my offs"rin to dwell in a )alley without culti)ation, by !hy Sacred ,ouse; in order, / our &ord, that they may establish re ular Prayer0 so fill the hearts of some amon men with lo)e towards them, and feed them with fruits0 so that they may i)e than#s. 3&. 1/ our &ord2 truly !hou dost #now what we conceal and what we re)eal0 for nothin whate)er is hidden from Allah, whether on earth or in hea)en. 3'. 1Praise be to Allah, (ho hath ranted unto me in old a e Isma9il and Isaac0 for truly my &ord is ,e, the ,earer of Prayer2 (. / my &ord2 ma#e me one who establishes re ular Prayer, and also $raise such% amon my offs"rin / our &ord2 and acce"t !hou my Prayer. 1. 1/ our &ord2 co)er $us% with !hy .or i)eness 5 me, my "arents, and $all% 'elie)ers, on the Day that the +ec#onin will be established2 2. !hin# not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wron . ,e but i)eth them res"ite a ainst a Day when the eyes will fi8edly stare in horror,5 3. !hey runnin forward with nec#s outstretched, their heads u"lifted, their a6e returnin not towards them, and their hearts a $ a"in % )oid2 . So warn man#ind of the Day when the (rath will reach them0 then will the wron 5doers say0 1/ur &ord2 res"ite us $if only% for a short term0 we will answer !hy call, and follow the a"ostles21 1(hat2 were ye not wont to swear aforetime that ye should suffer no decline3 !. 1And ye dwelt in the dwellin s of men who wron ed their own souls; ye were clearly shown how (e dealt with them; and (e "ut forth $many% "arables in your behoof21 ". Mi hty indeed were the "lots which they made, but their "lots were $well% within the si ht of Allah, e)en thou h they were such as to sha#e the hills2 #. 4e)er thin# that Allah would fail his a"ostles in ,is "romise0 for Allah is 78alted in "ower, 5 the &ord of +etribution. &. /ne day the earth will be chan ed to a different earth, and so will be the hea)ens, and $men% will be marshalled forth, before Allah, the /ne, the Irresistible; '. And thou wilt see the sinners that day bound to ether in fetters;5 !(. !heir arments of li;uid "itch, and their faces co)ered with .ire; !1. !hat Allah may re;uite each soul accordin to its deserts; and )erily Allah is swift in callin to account.

!2. ,ere is a Messa e for man#ind0 &et them ta#e warnin therefrom, and let them #now that ,e is $no other than% /ne Allah. let men of understandin ta#e heed.

Surah 1!. Al8hi9r. Stonelan1. Ro34 $it+

1. A. &. +. !hese are the Ayats of +e)elation,5 of a <ur9an that ma#es thin s clear. 2. A ain and a ain will those who disbelie)e, wish that they had bowed $to Allah.s will% in Islam. 3. &ea)e them alone, to en-oy $the ood thin s of this life% and to "lease themsel)es0 let $false% ho"e amuse them0 soon will #nowled e $undecei)e them%. . 4e)er did (e destroy a "o"ulation that had not a term decreed and assi ned beforehand. !. 4either can a "eo"le antici"ate its term, nor delay it. ". !hey say0 1/ thou to whom the Messa e is bein "ossessed%2 re)ealed2 truly thou art mad $or

#. 1(hy brin est thou not an els to us if it be that thou hast the !ruth31 &. (e send not the an els down e8ce"t for -ust cause0 if they came $to the un odly%, behold2 no res"ite would they ha)e2 '. (e ha)e, without doubt, sent down the Messa e; and (e will assuredly uard it $from corru"tion%. 1(. (e did send a"ostles before thee amon st the reli ious sects of old0 11. 'ut ne)er came an a"ostle to them but they moc#ed him. 12. 7)en so do we let it cree" into the hearts of the sinners 5 13. !hat they should not belie)e in the $Messa e%; but the ways of the ancients ha)e "assed away. 1 . 7)en if (e o"ened out to them a ate from hea)en, and they were to continue $all day% ascendin therein, 1!. !hey would only say0 1/ur eyes ha)e been into8icated0 4ay, we ha)e been bewitched by sorcery.1 1". It is (e (ho ha)e set out the 6odiacal si ns in the hea)ens, and made them fair5seemin to $all% beholders; 1#. And $moreo)er% (e ha)e uarded them from e)ery e)il s"irit accursed0 1&. 'ut any that ains a hearin by stealth, is "ursued by a flamin fire, bri ht $to see%. 1'. And the earth (e ha)e s"read out $li#e a car"et%; set thereon mountains firm and immo)able; and "roduced therein all #inds of thin s in due balance. 2(. And (e ha)e "ro)ided therein means of subsistence,5 for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not res"onsible. 21. And there is not a thin but its $sources and% treasures $ine8haustible% are with *s; but (e only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures. 22. And (e send the fecundatin winds, then cause the rain to descend from the s#y, therewith "ro)idin you with water $in abundance%, thou h ye are not the uardians of its stores. 23. And )erily, it is (e (ho i)e life, and (ho i)e death0 it is (e (ho remain inheritors $after all else "asses away%.

2 . !o *s are #nown those of you who hasten forward, and those who la behind. 2!. Assuredly it is thy &ord (ho will ather them to ether0 for ,e is "erfect in (isdom and =nowled e. 2". (e created man from soundin clay, from mud moulded into sha"e; 2#. And the Jinn race, (e had created before, from the fire of a scorchin wind. 2&. 'ehold2 thy &ord said to the an els0 1I am about to create man, from soundin clay from mud moulded into sha"e; 2'. 1(hen I ha)e fashioned him $in due "ro"ortion% and breathed into him of My s"irit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.1 3(. So the an els "rostrated themsel)es, all of them to ether0 31. 4ot so Iblis0 he refused to be amon those who "rostrated themsel)es. 32. $$Allah%% said0 1/ Iblis2 what is your reason for not bein amon those who "rostrated themsel)es31 33. $Iblis% said0 1I am not one to "rostrate myself to man, whom !hou didst create from soundin clay, from mud moulded into sha"e.1 3 . $$Allah%% said0 1!hen et thee out from here; for thou art re-ected, accursed. 3!. 1And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Jud ment.1 3". $Iblis% said0 1/ my &ord2 i)e me then res"ite till the Day the $dead% are raised.1 3#. $$Allah%% said0 1+es"ite is ranted thee 3&. 1!ill the Day of the !ime a""ointed.1 3'. $Iblis% said0 1/ my &ord2 because !hou hast "ut me in the wron , I will ma#e $wron % fair5seemin to them on the earth, and I will "ut them all in the wron ,5 (. 178ce"t !hy ser)ants amon them, sincere and "urified $by !hy Grace%.1 1. $$Allah%% said0 1!his $way of My sincere ser)ants% is indeed a way that leads strai ht to Me. 2. 1.or o)er My ser)ants no authority shalt thou ha)e, e8ce"t such as "ut themsel)es in the wron and follow thee.1 3. And )erily, ,ell is the "romised abode for them all2 . !o it are se)en ates0 for each of those ates is a $s"ecial% class $of sinners% assi ned. !. !he ri hteous $will be% amid ardens and fountains $of clear5flowin water%. ". $!heir reetin will be%0 17nter ye here in "eace and security.1 #. And (e shall remo)e from their hearts any lur#in sense of in-ury0 $they will be% brothers $-oyfully% facin each other on thrones $of di nity%. &. !here no sense of fati ue shall touch them, nor shall they $e)er% be as#ed to lea)e. '. !ell My ser)ants that I am indeed the /ft5for i)in , Most Merciful; !(. And that My Penalty will be indeed the most rie)ous Penalty. !1. !ell them about the uests of Abraham. !2. (hen they entered his "resence and said, 1Peace21 ,e said, 1(e feel afraid of you21 !3. !hey said0 1.ear not2 (e i)e thee lad tidin s of a son endowed with wisdom.1

! . ,e said0 1Do ye i)e me lad tidin s that old a e has sei6ed me3 /f what, then, is your ood news31 !!. !hey said0 1(e i)e thee lad tidin s in truth0 be not then in des"air21 !". ,e said0 1And who des"airs of the mercy of his &ord, but such as o astray31 !#. Abraham said0 1(hat then is the business on which ye $ha)e come%, / ye messen ers $of Allah.31 !&. !hey said0 1(e ha)e been sent to a "eo"le $dee"% in sin, !'. 178ce"tin the adherents of &ut0 them we are certainly $char ed% to sa)e $from harm%,5 All 5 "(. 178ce"t his wife, who, (e ha)e ascertained, will be amon those who will la behind.1 "1. At len th when the messen ers arri)ed amon the adherents of &ut, "2. ,e said0 1:e a""ear to be uncommon fol#.1 "3. !hey said0 1:ea, we ha)e come to thee to accom"lish that of which they doubt. " . 1(e ha)e brou ht to thee that which is ine)itably due, and assuredly we tell the truth. "!. 1!hen tra)el by ni ht with thy household, when a "ortion of the ni ht $yet remains%, and do thou brin u" the rear0 let no one amon st you loo# bac#, but "ass on whither ye are ordered.1 "". And (e made #nown this decree to him, that the last remnants of those $sinners% should be cut off by the mornin . "#. !he inhabitants of the city came in $mad% -oy $at news of the youn men%. "&. &ut said0 1!hese are my uests0 dis race me not0 "'. 1'ut fear Allah, and shame me not.1 #(. !hey said0 1Did we not forbid thee $to s"ea#% for all and sundry31 #1. ,e said0 1!here are my dau hters $to marry%, if ye must act $so%.1 #2. >erily, by thy life $/ Pro"het%, in their wild into8ication, they wander in distraction, to and fro. #3. 'ut the $mi hty% 'last o)ertoo# them before mornin , # . And (e turned $the cities% u"side down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as ba#ed clay. #!. 'ehold2 in this are Si ns for those who by to#ens do understand. #". And the $cities were% ri ht on the hi h5road. ##. 'ehold2 in this is a si n for those who belie)ed. #&. And the Com"anions of the (ood were also wron 5doers; #'. So (e e8acted retribution from them. !hey were both on an o"en hi hway, "lain to see. &(. !he Com"anions of the +oc#y !ract also re-ected the a"ostles0 &1. (e sent them /ur Sin s, but they "ersisted in turnin away from them. &2. /ut of the mountains did they hew $their% edifices, $feelin themsel)es% secure. &3. 'ut the $mi hty% 'last sei6ed them of a mornin , & . And of no a)ail to them was all that they did $with such art and care%2

&!. (e created not the hea)ens, the earth, and all between them, but for -ust ends. And the ,our is surely comin $when this will be manifest%. So o)erloo# $any human faults% with racious for i)eness. &". .or )erily it is thy &ord who is the Master5Creator, #nowin all thin s. &#. And (e ha)e bestowed u"on thee the Se)en /ft5re"eated $)erses% and the Grand <ur9an. &&. Strain not thine eyes. $(istfully% at what (e ha)e bestowed on certain classes of them, nor rie)e o)er them0 but lower thy win $in entleness% to the belie)ers. &'. And say0 1I am indeed he that warneth o"enly and without ambi uity,15 '(. $/f -ust such wrath% as (e sent down on those who di)ided $Scri"ture into arbitrary "arts%,5 '1. $So also on such% as ha)e made <ur9an into shreds $as they "lease%. '2. !herefore, by the &ord, (e will, of a surety, call them to account, '3. .or all their deeds. ' . !herefore e8"ound o"enly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who -oin false ods with Allah. '!. .or sufficient are (e unto thee a ainst those who scoff,5 '". !hose who ado"t, with Allah, another od0 but soon will they come to #now. '#. (e do indeed #now how thy heart is distressed at what they say. '&. 'ut celebrate the "raises of thy &ord, and be of those who "rostrate themsel)es in adoration. ''. And ser)e thy &ord until there come unto thee the ,our that is Certain.

Surah 1". The 5ee

1. $Ine)itable% cometh $to "ass% the Command of Allah. see# ye not then to hasten it0 Glory to ,im, and far is ,e abo)e ha)in the "artners they ascribe unto ,im2 2. ,e doth send down ,is an els with ins"iration of ,is Command, to such of ,is ser)ants as ,e "leaseth, $sayin %0 1(arn $Man% that there is no od but I0 so do your duty unto Me.1 3. ,e has created the hea)ens and the earth for -ust ends0 .ar is ,e abo)e ha)in the "artners they ascribe to ,im2 . ,e has created man from a s"erm5dro"; and behold this same $man% becomes an o"en dis"uter2 !. And cattle ,e has created for you $men%0 from them ye deri)e warmth, and numerous benefits, and of their $meat% ye eat. ". And ye ha)e a sense of "ride and beauty in them as ye dri)e them home in the e)enin , and as ye lead them forth to "asture in the mornin . #. And they carry your hea)y loads to lands that ye could not $otherwise% reach e8ce"t with souls distressed0 for your &ord is indeed Most =ind, Most Merciful, &. And $,e has created% horses, mules, and don#eys, for you to ride and use for show; and ,e has created $other% thin s of which ye ha)e no #nowled e. '. And unto Allah leads strai ht the (ay, but there are ways that turn aside0 if Allah had willed, ,e could ha)e uided all of you.

1(. It is ,e who sends down rain from the s#y0 from it ye drin#, and out of it $ rows% the )e etation on which ye feed your cattle. 11. (ith it ,e "roduces for you corn, oli)es, date5"alms, ra"es and e)ery #ind of fruit0 )erily in this is a si n for those who i)e thou ht. 12. ,e has made sub-ect to you the 4i ht and the Day; the sun and the moon; and the stars are in sub-ection by ,is Command0 )erily in this are Si ns for men who are wise. 13. And the thin s on this earth which ,e has multi"lied in )aryin colours $and ;ualities%0 )erily in this is a si n for men who celebrate the "raises of Allah $in ratitude%. 1 . It is ,e (ho has made the sea sub-ect, that ye may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that ye may e8tract therefrom ornaments to wear; and thou seest the shi"s therein that "lou h the wa)es, that ye may see# $thus% of the bounty of Allah and that ye may be rateful. 1!. And ,e has set u" on the earth mountains standin firm, lest it should sha#e with you; and ri)ers and roads; that ye may uide yoursel)es; 1". And mar#s and si n5"osts; and by the stars $men% uide themsel)es. 1#. Is then ,e (ho creates li#e one that creates not3 (ill ye not recei)e admonition3 1&. If ye would count u" the fa)ours of Allah, ne)er would ye be able to number them0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1'. And Allah doth #now what ye conceal, and what ye re)eal. 2(. !hose whom they in)o#e besides Allah create nothin and are themsel)es created. 21. $!hey are thin s% dead, lifeless0 nor do they #now when they will be raised u". 22. :our Allah is one Allah. as to those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, their hearts refuse to #now, and they are arro ant. 23. *ndoubtedly Allah doth #now what they conceal, and what they re)eal0 )erily ,e lo)eth not the arro ant. 2 . (hen it is said to them, 1(hat is it that your &ord has re)ealed31 they say, 1!ales of the ancients21 2!. &et them bear, on the Day of Jud ment, their own burdens in full, and also $somethin % of the burdens of those without #nowled e, whom they misled. Alas, how rie)ous the burdens they will bear2 2". !hose before them did also "lot $a ainst Allah.s (ay%0 but Allah too# their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from abo)e; and the (rath sei6ed them from directions they did not "ercei)e. 2#. !hen, on the Day of Jud ment, ,e will co)er them with shame, and say0 1(here are My 9"artners9 concernin whom ye used to dis"ute $with the odly%31 !hose endued with #nowled e will say0 1!his Day, indeed, are the *nbelie)ers co)ered with shame and misery,5 2&. 1$4amely% those whose li)es the an els ta#e in a state of wron 5doin to their own souls.1 !hen would they offer submission $with the "retence%, 1(e did no e)il $#nowin ly%.1 $!he an els will re"ly%, 14ay, but )erily Allah #noweth all that ye did; 2'. 1So enter the ates of ,ell, to dwell therein. !hus e)il indeed is the abode of the arro ant.1 3(. !o the ri hteous $when% it is said, 1(hat is it that your &ord has re)ealed31 they say, 1All that is ood.1 !o those who do ood, there is ood in this world, and the ,ome of the ,ereafter is e)en better and e8cellent indeed is the ,ome of the ri hteous,5

31. Gardens of 7ternity which they will enter0 beneath them flow $"leasant% ri)ers0 they will ha)e therein all that they wish0 thus doth Allah reward the ri hteous,5 32. $4amely% those whose li)es the an els ta#e in a state of "urity, sayin $to them%, 1Peace be on you; enter ye the Garden, because of $the ood% which ye did $in the world%.1 33. Do the $un odly% wait until the an els come to them, or there comes the Command of thy &ord $for their doom%3 So did those who went before them. 'ut Allah wron ed them not0 nay, they wron ed their own souls. 3 . 'ut the e)il results of their deeds o)ertoo# them, and that )ery $(rath% at which they had scoffed hemmed them in. 3!. !he worshi""ers of false ods say0 1If Allah had so willed, we should not ha)e worshi""ed au ht but ,im 5 neither we nor our fathers,5 nor should we ha)e "rescribed "rohibitions other than ,is.1 So did those who went before them. 'ut what is the mission of a"ostles but to "reach the Clear Messa e3 3". .or (e assuredly sent amon st e)ery Peo"le an a"ostle, $with the Command%, 1Ser)e Allah, and eschew 7)il10 of the Peo"le were some whom Allah uided, and some on whom error became ine)itably $established%. So tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied $the !ruth%. 3#. If thou art an8ious for their uidance, yet Allah uideth not such as ,e lea)es to stray, and there is none to hel" them. 3&. !hey swear their stron est oaths by Allah, that Allah will not raise u" those who die0 4ay, but it is a "romise $bindin % on ,im in truth0 but most amon man#ind realise it not. 3'. $!hey must be raised u"%, in order that ,e may manifest to them the truth of that wherein they differ, and that the re-ecters of !ruth may realise that they had indeed $surrendered to% .alsehood. (. .or to anythin which (e ha)e willed, (e but say the word, 1'e1, and it is. 1. !o those who lea)e their homes in the cause of Allah, after sufferin o""ression,5 (e will assuredly i)e a oodly home in this world; but truly the reward of the ,ereafter will be reater. If they only realised $this%2 2. $!hey are% those who "erse)ere in "atience, and "ut their trust on their &ord. 3. And before thee also the a"ostles (e sent were but men, to whom (e ranted ins"iration0 if ye realise this not, as# of those who "ossess the Messa e. . $(e sent them% with Clear Si ns and 'oo#s of dar# "ro"hecies; and (e ha)e sent down unto thee $also% the Messa e; that thou mayest e8"lain clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may i)e thou ht. !. Do then those who de)ise e)il $"lots% feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them u", or that the (rath will not sei6e them from directions they little "ercei)e35 ". /r that ,e may not call them to account in the midst of their oin s to and fro, without a chance of their frustratin ,im35 #. /r that ,e may not call them to account by a "rocess of slow wasta e 5 for thy &ord is indeed full of #indness and mercy. &. Do they not loo# at Allah.s creation, $e)en% amon $inanimate% thin s,5 ,ow their $)ery% shadows turn round, from the ri ht and the left, "rostratin themsel)es to Allah, and that in the humblest manner3

'. And to Allah doth obeisance all that is in the hea)ens and on earth, whether mo)in $li)in % creatures or the an els0 for none are arro ant $before their &ord%. !(. !hey all re)ere their &ord, hi h abo)e them, and they do all that they are commanded. !1. Allah has said0 1!a#e not $for worshi"% two ods0 for ,e is -ust /ne Allah. then fear Me $and Me alone%.1 !2. !o ,im belon s whate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, and to ,im is duty due always0 then will ye fear other than Allah. !3. And ye ha)e no ood thin but is from Allah. and moreo)er, when ye are touched by distress, unto ,im ye cry with roans; ! . :et, when ,e remo)es the distress from you, behold2 some of you turn to other ods to -oin with their &ord5 !!. $As if% to show their in ratitude for the fa)ours we ha)e bestowed on them2 then en-oy $your brief day%0 but soon will ye #now $your folly%2 !". And they $e)en% assi n, to thin s they do not #now, a "ortion out of that which (e ha)e bestowed for their sustenance2 'y Allah, ye shall certainly be called to account for your false in)entions. !#. And they assi n dau hters for Allah. 5 Glory be to ,im2 5 and for themsel)es $sons,5 the issue% they desire2 !&. (hen news is brou ht to one of them, of $the birth of% a female $child%, his face dar#ens, and he is filled with inward rief2 !'. (ith shame does he hide himself from his "eo"le, because of the bad news he has had2 Shall he retain it on $sufferance and% contem"t, or bury it in the dust3 Ah2 what an e)il $choice% they decide on3 "(. !o those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, a""lies the similitude of e)il0 to Allah a""lies the hi hest similitude0 for ,e is the 78alted in Power, full of (isdom. "1. If Allah were to "unish men for their wron 5doin , ,e would not lea)e, on the $earth%, a sin le li)in creature0 but ,e i)es them res"ite for a stated !erm0 (hen their !erm e8"ires, they would not be able to delay $the "unishment% for a sin le hour, -ust as they would not be able to antici"ate it $for a sin le hour%. "2. !hey attribute to Allah what they hate $for themsel)es%, and their ton ues assert the falsehood that all ood thin s are for themsel)es0 without doubt for them is the .ire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it2 "3. 'y Allah, (e $also% sent $/ur a"ostles% to Peo"les before thee; but Satan made, $to the wic#ed%, their own acts seem allurin 0 ,e is also their "atron today, but they shall ha)e a most rie)ous "enalty. " . And (e sent down the 'oo# to thee for the e8"ress "ur"ose, that thou shouldst ma#e clear to them those thin s in which they differ, and that it should be a uide and a mercy to those who belie)e. "!. And Allah sends down rain from the s#ies, and i)es therewith life to the earth after its death0 )erily in this is a Si n for those who listen. "". And )erily in cattle $too% will ye find an instructi)e si n. .rom what is within their bodies between e8cretions and blood, (e "roduce, for your drin#, mil#, "ure and a reeable to those who drin# it.

"#. And from the fruit of the date5"alm and the )ine, ye et out wholesome drin# and food0 behold, in this also is a si n for those who are wise. "&. And thy &ord tau ht the 'ee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in $men9s% habitations; "'. !hen to eat of all the "roduce $of the earth%, and find with s#ill the s"acious "aths of its &ord0 there issues from within their bodies a drin# of )aryin colours, wherein is healin for men0 )erily in this is a Si n for those who i)e thou ht. #(. It is Allah who creates you and ta#es your souls at death; and of you there are some who are sent bac# to a feeble a e, so that they #now nothin after ha)in #nown $much%0 for Allah is All5=nowin , All5Powerful. #1. Allah has bestowed ,is ifts of sustenance more freely on some of you than on others0 those more fa)oured are not oin to throw bac# their ifts to those whom their ri ht hands "ossess, so as to be e;ual in that res"ect. (ill they then deny the fa)ours of Allah. #2. And Allah has made for you mates $and com"anions% of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and dau hters and randchildren, and "ro)ided for you sustenance of the best0 will they then belie)e in )ain thin s, and be un rateful for Allah.s fa)ours35 #3. And worshi" others than Allah,5 such as ha)e no "ower of "ro)idin them, for sustenance, with anythin in hea)ens or earth, and cannot "ossibly ha)e such "ower3 # . In)ent not similitudes for Allah. for Allah #noweth, and ye #now not. #!. Allah sets forth the Parable $of two men0 one% a sla)e under the dominion of another; ,e has no "ower of any sort; and $the other% a man on whom (e ha)e bestowed oodly fa)ours from /ursel)es, and he s"ends thereof $freely%, "ri)ately and "ublicly0 are the two e;ual3 $'y no means;% "raise be to Allah. 'ut most of them understand not. #". Allah sets forth $another% Parable of two men0 one of them dumb, with no "ower of any sort; a wearisome burden is he to his master; whiche)er way be directs him, he brin s no ood0 is such a man e;ual with one who commands Justice, and is on a Strai ht (ay3 ##. !o Allah belon eth the Mystery of the hea)ens and the earth. And the Decision of the ,our $of Jud ment% is as the twin#lin of an eye, or e)en ;uic#er0 for Allah hath "ower o)er all thin s. #&. It is ,e (ho brou ht you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye #new nothin ; and ,e a)e you hearin and si ht and intelli ence and affections0 that ye may i)e than#s $to Allah.. #'. Do they not loo# at the birds, held "oised in the midst of $the air and% the s#y3 4othin holds them u" but $the "ower of% Allah. >erily in this are si ns for those who belie)e. &(. It is Allah (ho made your habitations homes of rest and ;uiet for you; and made for you, out of the s#ins of animals, $tents for% dwellin s, which ye find so li ht $and handy% when ye tra)el and when ye sto" $in your tra)els%; and out of their wool, and their soft fibres $between wool and hair%, and their hair, rich stuff and articles of con)enience $to ser)e you% for a time. &1. It is Allah (ho made out of the thin s ,e created, some thin s to i)e you shade; of the hills ,e made some for your shelter; ,e made you arments to "rotect you from heat, and coats of mail to "rotect you from your $mutual% )iolence. !hus does ,e com"lete ,is fa)ours on you, that ye may bow to ,is (ill $in Islam%. &2. 'ut if they turn away, thy duty is only to "reach the clear Messa e. &3. !hey reco nise the fa)ours of Allah. then they deny them; and most of them are $creatures% un rateful.

& . /ne Day (e shall raise from all Peo"les a (itness0 then will no e8cuse be acce"ted from *nbelie)ers, nor will they recei)e any fa)ours. &!. (hen the wron 5doers $actually% see the Penalty, then will it in no way be miti ated, nor will they then recei)e res"ite. &". (hen those who a)e "artners to Allah will see their 1"artners1, they will say0 1/ur &ord2 these are our 9"artners,9 those whom we used to in)o#e besides !hee.1 'ut they will throw bac# their word at them $and say%0 1Indeed ye are liars21 &#. !hat Day shall they $o"enly% show $their% submission to Allah. and all their in)entions shall lea)e them in the lurch. &&. !hose who re-ect Allah and hinder $men% from the Path of Allah 5 for them will (e add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to s"read mischief. &'. /ne day (e shall raise from all Peo"les a witness a ainst them, from amon st themsel)es0 and (e shall brin thee as a witness a ainst these $thy "eo"le%0 and (e ha)e sent down to thee the 'oo# e8"lainin all thin s, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad !idin s to Muslims. '(. Allah commands -ustice, the doin of ood, and liberality to #ith and #in, and ,e forbids all shameful deeds, and in-ustice and rebellion0 ,e instructs you, that ye may recei)e admonition. '1. .ulfil the Co)enant of Allah when ye ha)e entered into it, and brea# not your oaths after ye ha)e confirmed them; indeed ye ha)e made Allah your surety; for Allah #noweth all that ye do. '2. And be not li#e a woman who brea#s into untwisted strands the yarn which she has s"un, after it has become stron . 4or ta#e your oaths to "ractise dece"tion between yoursel)es, lest one "arty should be more numerous than another0 for Allah will test you by this; and on the Day of Jud ment ,e will certainly ma#e clear to you $the truth of% that wherein ye disa ree. '3. If Allah so willed, ,e could ma#e you all one "eo"le0 'ut ,e lea)es strayin whom ,e "leases, and ,e uides whom ,e "leases0 but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions. ' . And ta#e not your oaths, to "ractise dece"tion between yoursel)es, with the result that someone9s foot may sli" after it was firmly "lanted, and ye may ha)e to taste the e)il $conse;uences% of ha)in hindered $men% from the Path of Allah, and a Mi hty (rath descend on you. '!. 4or sell the co)enant of Allah for a miserable "rice0 for with Allah is $a "ri6e% far better for you, if ye only #new. '". (hat is with you must )anish0 what is with Allah will endure. And (e will certainly bestow, on those who "atiently "erse)ere, their reward accordin to the best of their actions. '#. (hoe)er wor#s ri hteousness, man or woman, and has .aith, )erily, to him will (e i)e a new &ife, a life that is ood and "ure and (e will bestow on such their reward accordin to the best of their actions. '&. (hen thou dost read the <ur9an, see# Allah.s "rotection from Satan the re-ected one. ''. 4o authority has he o)er those who belie)e and "ut their trust in their &ord. 1((. ,is authority is o)er those only, who ta#e him as "atron and who -oin "artners with Allah. 1(1. (hen (e substitute one re)elation for another,5 and Allah #nows best what ,e re)eals $in sta es%,5 they say, 1!hou art but a for er10 but most of them understand not.

1(2. Say, the ,oly S"irit has brou ht the re)elation from thy &ord in !ruth, in order to stren then those who belie)e, and as a Guide and Glad !idin s to Muslims. 1(3. (e #now indeed that they say, 1It is a man that teaches him.1 !he ton ue of him they wic#edly "oint to is notably forei n, while this is Arabic, "ure and clear. 1( . !hose who belie)e not in the Si ns of Allah,5 Allah will not uide them, and theirs will be a rie)ous Penalty. 1(!. It is those who belie)e not in the Si ns of Allah, that for e falsehood0 it is they who lie2 1(". Any one who, after acce"tin faith in Allah, utters *nbelief,5 e8ce"t under com"ulsion, his heart remainin firm in .aith 5 but such as o"en their breast to *nbelief, on them is (rath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty. 1(#. !his because they lo)e the life of this world better than the ,ereafter0 and Allah will not uide those who re-ect .aith. 1(&. !hose are they whose hearts, ears, and eyes Allah has sealed u", and they ta#e no heed. 1('. (ithout doubt, in the ,ereafter they will "erish. 11(. 'ut )erily thy &ord,5 to those who lea)e their homes after trials and "ersecutions,5 and who thereafter stri)e and fi ht for the faith and "atiently "erse)ere,5 !hy &ord, after all this is oft5for i)in , Most Merciful. 111. /ne Day e)ery soul will come u" stru lin for itself, and e)ery soul will be recom"ensed $fully% for all its actions, and none will be un-ustly dealt with. 112. Allah sets forth a Parable0 a city en-oyin security and ;uiet, abundantly su""lied with sustenance from e)ery "lace0 :et was it un rateful for the fa)ours of Allah. so Allah made it taste of hun er and terror $in e8tremes% $closin in on it% li#e a arment $from e)ery side%, because of the $e)il% which $its "eo"le% wrou ht. 113. And there came to them an Messen er from amon themsel)es, but they falsely re-ected him; so the (rath sei6ed them e)en in the midst of their ini;uities. 11 . So eat of the sustenance which Allah has "ro)ided for you, lawful and ood; and be rateful for the fa)ours of Allah, if it is ,e (hom ye ser)e. 11!. ,e has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any $food% o)er which the name of other than Allah has been in)o#ed. 'ut if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor trans ressin due limits,5 then Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 11". 'ut say not 5 for any false thin that your ton ues may "ut forth,5 1!his is lawful, and this is forbidden,1 so as to ascribe false thin s to Allah. .or those who ascribe false thin s to Allah, will ne)er "ros"er. 11#. $In such falsehood% is but a "altry "rofit; but they will ha)e a most rie)ous Penalty. 11&. !o the Jews (e "rohibited such thin s as (e ha)e mentioned to thee before0 (e did them no wron , but they were used to doin wron to themsel)es. 11'. 'ut )erily thy &ord,5 to those who do wron in i norance, but who thereafter re"ent and ma#e amends,5 thy &ord, after all this, is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 12(. Abraham was indeed a model, de)outly obedient to Allah, $and% true in .aith, and he -oined not ods with Allah. 121. ,e showed his ratitude for the fa)ours of Allah, who chose him, and uided him to a Strai ht (ay.

122. And (e a)e him Good in this world, and he will be, in the ,ereafter, in the ran#s of the +i hteous. 123. So (e ha)e tau ht thee the ins"ired $Messa e%, 1.ollow the ways of Abraham the !rue in .aith, and he -oined not ods with Allah.1 12 . !he Sabbath was only made $strict% for those who disa reed $as to its obser)ance%; 'ut Allah will -ud e between them on the Day of Jud ment, as to their differences. 12!. In)ite $all% to the (ay of thy &ord with wisdom and beautiful "reachin ; and ar ue with them in ways that are best and most racious0 for thy &ord #noweth best, who ha)e strayed from ,is Path, and who recei)e uidance. 12". And if ye do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out0 'ut if ye show "atience, that is indeed the best $course% for those who are "atient. 12#. And do thou be "atient, for thy "atience is but from Allah. nor rie)e o)er them0 and distress not thyself because of their "lots. 12&. .or Allah is with those who restrain themsel)es, and those who do ood.

Surah 1#. -sra,. The $hil1ren Of -srael



1. Glory to $$Allah%% (ho did ta#e ,is ser)ant for a Journey by ni ht from the Sacred Mos;ue to the farthest Mos;ue, whose "recincts (e did bless,5 in order that (e mi ht show him some of /ur Si ns0 for ,e is the /ne (ho heareth and seeth $all thin s%. 2. (e a)e Moses the 'oo#, and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, $commandin %0 1!a#e not other than Me as Dis"oser of $your% affairs.1 3. / ye that are s"run from those whom (e carried $in the Ar#% with 4oah2 >erily he was a de)otee most rateful. . And (e a)e $Clear% (arnin to the Children of Israel in the 'oo#, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mi hty arro ance $and twice would they be "unished%2 !. (hen the first of the warnin s came to "ass, (e sent a ainst you /ur ser)ants i)en to terrible warfare0 !hey entered the )ery inmost "arts of your homes; and it was a warnin $com"letely% fulfilled. ". !hen did (e rant you the +eturn as a ainst them0 (e a)e you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in man5"ower. #. If ye did well, ye did well for yoursel)es; if ye did e)il, $ye did it% a ainst yoursel)es. So when the second of the warnin s came to "ass, $(e "ermitted your enemies% to disfi ure your faces, and to enter your !em"le as they had entered it before, and to )isit with destruction all that fell into their "ower. &. It may be that your &ord may $yet% show Mercy unto you; but if ye re)ert $to your sins%, (e shall re)ert $to /ur "unishments%0 And we ha)e made ,ell a "rison for those who re-ect $all .aith%. '. >erily this <ur9an doth uide to that which is most ri ht $or stable%, and i)eth the Glad !idin s to the 'elie)ers who wor# deeds of ri hteousness, that they shall ha)e a ma nificent reward;

1(. And to those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, $it announceth% that (e ha)e "re"ared for them a Penalty Grie)ous $indeed%. 11. !he "rayer that man should ma#e for ood, he ma#eth for e)il; for man is i)en to hasty $deeds%. 12. (e ha)e made the 4i ht and the Day as two $of /ur% Si ns0 the Si n of the 4i ht ha)e (e obscured, while the Si n of the Day (e ha)e made to enli hten you; that ye may see# bounty from your &ord, and that ye may #now the number and count of the years0 all thin s ha)e (e e8"lained in detail. 13. 7)ery man9s fate (e ha)e fastened on his own nec#0 /n the Day of Jud ment (e shall brin out for him a scroll, which he will see s"read o"en. 1 . $It will be said to him0% 1+ead thine $own% record0 Sufficient is thy soul this day to ma#e out an account a ainst thee.1 1!. (ho recei)eth uidance, recei)eth it for his own benefit0 who oeth astray doth so to his own loss0 4o bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another0 nor would (e )isit with /ur (rath until (e had sent an a"ostle $to i)e warnin %. 1". (hen (e decide to destroy a "o"ulation, (e $first% send a definite order to those amon them who are i)en the ood thin s of this life and yet trans ress; so that the word is "ro)ed true a ainst them0 then $it is% (e destroy them utterly. 1#. ,ow many enerations ha)e (e destroyed after 4oah3 and enou h is thy &ord to note and see the sins of ,is ser)ants. 1&. If any do wish for the transitory thin s $of this life%, (e readily rant them 5 such thin s as (e will, to such "erson as (e will0 in the end ha)e (e "ro)ided ,ell for them0 they will burn therein, dis raced and re-ected. 1'. !hose who do wish for the $thin s of% the ,ereafter, and stri)e therefor with all due stri)in , and ha)e .aith,5 they are the ones whose stri)in is acce"table $to Allah.. 2(. /f the bounties of thy &ord (e bestow freely on all5 !hese as well as those0 !he bounties of thy &ord are not closed $to anyone%. 21. See how (e ha)e bestowed more on some than on others; but )erily the ,ereafter is more in ran# and radation and more in e8cellence. 22. !a#e not with Allah another ob-ect of worshi"; or thou $/ man2% wilt sit in dis race and destitution. 23. !hy &ord hath decreed that ye worshi" none but ,im, and that ye be #ind to "arents. (hether one or both of them attain old a e in thy life, say not to them a word of contem"t, nor re"el them, but address them in terms of honour. 2 . And, out of #indness, lower to them the win of humility, and say0 1My &ord2 bestow on them thy Mercy e)en as they cherished me in childhood.1 2!. :our &ord #noweth best what is in your hearts0 If ye do deeds of ri hteousness, )erily ,e is Most .or i)in to those who turn to ,im a ain and a ain $in true "enitence%. 2". And render to the #indred their due ri hts, as $also% to those in want, and to the wayfarer0 'ut s;uander not $your wealth% in the manner of a s"endthrift. 2#. >erily s"endthrifts are brothers of the 7)il /nes; and the 7)il /ne is to his &ord $himself% un rateful. 2&. And e)en if thou hast to turn away from them in "ursuit of the Mercy from thy &ord which thou dost e8"ect, yet s"ea# to them a word of easy #indness.

2'. Ma#e not thy hand tied $li#e a ni ard9s% to thy nec#, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute. 3(. >erily thy &ord doth "ro)ide sustenance in abundance for whom ,e "leaseth, and ,e "ro)ideth in a -ust measure. .or ,e doth #now and re ard all ,is ser)ants. 31. =ill not your children for fear of want0 (e shall "ro)ide sustenance for them as well as for you. >erily the #illin of them is a reat sin. 32. 4or come ni h to adultery0 for it is a shameful $deed% and an e)il, o"enin the road $to other e)ils%. 33. 4or ta#e life 5 which Allah has made sacred 5 e8ce"t for -ust cause. And if anyone is slain wron fully, we ha)e i)en his heir authority $to demand ;isas or to for i)e%0 but let him nor e8ceed bounds in the matter of ta#in life; for he is hel"ed $by the &aw%. 3 . Come not ni h to the or"han9s "ro"erty e8ce"t to im"ro)e it, until he attains the a e of full stren th; and fulfil $e)ery% en a ement, for $e)ery% en a ement will be en;uired into $on the Day of +ec#onin %. 3!. Gi)e full measure when ye measure, and wei h with a balance that is strai ht0 that is the most fittin and the most ad)anta eous in the final determination. 3". And "ursue not that of which thou hast no #nowled e; for e)ery act of hearin , or of seein or of $feelin in% the heart will be en;uired into $on the Day of +ec#onin %. 3#. 4or wal# on the earth with insolence0 for thou canst not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in hei ht. 3&. /f all such thin s the e)il is hateful in the si ht of thy &ord. 3'. !hese are amon the $"rece"ts of% wisdom, which thy &ord has re)ealed to thee. !a#e not, with Allah, another ob-ect of worshi", lest thou shouldst be thrown into ,ell, blameworthy and re-ected. (. ,as then your &ord $/ Pa ans2% "referred for you sons, and ta#en for ,imself dau hters amon the an els3 !ruly ye utter a most dreadful sayin 2 1. (e ha)e e8"lained $thin s% in )arious $ways% in this <ur9an, in order that they may recei)e admonition, but it only increases their fli ht $from the !ruth%2 2. Say0 If there had been $other% ods with ,im, as they say,5 behold, they would certainly ha)e sou ht out a way to the &ord of the !hrone2 3. Glory to ,im2 ,e is hi h abo)e all that they say25 78alted and Great $beyond measure%2 . !he se)en hea)ens and the earth, and all bein s therein, declare ,is lory0 there is not a thin but celebrates ,is "raise; And yet ye understand not how they declare ,is lory2 >erily ,e is /ft5.orbear, Most .or i)in 2 !. (hen thou dost recite the <ur9an, (e "ut, between thee and those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, a )eil in)isible0 ". And (e "ut co)erin s o)er their hearts $and minds% lest they should understand the <ur9an, and deafness into their ears0 when thou dost commemorate thy &ord and ,im alone in the <ur9an, they turn on their bac#s, fleein $from the !ruth%. #. (e #now best why it is they listen, when they listen to thee; and when they meet in "ri)ate conference, behold, the wic#ed say, 1:e follow none other than a man bewitched21 &. See what similes they stri#e for thee0 but they ha)e one astray, and ne)er can they find a way.

'. !hey say0 1(hat2 when we are reduced to bones and dust, should we really be raised u" $to be% a new creation31 !(. Say0 1$4ay2% be ye stones or iron, !1. 1/r created matter which, in your minds, is hardest $to be raised u"%,5 $:et shall ye be raised u"%21 then will they say0 1(ho will cause us to return31 Say0 1,e who created you first21 !hen will they wa their heads towards thee, and say, 1(hen will that be31 Say, 1May be it will be ;uite soon2 !2. 1It will be on a Day when ,e will call you, and ye will answer $,is call% with $words of% ,is "raise, and ye will thin# that ye tarried but a little while21 !3. Say to My ser)ants that they should $only% say those thin s that are best0 for Satan doth sow dissensions amon them0 .or Satan is to man an a)owed enemy. ! . It is your &ord that #noweth you best0 If ,e "lease, ,e ranteth you mercy, or if ,e "lease, "unishment0 (e ha)e not sent thee to be a dis"oser of their affairs for them. !!. And it is your &ord that #noweth best all bein s that are in the hea)ens and on earth0 (e did bestow on some "ro"hets more $and other% ifts than on others0 and (e a)e to Da)id $the ift of% the Psalms. !". Say0 1Call on those 5 besides ,im 5 whom ye fancy0 they ha)e neither the "ower to remo)e your troubles from you nor to chan e them.1 !#. !hose whom they call u"on do desire $for themsel)es% means of access to their &ord, 5 e)en those who are nearest0 they ho"e for ,is Mercy and fear ,is (rath0 for the (rath of thy &ord is somethin to ta#e heed of. !&. !here is not a "o"ulation but (e shall destroy it before the Day of Jud ment or "unish it with a dreadful Penalty0 that is written in the $eternal% +ecord. !'. And (e refrain from sendin the si ns, only because the men of former enerations treated them as false0 (e sent the she5camel to the !hamud to o"en their eyes, but they treated her wron fully0 (e only send the Si ns by way of terror $and warnin from e)il%. "(. 'ehold2 (e told thee that thy &ord doth encom"ass man#ind round about0 (e ranted the )ision which (e showed thee, but as a trial for men,5 as also the Cursed !ree $mentioned% in the <ur9an0 (e "ut terror $and warnin % into them, but it only increases their inordinate trans ression2 "1. 'ehold2 (e said to the an els0 1'ow down unto Adam10 !hey bowed down e8ce"t Iblis0 ,e said, 1Shall I bow down to one whom !hou didst create from clay31 "2. ,e said0 1Seest !hou3 this is the one whom !hou hast honoured abo)e me2 If !hou wilt but res"ite me to the Day of Jud ment, I will surely brin his descendants under my sway 5 all but a few21 "3. $$Allah%% said0 1Go thy way; if any of them follow thee, )erily ,ell will be the recom"ense of you $all%5 an am"le recom"ense. " . 1&ead to destruction those whom thou canst amon them, with thy $seducti)e% )oice; ma#e assaults on them with thy ca)alry and thy infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and ma#e "romises to them.1 'ut Satan "romises them nothin but deceit. "!. 1As for My ser)ants, no authority shalt thou ha)e o)er them01 7nou h is thy &ord for a Dis"oser of affairs. "". :our &ord is ,e !hat ma#eth the Shi" o smoothly for you throu h the sea, in order that ye may see# of his 'ounty. .or he is unto you most Merciful.

"#. (hen distress sei6es you at sea, those that ye call u"on 5 besides ,imself 5 lea)e you in the lurch2 but when ,e brin s you bac# safe to land, ye turn away $from ,im%. Most un rateful is man2 "&. Do ye then feel secure that ,e will not cause you to be swallowed u" beneath the earth when ye are on land, or that ,e will not send a ainst you a )iolent tornado $with showers of stones% so that ye shall find no one to carry out your affairs for you3 "'. /r do ye feel secure that ,e will not send you bac# a second time to sea and send a ainst you a hea)y ale to drown you because of your in ratitude, so that ye find no hel"er. !herein a ainst *s3 #(. (e ha)e honoured the sons of Adam; "ro)ided them with trans"ort on land and sea; i)en them for sustenance thin s ood and "ure; and conferred on them s"ecial fa)ours, abo)e a reat "art of our creation. #1. /ne day (e shall call to ether all human bein s with their $res"ecti)e% Imams0 those who are i)en their record in their ri ht hand will read it $with "leasure%, and they will not be dealt with un-ustly in the least. #2. 'ut those who were blind in this world, will be blind in the hereafter, and most astray from the Path. #3. And their "ur"ose was to tem"t thee away from that which (e had re)ealed unto thee, to substitute in our name somethin ;uite different; $in that case%, behold2 they would certainly ha)e made thee $their% friend2 # . And had (e not i)en thee stren th, thou wouldst nearly ha)e inclined to them a little. #!. In that case (e should ha)e made thee taste an e;ual "ortion $of "unishment% in this life, and an e;ual "ortion in death0 and moreo)er thou wouldst ha)e found none to hel" thee a ainst *s2 #". !heir "ur"ose was to scare thee off the land, in order to e8"el thee; but in that case they would not ha)e stayed $therein% after thee, e8ce"t for a little while. ##. $!his was /ur% way with the a"ostles (e sent before thee0 thou wilt find no chan e in /ur ways. #&. 7stablish re ular "rayers 5 at the sun9s decline till the dar#ness of the ni ht, and the mornin "rayer and readin 0 for the "rayer and readin in the mornin carry their testimony. #'. And "ray in the small watches of the mornin 0 $it would be% an additional "rayer $or s"iritual "rofit% for thee0 soon will thy &ord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory2 &(. Say0 1/ my &ord2 &et my entry be by the Gate of !ruth and ,onour, and li#ewise my e8it by the Gate of !ruth and ,onour; and rant me from !hy Presence an authority to aid $me%.1 &1. And say0 1!ruth has $now% arri)ed, and .alsehood "erished0 for .alsehood is $by its nature% bound to "erish.1 &2. (e send down $sta e by sta e% in the <ur9an that which is a healin and a mercy to those who belie)e0 to the un-ust it causes nothin but loss after loss. &3. :et when (e bestow /ur fa)ours on man, he turns away and becomes remote on his side $instead of comin to *s%, and when e)il sei6es him he i)es himself u" to des"air2 & . Say0 17)eryone acts accordin to his own dis"osition0 'ut your &ord #nows best who it is that is best uided on the (ay.1 &!. !hey as# thee concernin the S"irit $of ins"iration%. Say0 1!he S"irit $cometh% by command of my &ord0 of #nowled e it is only a little that is communicated to you, $/ men2%1

&". If it were /ur (ill, (e could ta#e away that which (e ha)e sent thee by ins"iration0then wouldst thou find none to "lead thy affair in that matter as a ainst *s,5 &#. 78ce"t for Mercy from thy &ord0 for his bounty is to thee $indeed% reat. &&. Say0 1If the whole of man#ind and Jinns were to ather to ether to "roduce the li#e of this <ur9an, they could not "roduce the li#e thereof, e)en if they bac#ed u" each other with hel" and su""ort. &'. And (e ha)e e8"lained to man, in this <ur9an, e)ery #ind of similitude0 yet the reater "art of men refuse $to recei)e it% e8ce"t with in ratitude2 '(. !hey say0 1(e shall not belie)e in thee, until thou cause a s"rin to ush forth for us from the earth, '1. 1/r $until% thou ha)e a arden of date trees and )ines, and cause ri)ers to ush forth in their midst, carryin abundant water; '2. 1/r thou cause the s#y to fall in "ieces, as thou sayest $will ha""en%, a ainst us; or thou brin Allah and the an els before $us% face to face0 '3. 1/r thou ha)e a house adorned with old, or thou mount a ladder ri ht into the s#ies. 4o, we shall not e)en belie)e in thy mountin until thou send down to us a boo# that we could read.1 Say0 1Glory to my &ord2 Am I au ht but a man,5 an a"ostle31 ' . (hat #e"t men bac# from belief when Guidance came to them, was nothin but this0 they said, 1,as Allah sent a man $li#e us% to be $,is% Messen er.1 '!. Say, 1If there were settled, on earth, an els wal#in about in "eace and ;uiet, (e should certainly ha)e sent them down from the hea)ens an an el for an a"ostle.1 '". Say0 17nou h is Allah for a witness between me and you0 for ,e is well ac;uainted with ,is ser)ants, and ,e sees $all thin s%. '#. It is he whom Allah uides, that is on true Guidance; but he whom ,e lea)es astray 5 for such wilt thou find no "rotector besides ,im. /n the Day of Jud ment (e shall ather, them to ether, "rone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf0 their abode will be ,ell0 e)ery time it shows abatement, (e shall increase from them the fierceness of the .ire. '&. !hat is their recom"ense, because they re-ected /ur si ns, and said, 1(hen we are reduced to bones and bro#en dust, should we really be raised u" $to be% a new Creation31 ''. See they not that Allah, (ho created the hea)ens and the earth, has "ower to create the li#e of them $anew%3 /nly ,e has decreed a term a""ointed, of which there is no doubt. 'ut the un-ust refuse $to recei)e it% e8ce"t with in ratitude. 1((. Say0 1If ye had control of the !reasures of the Mercy of my &ord, behold, ye would #ee" them bac#, for fear of s"endin them0 for man is $e)ery% ni ardly21 1(1. !o Moses (e did i)e 4ine Clear Sin s0 As the Children of Israel0 when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him0 1/ Moses2 I consider thee, indeed, to ha)e been wor#ed u"on by sorcery2 1(2. Moses said, 1!hou #nowest well that these thin s ha)e been sent down by none but the &ord of the hea)ens and the earth as eye5o"enin e)idence0 and I consider thee indeed, / Pharaoh, to be one doomed to destruction21 1(3. So he resol)ed to remo)e them from the face of the earth0 but (e did drown him and all who were with him.

1( . And (e said thereafter to the Children of Israel, 1Dwell securely in the land $of "romise%10 but when the second of the warnin s came to "ass, (e athered you to ether in a min led crowd. 1(!. (e sent down the $<ur9an% in !ruth, and in !ruth has it descended0 and (e sent thee but to i)e Glad !idin s and to warn $sinners%. 1(". $It is% a <ur9an which (e ha)e di)ided $into "arts from time to time%, in order that thou mi htest recite it to men at inter)als0 (e ha)e re)ealed it by sta es. 1(#. Say0 1(hether ye belie)e in it or not, it is true that those who were i)en #nowled e beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble "rostration, 1(&. 1And they say0 9Glory to our &ord2 !ruly has the "romise of our &ord been fulfilled291 1('. !hey fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their $earnest% humility. 11(. Say0 1Call u"on Allah, or call u"on +ahman0 by whate)er name ye call u"on ,im, $it is well%0 for to ,im belon the Most 'eautiful 4ames. 4either s"ea# thy Prayer aloud, nor s"ea# it in a low tone, but see# a middle course between.1 111. Say0 1Praise be to Allah, who be ets no son, and has no "artner in $,is% dominion0 4or $needs% ,e any to "rotect ,im from humiliation0 yea, ma nify ,im for ,is reatness and lory21

Surah 1&. The $a2e

1. Praise be to Allah, (ho hath sent to ,is Ser)ant the 'oo#, and hath allowed therein no Croo#edness0 2. $,e hath made it% Strai ht $and Clear% in order that ,e may warn $the odless% of a terrible Punishment from ,im, and that ,e may i)e Glad !idin s to the 'elie)ers who wor# ri hteous deeds, that they shall ha)e a oodly +eward, 3. (herein they shall remain for e)er0 . .urther, that ,e may warn those $also% who say, 1$Allah% hath be otten a son10 !. 4o #nowled e ha)e they of such a thin , nor had their fathers. It is a rie)ous thin that issues from their mouths as a sayin what they say is nothin but falsehood2 ". !hou wouldst only, "erchance, fret thyself to death, followin after them, in rief, if they belie)e not in this Messa e. #. !hat which is on earth we ha)e made but as a litterin show for the earth, in order that (e may test them 5 as to which of them are best in conduct. &. >erily what is on earth we shall ma#e but as dust and dry soil $without rowth or herba e%. '. /r dost thou reflect that the Com"anions of the Ca)e and of the Inscri"tion were wonders amon /ur Si n3 1(. 'ehold, the youths betoo# themsel)es to the Ca)e0 they said, 1/ur &ord2 bestow on us Mercy from !hyself, and dis"ose of our affair for us in the ri ht way21 11. !hen (e draw $a )eil% o)er their ears, for a number of years, in the Ca)e, $so that they heard not%0 12. !hen (e roused them, in order to test which of the two "arties was best at calculatin the term of years they had tarried2 13. (e relate to thee their story in truth0 they were youths who belie)ed in their &ord, and (e ad)anced them in uidance0

1 . (e a)e stren th to their hearts0 'ehold, they stood u" and said0 1/ur &ord is the &ord of the hea)ens and of the earth0 ne)er shall we call u"on any od other than ,im0 if we did, we should indeed ha)e uttered an enormity2 1!. 1!hese our "eo"le ha)e ta#en for worshi" ods other than ,im0 why do they not brin forward an authority clear $and con)incin % for what they do3 (ho doth more wron than such as in)ent a falsehood a ainst Allah. 1". 1(hen ye turn away from them and the thin s they worshi" other than Allah, beta#e yoursel)es to the Ca)e0 :our &ord will shower ,is mercies on you and dis"oses of your affair towards comfort and ease.1 1#. !hou wouldst ha)e seen the sun, when it rose, declinin to the ri ht from their Ca)e, and when it set, turnin away from them to the left, while they lay in the o"en s"ace in the midst of the Ca)e. Such are amon the Si ns of Allah. ,e whom Allah, uides is ri htly uided; but he whom Allah lea)es to stray,5 for him wilt thou find no "rotector to lead him to the +i ht (ay. 1&. !hou wouldst ha)e deemed them awa#e, whilst they were aslee", and (e turned them on their ri ht and on their left sides0 their do stretchin forth his two fore5le s on the threshold0 if thou hadst come u" on to them, thou wouldst ha)e certainly turned bac# from them in fli ht, and wouldst certainly ha)e been filled with terror of them. 1'. Such $bein their state%, we raised them u" $from slee"%, that they mi ht ;uestion each other. Said one of them, 1,ow lon ha)e ye stayed $here%31 !hey said, 1(e ha)e stayed $"erha"s% a day, or "art of a day.1 $At len th% they $all% said, 1$Allah% $alone% #nows best how lon ye ha)e stayed here.... 4ow send ye then one of you with this money of yours to the town0 let him find out which is the best food $to be had% and brin some to you, that $ye may% satisfy your hun er therewith0 And let him beha)e with care and courtesy, and let him not inform any one about you. 2(. 1.or if they should come u"on you, they would stone you or force you to return to their cult, and in that case ye would ne)er attain "ros"erity.1 21. !hus did (e ma#e their case #nown to the "eo"le, that they mi ht #now that the "romise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the ,our of Jud ment. 'ehold, they dis"ute amon themsel)es as to their affair. $Some% said, 1Construct a buildin o)er them10 !heir &ord #nows best about them0 those who "re)ailed o)er their affair said, 1&et us surely build a "lace of worshi" o)er them.1 22. $Some% say they were three, the do bein the fourth amon them; $others% say they were fi)e, the do bein the si8th,5 doubtfully uessin at the un#nown; $yet others% say they were se)en, the do bein the ei hth. Say thou0 1My &ord #noweth best their number; It is but few that #now their $real case%.1 7nter not, therefore, into contro)ersies concernin them, e8ce"t on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about $the affair of% the Slee"ers. 23. 4or say of anythin , 1I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow15 2 . (ithout addin , 1So "lease Allah.1 and call thy &ord to mind when thou for ettest, and say, 1I ho"e that my &ord will uide me e)er closer $e)en% than this to the ri ht road.1 2!. So they stayed in their Ca)e three hundred years, and $some% add nine $more% 2". Say0 1$Allah% #nows best how lon they stayed0 with ,im is $the #nowled e of% the secrets of the hea)ens and the earth0 how clearly ,e sees, how finely ,e hears $e)erythin %2 !hey ha)e no "rotector other than ,im; nor does ,e share ,is Command with any "erson whatsoe)er.

2#. And recite $and teach% what has been re)ealed to thee of the 'oo# of thy &ord0 none can chan e ,is (ords, and none wilt thou find as a refu e other than ,im. 2&. And #ee" thy soul content with those who call on their &ord mornin and e)enin , see#in ,is .ace; and let not thine eyes "ass beyond them, see#in the "om" and litter of this &ife; no obey any whose heart (e ha)e "ermitted to ne lect the remembrance of *s, one who follows his own desires, whose case has one beyond all bounds. 2'. Say, 1!he truth is from your &ord10 &et him who will belie)e, and let him who will, re-ect $it%0 for the wron 5doers (e ha)e "re"ared a .ire whose $smo#e and flames%, li#e the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in0 if they im"lore relief they will be ranted water li#e melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drin#2 ,ow uncomfortable a couch to recline on2 3(. As to those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, )erily (e shall not suffer to "erish the reward of any who do a $sin le% ri hteous deed. 31. .or them will be Gardens of 7ternity; beneath them ri)ers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of old, and they will wear reen arments of fine sil# and hea)y brocade0 !hey will recline therein on raised thrones. ,ow ood the recom"ense2 ,ow beautiful a couch to recline on2 32. Set forth to them the "arable of two men0 for one of them (e "ro)ided two ardens of ra"e5)ines and surrounded them with date "alms; in between the two (e "laced corn5fields. 33. 7ach of those ardens brou ht forth its "roduce, and failed not in the least therein0 in the midst of them (e caused a ri)er to flow. 3 . $Abundant% was the "roduce this man had 0 he said to his com"anion, in the course of a mutual ar ument0 1more wealth ha)e I than you, and more honour and "ower in $my followin of% men.1 3!. ,e went into his arden in a state $of mind% un-ust to his soul0 ,e said, 1I deem not that this will e)er "erish, 3". 14or do I deem that the ,our $of Jud ment% will $e)er% come0 7)en if I am brou ht bac# to my &ord, I shall surely find $there% somethin better in e8chan e.1 3#. ,is com"anion said to him, in the course of the ar ument with him0 1Dost thou deny ,im (ho created thee out of dust, then out of a s"erm5dro", then fashioned thee into a man3 3&. 1'ut $I thin#% for my "art that ,e is Allah, My &ord, and none shall I associate with my &ord. 3'. 1(hy didst thou not, as thou wentest into thy arden, say0 9$Allah%9s will $be done%2 !here is no "ower but with Allah.9 If thou dost see me less than thee in wealth and sons, (. 1It may be that my &ord will i)e me somethin better than thy arden, and that ,e will send on thy arden thunderbolts $by way of rec#onin % from hea)en, ma#in it $but% sli""ery sand25 1. 1/r the water of the arden will run off under round so that thou wilt ne)er be able to find it.1 2. So his fruits $and en-oyment% were encom"assed $with ruin%, and he remained twistin and turnin his hands o)er what he had s"ent on his "ro"erty, which had $now% tumbled to "ieces to its )ery foundations, and he could only say, 1(oe is me2 (ould I had ne)er ascribed "artners to my &ord and Cherisher21 3. 4or had he numbers to hel" him a ainst Allah, nor was he able to deli)er himself.

. !here, the $only% "rotection comes from Allah, the !rue /ne. ,e is the 'est to reward, and the 'est to i)e success. !. Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world0 It is li#e the rain which we send down from the s#ies0 the earth9s )e etation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter0 it is $only% Allah who "re)ails o)er all thin s. ". (ealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world0 'ut the thin s that endure, ood deeds, are best in the si ht of thy &ord, as rewards, and best as $the foundation for% ho"es. #. /ne Day (e shall remo)e the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a le)el stretch, and (e shall ather them, all to ether, nor shall (e lea)e out any one of them. &. And they will be marshalled before thy &ord in ran#s, $with the announcement%, 14ow ha)e ye come to *s $bare% as (e created you first0 aye, ye thou ht (e shall not fulfil the a""ointment made to you to meet $*s%210 '. And the 'oo# $of Deeds% will be "laced $before you%; and thou wilt see the sinful in reat terror because of what is $recorded% therein; they will say, 1Ah2 woe to us2 what a 'oo# is this2 It lea)es out nothin small or reat, but ta#es account thereof21 !hey will find all that they did, "laced before them0 And not one will thy &ord treat with in-ustice. !(. 'ehold2 (e said to the an els, 1'ow down to Adam10 !hey bowed down e8ce"t Iblis. ,e was one of the Jinns, and he bro#e the Command of his &ord. (ill ye then ta#e him and his "ro eny as "rotectors rather than Me3 And they are enemies to you2 7)il would be the e8chan e for the wron 5doers2 !1. I called them not to witness the creation of the hea)ens and the earth, nor $e)en% their own creation0 nor is it for hel"ers such as Me to ta#e as lead $men% astray2 !2. /ne Day ,e will say, 1Call on those whom ye thou ht to be My "artners,1 and they will call on them, but they will not listen to them; and (e shall ma#e for them a "lace of common "erdition. !3. And the Sinful shall see the fire and a""rehend that they ha)e to fall therein0 no means will they find to turn away therefrom. ! . (e ha)e e8"lained in detail in this <ur9an, for the benefit of man#ind, e)ery #ind of similitude0 but man is, in most thin s, contentious. !!. And what is there to #ee" bac# men from belie)in , now that Guidance has come to them, nor from "rayin for for i)eness from their &ord, but that $they as# that% the ways of the ancients be re"eated with them, or the (rath be brou ht to them face to face3 !". (e only send the a"ostles to i)e Glad !idin s and to i)e warnin s0 'ut the unbelie)ers dis"ute with )ain ar ument, in order therewith to wea#en the truth, and they treat My Si ns as a -est, as also the fact that they are warned2 !#. And who doth more wron than one who is reminded of the Si ns of his &ord, but turns away from them, for ettin the $deeds% which his hands ha)e sent forth3 >erily (e ha)e set )eils o)er their hearts lest they should understand this, and o)er their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to uidance, e)en then will they ne)er acce"t uidance. !&. 'ut your &ord is Most for i)in , full of Mercy. If ,e were to call them $at once% to account for what they ha)e earned, then surely ,e would ha)e hastened their "unishment, but they ha)e their a""ointed time, beyond which they will find no refu e. !'. Such were the "o"ulations we destroyed when they committed ini;uities; but we fi8ed an a""ointed time for their destruction.

"(. 'ehold, Moses said to his attendant, 1I will not i)e u" until I reach the -unction of the two seas or $until% I s"end years and years in tra)el.1 "1. 'ut when they reached the Junction, they for ot $about% their .ish, which too# its course throu h the sea $strai ht% as in a tunnel. "2. (hen they had "assed on $some distance%, Moses said to his attendant0 1'rin us our early meal; truly we ha)e suffered much fati ue at this $sta e of% our -ourney.1 "3. ,e re"lied0 1Sawest thou $what ha""ened% when we betoo# oursel)es to the roc#3 I did indeed for et $about% the .ish0 none but Satan made me for et to tell $you% about it0 it too# its course throu h the sea in a mar)ellous way21 " . Moses said0 1!hat was what we were see#in after01 So they went bac# on their footste"s, followin $the "ath they had come%. "!. So they found one of /ur ser)ants, on whom (e had bestowed Mercy from /ursel)es and whom (e had tau ht #nowled e from /ur own Presence. "". Moses said to him0 1May I follow thee, on the footin that thou teach me somethin of the $,i her% !ruth which thou hast been tau ht31 "#. $!he other% said0 1>erily thou wilt not be able to ha)e "atience with me21 "&. 1And how canst thou ha)e "atience about thin s about which thy understandin is not com"lete31 "'. Moses said0 1!hou wilt find me, if Allah so will, $truly% "atient0 nor shall I disobey thee in au ht.1 #(. !he other said0 1If then thou wouldst follow me, as# me no ;uestions about anythin until I myself s"ea# to thee concernin it.1 #1. So they both "roceeded0 until, when they were in the boat, he scuttled it. Said Moses0 1,ast thou scuttled it in order to drown those in it3 !ruly a stran e thin hast thou done21 #2. ,e answered0 1Did I not tell thee that thou canst ha)e no "atience with me31 #3. Moses said0 1+ebu#e me not for for ettin , nor rie)e me by raisin difficulties in my case.1 # . !hen they "roceeded0 until, when they met a youn man, he slew him. Moses said0 1,ast thou slain an innocent "erson who had slain none3 !ruly a foul $unheard of% thin hast thou done21 #!. ,e answered0 1Did I not tell thee that thou canst ha)e no "atience with me31 #". $Moses% said0 1If e)er I as# thee about anythin after this, #ee" me not in thy com"any0 then wouldst thou ha)e recei)ed $full% e8cuse from my side.1 ##. !hen they "roceeded0 until, when they came to the inhabitants of a town, they as#ed them for food, but they refused them hos"itality. !hey found there a wall on the "oint of fallin down, but he set it u" strai ht. $Moses% said0 1If thou hadst wished, surely thou couldst ha)e e8acted some recom"ense for it21 #&. ,e answered0 1!his is the "artin between me and thee0 now will I tell thee the inter"retation of $those thin s% o)er which thou wast unable to hold "atience. #'. 1As for the boat, it belon ed to certain men in dire want0 they "lied on the water0 I but wished to render it unser)iceable, for there was after them a certain #in who sei6ed on e)ery boat by force.

&(. 1As for the youth, his "arents were "eo"le of .aith, and we feared that he would rie)e them by obstinate rebellion and in ratitude $to Allah and man%. &1. 1So we desired that their &ord would i)e them in e8chan e $a son% better in "urity $of conduct% and closer in affection. &2. 1As for the wall, it belon ed to two youths, or"hans, in the !own; there was, beneath it, a buried treasure, to which they were entitled0 their father had been a ri hteous man0 So thy &ord desired that they should attain their a e of full stren th and et out their treasure 5 a mercy $and fa)our% from thy &ord. I did it not of my own accord. Such is the inter"retation of $those thin s% o)er which thou wast unable to hold "atience.1 &3. !hey as# thee concernin ?ul5;arnain. Say, 1I will rehearse to you somethin of his story.1 & . >erily (e established his "ower on earth, and (e a)e him the ways and the means to all ends. &!. /ne $such% way he followed, &". *ntil, when he reached the settin of the sun, he found it set in a s"rin of mur#y water0 4ear it he found a Peo"le0 (e said0 1/ ?ul5;arnain2 $thou hast authority,% either to "unish them, or to treat them with #indness.1 &#. ,e said0 1(hoe)er doth wron , him shall we "unish; then shall he be sent bac# to his &ord; and ,e will "unish him with a "unishment unheard5of $before%. &&. 1'ut whoe)er belie)es, and wor#s ri hteousness,5 he shall ha)e a oodly reward, and easy will be his tas# as (e order it by our Command.1 &'. !hen followed he $another% way, '(. *ntil, when he came to the risin of the sun, he found it risin on a "eo"le for whom (e had "ro)ided no co)erin "rotection a ainst the sun. '1. $,e left them% as they were0 (e com"letely understood what was before him. '2. !hen followed he $another% way, '3. *ntil, when he reached $a tract% between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a "eo"le who scarcely understood a word. ' . !hey said0 1/ ?ul5;arnain2 the Go and Ma o $Peo"le% do reat mischief on earth0 shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mi htest erect a barrier between us and them3 '!. ,e said0 1$!he "ower% in which my &ord has established me is better $than tribute%0 ,el" me therefore with stren th $and labour%0 I will erect a stron barrier between you and them0 '". 1'rin me bloc#s of iron.1 At len th, when he had filled u" the s"ace between the two stee" mountain5sides, ,e said, 1'low $with your bellows%1 !hen, when he had made it $red% as fire, he said0 1'rin me, that I may "our o)er it, molten lead.1 '#. !hus were they made "owerless to scale it or to di throu h it. '&. ,e said0 1!his is a mercy from my &ord0 'ut when the "romise of my &ord comes to "ass, ,e will ma#e it into dust; and the "romise of my &ord is true.1 ''. /n that day (e shall lea)e them to sur e li#e wa)es on one another0 the trum"et will be blown, and (e shall collect them all to ether. 1((. And (e shall "resent ,ell that day for *nbelie)ers to see, all s"read out,5 1(1. $*nbelie)ers% whose eyes had been under a )eil from remembrance of Me, and who had been unable e)en to hear.

1(2. Do the *nbelie)ers thin# that they can ta#e My ser)ants as "rotectors besides Me3 >erily (e ha)e "re"ared ,ell for the *nbelie)ers for $their% entertainment. 1(3. Say0 1Shall we tell you of those who lose most in res"ect of their deeds35 1( . 1!hose whose efforts ha)e been wasted in this life, while they thou ht that they were ac;uirin ood by their wor#s31 1(!. !hey are those who deny the Si ns of their &ord and the fact of their ha)in to meet ,im $in the ,ereafter%0 )ain will be their wor#s, nor shall (e, on the Day of Jud ment, i)e them any wei ht. 1(". !hat is their reward, ,ell, because they re-ected .aith, and too# My Si ns and My Messen ers by way of -est. 1(#. As to those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, they ha)e, for their entertainment, the Gardens of Paradise, 1(&. (herein they shall dwell $for aye%0 no chan e will they wish for from them. 1('. Say0 1If the ocean were in# $wherewith to write out% the words of my &ord, sooner would the ocean be e8hausted than would the words of my &ord, e)en if we added another ocean li#e it, for its aid.1 11(. Say0 1I am but a man li#e yoursel)es, $but% the ins"iration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoe)er e8"ects to meet his &ord, let him wor# ri hteousness, and, in the worshi" of his &ord, admit no one as "artner.

Surah 1'. :ar+

1. =af. ,a. :a. 9Ain. Sad. 2. $!his is% a recital of the Mercy of thy &ord to ,is ser)ant ?a#ariya. 3. 'ehold2 he cried to his &ord in secret, . Prayin 0 1/ my &ord2 infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth listen with rey0 but ne)er am I unblest, / my &ord, in my "rayer to !hee2 !. 14ow I fear $what% my relati)es $and collea ues% $will do% after me0 but my wife is barren0 so i)e me an heir as from !hyself,5 ". 1$/ne that% will $truly% re"resent me, and re"resent the "osterity of Jacob; and ma#e him, / my &ord2 one with whom !hou art well5"leased21 #. $,is "rayer was answered%0 1/ ?a#ariya2 (e i)e thee ood news of a son0 ,is name shall be :ahya0 on none by that name ha)e (e conferred distinction before.1 &. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 ,ow shall I ha)e a son, when my wife is barren and I ha)e rown ;uite decre"it from old a e31 '. ,e said0 1So $it will be% thy &ord saith, 9that is easy for Me0 I did indeed create thee before, when thou hadst been nothin 291 1(. $?a#ariya% said0 1/ my &ord2 i)e me a Si n.1 1!hy Si n,1 was the answer, 1Shall be that thou shalt s"ea# to no man for three ni hts, althou h thou art not dumb.1 11. So ?a#ariya came out to his "eo"le from him chamber0 ,e told them by si ns to celebrate Allah.s "raises in the mornin and in the e)enin . 12. $!o his son came the command%0 1/ :ahya2 ta#e hold of the 'oo# with mi ht10 and (e a)e him (isdom e)en as a youth,

13. And "iety $for all creatures% as from *s, and "urity0 ,e was de)out, 1 . And #ind to his "arents, and he was not o)erbearin or rebellious. 1!. So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that he will be raised u" to life $a ain%2 1". +elate in the 'oo# $the story of% Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a "lace in the 7ast. 1#. She "laced a screen $to screen herself% from them; then (e sent her our an el, and he a""eared before her as a man in all res"ects. 1&. She said0 1I see# refu e from thee to $$Allah%% Most Gracious0 $come not near% if thou dost fear Allah.1 1'. ,e said0 14ay, I am only a messen er from thy &ord, $to announce% to thee the ift of a holy son. 2(. She said0 1,ow shall I ha)e a son, seein that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste31 21. ,e said0 1So $it will be%0 !hy &ord saith, 9that is easy for Me0 and $(e wish% to a""oint him as a Si n unto men and a Mercy from *s90It is a matter $so% decreed.1 22. So she concei)ed him, and she retired with him to a remote "lace. 23. And the "ains of childbirth dro)e her to the trun# of a "alm5tree0 She cried $in her an uish%0 1Ah2 would that I had died before this2 would that I had been a thin for otten and out of si ht21 2 . 'ut $a )oice% cried to her from beneath the $"alm5tree%0 1Grie)e not2 for thy &ord hath "ro)ided a ri)ulet beneath thee; 2!. 1And sha#e towards thyself the trun# of the "alm5tree0 It will let fall fresh ri"e dates u"on thee. 2". 1So eat and drin# and cool $thine% eye. And if thou dost see any man, say, 9I ha)e )owed a fast to $$Allah%% Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not tal# with any human bein 91 2#. At len th she brou ht the $babe% to her "eo"le, carryin him $in her arms%. !hey said0 1/ Mary2 truly an ama6in thin hast thou brou ht2 2&. 1/ sister of Aaron2 !hy father was not a man of e)il, nor thy mother a woman unchaste21 2'. 'ut she "ointed to the babe. !hey said0 1,ow can we tal# to one who is a child in the cradle31 3(. ,e said0 1I am indeed a ser)ant of Allah. ,e hath i)en me re)elation and made me a "ro"het; 31. 1And ,e hath made me blessed wheresoe)er I be, and hath en-oined on me Prayer and Charity as lon as I li)e; 32. 1$,e% hath made me #ind to my mother, and not o)erbearin or miserable; 33. 1So "eace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised u" to life $a ain%12 3 . Such $was% Jesus the son of Mary0 $it is% a statement of truth, about which they $)ainly% dis"ute. 3!. It is not befittin to $the ma-esty of% Allah that ,e should be et a son. Glory be to ,im2 when ,e determines a matter, ,e only says to it, 1'e1, and it is.

3". >erily Allah is my &ord and your &ord0 ,im therefore ser)e ye0 this is a (ay that is strai ht. 3#. 'ut the sects differ amon themsel)es0 and woe to the unbelie)ers because of the $comin % Jud ment of a Momentous Day2 3&. ,ow "lainly will they see and hear, the Day that they will a""ear before *s2 but the un-ust today are in error manifest2 3'. 'ut warn them of the Day of Distress, when the matter will be determined0 for $behold,% they are ne li ent and they do not belie)e2 (. It is (e (ho will inherit the earth, and all bein s thereon0 to *s will they all be returned. 1. $Also mention in the 'oo# $the story of% Abraham0 ,e was a man of !ruth, a "ro"het. 2. 'ehold, he said to his father0 1/ my father2 why worshi" that which heareth not and seeth not, and can "rofit thee nothin 3 3. 1/ my father2 to me hath come #nowled e which hath not reached thee0 so follow me0 I will uide thee to a way that is e)en and strai ht. . 1/ my father2 ser)e not Satan0 for Satan is a rebel a ainst $$Allah%% Most Gracious. !. 1/ my father2 I fear lest a Penalty afflict thee from $$Allah%% Most Gracious, so that thou become to Satan a friend.1 ". $!he father% re"lied0 1Dost thou hate my ods, / Abraham3 If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee0 4ow et away from me for a ood lon while21 #. Abraham said0 1Peace be on thee0 I will "ray to my &ord for thy for i)eness0 for ,e is to me Most Gracious. &. 1And I will turn away from you $all% and from those whom ye in)o#e besides Allah. I will call on my &ord0 "erha"s, by my "rayer to my &ord, I shall be not unblest.1 '. (hen he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshi""ed besides Allah, (e bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and each one of them (e made a "ro"het. !(. And (e bestowed of /ur Mercy on them, and (e ranted them lofty honour on the ton ue of truth. !1. Also mention in the 'oo# $the story of% Moses0 for he was s"ecially chosen, and he was an a"ostle $and% a "ro"het. !2. And we called him from the ri ht side of Mount $Sinai%, and made him draw near to *s, for mystic $con)erse%. !3. And, out of /ur Mercy, (e a)e him his brother Aaron, $also% a "ro"het. ! . Also mention in the 'oo# $the story of% Isma9il0 ,e was $strictly% true to what he "romised, and he was an a"ostle $and% a "ro"het. !!. ,e used to en-oin on his "eo"le Prayer and Charity, and he was most acce"table in the si ht of his &ord. !". Also mention in the 'oo# the case of Idris0 ,e was a man of truth $and sincerity%, $and% a "ro"het0 !#. And (e raised him to a lofty station. !&. !hose were some of the "ro"hets on whom Allah did bestow ,is Grace,5 of the "osterity of Adam, and of those who (e carried $in the Ar#% with 4oah, and of the "osterity of Abraham and Israel of those whom (e uided and chose. (hene)er the Si ns of $$Allah%%

Most Gracious were rehearsed to them, they would fall down in "rostrate adoration and in tears. !'. 'ut after them there followed a "osterity who missed "rayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction,5 "(. 78ce"t those who re"ent and belie)e, and wor# ri hteousness0 for these will enter the Garden and will not be wron ed in the least,5 "1. Gardens of 7ternity, those which $$Allah%% Most Gracious has "romised to ,is ser)ants in the *nseen0 for ,is "romise must $necessarily% come to "ass. "2. !hey will not there hear any )ain discourse, but only salutations of Peace0 And they will ha)e therein their sustenance, mornin and e)enin . "3. Such is the Garden which (e i)e as an inheritance to those of /ur ser)ants who uard a ainst 7)il. " . $!he an els say0% 1(e descend not but by command of thy &ord0 to ,im belon eth what is before us and what is behind us, and what is between0 and thy &ord ne)er doth for et,5 "!. 1&ord of the hea)ens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worshi" ,im, and be constant and "atient in ,is worshi"0 #nowest thou of any who is worthy of the same 4ame as ,e31 "". Man says0 1(hat2 (hen I am dead, shall I then be raised u" ali)e31 "#. 'ut does not man call to mind that (e created him before out of nothin 3 "&. So, by thy &ord, without doubt, (e shall ather them to ether, and $also% the 7)il /nes $with them%; then shall (e brin them forth on their #nees round about ,ell; "'. !hen shall (e certainly dra out from e)ery sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion a ainst $$Allah%% Most Gracious. #(. And certainly (e #now best those who are most worthy of bein burned therein. #1. 4ot one of you but will "ass o)er it0 this is, with thy &ord, a Decree which must be accom"lished. #2. 'ut (e shall sa)e those who uarded a ainst e)il, and (e shall lea)e the wron 5doers therein, $humbled% to their #nees. #3. (hen /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed to them, the *nbelie)ers say to those who belie)e, 1(hich of the two sides is best in "oint of "osition3 (hich ma#es the best show in council31 # . 'ut how many $countless% enerations before them ha)e we destroyed, who were e)en better in e;ui"ment and in litter to the eye3 #!. Say0 1If any men o astray, $$Allah%% Most Gracious e8tends $the ro"e% to them, until, when they see the warnin of Allah $bein fulfilled% 5 either in "unishment or in $the a""roach of% the ,our,5 they will at len th realise who is worst in "osition, and $who% wea#est in forces2 #". 1And Allah doth ad)ance in uidance those who see# uidance0 and the thin s that endure, Good Deeds, are best in the si ht of thy &ord, as rewards, and best in res"ect of $their% e)entual return.1 ##. ,ast thou then seen the $sort of% man who re-ects /ur Si ns, yet says0 1I shall certainly be i)en wealth and children31 #&. ,as he "enetrated to the *nseen, or has he ta#en a contract with $$Allah%% Most Gracious3 #'. 4ay2 (e shall record what he says, and (e shall add and add to his "unishment.

&(. !o *s shall return all that he tal#s of and he shall a""ear before *s bare and alone. &1. And they ha)e ta#en $for worshi"% ods other than Allah, to i)e them "ower and lory2 &2. Instead, they shall re-ect their worshi", and become ad)ersaries a ainst them. &3. Seest thou not that (e ha)e set the 7)il /nes on a ainst the unbelie)ers, to incite them with fury3 & . So ma#e no haste a ainst them, for (e but count out to them a $limited% number $of days%. &!. !he day (e shall ather the ri hteous to $$Allah%% Most Gracious, li#e a band "resented before a #in for honours, &". And (e shall dri)e the sinners to ,ell, li#e thirsty cattle dri)en down to water,5 &#. 4one shall ha)e the "ower of intercession, but such a one as has recei)ed "ermission $or "romise% from $$Allah%% Most Gracious. &&. !hey say0 1$$Allah%% Most Gracious has be otten a son21 &'. Indeed ye ha)e "ut forth a thin most monstrous2 '(. At it the s#ies are ready to burst, the earth to s"lit asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, '1. !hat they should in)o#e a son for $$Allah%% Most Gracious. '2. .or it is not consonant with the ma-esty of $$Allah%% Most Gracious that ,e should be et a son. '3. 4ot one of the bein s in the hea)ens and the earth but must come to $$Allah%% Most Gracious as a ser)ant. ' . ,e does ta#e an account of them $all%, and hath numbered them $all% e8actly. '!. And e)eryone of them will come to ,im sin ly on the Day of Jud ment. '". /n those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness, will $$Allah%% Most Gracious bestow lo)e. '#. So ha)e (e made the $<ur9an% easy in thine own ton ue, that with it thou mayest i)e Glad !idin s to the ri hteous, and warnin s to "eo"le i)en to contention. '&. 'ut how many $countless% enerations before them ha)e (e destroyed3 Canst thou find a sin le one of them $now% or hear $so much as% a whis"er of them3

Surah 2(. Ta8ha

1. !a5,a. 2. (e ha)e not sent down the <ur9an to thee to be $an occasion% for thy distress, 3. 'ut only as an admonition to those who fear $$Allah%%,5 . A re)elation from ,im (ho created the earth and the hea)ens on hi h. !. $$Allah%% Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne $of authority%. ". !o ,im belon s what is in the hea)ens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil. #. If thou "ronounce the word aloud, $it is no matter%0 for )erily ,e #noweth what is secret and what is yet more hidden. &. Allah. there is no od but ,e2 !o ,im belon the most 'eautiful 4ames.

'. ,as the story of Moses reached thee3 1(. 'ehold, he saw a fire0 So he said to his family, 1!arry ye; I "ercei)e a fire; "erha"s I can brin you some burnin brand therefrom, or find some uidance at the fire.1 11. 'ut when he came to the fire, a )oice was heard0 1/ Moses2 12. 1>erily I am thy &ord2 therefore $in My "resence% "ut off thy shoes0 thou art in the sacred )alley !uwa. 13. 1I ha)e chosen thee0 listen, then, to the ins"iration $sent to thee%. 1 . 1>erily, I am Allah. !here is no od but I0 So ser)e thou Me $only%, and establish re ular "rayer for celebratin My "raise. 1!. 1>erily the ,our is comin 5 My desi n is to #ee" it hidden 5 for e)ery soul to recei)e its reward by the measure of its 7ndea)our. 1". 1!herefore let not such as belie)e not therein but follow their own lusts, di)ert thee therefrom, lest thou "erish21.. 1#. 1And what is that in the ri ht hand, / Moses31 1&. ,e said, 1It is my rod0 on it I lean; with it I beat down fodder for my floc#s; and in it I find other uses.1 1'. $$Allah%% said, 1!hrow it, / Moses21 2(. ,e threw it, and behold2 It was a sna#e, acti)e in motion. 21. $$Allah%% said, 1Sei6e it, and fear not0 (e shall return it at once to its former condition1.. 22. 14ow draw thy hand close to thy side0 It shall come forth white $and shinin %, without harm $or stain%,5 as another Si n,5 23. 1In order that (e may show thee $two% of our Greater Si ns. 2 . 1Go thou to Pharaoh, for he has indeed trans ressed all bounds.1 2!. $Moses% said0 1/ my &ord2 e8"and me my breast; 2". 17ase my tas# for me; 2#. 1And remo)e the im"ediment from my s"eech, 2&. 1So they may understand what I say0 2'. 1And i)e me a Minister from my family, 3(. 1Aaron, my brother; 31. 1Add to my stren th throu h him, 32. 1And ma#e him share my tas#0 33. 1!hat we may celebrate !hy "raise without stint, 3 . 1And remember !hee without stint0 3!. 1.or !hou art ,e that $e)er% re ardeth us.1 3". $$Allah%% said0 1Granted is thy "rayer, / Moses21 3#. 1And indeed (e conferred a fa)our on thee another time $before%. 3&. 1'ehold2 (e sent to thy mother, by ins"iration, the messa e0 3'. 19!hrow $the child% into the chest, and throw $the chest% into the ri)er0 the ri)er will cast him u" on the ban#, and he will be ta#en u" by one who is an enemy to Me and an enemy to

him90 'ut I cast $the arment of% lo)e o)er thee from Me0 and $this% in order that thou mayest be reared under Mine eye. (. 1'ehold2 thy sister oeth forth and saith, 9shall I show you one who will nurse and rear the $child%39 So (e brou ht thee bac# to thy mother, that her eye mi ht be cooled and she should not rie)e. !hen thou didst slay a man, but (e sa)ed thee from trouble, and (e tried thee in )arious ways. !hen didst thou tarry a number of years with the "eo"le of Midian. !hen didst thou come hither as ordained, / Moses2 1. 1And I ha)e "re"ared thee for Myself $for ser)ice%1.. 2. 1Go, thou and thy brother, with My Si ns, and slac#en not, either of you, in #ee"in Me in remembrance. 3. 1Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, for he has indeed trans ressed all bounds; . 1'ut s"ea# to him mildly; "erchance he may ta#e warnin or fear $$Allah%%.1 !. !hey $Moses and Aaron% said0 1/ur &ord2 (e fear lest he hasten with insolence a ainst us, or lest he trans ress all bounds.1 ". ,e said0 1.ear not0 for I am with you0 I hear and see $e)erythin %. #. 1So o ye both to him, and say, 9>erily we are a"ostles sent by thy &ord0 Send forth, therefore, the Children of Israel with us, and afflict them not0 with a Si n, indeed, ha)e we come from thy &ord2 and "eace to all who follow uidance2 &. 19>erily it has been re)ealed to us that the Penalty $awaits% those who re-ect and turn away.91 '. $(hen this messa e was deli)ered%, $Pharaoh% said0 1(ho, then, / Moses, is the &ord of you two31 !(. ,e said0 1/ur &ord is ,e (ho a)e to each $created% thin its form and nature, and further, a)e $it% uidance.1 !1. $Pharaoh% said0 1(hat then is the condition of "re)ious enerations31 !2. ,e re"lied0 1!he #nowled e of that is with my &ord, duly recorded0 my &ord ne)er errs, nor for ets,5 !3. 1,e (ho has, made for you the earth li#e a car"et s"read out; has enabled you to o about therein by roads $and channels%; and has sent down water from the s#y.1 (ith it ha)e (e "roduced di)erse "airs of "lants each se"arate from the others. ! . 7at $for yoursel)es% and "asture your cattle0 )erily, in this are Si ns for men endued with understandin . !!. .rom the $earth% did (e create you, and into it shall (e return you, and from it shall (e brin you out once a ain. !". And (e showed Pharaoh all /ur Si ns, but he did re-ect and refuse. !#. ,e said0 1,ast thou come to dri)e us out of our land with thy ma ic, / Moses3 !&. 1'ut we can surely "roduce ma ic to match thine2 So ma#e a tryst between us and thee, which we shall not fail to #ee" 5 neither we nor thou 5 in a "lace where both shall ha)e e)en chances.1 !'. Moses said0 1:our tryst is the Day of the .esti)al, and let the "eo"le be assembled when the sun is well u".1 "(. So Pharaoh withdrew0 ,e concerted his "lan, and then came $bac#%.

"1. Moses said to him0 (oe to you2 .or e not ye a lie a ainst Allah, lest ,e destroy you $at once% utterly by chastisement0 the for er must suffer frustration21 "2. So they dis"uted, one with another, o)er their affair, but they #e"t their tal# secret. "3. !hey said0 1!hese two are certainly $e8"ert% ma icians0 their ob-ect is to dri)e you out from your land with their ma ic, and to do away with your most cherished institutions. " . 1!herefore concert your "lan, and then assemble in $serried% ran#s0 ,e wins $all alon % today who ains the u""er hand.1 "!. !hey said0 1/ Moses2 whether wilt thou that thou throw $first% or that we be the first to throw31 "". ,e said, 14ay, throw ye first21 !hen behold their ro"es and their rods5so it seemed to him on account of their ma ic 5 be an to be in li)ely motion2 "#. So Moses concei)ed in his mind a $sort of% fear. "&. (e said0 1.ear not2 for thou hast indeed the u""er hand0 "'. 1!hrow that which is in thy ri ht hand0 <uic#ly will it swallow u" that which they ha)e fa#ed what they ha)e fa#ed is but a ma ician9s tric#0 and the ma ician thri)es not, $no matter% where he oes.1 #(. So the ma icians were thrown down to "rostration0 they said, 1(e belie)e in the &ord of Aaron and Moses1. #1. $Pharaoh% said0 1'elie)e ye in ,im before I i)e you "ermission3 Surely this must be your leader, who has tau ht you ma ic2 be sure I will cut off your hands and feet on o""osite sides, and I will ha)e you crucified on trun#s of "alm5trees0 so shall ye #now for certain, which of us can i)e the more se)ere and the more lastin "unishment21 #2. !hey said0 14e)er shall we re ard thee as more than the Clear Sin s that ha)e come to us, or than ,im (ho created us2 so decree whate)er thou desirest to decree0 for thou canst only decree $touchin % the life of this world. #3. 1.or us, we ha)e belie)ed in our &ord0 may ,e for i)e us our faults, and the ma ic to which thou didst com"el us0 for Allah is 'est and Most Abidin .1 # . >erily he who comes to his &ord as a sinner $at Jud ment%,5 for him is ,ell0 therein shall he neither die nor li)e. #!. 'ut such as come to ,im as 'elie)ers who ha)e wor#ed ri hteous deeds,5 for them are ran#s e8alted,5 #". Gardens of 7ternity, beneath which flow ri)ers0 they will dwell therein for aye0 such is the reward of those who "urify themsel)es $from e)il%. ##. (e sent an ins"iration to Moses0 1!ra)el by ni ht with My ser)ants, and stri#e a dry "ath for them throu h the sea, without fear of bein o)erta#en $by Pharaoh% and without $any other% fear.1 #&. !hen Pharaoh "ursued them with his forces, but the waters com"letely o)erwhelmed them and co)ered them u". #'. Pharaoh led his "eo"le astray instead of leadin them ari ht. &(. / ye Children of Israel2 (e deli)ered you from your enemy, and (e made a Co)enant with you on the ri ht side of Mount $Sinai%, and (e sent down to you Manna and ;uails0

&1. $Sayin %0 17at of the ood thin s (e ha)e "ro)ided for your sustenance, but commit no e8cess therein, lest My (rath should -ustly descend on you0 and those on whom descends My (rath do "erish indeed2 &2. 1'ut, without doubt, I am $also% ,e that for i)es a ain and a ain, to those who re"ent, belie)e, and do ri ht, who,5 in fine, are ready to recei)e true uidance.1 &3. $(hen Moses was u" on the Mount, Allah said0% 1(hat made thee hasten in ad)ance of thy "eo"le, / Moses31 & . ,e re"lied0 1'ehold, they are close on my footste"s0 I hastened to thee, / my &ord, to "lease thee.1 &!. $$Allah%% said0 1(e ha)e tested thy "eo"le in thy absence0 the Samiri has led them astray.1 &". So Moses returned to his "eo"le in a state of indi nation and sorrow. ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 did not your &ord ma#e a handsome "romise to you3 Did then the "romise seem to you lon $in comin %3 /r did ye desire that (rath should descend from your &ord on you, and so ye bro#e your "romise to me31 &#. !hey said0 1(e bro#e not the "romise to thee, as far as lay in our "ower0 but we were made to carry the wei ht of the ornaments of the $whole% "eo"le, and we threw them $into the fire%, and that was what the Samiri su ested. &&. 1!hen he brou ht out $of the fire% before the $"eo"le% the ima e of a calf0 It seemed to low0 so they said0 !his is your od, and the od of Moses, but $Moses% has for otten21 &'. Could they not see that it could not return them a word $for answer%, and that it had no "ower either to harm them or to do them ood3 '(. Aaron had already, before this said to them0 1/ my "eo"le2 ye are bein tested in this0 for )erily your &ord is $$Allah%% Most Gracious; so follow me and obey my command.1 '1. !hey had said0 1(e will not abandon this cult, but we will de)ote oursel)es to it until Moses returns to us.1 '2. $Moses% said0 1/ Aaron2 what #e"t thee bac#, when thou sawest them oin wron , '3. 1.rom followin me3 Didst thou then disobey my order31 ' . $Aaron% re"lied0 1/ son of my mother2 Sei6e $me% not by my beard nor by $the hair of% my head2 !ruly I feared lest thou shouldst say, 9!hou has caused a di)ision amon the children of Israel, and thou didst not res"ect my word291 '!. $Moses% said0 1(hat then is thy case, / Samiri31 '". ,e re"lied0 1I saw what they saw not0 so I too# a handful $of dust% from the foot"rint of the Messen er, and threw it $into the calf%0 thus did my soul su est to me.1 '#. $Moses% said0 1Get thee one2 but thy $"unishment% in this life will be that thou wilt say, 9touch me not9; and moreo)er $for a future "enalty% thou hast a "romise that will not fail0 4ow loo# at thy od, of whom thou hast become a de)oted worshi""er0 (e will certainly $melt% it in a bla6in fire and scatter it broadcast in the sea21 '&. 'ut the od of you all is the /ne Allah. there is no od but ,e0 all thin s ,e com"rehends in ,is #nowled e. ''. !hus do (e relate to thee some stories of what ha""ened before0 for (e ha)e sent thee a Messa e from /ur own Presence. 1((. If any do turn away therefrom, )erily they will bear a burden on the Day of -ud ment; 1(1. !hey will abide in this $state%0 and rie)ous will the burden be to them on that Day,5

1(2. !he Day when the !rum"et will be sounded0 that Day, (e shall ather the sinful, blear5 eyed $with terror%. 1(3. In whis"ers will they consult each other0 1:et tarried not lon er than ten $Days%; 1( . (e #now best what they will say, when their leader most eminent in conduct will say0 1:e tarried not lon er than a day21 1(!. !hey as# thee concernin the Mountains0 say, 1My &ord will u"root them and scatter them as dust; 1(". 1,e will lea)e them as "lains smooth and le)el; 1(#. 14othin croo#ed or cur)ed wilt thou see in their "lace.1 1(&. /n that Day will they follow the Caller $strai ht%0 no croo#edness $can they show% him0 all sounds shall humble themsel)es in the Presence of $$Allah%% Most Gracious0 nothin shalt thou hear but the tram" of their feet $as they march%. 1('. /n that Day shall no intercession a)ail e8ce"t for those for whom "ermission has been ranted by $$Allah%% Most Gracious and whose word is acce"table to ,im. 11(. ,e #nows what $a""ears to ,is creatures as% before or after or behind them0 but they shall not com"ass it with their #nowled e. 111. $All% faces shall be humbled before $,im% 5 the &i)in , the Self5Subsistin , 7ternal0 ho"eless indeed will be the man that carries ini;uity $on his bac#%. 112. 'ut he who wor#s deeds of ri hteousness, and has faith, will ha)e no fear of harm nor of any curtailment $of what is his due%. 113. !hus ha)e (e sent this down 5 an arabic <ur9an 5 and e8"lained therein in detail some of the warnin s, in order that they may fear Allah, or that it may cause their remembrance $of ,im%. 11 . ,i h abo)e all is Allah, the =in , the !ruth2 'e not in haste with the <ur9an before its re)elation to thee is com"leted, but say, 1/ my &ord2 ad)ance me in #nowled e.1 11!. (e had already, beforehand, ta#en the co)enant of Adam, but he for ot0 and (e found on his "art no firm resol)e. 11". (hen (e said to the an els, 1Prostrate yoursel)es to Adam1, they "rostrated themsel)es, but not Iblis0 he refused. 11#. !hen (e said0 1/ Adam2 )erily, this is an enemy to thee and thy wife0 so let him not et you both out of the Garden, so that thou art landed in misery. 11&. 1!here is therein $enou h "ro)ision% for thee not to o hun ry nor to o na#ed, 11'. 14or to suffer from thirst, nor from the sun9s heat.1 12(. 'ut Satan whis"ered e)il to him0 he said, 1/ Adam2 shall I lead thee to the !ree of 7ternity and to a #in dom that ne)er decays31 121. In the result, they both ate of the tree, and so their na#edness a""eared to them0 they be an to sew to ether, for their co)erin , lea)es from the Garden0 thus did Adam disobey his &ord, and allow himself to be seduced. 122. 'ut his &ord chose him $for ,is Grace%0 ,e turned to him, and a)e him Guidance. 123. ,e said0 1Get ye down, both of you,5 all to ether, from the Garden, with enmity one to another0 but if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from Me, whosoe)er follows My Guidance, will not lose his way, nor fall into misery.

12 . 1'ut whosoe)er turns away from My Messa e, )erily for him is a life narrowed down, and (e shall raise him u" blind on the Day of Jud ment.1 12!. ,e will say0 1/ my &ord2 why hast !hou raised me u" blind, while I had si ht $before%31 12". $$Allah%% will say0 1!hus didst !hou, when /ur Si ns came unto thee, disre ard them0 so wilt thou, this day, be disre arded.1 12#. And thus do (e recom"ense him who trans resses beyond bounds and belie)es not in the Sin s of his &ord0 and the Penalty of the ,ereafter is far more rie)ous and more endurin . 12&. Is it not a warnin to such men $to call to mind% how many enerations before them (e destroyed, in whose haunts they $now% mo)e3 >erily, in this are Si ns for men endued with understandin . 12'. ,ad it not been for a (ord that went forth before from thy &ord, $their "unishment% must necessarily ha)e come; but there is a !erm a""ointed $for res"ite%. 13(. !herefore be "atient with what they say, and celebrate $constantly% the "raises of thy &ord, before the risin of the sun, and before its settin ; yea, celebrate them for "art of the hours of the ni ht, and at the sides of the day0 that thou mayest ha)e $s"iritual% -oy. 131. 4or strain thine eyes in lon in for the thin s (e ha)e i)en for en-oyment to "arties of them, the s"lendour of the life of this world, throu h which (e test them0 but the "ro)ision of thy &ord is better and more endurin . 132. 7n-oin "rayer on thy "eo"le, and be constant therein. (e as# thee not to "ro)ide sustenance0 (e "ro)ide it for thee. 'ut the $fruit of% the ,ereafter is for ri hteousness. 133. !hey say0 1(hy does he not brin us a si n from his &ord31 ,as not a Clear Si n come to them of all that was in the former 'oo#s of re)elation3 13 . And if (e had inflicted on them a "enalty before this, they would ha)e said0 1/ur &ord2 If only !hou hadst sent us an a"ostle, we should certainly ha)e followed !hy Si ns before we were humbled and "ut to shame.1 13!. Say0 17ach one $of us% is waitin 0 wait ye, therefore, and soon shall ye #now who it is that is on the strai ht and e)en way, and who it is that has recei)ed Guidance.1

Surah 21. The ;rophets

1. Closer and closer to man#ind comes their +ec#onin 0 yet they heed not and they turn away. 2. 4e)er comes $au ht% to them of a renewed Messa e from their &ord, but they listen to it as in -est,5 3. !heir hearts toyin as with trifles. !he wron 5doers conceal their "ri)ate counsels, $sayin %, 1Is this $one% more than a man li#e yoursel)es3 (ill ye o to witchcraft with your eyes o"en31 . Say0 1My &ord #noweth $e)ery% word $s"o#en% in the hea)ens and on earth0 ,e is the /ne that heareth and #noweth $all thin s%.1 !. 14ay,1 they say, 1$these are% medleys of dream2 5 4ay, ,e for ed it2 5 4ay, ,e is $but% a "oet2 &et him then brin us a Si n li#e the ones that were sent to $Pro"hets% of old21 ". $As to those% before them, not one of the "o"ulations which (e destroyed belie)ed0 will these belie)e3 #. 'efore thee, also, the a"ostles (e sent were but men, to whom (e ranted ins"iration0 If ye realise this not, as# of those who "ossess the Messa e.

&. 4or did (e i)e them bodies that ate no food, nor were they e8em"t from death. '. In the end (e fulfilled to them /ur Promise, and (e sa)ed them and those whom (e "leased, but (e destroyed those who trans ressed beyond bounds. 1(. (e ha)e re)ealed for you $/ men2% a boo# in which is a Messa e for you0 will ye not then understand3 11. ,ow many were the "o"ulations (e utterly destroyed because of their ini;uities, settin u" in their "laces other "eo"les3 12. :et, when they felt /ur Punishment $comin %, behold, they $tried to% flee from it. 13. .lee not, but return to the ood thin s of this life which were i)en you, and to your homes in order that ye may be called to account. 1 . !hey said0 1Ah2 woe to us2 (e were indeed wron 5doers21 1!. And that cry of theirs ceased not, till (e made them as a field that is mown, as ashes silent and ;uenched. 1". 4ot for $idle% s"ort did (e create the hea)ens and the earth and all that is between2 1#. If it had been /ur wish to ta#e $-ust% a "astime, (e should surely ha)e ta#en it from the thin s nearest to *s, if (e would do $such a thin %2 1&. 4ay, (e hurl the !ruth a ainst falsehood, and it #noc#s out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth "erish2 Ah2 woe be to you for the $false% thin s ye ascribe $to *s%. 1'. !o ,im belon all $creatures% in the hea)ens and on earth0 7)en those who are in ,is $)ery% Presence are not too "roud to ser)e ,im, nor are they $e)er% weary $of ,is ser)ice%0 2(. !hey celebrate ,is "raises ni ht and day, nor do they e)er fla or intermit. 21. /r ha)e they ta#en $for worshi"% ods from the earth who can raise $the dead%3 22. If there were, in the hea)ens and the earth, other ods besides Allah, there would ha)e been confusion in both2 but lory to Allah, the &ord of the !hrone0 $,i h is ,e% abo)e what they attribute to ,im2 23. ,e cannot be ;uestioned for ,is acts, but they will be ;uestioned $for theirs%. 2 . /r ha)e they ta#en for worshi" $other% ods besides him3 Say, 1'rin your con)incin "roof0 this is the Messa e of those with me and the Messa e of those before me.1 'ut most of them #now not the !ruth, and so turn away. 2!. 4ot an a"ostle did (e send before thee without this ins"iration sent by *s to him0 that there is no od but I; therefore worshi" and ser)e Me. 2". And they say0 1$$Allah%% Most Gracious has be otten offs"rin .1 Glory to ,im2 they are $but% ser)ants raised to honour. 2#. !hey s"ea# not before ,e s"ea#s, and they act $in all thin s% by ,is Command. 2&. ,e #nows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they offer no intercession e8ce"t for those who are acce"table, and they stand in awe and re)erence of ,is $Glory%. 2'. If any of them should say, 1I am a od besides ,im1, such a one (e should reward with ,ell0 thus do (e reward those who do wron . 3(. Do not the *nbelie)ers see that the hea)ens and the earth were -oined to ether $as one unit of creation%, before we clo)e them asunder3 (e made from water e)ery li)in thin . (ill they not then belie)e3

31. And (e ha)e set on the earth mountains standin firm, lest it should sha#e with them, and (e ha)e made therein broad hi hways $between mountains% for them to "ass throu h0 that they may recei)e Guidance. 32. And (e ha)e made the hea)ens as a cano"y well uarded0 yet do they turn away from the Si ns which these thin s $"oint to%2 33. It is ,e (ho created the 4i ht and the Day, and the sun and the moon0 all $the celestial bodies% swim alon , each in its rounded course. 3 . (e ranted not to any man before thee "ermanent life $here%0 if then thou shouldst die, would they li)e "ermanently3 3!. 7)ery soul shall ha)e a taste of death0 and (e test you by e)il and by ood by way of trial. to *s must ye return. 3". (hen the *nbelie)ers see thee, they treat thee not e8ce"t with ridicule. 1Is this,1 $they say%, 1the one who tal#s of your ods31 and they blas"heme at the mention of $$Allah%% Most Gracious2 3#. Man is a creature of haste0 soon $enou h% will I show you My Si ns; then ye will not as# Me to hasten them2 3&. !hey say0 1(hen will this "romise come to "ass, if ye are tellin the truth31 3'. If only the *nbelie)ers #new $the time% when they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor yet from their bac#s, and $when% no hel" can reach them2 (. 4ay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them0 no "ower will they ha)e then to a)ert it, nor will they $then% et res"ite. 1. Moc#ed were $many% a"ostle before thee; 'ut their scoffers were hemmed in by the thin that they moc#ed. 2. Say0 1(ho can #ee" you safe by ni ht and by day from $the (rath of% $$Allah%% Most Gracious31 :et they turn away from the mention of their &ord. 3. /r ha)e they ods that can uard them from *s3 !hey ha)e no "ower to aid themsel)es, nor can they be defended from *s. . 4ay, (e a)e the ood thin s of this life to these men and their fathers until the "eriod rew lon for them; See they not that (e radually reduce the land $in their control% from its outlyin borders3 Is it then they who will win3 !. Say, 1I do but warn you accordin to re)elation10 'ut the deaf will not hear the call, $e)en% when they are warned2 ". If but a breath of the (rath of thy &ord do touch them, they will then say, 1(oe to us2 we did wron indeed21 #. (e shall set u" scales of -ustice for the Day of Jud ment, so that not a soul will be dealt with un-ustly in the least, and if there be $no more than% the wei ht of a mustard seed, (e will brin it $to account%0 and enou h are (e to ta#e account. &. In the "ast (e ranted to Moses and Aaron the criterion $for -ud ment%, and a &i ht and a Messa e for those who would do ri ht,5 '. !hose who fear their &ord in their most secret thou hts, and who hold the ,our $of Jud ment% in awe. !(. And this is a blessed Messa e which (e ha)e sent down0 will ye then re-ect it3

!1. (e bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were (e ac;uainted with him. !2. 'ehold2 he said to his father and his "eo"le, 1(hat are these ima es, to which ye are $so assiduously% de)oted31 !3. !hey said, 1(e found our fathers worshi""in them.1 ! . ,e said, 1Indeed ye ha)e been in manifest error 5 ye and your fathers.1 !!. !hey said, 1,a)e you brou ht us the !ruth, or are you one of those who -est31 !". ,e said, 14ay, your &ord is the &ord of the hea)ens and the earth, ,e (ho created them $from nothin %0 and I am a witness to this $!ruth%. !#. 1And by Allah, I ha)e a "lan for your idols 5 after ye o away and turn your bac#s1.. !&. So he bro#e them to "ieces, $all% but the bi est of them, that they mi ht turn $and address themsel)es% to it. !'. !hey said, 1(ho has done this to our ods3 ,e must indeed be some man of im"iety21 "(. !hey said, 1(e heard a youth tal# of them0 ,e is called Abraham.1 "1. !hey said, 1!hen brin him before the eyes of the "eo"le, that they may bear witness.1 "2. !hey said, 1Art thou the one that did this with our ods, / Abraham31 "3. ,e said0 14ay, this was done by 5 this is their bi est one2 as# them, if they can s"ea# intelli ently21 " . So they turned to themsel)es and said, 1Surely ye are the ones in the wron 21 "!. !hen were they confounded with shame0 $they said%, 1!hou #nowest full well that these $idols% do not s"ea#21 "". $Abraham% said, 1Do ye then worshi", besides Allah, thin s that can neither be of any ood to you nor do you harm3 "#. 1.ie u"on you, and u"on the thin s that ye worshi" besides Allah. ,a)e ye no sense31.. "&. !hey said, 1'urn him and "rotect your ods, If ye do $anythin at all%21 "'. (e said, 1/ .ire2 be thou cool, and $a means of% safety for Abraham21 #(. !hen they sou ht a strata em a ainst him0 but (e made them the ones that lost most2 #1. 'ut (e deli)ered him and $his ne"hew% &ut $and directed them% to the land which (e ha)e blessed for the nations. #2. And (e bestowed on him Isaac and, as an additional ift, $a randson%, Jacob, and (e made ri hteous men of e)ery one $of them%. #3. And (e made them leaders, uidin $men% by /ur Command, and (e sent them ins"iration to do ood deeds, to establish re ular "rayers, and to "ractise re ular charity; and they constantly ser)ed *s $and *s only%. # . And to &ut, too, (e a)e Jud ment and =nowled e, and (e sa)ed him from the town which "ractised abominations0 truly they were a "eo"le i)en to 7)il, a rebellious "eo"le. #!. And (e admitted him to /ur Mercy0 for he was one of the +i hteous. #". $+emember% 4oah, when he cried $to *s% aforetime0 (e listened to his $"rayer% and deli)ered him and his family from reat distress. ##. (e hel"ed him a ainst "eo"le who re-ected /ur Si ns0 truly they were a "eo"le i)en to 7)il0 so (e drowned them $in the .lood% all to ether.

#&. And remember Da)id and Solomon, when they a)e -ud ment in the matter of the field into which the shee" of certain "eo"le had strayed by ni ht0 (e did witness their -ud ment. #'. !o Solomon (e ins"ired the $ri ht% understandin of the matter0 to each $of them% (e a)e Jud ment and =nowled e; it was /ur "ower that made the hills and the birds celebrate /ur "raises, with Da)id0 it was (e (ho did $all these thin s%. &(. It was (e (ho tau ht him the ma#in of coats of mail for your benefit, to uard you from each other9s )iolence0 will ye then be rateful3 &1. $It was /ur "ower that made% the )iolent $unruly% wind flow $tamely% for Solomon, to his order, to the land which (e had blessed0 for (e do #now all thin s. &2. And of the e)il ones, were some who di)ed for him, and did other wor# besides; and it was (e (ho uarded them. &3. And $remember% Job, when ,e cried to his &ord, 1!ruly distress has sei6ed me, but !hou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful.1 & . So (e listened to him0 (e remo)ed the distress that was on him, and (e restored his "eo"le to him, and doubled their number,5 as a Grace from /ursel)es, and a thin for commemoration, for all who ser)e *s. &!. And $remember% Isma9il, Idris, and ?ul5#ifl, all $men% of constancy and "atience; &". (e admitted them to /ur mercy0 for they were of the ri hteous ones. &#. And remember ?un5nun, when he de"arted in wrath0 ,e ima ined that (e had no "ower o)er him2 'ut he cried throu h the de"t,s of dar#ness, 1!here is no od but thou0 lory to thee0 I was indeed wron 21 &&. So (e listened to him0 and deli)ered him from distress0 and thus do (e deli)er those who ha)e faith. &'. And $remember% ?a#ariya, when he cried to his &ord0 1/ my &ord2 lea)e me not without offs"rin , thou h thou art the best of inheritors.1 '(. So (e listened to him0 and (e ranted him :ahya0 (e cured his wife9s $'arrenness% for him. !hese $three% were e)er ;uic# in emulation in ood wor#s; they used to call on *s with lo)e and re)erence, and humble themsel)es before *s. '1. And $remember% her who uarded her chastity0 (e breathed into her of /ur s"irit, and (e made her and her son a si n for all "eo"les. '2. >erily, this brotherhood of yours is a sin le brotherhood, and I am your &ord and Cherisher0 therefore ser)e Me $and no other%. '3. 'ut $later enerations% cut off their affair $of unity%, one from another0 $yet% will they all return to *s. ' . (hoe)er wor#s any act of ri hteousness and has faith,5 ,is endea)our will not be re-ected0 (e shall record it in his fa)our. '!. 'ut there is a ban on any "o"ulation which (e ha)e destroyed0 that they shall not return, '". *ntil the Go and Ma o $"eo"le% are let throu h $their barrier%, and they swiftly swarm from e)ery hill. '#. !hen will the true "romise draw ni h $of fulfilment%0 then behold2 the eyes of the *nbelie)ers will fi8edly stare in horror0 1Ah2 (oe to us2 we were indeed heedless of this; nay, we truly did wron 21

'&. >erily ye, $unbelie)ers%, and the $false% ods that ye worshi" besides Allah, are $but% fuel for ,ell2 to it will ye $surely% come2 ''. If these had been ods, they would not ha)e ot there2 but each one will abide therein. 1((. !here, sobbin will be their lot, nor will they there hear $au ht else%. 1(1. !hose for whom the ood $record% from *s has one before, will be remo)ed far therefrom. 1(2. 4ot the sli htest sound will they hear of ,ell0 what their souls desired, in that will they dwell. 1(3. !he Great !error will brin them no rief0 but the an els will meet them $with mutual reetin s%0 1!his is your Day,5 $the Day% that ye were "romised.1 1( . !he Day that (e roll u" the hea)ens li#e a scroll rolled u" for boo#s $com"leted%,5 e)en as (e "roduced the first creation, so shall (e "roduce a new one0 a "romise (e ha)e underta#en0 truly shall (e fulfil it. 1(!. 'efore this (e wrote in the Psalms, after the Messa e $ i)en to Moses%0 My ser)ants the ri hteous, shall inherit the earth.1 1(". >erily in this $<ur9an% is a Messa e for "eo"le who would $truly% worshi" Allah. 1(#. (e sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. 1(&. Say0 1(hat has come to me by ins"iration is that your Allah is /ne Allah. will ye therefore bow to ,is (ill $in Islam%31 1('. 'ut if they turn bac#, Say0 1I ha)e "roclaimed the Messa e to you all ali#e and in truth; but I #now not whether that which ye are "romised is near or far. 11(. 1It is ,e (ho #nows what is o"en in s"eech and what ye hide $in your hearts%. 111. 1I #now not but that it may be a trial for you, and a rant of $worldly% li)elihood $to you% for a time.1 112. Say0 1/ my &ord2 -ud e !hou in truth21 1/ur &ord Most Gracious is the /ne (hose assistance should be sou ht a ainst the blas"hemies ye utter21

Surah 22. The ;ilgri*age

1. / man#ind2 fear your &ord2 for the con)ulsion of the ,our $of Jud ment% will be a thin terrible2 2. !he Day ye shall see it, e)ery mother i)in suc# shall for et her suc#lin 5 babe, and e)ery "re nant female shall dro" her load $unformed%0 thou shalt see man#ind as in a drun#en riot, yet not drun#0 but dreadful will be the (rath of Allah. 3. And yet amon men there are such as dis"ute about Allah, without #nowled e, and follow e)ery e)il one obstinate in rebellion2 . About the $7)il /ne% it is decreed that whoe)er turns to him for friendshi", him will he lead astray, and he will uide him to the Penalty of the .ire. !. / man#ind2 if ye ha)e a doubt about the +esurrection, $consider% that (e created you out of dust, then out of s"erm, then out of a leech5li#e clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, "artly formed and "artly unformed, in order that (e may manifest $our "ower% to you; and (e cause whom (e will to rest in the wombs for an a""ointed term, then do (e brin you out as babes, then $foster you% that ye may reach your a e of full stren th; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent bac# to the feeblest old a e, so that they #now nothin after ha)in

#nown $much%, and $further%, thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when (e "our down rain on it, it is stirred $to life%, it swells, and it "uts forth e)ery #ind of beautiful rowth $in "airs%. ". !his is so, because Allah is the +eality0 it is ,e (ho i)es life to the dead, and it is ,e (ho has "ower o)er all thin s. #. And )erily the ,our will come0 there can be no doubt about it, or about $the fact% that Allah will raise u" all who are in the ra)es. &. :et there is amon men such a one as dis"utes about Allah, without =nowled e, without Guidance, and without a 'oo# of 7nli htenment,5 '. $Disdainfully% bendin his side, in order to lead $men% astray from the Path of Allah. for him there is dis race in this life, and on the Day of Jud ment (e shall ma#e him taste the Penalty of burnin $.ire%. 1(. $It will be said%0 1!his is because of the deeds which thy hands sent forth, for )erily Allah is not un-ust to ,is ser)ants. 11. !here are amon men some who ser)e Allah, as it were, on the )er e0 if ood befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces0 they lose both this world and the ,ereafter0 that is loss for all to see2 12. !hey call on such deities, besides Allah, as can neither hurt nor "rofit them0 that is strayin far indeed $from the (ay%2 13. $Perha"s% they call on one whose hurt is nearer than his "rofit0 e)il, indeed, is the "atron, and e)il the com"anion $or hel"%2 1 . >erily Allah will admit those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, to Gardens, beneath which ri)ers flow0 for Allah carries out all that ,e "lans. 1!. If any thin# that Allah will not hel" him $,is Messen er. in this world and the ,ereafter, let him stretch out a ro"e to the ceilin and cut $himself% off0 then let him see whether his "lan will remo)e that which enra es $him%2 1". !hus ha)e (e sent down Clear Sin s; and )erily Allah doth uide whom ,e will2 1#. !hose who belie)e $in the <ur9an%, those who follow the Jewish $scri"tures%, and the Sabians, Christians, Ma ians, and Polytheists,5 Allah will -ud e between them on the Day of Jud ment0 for Allah is witness of all thin s. 1&. Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worshi" all thin s that are in the hea)ens and on earth,5 the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a reat number amon man#ind3 'ut a reat number are $also% such as are fit for Punishment0 and such as Allah shall dis race,5 4one can raise to honour0 for Allah carries out all that ,e wills. 1'. !hese two anta onists dis"ute with each other about their &ord0 'ut those who deny $their &ord%,5 for them will be cut out a arment of .ire0 o)er their heads will be "oured out boilin water. 2(. (ith it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as $their% s#ins. 21. In addition there will be maces of iron $to "unish% them. 22. 7)ery time they wish to et away therefrom, from an uish, they will be forced bac# therein, and $it will be said%, 1!aste ye the Penalty of 'urnin 21 23. Allah will admit those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which ri)ers flow0 they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of old and "earls; and their arments there will be of sil#.

2 . .or they ha)e been uided $in this life% to the "urest of s"eeches; they ha)e been uided to the Path of ,im (ho is (orthy of $all% Praise. 2!. As to those who ha)e re-ected $$Allah%%, and would #ee" bac# $men% from the (ay of Allah, and from the Sacred Mos;ue, which (e ha)e made $o"en% to $all% men 5 e;ual is the dweller there and the )isitor from the country 5 and any whose "ur"ose therein is "rofanity or wron 5doin 5 them will (e cause to taste of a most Grie)ous Penalty. 2". 'ehold2 (e a)e the site, to Abraham, of the $Sacred% ,ouse, $sayin %0 1Associate not anythin $in worshi"% with Me; and sanctify My ,ouse for those who com"ass it round, or stand u", or bow, or "rostrate themsel)es $therein in "rayer%. 2#. 1And "roclaim the Pil rima e amon men0 they will come to thee on foot and $mounted% on e)ery #ind of camel, lean on account of -ourneys throu h dee" and distant mountain hi hways; 2&. 1!hat they may witness the benefits $"ro)ided% for them, and celebrate the name of Allah, throu h the Days a""ointed, o)er the cattle which ,e has "ro)ided for them $for sacrifice%0 then eat ye thereof and feed the distressed ones in want. 2'. 1!hen let them com"lete the rites "rescribed for them, "erform their )ows, and $a ain% circumambulate the Ancient ,ouse.1 3(. Such $is the Pil rima e%0 whoe)er honours the sacred rites of Allah, for him it is ood in the Si ht of his &ord. &awful to you $for food in Pil rima e% are cattle, e8ce"t those mentioned to you $as e8ce"tion%0 but shun the abomination of idols, and shun the word that is false,5 31. 'ein true in faith to Allah, and ne)er assi nin "artners to ,im0 if anyone assi ns "artners to Allah, is as if he had fallen from hea)en and been snatched u" by birds, or the wind had swoo"ed $li#e a bird on its "rey% and thrown him into a far5 distant "lace. 32. Such $is his state%0 and whoe)er holds in honour the symbols of Allah, $in the sacrifice of animals%, such $honour% should come truly from "iety of heart. 33. In them ye ha)e benefits for a term a""ointed0 in the end their "lace of sacrifice is near the Ancient ,ouse. 3 . !o e)ery "eo"le did (e a""oint rites $of sacrifice%, that they mi ht celebrate the name of Allah o)er the sustenance ,e a)e them from animals $fit for food%. 'ut your Allah is /ne Allah. submit then your wills to ,im $in Islam%0 and i)e thou the ood news to those who humble themsel)es,5 3!. !o those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show "atient "erse)erance o)er their afflictions, #ee" u" re ular "rayer, and s"end $in charity% out of what (e ha)e bestowed u"on them. 3". !he sacrificial camels we ha)e made for you as amon the symbols from Allah. in them is $much% ood for you0 then "ronounce the name of Allah o)er them as they line u" $for sacrifice%0 when they are down on their sides $after slau hter%, eat ye thereof, and feed such as $be not but% li)e in contentment, and such as be with due humility0 thus ha)e (e made animals sub-ect to you, that ye may be rateful. 3#. It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah. it is your "iety that reaches ,im0 ,e has thus made them sub-ect to you, that ye may lorify Allah for ,is Guidance to you and "roclaim the ood news to all who do ri ht. 3&. >erily Allah will defend $from ill% those who belie)e0 )erily, Allah lo)eth not any that is a traitor to faith, or show in ratitude.

3'. !o those a ainst whom war is made, "ermission is i)en $to fi ht%, because they are wron ed;5 and )erily, Allah is most "owerful for their aid;5 (. $!hey are% those who ha)e been e8"elled from their homes in defiance of ri ht,5 $for no cause% e8ce"t that they say, 1our &ord is Allah.. Did not Allah chec# one set of "eo"le by means of another, there would surely ha)e been "ulled down monasteries, churches, syna o ues, and mos;ues, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his $cause%;5 for )erily Allah is full of Stren th, 78alted in Mi ht, $able to enforce ,is (ill%. 1. $!hey are% those who, if (e establish them in the land, establish re ular "rayer and i)e re ular charity, en-oin the ri ht and forbid wron 0 with Allah rests the end $and decision% of $all% affairs. 2. If they treat thy $mission% as false, so did the "eo"les before them $with their "ro"hets%,5 the Peo"le of 4oah, and 9Ad and !hamud; 3. !hose of Abraham and &ut; . And the Com"anions of the Madyan Peo"le; and Moses was re-ected $in the same way%. 'ut I ranted res"ite to the *nbelie)ers, and $only% after that did I "unish them0 but how $terrible% was my re-ection $of them%2 !. ,ow many "o"ulations ha)e (e destroyed, which were i)en to wron 5 doin 3 !hey tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lyin idle and ne lected, and castles lofty and well5built3 ". Do they not tra)el throu h the land, so that their hearts $and minds% may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear3 !ruly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts. #. :et they as# thee to hasten on the Punishment2 'ut Allah will not fail in ,is Promise. >erily a Day in the si ht of thy &ord is li#e a thousand years of your rec#onin . &. And to how many "o"ulations did I i)e res"ite, which were i)en to wron 5doin 3 in the end I "unished them. !o me is the destination $of all%. '. Say0 1/ men2 I am $sent% to you only to i)e a Clear (arnin 0 !(. 1!hose who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness, for them is for i)eness and a sustenance most enerous. !1. 1'ut those who stri)e a ainst /ur Si ns, to frustrate them,5 they will be Com"anions of the .ire.1 !2. 4e)er did (e send an a"ostle or a "ro"het before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some $)anity% into his desire0 but Allah will cancel anythin $)ain% that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm $and establish% ,is Si ns0 for Allah is full of =nowled e and (isdom0 !3. !hat ,e may ma#e the su estions thrown in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are hardened of heart0 )erily the wron 5doers are in a schism far $from the !ruth%0 ! . And that those on whom #nowled e has been bestowed may learn that the $<ur9an% is the !ruth from thy &ord, and that they may belie)e therein, and their hearts may be made humbly $o"en% to it0 for )erily Allah is the Guide of those who belie)e, to the Strai ht (ay.

!!. !hose who re-ect .aith will not cease to be in doubt concernin $+e)elation% until the ,our $of Jud ment% comes suddenly u"on them, or there comes to them the Penalty of a Day of Disaster. !". /n that Day of Dominion will be that of Allah. ,e will -ud e between them0 so those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds will be in Gardens of Deli ht. !#. And for those who re-ect .aith and deny our Si ns, there will be a humiliatin Punishment. !&. !hose who lea)e their homes in the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die,5 /n them will Allah bestow )erily a oodly Pro)ision0 !ruly Allah is ,e (ho bestows the best "ro)ision. !'. >erily ,e will admit them to a "lace with which they shall be well "leased0 for Allah is All5=nowin , Most .orbearin . "(. !hat $is so%. And if one has retaliated to no reater e8tent than the in-ury he recei)ed, and is a ain set u"on inordinately, Allah will hel" him0 for Allah is /ne that blots out $sins% and for i)es $a ain and a ain%. "1. !hat is because Allah mer es ni ht into day, and ,e mer es day into ni ht, and )erily it is Allah (ho hears and sees $all thin s%. "2. !hat is because Allah 5 ,e is the +eality; and those besides ,im whom they in)o#e,5 they are but )ain .alsehood0 )erily Allah is ,e, Most ,i h, Most Great. "3. Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the s#y, and forthwith the earth becomes clothed with reen3 for Allah is ,e (ho understands the finest mysteries, and is well5 ac;uainted $with them%. " . !o ,im belon s all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 for )erily Allah,5 ,e is free of all wants, (orthy of all Praise. "!. Seest thou not that Allah has made sub-ect to you $men% all that is on the earth, and the shi"s that sail throu h the sea by ,is Command3 ,e withholds the s#y $rain% from failin on the earth e8ce"t by ,is lea)e0 for Allah is Most =ind and Most Merciful to man. "". It is ,e (ho a)e you life, will cause you to die, and will a ain i)e you life0 !ruly man is a most un rateful creature2 "#. !o e)ery Peo"le ha)e (e a""ointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow0 let them not then dis"ute with thee on the matter, but do thou in)ite $them% to thy &ord0 for thou art assuredly on the +i ht (ay. "&. If they do wran le with thee, say, 1$Allah% #nows best what it is ye are doin .1 "'. 1$Allah% will -ud e between you on the Day of Jud ment concernin the matters in which ye differ.1 #(. =nowest thou not that Allah #nows all that is in hea)en and on earth3 Indeed it is all in a +ecord, and that is easy for Allah. #1. :et they worshi", besides Allah, thin s for which no authority has been sent down to them, and of which they ha)e $really% no #nowled e0 for those that do wron there is no hel"er. #2. (hen /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed to them, thou wilt notice a denial on the faces of the *nbelie)ers2 they nearly attac# with )iolence those who rehearse /ur Si ns to them. Say, 1Shall I tell you of somethin $far% worse than these Si ns3 It is the .ire $of ,ell%2 Allah has "romised it to the *nbelie)ers2 and e)il is that destination21

#3. / men2 ,ere is a "arable set forth2 listen to it2 !hose on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create $e)en% a fly, if they all met to ether for the "ur"ose2 and if the fly should snatch away anythin from them, they would ha)e no "ower to release it from the fly. .eeble are those who "etition and those whom they "etition2 # . 4o -ust estimate ha)e they made of Allah. for Allah is ,e (ho is stron and able to Carry out ,is (ill. #!. Allah chooses messen ers from an els and from men for Allah is ,e (ho hears and sees $all thin s%. #". ,e #nows what is before them and what is behind them0 and to Allah o bac# all ;uestions $for decision%. ##. / ye who belie)e2 bow down, "rostrate yoursel)es, and adore your &ord; and do ood; that ye may "ros"er. #&. And stri)e in ,is cause as ye ou ht to stri)e, $with sincerity and under disci"line%. ,e has chosen you, and has im"osed no difficulties on you in reli ion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is ,e (ho has named you Muslims, both before and in this $+e)elation%; that the Messen er may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for man#ind2 So establish re ular Prayer, i)e re ular Charity, and hold fast to Allah. ,e is your Protector 5 the 'est to "rotect and the 'est to hel"2

Surah 23. The 5elie2ers

1. !he belie)ers must $e)entually% win throu h,5 2. !hose who humble themsel)es in their "rayers; 3. (ho a)oid )ain tal#; . (ho are acti)e in deeds of charity; !. (ho abstain from se8, ". 78ce"t with those -oined to them in the marria e bond, or $the ca"ti)es% whom their ri ht hands "ossess,5 for $in their case% they are free from blame, #. 'ut those whose desires e8ceed those limits are trans ressors;5 &. !hose who faithfully obser)e their trusts and their co)enants; '. And who $strictly% uard their "rayers;5 1(. !hese will be the heirs, 11. (ho will inherit Paradise0 they will dwell therein $for e)er%. 12. Man (e did create from a ;uintessence $of clay%; 13. !hen (e "laced him as $a dro" of% s"erm in a "lace of rest, firmly fi8ed; 1 . !hen (e made the s"erm into a clot of con ealed blood; then of that clot (e made a $foetus% lum"; then we made out of that lum" bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we de)elo"ed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create2 1!. After that, at len th ye will die 1". A ain, on the Day of Jud ment, will ye be raised u". 1#. And (e ha)e made, abo)e you, se)en tracts; and (e are ne)er unmindful of $our% Creation.

1&. And (e send down water from the s#y accordin to $due% measure, and (e cause it to soa# in the soil; and (e certainly are able to drain it off $with ease%. 1'. (ith it (e row for you ardens of date5"alms and )ines0 in them ha)e ye abundant fruits0 and of them ye eat $and ha)e en-oyment%,5 2(. Also a tree s"rin in out of Mount Sinai, which "roduces oil, and relish for those who use it for food. 21. And in cattle $too% ye ha)e an instructi)e e8am"le0 from within their bodies (e "roduce $mil#% for you to drin#; there are, in them, $besides%, numerous $other% benefits for you; and of their $meat% ye eat; 22. An on them, as well as in sli"s, ye side. 23. $.urther, (e sent a lon line of "ro"hets for your instruction%. (e sent 4oah to his "eo"le0 ,e said, 1/ my "eo"le2 worshi" Allah. :e ha)e no other od but ,im. (ill ye not fear $,im%31 2 . !he chiefs of the *nbelie)ers amon his "eo"le said0 1,e is no more than a man li#e yoursel)es0 his wish is to assert his su"eriority o)er you0 if Allah had wished $to send messen ers%, ,e could ha)e sent down an els; ne)er did we hear such a thin $as he says%, amon our ancestors of old.1 2!. $And some said%0 1,e is only a man "ossessed0 wait $and ha)e "atience% with him for a time.1 2". $4oah% said0 1/ my &ord2 hel" me0 for that they accuse me of falsehood21 2#. So (e ins"ired him $with this messa e%0 1Construct the Ar# within /ur si ht and under /ur uidance0 then when comes /ur Command, and the fountains of the earth ush forth, ta#e thou on board "airs of e)ery s"ecies, male and female, and thy family5 e8ce"t those of them a ainst whom the (ord has already one forth0 And address Me not in fa)our of the wron 5 doers; for they shall be drowned $in the .lood%. 2&. And when thou hast embar#ed on the Ar# 5 thou and those with thee,5 say0 1Praise be to Allah, (ho has sa)ed us from the "eo"le who do wron .1 2'. And say0 1/ my &ord2 enable me to disembar# with thy blessin 0 for !hou art the 'est to enable $us% to disembar#.1 3(. >erily in this there are Si ns $for men to understand%; $thus% do (e try $men%. 31. !hen (e raised after them another eneration. 32. And (e sent to them an a"ostle from amon themsel)es, $sayin %, 1(orshi" Allah. ye ha)e no other od but ,im. (ill ye not fear $,im%31 33. And the chiefs of his "eo"le, who disbelie)ed and denied the Meetin in the ,ereafter, and on whom (e had bestowed the ood thin s of this life, said0 1,e is no more than a man li#e yoursel)es0 he eats of that of which ye eat, and drin#s of what ye drin#. 3 . 1If ye obey a man li#e yoursel)es, behold, it is certain ye will be lost. 3!. 1Does he "romise that when ye die and become dust and bones, ye shall be brou ht forth $a ain%3 3". 1.ar, )ery far is that which ye are "romised2 3#. 1!here is nothin but our life in this world2 (e shall die and we li)e2 'ut we shall ne)er be raised u" a ain2

3&. 1,e is only a man who in)ents a lie a ainst Allah, but we are not the ones to belie)e in him21 3'. $!he "ro"het% said0 1/ my &ord2 hel" me0 for that they accuse me of falsehood.1 (. $$Allah%% said0 1In but a little while, they are sure to be sorry21 1. !hen the 'last o)ertoo# them with -ustice, and (e made them as rubbish of dead lea)es $floatin on the stream of !ime%2 So away with the "eo"le who do wron 2 2. !hen (e raised after them other enerations. 3. 4o "eo"le can hasten their term, nor can they delay $it%. . !hen sent (e our a"ostles in succession0 e)ery time there came to a "eo"le their a"ostle, they accused him of falsehood0 so (e made them follow each other $in "unishment%0 (e made them as a tale $that is told%0 So away with a "eo"le that will not belie)e2 !. !hen (e sent Moses and his brother Aaron, with /ur Si ns and authority manifest, ". !o Pharaoh and his Chiefs0 'ut these beha)ed insolently0 they were an arro ant "eo"le. #. !hey said0 1Shall we belie)e in two men li#e oursel)es3 And their "eo"le are sub-ect to us21 &. So they accused them of falsehood, and they became of those who were destroyed. '. And (e a)e Moses the 'oo#, in order that they mi ht recei)e uidance. !(. And (e made the son of Mary and his mother as a Si n0 (e a)e them both shelter on hi h round, affordin rest and security and furnished with s"rin s. !1. / ye a"ostles2 en-oy $all% thin s ood and "ure, and wor# ri hteousness0 for I am well5 ac;uainted with $all% that ye do. !2. And )erily this 'rotherhood of yours is a sin le 'rotherhood, and I am your &ord and Cherisher0 therefore fear Me $and no other%. !3. 'ut "eo"le ha)e cut off their affair $of unity%, between them, into sects0 each "arty re-oices in that which is with itself. ! . 'ut lea)e them in their confused i norance for a time. !!. Do they thin# that because (e ha)e ranted them abundance of wealth and sons, !". (e would hasten them on in e)ery ood3 4ay, they do not understand. !#. >erily those who li)e in awe for fear of their &ord; !&. !hose who belie)e in the Si ns of their &ord; !'. !hose who -oin not $in worshi"% "artners with their &ord; "(. And those who dis"ense their charity with their hearts full of fear, because they will return to their &ord;5 "1. It is these who hasten in e)ery ood wor#, and these who are foremost in them. "2. /n no soul do (e "lace a burden reater than it can bear0 before *s is a record which clearly shows the truth0 they will ne)er be wron ed. "3. 'ut their hearts are in confused i norance of this; and there are, besides that, deeds of theirs, which they will $continue% to do,5 " . *ntil, when (e sei6e in Punishment those of them who recei)ed the ood thin s of this world, behold, they will roan in su""lication2

"!. $It will be said%0 1Groan not in su""lication this day0 for ye shall certainly not be hel"ed by *s. "". 1My Si ns used to be rehearsed to you, but ye used to turn bac# on your heels5 "#. 1In arro ance0 tal#in nonsense about the $<ur9an%, li#e one tellin fables by ni ht.1 "&. Do they not "onder o)er the (ord $of Allah., or has anythin $new% come to them that did not come to their fathers of old3 "'. /r do they not reco nise their Messen er, that they deny him3 #(. /r do they say, 1,e is "ossessed13 4ay, he has brou ht them the !ruth, but most of them hate the !ruth. #1. If the !ruth had been in accord with their desires, truly the hea)ens and the earth, and all bein s therein would ha)e been in confusion and corru"tion2 4ay, (e ha)e sent them their admonition, but they turn away from their admonition. #2. /r is it that thou as#est them for some recom"ense3 'ut the recom"ense of thy &ord is best0 ,e is the 'est of those who i)e sustenance. #3. 'ut )erily thou callest them to the Strai ht (ay; # . And )erily those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter are de)iatin from that (ay. #!. If (e had mercy on them and remo)ed the distress which is on them, they would obstinately "ersist in their trans ression, wanderin in distraction to and fro. #". (e inflicted Punishment on them, but they humbled not themsel)es to their &ord, nor do they submissi)ely entreat $,im%25 ##. *ntil (e o"en on them a ate leadin to a se)ere Punishment0 then &o2 they will be "lun ed in des"air therein2 #&. It is ,e (ho has created for you $the faculties of% hearin , si ht, feelin understandin 0 little than#s it is ye i)e2 #'. And ,e has multi"lied you throu h the earth, and to ,im shall ye be athered bac#. &(. It is ,e (ho i)es life and death, and to ,im $is due% the alternation of 4i ht and Day0 will ye not then understand3 &1. /n the contrary they say thin s similar to what the ancients said. &2. !hey say0 1(hat2 when we die and become dust and bones, could we really be raised u" a ain3 &3. 1Such thin s ha)e been "romised to us and to our fathers before2 they are nothin but tales of the ancients21 & . Say0 1!o whom belon the earth and all bein s therein3 $say% if ye #now21 &!. !hey will say, 1!o Allah.1 say0 1:et will ye not recei)e admonition31 &". Say0 1(ho is the &ord of the se)en hea)ens, and the &ord of the !hrone $of Glory% Su"reme31 &#. !hey will say, 1$!hey belon % to Allah.1 Say0 1(ill ye not then be filled with awe31 &&. Say0 1(ho is it in whose hands is the o)ernance of all thin s,5 who "rotects $all%, but is not "rotected $of any%3 $say% if ye #now.1 &'. !hey will say, 1$It belon s% to Allah.1 Say0 1!hen how are ye deluded31 '(. (e ha)e sent them the !ruth0 but they indeed "ractise falsehood2 and

'1. 4o son did Allah be et, nor is there any od alon with ,im0 $if there were many ods%, behold, each od would ha)e ta#en away what he had created, and some would ha)e lorded it o)er others2 Glory to Allah. $,e is free% from the $sort of% thin s they attribute to ,im2 '2. ,e #nows what is hidden and what is o"en0 too hi h is ,e for the "artners they attribute to ,im2 '3. Say0 1/ my &ord2 if !hou wilt show me $in my lifetime% that which they are warned a ainst,5 ' . 1!hen, / my &ord2 "ut me not amon st the "eo"le who do wron 21 '!. And (e are certainly able to show thee $in fulfilment% that a ainst which they are warned. '". +e"el e)il with that which is best0 (e are well ac;uainted with the thin s they say. '#. And say 1/ my &ord2 I see# refu e with !hee from the su estions of the 7)il /nes. '&. 1And I see# refu e with !hee / my &ord2 lest they should come near me.1 ''. $In .alsehood will they be% *ntil, when death comes to one of them, he says0 1/ my &ord2 send me bac# $to life%,5 1((. 1In order that I may wor# ri hteousness in the thin s I ne lected.1 5 1'y no means2 It is but a word he says.15 'efore them is a Partition till the Day they are raised u". 1(1. !hen when the !rum"et is blown, there will be no more relationshi"s between them that Day, nor will one as# after another2 1(2. !hen those whose balance $of ood deeds% is hea)y,5 they will attain sal)ation0 1(3. 'ut those whose balance is li ht, will be those who ha)e lost their souls, in ,ell will they abide. 1( . !he .ire will burn their faces, and they will therein rin, with their li"s dis"laced. 1(!. 1(ere not My Si ns rehearsed to you, and ye did but treat them as falsehood31 1(". !hey will say0 1our &ord2 /ur misfortune o)erwhelmed us, and we became a "eo"le astray2 1(#. 1/ur &ord2 brin us out of this0 if e)er we return $to 7)il%, then shall we be wron 5doers indeed21 1(&. ,e will say0 1'e ye dri)en into it $with i nominy%2 And s"ea# ye not to Me2 1('. 1A "art of My ser)ants there was, who used to "ray 9our &ord2 we belie)e; then do !hou for i)e us, and ha)e mercy u"on us0 .or !hou art the 'est of those who show mercy21 11(. 1'ut ye treated them with ridicule, so much so that $ridicule of% them made you for et My Messa e while ye were lau hin at them2 111. 1I ha)e rewarded them this Day for their "atience and constancy0 they are indeed the ones that ha)e achie)ed 'liss...1 112. ,e will say0 1(hat number of years did ye stay on earth31 113. !hey will say0 1(e stayed a day or "art of a day0 but as# those who #ee" account.1 11 . ,e will say0 1:e stayed not but a little,5 if ye had only #nown2 11!. 1Did ye then thin# that (e had created you in -est, and that ye would not be brou ht bac# to *s $for account%31 11". !herefore e8alted be Allah, the =in , the +eality0 there is no od but ,e, the &ord of the !hrone of ,onour2

11#. If anyone in)o#es, besides Allah, Any other od, he has no authority therefor; and his rec#onin will be only with his &ord2 and )erily the *nbelie)ers will fail to win throu h2 11&. So say0 1/ my &ord2 rant !hou for i)eness and mercy for !hou art the 'est of those who show mercy21

Surah 2 . Light
1. A sura which (e ha)e sent down and which (e ha)e ordained in it ha)e (e sent down Clear Si ns, in order that ye may recei)e admonition. 2. !he woman and the man uilty of adultery or fornication,5 flo each of them with a hundred stri"es0 &et not com"assion mo)e you in their case, in a matter "rescribed by Allah, if ye belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day0 and let a "arty of the 'elie)ers witness their "unishment. 3. &et no man uilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a woman similarly uilty, or an *nbelie)er0 nor let any but such a man or an *nbelie)er marry such a woman0 to the 'elie)ers such a thin is forbidden. . And those who launch a char e a ainst chaste women, and "roduce not four witnesses $to su""ort their alle ations%,5 flo them with ei hty stri"es; and re-ect their e)idence e)er after0 for such men are wic#ed trans ressors;5 !. *nless they re"ent thereafter and mend $their conduct%; for Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. ". And for those who launch a char e a ainst their s"ouses, and ha)e $in su""ort% no e)idence but their own,5 their solitary e)idence $can be recei)ed% if they bear witness four times $with an oath% by Allah that they are solemnly tellin the truth; #. And the fifth $oath% $should be% that they solemnly in)o#e the curse of Allah on themsel)es if they tell a lie. &. 'ut it would a)ert the "unishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times $with an oath% 'y Allah, that $her husband% is tellin a lie; '. And the fifth $oath% should be that she solemnly in)o#es the wrath of Allah on herself if $her accuser% is tellin the truth. 1(. If it were not for Allah.s race and mercy on you, and that Allah is /ft5 +eturnin , full of (isdom,5 $:e would be ruined indeed%. 11. !hose who brou ht forward the lie are a body amon yoursel)es0 thin# it not to be an e)il to you; /n the contrary it is ood for you0 to e)ery man amon them $will come the "unishment% of the sin that he earned, and to him who too# on himself the lead amon them, will be a "enalty rie)ous. 12. (hy did not the belie)ers 5 men and women 5 when ye heard of the affair,5 "ut the best construction on it in their own minds and say, 1!his $char e% is an ob)ious lie1 3 13. (hy did they not brin four witnesses to "ro)e it3 (hen they ha)e not brou ht the witnesses, such men, in the si ht of Allah, $stand forth% themsel)es as liars2 1 . (ere it not for the race and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the ,ereafter, a rie)ous "enalty would ha)e sei6ed you in that ye rushed libly into this affair. 1!. 'ehold, ye recei)ed it on your ton ues, and said out of your mouths thin s of which ye had no #nowled e; and ye thou ht it to be a li ht matter, while it was most serious in the si ht of Allah.

1". And why did ye not, when ye heard it, say3 5 1It is not ri ht of us to s"ea# of this0 Glory to Allah. this is a most serious slander21 1#. Allah doth admonish you, that ye may ne)er re"eat such $conduct%, if ye are $true% 'elie)ers. 1&. And Allah ma#es the Si ns "lain to you0 for Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. 1'. !hose who lo)e $to see% scandal "ublished broadcast amon the 'elie)ers, will ha)e a rie)ous Penalty in this life and in the ,ereafter0 Allah #nows, and ye #now not. 2(. (ere it not for the race and mercy of Allah on you, and that Allah is full of #indness and mercy, $ye would be ruined indeed%. 21. / ye who belie)e2 follow not Satan9s footste"s0 if any will follow the footste"s of Satan, he will $but% command what is shameful and wron 0 and were it not for the race and mercy of Allah on you, not one of you would e)er ha)e been "ure0 but Allah doth "urify whom ,e "leases0 and Allah is /ne (ho hears and #nows $all thin s%. 22. &et not those amon you who are endued with race and am"litude of means resol)e by oath a ainst hel"in their #insmen, those in want, and those who ha)e left their homes in Allah.s cause0 let them for i)e and o)erloo#, do you not wish that Allah should for i)e you3 .or Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 23. !hose who slander chaste women, indiscreet but belie)in , are cursed in this life and in the ,ereafter0 for them is a rie)ous Penalty,5 2 . /n the Day when their ton ues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness a ainst them as to their actions. 2!. /n that Day Allah will "ay them bac# $all% their -ust dues, and they will realise that Allah is the $)ery% !ruth, that ma#es all thin s manifest. 2". (omen im"ure are for men im"ure, and men im"ure for women im"ure and women of "urity are for men of "urity, and men of "urity are for women of "urity0 these are not affected by what "eo"le say0 for them there is for i)eness, and a "ro)ision honourable. 2#. / ye who belie)e2 enter not houses other than your own, until ye ha)e as#ed "ermission and saluted those in them0 that is best for you, in order that ye may heed $what is seemly%. 2&. If ye find no one in the house, enter not until "ermission is i)en to you0 if ye are as#ed to o bac#, o bac#0 that ma#es for reater "urity for yoursel)es0 and Allah #nows well all that ye do. 2'. It is no fault on your "art to enter houses not used for li)in in, which ser)e some $other% use for you0 And Allah has #nowled e of what ye re)eal and what ye conceal. 3(. Say to the belie)in men that they should lower their a6e and uard their modesty0 that will ma#e for reater "urity for them0 And Allah is well ac;uainted with all that they do. 31. And say to the belie)in women that they should lower their a6e and uard their modesty; that they should not dis"lay their beauty and ornaments e8ce"t what $must ordinarily% a""ear thereof; that they should draw their )eils o)er their bosoms and not dis"lay their beauty e8ce"t to their husbands, their fathers, their husband9s fathers, their sons, their husbands9 sons, their brothers or their brothers9 sons, or their sisters9 sons, or their women, or the sla)es whom their ri ht hands "ossess, or male ser)ants free of "hysical needs, or small children who ha)e no sense of the shame of se8; and that they should not stri#e their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And / ye 'elie)ers2 turn ye all to ether towards Allah, that ye may attain 'liss.

32. Marry those amon you who are sin le, or the )irtuous ones amon yoursel)es, male or female0 if they are in "o)erty, Allah will i)e them means out of ,is race0 for Allah encom"asseth all, and he #noweth all thin s. 33. &et those who find not the wherewithal for marria e #ee" themsel)es chaste, until Allah i)es them means out of ,is race. And if any of your sla)es as# for a deed in writin $to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum%, i)e them such a deed if ye #now any ood in them0 yea, i)e them somethin yoursel)es out of the means which Allah has i)en to you. 'ut force not your maids to "rostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may ma#e a ain in the oods of this life. 'ut if anyone com"els them, yet, after such com"ulsion, is Allah, /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful $to them%, 3 . (e ha)e already sent down to you )erses ma#in thin s clear, an illustration from $the story of% "eo"le who "assed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear $$Allah%%. 3!. Allah is the &i ht of the hea)ens and the earth. !he Parable of ,is &i ht is as if there were a 4iche and within it a &am"0 the &am" enclosed in Glass0 the lass as it were a brilliant star0 &it from a blessed !ree, an /li)e, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well5ni h luminous, thou h fire scarce touched it0 &i ht u"on &i ht2 Allah doth uide whom ,e will to ,is &i ht0 Allah doth set forth Parables for men0 and Allah doth #now all thin s. 3". $&it is such a &i ht% in houses, which Allah hath "ermitted to be raised to honour; for the celebration, in them, of ,is name0 In them is ,e lorified in the mornin s and in the e)enin s, $a ain and a ain%,5 3#. 'y men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can di)ert from the +emembrance of Allah, nor from re ular Prayer, nor from the "ractice of re ular Charity0 !heir $only% fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will be transformed $in a world wholly new%,5 3&. !hat Allah may reward them accordin to the best of their deeds, and add e)en more for them out of ,is Grace0 for Allah doth "ro)ide for those whom ,e will, without measure. 3'. 'ut the *nbelie)ers,5 their deeds are li#e a mira e in sandy deserts, which the man "arched with thirst mista#es for water; until when he comes u" to it, he finds it to be nothin 0 'ut he finds Allah $e)er% with him, and Allah will "ay him his account0 and Allah is swift in ta#in account. (. /r $the *nbelie)ers9 state% is li#e the de"ths of dar#ness in a )ast dee" ocean, o)erwhelmed with billow to""ed by billow, to""ed by $dar#% clouds0 de"ths of dar#ness, one abo)e another0 if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it2 for any to whom Allah i)eth not li ht, there is no li ht2 1. Seest thou not that it is Allah (hose "raises all bein s in the hea)ens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds $of the air% with win s outs"read3 7ach one #nows its own $mode of% "rayer and "raise. And Allah #nows well all that they do. 2. :ea, to Allah belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth; and to Allah is the final oal $of all%. 3. Seest thou not that Allah ma#es the clouds mo)e ently, then -oins them to ether, then ma#es them into a hea"3 5 then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And ,e sends down from the s#y mountain masses $of clouds% wherein is hail0 ,e stri#es therewith whom ,e "leases and ,e turns it away from whom ,e "leases, the )i)id flash of ,is li htnin well5 ni h blinds the si ht. . It is Allah (ho alternates the 4i ht and the Day0 )erily in these thin s is an instructi)e e8am"le for those who ha)e )ision2

!. And Allah has created e)ery animal from water0 of them there are some that cree" on their bellies; some that wal# on two le s; and some that wal# on four. Allah creates what ,e wills for )erily Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. ". (e ha)e indeed sent down si ns that ma#e thin s manifest0 and Allah uides whom ,e wills to a way that is strai ht. #. !hey say, 1(e belie)e in Allah and in the a"ostle, and we obey10 but e)en after that, some of them turn away0 they are not $really% 'elie)ers. &. (hen they are summoned to Allah and ,is a"ostle, in order that ,e may -ud e between them, behold some of them decline $to come%. '. 'ut if the ri ht is on their side, they come to him with all submission. !(. Is it that there is a disease in their hearts3 or do they doubt, or are they in fear, that Allah and ,is Messen er will deal un-ustly with them3 4ay, it is they themsel)es who do wron . !1. !he answer of the 'elie)ers, when summoned to Allah and ,is Messen er, in order that ,e may -ud e between them, is no other than this0 they say, 1(e hear and we obey10 it is such as these that will attain felicity. !2. It is such as obey Allah and ,is Messen er, and fear Allah and do ri ht, that will win $in the end%, !3. !hey swear their stron est oaths by Allah that, if only thou wouldst command them, they would lea)e $their homes%. Say0 1Swear ye not; /bedience is $more% reasonable; )erily, Allah is well ac;uainted with all that ye do.1 ! . Say0 1/bey Allah, and obey the Messen er. but if ye turn away, he is only res"onsible for the duty "laced on him and ye for that "laced on you. If ye obey him, ye shall be on ri ht uidance. !he Messen er.s duty is only to "reach the clear $Messa e%. !!. Allah has "romised, to those amon you who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, that ,e will, of a surety, rant them in the land, inheritance $of "ower%, as ,e ranted it to those before them; that ,e will establish in authority their reli ion 5 the one which ,e has chosen for them; and that ,e will chan e $their state%, after the fear in which they $li)ed%, to one of security and "eace0 9!hey will worshi" Me $alone% and not associate au ht with Me. 9If any do re-ect .aith after this, they are rebellious and wic#ed. !". So establish re ular Prayer and i)e re ular Charity; and obey the Messen er. that ye may recei)e mercy. !#. 4e)er thin# thou that the *nbelie)ers are oin to frustrate $$Allah%9s Plan% on earth0 their abode is the .ire,5 and it is indeed an e)il refu e2 !&. / ye who belie)e2 let those whom your ri ht hands "ossess, and the $children% amon you who ha)e not come of a e as# your "ermission $before they come to your "resence%, on three occasions0 before mornin "rayer; the while ye doff your clothes for the noonday heat; and after the late5ni ht "rayer0 these are your three times of undress0 outside those times it is not wron for you or for them to mo)e about attendin to each other0 !hus does Allah ma#e clear the Si ns to you0 for Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. !'. 'ut when the children amon you come of a e, let them $also% as# for "ermission, as do those senior to them $in a e%0 !hus does Allah ma#e clear ,is Si ns to you0 for Allah is full of #nowled e and wisdom. "(. Such elderly women as are "ast the "ros"ect of marria e,5 there is no blame on them if they lay aside their $outer% arments, "ro)ided they ma#e not a wanton dis"lay of their beauty0 but it is best for them to be modest0 and Allah is /ne (ho sees and #nows all thin s.

"1. It is no fault in the blind nor in one born lame, nor in one afflicted with illness, nor in yoursel)es, that ye should eat in your own houses, or those of your fathers, or your mothers, or your brothers, or your sisters, or your father9s brothers or your father9s sisters, or your mohter9s brothers, or your mother9s sisters, or in houses of which the #eys are in your "ossession, or in the house of a sincere friend of yours0 there is no blame on you, whether ye eat in com"any or se"arately. 'ut if ye enter houses, salute each other 5 a reetin of blessin and "urity as from Allah. !hus does Allah ma#e clear the si ns to you0 that ye may understand. "2. /nly those are belie)ers, who belie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er. when they are with him on a matter re;uirin collecti)e action, they do not de"art until they ha)e as#ed for his lea)e; those who as# for thy lea)e are those who belie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er. so when they as# for thy lea)e, for some business of theirs, i)e lea)e to those of them whom thou wilt, and as# Allah for their for i)eness0 for Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. "3. Deem not the summons of the Messen er amon yoursel)es li#e the summons of one of you to another0 Allah doth #now those of you who sli" away under shelter of some e8cuse0 then let those beware who withstand the Messen er.s order, lest some trial befall them, or a rie)ous "enalty be inflicted on them. " . 'e ;uite sure that to Allah doth belon whate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth. (ell doth ,e #now what ye are intent u"on0 and one day they will be brou ht bac# to ,im, and ,e will tell them the truth of what they did0 for Allah doth #now all thin s.

Surah 2!. The $riterion. The Stan1ar1

1. 'lessed is ,e who sent down the criterion to ,is ser)ant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures;5 2. ,e to whom belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 no son has ,e be otten, nor has ,e a "artner in ,is dominion0 it is ,e who created all thin s, and ordered them in due "ro"ortions. 3. :et ha)e they ta#en, besides him, ods that can create nothin but are themsel)es created; that ha)e no control of hurt or ood to themsel)es; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection. . 'ut the misbelie)ers say0 14au ht is this but a lie which he has for ed, and others ha)e hel"ed him at it.1 In truth it is they who ha)e "ut forward an ini;uity and a falsehood. !. And they say0 1!ales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written0 and they are dictated before him mornin and e)enin .1 ". Say0 1!he $<ur9an% was sent down by ,im who #nows the mystery $that is% in the hea)ens and the earth0 )erily ,e is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.1 #. And they say0 1(hat sort of an a"ostle is this, who eats food, and wal#s throu h the streets3 (hy has not an an el been sent down to him to i)e admonition with him3 &. 1/r $(hy% has not a treasure been bestowed on him, or why has he $not% a arden for en-oyment31 !he wic#ed say0 1:e follow none other than a man bewitched.1 '. See what #inds of com"arisons they ma#e for thee2 'ut they ha)e one astray, and ne)er a way will they be able to find2 1(. 'lessed is ,e who, if that were ,is will, could i)e thee better $thin s% than those,5 Gardens beneath which ri)ers flow; and ,e could i)e thee "alaces $secure to dwell in%.

11. 4ay they deny the hour $of the -ud ment to come%0 but (e ha)e "re"ared a bla6in fire for such as deny the hour0 12. (hen it sees them from a "lace fAr off, they will hear its fury and its ran in si h. 13. And when they are cast, bound to ether into a constricted "lace therein, they will "&ead for destruction there and then2 1 . 1!his day "lead not for a sin le destruction0 "lead for destruction oft5 re"eated21 1!. Say0 1Is that best, or the eternal arden, "romised to the ri hteous3 for them, that is a reward as well as a oal $of attainment%. 1". 1.or them there will be therein all that they wish for0 they will dwell $there% for aye0 A "romise to be "rayed for from thy &ord.1 1#. !he day ,e will ather them to ether as well as those whom they worshi" besides Allah, ,e will as#0 1(as it ye who let these My ser)ants astray, or did they stray from the Path themsel)es31 1&. !hey will say0 1Glory to !hee2 not meet was it for us that we should ta#e for "rotectors others besides !hee0 'ut !hou didst bestow, on them and their fathers, ood thin s $in life%, until they for ot the Messa e0 for they were a "eo"le $worthless and% lost.1 1'. $$Allah% will say%0 14ow ha)e they "ro)ed you liars in what ye say0 so ye cannot a)ert $your "enalty% nor $ et% hel".1 And whoe)er amon you does wron , him shall (e cause to taste of a rie)ous Penalty. 2(. And the a"ostles whom (e sent before thee were all $men% who ate food and wal#ed throu h the streets0 (e ha)e made some of you as a trial for others0 will ye ha)e "atience3 for Allah is /ne (ho sees $all thin s%. 21. Such as fear not the meetin with *s $for Jud ment% say0 1(hy are not the an els sent down to us, or $why% do we not see our &ord31 Indeed they ha)e an arro ant conceit of themsel)es, and mi hty is the insolence of their im"iety2 22. !he Day they see the an els,5 no -oy will there be to the sinners that Day0 !he $an els% will say0 1!here is a barrier forbidden $to you% alto ether21 23. And (e shall turn to whate)er deeds they did $in this life%, and (e shall ma#e such deeds as floatin dust scattered about. 2 . !he Com"anions of the Garden will be well, that Day, in their abode, and ha)e the fairest of "laces for re"ose. 2!. !he Day the hea)en shall be rent asunder with clouds, and an els shall be sent down, descendin $in ran#s%,5 2". !hat Day, the dominion as of ri ht and truth, shall be $wholly% for $$Allah%% Most Merciful0 it will be a Day of dire difficulty for the Misbelie)ers. 2#. !he Day that the wron 5doer will bite at his hands, he will say, 1/h2 would that I had ta#en a $strai ht% "ath with the Messen er. 2&. 1Ah2 woe is me2 (ould that I had ne)er ta#en such a one for a friend2 2'. 1,e did lead me astray from the Messa e $of Allah. after it had come to me2 Ah2 the 7)il /ne is but a traitor to man21 !hen the Messen er will say0 3(. 1/ my &ord2 !ruly my "eo"le too# this <ur9an for -ust foolish nonsense.1 31. !hus ha)e (e made for e)ery "ro"het an enemy amon the sinners0 but enou h is thy &ord to uide and to hel".

32. !hose who re-ect .aith say0 1(hy is not the <ur9an re)ealed to him all at once3 !hus $is it re)ealed%, that (e may stren then thy heart thereby, and (e ha)e rehearsed it to thee in slow, well5arran ed sta es, radually. 33. And no ;uestion do they brin to thee but (e re)eal to thee the truth and the best e8"lanation $thereof%. 3 . !hose who will be athered to ,ell $"rone% on their faces,5 they will be in an e)il "li ht, and, as to Path, most astray. 3!. $'efore this,% (e sent Moses !he 'oo#, and a""ointed his brother Aaron with him as minister; 3". And (e command0 1Go ye both, to the "eo"le who ha)e re-ected our Si ns01 And those $"eo"le% (e destroyed with utter destruction. 3#. And the "eo"le of 4oah,5 when they re-ected the a"ostles, (e drowned them, and (e made them as a Si n for man#ind; and (e ha)e "re"ared for $all% wron 5doers a rie)ous Penalty;5 3&. As also 9Ad and !hamud, and the Com"anions of the +ass, and many a eneration between them. 3'. !o each one (e set forth Parables and e8am"les; and each one (e bro#e to utter annihilation $for their sins%. (. And the $*nbelie)ers% must indeed ha)e "assed by the town on which was rained a shower of e)il0 did they not then see it $with their own eyes%3 'ut they fear not the +esurrection. 1. (hen they see thee, they treat thee no otherwise than in moc#ery0 1Is this the one whom Allah has sent as an a"ostle31 2. 1,e indeed would well5ni h ha)e misled us from our ods, had it not been that we were constant to them21 5 Soon will they #now, when they see the Penalty, who it is that is most misled in Path2 3. Seest thou such a one as ta#eth for his od his own "assion $or im"ulse%3 Couldst thou be a dis"oser of affairs for him3 . /r thin#est thou that most of them listen or understand3 !hey are only li#e cattle;5 nay, they are worse astray in Path. !. ,ast thou not turned thy )ision to thy &ord35 ,ow ,e doth "rolon the shadow2 If ,e willed, ,e could ma#e it stationary2 then do (e ma#e the sun its uide; ". !hen (e draw it in towards /ursel)es,5 a contraction by easy sta es. #. And ,e it is (ho ma#es the 4i ht as a +obe for you, and Slee" as +e"ose, and ma#es the Day $as it were% a +esurrection. &. And ,e it is (ho sends the winds as heralds of lad tidin s, oin before ,is mercy, and (e send down "ure water from the s#y,5 '. !hat with it (e may i)e life to a dead land, and sla#e the thirst of thin s (e ha)e created,5 cattle and men in reat numbers. !(. And (e ha)e distributed the $water% amon st them, in order that they may celebrate $our% "raises, but most men are a)erse $to au ht% but $ran#% in ratitude. !1. ,ad it been /ur (ill, (e could ha)e sent a warner to e)ery centre of "o"ulation.

!2. !herefore listen not to the *nbelie)ers, but stri)e a ainst them with the utmost strenuousness, with the $<ur9an%. !3. It is ,e (ho has let free the two bodies of flowin water0 /ne "alatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has ,e made a barrier between them, a "artition that is forbidden to be "assed. ! . It is ,e (ho has created man from water0 then has ,e established relationshi"s of linea e and marria e0 for thy &ord has "ower $o)er all thin s%. !!. :et do they worshi", besides Allah, thin s that can neither "rofit them nor harm them0 and the Misbelie)er is a hel"er $of 7)il%, a ainst his own &ord2 !". 'ut thee (e only sent to i)e lad tidin s and admonition. !#. Say0 14o reward do I as# of you for it but this0 that each one who will may ta#e a $strai ht% Path to his &ord.1 !&. And "ut thy trust in ,im (ho li)es and dies not; and celebrate his "raise; and enou h is ,e to be ac;uainted with the faults of ,is ser)ants;5 !'. ,e (ho created the hea)ens and the earth and all that is between, in si8 days, and is firmly established on the !hrone $of Authority%0 Allah Most Gracious0 as# thou, then, about ,im of any ac;uainted $with such thin s%. "(. (hen it is said to them, 1Adore ye $$Allah%% Most Gracious21, they say, 1And what is $$Allah%% Most Gracious3 Shall we adore that which thou commandest us31 And it increases their fli ht $from the !ruth%. "1. 'lessed is ,e (ho made constellations in the s#ies, and "laced therein a &am" and a Moon i)in li ht; "2. And it is ,e (ho made the 4i ht and the Day to follow each other0 for such as ha)e the will to celebrate ,is "raises or to show their ratitude. "3. And the ser)ants of $$Allah%% Most Gracious are those who wal# on the earth in humility, and when the i norant address them, they say, 1Peace21; " . !hose who s"end the ni ht in adoration of their &ord "rostrate and standin ; "!. !hose who say, 1/ur &ord2 a)ert from us the (rath of ,ell, for its (rath is indeed an affliction rie)ous,5 "". 17)il indeed is it as an abode, and as a "lace to rest in1; "#. !hose who, when they s"end, are not e8tra)a ant and not ni $balance% between those $e8tremes%; ardly, but hold a -ust

"&. !hose who in)o#e not, with Allah, any other od, nor slay such life as Allah has made sacred e8ce"t for -ust cause, nor commit fornication; 5 and any that does this $not only% meets "unishment. "'. $'ut% the Penalty on the Day of Jud ment will be doubled to him, and he will dwell therein in i nominy,5 #(. *nless he re"ents, belie)es, and wor#s ri hteous deeds, for Allah will chan e the e)il of such "ersons into ood, and Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful, #1. And whoe)er re"ents and does con)ersion;5 ood has truly turned to Allah with an $acce"table%

#2. !hose who witness no falsehood, and, if they "ass by futility, they "ass by it with honourable $a)oidance%;

#3. !hose who, when they are admonished with the Si ns of their &ord, droo" not down at them as if they were deaf or blind; # . And those who "ray, 1/ur &ord2 Grant unto us wi)es and offs"rin who will be the comfort of our eyes, and i)e us $the race% to lead the ri hteous.1 #!. !hose are the ones who will be rewarded with the hi hest "lace in hea)en, because of their "atient constancy0 therein shall they be met with salutations and "eace, #". Dwellin therein;5 how beautiful an abode and "lace of rest2 ##. Say $to the +e-ecters%0 1My &ord is not uneasy because of you if ye call not on ,im0 'ut ye ha)e indeed re-ected $,im%, and soon will come the ine)itable $"unishment%21

Surah 2". The ;oets

1. !a. Sin. Mim. 2. !hese are )erses of the 'oo# that ma#es $thin s% clear. 3. It may be thou frettest thy soul with rief, that they do not become 'elie)ers. . If $such% were /ur (ill, (e could send down to them from the s#y a Si n, to which they would bend their nec#s in humility. !. 'ut there comes not to them a newly5re)ealed Messa e from $$Allah%% Most Gracious, but they turn away therefrom. ". !hey ha)e indeed re-ected $the Messa e%0 so they will #now soon $enou h% the truth of what they moc#ed at2 #. Do they not loo# at the earth,5 how many noble thin s of all #inds (e ha)e "roduced therein3 &. >erily, in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. '. And )erily, thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 1(. 'ehold, thy &ord called Moses0 1Go to the "eo"le of ini;uity,5 11. 1!he "eo"le of the Pharaoh0 will they not fear Allah.1 12. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 I do fear that they will char e me with falsehood0 13. 1My breast will be straitened. And my s"eech may not o $smoothly%0 so send unto Aaron. 1 . 1And $further%, they ha)e a char e of crime a ainst me; and I fear they may slay me.1 1!. Allah said0 1'y no means2 "roceed then, both of you, with /ur Si ns; (e are with you, and will listen $to your call%. 1". 1So o forth, both of you, to Pharaoh, and say0 9(e ha)e been sent by the &ord and Cherisher of the worlds; 1#. 19Send thou with us the Children of Israel.91 1&. $Pharaoh% said0 1Did we not cherish thee as a child amon us, and didst thou not stay in our midst many years of thy life3 1'. 1And thou didst a deed of thine which $thou #nowest% thou didst, and thou art an un rateful $wretch%21 2(. Moses said0 1I did it then, when I was in error. 21. 1So I fled from you $all% when I feared you; but my &ord has $since% in)ested me with -ud ment $and wisdom% and a""ointed me as one of the a"ostles.

22. 1And this is the fa)our with which thou dost re"roach me,5 that thou hast ensla)ed the Children of Israel21 23. Pharaoh said0 1And what is the 9&ord and Cherisher of the worlds931 2 . $Moses% said0 1!he &ord and Cherisher of the hea)ens and the earth, and all between,5 if ye want to be ;uite sure.1 2!. $Pharaoh% said to those around0 1Did ye not listen $to what he says%31 2". $Moses% said0 1:our &ord and the &ord of your fathers from the be innin 21 2#. $Pharaoh% said0 1!ruly your a"ostle who has been sent to you is a )eritable madman21 2&. $Moses% said0 1&ord of the 7ast and the (est, and all between2 if ye only had sense21 2'. $Pharaoh% said0 1If thou dost "ut forward any od other than me, I will certainly "ut thee in "rison21 3(. $Moses% said0 17)en if I showed you somethin clear $and% con)incin 31 31. $Pharaoh% said0 1Show it then, if thou tellest the truth21 32. So $Moses% threw his rod, and behold, it was a ser"ent, "lain $for all to see%2 33. And he drew out his hand, and behold, it was white to all beholders2 3 . $Pharaoh% said to the Chiefs around him0 1!his is indeed a sorcerer well5 )ersed0 3!. 1,is "lan is to et you out of your land by his sorcery; then what is it ye counsel31 3". !hey said0 1=ee" him and his brother in sus"ense $for a while%, and dis"atch to the Cities heralds to collect5 3#. 1And brin u" to thee all $our% sorcerers well5)ersed.1 3&. So the sorcerers were ot to ether for the a""ointment of a day well5#nown, 3'. And the "eo"le were told0 1Are ye $now% assembled35 (. 1!hat we may follow the sorcerers $in reli ion% if they win31 1. So when the sorcerers arri)ed, they said to Pharaoh0 1/f course 5 shall we ha)e a $suitable% reward if we win3 2. ,e said0 1:ea, $and more%,5 for ye shall in that case be $raised to "osts% nearest $to my "erson%.1 3. Moses said to them0 1!hrow ye 5 that which ye are about to throw21 . So they threw their ro"es and their rods, and said0 1'y the mi ht of Pharaoh, it is we who will certainly win21 !. !hen Moses threw his rod, when, behold, it strai htway swallows u" all the falsehoods which they fa#e2 ". !hen did the sorcerers fall down, "rostrate in adoration, #. Sayin 0 1(e belie)e in the &ord of the (orlds, &. 1!he &ord of Moses and Aaron.1 '. Said $Pharaoh%0 1'elie)e ye in ,im before I i)e you "ermission3 surely he is your leader, who has tau ht you sorcery2 but soon shall ye #now2 !(. 1'e sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on o""osite sides, and I will cause you all to die on the cross21 !1. !hey said0 14o matter2 for us, we shall but return to our &ord2

!2. 1/nly, our desire is that our &ord will for i)e us our faults, that we may become foremost amon the belie)ers21 !3. 'y ins"iration we told Moses0 1!ra)el by ni ht with my ser)ants; for surely ye shall be "ursued.1 ! . !hen Pharaoh sent heralds to $all% the Cities, !!. $Sayin %0 1!hese $Israelites% are but a small band, !". 1And they are ra in furiously a ainst us; !#. 1'ut we are a multitude am"ly fore5warned.1 !&. So (e e8"elled them from ardens, s"rin s, !'. !reasures, and e)ery #ind of honourable "osition; "(. !hus it was, but (e made the Children of Israel inheritors of such thin s. "1. So they "ursued them at sunrise. "2. And when the two bodies saw each other, the "eo"le of Moses said0 1(e are sure to be o)erta#en.1 "3. $Moses% said0 1'y no means2 my &ord is with me2 Soon will ,e uide me21 " . !hen (e told Moses by ins"iration0 1Stri#e the sea with thy rod.1 So it di)ided, and each se"arate "art became li#e the hu e, firm mass of a mountain. "!. And (e made the other "arty a""roach thither. "". (e deli)ered Moses and all who were with him; "#. 'ut (e drowned the others. "&. >erily in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. "'. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. #(. And rehearse to them $somethin of% Abraham9s story. #1. 'ehold, he said to his father and his "eo"le0 1(hat worshi" ye31 #2. !hey said0 1(e worshi" idols, and we remain constantly in attendance on them.1 #3. ,e said0 1Do they listen to you when ye call $on them%, or do you ood or harm31 # . !hey said0 14ay, but we found our fathers doin thus $what we do%.1 #!. ,e said0 1Do ye then see whom ye ha)e been worshi""in ,5 #". 1:e and your fathers before you35 ##. 1.or they are enemies to me; not so the &ord and Cherisher of the (orlds; #&. 1(ho created me, and it is ,e (ho uides me; #'. 1(ho i)es me food and drin#, &(. 1And when I am ill, it is ,e (ho cures me; &1. 1(ho will cause me to die, and then to life $a ain%; &2. 1And who, I ho"e, will for i)e me my faults on the day of Jud ment. &3. 1/ my &ord2 bestow wisdom on me, and -oin me with the ri hteous; & . 1Grant me honourable mention on the ton ue of truth amon the latest $ enerations%; &!. 1Ma#e me one of the inheritors of the Garden of 'liss;

&". 1.or i)e my father, for that he is amon those astray; &#. 1And let me not be in dis race on the Day when $men% will be raised u";5 &&. 1!he Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will a)ail, &'. 1'ut only he $will "ros"er% that brin s to Allah a sound heart; '(. 1!o the ri hteous, the Garden will be brou ht near, '1. 1And to those strayin in 7)il, the .ire will be "laced in full )iew; '2. 1And it shall be said to them0 9(here are the $ ods% ye worshi""ed5 '3. 19'esides Allah. Can they hel" you or hel" themsel)es39 ' . 1!hen they will be thrown headlon into the $.ire%,5 they and those strayin in 7)il, '!. 1And the whole hosts of Iblis to ether. '". 1!hey will say there in their mutual bic#erin s0 '#. 19'y Allah, we were truly in an error manifest, '&. 19(hen we held you as e;uals with the &ord of the (orlds; ''. 19And our seducers were only those who were stee"ed in uilt. 1((. 194ow, then, we ha)e none to intercede $for us%, 1(1. 194or a sin le friend to feel $for us%. 1(2. 194ow if we only had a chance of return we shall truly be of those who belie)e291 1(3. >erily in this is a Si n but most of them do not belie)e. 1( . And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 1(!. !he "eo"le of 4oah re-ected the a"ostles. 1(". 'ehold, their brother 4oah said to them0 1(ill ye not fear $$Allah%%3 1(#. 1I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust0 1(&. 1So fear Allah, and obey me. 1('. 14o reward do I as# of you for it0 my reward is only from the &ord of the (orlds0 11(. 1So fear Allah, and obey me.1 111. !hey said0 1Shall we belie)e in thee when it is the meanest that follow thee31 112. ,e said0 1And what do I #now as to what they do3 113. 1!heir account is only with my &ord, if ye could $but% understand. 11 . 1I am not one to dri)e away those who belie)e. 11!. 1I am sent only to warn "lainly in "ublic.1 11". !hey said0 1If thou desist not, / 4oah2 thou shalt be stoned $to death%.1 11#. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 truly my "eo"le ha)e re-ected me. 11&. 1Jud e !hou, then, between me and them o"enly, and deli)er me and those of the 'elie)ers who are with me.1 11'. So (e deli)ered him and those with him, in the Ar# filled $with all creatures%. 12(. !hereafter (e drowned those who remained behind. 121. >erily in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e.

122. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 123. !he 9Ad $"eo"le% re-ected the a"ostles. 12 . 'ehold, their brother ,ud said to them0 1(ill ye not fear $$Allah%%3 12!. 1I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust0 12". 1So fear Allah and obey me. 12#. 14o reward do I as# of you for it0 my reward is only from the &ord of the (orlds. 12&. 1Do ye build a landmar# on e)ery hi h "lace to amuse yoursel)es3 12'. 1And do ye et for yoursel)es fine buildin s in the ho"e of li)in therein $for e)er%3 13(. 1And when ye e8ert your stron hand, do ye do it li#e men of absolute "ower3 131. 14ow fear Allah, and obey me. 132. 1:ea, fear ,im (ho has bestowed on you freely all that ye #now. 133. 1.reely has ,e bestowed on you cattle and sons,5 13 . 1And Gardens and S"rin s. 13!. 1!ruly I fear for you the Penalty of a Great Day.1 13". !hey said0 1It is the same to us whether thou admonish us or be not amon $our% admonishers2 13#. 1!his is no other than a customary de)ice of the ancients, 13&. 1And we are not the ones to recei)e Pains and Penalties21 13'. So they re-ected him, and (e destroyed them. >erily in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. 1 (. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 1 1. !he !hamud $"eo"le% re-ected the a"ostles. 1 2. 'ehold, their brother Salih said to them0 1(ill you not fear $$Allah%%3 1 3. 1I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust. 1 . 1So fear Allah, and obey me. 1 !. 14o reward do I as# of you for it0 my reward is only from the &ord of the (orlds. 1 ". 1(ill ye be left secure, in $the en-oyment of% all that ye ha)e here35 1 #. 1Gardens and S"rin s, 1 &. 1And corn5fields and date5"alms with s"athes near brea#in $with the wei ht of fruit%3 1 '. 1And ye car)e houses out of $roc#y% mountains with reat s#ill. 1!(. 1'ut fear Allah and obey me; 1!1. 1And follow not the biddin of those who are e8tra)a ant,5 1!2. 1(ho ma#e mischief in the land, and mend not $their ways%.1 1!3. !hey said0 1!hou art only one of those bewitched2 1! . 1!hou art no more than a mortal li#e us0 then brin us a Si n, if thou tellest the truth21 1!!. ,e said0 1,ere is a she5camel0 she has a ri ht of waterin , and ye ha)e a ri ht of waterin , $se)erally% on a day a""ointed. 1!". 1!ouch her not with harm, lest the Penalty of a Great Day sei6e you.1

1!#. 'ut they ham5strun her0 then did they become full of re rets. 1!&. 'ut the Penalty sei6ed them. >erily in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. 1!'. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 1"(. !he "eo"le of &ut re-ected the a"ostles. 1"1. 'ehold, their brother &ut said to them0 1(ill ye not fear $$Allah%%3 1"2. 1I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust. 1"3. 1So fear Allah and obey me. 1" . 14o reward do I as# of you for it0 my reward is only from the lord of the (orlds. 1"!. 1/f all the creatures in the world, will ye a""roach males, 1"". 1And lea)e those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates3 4ay, ye are a "eo"le trans ressin $all limits%21 1"#. !hey said0 1If thou desist not, / &ut2 thou wilt assuredly be cast out21 1"&. ,e said0 1I do detest your doin s.1 1"'. 1/ my &ord2 deli)er me and my family from such thin s as they do21 1#(. So (e deli)ered him and his family,5 all 1#1. 78ce"t an old woman who lin ered behind. 1#2. 'ut the rest (e destroyed utterly. 1#3. (e rained down on them a shower $of brimstone%0 and e)il was the shower on those who were admonished $but heeded not%2 1# . >erily in this is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. 1#!. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht Most Merciful. 1#". !he Com"anions of the (ood re-ected the a"ostles. 1##. 'ehold, Shu9aib said to them0 1(ill ye not fear $$Allah%%3 1#&. 1I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust. 1#'. 1So fear Allah and obey me. 1&(. 14o reward do I as# of you for it0 my reward is only from the &ord of the (orlds. 1&1. 1Gi)e -ust measure, and cause no loss $to others by fraud%. 1&2. 1And wei h with scales true and u"ri ht. 1&3. 1And withhold not thin s -ustly due to men, nor do e)il in the land, wor#in mischief. 1& . 1And fear ,im (ho created you and $who created% the enerations before $you%1 1&!. !hey said0 1!hou art only one of those bewitched2 1&". 1!hou art no more than a mortal li#e us, and indeed we thin# thou art a liar2 1&#. 14ow cause a "iece of the s#y to fall on us, if thou art truthful21 1&&. ,e said0 1My &ord #nows best what ye do.1 1&'. 'ut they re-ected him. !hen the "unishment of a day of o)ershadowin them, and that was the Penalty of a Great Day. 1'(. >erily in that is a Si n0 but most of them do not belie)e. 1'1. And )erily thy &ord is ,e, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. loom sei6ed

1'2. >erily this is a +e)elation from the &ord of the (orlds0 1'3. (ith it came down the s"irit of .aith and !ruth5 1' . !o thy heart and mind, that thou mayest admonish. 1'!. In the "ers"icuous Arabic ton ue. 1'". (ithout doubt it is $announced% in the mystic 'oo#s of former "eo"les. 1'#. Is it not a Si n to them that the &earned of the Children of Israel #new it $as true%3 1'&. ,ad (e re)ealed it to any of the non5Arabs, 1''. And had he recited it to them, they would not ha)e belie)ed in it. 2((. !hus ha)e (e caused it to enter the hearts of the sinners. 2(1. !hey will not belie)e in it until they see the rie)ous Penalty; 2(2. 'ut the $Penalty% will come to them of a sudden, while they "ercei)e it not; 2(3. !hen they will say0 1Shall we be res"ited31 2( . Do they then as# for /ur Penalty to be hastened on3 2(!. Seest thou3 If (e do let them en-oy $this life% for a few years, 2(". :et there comes to them at len th the $Punishment% which they were "romised2 2(#. It will "rofit them not that they en-oyed $this life%2 2(&. 4e)er did (e destroy a "o"ulation, but had its warners 5 2('. 'y way of reminder; and (e ne)er are un-ust. 21(. 4o e)il ones ha)e brou ht down this $+e)elation%0 211. It would neither suit them nor would they be able $to "roduce it%. 212. Indeed they ha)e been remo)ed far from e)en $a chance of% hearin it. 213. So call not on any other od with Allah, or thou wilt be amon those under the Penalty. 21 . And admonish thy nearest #insmen, 21!. And lower thy win to the 'elie)ers who follow thee. 21". !hen if they disobey thee, say0 1I am free $of res"onsibility% for what ye do21 21#. And "ut thy trust on the 78alted in Mi ht, the Merciful,5 21&. (ho seeth thee standin forth $in "rayer%, 21'. And thy mo)ements amon those who "rostrate themsel)es, 22(. .or it is ,e (ho heareth and #noweth all thin s. 221. Shall I inform you, $/ "eo"le2%, on whom it is that the e)il ones descend3 222. !hey descend on e)ery lyin , wic#ed "erson, 223. $Into whose ears% they "our hearsay )anities, and most of them are liars. 22 . And the Poets,5 It is those strayin in 7)il, who follow them0 22!. Seest thou not that they wander distracted in e)ery )alley35 22". And that they say what they "ractise not35 22#. 78ce"t those who belie)e, wor# ri hteousness, en a e much in the remembrance of Allah, and defend themsel)es only after they are un-ustly attac#ed. And soon will the un-ust assailants #now what )icissitudes their affairs will ta#e2

Surah 2#. The Ant. The Ants

1. !hese are )erses of the <ur9an,5a boo# that ma#es $thin s% clear; 2. A uide0 and lad tidin s for the belie)ers,5 3. !hose who establish re ular "rayers and i)e in re ular charity, and also ha)e $full% assurance of the hereafter. . As to those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, (e ha)e made their deeds "leasin in their eyes; and so they wander about in distraction. !. Such are they for whom a rie)ous Penalty is $waitin %; and in the ,ereafter theirs will be the reatest loss. ". As to thee, the <ur9an is bestowed u"on thee from the "resence of one who is wise and all5 #nowin . #. 'ehold2 Moses said to his family0 1I "ercei)e a fire; soon will I brin you from there some information, or I will brin you a burnin brand to li ht our fuel, that ye may warn yoursel)es. &. 'ut when he came to the $fire%, a )oice was heard0 1'lessed are those in the fire and those around0 and lory to Allah, the &ord of the worlds. '. 1/ Moses2 )erily, I am Allah, the e8alted in mi ht, the wise2.... 1(. 14ow do thou throw thy rod21 'ut when he saw it mo)in $of its own accord%as if it had been a sna#e, he turned bac# in retreat, and retraced not his ste"s0 1/ Moses21 $it was said%, 1.ear not0 truly, in My "resence, those called as a"ostles ha)e no fear,5 11. 1'ut if any ha)e done wron and ha)e thereafter substituted ood to ta#e the "lace of e)il, truly, I am /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 12. 14ow "ut thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain $or harm%0 $these are% amon the nine Si ns $thou wilt ta#e% to Pharaoh and his "eo"le0 for they are a "eo"le rebellious in trans ression.1 13. 'ut when /ur Si ns came to them, that should ha)e o"ened their eyes, they said0 1!his is sorcery manifest21 1 . And they re-ected those Si ns in ini;uity and arro ance, thou h their souls were con)inced thereof0 so see what was the end of those who acted corru"tly2 1!. (e a)e $in the "ast% #nowled e to Da)id and Solomon0 And they both said0 1Praise be to Allah, (ho has fa)oured us abo)e many of his ser)ants who belie)e21 1". And Solomon was Da)id9s heir. ,e said0 1/ ye "eo"le2 (e ha)e been tau ht the s"eech of birds, and on us has been bestowed $a little% of all thin s0 this is indeed Grace manifest $from Allah.%1 1#. And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts,5 of Jinns and men and birds, and they were all #e"t in order and ran#s. 1&. At len th, when they came to a $lowly% )alley of ants, one of the ants said0 1/ ye ants, et into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you $under foot% without #nowin it.1 1'. So he smiled, amused at her s"eech; and he said0 1/ my &ord2 so order me that I may be rateful for !hy fa)ours, which thou hast bestowed on me and on my "arents, and that I may wor# the ri hteousness that will "lease !hee0 And admit me, by !hy Grace, to the ran#s of !hy ri hteous Ser)ants.1

2(. And he too# a muster of the 'irds; and he said0 1(hy is it I see not the ,oo"oe3 /r is he amon the absentees3 21. 1I will certainly "unish him with a se)ere "enalty, or e8ecute him, unless he brin me a clear reason $for absence%.1 22. 'ut the ,oo"oe tarried not far0 he $came u" and% said0 1I ha)e com"assed $territory% which thou hast not com"assed, and I ha)e come to thee from Saba with tidin s true. 23. 1I found $there% a woman rulin o)er them and "ro)ided with e)ery re;uisite; and she has a ma nificent throne. 2 . 1I found her and her "eo"le worshi""in the sun besides Allah. Satan has made their deeds seem "leasin in their eyes, and has #e"t them away from the Path,5 so they recei)e no uidance,5 2!. 1$=e"t them away from the Path%, that they should not worshi" Allah, (ho brin s to li ht what is hidden in the hea)ens and the earth, and #nows what ye hide and what ye re)eal. 2". 1$Allah%25 there is no od but ,e25 &ord of the !hrone Su"reme21 2#. $Solomon% said0 1Soon shall we see whether thou hast told the truth or lied2 2&. 1Go thou, with this letter of mine, and deli)er it to them0 then draw bac# from them, and $wait to% see what answer they return1... 2'. $!he ;ueen% said0 1:e chiefs2 here is deli)ered to me 5 a letter worthy of res"ect. 3(. 1It is from Solomon, and is $as follows%0 9In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful0 31. 19'e ye not arro ant a ainst me, but come to me in submission $to the true +eli ion%.91 32. She said0 1:e chiefs2 ad)ise me in $this% my affair0 no affair ha)e I decided e8ce"t in your "resence.1 33. !hey said0 1(e are endued with stren th, and i)en to )ehement war0 but the command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command.1 3 . She said0 1=in s, when they enter a country, des"oil it, and ma#e the noblest of its "eo"le its meanest thus do they beha)e. 3!. 1'ut I am oin to send him a "resent, and $wait% to see with what $answer% return $my% ambassadors.1 3". 4ow when $the embassy% came to Solomon, he said0 1(ill ye i)e me abundance in wealth3 'ut that which Allah has i)en me is better than that which ,e has i)en you2 4ay it is ye who re-oice in your ift2 3#. 1Go bac# to them, and be sure we shall come to them with such hosts as they will ne)er be able to meet0 (e shall e8"el them from there in dis race, and they will feel humbled $indeed%.1 3&. ,e said $to his own men%0 1:e chiefs2 which of you can brin me her throne before they come to me in submission31 3'. Said an 9Ifrit, of the Jinns0 1I will brin it to thee before thou rise from thy council0 indeed I ha)e full stren th for the "ur"ose, and may be trusted.1 (. Said one who had #nowled e of the 'oo#0 1I will brin it to thee within the twin#lin of an eye21 !hen when $Solomon% saw it "laced firmly before him, he said0 1!his is by the Grace of my &ord25 to test me whether I am rateful or un rateful2 and if any is rateful, truly his

ratitude is $a ain% for his own soul; but if any is un rateful, truly my &ord is .ree of all 4eeds, Su"reme in ,onour 21 1. ,e said0 1!ransform her throne out of all reco nition by her0 let us see whether she is uided $to the truth% or is one of those who recei)e no uidance.1 2. So when she arri)ed, she was as#ed, 1Is this thy throne31 She said, 1It was -ust li#e this; and #nowled e was bestowed on us in ad)ance of this, and we ha)e submitted to Allah $in Islam%.1 3. And he di)erted her from the worshi" of others besides Allah. for she was $s"run % of a "eo"le that had no faith. . She was as#ed to enter the lofty Palace0 but when she saw it, she thou ht it was a la#e of water, and she $tuc#ed u" her s#irts%, unco)erin her le s. ,e said0 1!his is but a "alace "a)ed smooth with slabs of lass.1 She said0 1/ my &ord2 I ha)e indeed wron ed my soul0 I do $now% submit $in Islam%, with Solomon, to the &ord of the (orlds.1 !. (e sent $aforetime%, to the !hamud, their brother Salih, sayin , 1Ser)e Allah.0 'ut behold, they became two factions ;uarrellin with each other. ". ,e said0 1/ my "eo"le2 why as# ye to hasten on the e)il in "reference to the ood3 If only ye as# Allah for for i)eness, ye may ho"e to recei)e mercy. #. !hey said0 1Ill omen do we au ur from thee and those that are with thee1. ,e said0 1:our ill omen is with Allah. yea, ye are a "eo"le under trial.1 &. !here were in the city nine men of a family, who made mischief in the land, and would not reform. '. !hey said0 1Swear a mutual oath by Allah that we shall ma#e a secret ni ht attac# on him and his "eo"le, and that we shall then say to his heir $when he see#s )en eance%0 9(e were not "resent at the slau hter of his "eo"le, and we are "ositi)ely tellin the truth.91 !(. !hey "lotted and "lanned, but (e too "lanned, e)en while they "ercei)ed it not. !1. !hen see what was the end of their "lot25 this, that (e destroyed them and their "eo"le, all $of them%. !2. 4ow such were their houses, 5 in utter ruin, 5 because they "ractised wron 5 doin . >erily in this is a Si n for "eo"le of #nowled e. !3. And (e sa)ed those who belie)ed and "ractised ri hteousness. ! . $(e also sent% &ut $as an a"ostle%0 behold, ,e said to his "eo"le, 1Do ye do what is shameful thou h ye see $its ini;uity%3 !!. (ould ye really a""roach men in your lusts rather than women3 4ay, ye are a "eo"le $ rossly% i norant2 !". 'ut his "eo"le a)e no other answer but this0 they said, 1Dri)e out the followers of &ut from your city0 these are indeed men who want to be clean and "ure21 !#. 'ut (e sa)ed him and his family, e8ce"t his wife; her (e destined to be of those who la ed behind. !&. And (e rained down on them a shower $of brimstone%0 and e)il was the shower on those who were admonished $but heeded not%2 !'. Say0 Praise be to Allah, and Peace on his ser)ants whom ,e has chosen $for his Messa e%. $(ho% is better35 Allah or the false ods they associate $with ,im%3

"(. /r, (ho has created the hea)ens and the earth, and (ho sends you down rain from the s#y3 :ea, with it (e cause to row well5"lanted orchards full of beauty of deli ht0 it is not in your "ower to cause the rowth of the trees in them. $Can there be another% od besides Allah. 4ay, they are a "eo"le who swer)e from -ustice. "1. /r, (ho has made the earth firm to li)e in; made ri)ers in its midst; set thereon mountains immo)able; and made a se"aratin bar between the two bodies of flowin water3 $can there be another% od besides Allah. 4ay, most of them #now not. "2. /r, (ho listens to the $soul% distressed when it calls on ,im, and (ho relie)es its sufferin , and ma#es you $man#ind% inheritors of the earth3 $Can there be another% od besides Allah. &ittle it is that ye heed2 "3. /r, (ho uides you throu h the de"ths of dar#ness on land and sea, and (ho sends the winds as heralds of lad tidin s, oin before ,is Mercy3 $Can there be another% od besides Allah.5 ,i h is Allah abo)e what they associate with ,im2 " . /r, (ho ori inates creation, then re"eats it, and who i)es you sustenance from hea)en and earth3 $Can there be another% od besides Allah. Say, 1'rin forth your ar ument, if ye are tellin the truth21 "!. Say0 4one in the hea)ens or on earth, e8ce"t Allah, #nows what is hidden0 nor can they "ercei)e when they shall be raised u" $for Jud ment%. "". Still less can their #nowled e com"rehend the ,ereafter0 4ay, they are in doubt and uncertainty thereanent; nay, they are blind thereunto2 "#. !he *nbelie)ers say0 1(hat2 when we become dust,5 we and our fathers,5 shall we really be raised $from the dead%3 "&. 1It is true we were "romised this,5 we and our fathers before $us%0 these are nothin but tales of the ancients.1 "'. Say0 1Go ye throu h the earth and see what has been the end of those uilty $of sin%.1 #(. 'ut rie)e not o)er them, nor distress thyself because of their "lots. #1. !hey also say0 1(hen will this "romise $come to "ass%3 $Say% if ye are truthful.1 #2. Say0 1It may be that some of the e)ents which ye wish to hasten on may be $close% in your "ursuit21 #3. 'ut )erily thy &ord is full of race to man#ind0 :et most of them are un rateful. # . And )erily thy &ord #noweth all that their hearts do hide. As well as all that they re)eal. #!. 4or is there au ht of the unseen, in hea)en or earth, but is $recorded% in a clear record. #". >erily this <ur9an doth e8"lain to the Children of Israel most of the matters in which they disa ree. ##. And it certainly is a Guide and a Mercy to those who belie)e. #&. >erily thy &ord will decide between them by ,is Decree0 and ,e is 78alted in Mi ht, All5 =nowin . #'. So "ut thy trust in Allah. for thou art on $the "ath of% manifest !ruth. &(. !ruly thou canst not cause the dead to listen, nor canst thou cause the deaf to hear the call, $es"ecially% when they turn bac# in retreat. &1. 4or canst thou be a uide to the blind, $to "re)ent them% from strayin 0 only those wilt thou et to listen who belie)e in /ur Si ns, and they will bow in Islam.

&2. And when the (ord is fulfilled a ainst them $the un-ust%, we shall "roduce from the earth a beast to $face% them0 ,e will s"ea# to them, for that man#ind did not belie)e with assurance in /ur Si ns. &3. /ne day (e shall ather to ether from e)ery "eo"le a troo" of those who re-ect our Si ns, and they shall be #e"t in ran#s,5 & . *ntil, when they come $before the Jud ment5seat%, $$Allah%% will say0 1Did ye re-ect My Si ns, thou h ye com"rehended them not in #nowled e, or what was it ye did31 &!. And the (ord will be fulfilled a ainst them, because of their wron 5doin , and they will be unable to s"ea# $in "lea%. &". See they not that (e ha)e made the 4i ht for them to rest in and the Day to i)e them li ht3 >erily in this are Si ns for any "eo"le that belie)e2 &#. And the Day that the !rum"et will be sounded 5 then will be smitten with terror those who are in the hea)ens, and those who are on earth, e8ce"t such as Allah will "lease $to e8em"t%0 and all shall come to ,is $Presence% as bein s conscious of their lowliness. &&. !hou seest the mountains and thin#est them firmly fi8ed0 but they shall "ass away as the clouds "ass away0 $such is% the artistry of Allah, who dis"oses of all thin s in "erfect order0 for he is well ac;uainted with all that ye do. &'. If any do ood, ood will $accrue% to them therefrom; and they will be secure from terror that Day. '(. And if any do e)il, their faces will be thrown headlon into the .ire0 1Do ye recei)e a reward other than that which ye ha)e earned by your deeds31 '1. .or me, I ha)e been commanded to ser)e the &ord of this city, ,im (ho has sanctified it and to (hom $belon % all thin s0 and I am commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to Allah.s (ill,5 '2. And to rehearse the <ur9an0 and if any acce"t uidance, they do it for the ood of their own souls, and if any stray, say0 1I am only a (arner1. '3. And say0 1Praise be to Allah, (ho will soon show you ,is Si ns, so that ye shall #now them1; and thy &ord is not unmindful of all that ye do.

Surah 2&. The Stor+. Stories

1. !a. Sin. Mim. 2. !hese are >erses of the 'oo# that ma#es $thin s% clear. 3. (e rehearse to thee some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in !ruth, for "eo"le who belie)e. . !ruly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and bro#e u" its "eo"le into sections, de"ressin a small rou" amon them0 their sons he slew, but he #e"t ali)e their females0 for he was indeed a ma#er of mischief. !. And (e wished to be Gracious to those who were bein de"ressed in the land, to ma#e them leaders $in .aith% and ma#e them heirs, ". !o establish a firm "lace for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, ,aman, and their hosts, at their hands, the )ery thin s a ainst which they were ta#in "recautions.

#. So (e sent this ins"iration to the mother of Moses0 1Suc#le $thy child%, but when thou hast fears about him, cast him into the ri)er, but fear not nor rie)e0 for (e shall restore him to thee, and (e shall ma#e him one of /ur a"ostles.1 &. !hen the "eo"le of Pharaoh "ic#ed him u" $from the ri)er%0 $It was intended% that $Moses% should be to them an ad)ersary and a cause of sorrow0 for Pharaoh and ,aman and $all% their hosts were men of sin. '. !he wife of Pharaoh said0 1$,ere is% -oy of the eye, for me and for thee0 slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may ado"t him as a son.1 And they "ercei)ed not $what they were doin %2 1(. 'ut there came to be a )oid in the heart of the mother of Moses0 She was oin almost to disclose his $case%, had (e not stren thened her heart $with faith%, so that she mi ht remain a $firm% belie)er. 11. And she said to the sister of $Moses%, 1.ollow him1 so she $the sister% watched him in the character of a stran er. And they #new not. 12. And we ordained that he refused suc# at first, until $,is sister came u" and% said0 1Shall I "oint out to you the "eo"le of a house that will nourish and brin him u" for you and be sincerely attached to him31... 13. !hus did (e restore him to his mother, that her eye mi ht be comforted, that she mi ht not rie)e, and that she mi ht #now that the "romise of Allah is true0 but most of them do not understand. 1 . (hen he reached full a e, and was firmly established $in life%, (e bestowed on him wisdom and #nowled e0 for thus do (e reward those who do ood. 1!. And he entered the city at a time when its "eo"le were not watchin 0 and he found there two men fi htin ,5 one of his own reli ion, and the other, of his foes. 4ow the man of his own reli ion a""ealed to him a ainst his foe, and Moses struc# him with his fist and made an end of him. ,e said0 1!his is a wor# of 7)il $Satan%0 for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads21 1". ,e "rayed0 1/ my &ord2 I ha)e indeed wron ed my soul2 Do !hou then for i)e me21 So $$Allah%% for a)e him0 for ,e is the /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1#. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 .or that !hou hast bestowed !hy Grace on me, ne)er shall I be a hel" to those who sin21 1&. So he saw the mornin in the city, loo#in about, in a state of fear, when behold, the man who had, the day before, sou ht his hel" called aloud for his hel" $a ain%. Moses said to him0 1!hou art truly, it is clear, a ;uarrelsome fellow21 1'. !hen, when he decided to lay hold of the man who was an enemy to both of them, that man said0 1/ Moses2 Is it thy intention to slay me as thou slewest a man yesterday3 !hy intention is none other than to become a "owerful )iolent man in the land, and not to be one who sets thin s ri ht21 2(. And there came a man, runnin , from the furthest end of the City. ,e said0 1/ Moses2 the Chiefs are ta#in counsel to ether about thee, to slay thee0 so et thee away, for I do i)e thee sincere ad)ice.1 21. ,e therefore ot away therefrom, loo#in about, in a state of fear. ,e "rayed 1/ my &ord2 sa)e me from "eo"le i)en to wron 5doin .1 22. !hen, when he turned his face towards $the land of% Madyan, he said0 1I do ho"e that my &ord will show me the smooth and strai ht Path.1

23. And when he arri)ed at the waterin $"lace% in Madyan, he found there a rou" of men waterin $their floc#s%, and besides them he found two women who were #ee"in bac# $their floc#s%. ,e said0 1(hat is the matter with you31 !hey said0 1(e cannot water $our floc#s% until the she"herds ta#e bac# $their floc#s%0 And our father is a )ery old man.1 2 . So he watered $their floc#s% for them; then he turned bac# to the shade, and said01/ my &ord2 truly am I in $des"erate% need of any ood that !hou dost send me21 2!. Afterwards one of the $damsels% came $bac#% to him, wal#in bashfully. She said0 1My father in)ites thee that he may reward thee for ha)in watered $our floc#s% for us.1 So when he came to him and narrated the story, he said0 1.ear thou not0 $well% hast thou esca"ed from un-ust "eo"le.1 2". Said one of the $damsels%0 1/ my $dear% father2 en a e him on wa es0 truly the best of men for thee to em"loy is the $man% who is stron and trusty1.... 2#. ,e said0 1I intend to wed one of these my dau hters to thee, on condition that thou ser)e me for ei ht years; but if thou com"lete ten years, it will be $ race% from thee. 'ut I intend not to "lace thee under a difficulty0 thou wilt find me, indeed, if Allah wills, one of the ri hteous.1 2&. ,e said0 1'e that $the a reement% between me and thee0 whiche)er of the two terms I fulfil, let there be no ill5will to me. 'e Allah a witness to what we say.1 2'. 4ow when Moses had fulfilled the term, and was tra)ellin with his family, he "ercei)ed a fire in the direction of Mount !ur. ,e said to his family0 1!arry ye; I "ercei)e a fire; I ho"e to brin you from there some information, or a burnin firebrand, that ye may warm yoursel)es.1 3(. 'ut when he came to the $fire%, a )oice was heard from the ri ht ban# of the )alley, from a tree in hallowed round0 1/ Moses2 >erily I am Allah, the &ord of the (orlds.... 31. 14ow do thou throw thy rod21 but when he saw it mo)in $of its own accord% as if it had been a sna#e, he turned bac# in retreat, and retraced not his ste"s0 / Moses21 $It was said%, 1Draw near, and fear not0 for thou art of those who are secure. 32. 1Mo)e thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain $or harm%, and draw thy hand close to thy side $to uard% a ainst fear. !hose are the two credentials from thy &ord to Pharaoh and his Chiefs0 for truly they are a "eo"le rebellious and wic#ed.1 33. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 I ha)e slain a man amon them, and I fear lest they slay me. 3 . 1And my brother Aaron 5 ,e is more elo;uent in s"eech than I0 so send him with me as a hel"er, to confirm $and stren then% me0 for I fear that they may accuse me of falsehood.1 3!. ,e said0 1(e will certainly stren then thy arm throu h thy brother, and in)est you both with authority, so they shall not be able to touch you0 with /ur Si n shall ye trium"h,5 you two as well as those who follow you.1 3". (hen Moses came to them with /ur clear si ns, they said0 1!his is nothin but sorcery fa#ed u"0 ne)er did we head the li#e amon our fathers of old21 3#. Moses said0 1My &ord #nows best who it is that comes with uidance from ,im and whose end will be best in the ,ereafter0 certain it is that the wron 5doers will not "ros"er.1 3&. Pharaoh said0 1/ Chiefs2 no od do I #now for you but myself0 therefore, / ,aman2 li ht me a $#iln to ba#e bric#s% out of clay, and build me a lofty "alace, that I may mount u" to the od of Moses0 but as far as I am concerned, I thin# $Moses% is a liar21 3'. And he was arro ant and insolent in the land, beyond reason,5 ,e and his hosts0 they thou ht that they would not ha)e to return to *s2

(. So (e sei6ed him and his hosts, and (e flun them into the sea0 4ow behold what was the end of those who did wron 2 1. And we made them $but% leaders in)itin to the .ire; and on the Day of Jud ment no hel" shall they find. 2. in this world (e made a curse to follow them and on the Day of Jud ment they will be amon the loathed $and des"ised%. 3. (e did re)eal to Moses the 'oo# after (e had destroyed the earlier enerations, $to i)e% Insi ht to men, and uidance and Mercy, that they mi ht recei)e admonition. . !hou wast not on the (estern side when (e decreed the Commission to Moses, nor wast thou a witness $of those e)ents%. !. 'ut (e raised u" $new% enerations, and lon were the a es that "assed o)er them; but thou wast not a dweller amon the "eo"le of Madyan, rehearsin /ur Si ns to them; but it is (e (ho send a"ostles $with ins"iration%. ". 4or wast thou at the side of $the Mountain of% !ur when we called $to Moses%. :et $art thou sent% as Mercy from thy &ord, to i)e warnin to a "eo"le to whom no warner had come before thee0 in order that they may recei)e admonition. #. If $(e had% not $sent thee to the <uraish%,5 in case a calamity should sei6e them for $the deeds% that their hands ha)e sent forth, they mi ht say0 1/ur &ord2 why didst !hou not sent us an a"ostle3 (e should then ha)e followed !hy Si ns and been amon st those who belie)e21 &. 'ut $now%, when the !ruth has come to them from /ursel)es, they say, 1(hy are not $Si ns% sent to him, li#e those which were sent to Moses31 Do they not then re-ect $the Si ns% which were formerly sent to Moses3 !hey say0 1!wo #inds of sorcery, each assistin the other21 And they say0 1.or us, we re-ect all $such thin s%21 '. Say0 1!hen brin ye a 'oo# from Allah, which is a better uide than either of them, that I may follow it2 $do%, if ye are truthful21 !(. 'ut if they hear#en not to thee, #now that they only follow their own lusts0 and who is more astray than one who follow his own lusts, de)oid of uidance from Allah. for Allah uides not "eo"le i)en to wron 5doin . !1. 4ow ha)e (e caused the (ord to reach them themsel)es, in order that they may recei)e admonition. !2. !hose to whom (e sent the 'oo# before this,5 they do belie)e in this $re)elation%0 !3. And when it is recited to them, they say0 1(e belie)e therein, for it is the !ruth from our &ord0 indeed we ha)e been Muslims $bowin to Allah.s (ill% from before this. ! . !wice will they be i)en their reward, for that they ha)e "erse)ered, that they a)ert 7)il with Good, and that they s"end $in charity% out of what (e ha)e i)en them. !!. And when they hear )ain tal#, they turn away therefrom and say0 1!o us our deeds, and to you yours; "eace be to you0 we see# not the i norant.1 !". It is true thou wilt not be able to uide e)ery one, whom thou lo)est; but Allah uides those whom ,e will and ,e #nows best those who recei)e uidance. !#. !hey say0 1If we were to follow the uidance with thee, we should be snatched away from our land.1 ,a)e (e not established for them a secure sanctuary, to which are brou ht as tribute fruits of all #inds,5 a "ro)ision from /ursel)es3 but most of them understand not.

!&. And how many "o"ulations (e destroyed, which e8ulted in their life $of ease and "lenty%2 now those habitations of theirs, after them, are deserted,5 All but a $miserable% few2 and (e are their heirs2 !'. 4or was thy &ord the one to destroy a "o"ulation until ,e had sent to its centre an a"ostle, rehearsin to them /ur Si ns; nor are (e oin to destroy a "o"ulation e8ce"t when its members "ractise ini;uity. "(. !he $material% thin s which ye are i)en are but the con)eniences of this life and the litter thereof; but that which is with Allah is better and more endurin 0 will ye not then be wise3 "1. Are $these two% ali#e35 one to whom (e ha)e made a oodly "romise, and who is oin to reach its $fulfilment%, and one to whom (e ha)e i)en the ood thin s of this life, but who, on the Day of Jud ment, is to be amon those brou ht u" $for "unishment%3 "2. !hat Day $$Allah%% will call to them, and say 1(here are my 9"artners935 whom ye ima ined $to be such%31 "3. !hose a ainst whom the char e will be "ro)ed, will say0 1/ur &ord2 !hese are the ones whom we led astray0 we led them astray, as we were astray oursel)es0 we free oursel)es $from them% in !hy "resence0 it was not us they worshi""ed.1 " . It will be said $to them%0 1Call u"on your 9"artners9 $for hel"%1 0they will call u"on them, but they will not listen to them; and they will see the Penalty $before them%; $how they will wish% 9if only they had been o"en to uidance29 "!. !hat Day $$Allah%% will call to them, and say0 1(hat was the answer ye a)e to the a"ostles31 "". !hen the $whole% story that Day will seem obscure to them $li#e li ht to the blind% and they will not be able $e)en% to ;uestion each other. "#. 'ut any that $in this life% had re"ented, belie)ed, and wor#ed ri hteousness, will ha)e ho"es to be amon those who achie)e sal)ation. "&. !hy &ord does create and choose as ,e "leases0 no choice ha)e they $in the matter%0 Glory to Allah. and far is ,e abo)e the "artners they ascribe $to ,im%2 "'. And thy &ord #nows all that their hearts conceal and all that they re)eal. #(. And ,e is Allah. !here is no od but ,e. !o ,im be "raise, at the first and at the last0 for ,im is the Command, and to ,im shall ye $all% be brou ht bac#. #1. Say0 See ye3 If Allah were to ma#e the ni ht "er"etual o)er you to the Day of Jud ment, what od is there other than Allah, who can i)e you enli htenment3 (ill ye not then hear#en3 #2. Say0 See ye3 If Allah were to ma#e the day "er"etual o)er you to the Day of Jud ment, what od is there other than Allah, who can i)e you a ni ht in which ye can rest3 (ill ye not then see3 #3. It is out of ,is Mercy that ,e has made for you 4i ht and Day,5 that ye may rest therein, and that ye may see# of his Grace;5 and in order that ye may be rateful. # . !he Day that ,e will call on them, ,e will say0 1(here are my 9"artners93 whom ye ima ined $to be such%31 #!. And from each "eo"le shall (e draw a witness, and (e shall say0 1Produce your Proof10 then shall they #now that the !ruth is in Allah $alone%, and the $lies% which they in)ented will lea)e them in lurch.

#". <arun was doubtless, of the "eo"le of Moses; but he acted insolently towards them0 such were the treasures (e had bestowed on him that their )ery #eys would ha)e been a burden to a body of stron men, behold, his "eo"le said to him0 178ult not, for Allah lo)eth not those who e8ult $in riches%. ##. 1'ut see#, with the $wealth% which Allah has bestowed on thee, the ,ome of the ,ereafter, nor for et thy "ortion in this world0 but do thou ood, as Allah has been ood to thee, and see# not $occasions for% mischief in the land0 for Allah lo)es not those who do mischief.1 #&. ,e said0 1!his has been i)en to me because of a certain #nowled e which I ha)e.1 Did he not #now that Allah had destroyed, before him, $whole% enerations,5 which were su"erior to him in stren th and reater in the amount $of riches% they had collected3 but the wic#ed are not called $immediately% to account for their sins. #'. So he went forth amon his "eo"le in the $"ride of his wordly% litter. Said those whose aim is the &ife of this (orld0 1/h2 that we had the li#e of what <arun has ot2 for he is truly a lord of mi hty ood fortune21 &(. 'ut those who had been ranted $true% #nowled e said0 1Alas for you2 !he reward of Allah $in the ,ereafter% is best for those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness0 but this none shall attain, sa)e those who steadfastly "erse)ere $in ood%.1 &1. !hen (e caused the earth to swallow u" him and his house; and he had not $the least little% "arty to hel" him a ainst Allah, nor could he defend himself. &2. And those who had en)ied his "osition the day before be an to say on the morrow0 1Ah2 it is indeed Allah (ho enlar es the "ro)ision or restricts it, to any of ,is ser)ants ,e "leases2 had it not been that Allah was racious to us, ,e could ha)e caused the earth to swallow us u"2 Ah2 those who re-ect Allah will assuredly ne)er "ros"er.1 &3. !hat ,ome of the ,ereafter (e shall i)e to those who intend not hi h5 handedness or mischief on earth0 and the end is $best% for the ri hteous. & . If any does ood, the reward to him is better than his deed; but if any does e)il, the doers of e)il are only "unished $to the e8tent% of their deeds. &!. >erily ,e (ho ordained the <ur9an for thee, will brin thee bac# to the Place of +eturn. Say0 1My &ord #nows best who it is that brin s true uidance, and who is in manifest error.1 &". And thou hadst not e8"ected that the 'oo# would be sent to thee e8ce"t as a Mercy from thy &ord0 !herefore lend not thou su""ort in any way to those who re-ect $$Allah%9s Messa e%. &#. And let nothin #ee" thee bac# from the Si ns of Allah after they ha)e been re)ealed to thee0 and in)ite $men% to thy &ord, and be not of the com"any of those who -oin ods with Allah. &&. And call not, besides Allah, on another od. !here is no od but ,e. 7)erythin $that e8ists% will "erish e8ce"t ,is own .ace. !o ,im belon s the Command, and to ,im will ye $all% be brou ht bac#.

Surah 2'. The Spi1er

1. A.&.M. 2. Do men thin# that they will be left alone on sayin , 1(e belie)e1, and that they will not be tested3

3. (e did test those before them, and Allah will certainly #now those who are true from those who are false. . Do those who "ractise e)il thin# that they will et the better of *s3 7)il is their -ud ment2 !. .or those whose ho"es are in the meetin with Allah $in the ,ereafter, let them stri)e%; for the term $a""ointed% by Allah is surely comin and ,e hears and #nows $all thin s%. ". And if any stri)e $with mi ht and main%, they do so for their own souls0 for Allah is free of all needs from all creation. #. !hose who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds,5 from them shall (e blot out all e)il $that may be% in them, and (e shall reward them accordin to the best of their deeds. &. (e ha)e en-oined on man #indness to "arents0 but if they $either of them% stri)e $to force% thee to -oin with Me $in worshi"% anythin of which thou hast no #nowled e, obey them not. :e ha)e $all% to return to me, and I will tell you $the truth% of all that ye did. '. And those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds,5 them shall (e admit to the com"any of the +i hteous. 1(. !hen there are amon men such as say, 1(e belie)e in Allah.; but when they suffer affliction in $the cause of% Allah, they treat men9s o""ression as if it were the (rath of Allah. And if hel" comes $to thee% from thy &ord, they are sure to say, 1(e ha)e $always% been with you21 Does not Allah #now best all that is in the hearts of all creation3 11. And Allah most certainly #nows those who belie)e, and as certainly those who are ,y"ocrites. 12. And the *nbelie)ers say to those who belie)e0 1.ollow our "ath, and we will bear $the conse;uences% of your faults.1 4e)er in the least will they bear their faults0 in fact they are liars2 13. !hey will bear their own burdens, and $other% burdens alon with their own, and on the Day of Jud ments they will be called to account for their falsehoods. 1 . (e $once% sent 4oah to his "eo"le, and he tarried amon them a thousand years less fifty0 but the Delu e o)erwhelmed them while they $"ersisted in% sin. 1!. 'ut (e sa)ed him and the com"anions of the Ar#, and (e made the $Ar#% a Si n for all "eo"les2 1". And $(e also sa)ed% Abraham0 behold, he said to his "eo"le, 1Ser)e Allah and fear ,im0 that will be best for you5 If ye understand2 1#. 1.or ye do worshi" idols besides Allah, and ye in)ent falsehood. !he thin s that ye worshi" besides Allah ha)e no "ower to i)e you sustenance0 then see# ye sustenance from Allah, ser)e ,im, and be rateful to ,im0 to ,im will be your return. 1&. 1And if ye re-ect $the Messa e%, so did enerations before you0 and the duty of the a"ostle is only to "reach "ublicly $and clearly%.1 1'. See they not how Allah ori inates creation, then re"eats it0 truly that is easy for Allah. 2(. Say0 1!ra)el throu h the earth and see how Allah did ori inate creation; so will Allah "roduce a later creation0 for Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. 21. 1,e "unishes whom ,e "leases, and ,e rants Mercy to whom ,e "leases, and towards ,im are ye turned. 22. 14ot on earth nor in hea)en will ye be able $fleein % to frustrate $his Plan%, nor ha)e ye, besides Allah, any "rotector or hel"er.1

23. !hose who re-ect the Si ns of Allah and the Meetin with ,im $in the ,ereafter%,5 it is they who shall des"air of My Mercy0 it is they who will $suffer% a most rie)ous Penalty. 2 . So nau ht was the answer of $Abraham9s% "eo"le e8ce"t that they said0 1Slay him or burn him.1 'ut Allah did sa)e him from the .ire. >erily in this are Si ns for "eo"le who belie)e. 2!. And he said0 1.or you, ye ha)e ta#en $for worshi"% idols besides Allah, out of mutual lo)e and re ard between yoursel)es in this life; but on the Day of Jud ment ye shall disown each other and curse each other0 and your abode will be the .ire, and ye shall ha)e none to hel".1 2". 'ut &ut had faith in ,im0 ,e said0 1I will lea)e home for the sa#e of my &ord0 for ,e is 78alted in Mi ht, and (ise.1 2#. And (e a)e $Abraham% Isaac and Jacob, and ordained amon his "ro eny Pro"hethood and +e)elation, and (e ranted him his reward in this life; and he was in the ,ereafter $of the com"any% of the +i hteous. 2&. And $remember% &ut0 behold, he said to his "eo"le0 1:e do commit lewdness, such as no "eo"le in Creation $e)er% committed before you. 2'. 1Do ye indeed a""roach men, and cut off the hi hway35 and "ractise wic#edness $e)en% in your councils31 'ut his "eo"le a)e no answer but this0 they said0 1'rin us the (rath of Allah if thou tellest the truth.1 3(. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 hel" !hou me a ainst "eo"le who do mischief21 31. (hen /ur Messen ers came to Abraham with the ood news, they said0 1(e are indeed oin to destroy the "eo"le of this townshi"0 for truly they are $addicted to% crime.1 32. ,e said0 1'ut there is &ut there.1 !hey said0 1(ell do we #now who is there 0 we will certainly sa)e him and his followin ,5 e8ce"t his wife0 she is of those who la behind21 33. And when /ur Messen ers came to &ut, he was rie)ed on their account, and felt himself "owerless $to "rotect% them0 but they said0 1.ear thou not, nor rie)e0 we are $here% to sa)e thee and thy followin , e8ce"t thy wife0 she is of those who la behind. 3 . 1.or we are oin to brin down on the "eo"le of this townshi" a Punishment from hea)en, because they ha)e been wic#edly rebellious.1 3!. And (e ha)e left thereof an e)ident Si n, for any "eo"le who $care to% understand. 3". !o the Madyan $"eo"le% $(e sent% their brother Shu9aib. !hen he said0 1/ my "eo"le2 ser)e Allah, and fear the &ast Day0 nor commit e)il on the earth, with intent to do mischief.1 3#. 'ut they re-ected him0 !hen the mi hty 'last sei6ed them, and they lay "rostrate in their homes by the mornin . 3&. $+emember also% the 9Ad and the !hamud $"eo"le%0 clearly will a""ear to you from $the traces% of their buildin s $their fate%0 the 7)il /ne made their deeds allurin to them, and #e"t them bac# from the Path, thou h they were ifted with intelli ence and s#ill. 3'. $+emember also% <arun, Pharaoh, and ,aman0 there came to them Moses with Clear Si ns, but they beha)ed with insolence on the earth; yet they could not o)erreach $*s%. (. 7ach one of them (e sei6ed for his crime0 of them, a ainst some (e sent a )iolent tornado $with showers of stones%; some were cau ht by a $mi hty% 'last; some (e caused the earth to swallow u"; and some (e drowned $in the waters%0 It was not Allah (ho in-ured $or o""ressed% them01 !hey in-ured $and o""ressed% their own souls. 1. !he "arable of those who ta#e "rotectors other than Allah is that of the s"ider, who builds $to itself% a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the s"ider9s house;5 if they but #new.

2. >erily Allah doth #now of $e)ery thin % whate)er that they call u"on besides ,im0 and ,e is 78alted $in "ower%, (ise. 3. And such are the Parables (e set forth for man#ind, but only those understand them who ha)e #nowled e. . Allah created the hea)ens and the earth in true $"ro"ortions%0 )erily in that is a Si n for those who belie)e. !. +ecite what is sent of the 'oo# by ins"iration to thee, and establish re ular Prayer0 for Prayer restrains from shameful and un-ust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the reatest $thin in life% without doubt. And Allah #nows the $deeds% that ye do. ". And dis"ute ye not with the Peo"le of the 'oo#, e8ce"t with means better $than mere dis"utation%, unless it be with those of them who inflict wron $and in-ury%0 but say, 1(e belie)e in the re)elation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; /ur Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to ,im we bow $in Islam%.1 #. And thus $it is% that (e ha)e sent down the 'oo# to thee. So the Peo"le of the 'oo# belie)e therein, as also do some of these $"a an Arabs%0 and none but *nbelie)ers re-ect our si ns. &. And thou wast not $able% to recite a 'oo# before this $'oo# came%, nor art thou $able% to transcribe it with thy ri ht hand0 In that case, indeed, would the tal#ers of )anities ha)e doubted. '. 4ay, here are Si ns self5e)ident in the hearts of those endowed with #nowled e0 and none but the un-ust re-ect /ur Si ns. !(. :e they say0 1(hy are not Si ns sent down to him from his &ord31 Say0 1!he si ns are indeed with Allah. and I am indeed a clear (arner.1 !1. And is it not enou h for them that we ha)e sent down to thee the 'oo# which is rehearsed to them3 >erily, in it is Mercy and a +eminder to those who belie)e. !2. Say0 17nou h is Allah for a witness between me and you0 ,e #nows what is in the hea)ens and on earth. And it is those who belie)e in )anities and re-ect Allah, that will "erish $in the end%. !3. !hey as# thee to hasten on the Punishment $for them%0 had it not been for a term $of res"ite% a""ointed, the Punishment would certainly ha)e come to them0 and it will certainly reach them,5 of a sudden, while they "ercei)e not2 ! . !hey as# thee to hasten on the Punishment0 but, of a surety, ,ell will encom"ass the +e-ecters of .aith25 !!. /n the Day that the Punishment shall co)er them from abo)e them and from below them, and $a >oice% shall say0 1!aste ye $the fruits% of your deeds21 !". / My ser)ants who belie)e2 truly, s"acious is My 7arth0 therefore ser)e ye Me 5 $and Me alone%2 !#. 7)ery soul shall ha)e a taste of death in the end to *s shall ye be brou ht bac#. !&. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness 5 to them shall (e i)e a ,ome in ,ea)en,5 lofty mansions beneath which flow ri)ers,5 to dwell therein for aye;5 an e8cellent reward for those who do $ ood%25 !'. !hose who "erse)ere in "atience, and "ut their trust, in their &ord and Cherisher. "(. ,ow many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance3 It is Allah who feeds $both% them and you0 for ,e hears and #nows $all thin s%.

"1. If indeed thou as# them who has created the hea)ens and the earth and sub-ected the sun and the moon $to his &aw%, they will certainly re"ly, 1$Allah%1. ,ow are they then deluded away $from the truth%3 "2. Allah enlar es the sustenance $which ,e i)es% to whiche)er of ,is ser)ants ,e "leases; and ,e $similarly% rants by $strict% measure, $as ,e "leases%0 for Allah has full #nowled e of all thin s. "3. And if indeed thou as# them who it is that sends down rain from the s#y, and i)es life therewith to the earth after its death, they will certainly re"ly, 1$Allah%21 Say, 1Praise be to Allah.1 'ut most of them understand not. " . (hat is the life of this world but amusement and "lay3 but )erily the ,ome in the ,ereafter,5 that is life indeed, if they but #new. "!. 4ow, if they embar# on a boat, they call on Allah, ma#in their de)otion sincerely $and e8clusi)ely% to ,im; but when ,e has deli)ered them safely to $dry% land, behold, they i)e a share $of their worshi" to others%25 "". Disdainin un ratefully /ur ifts, and i)in themsel)es u" to $worldly% en-oyment2 'ut soon will they #now. "#. Do they not then see that (e ha)e made a sanctuary secure, and that men are bein snatched away from all around them3 !hen, do they belie)e in that which is )ain, and re-ect the Grace of Allah. "&. And who does more wron than he who in)ents a lie a ainst Allah or re-ects the !ruth when it reaches him3 Is there not a home in ,ell for those who re-ect .aith3 "'. And those who stri)e in /ur $cause%,5 (e will certainly uide them to our Paths0 .or )erily Allah is with those who do ri ht.

Surah 3(. The Ro*ans. The 5+<antines

1. A. &. M. 2. !he +oman 7m"ire has been defeated5 3. In a land close by; but they, $e)en% after $this% defeat of theirs, will soon be )ictorious5 . (ithin a few years. (ith Allah is the Decision, in the "ast and in the .uture0 on that Day shall the 'elie)ers re-oice5 !. (ith the hel" of Allah. ,e hel"s whom ,e will, and ,e is e8alted in mi ht, most merciful. ". $It is% the "romise of Allah. 4e)er does Allah de"art from ,is "romise0 but most men understand not. #. !hey #now but the outer $thin s% in the life of this world0 but of the 7nd of thin s they are heedless. &. Do they not reflect in their own minds3 4ot but for -ust ends and for a term a""ointed, did Allah create the hea)ens and the earth, and all between them0 yet are there truly many amon men who deny the meetin with their &ord $at the +esurrection%2 '. Do they not tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the end of those before them3 !hey were su"erior to them in stren th0 they tilled the soil and "o"ulated it in reater numbers than these ha)e done0 there came to them their a"ostles with Clear $Si ns%. $(hich they re-ected, to their own destruction%0 It was not Allah (ho wron ed them, but they wron ed their own souls.

1(. In the lon run e)il in the e8treme will be the 7nd of those who do e)il; for that they re-ected the Si ns of Allah, and held them u" to ridicule. 11. It is Allah (ho be ins $the "rocess of% creation; then re"eats it; then shall ye be brou ht bac# to ,im. 12. /n the Day that the ,our will be established, the uilty will be struc# dumb with des"air. 13. 4o intercessor will they ha)e amon their 1Partners1 and they will $themsel)es% re-ect their 1Partners1. 1 . /n the Day that the ,our will be established,5 that Day shall $all men% be sorted out. 1!. !hen those who ha)e belie)ed and wor#ed ri hteous deeds, shall be made ha""y in a Mead of Deli ht. 1". And those who ha)e re-ected .aith and falsely denied our Si ns and the meetin of the ,ereafter,5 such shall be brou ht forth to Punishment. 1#. So $ i)e% lory to Allah, when ye reach e)entide and when ye rise in the mornin ; 1&. :ea, to ,im be "raise, in the hea)ens and on earth; and in the late afternoon and when the day be ins to decline. 1'. It is ,e (ho brin s out the li)in from the dead, and brin s out the dead from the li)in , and (ho i)es life to the earth after it is dead0 and thus shall ye be brou ht out $from the dead%. 2(. Amon ,is Si ns in this, that ,e created you from dust; and then,5 behold, ye are men scattered $far and wide%2 21. And amon ,is Si ns is this, that ,e created for you mates from amon yoursel)es, that ye may dwell in tran;uillity with them, and ,e has "ut lo)e and mercy between your $hearts%0 )erily in that are Si ns for those who reflect. 22. And amon ,is Si ns is the creation of the hea)ens and the earth, and the )ariations in your lan ua es and your colours0 )erily in that are Si ns for those who #now. 23. And amon ,is Si ns is the slee" that ye ta#e by ni ht and by day, and the ;uest that ye $ma#e for li)elihood% out of ,is 'ounty0 )erily in that are si ns for those who hear#en. 2 . And amon ,is Si ns, ,e shows you the li htnin , by way both of fear and of ho"e, and ,e sends down rain from the s#y and with it i)es life to the earth after it is dead0 )erily in that are Si ns for those who are wise. 2!. And amon ,is Si ns is this, that hea)en and earth stand by ,is Command0 then when ,e calls you, by a sin le call, from the earth, behold, ye $strai htway% come forth. 2". !o ,im belon s e)ery bein that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 all are de)outly obedient to ,im. 2#. It is ,e (ho be ins $the "rocess of% creation; then re"eats it; and for ,im it is most easy. !o ,im belon s the loftiest similitude $we can thin# of% in the hea)ens and the earth0 for ,e is 78alted in Mi ht, full of wisdom. 2&. ,e does "ro"ound to you a similitude from your own $e8"erience%0 do ye ha)e "artners amon those whom your ri ht hands "ossess, to share as e;uals in the wealth (e ha)e bestowed on you3 Do ye fear them as ye fear each other3 !hus do we e8"lain the Si ns in detail to a "eo"le that understand. 2'. 4ay, the wron 5doers $merely% follow their own lusts, bein de)oid of #nowled e. 'ut who will uide those whom Allah lea)es astray3 !o them there will be no hel"ers.

3(. So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the .aith0 $establish% Allah.s handiwor# accordin to the "attern on which ,e has made man#ind0 no chan e $let there be% in the wor# $wrou ht% by Allah. that is the standard +eli ion0 but most amon man#ind understand not. 31. !urn ye bac# in re"entance to ,im, and fear ,im0 establish re ular "rayers, and be not ye amon those who -oin ods with Allah,5 32. !hose who s"lit u" their +eli ion, and become $mere% Sects,5 each "arty re-oicin in that which is with itself2 33. (hen trouble touches men, they cry to their &ord, turnin bac# to ,im in re"entance0 but when ,e i)es them a taste of Mercy as from ,imself, behold, some of them "ay "art5 worshi" to other od9s besides their &ord,5 3 . $As if% to show their in ratitude for the $fa)ours% (e ha)e bestowed on them2 !hen en-oy $your brief day%; but soon will ye #now $your folly%. 3!. /r ha)e (e sent down authority to them, which "oints out to them the thin s to which they "ay "art5worshi"3 3". (hen (e i)e men a taste of Mercy, they e8ult thereat0 and when some e)il afflicts them because of what their $own% hands ha)e sent forth, behold, they are in des"air2 3#. See they not that Allah enlar es the "ro)ision and restricts it, to whomsoe)er ,e "leases3 >erily in that are Si ns for those who belie)e. 3&. So i)e what is due to #indred, the needy, and the wayfarer. !hat is best for those who see# the Countenance, of Allah, and it is they who will "ros"er. 3'. !hat which ye lay out for increase throu h the "ro"erty of $other% "eo"le, will ha)e no increase with Allah. but that which ye lay out for charity, see#in the Countenance of Allah, $will increase%0 it is these who will et a recom"ense multi"lied. (. It is Allah (ho has created you0 further, ,e has "ro)ided for your sustenance; then ,e will cause you to die; and a ain ,e will i)e you life. Are there any of your $false% 1Partners1 who can do any sin le one of these thin s3 Glory to ,im2 and hi h is ,e abo)e the "artners they attribute $to him%2 1. Mischief has a""eared on land and sea because of $the meed% that the hands of men ha)e earned, that $$Allah%% may i)e them a taste of some of their deeds0 in order that they may turn bac# $from 7)il%. 2. Say0 1!ra)el throu h the earth and see what was the end of those before $you%0 Most of them worshi""ed others besides Allah.1 3. 'ut set thou thy face to the ri ht +eli ion before there come from Allah the Day which there is no chance of a)ertin 0 on that Day shall men be di)ided $in two%. . !hose who re-ect .aith will suffer from that re-ection0 and those who wor# ri hteousness will s"read their couch $of re"ose% for themsel)es $in hea)en%0 !. !hat ,e may reward those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, out of his 'ounty. .or ,e lo)es not those who re-ect .aith. ". Amon ,is Si ns is this, that ,e sends the (inds, as heralds of Glad !idin s, i)in you a taste of ,is $Grace and% Mercy,5 that the shi"s may sail $ma-estically% by ,is Command and that ye may see# of ,is 'ounty0 in order that ye may be rateful. #. (e did indeed send, before thee, a"ostles to their $res"ecti)e% "eo"les, and they came to them with Clear Si ns0 then, to those who trans ressed, (e meted out +etribution0 and it was due from *s to aid those who belie)ed.

&. It is Allah (ho sends the (inds, and they raise the Clouds0 then does ,e s"read them in the s#y as ,e wills, and brea# them into fra ments, until thou seest rain5dro"s issue from the midst thereof0 then when ,e has made them reach such of his ser)ants as ,e wills behold, they do re-oice25 '. 7)en thou h, before they recei)ed $the rain% 5 -ust before this 5 they were dumb with des"air2 !(. !hen contem"late $/ man2% the memorials of Allah.s Mercy25 how ,e i)es life to the earth after its death0 )erily the same will i)e life to the men who are dead0 for ,e has "ower o)er all thin s. !1. And if (e $but% send a (ind from which they see $their tilth% turn yellow,5 behold, they become, thereafter, *n rateful $*nbelie)ers%2 !2. So )erily thou canst not ma#e the dead to hear, nor canst thou ma#e the deaf to hear the call, when they show their bac#s and turn away. !3. 4or canst thou lead bac# the blind from their strayin 0 only those wilt thou ma#e to hear, who belie)e in /ur si ns and submit $their wills in Islam%. ! . It is Allah (ho created you in a state of $hel"less% wea#ness, then a)e $you% stren th after wea#ness, then, after stren th, a)e $you wea#ness and a hoary head0 ,e creates as ,e wills, and it is ,e (ho has all #nowled e and "ower. !!. /n the Day that the ,our $of +ec#onin % will be established, the trans ressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour0 thus were they used to bein deluded2 !". 'ut those endued with #nowled e and faith will say0 1Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah.s Decree, to the Day of +esurrection, and this is the Day of +esurrection0 but ye 5 ye were not aware21 !#. So on that Day no e8cuse of theirs will a)ail the trans ressors, nor will they be in)ited $then% to see# race $by re"entance%. !&. )erily (e ha)e "ro"ounded for men, in this <ur9an e)ery #ind of Parable0 'ut if thou brin to them any Si n, the *nbelie)ers are sure to say, 1:e do nothin but tal# )anities.1 !'. !hus does Allah seal u" the hearts of those who understand not. "(. So "atiently "erse)ere0 for )erily the "romise of Allah is true0 nor let those sha#e thy firmness, who ha)e $themsel)es% no certainty of faith.

Surah 31. Lu=*an

1. A. &. M. 2. !hese are >erses of the (ise 'oo#,5 3. A Guide and a Mercy to the Doers of Good,5 . !hose who establish re ular Prayer, and i)e re ular Charity, and ha)e $in their hearts% the assurance of the ,ereafter. !. !hese are on $true% uidance from their &ord0 and these are the ones who will "ros"er. ". 'ut there are, amon men, those who "urchase idle tales, without #nowled e $or meanin %, to mislead $men% from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule $on the Path%0 for such there will be a ,umiliatin Penalty. #. (hen /ur Si ns are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in arro ance, as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in both his ears0 announce to him a rie)ous Penalty.

&. .or those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, there will be Gardens of 'liss,5 '. !o dwell therein. !he "romise of Allah is true0 and ,e is 78alted in Power, (ise. 1(. ,e created the hea)ens without any "illars that ye can see; ,e set on the earth mountains standin firm, lest it should sha#e with you; and ,e scattered throu h it beasts of all #inds. (e send down rain from the s#y, and "roduce on the earth e)ery #ind of noble creature, in "airs. 11. Such is the Creation of Allah. now show Me what is there that others besides ,im ha)e created0 nay, but the !rans ressors are in manifest error. 12. we bestowed $in the "ast% (isdom on &u;man0 1Show $thy% ratitude to Allah.1 Any who is $so% rateful does so to the "rofit of his own soul0 but if any is un rateful, )erily Allah is free of all wants, (orthy of all "raise. 13. 'ehold, &u;man said to his son by way of instruction0 1/ my son2 -oin not in worshi" $others% with Allah. for false worshi" is indeed the hi hest wron 5doin .1 1 . And (e ha)e en-oined on man $to be ood% to his "arents0 in tra)ail u"on tra)ail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weanin 0 $hear the command%, 1Show ratitude to Me and to thy "arents0 to Me is $thy final% Goal. 1!. 1'ut if they stri)e to ma#e thee -oin in worshi" with Me thin s of which thou hast no #nowled e, obey them not; yet bear them com"any in this life with -ustice $and consideration%, and follow the way of those who turn to me $in lo)e%0 in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth $and meanin % of all that ye did.1 1". 1/ my son21 $said &u;man%, 1If there be $but% the wei ht of a mustard5seed and it were $hidden% in a roc#, or $anywhere% in the hea)ens or on earth, Allah will brin it forth0 for Allah understands the finest mysteries, $and% is well5ac;uainted $with them%. 1#. 1/ my son2 establish re ular "rayer, en-oin what is -ust, and forbid what is wron 0 and bear with "atient constancy whate)er betide thee; for this is firmness $of "ur"ose% in $the conduct of% affairs. 1&. 1And swell not thy chee# $for "ride% at men, nor wal# in insolence throu h the earth; for Allah lo)eth not any arro ant boaster. 1'. 1And be moderate in thy "ace, and lower thy )oice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the brayin of the ass.1 2(. Do ye not see that Allah has sub-ected to your $use% all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth, and has made his bounties flow to you in e8ceedin measure, $both% seen and unseen3 :et there are amon men those who dis"ute about Allah, without #nowled e and without uidance, and without a 'oo# to enli hten them2 21. (hen they are told to follow the $+e)elation% that Allah has sent down, they say0 14ay, we shall follow the ways that we found our fathers $followin %. 1(hat2 e)en if it is Satan bec#onin them to the Penalty of the $'la6in % .ire3 22. (hoe)er submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of ood, has ras"ed indeed the most trustworthy hand5hold0 and with Allah rests the 7nd and Decision of $all% affairs. 23. 'ut if any re-ect .aith, let not his re-ection rie)e thee0 to *s is their return, and (e shall tell them the truth of their deeds0 for Allah #nows well all that is in $men9s% hearts. 2 . (e rant them their "leasure for a little while0 in the end shall (e dri)e them to a chastisement unrelentin .

2!. If thou as# them, who it is that created the hea)ens and the earth. !hey will certainly say, 1$Allah%1. Say0 1Praise be to Allah.1 'ut most of them understand not. 2". !o Allah belon all thin s in hea)en and earth0 )erily Allah is ,e $that is% free of all wants, worthy of all "raise. 2#. And if all the trees on earth were "ens and the ocean $were in#%, with se)en oceans behind it to add to its $su""ly%, yet would not the words of Allah be e8hausted $in the writin %0 for Allah is 78alted in Power, full of (isdom. 2&. And your creation or your resurrection is in no wise but as an indi)idual soul0 for Allah is ,e (ho hears and sees $all thin s%. 2'. Seest thou not that Allah mer es 4i ht into Day and he mer es Day into 4i ht; that ,e has sub-ected the sun, and the moon $to his &aw%, each runnin its course for a term a""ointed; and that Allah is well5ac;uainted with all that ye do3 3(. !hat is because Allah is the $only% +eality, and because whate)er else they in)o#e besides ,im is .alsehood; and because Allah,5 ,e is the Most ,i h, Most Great. 31. Seest thou not that the shi"s sail throu h the ocean by the Grace of Allah.5 that ,e may show you of ,is Si ns3 >erily in this are Si ns for all who constantly "erse)ere and i)e than#s. 32. (hen a wa)e co)ers them li#e the cano"y $of clouds%, they call to Allah, offerin ,im sincere de)otion. 'ut when ,e has deli)ered them safely to land, there are amon them those that halt between $ri ht and wron %. 'ut none re-ect /ur Si ns e8ce"t only a "erfidious un rateful $wretch%2 33. / man#ind2 do your duty to your &ord, and fear $the comin of% a Day when no father can a)ail au ht for his son, nor a son a)ail au ht for his father. >erily, the "romise of Allah is true0 let not then this "resent life decei)e you, nor let the chief Decei)er decei)e you about Allah. 3 . >erily the #nowled e of the ,our is with Allah $alone%. It is ,e (ho sends down rain, and ,e (ho #nows what is in the wombs. 4or does any one #now what it is that he will earn on the morrow0 4or does any one #now in what land he is to die. >erily with Allah is full #nowled e and ,e is ac;uainted $with all thin s%.

Surah 32. A1oration

1. A. &. M.




2. $!his is% the +e)elation of the 'oo# in which there is no doubt,5 from the &ord of the (orlds. 3. /r do they say, 1,e has for ed it13 4ay, it is the !ruth from thy &ord, that thou mayest admonish a "eo"le to whom no warner has come before thee0 in order that they may recei)e uidance. . It is Allah (ho has created the hea)ens and the earth, and all between them, in si8 Days, and is firmly established on the !hrone $of Authority%0 ye ha)e none, besides ,im, to "rotect or intercede $for you%0 will ye not then recei)e admonition3 !. ,e rules $all% affairs from the hea)ens to the earth0 in the end will $all affairs% o u" to ,im, on a Day, the s"ace whereof will be $as% a thousand years of your rec#onin .

". Such is ,e, the =nower of all thin s, hidden and o"en, the 78alted $in "ower%, the Merciful;5 #. ,e (ho has made e)erythin which ,e has created most ood0 ,e be an the creation of man with $nothin more than% clay, &. And made his "ro eny from a ;uintessence of the nature of a fluid des"ised0 '. 'ut ,e fashioned him in due "ro"ortion, and breathed into him somethin of ,is s"irit. And ,e a)e you $the faculties of% hearin and si ht and feelin $and understandin %0 little than#s do ye i)e2 1(. And they say0 1(hat2 when we lie, hidden and lost, in the earth, shall we indeed be in a Creation renewed3 4ay, they deny the Meetin with their &ord. 11. Say0 1!he An el of Death, "ut in char e of you, will $duly% ta#e your souls0 then shall ye be brou ht bac# to your &ord.1 12. If only thou couldst see when the uilty ones will bend low their heads before their &ord, $sayin 0% 1/ur &ord2 (e ha)e seen and we ha)e heard0 4ow then send us bac# $to the world%0 we will wor# ri hteousness0 for we do indeed $now% belie)e.1 13. If (e had so willed, (e could certainly ha)e brou ht e)ery soul its true uidance0 but the (ord from Me will come true, 1I will fill ,ell with Jinns and men all to ether.1 1 . 1!aste ye then 5 for ye for ot the Meetin of this Day of yours, and (e too will for et you 5 taste ye the Penalty of 7ternity for your $e)il% deeds21 1!. /nly those belie)e in /ur Si ns, who, when they are recited to them, fall down in adoration, and celebrate the "raises of their &ord, nor are they $e)er% "uffed u" with "ride. 1". !heir limbs do forsa#e their beds of slee", the while they call on their &ord, in .ear and ,o"e0 and they s"end $in charity% out of the sustenance which (e ha)e bestowed on them. 1#. 4ow no "erson #nows what deli hts of the eye are #e"t hidden $in reser)e% for them 5 as a reward for their $ ood% deeds. 1&. Is then the man who belie)es no better than the man who is rebellious and wic#ed3 4ot e;ual are they. 1'. .or those who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds are Gardens as hos"itable homes, for their $ ood% deeds. 2(. As to those who are rebellious and wic#ed, their abode will be the .ire0 e)ery time they wish to et away therefrom, they will be forced thereinto, and it will be said to them0 1!aste ye the Penalty of the .ire, the which ye were wont to re-ect as false.1 21. And indeed (e will ma#e them taste of the Penalty of this $life% "rior to the su"reme Penalty, in order that they may $re"ent and% return. 22. And who does more wron than one to whom are recited the Si ns of his &ord, and who then turns away therefrom3 >erily from those who trans ress (e shall e8act $due% +etribution. 23. (e did indeed aforetime i)e the 'oo# to Moses0 be not then in doubt of its reachin $thee%0 and (e made it a uide to the Children of Israel. 2 . And (e a""ointed, from amon them, leaders, i)in uidance under /ur command, so lon as they "erse)ered with "atience and continued to ha)e faith in /ur Si ns. 2!. >erily thy &ord will -ud e between them on the Day of Jud ment, in the matters wherein they differ $amon themsel)es%

2". Does it not teach them a lesson, how many enerations (e destroyed before them, in whose dwellin s they $now% o to and fro3 >erily in that are Si ns0 Do they not then listen3 2#. And do they not see that (e do dri)e rain to "arched soil $bare of herba e%, and "roduce therewith cro"s, "ro)idin food for their cattle and themsel)es3 ,a)e they not the )ision3 2&. !hey say0 1(hen will this decision be, if ye are tellin the truth31 2'. Say0 1/n the Day of Decision, no "rofit will it be to *nbelie)ers if they $then% belie)e2 nor will they be ranted a res"ite.1 3(. So turn away from them, and wait0 they too are waitin .

Surah 33. The $lans. The $oalition. The $o*0ine1 )or3es

1. / Pro"het2 .ear Allah, and hear#en not to the *nbelie)ers and the ,y"ocrites0 )erily Allah is full of =nowled e and (isdom. 2. 'ut follow that which comes to thee by ins"iration from thy &ord0 for Allah is well ac;uainted with $all% that ye do. 3. And "ut thy trust in Allah, and enou h is Allah as a dis"oser of affairs. . Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his $one% body0 nor has ,e made your wi)es whom ye di)orce by ?ihar your mothers0 nor has ,e made your ado"ted sons your sons. Such is $only% your $manner of% s"eech by your mouths. 'ut Allah tells $you% the !ruth, and ,e shows the $ri ht% (ay. !. Call them by $the names of% their fathers0 that is -uster in the si ht of Allah. 'ut if ye #now not their father9s $names, call them% your 'rothers in faith, or your maulas. 'ut there is no blame on you if ye ma#e a mista#e therein0 $what counts is% the intention of your hearts0 and Allah is /ft5+eturnin , Most Merciful. ". !he Pro"het is closer to the 'elie)ers than their own sel)es, and his wi)es are their mothers. 'lood5relations amon each other ha)e closer "ersonal ties, in the Decree of Allah. !han $the 'rotherhood of% 'elie)ers and Muha-irs0 ne)ertheless do ye what is -ust to your closest friends0 such is the writin in the Decree $of Allah.. #. And remember (e too# from the "ro"hets their co)enant0 As $(e did% from thee0 from 4oah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary0 (e too# from them a solemn co)enant0 &. !hat $$Allah%% may ;uestion the $custodians% of !ruth concernin the !ruth they $were char ed with%0 And ,e has "re"ared for the *nbelie)ers a rie)ous Penalty. '. / ye who belie)e2 +emember the Grace of Allah, $bestowed% on you, when there came down on you hosts $to o)erwhelm you%0 'ut (e sent a ainst them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not0 but Allah sees $clearly% all that ye do. 1(. 'ehold2 they came on you from abo)e you and from below you, and behold, the eyes became dim and the hearts a"ed u" to the throats, and ye ima ined )arious $)ain% thou hts about Allah. 11. In that situation were the 'elie)ers tried0 they were sha#en as by a tremendous sha#in . 12. And behold2 !he ,y"ocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease $e)en% say0 1$Allah% and ,is Messen er "romised us nothin but delusion21 13. 'ehold2 A "arty amon them said0 1:e men of :athrib2 ye cannot stand $the attac#%2 therefore o bac#21 And a band of them as# for lea)e of the Pro"het, sayin , 1!ruly our

houses are bare and e8"osed,1 thou h they were not e8"osed they intended nothin but to run away. 1 . And if an entry had been effected to them from the sides of the $city%, and they had been incited to sedition, they would certainly ha)e brou ht it to "ass, with none but a brief delay2 1!. And yet they had already co)enanted with Allah not to turn their bac#s, and a co)enant with Allah must $surely% be answered for. 1". Say0 1+unnin away will not "rofit you if ye are runnin away from death or slau hter; and e)en if $ye do esca"e%, no more than a brief $res"ite% will ye be allowed to en-oy21 1#. Say0 1(ho is it that can screen you from Allah if it be ,is wish to i)e you "unishment or to i)e you Mercy31 4or will they find for themsel)es, besides Allah, any "rotector or hel"er. 1&. >erily Allah #nows those amon you who #ee" bac# $men% and those who say to their brethren, 1Come alon to us1, but come not to the fi ht e8ce"t for -ust a little while. 1'. Co)etous o)er you. !hen when fear comes, thou wilt see them loo#in to thee, their eyes re)ol)in , li#e $those of% one o)er whom ho)ers death0 but when the fear is "ast, they will smite you with shar" ton ues, co)etous of oods. Such men ha)e no faith, and so Allah has made their deeds of none effect0 and that is easy for Allah. 2(. !hey thin# that the Confederates ha)e not withdrawn; and if the Confederates should come $a ain%, they would wish they were in the deserts $wanderin % amon the 'edouins, and see#in news about you $from a safe distance%; and if they were in your midst, they would fi ht but little. 21. :e ha)e indeed in the Messen er of Allah a beautiful "attern $of conduct% for any one whose ho"e is in Allah and the .inal Day, and who en a es much in the Praise of Allah. 22. (hen the 'elie)ers saw the Confederate forces, they said0 1!his is what Allah and his Messen er had "romised us, and Allah and ,is Messen er told us what was true.1 And it only added to their faith and their 6eal in obedience. 23. Amon the 'elie)ers are men who ha)e been true to their co)enant with Allah. of them some ha)e com"leted their )ow $to the e8treme%, and some $still% wait0 but they ha)e ne)er chan ed $their determination% in the least0 2 . !hat Allah may reward the men of !ruth for their !ruth, and "unish the ,y"ocrites if that be ,is (ill, or turn to them in Mercy0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 2!. And Allah turned bac# the *nbelie)ers for $all% their fury0 no ad)anta e did they ain; and enou h is Allah for the belie)ers in their fi ht. And Allah is full of Stren th, able to enforce ,is (ill. 2". And those of the Peo"le of the 'oo# who aided them 5 Allah did ta#e them down from their stron holds and cast terror into their hearts. $So that% some ye slew, and some ye made "risoners. 2#. And ,e made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their oods, and of a land which ye had not fre;uented $before%. And Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. 2&. / Pro"het2 Say to thy Consorts0 1If it be that ye desire the life of this (orld, and its litter,5 then come2 I will "ro)ide for your en-oyment and set you free in a handsome manner. 2'. 'ut if ye see# Allah and ,is Messen er, and the ,ome of the ,ereafter, )erily Allah has "re"ared for the well5doers amon st you a reat reward. 3(. / Consorts of the Pro"het2 If any of you were uilty of e)ident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah.

31. 'ut any of you that is de)out in the ser)ice of Allah and ,is Messen er, and wor#s ri hteousness,5 to her shall (e rant her reward twice0 and (e ha)e "re"ared for her a enerous Sustenance. 32. / Consorts of the Pro"het2 :e are not li#e any of the $other% women0 if ye do fear $$Allah%%, be not too com"lacent of s"eech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be mo)ed with desire0 but s"ea# ye a s"eech $that is% -ust. 33. And stay ;uietly in your houses, and ma#e not a da66lin dis"lay, li#e that of the former !imes of I norance; and establish re ular Prayer, and i)e re ular Charity; and obey Allah and ,is Messen er. And Allah only wishes to remo)e all abomination from you, ye members of the .amily, and to ma#e you "ure and s"otless. 3 . And recite what is rehearsed to you in your homes, of the Si ns of Allah and ,is (isdom0 for Allah understands the finest mysteries and is well5ac;uainted $with them%. 3!. .or Muslim men and women,5 for belie)in men and women, for de)out men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are "atient and constant, for men and women who humble themsel)es, for men and women who i)e in Charity, for men and women who fast $and deny themsel)es%, for men and women who uard their chastity, and for men and women who en a e much in Allah.s "raise,5 for them has Allah "re"ared for i)eness and reat reward. 3". It is not fittin for a 'elie)er, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and ,is Messen er to ha)e any o"tion about their decision0 if any one disobeys Allah and ,is Messen er, he is indeed on a clearly wron Path. 3#. 'ehold2 !hou didst say to one who had recei)ed the race of Allah and thy fa)our0 1+etain thou $in wedloc#% thy wife, and fear Allah.1 'ut thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to ma#e manifest0 thou didst fear the "eo"le, but it is more fittin that thou shouldst fear Allah. !hen when ?aid had dissol)ed $his marria e% with her, with the necessary $formality%, (e -oined her in marria e to thee0 in order that $in future% there may be no difficulty to the 'elie)ers in $the matter of% marria e with the wi)es of their ado"ted sons, when the latter ha)e dissol)ed with the necessary $formality% $their marria e% with them. And Allah.s command must be fulfilled. 3&. !here can be no difficulty to the Pro"het in what Allah has indicated to him as a duty. It was the "ractice $a""ro)ed% of Allah amon st those of old that ha)e "assed away. And the command of Allah is a decree determined. 3'. $It is the "ractice of those% who "reach the Messa es of Allah, and fear ,im, and fear none but Allah. And enou h is Allah to call $men% to account. (. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but $he is% the Messen er of Allah, and the Seal of the Pro"hets0 and Allah has full #nowled e of all thin s. 1. / ye who belie)e2 Celebrate the "raises of Allah, and do this often; 2. And lorify ,im mornin and e)enin . 3. ,e it is (ho sends blessin s on you, as do ,is an els, that ,e may brin you out from the de"ths of Dar#ness into &i ht0 and ,e is .ull of Mercy to the 'elie)ers. . !heir salutation on the Day they meet ,im will be 1Peace21; and ,e has "re"ared for them a enerous +eward. !. / Pro"het2 !ruly (e ha)e sent thee as a (itness, a 'earer of Glad !idin s, and (arner,5 ". And as one who in)ites to Allah.s $ race% by ,is lea)e, and as a lam" s"readin li ht.

#. !hen i)e the Glad !idin s to the 'elie)ers, that they shall ha)e from Allah a )ery reat 'ounty. &. And obey not $the behests% of the *nbelie)ers and the ,y"ocrites, and heed not their annoyances, but "ut thy !rust in Allah. .or enou h is Allah as a Dis"oser of affairs. '. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye marry belie)in women, and then di)orce them before ye ha)e touched them, no "eriod of 9Iddat ha)e ye to count in res"ect of them0 so i)e them a "resent. And set them free in a handsome manner. !(. / Pro"het2 (e ha)e made lawful to thee thy wi)es to whom thou hast "aid their dowers; and those whom thy ri ht hand "ossesses out of the "risoners of war whom Allah has assi ned to thee; and dau hters of thy "aternal uncles and aunts, and dau hters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who mi rated $from Ma##a% with thee; and any belie)in woman who dedicates her soul to the Pro"het if the Pro"het wishes to wed her;5 this only for thee, and not for the 'elie)ers $at lar e%; (e #now what (e ha)e a""ointed for them as to their wi)es and the ca"ti)es whom their ri ht hands "ossess;5 in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. !1. !hou mayest defer $the turn of% any of them that thou "leasest, and thou mayest recei)e any thou "leasest0 and there is no blame on thee if thou in)ite one whose $turn% thou hadst set aside. !his were ni her to the coolin of their eyes, the "re)ention of their rief, and their satisfaction 5 that of all of them 5 with that which thou hast to i)e them0 and Allah #nows $all% that is in your hearts0 and Allah is All5 =nowin , Most .orbearin . !2. It is not lawful for thee $to marry more% women after this, nor to chan e them for $other% wi)es, e)en thou h their beauty attract thee, e8ce"t any thy ri ht hand should "ossess $as handmaidens%0 and Allah doth watch o)er all thin s. !3. / ye who belie)e2 7nter not the Pro"het9s houses,5 until lea)e is i)en you,5 for a meal, $and then% not $so early as% to wait for its "re"aration0 but when ye are in)ited, enter; and when ye ha)e ta#en your meal, dis"erse, without see#in familiar tal#. Such $beha)iour% annoys the Pro"het0 he is ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is not ashamed $to tell you% the truth. And when ye as# $his ladies% for anythin ye want, as# them from before a screen0 that ma#es for reater "urity for your hearts and for theirs. 4or is it ri ht for you that ye should annoy Allah.s Messen er, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. !ruly such a thin is in Allah.s si ht an enormity. ! . (hether ye re)eal anythin or conceal it, )erily Allah has full #nowled e of all thin s. !!. !here is no blame $on these ladies if they a""ear% before their fathers or their sons, their brothers, or their brother9s sons, or their sisters9 sons, or their women, or the $sla)es% whom their ri ht hands "ossess. And, $ladies%, fear Allah. for Allah is (itness to all thin s. !". Allah and ,is an els send blessin s on the Pro"het0 / ye that belie)e2 Send ye blessin s on him, and salute him with all res"ect. !#. !hose who annoy Allah and ,is Messen er 5 Allah has cursed them in this (orld and in the ,ereafter, and has "re"ared for them a humiliatin Punishment. !&. And those who annoy belie)in men and women undeser)edly, bear $on themsel)es% a calumny and a larin sin. !'. / Pro"het2 !ell thy wi)es and dau hters, and the belie)in women, that they should cast their outer arments o)er their "ersons $when abroad%0 that is most con)enient, that they should be #nown $as such% and not molested. And Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful.

"(. !ruly, if the ,y"ocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir u" sedition in the City, desist not, (e shall certainly stir thee u" a ainst them0 !hen will they not be able to stay in it as thy nei hbours for any len th of time0 "1. !hey shall ha)e a curse on them0 whene)er they are found, they shall be sei6ed and slain $without mercy%. "2. $Such was% the "ractice $a""ro)ed% of Allah amon those who li)ed aforetime0 4o chan e wilt thou find in the "ractice $a""ro)ed% of Allah. "3. Men as# thee concernin the ,our0 Say, 1!he #nowled e thereof is with Allah $alone%10 and what will ma#e thee understand35 "erchance the ,our is ni h2 " . >erily Allah has cursed the *nbelie)ers and "re"ared for them a 'la6in .ire,5 "!. !o dwell therein for e)er0 no "rotector will they find, nor hel"er. "". !he Day that their faces will be turned u"side down in the .ire, they will say0 1(oe to us2 (ould that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messen er.1 "#. And they would say0 1/ur &ord2 (e obeyed our chiefs and our reat ones, and they misled us as to the $ri ht% Path. "&. 1/ur &ord2 Gi)e them double Penalty and curse them with a )ery reat Curse21 "'. / ye who belie)e2 'e ye not li#e those who )e8ed and insulted Moses, but Allah cleared him of the $calumnies% they had uttered0 and he was honourable in Allah.s si ht. #(. / ye who belie)e2 .ear Allah, and $always% say a word directed to the +i ht0 #1. !hat ,e may ma#e your conduct whole and sound and for i)e you your sins0 ,e that obeys Allah and ,is Messen er, has already attained the hi hest achie)ement. #2. (e did indeed offer the !rust to the ,ea)ens and the 7arth and the Mountains; but they refused to underta#e it, bein afraid thereof0 but man undertoo# it;5 ,e was indeed un-ust and foolish;5 #3. $(ith the result% that Allah has to "unish the ,y"ocrites, men and women, and the *nbelie)ers, men and women, and Allah turns in Mercy to the 'elie)ers, men and women0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.

Surah 3 . Sa0a. She0a

1. Praise be to Allah, to (hom belon all thin s in the hea)ens and on earth0 to ,im be Praise in the ,ereafter0 and ,e is .ull of (isdom, ac;uainted with all thin s. 2. ,e #nows all that oes into the earth, and all that comes out thereof; all that comes down from the s#y and all that ascends thereto and ,e is the Most Merciful, the /ft5.or i)in . 3. !he *nbelie)ers say, 14e)er to us will come the ,our10 Say, 14ay2 but most surely, by my &ord, it will come u"on you;5 by ,im (ho #nows the unseen,5 from (hom is not hidden the least little atom in the hea)ens or on earth0 4or is there anythin less than that, or reater, but is in the +ecord Pers"icuous0 . !hat ,e may reward those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness0 for such is .or i)eness and a Sustenance Most Generous.1 !. 'ut those who stri)e a ainst /ur Si ns, to frustrate them,5 for such will be a Penalty,5 a Punishment most humiliatin .

". And those to whom #nowled e has come see that the $+e)elation% sent down to thee from thy &ord 5 that is the !ruth, and that it uides to the Path of the 78alted $in mi ht%, (orthy of all "raise. #. !he *nbelie)ers say $in ridicule%0 1Shall we "oint out to you a man that will tell you, when ye are all scattered to "ieces in disinte ration, that ye shall $then be raised% in a 4ew Creation3 &. 1,as he in)ented a falsehood a ainst Allah, or has a s"irit $sei6ed% him315 4ay, it is those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, that are in $real% Penalty, and in farthest error. '. See they not what is before them and behind them, of the s#y and the earth3 If (e wished, (e could cause the earth to swallow them u", or cause a "iece of the s#y to fall u"on them. >erily in this is a Si n for e)ery de)otee that turns to Allah $in re"entance%. 1(. (e bestowed Grace aforetime on Da)id from oursel)es0 1/ ye Mountains2 Sin ye bac# the Praises of Allah with him2 and ye birds $also%2 And (e made the iron soft for him;5 11. $Commandin %, 1Ma#e thou coast of mail, balancin well the rin s of chain armour, and wor# ye ri hteousness; for be sure I see $clearly% all that ye do.1 12. And to Solomon $(e made% the (ind $obedient%0 Its early mornin $stride% was a month9s $-ourney%, and its e)enin $stride% was a month9s $-ourney%; and (e made a .ont of molten brass to flow for him; and there were Jinns that wor#ed in front of him, by the lea)e of his &ord, and if any of them turned aside from our command, (e made him taste of the Penalty of the 'la6in .ire. 13. !hey wor#ed for him as he desired, $ma#in % arches, ima es, basons as lar e as reser)oirs, and $coo#in % cauldrons fi8ed $in their "laces%0 1(or# ye, sons of Da)id, with than#s2 but few of My ser)ants are rateful21 1 . !hen, when (e decreed $Solomon9s% death, nothin showed them his death e8ce"t a little worm of the earth, which #e"t $slowly% nawin away at his staff0 so when he fell down, the Jinns saw "lainly that if they had #nown the unseen, they would not ha)e tarried in the humiliatin Penalty $of their !as#%. 1!. !here was, for Saba, aforetime, a Si n in their home5land 5 two Gardens to the ri ht and to the left. 17at of the Sustenance $"ro)ided% by your &ord, and be rateful to ,im0 a territory fair and ha""y, and a &ord /ft5.or i)in 2 1". 'ut they turned away $from Allah., and (e sent a ainst them the .lood $released% from the dams, and (e con)erted their two arden $rows% into 1 ardens1 "roducin bitter fruit, and tamaris#s, and some few $stunted% &ote5trees. 1#. !hat was the +e;uital (e a)e them because they un ratefully re-ected .aith0 and ne)er do (e i)e $such% re;uital e8ce"t to such as are un rateful re-ecters. 1&. 'etween them and the Cities on which (e had "oured our blessin s, (e had "laced Cities in "rominent "ositions, and between them (e had a""ointed sta es of -ourney in due "ro"ortion0 1!ra)el therein, secure, by ni ht and by day.1 1'. 'ut they said0 1/ur &ord2 Place lon er distances between our -ourney5 sta es10 but they wron ed themsel)es $therein%. At len th (e made them as a tale $that is told%, and (e dis"ersed them all in scattered fra ments. >erily in this are Si ns for e)ery $soul that is% "atiently constant and rateful. 2(. And on them did Satan "ro)e true his idea, and they followed him, all but a "arty that belie)ed.

21. 'ut he had no authority o)er them,5 e8ce"t that (e mi ht test the man who belie)es in the ,ereafter from him who is in doubt concernin it0 and thy &ord doth watch o)er all thin s. 22. Say0 1Call u"on other $ ods% whom ye fancy, besides Allah. !hey ha)e no "ower,5 not the wei ht of an atom,5 in the hea)ens or on earth0 4o $sort of% share ha)e they therein, nor is any of them a hel"er to Allah. 23. 14o intercession can a)ail in ,is Presence, e8ce"t for those for whom ,e has ranted "ermission. So far $is this the case% that, when terror is remo)ed from their hearts $at the Day of Jud ment, then% will they say, 9what is it that your &ord commanded39 they will say, 9!hat which is true and -ust; and ,e is the Most ,i h Most Great9.1 2 . Say0 1(ho i)es you sustenance, from the hea)ens and the earth31 Say0 1It is Allah. and certain it is that either we or ye are on ri ht uidance or in manifest error21 2!. Say0 1:e shall not be ;uestioned as to our sins, nor shall we be ;uestioned as to what ye do.1 2". Say0 1/ur &ord will ather us to ether and will in the end decide the matter between us $and you% in truth and -ustice0 and ,e is the one to decide, the /ne (ho #nows all.1 2#. Say0 1Show me those whom ye ha)e -oined with ,im as "artners0 by no means $can ye%. 4ay, ,e is Allah, the 78alted in Power, the (ise.1 2&. (e ha)e not sent thee but as a uni)ersal $Messen er% to men, i)in them lad tidin s, and warnin them $a ainst sin%, but most men understand not. 2'. !hey say0 1(hen will this "romise $come to "ass% if ye are tellin the truth31 3(. Say0 1!he a""ointment to you is for a Day, which ye cannot "ut bac# for an hour nor "ut forward.1 31. !he *nbelie)ers say0 1(e shall neither belie)e in this scri"ture nor in $any% that $came% before it.1 Couldst thou but see when the wron 5doers will be made to stand before their &ord, throwin bac# the word $of blame% on one another2 !hose who had been des"ised will say to the arro ant ones0 1,ad it not been for you, we should certainly ha)e been belie)ers21 32. !he arro ant ones will say to those who had been des"ised0 1(as it we who #e"t you bac# from Guidance after it reached you3 4ay, rather, it was ye who trans ressed. 33. !hose who had been des"ised will say to the arro ant ones0 14ay2 it was a "lot $of yours% by day and by ni ht0 'ehold2 :e $constantly% ordered us to be un rateful to Allah and to attribute e;uals to ,im21 !hey will declare $their% re"entance when they see the Penalty0 (e shall "ut yo#es on the nec#s of the *nbelie)ers0 It would only be a re;uital for their $ill% Deeds. 3 . 4e)er did (e send a warner to a "o"ulation, but the wealthy ones amon them said0 1(e belie)e not in the $Messa e% with which ye ha)e been sent.1 3!. !hey said0 1(e ha)e more in wealth and in sons, and we cannot be "unished.1 3". Say0 1>erily my &ord enlar es and restricts the Pro)ision to whom ,e "leases, but most men understand not.1 3#. It is not your wealth nor your sons, that will brin you nearer to *s in de ree0 but only those who belie)e and wor# ri hteousness 5 these are the ones for whom there is a multi"lied +eward for their deeds, while secure they $reside% in the dwellin s on hi h2 3&. !hose who stri)e a ainst /ur Si ns, to frustrate them, will be i)en o)er into Punishment.

3'. Say0 1>erily my &ord enlar es and restricts the Sustenance to such of his ser)ants as ,e "leases0 and nothin do ye s"end in the least $in ,is cause% but ,e re"laces it0 for ,e is the 'est of those who rant Sustenance. (. /ne Day ,e will ather them all to ether, and say to the an els, 1(as it you that these men used to worshi"31 1. !hey will say, 1Glory to !hee2 our $tie% is with !hee 5 as Protector 5 not with them. 4ay, but they worshi""ed the Jinns0 most of them belie)ed in them.1 2. So on that Day no "ower shall they ha)e o)er each other, for "rofit or harm0 and (e shall say to the wron 5doers, 1!aste ye the Penalty of the .ire,5 the which ye were wont to deny21 3. (hen /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed to them, they say, 1!his is only a man who wishes to hinder you from the $worshi"% which your fathers "ractised.1 And they say, 1!his is only a falsehood in)ented21 and the *nbelie)ers say of the !ruth when it comes to them, 1!his is nothin but e)ident ma ic21 . 'ut (e had not i)en them 'oo#s which they could study, nor sent a"ostles to them before thee as (arners. !. And their "redecessors re-ected $the !ruth%; these ha)e not recei)ed a tenth of what (e had ranted to those0 yet when they re-ected My a"ostles, how $terrible% was My re-ection $of them%2 ". Say0 1I do admonish you on one "oint0 that ye do stand u" before Allah,5 $It may be% in "airs, or $it may be% sin ly,5 and reflect $within yoursel)es%0 your Com"anion is not "ossessed0 he is no less than a warner to you, in face of a terrible Penalty.1 #. Say0 14o reward do I as# of you0 it is $all% in your interest0 my reward is only due from Allah. And ,e is witness to all thin s.1 &. Say0 1>erily my &ord doth cast the $mantle of% !ruth $o)er ,is ser)ants%,5 ,e that has full #nowled e of $all% that is hidden.1 '. Say0 1!he !ruth has arri)ed, and .alsehood neither creates anythin new, nor restores anythin .1 !(. Say0 1If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul0 but if I recei)e uidance, it is because of the ins"iration of my &ord to me0 it is ,e (ho hears all thin s, and is $e)er% near.1 !1. If thou couldst but see when they will ;ua#e with terror; but then there will be no esca"e $for them%, and they will be sei6ed from a "osition $;uite% near. !2. And they will say, 1(e do belie)e $now% in the $!ruth%1; but how could they recei)e $.aith% from a "osition $so far off,5 !3. Seein that they did re-ect .aith $entirely% before, and that they $continually% cast $slanders% on the unseen from a "osition far off3 ! . And between them and their desires, is "laced a barrier, as was done in the "ast with their "artisans0 for they were indeed in sus"icious $dis;uietin % doubt.

Surah 3!. The Angels. Orignator

1. Praise be to Allah, (ho created $out of nothin % the hea)ens and the earth, (ho made the an els, messen ers with win s,5 two, or three, or four $"airs%0 ,e adds to Creation as ,e "leases0 for Allah has "ower o)er all thin s.

2. (hat Allah out of his Mercy doth bestow on man#ind there is none can withhold0 what ,e doth withhold, there is none can rant, a"art from ,im0 and ,e is the 78alted in Power, full of (isdom. 3. / men2 Call to mind the race of Allah unto you2 is there a creator, other than Allah, to i)e you sustenance from hea)en or earth3 !here is no od but ,e0 how then are ye deluded away from the !ruth3 . And if they re-ect thee, so were a"ostles re-ected before thee0 to Allah bac# for decision all affairs. !. / men2 Certainly the "romise of Allah is true. &et not then this "resent life decei)e you, nor let the Chief Decei)er decei)e you about Allah. ". >erily Satan is an enemy to you0 so treat him as an enemy. ,e only in)ites his adherents, that they may become Com"anions of the 'la6in .ire. #. .or those who re-ect Allah, is a terrible Penalty0 but for those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds, is .or i)eness, and a ma nificent +eward. &. Is he, then, to whom the e)il of his conduct is made allurin , so that he loo#s u"on it as ood, $e;ual to one who is ri htly uided%3 .or Allah lea)es to stray whom ,e wills, and uides whom ,e wills. So let not thy soul o out in $)ainly% si hin after them0 for Allah #nows well all that they do2 '. It is Allah (ho sends forth the (inds, so that they raise u" the Clouds, and (e dri)e them to a land that is dead, and re)i)e the earth therewith after its death0 e)en so $will be% the +esurrection2 1(. If any do see# for lory and "ower,5 to Allah belon all lory and "ower. !o ,im mount u" $all% (ords of Purity0 It is ,e (ho e8alts each Deed of +i hteousness. !hose that lay Plots of 7)il,5 for them is a Penalty terrible; and the "lottin of such will be )oid $of result%. 11. And Allah did create you from dust; then from a s"erm5dro"; then ,e made you in "airs. And no female concei)es, or lays down $her load%, but with ,is #nowled e. 4or is a man lon 5li)ed ranted len th of days, nor is a "art cut off from his life, but is in a Decree $ordained%. All this is easy to Allah. 12. 4or are the two bodies of flowin water ali#e,5 the one "alatable, sweet, and "leasant to drin#, and the other, salt and bitter. :et from each $#ind of water% do ye eat flesh fresh and tender, and ye e8tract ornaments to wear; and thou seest the shi"s therein that "lou h the wa)es, that ye may see# $thus% of the 'ounty of Allah that ye may be rateful. 13. ,e mer es 4i ht into Day, and he mer es Day into 4i ht, and he has sub-ected the sun and the moon $to his &aw%0 each one runs its course for a term a""ointed. Such is Allah your &ord0 to ,im belon s all Dominion. And those whom ye in)o#e besides ,im ha)e not the least "ower. 1 . If ye in)o#e them, they will not listen to your call, and if they were to listen, they cannot answer your $"rayer%. /n the Day of Jud ment they will re-ect your 1Partnershi"1. and none, $/ man2% can tell thee $the !ruth% li#e the /ne (ho is ac;uainted with all thin s. 1!. / ye men2 It is ye that ha)e need of Allah. but Allah is the /ne .ree of all wants, worthy of all "raise. 1". If ,e so "leased, ,e could blot you out and brin in a 4ew Creation. 1#. 4or is that $at all% difficult for Allah.

1&. 4or can a bearer of burdens bear another9s burdens if one hea)ily laden should call another to $bear% his load. 4ot the least "ortion of it can be carried $by the other%. 7)en thou h he be nearly related. !hou canst but admonish such as fear their &ord unseen and establish re ular Prayer. And whoe)er "urifies himself does so for the benefit of his own soul; and the destination $of all% is to Allah. 1'. !he blind and the seein are not ali#e; 2(. 4or are the de"ths of Dar#ness and the &i ht; 21. 4or are the $chilly% shade and the $ enial% heat of the sun0 22. 4or are ali#e those that are li)in and those that are dead. Allah can ma#e any that ,e wills to hear; but thou canst not ma#e those to hear who are $buried% in ra)es. 23. !hou art no other than a warner. 2 . >erily (e ha)e sent thee in truth, as a bearer of lad tidin s, and as a warner0 and there ne)er was a "eo"le, without a warner ha)in li)ed amon them $in the "ast%. 2!. And if they re-ect thee, so did their "redecessors, to whom came their a"ostles with Clear Si ns, 'oo#s of dar# "ro"hecies, and the 'oo# of 7nli htenment. 2". In the end did I "unish those who re-ected .aith0 and how $terrible% was My re-ection $of them%2 2#. Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the s#y3 (ith it (e then brin out "roduce of )arious colours. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of )arious shades of colour, and blac# intense in hue. 2&. And so amon st men and crawlin creatures and cattle, are they of )arious colours. !hose truly fear Allah, amon ,is Ser)ants, who ha)e #nowled e0 for Allah is 78alted in Mi ht, /ft5.or i)in . 2'. !hose who rehearse the 'oo# of Allah, establish re ular Prayer, and s"end $in Charity% out of what (e ha)e "ro)ided for them, secretly and o"enly, ho"e for a commerce that will ne)er fail0 3(. .or ,e will "ay them their meed, nay, ,e will i)e them $e)en% more out of ,is 'ounty0 for ,e is /ft5.or i)in , Most +eady to a""reciate $ser)ice%. 31. !hat which (e ha)e re)ealed to thee of the 'oo# is the !ruth,5 confirmin what was $re)ealed% before it0 for Allah is assuredly5 with res"ect to ,is Ser)ants 5 well ac;uainted and .ully /bser)ant. 32. !hen (e ha)e i)en the 'oo# for inheritance to such of /ur Ser)ants as (e ha)e chosen0 but there are amon them some who wron their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by Allah.s lea)e, foremost in ood deeds; that is the hi hest Grace. 33. Gardens of 7ternity will they enter0 therein will they be adorned with bracelets of old and "earls; and their arments there will be of sil#. 3 . And they will say0 1Praise be to Allah, (ho has remo)ed from us $all% sorrow0 for our &ord is indeed /ft5.or i)in +eady to a""reciate $ser)ice%0 3!. 1(ho has, out of ,is 'ounty, settled us in a ,ome that will last0 no toil nor sense of weariness shall touch us therein.1 3". 'ut those who re-ect $$Allah%% 5 for them will be the .ire of ,ell0 4o term shall be determined for them, so they should die, nor shall its Penalty be li htened for them. !hus do (e reward e)ery un rateful one2

3#. !herein will they cry aloud $for assistance%0 1/ur &ord2 'rin us out0 we shall wor# ri hteousness, not the $deeds% we used to do21 5 1Did (e not i)e you lon enou h life so that he that would should recei)e admonition3 and $moreo)er% the warner came to you. So taste ye $the fruits of your deeds%0 for the wron 5doers there is no hel"er.1 3&. >erily Allah #nows $all% the hidden thin s of the hea)ens and the earth0 )erily ,e has full #nowled e of all that is in $men9s% hearts. 3'. ,e it is !hat has made you inheritors in the earth0 if, then, any do re-ect $$Allah%%, their re-ection $wor#s% a ainst themsel)es0 their re-ection but adds to the odium for the *nbelie)ers in the si ht of their &ord0 their re-ection but adds to $their own% undoin . (. Say0 1,a)e ye seen $these% 9Partners9 of yours whom ye call u"on besides Allah. Show Me what it is they ha)e created in the $wide% earth. /r ha)e they a share in the hea)ens3 /r ha)e (e i)en them a 'oo# from which they $can deri)e% clear $e)idence%35 4ay, the wron 5doers "romise each other nothin but delusions. 1. It is Allah (ho sustains the hea)ens and the earth, lest they cease $to function%0 and if they should fail, there is none 5 not one 5 can sustain them thereafter0 >erily ,e is Most .orbearin , /ft5.or i)in . 2. !hey swore their stron est oaths by Allah that if a warner came to them, they would follow his uidance better than any $other% of the Peo"les0 'ut when a warner came to them, it has only increased their fli ht $from ri hteousness%,5 3. /n account of their arro ance in the land and their "lottin of 7)il, but the "lottin of 7)il will hem in only the authors thereof. 4ow are they but loo#in for the way the ancients were dealt with3 'ut no chan e wilt thou find in Allah.s way $of dealin %0 no turnin off wilt thou find in Allah.s way $of dealin %. . Do they not tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the 7nd of those before them,5 thou h they were su"erior to them in stren th3 4or is Allah to be frustrated by anythin whate)er in the hea)ens or on earth0 for ,e is All5=nowin . All5Powerful. !. If Allah were to "unish men accordin to what they deser)e. ,e would not lea)e on the bac# of the $earth% a sin le li)in creature0 but ,e i)es them res"ite for a stated !erm0 when their !erm e8"ires, )erily Allah has in ,is si ht all ,is Ser)ants.

Surah 3". Ya8sin

1. :a Sin. 2. 'y the <ur9an, full of (isdom,5 3. !hou art indeed one of the a"ostles, . /n a Strai ht (ay. !. It is a +e)elation sent down by $,im%, the 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. ". In order that thou mayest admonish a "eo"le, whose fathers had recei)ed no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless $of the Si ns of Allah.. #. !he (ord is "ro)ed true a ainst the reater "art of them0 for they do not belie)e. &. (e ha)e "ut yo#es round their nec#s ri ht u" to their chins, so that their heads are forced u" $and they cannot see%. '. And (e ha)e "ut a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, (e ha)e co)ered them u"; so that they cannot see.

1(. !he same is it to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish them0 they will not belie)e. 11. !hou canst but admonish such a one as follows the Messa e and fears the $&ord% Most Gracious, unseen0 i)e such a one, therefore, ood tidin s, of .or i)eness and a +eward most enerous. 12. >erily (e shall i)e life to the dead, and (e record that which they send before and that which they lea)e behind, and of all thin s ha)e (e ta#en account in a clear 'oo# $of e)idence%. 13. Set forth to them, by way of a "arable, the $story of% the Com"anions of the City. 'ehold2, there came a"ostles to it. 1 . (hen (e $first% sent to them two a"ostles, they re-ected them0 'ut (e stren thened them with a third0 they said, 1!ruly, we ha)e been sent on a mission to you.1 1!. !he $"eo"le% said0 1:e are only men li#e oursel)es; and $$Allah%% Most Gracious sends no sort of re)elation0 ye do nothin but lie.1 1". !hey said0 1/ur &ord doth #now that we ha)e been sent on a mission to you0 1#. 1And our duty is only to "roclaim the clear Messa e.1 1&. !he $"eo"le% said0 1for us, we au ur an e)il omen from you0 if ye desist not, we will certainly stone you. And a rie)ous "unishment indeed will be inflicted on you by us.1 1'. !hey said0 1:our e)il omens are with yoursel)es0 $deem ye this an e)il omen%. If ye are admonished3 4ay, but ye are a "eo"le trans ressin all bounds21 2(. !hen there came runnin , from the farthest "art of the City, a man, sayin , 1/ my "eo"le2 /bey the a"ostles0 21. 1/bey those who as# no reward of you $for themsel)es%, and who ha)e themsel)es recei)ed Guidance. 22. 1It would not be reasonable in me if I did not ser)e ,im (ho created me, and to (hom ye shall $all% be brou ht bac#. 23. 1Shall I ta#e $other% ods besides ,im3 If $$Allah%% Most Gracious should intend some ad)ersity for me, of no use whate)er will be their intercession for me, nor can they deli)er me. 2 . 1I would indeed, if I were to do so, be in manifest 7rror. 2!. 1.or me, I ha)e faith in the &ord of you $all%0 listen, then, to me21 2". It was said0 17nter thou the Garden.1 ,e said0 1Ah me2 (ould that my Peo"le #new $what I #now%25 2#. 1.or that my &ord has ranted me .or i)eness and has enrolled me amon those held in honour21 2&. And (e sent not down a ainst his Peo"le, after him, any hosts from hea)en, nor was it needful for *s so to do. 2'. It was no more than a sin le mi hty 'last, and behold2 they were $li#e ashes% ;uenched and silent. 3(. Ah2 Alas for $My% Ser)ants2 !here comes not an a"ostle to them but they moc# him2 31. See they not how many enerations before them we destroyed3 4ot to them will they return0

32. 'ut each one of them all 5 will be brou ht before *s $for -ud ment%. 33. A Si n for them is the earth that is dead0 (e do i)e it life, and "roduce rain therefrom, of which ye do eat. 3 . And (e "roduce therein orchard with date5"alms and )ines, and (e cause s"rin s to ush forth therein0 3!. !hat they may en-oy the fruits of this $artistry%0 It was not their hands that made this0 will they not then i)e than#s3 3". Glory to Allah, (ho created in "airs all thin s that the earth "roduces, as well as their own $human% #ind and $other% thin s of which they ha)e no #nowled e. 3#. And a Si n for them is the 4i ht0 (e withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are "lun ed in dar#ness; 3&. And the sun runs his course for a "eriod determined for him0 that is the decree of $,im%, the 78alted in Mi ht, the All5=nowin . 3'. And the Moon,5 (e ha)e measured for her mansions $to tra)erse% till she returns li#e the old $and withered% lower "art of a date5stal#. (. It is not "ermitted to the Sun to catch u" the Moon, nor can the 4i ht outstri" the Day0 7ach $-ust% swims alon in $its own% orbit $accordin to &aw%. 1. And a Si n for them is that (e bore their race $throu h the .lood% in the loaded Ar#; 2. And (e ha)e created for them similar $)essels% on which they ride. 3. If it were /ur (ill, (e could drown them0 then would there be no hel"er $to hear their cry%, nor could they be deli)ered, . 78ce"t by way of Mercy from *s, and by way of $world% con)enience $to ser)e them% for a time. !. (hen they are told, 1.ear ye that which is before you and that which will be after you, in order that ye may recei)e Mercy,1 $they turn bac#%. ". 4ot a Si n comes to them from amon the Si ns of their &ord, but they turn away therefrom. #. And when they are told, 1S"end ye of $the bounties% with which Allah has "ro)ided you,1 the *nbelie)ers say to those who belie)e0 1Shall we then feed those whom, if Allah had so willed, ,e would ha)e fed, $,imself%35 :e are in nothin but manifest error.1 &. .urther, they say, 1(hen will this "romise $come to "ass%, if what ye say is true31 '. !hey will not $ha)e to% wait for au ht but a sin le 'last0 it will sei6e them while they are yet dis"utin amon themsel)es2 !(. 4o $chance% will they then ha)e, by will, to dis"ose $of their affairs%, nor to return to their own "eo"le2 !1. !he trum"et shall be sounded, when behold2 from the se"ulchres $men% will rush forth to their &ord2 !2. !hey will say0 1Ah2 (oe unto us2 (ho hath raised us u" from our beds of re"ose31... $A )oice will say0% 1!his is what $$Allah%% Most Gracious had "romised. And true was the word of the a"ostles21 !3. It will be no more than a sin le 'last, when lo2 they will all be brou ht u" before *s2

! . !hen, on that Day, not a soul will be wron ed in the least, and ye shall but be re"aid the meeds of your "ast Deeds. !!. >erily the Com"anions of the Garden shall that Day ha)e -oy in all that they do; !". !hey and their associates will be in ro)es of $cool% shade, reclinin on !hrones $of di nity%; !#. $7)ery% fruit $en-oyment% will be there for them; they shall ha)e whate)er they call for; !&. 1Peace21 5 a word $of salutation% from a &ord Most Merciful2 !'. 1And / ye in sin2 Get ye a"art this Day2 "(. 1Did I not en-oin on you, / ye Children of Adam, that ye should not worshi" Satan; for that he was to you an enemy a)owed35 "1. 1And that ye should worshi" Me, $for that% this was the Strai ht (ay3 "2. 1'ut he did lead astray a reat multitude of you. Did ye not, then, understand3 "3. 1!his is the ,ell of which ye were $re"eatedly% warned2 " . 17mbrace ye the $fire% this Day, for that ye $"ersistently% re-ected $!ruth%.1 "!. !hat Day shall (e set a seal on their mouths. 'ut their hands will s"ea# to us, and their feet bear witness, to all that they did. "". If it had been our (ill, (e could surely ha)e blotted out their eyes; then should they ha)e run about ro"in for the Path, but how could they ha)e seen3 "#. And if it had been /ur (ill, (e could ha)e transformed them $to remain% in their "laces; then should they ha)e been unable to mo)e about, nor could they ha)e returned $after error%. "&. If (e rant lon life to any, (e cause him to be re)ersed in nature0 (ill they not then understand3 "'. (e ha)e not instructed the $Pro"het% in Poetry, nor is it meet for him0 this is no less than a Messa e and a <ur9an ma#in thin s clear0 #(. !hat it may i)e admonition to any $who are% ali)e, and that the char e may be "ro)ed a ainst those who re-ect $!ruth%. #1. See they not that it is (e (ho ha)e created for them 5 amon the thin s which /ur hands ha)e fashioned 5 cattle, which are under their dominion35 #2. And that (e ha)e sub-ected them to their $use%3 of them some do carry them and some they eat0 #3. And they ha)e $other% "rofits from them $besides%, and they et $mil#% to drin#. (ill they not then be rateful3 # . :et they ta#e $for worshi"% ods other than Allah, $ho"in % that they mi ht be hel"ed2 #!. !hey ha)e not the "ower to hel" them0 but they will be brou ht u" $before /ur Jud ment5 seat% as a troo" $to be condemned%. #". &et not their s"eech, then, rie)e thee. >erily (e #now what they hide as well as what they disclose. ##. Doth not man see that it is (e (ho created him from s"erm3 yet behold2 he $stands forth% as an o"en ad)ersary2 #&. And he ma#es com"arisons for *s, and for ets his own $ori in and% Creation0 ,e says, 1(ho can i)e life to $dry% bones and decom"osed ones $at that%31

#'. Say, 1,e will i)e them life (ho created them for the first time2 for ,e is (ell5)ersed in e)ery #ind of creation25 &(. 1!he same (ho "roduces for you fire out of the reen tree, when behold2 ye #indle therewith $your own fires%2 &1. 1Is not ,e (ho created the hea)ens and the earth able to create the li#e thereof31 5 :ea, indeed2 for ,e is the Creator Su"reme, of s#ill and #nowled e $infinite%2 &2. >erily, when ,e intends a thin , ,is Command is, 1be1, and it is2 &3. So lory to ,im in (hose hands is the dominion of all thin s0 and to ,im will ye be all brou ht bac#.

Surah 3#. Those /ho Set The Ran4s. 6ra%n Up -n Ran4s

1. 'y those who ran e themsel)es in ran#s, 2. And so are stron in re"ellin $e)il%, 3. And thus "roclaim the Messa e $of Allah.2 . >erily, )erily, your Allah is one25 !. &ord of the hea)ens and of the earth and all between them, and &ord of e)ery "oint at the risin of the sun2 ". (e ha)e indeed dec#ed the lower hea)en with beauty $in% the stars,5 #. $.or beauty% and for uard a ainst all obstinate rebellious e)il s"irits, &. $So% they should not strain their ears in the direction of the 78alted Assembly but be cast away from e)ery side, '. +e"ulsed, for they are under a "er"etual "enalty, 1(. 78ce"t such as snatch away somethin by stealth, and they are "ursued by a flamin fire, of "iercin bri htness. 11. Just as# their o"inion0 are they the more difficult to create, or the $other% bein s (e ha)e created3 !hem ha)e (e created out of a stic#y clay2 12. !ruly dost thou mar)el, while they ridicule, 13. And, when they are admonished, "ay no heed,5 1 . And, when they see a Si n, turn it to moc#ery, 1!. And say, 1!his is nothin but e)ident sorcery2 1". 1(hat2 when we die, and become dust and bones, shall we $then% be raised u" $a ain% 1#. 1And also our fathers of old31 1&. Say thou0 1:ea, and ye shall then be humiliated $on account of your e)il%.1 1'. !hen it will be a sin le $com"ellin % cry; and behold, they will be in to see2 2(. !hey will say, 1Ah2 (oe to us2 !his is the Day of Jud ment21 21. $A )oice will say,% 1!his is the Day of Sortin /ut, whose truth ye $once% denied21 22. 1'rin ye u"1, it shall be said, 1!he wron 5doers and their wi)es, and the thin s they worshi""ed5

23. 1'esides Allah, and lead them to the (ay to the $.ierce% .ire2 2 . 1'ut sto" them, for they must be as#ed0 2!. 19(hat is the matter with you that ye hel" not each other391 2". 4ay, but that day they shall submit $to Jud ment%; 2#. And they will turn to one another, and ;uestion one another. 2&. !hey will say0 1It was ye who used to come to us from the ri ht hand $of "ower and authority%21 2'. !hey will re"ly0 14ay, ye yoursel)es had no .aith2 3(. 14or had we any authority o)er you. 4ay, it was ye who were a "eo"le in obstinate rebellion2 31. 1So now has been "ro)ed true, a ainst us, the word of our &ord that we shall indeed $ha)e to% taste $the "unishment of our sins%. 32. 1(e led you astray0 for truly we were oursel)es astray.1 33. !ruly, that Day, they will $all% share in the Penalty. 3 . >erily that is how (e shall deal with Sinners. 3!. .or they, when they were told that there is no od e8ce"t Allah, would "uff themsel)es u" with Pride, 3". And say0 1(hat2 shall we i)e u" our ods for the sa#e of a Poet "ossessed31 3#. 4ay2 he has come with the $)ery% !ruth, and he confirms $the Messa e of% the a"ostles $before him%. 3&. :e shall indeed taste of the Grie)ous Penalty;5 3'. 'ut it will be no more than the retribution of $the 7)il% that ye ha)e wrou ht;5 (. 'ut the sincere $and de)oted% Ser)ants of Allah,5 1. .or them is a Sustenance determined, 2. .ruits $Deli hts%; and they $shall en-oy% honour and di nity, 3. In Gardens of .elicity, . .acin each other on !hrones $of Di nity%0 !. +ound will be "assed to them a Cu" from a clear5flowin fountain, ". Crystal5white, of a taste delicious to those who drin# $thereof%, #. .ree from headiness; nor will they suffer into8ication therefrom. &. And besides them will be chaste women, restrainin their lances, with bi eyes $of wonder and beauty%. '. As if they were $delicate% e s closely uarded. !(. !hen they will turn to one another and ;uestion one another. !1. /ne of them will start the tal# and say0 1I had an intimate com"anion $on the earth%, !2. 1(ho used to say, 9what2 art thou amon st those who bear witness to the !ruth $of the Messa e%3 !3. 19(hen we die and become dust and bones, shall we indeed recei)e rewards and "unishments391

! . $A )oice% said0 1(ould ye li#e to loo# down31 !!. ,e loo#ed down and saw him in the midst of the .ire. !". ,e said0 1'y Allah. thou wast little short of brin in me to "erdition2 !#. 1,ad it not been for the Grace of my &ord, I should certainly ha)e been amon those brou ht $there%2 !&. 1Is it $the case% that we shall not die, !'. 178ce"t our first death, and that we shall not be "unished31 "(. >erily this is the su"reme achie)ement2 "1. .or the li#e of this let all stri)e, who wish to stri)e. "2. Is that the better entertainment or the !ree of ?a;;um3 "3. .or (e ha)e truly made it $as% a trial for the wron 5doers. " . .or it is a tree that s"rin s out of the bottom of ,ell5.ire0 "!. !he shoots of its fruit5stal#s are li#e the heads of de)ils0 "". !ruly they will eat thereof and fill their bellies therewith. "#. !hen on to" of that they will be i)en a mi8ture made of boilin water. "&. !hen shall their return be to the $'la6in % .ire. "'. !ruly they found their fathers on the wron Path; #(. So they $too% were rushed down on their footste"s2 #1. And truly before them, many of the ancients went astray;5 #2. 'ut (e sent aforetime, amon them, $a"ostles% to admonish them;5 #3. !hen see what was the end of those who were admonished $but heeded not%,5 # . 78ce"t the sincere $and de)oted% Ser)ants of Allah. #!. $In the days of old%, 4oah cried to *s, and (e are the best to hear "rayer. #". And (e deli)ered him and his "eo"le from the Great Calamity, ##. And made his "ro eny to endure $on this earth%; #&. And (e left $this blessin % for him amon enerations to come in later times0 #'. 1Peace and salutation to 4oah amon the nations21 &(. !hus indeed do we reward those who do ri ht. &1. .or he was one of our belie)in Ser)ants. &2. !hen the rest we o)erwhelmed in the .lood. &3. >erily amon those who followed his (ay was Abraham. & . 'ehold2 he a""roached his &ord with a sound heart. &!. 'ehold2 he said to his father and to his "eo"le, 1(hat is that which ye worshi"3 &". 1Is it a falsehood5 ods other than Allah. that ye desire3 &#. 1!hen what is your idea about the &ord of the worlds31 &&. !hen did he cast a lance at the Stars. &'. And he said, 1I am indeed sic# $at heart%21

'(. So they turned away from him, and de"arted. '1. !hen did he turn to their ods and said, 1will ye not eat $of the offerin s before you%3... '2. 1(hat is the matter with you that ye s"ea# not $intelli ently%31 '3. !hen did he turn u"on them, stri#in $them% with the ri ht hand. ' . !hen came $the worshi""ers% with hurried ste"s, and faced $him%. '!. ,e said0 1(orshi" ye that which ye ha)e $yoursel)es% car)ed3 '". 1'ut Allah has created you and your handwor#21 '#. !hey said, 1'uild him a furnace, and throw him into the bla6in fire21 '&. $!his failin %, they then sou ht a strata em a ainst him, but (e made them the ones most humiliated2 ''. ,e said0 1I will o to my &ord2 ,e will surely uide me2 1((. 1/ my &ord2 Grant me a ri hteous $son%21 1(1. So (e a)e him the ood news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear. 1(2. !hen, when $the son% reached $the a e of% $serious% wor# with him, he said0 1/ my son2 I see in )ision that I offer thee in sacrifice0 4ow see what is thy )iew21 $!he son% said0 1/ my father2 Do as thou art commanded0 thou will find me, if Allah so wills one "ractisin Patience and Constancy21 1(3. So when they had both submitted their wills $to Allah., and he had laid him "rostrate on his forehead $for sacrifice%, 1( . (e called out to him 1/ Abraham2 1(!. 1!hou hast already fulfilled the )ision21 5 thus indeed do (e reward those who do ri ht. 1(". .or this was ob)iously a trial5 1(#. And (e ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice0 1(&. And (e left $this blessin % for him amon 1('. 1Peace and salutation to Abraham21 11(. !hus indeed do (e reward those who do ri ht. 111. .or he was one of our belie)in Ser)ants. 112. And (e a)e him the ood news of Isaac 5 a "ro"het,5 one of the +i hteous. 113. (e blessed him and Isaac0 but of their "ro eny are $some% that do ri ht, and $some% that ob)iously do wron , to their own souls. 11 . A ain $of old% (e bestowed /ur fa)our on Moses and Aaron, 11!. And (e deli)ered them and their "eo"le from $their% Great Calamity; 11". And (e hel"ed them, so they o)ercame $their troubles%; 11#. And (e a)e them the 'oo# which hel"s to ma#e thin s clear; 11&. And (e uided them to the Strai ht (ay. 11'. And (e left $this blessin % for them amon 12(. 1Peace and salutation to Moses and Aaron21 121. !hus indeed do (e reward those who do ri ht. 122. .or they were two of our belie)in Ser)ants. enerations $to come% in later times0 enerations $to come% in later times0

123. So also was 7lias amon those sent $by *s%. 12 . 'ehold, he said to his "eo"le, 1(ill ye not fear $$Allah%%3 12!. 1(ill ye call u"on 'aal and forsa#e the 'est of Creators,5 12". 1$Allah%, your &ord and Cherisher and the &ord and Cherisher of your fathers of old31 12#. 'ut they re-ected him, and they will certainly be called u" $for "unishment%,5 12&. 78ce"t the sincere and de)oted Ser)ants of Allah $amon them%. 12'. And (e left $this blessin % for him amon 13(. 1Peace and salutation to such as 7lias21 131. !hus indeed do (e reward those who do ri ht. 132. .or he was one of our belie)in Ser)ants. 133. So also was &ut amon those sent $by *s%. 13 . 'ehold, (e deli)ered him and his adherents, all 13!. 78ce"t an old woman who was amon those who la ed behind0 13". !hen (e destroyed the rest. 13#. >erily, ye "ass by their $sites%, by day5 13&. And by ni ht0 will ye not understand3 13'. So also was Jonah amon those sent $by *s%. 1 (. (hen he ran away $li#e a sla)e from ca"ti)ity% to the shi" $fully% laden, 1 1. ,e $a reed to% cast lots, and he was condemned0 1 2. !hen the bi .ish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame. 1 3. ,ad it not been that he $re"ented and% lorified Allah, 1 . ,e would certainly ha)e remained inside the .ish till the Day of +esurrection. 1 !. 'ut (e cast him forth on the na#ed shore in a state of sic#ness, 1 ". And (e caused to row, o)er him, a s"readin "lant of the ourd #ind. 1 #. And (e sent him $on a mission% to a hundred thousand $men% or more. 1 &. And they belie)ed; so (e "ermitted them to en-oy $their life% for a while. 1 '. 4ow as# them their o"inion0 Is it that thy &ord has $only% dau hters, and they ha)e sons35 1!(. /r that (e created the an els female, and they are witnesses $thereto%3 1!1. Is it not that they say, from their own in)ention, 1!2. 1$Allah% has be otten children13 but they are liars2 1!3. Did ,e $then% choose dau hters rather than sons3 1! . (hat is the matter with you3 ,ow -ud e ye3 1!!. (ill ye not then recei)e admonition3 1!". /r ha)e ye an authority manifest3 1!#. !hen brin ye your 'oo# $of authority% if ye be truthful2 1!&. And they ha)e in)ented a blood5relationshi" between ,im and the Jinns0 but the Jinns #now $;uite well% that they ha)e indeed to a""ear $before his Jud ment5 Seat%2 enerations $to come% in later times0

1!'. Glory to Allah. $,e is free% from the thin s they ascribe $to ,im%2 1"(. 4ot $so do% the Ser)ants of Allah, sincere and de)oted. 1"1. .or, )erily, neither ye nor those ye worshi"5 1"2. Can lead $any% into tem"tation concernin Allah, 1"3. 78ce"t such as are $themsel)es% oin to the bla6in .ire2 1" . $!hose ran ed in ran#s say%0 14ot one of us but has a "lace a""ointed; 1"!. 1And we are )erily ran ed in ran#s $for ser)ice%; 1"". 1And we are )erily those who declare $$Allah%9s% lory21 1"#. And there were those who said, 1"&. 1If only we had had before us a Messa e from those of old, 1"'. 1(e should certainly ha)e been Ser)ants of Allah, sincere $and de)oted%21 1#(. 'ut $now that the <ur9an has come%, they re-ect it0 'ut soon will they #now2 1#1. Already has /ur (ord been "assed before $this% to our Ser)ants sent $by *s%, 1#2. !hat they would certainly be assisted, 1#3. And that /ur forces,5 they surely must con;uer. 1# . So turn thou away from them for a little while, 1#!. And watch them $how they fare%, and they soon shall see $how thou farest%2 1#". Do they wish $indeed% to hurry on our Punishment3 1##. 'ut when it descends into the o"en s"ace before them, e)il will be the mornin for those who were warned $and heeded not%2 1#&. So turn thou away from them for a little while, 1#'. And watch $how they fare% and they soon shall see $how thou farest%2 1&(. Glory to thy &ord, the &ord of ,onour and Power2 $,e is free% from what they ascribe $to ,im%2 1&1. And Peace on the a"ostles2 1&2. And Praise to Allah, the &ord and Cherisher of the (orlds.

Surah 3&. Sa1. >the Letter? Sa1 > S ?

1. Sad0 'y the <ur9an, .ull of Admonition0 $!his is the !ruth%. 2. 'ut the *nbelie)ers $are stee"ed% in self5 lory and Se"aratism. 3. ,ow many enerations before them did (e destroy3 In the end they cried $for mercy%5 when there was no lon er time for bein sa)ed2 . So they wonder that a (arner has come to them from amon *nbelie)ers say, 1!his is a sorcerer tellin lies2 themsel)es2 and the

!. 1,as he made the ods $all% into one Allah. !ruly this is a wonderful thin 21 ". And the leader amon them o away $im"atiently%, $sayin %, 1(al# ye away, and remain constant to your ods2 .or this is truly a thin desi ned $a ainst you%2 #. 1(e ne)er heard $the li#e% of this amon the "eo"le of these latter days0 this is nothin but a made5u" tale21

&. 1(hat2 has the Messa e been sent to him 5 $/f all "ersons% amon us31...but they are in doubt concernin My $/wn% Messa e2 4ay, they ha)e not yet tasted My Punishment2 '. /r ha)e they the treasures of the mercy of thy &ord,5 the 78alted in Power, the Grantor of 'ounties without measure3 1(. /r ha)e they the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth and all between3 If so, let them mount u" with the ro"es and means $to reach that end%2 11. 'ut there 5 will be "ut to fli ht e)en a host of confederates. 12. 'efore them $were many who% re-ected a"ostles,5 the "eo"le of 4oah, and 9Ad, and Pharaoh, the &ord of Sta#es, 13. And !hamud, and the "eo"le of &ut, and the Com"anions of the (ood; 5 such were the Confederates. 1 . 4ot one $of them% but re-ected the a"ostles, but My "unishment came -ustly and ine)itably $on them%. 1!. !hese $today% only wait for a sin le mi hty 'last, which $when it comes% will broo# no delay. 1". !hey say0 1/ur &ord2 hasten to us our sentence $e)en% before the Day of Account21 1#. ,a)e "atience at what they say, and remember our ser)ant Da)id, the man of stren th0 for he e)er turned $to Allah.. 1&. It was (e that made the hills declare, in unison with him, /ur Praises, at e)entide and at brea# of day, 1'. And the birds athered $in assemblies%0 all with him did turn $to Allah.. 2(. (e stren thened his #in dom, and a)e him wisdom and sound -ud ment in s"eech and decision. 21. ,as the Story of the Dis"utants reached thee3 'ehold, they climbed o)er the wall of the "ri)ate chamber; 22. (hen they entered the "resence of Da)id, and he was terrified of them, they said0 1.ear not0 we are two dis"utants, one of whom has wron ed the other0 Decide now between us with truth, and treat us not with in-ustice, but uide us to the e)en Path.. 23. 1!his man is my brother0 ,e has nine and ninety ewes, and I ha)e $but% one0 :et he says, 9commit her to my care,9 and is $moreo)er% harsh to me in s"eech.1 2 . $Da)id% said0 1,e has undoubtedly wron ed thee in demandin thy $sin le% ewe to be added to his $floc# of% ewes0 truly many are the "artners $in business% who wron each other0 4ot so do those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness, and how few are they31...and Da)id athered that (e had tried him0 he as#ed for i)eness of his &ord, fell down, bowin $in "rostration%, and turned $to Allah in re"entance%. 2!. So (e for a)e him this $la"se%0 he en-oyed, indeed, a 4ear A""roach to *s, and a beautiful "lace of $.inal% +eturn. 2". / Da)id2 (e did indeed ma#e thee a )ice erent on earth0 so -ud e thou between men in truth $and -ustice%0 4or follow thou the lusts $of thy heart%, for they will mislead thee from the Path of Allah. for those who wander astray from the Path of Allah, is a Penalty Grie)ous, for that they for et the Day of Account. 2#. 4ot without "ur"ose did (e create hea)en and earth and all between2 that were the thou ht of *nbelie)ers2 but woe to the *nbelie)ers because of the .ire $of ,ell%2

2&. Shall (e treat those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth3 Shall (e treat those who uard a ainst e)il, the same as those who turn aside from the ri ht3 2'. $,ere is% a 'oo# which (e ha)e sent down unto thee, full of blessin s, that they may mediate on its Si ns, and that men of understandin may recei)e admonition. 3(. !o Da)id (e a)e Solomon $for a son%,5 ,ow e8cellent in /ur ser)ice2 7)er did he turn $to *s%2 31. 'ehold, there were brou ht before him, at e)entide coursers of the hi hest breedin , and swift of foot; 32. And he said, 1!ruly do I lo)e the lo)e of ood, with a )iew to the lory of my &ord,15 until $the sun% was hidden in the )eil $of ni ht%0 33. 1'rin them bac# to me.1 then be an he to "ass his hand o)er $their% le s and their nec#s. 3 . And (e did try Solomon0 (e "laced on his throne a body $without life%; but he did turn $to *s in true de)otion%0 3!. ,e said, 1/ my &ord2 .or i)e me, and rant me a #in dom which, $it may be%, suits not another after me0 for !hou art the Grantor of 'ounties $without measure%. 3". !hen (e sub-ected the wind to his "ower, to flow ently to his order, (hithersoe)er he willed,5 3#. As also the e)il ones, $includin % e)ery #ind of builder and di)er,5 3&. As also others bound to ether in fetters. 3'. 1Such are /ur 'ounties0 whether thou bestow them $on others% or withhold them, no account will be as#ed.1 (. And he en-oyed, indeed, a 4ear A""roach to *s, and a beautiful Place of $.inal% +eturn. 1. Commemorate /ur Ser)ant Job. 'ehold he cried to his &ord0 1!he 7)il /ne has afflicted me with distress and sufferin 21 2. $!he command was i)en0% 1Stri#e with thy foot0 here is $water% wherein to wash, cool and refreshin , and $water% to drin#.1 3. And (e a)e him $bac#% his "eo"le, and doubled their number,5 as a Grace from /ursel)es, and a thin for commemoration, for all who ha)e *nderstandin . . 1And ta#e in thy hand a little rass, and stri#e therewith0 and brea# not $thy oath%.1 !ruly (e found him full of "atience and constancy. ,ow e8cellent in /ur ser)ice2 e)er did he turn $to *s%2 !. And commemorate /ur Ser)ants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, "ossessors of Power and >ision. ". >erily (e did choose them for a s"ecial $"ur"ose%5 "roclaimin the Messa e of the ,ereafter. #. !hey were, in /ur si ht, truly, of the com"any of the 7lect and the Good. &. And commemorate Isma9il, 7lisha, and ?ul5=ifl0 7ach of them was of the Com"any of the Good. '. !his is a Messa e $of admonition%0 and )erily, for the ri hteous, is a beautiful Place of $.inal% +eturn,5 !(. Gardens of 7ternity, whose doors will $e)er% be o"en to them;

!1. !herein will they recline $at ease%0 !herein can they call $at "leasure% for fruit in abundance, and $delicious% drin#; !2. And beside them will be chaste women restrainin their lances, $com"anions% of e;ual a e. !3. Such is the Promise made, to you for the Day of Account2 ! . !ruly such will be /ur 'ounty $to you%; it will ne)er fail;5 !!. :ea, such2 but 5 for the wron 5doers will be an e)il "lace of $.inal% +eturn25 !". ,ell25 they will burn therein, 5 an e)il bed $indeed, to lie on%25 !#. :ea, such2 5 then shall they taste it,5 a boilin fluid, and a fluid dar#, mur#y, intensely cold25 !&. And other Penalties of a similar #ind, to match them2 !'. ,ere is a troo" rushin headlon with you2 4o welcome for them2 truly, they shall burn in the .ire2 "(. $!he followers shall cry to the misleaders0% 14ay, ye $too%2 4o welcome for you2 It is ye who ha)e brou ht this u"on us2 4ow e)il is $this% "lace to stay in21 "1. !hey will say0 1/ur &ord2 whoe)er brou ht this u"on us,5 Add to him a double Penalty in the .ire21 "2. And they will say0 1(hat has ha""ened to us that we see not men whom we used to number amon the bad ones3 "3. 1Did we treat them $as such% in ridicule, or ha)e $our% eyes failed to "ercei)e them31 " . !ruly that is -ust and fittin ,5 the mutual recriminations of the Peo"le of the .ire2 "!. Say0 1!ruly am I a (arner0 no od is there but the one Allah, Su"reme and Irresistible,5 "". 1!he &ord of the hea)ens and the earth, and all between,5 78alted in Mi ht, able to enforce ,is (ill, for i)in a ain and a ain.1 "#. Say0 1!hat is a Messa e Su"reme $abo)e all%,5 "&. 1.rom which ye do turn away2 "'. 14o #nowled e ha)e I of the Chiefs on hi h, when they discuss $matters% amon themsel)es. #(. 9/nly this has been re)ealed to me0 that I am to i)e warnin "lainly and "ublicly.1 #1. 'ehold, thy &ord said to the an els0 1I am about to create man from clay0 #2. 1(hen I ha)e fashioned him $in due "ro"ortion% and breathed into him of My s"irit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.1 #3. So the an els "rostrated themsel)es, all of them to ether0 # . 4ot so Iblis0 he was hau hty, and became one of those who re-ect .aith. #!. $$Allah%% said0 1/ Iblis2 (hat "re)ents thee from "rostratin thyself to one whom I ha)e created with my hands3 Art thou hau hty3 /r art thou one of the hi h $and mi hty% ones31 #". $Iblis% said0 1I am better than he0 thou createdst me from fire, and him thou createdst from clay.1 ##. $$Allah%% said0 1!hen et thee out from here0 for thou art re-ected, accursed. #&. 1And My curse shall be on thee till the Day of Jud ment.1

#'. $Iblis% said0 1/ my &ord2 Gi)e me then res"ite till the Day the $dead% are raised.1 &(. $$Allah%% said0 1+es"ite then is ranted thee5 &1. 1!ill the Day of the !ime A""ointed.1 &2. $Iblis% said0 1!hen, by !hy "ower, I will "ut them all in the wron ,5 &3. 178ce"t !hy Ser)ants amon st them, sincere and "urified $by !hy Grace%.1 & . $$Allah%% said0 1!hen it is -ust and fittin 5 and I say what is -ust and fittin 5 &!. 1!hat I will certainly fill ,ell with thee and those that follow thee,5 e)ery one.1 &". Say0 14o reward do I as# of you for this $<ur9an%, nor am I a "retender. &#. 1!his is no less than a Messa e to $all% the (orlds. &&. 1And ye shall certainly #now the truth of it $all% after a while.1

Surah 3'. The Troops. Throngs

1. !he re)elation of this 'oo# is from Allah, the 78alted in Power, full of (isdom. 2. >erily it is (e (ho ha)e re)ealed the 'oo# to thee in !ruth0 so ser)e Allah, offerin ,im sincere de)otion. 3. Is it not to Allah that sincere de)otion is due3 'ut those who ta#e for "rotectors other than Allah $say%0 1(e only ser)e them in order that they may brin us nearer to Allah.1 !ruly Allah will -ud e between them in that wherein they differ. 'ut Allah uides not such as are false and un rateful. . ,ad Allah wished to ta#e to ,imself a son, ,e could ha)e chosen whom ,e "leased out of those whom ,e doth create0 but Glory be to ,im2 $,e is abo)e such thin s.% ,e is Allah, the /ne, the Irresistible. !. ,e created the hea)ens and the earth in true $"ro"ortions%0 ,e ma#es the 4i ht o)erla" the Day, and the Day o)erla" the 4i ht0 ,e has sub-ected the sun and the moon $to ,is law%0 7ach one follows a course for a time a""ointed. Is not ,e the 78alted in Power 5 ,e (ho for i)es a ain and a ain3 ". ,e created you $all% from a sin le "erson0 then created, of li#e nature, his mate; and he sent down for you ei ht head of cattle in "airs0 ,e ma#es you, in the wombs of your mothers, in sta es, one after another, in three )eils of dar#ness. such is Allah, your &ord and Cherisher0 to ,im belon s $all% dominion. !here is no od but ,e0 then how are ye turned away $from your true Centre%3 #. If ye re-ect $$Allah%%, !ruly Allah hath no need of you; but ,e li#eth not in ratitude from ,is ser)ants0 if ye are rateful, ,e is "leased with you. 4o bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the end, to your &ord is your +eturn, when ,e will tell you the truth of all that ye did $in this life%. for ,e #noweth well all that is in $men9s% hearts. &. (hen some trouble toucheth man, he crieth unto his &ord, turnin to ,im in re"entance0 but when ,e bestoweth a fa)our u"on him as from ,imself, $man% doth for et what he cried and "rayed for before, and he doth set u" ri)als unto Allah, thus misleadin others from Allah.s Path. Say, 17n-oy thy blas"hemy for a little while0 )erily thou art $one% of the Com"anions of the .ire21 '. Is one who worshi"s de)outly durin the hour of the ni ht "rostratin himself or standin $in adoration%, who ta#es heed of the ,ereafter, and who "laces his ho"e in the Mercy of his

&ord 5 $li#e one who does not%3 Say0 1Are those e;ual, those who #now and those who do not #now3 It is those who are endued with understandin that recei)e admonition. 1(. Say0 1/ ye my ser)ants who belie)e2 .ear your &ord, ood is $the reward% for those who do ood in this world. S"acious is Allah.s earth2 those who "atiently "erse)ere will truly recei)e a reward without measure21 11. Say0 1>erily, I am commanded to ser)e Allah with sincere de)otion; 12. 1And I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah in Islam.1 13. Say0 1I would, if I disobeyed my &ord, indeed ha)e fear of the Penalty of a Mi hty Day.1 1 . Say0 1It is Allah I ser)e, with my sincere $and e8clusi)e% de)otion0 1!. 1Ser)e ye what ye will besides him.1 Say0 1!ruly, those in loss are those who lose their own souls and their Peo"le on the Day of Jud ment0 Ah2 that is indeed the $real and% e)ident &oss2 1". !hey shall ha)e &ayers of .ire abo)e them, and &ayers $of .ire% below them0 with this doth Allah warn off his ser)ants0 1/ My Ser)ants2 then fear ye Me21 1#. !hose who eschew 7)il,5 and fall not into its worshi",5 and turn to Allah $in re"entance%,5 for them is Good 4ews0 so announce the Good 4ews to My Ser)ants,5 1&. !hose who listen to the (ord, and follow the best $meanin % in it0 those are the ones whom Allah has uided, and those are the ones endued with understandin . 1'. Is, then, one a ainst whom the decree of Punishment is -ustly due $e;ual to one who eschews 7)il%3 (ouldst thou, then, deli)er one $who is% in the .ire3 2(. 'ut it is for those who fear their &ord. !hat lofty mansions, one abo)e another, ha)e been built0 beneath them flow ri)ers $of deli ht%0 $such is% the Promise of Allah. ne)er doth Allah fail in $,is% "romise. 21. Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the s#y, and leads it throu h s"rin s in the earth3 !hen ,e causes to row, therewith, "roduce of )arious colours0 then it withers; thou wilt see it row yellow; then ,e ma#es it dry u" and crumble away. !ruly, in this, is a Messa e of remembrance to men of understandin . 22. Is one whose heart Allah has o"ened to Islam, so that he has recei)ed 7nli htenment from Allah, $no better than one hard5hearted%3 (oe to those whose hearts are hardened a ainst celebratin the "raises of Allah. they are manifestly wanderin $in error%2 23. Allah has re)ealed $from time to time% the most beautiful Messa e in the form of a 'oo#, consistent with itself, $yet% re"eatin $its teachin in )arious as"ects%0 the s#ins of those who fear their &ord tremble thereat; then their s#ins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah.s "raises. Such is the uidance of Allah. ,e uides therewith whom ,e "leases, but such as Allah lea)es to stray, can ha)e none to uide. 2 . Is, then, one who has to fear the brunt of the Penalty on the Day of Jud ment $and recei)e it% on his face, $li#e one uarded therefrom%3 It will be said to the wron 5 doers0 1!aste ye $the fruits of% what ye earned21 2!. !hose before them $also% re-ected $re)elation%, and so the Punishment came to them from directions they did not "ercei)e. 2". So Allah a)e them a taste of humiliation in the "resent life, but reater is the "unishment of the ,ereafter, if they only #new2 2#. (e ha)e "ut forth for men, in this <ur9an e)ery #ind of Parable, in order that they may recei)e admonition.

2&. $It is% a <ur9an in Arabic, without any croo#edness $therein%0 in order that they may uard a ainst 7)il. 2'. Allah "uts forth a Parable a man belon in to many "artners at )ariance with each other, and a man belon in entirely to one master0 are those two e;ual in com"arison3 Praise be to Allah. but most of them ha)e no #nowled e. 3(. !ruly thou wilt die $one day%, and truly they $too% will die $one day%. 31. In the end will ye $all%, on the Day of Jud ment, settle your dis"utes in the "resence of your &ord. 32. (ho, then, doth more wron than one who utters a lie concernin Allah, and re-ects the !ruth when it comes to him; is there not in ,ell an abode for blas"hemers3 33. And he who brin s the !ruth and he who confirms $and su""orts% it 5 such are the men who do ri ht. 3 . !hey shall ha)e all that they wish for, in the "resence of their &ord0 such is the reward of those who do ood0 3!. So that Allah will turn off from them $e)en% the worst in their deeds and i)e them their reward accordin to the best of what they ha)e done. 3". Is not Allah enou h for his Ser)ant3 'ut they try to fri hten thee with other $ ods% besides ,im2 for such as Allah lea)es to stray, there can be no uide. 3#. And such as Allah doth uide there can be none to lead astray. Is not Allah 78alted in Power, $Able to enforce ,is (ill%, &ord of +etribution3 3&. If indeed thou as# them who it is that created the hea)ens and the earth, they would be sure to say, 1$Allah%1. Say0 1See ye then3 the thin s that ye in)o#e besides Allah,5 can they, if Allah wills some Penalty for me, remo)e ,is Penalty35 /r if ,e wills some Grace for me, can they #ee" bac# his Grace31 Say0 1Sufficient is Allah for me2 In ,im trust those who "ut their trust.1 3'. Say0 1/ my Peo"le2 Do whate)er ye can0 I will do $my "art%0 but soon will ye #now5 (. 1(ho it is to whom comes a Penalty of i nominy, and on whom descends a Penalty that abides.1 1. >erily (e ha)e re)ealed the 'oo# to thee in !ruth, for $instructin % man#ind. ,e, then, that recei)es uidance benefits his own soul0 but he that strays in-ures his own soul. 4or art thou set o)er them to dis"ose of their affairs. 2. It is Allah that ta#es the souls $of men% at death; and those that die not $,e ta#es% durin their slee"0 those on whom ,e has "assed the decree of death, ,e #ee"s bac# $from returnin to life%, but the rest ,e sends $to their bodies% for a term a""ointed )erily in this are Si ns for those who reflect. 3. (hat2 Do they ta#e for intercessors others besides Allah. Say0 17)en if they ha)e no "ower whate)er and no intelli ence31 . Say0 1!o Allah belon s e8clusi)ely $the ri ht to rant% intercession0 to ,im belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 In the 7nd, it is to ,im that ye shall be brou ht bac#.1 !. (hen Allah, the /ne and /nly, is mentioned, the hearts of those who belie)e not in the ,ereafter are filled with dis ust and horror; but when $ ods% other than ,e are mentioned, behold, they are filled with -oy2

". Say0 1/ Allah. Creator of the hea)ens and the earth2 =nower of all that is hidden and o"en2 it is !hou that wilt -ud e between !hy Ser)ants in those matters about which they ha)e differed.1 #. 7)en if the wron 5doers had all that there is on earth, and as much more, $in )ain% would they offer it for ransom from the "ain of the Penalty on the Day of Jud ment0 but somethin will confront them from Allah, which they could ne)er ha)e counted u"on2 &. .or the e)ils of their Deeds will confront them, and they will be $com"letely% encircled by that which they used to moc# at2 '. 4ow, when trouble touches man, he cries to *s0 'ut when (e bestow a fa)our u"on him as from /ursel)es, he says, 1!his has been i)en to me because of a certain #nowled e $I ha)e%21 4ay, but this is but a trial, but most of them understand not2 !(. !hus did the $ enerations% before them say2 'ut all that they did was of no "rofit to them. !1. 4ay, the e)il results of their Deeds o)ertoo# them. And the wron 5doers of this $ eneration%5 the e)il results of their Deeds will soon o)erta#e them $too%, and they will ne)er be able to frustrate $/ur Plan%2 !2. =now they not that Allah enlar es the "ro)ision or restricts it, for any ,e "leases3 >erily, in this are Si ns for those who belie)e2 !3. Say0 1/ my Ser)ants who ha)e trans ressed a ainst their souls2 Des"air not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah for i)es all sins0 for ,e is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. ! . 1!urn ye to our &ord $in re"entance% and bow to ,is $(ill%, before the Penalty comes on you0 after that ye shall not be hel"ed. !!. 1And follow the best of $the courses% re)ealed to you from your &ord, before the Penalty comes on you 5 of a sudden while ye "ercei)e not25 !". 1&est the soul should $then% say0 9Ah2 (oe is me25 In that I ne lected $my duty% towards Allah, and was but amon those who moc#ed295 !#. 1/r $lest% it should say0 9If only Allah had uided me, I should certainly ha)e been amon the ri hteous295 !&. 1/r $lest% it should say when it $actually% sees the "enalty0 9If only I had another chance, I should certainly be amon those who do ood29 !'. 1$!he re"ly will be0% 94ay, but there came to thee my Si ns, and thou didst re-ect them0 thou wast ,au hty, and became one of those who re-ect faith291 "(. /n the Day of Jud ment wilt thou see those who told lies a ainst Allah.5 their faces will be turned blac#; Is there not in ,ell an abode for the ,au hty3 "1. 'ut Allah will deli)er the ri hteous to their "lace of sal)ation0 no e)il shall touch them, nor shall they rie)e. "2. Allah is the Creator of all thin s, and ,e is the Guardian and Dis"oser of all affairs. "3. !o ,im belon the #eys of the hea)ens and the earth0 and those who re-ect the Si ns of Allah,5 it is they who will be in loss. " . Say0 1Is it some one other than Allah that ye order me to worshi", / ye i norant ones31 "!. 'ut it has already been re)ealed to thee,5 as it was to those before thee,5 1If thou wert to -oin $ ods with Allah., truly fruitless will be thy wor# $in life%, and thou wilt surely be in the ran#s of those who lose $all s"iritual ood%1. "". 4ay, but worshi" Allah, and be of those who i)e than#s.

"#. 4o -ust estimate ha)e they made of Allah, such as is due to ,im0 /n the Day of Jud ment the whole of the earth will be but ,is handful, and the hea)ens will be rolled u" in ,is ri ht hand0 Glory to ,im2 ,i h is ,e abo)e the Partners they attribute to ,im2 "&. !he !rum"et will $-ust% be sounded, when all that are in the hea)ens and on earth will swoon, e8ce"t such as it will "lease Allah $to e8em"t%. !hen will a second one be sounded, when, behold, they will be standin and loo#in on2 "'. And the 7arth will shine with the Glory of its &ord0 the +ecord $of Deeds% will be "laced $o"en%; the "ro"hets and the witnesses will be brou ht forward and a -ust decision "ronounced between them; and they will not be wron ed $in the least%. #(. And to e)ery soul will be "aid in full $the fruit% of its Deeds; and $$Allah%% #noweth best all that they do. #1. !he *nbelie)ers will be led to ,ell in crowd0 until, when they arri)e, there, its ates will be o"ened. And its #ee"ers will say, 1Did not a"ostles come to you from amon yoursel)es, rehearsin to you the Si ns of your &ord, and warnin you of the Meetin of !his Day of yours31 !he answer will be0 1!rue0 but the Decree of Punishment has been "ro)ed true a ainst the *nbelie)ers21 #2. $!o them% will be said0 17nter ye the ates of ,ell, to dwell therein0 and e)il is $this% Abode of the Arro ant21 #3. And those who feared their &ord will be led to the Garden in crowds0 until behold, they arri)e there; its ates will be o"ened; and its #ee"ers will say0 1Peace be u"on you2 well ha)e ye done2 enter ye here, to dwell therein.1 # . !hey will say0 1Praise be to Allah, (ho has truly fulfilled ,is Promise to us, and has i)en us $this% land in herita e0 (e can dwell in the Garden as we will0 how e8cellent a reward for those who wor# $ri hteousness%21 #!. And thou wilt see the an els surroundin the !hrone $Di)ine% on all sides, sin in Glory and Praise to their &ord. !he Decision between them $at Jud ment% will be in $"erfect% -ustice, and the cry $on all sides% will be, 1Praise be to Allah, the &ord of the (orlds21

Surah (. The 5elie2er. The )orgi2er >go1?

1. ,a Mim 2. !he re)elation of this 'oo# is from Allah, 78alted in Power, .ull of =nowled e,5 3. (ho for i)eth sin, acce"teth re"entance, is strict in "unishment, and hath a lon reach $in all thin s%. there is no od but ,e0 to ,im is the final oal. . 4one can dis"ute about the Si ns of Allah but the *nbelie)ers. &et not, then, their struttin about throu h the land decei)e thee2 !. 'ut $there were "eo"le% before them, who denied $the Si ns%,5 the Peo"le of 4oah, and the Confederates $of 7)il% after them; and e)ery Peo"le "lotted a ainst their "ro"het, to sei6e him, and dis"uted by means of )anities, therewith to condemn the !ruth; but it was I that sei6ed them2 and how $terrible% was My +e;uital2 ". !hus was the Decree of thy &ord "ro)ed true a ainst the *nbelie)ers; that truly they are Com"anions of the .ire2 #. !hose who sustain the !hrone $of Allah. and those around it Sin Glory and Praise to their &ord; belie)e in ,im; and im"lore .or i)eness for those who belie)e0 1/ur &ord2 !hy +each

is o)er all thin s, in Mercy and =nowled e. .or i)e, then, those who turn in +e"entance, and follow !hy Path; and "reser)e them from the Penalty of the 'la6in .ire2 &. 1And rant, our &ord2 that they enter the Gardens of 7ternity, which !hou hast "romised to them, and to the ri hteous amon their fathers, their wi)es, and their "osterity2 .or !hou art $,e%, the 78alted in Mi ht, .ull of (isdom. '. 1And "reser)e them from $all% ills; and any whom !hou dost "reser)e from ills that Day,5 on them wilt !hou ha)e bestowed Mercy indeed0 and that will be truly $for them% the hi hest Achie)ement1. 1(. !he *nbelie)ers will be addressed0 1Greater was the a)ersion of Allah to you than $is% your a)ersion to yoursel)es, seein that ye were called to the .aith and ye used to refuse.1 11. !hey will say0 1/ur &ord2 twice hast !hou made us without life, and twice hast !hou i)en us &ife2 4ow ha)e we reco nised our sins0 Is there any way out $of this%31 12. $!he answer will be0% 1!his is because, when Allah was in)o#ed as the /nly $ob-ect of worshi"%, ye did re-ect .aith, but when "artners were -oined to ,im, ye belie)ed2 the Command is with Allah, Most ,i h, Most Great21 13. ,e it is (ho showeth you his Si ns, and sendeth down sustenance for you from the s#y0 but only those recei)e admonition who turn $to Allah.. 1 . Call ye, then, u"on Allah with sincere de)otion to ,im, e)en thou h the *nbelie)ers may detest it. 1!. +aised hi h abo)e ran#s $or de rees%, $,e is% the &ord of the !hrone $of Authority%0 by ,is Command doth ,e send the S"irit $of ins"iration% to any of ,is ser)ants he "leases, that it may warn $men% of the Day of Mutual Meetin ,5 1". !he Day whereon they will $all% come forth0 not a sin le thin concernin them is hidden from Allah. (hose will be the dominion that Day31 !hat of Allah, the /ne the Irresistible2 1#. !hat Day will e)ery soul be re;uited for what it earned; no in-ustice will there be that Day, for Allah is Swift in ta#in account. 1&. (arn them of the Day that is $e)er% drawin near, when the hearts will $come% ri ht u" to the throats to cho#e $them%; 4o intimate friend nor intercessor will the wron 5doers ha)e, who could be listened to. 1'. $$Allah%% #nows of $the tric#s% that decei)e with the eyes, and all that the hearts $of men% conceal. 2(. And Allah will -ud e with $-ustice and% !ruth0 but those whom $men% in)o#e besides ,im, will not $be in a "osition% to -ud e at all. >erily it is Allah $alone% (ho hears and sees $all thin s%. 21. Do they not tra)el throu h the earth and see what was the 7nd of those before them3 !hey were e)en su"erior to them in stren th, and in the traces $they ha)e left% in the land0 but Allah did call them to account for their sins, and none had they to defend them a ainst Allah. 22. !hat was because there came to them their a"ostles with Clear $Si ns%, but they re-ected them0 So Allah called them to account0 for ,e is .ull of Stren th, Strict in Punishment. 23. /f old (e sent Moses, with /ur Si ns and an authority manifest, 2 . !o Pharaoh, ,aman, and <arun; but they called $him%1 a sorcerer tellin lies21... 2!. 4ow, when he came to them in !ruth, from *s, they said, 1Slay the sons of those who belie)e with him, and #ee" ali)e their females,1 but the "lots of *nbelie)ers $end% in nothin but errors $and delusions%2...

2". Said Pharaoh0 1&ea)e me to slay Moses; and let him call on his &ord2 (hat I fear is lest he should chan e your reli ion, or lest he should cause mischief to a""ear in the land21 2#. Moses said0 1I ha)e indeed called u"on my &ord and your &ord $for "rotection% from e)ery arro ant one who belie)es not in the Day of Account21 2&. A belie)er, a man from amon the "eo"le of Pharaoh, who had concealed his faith, said0 1(ill ye slay a man because he says, 9My &ord is Allah.35 when he has indeed come to you with Clear $Si ns% from your &ord3 and if he be a liar, on him is $the sin of% his lie0 but, if he is tellin the !ruth, then will fall on you somethin of the $calamity% of which he warns you0 !ruly Allah uides not one who trans resses and lies2 2'. 1/ my Peo"le2 :ours is the dominion this day0 :e ha)e the u""er hand in the land0 but who will hel" us from the Punishment of Allah, should it befall us31 Pharaoh said0 1I but "oint out to you that which I see $myself%; 4or do I uide you but to the Path of +i ht21 3(. !hen said the man who belie)ed0 1/ my "eo"le2 !ruly I do fear for you somethin li#e the Day $of disaster% of the Confederates $in sin%25 31. 1Somethin li#e the fate of the Peo"le of 4oah, the 9Ad, and the !hamud, and those who came after them0 but Allah ne)er wishes in-ustice to his Ser)ants. 32. 1And / my "eo"le2 I fear for you a Day when there will be Mutual callin $and wailin %,5 33. 1A Day when ye shall turn your bac#s and flee0 4o defender shall ye ha)e from Allah. Any whom Allah lea)es to stray, there is none to uide... 3 . 1And to you there came Jose"h in times one by, with Clear Si ns, but ye ceased not to doubt of the $Mission% for which he had come0 At len th, when he died, ye said0 94o a"ostle will Allah send after him.9 thus doth Allah lea)e to stray such as trans ress and li)e in doubt,5 3!. 1$Such% as dis"ute about the Si ns of Allah, without any authority that hath reached them, rie)ous and odious $is such conduct% in the si ht of Allah and of the 'elie)ers. !hus doth Allah, seal u" e)ery heart 5 of arro ant and obstinate !rans ressors.1 3". Pharaoh said0 1/ ,aman2 'uild me a lofty "alace, that I may attain the ways and means5 3#. 1!he ways and means of $reachin % the hea)ens, and that I may mount u" to the Allah of Moses0 'ut as far as I am concerned, I thin# $Moses% is a liar21 !hus was made allurin , in Pharaoh9s eyes, the e)il of his deeds, and he was hindered from the Path; and the "lot of Pharaoh led to nothin but "erdition $for him%. 3&. !he man who belie)ed said further0 1/ my "eo"le2 .ollow me0 I will lead you to the Path of +i ht. 3'. 1/ my "eo"le2 !his life of the "resent is nothin but $tem"orary% con)enience0 It is the ,ereafter that is the ,ome that will last. (. 1,e that wor#s e)il will not be re;uited but by the li#e thereof0 and he that wor#s a ri hteous deed 5 whether man or woman 5 and is a 'elie)er5 such will enter the Garden $of 'liss%0 !herein will they ha)e abundance without measure. 1. 1And / my "eo"le2 ,ow $stran e% it is for me to call you to Sal)ation while ye call me to the .ire2 2. 1:e do call u"on me to blas"heme a ainst Allah, and to -oin with ,im "artners of whom I ha)e no #nowled e; and I call you to the 78alted in Power, (ho for i)es a ain and a ain21 3. 1(ithout doubt ye do call me to one who is not fit to be called to, whether in this world, or in the ,ereafter; our return will be to Allah. and the !rans ressors will be Com"anions of the .ire2

. 1Soon will ye remember what I say to you $now%, My $own% affair I commit to Allah. for Allah $e)er% watches o)er ,is Ser)ants.1 !. !hen Allah sa)ed him from $e)ery% ill that they "lotted $a ainst him%, but the burnt of the Penalty encom"assed on all sides the Peo"le of Pharaoh. ". In front of the .ire will they be brou ht, mornin and e)enin 0 And $the sentence will be% on the Day that Jud ment will be established0 1Cast ye the Peo"le of Pharaoh into the se)erest Penalty21 #. 'ehold, they will dis"ute with each other in the .ire2 !he wea# ones $who followed% will say to those who had been arro ant, 1(e but followed you0 Can ye then ta#e $on yoursel)es% from us some share of the .ire3 &. !hose who had been arro ant will say0 1(e are all in this $.ire%2 !ruly, Allah has -ud ed between $his% Ser)ants21 '. !hose in the .ire will say to the =ee"ers of ,ell0 1Pray to your &ord to li hten us the Penalty for a day $at least%21 !(. !hey will say0 1Did there not come to you your a"ostles with Clear Si ns31 !hey will say, 1:es1. !hey will re"ly, 1!hen "ray $as ye li#e%2 'ut the "rayer of those without .aith is nothin but $futile wanderin % in $ma6es of% error21 !1. (e will, without doubt, hel" our a"ostles and those who belie)e, $both% in this world9s life and on the Day when the (itnesses will stand forth,5 !2. !he Day when no "rofit will it be to (ron 5doers to "resent their e8cuses, but they will $only% ha)e the Curse and the ,ome of Misery. !3. (e did aforetime i)e Moses the $'oo# of% Guidance, and (e inheritance to the Children of Israel,5 ! . A Guide and a Messa e to men of *nderstandin . !!. Patiently, then, "erse)ere0 for the Promise of Allah is true0 and as# for i)eness for thy fault, and celebrate the Praises of thy &ord in the e)enin and in the mornin . !". !hose who dis"ute about the si ns of Allah without any authority bestowed on them,5 there is nothin in their breasts but $the ;uest of% reatness, which they shall ne)er attain to0 see# refu e, then, in Allah. It is ,e (ho hears and sees $all thin s%. !#. Assuredly the creation of the hea)ens and the earth is a reater $matter% than the creation of men0 :et most men understand not. !&. 4ot e;ual are the blind and those who $clearly% see0 4or are $e;ual% those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness, and those who do e)il. &ittle do ye learn by admonition2 !'. !he ,our will certainly come0 !herein is no doubt0 :et most men belie)e not. "(. And your &ord says0 1Call on Me; I will answer your $Prayer%0 but those who are too arro ant to ser)e Me will surely find themsel)es in ,ell 5 in humiliation21 "1. It is Allah (ho has made the 4i ht for you, that ye may rest therein, and the days as that which hel"s $you% to see. >erily Allah is full of Grace and 'ounty to men0 yet most men i)e no than#s. "2. Such is Allah, your &ord, the Creator of all thin s, there is no od but ,e0 !hen how ye are deluded away from the !ruth2 "3. !hus are deluded those who are wont to re-ect the Si ns of Allah. a)e the boo# in

" . It is Allah (ho has made for you the earth as a restin "lace, and the s#y as a cano"y, and has i)en you sha"e5 and made your sha"es beautiful,5 and has "ro)ided for you Sustenance, of thin s "ure and ood;5 such is Allah your &ord. So Glory to Allah, the &ord of the (orlds2 "!. ,e is the &i)in $/ne%0 !here is no od but ,e0 Call u"on ,im, i)in ,im sincere de)otion. Praise be to Allah, &ord of the (orlds2 "". Say0 1I ha)e been forbidden to in)o#e those whom ye in)o#e besides Allah,5 seein that the Clear Sin s ha)e come to me from my &ord; and I ha)e been commanded to bow $in Islam% to the &ord of the (orlds.1 "#. It is ,e (ho has created you from dust then from a s"erm5dro", then from a leech5li#e clot; then does he et you out $into the li ht% as a child0 then lets you $ row and% reach your a e of full stren th; then lets you become old,5 thou h of you there are some who die before;5 and lets you reach a !erm a""ointed; in order that ye may learn wisdom. "&. It is ,e (ho i)es &ife and Death; and when ,e decides u"on an affair, ,e says to it, 1'e1, and it is. "'. Seest thou not those that dis"ute concernin the Sin s of Allah. ,ow are they turned away $from +eality%35 #(. !hose who re-ect the 'oo# and the $re)elations% with which (e sent our a"ostles0 but soon shall they #now,5 #1. (hen the yo#es $shall be% round their nec#s, and the chains; they shall be dra ed alon 5 #2. In the boilin fetid fluid0 then in the .ire shall they be burned; #3. !hen shall it be said to them0 1(here are the $deities% to which ye a)e "art5 worshi"5 # . 1In dero ation of Allah.1 !hey will re"ly0 1!hey ha)e left us in the lurch0 4ay, we in)o#ed not, of old, anythin $that had real e8istence%.1 !hus does Allah lea)e the *nbelie)ers to stray. #!. 1!hat was because ye were wont to re-oice on the earth in thin s other than the !ruth, and that ye were wont to be insolent. #". 17nter ye the ates of ,ell, to dwell therein0 and e)il is $this% abode of the arro ant21 ##. So "erse)ere in "atience; for the Promise of Allah is true0 and whether (e show thee $in this life% some "art of what (e "romise them,5 or (e ta#e thy soul $to /ur Mercy% $before that%,5$in any case% it is to *s that they shall $all% return. #&. (e did aforetime send a"ostles before thee0 of them there are some whose story (e ha)e related to thee, and some whose story (e ha)e not related to thee. It was not $"ossible% for any a"ostle to brin a si n e8ce"t by the lea)e of Allah. but when the Command of Allah issued, the matter was decided in truth and -ustice, and there "erished, there and then those who stood on .alsehoods. #'. It is Allah (ho made cattle for you, that ye may use some for ridin and some for food; &(. And there are $other% ad)anta es in them for you $besides%; that ye may throu h them attain to any need $there may be% in your hearts; and on them and on shi"s ye are carried. &1. And ,e shows you $always% ,is Si ns0 then which of the Si ns of Allah will ye deny3 &2. Do they not tra)el throu h the earth and see what was the 7nd of those before them3 !hey were more numerous than these and su"erior in stren th and in the traces $they ha)e left% in the land0 :et all that they accom"lished was of no "rofit to them.

&3. .or when their a"ostles came to them with Clear Si ns, they e8ulted in such #nowled e $and s#ill% as they had; but that )ery $(rath% at which they were wont to scoff hemmed them in. & . 'ut when they saw /ur Punishment, they said0 1(e belie)e in Allah,5 the one Allah 5 and we re-ect the "artners we used to -oin with ,im.1 &!. 'ut their "rofessin the .aith when they $actually% saw /ur Punishment was not oin to "rofit them. $Such has been% Allah.s (ay of dealin with ,is Ser)ants $from the most ancient times%. And e)en thus did the +e-ecters of Allah "erish $utterly%2

Surah 1. >signs? Spelle1 Out. Ha8*i*

1. ,a Mim0 2. A +e)elation from $$Allah%%, Most Gracious, Most Merciful;5 3. A 'oo#, whereof the )erses are e8"lained in detail;5 a <ur9an in Arabic, for "eo"le who understand;5 . Gi)in ood news and admonition0 yet most of them turn away, and so they hear not. !. !hey say0 1/ur hearts are under )eils, $concealed% from that to which thou dost in)ite us, and in our ears in a deafness, and between us and thee is a screen0 so do thou $what thou wilt%; for us, we shall do $what we will2%1 ". Say thou0 1I am but a man li#e you0 It is re)ealed to me by Ins"iration, that your Allah is one Allah. so stand true to ,im, and as# for ,is .or i)eness.1 And woe to those who -oin ods with Allah,5 #. !hose who "ractise not re ular Charity, and who e)en deny the ,ereafter. &. .or those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness is a reward that will ne)er fail. '. Say0 Is it that ye deny ,im (ho created the earth in two Days3 And do ye -oin e;uals with ,im3 ,e is the &ord of $all% the (orlds. 1(. ,e set on the $earth%, mountains standin firm, hi h abo)e it, and bestowed blessin s on the earth, and measure therein all thin s to i)e them nourishment in due "ro"ortion, in four Days, in accordance with $the needs of% those who see# $Sustenance%. 11. Moreo)er ,e com"rehended in ,is desi n the s#y, and it had been $as% smo#e0 ,e said to it and to the earth0 1Come ye to ether, willin ly or unwillin ly.1 !hey said0 1(e do come $to ether%, in willin obedience.1 12. So ,e com"leted them as se)en firmaments in two Days, and ,e assi ned to each hea)en its duty and command. And (e adorned the lower hea)en with li hts, and $"ro)ided it% with uard. Such is the Decree of $,im% the 78alted in Mi ht, .ull of =nowled e. 13. 'ut if they turn away, say thou0 1I ha)e warned you of a stunnin Punishment $as of thunder and li htnin % li#e that which $o)ertoo#% the 9Ad and the !hamud21 1 . 'ehold, the a"ostles came to them, from before them and behind them, $"reachin %0 1Ser)e none but Allah.1 !hey said, 1If our &ord had so "leased, ,e would certainly ha)e sent down an els $to "reach%. 4ow we re-ect your mission $alto ether%.1 1!. 4ow the 9Ad beha)ed arro antly throu h the land, a ainst $all% truth and reason, and said0 1(ho is su"erior to us in stren th31 (hat2 did they not see that Allah, (ho created them, was su"erior to them in stren th3 'ut they continued to re-ect /ur Si ns2

1". So (e sent a ainst them a furious (ind throu h days of disaster, that (e mi ht i)e them a taste of a Penalty of humiliation in this life; but the Penalty of a ,ereafter will be more humiliatin still0 and they will find no hel". 1#. As to the !hamud, (e a)e them Guidance, but they "referred blindness $of heart% to Guidance0 so the stunnin Punishment of humiliation sei6ed them, because of what they had earned. 1&. 'ut (e deli)ered those who belie)ed and "ractised ri hteousness. 1'. /n the Day that the enemies of Allah will be athered to ether to the .ire, they will be marched in ran#s. 2(. At len th, when they reach the $.ire%, their hearin , their si ht, and their s#ins will bear witness a ainst them, as to $all% their deeds. 21. !hey will say to their s#ins0 1(hy bear ye witness a ainst us31 !hey will say0 1$Allah% hath i)en us s"eech,5 $,e% (ho i)eth s"eech to e)erythin 0 ,e created you for the first time, and unto ,im were ye to return. 22. 1:e did not see# to hide yoursel)es, lest your hearin , your si ht, and your s#ins should bear witness a ainst you2 'ut ye did thin# that Allah #new not many of the thin s that ye used to do2 23. 1'ut this thou ht of yours which ye did entertain concernin your &ord, hath brou ht you to destruction, and $now% ha)e ye become of those utterly lost21 2 . If, then, they ha)e "atience, the .ire will be a home for them2 and if they be to be recei)ed into fa)our, into fa)our will they not $then% be recei)ed. 2!. And (e ha)e destined for them intimate com"anions $of li#e nature%, who made allurin to them what was before them and behind them; and the sentence amon the "re)ious enerations of Jinns and men, who ha)e "assed away, is "ro)ed a ainst them; for they are utterly lost. 2". !he *nbelie)ers say0 1&isten not to this <ur9an, but tal# at random in the midst of its $readin %, that ye may ain the u""er hand21 2#. 'ut (e will certainly i)e the *nbelie)ers a taste of a se)ere Penalty, and (e will re;uite them for the worst of their deeds. 2&. Such is the re;uital of the enemies of Allah,5 the .ire0 therein will be for them the 7ternal ,ome0 a $fit% re;uital, for that they were wont to re-ect /ur Sin s. 2'. And the *nbelie)ers will say0 1/ur &ord2 Show us those, amon Jinns and men, who misled us0 (e shall crush them beneath our feet, so that they become the )ilest $before all%.1 3(. In the case of those who say, 1/ur &ord is Allah., and, further, stand strai ht and steadfast, the an els descend on them $from time to time%0 1.ear ye not21 $they su est%, 14or rie)e2 but recei)e the Glad !idin s of the Garden $of 'liss%, the which ye were "romised2 31. 1(e are your "rotectors in this life and in the ,ereafter0 therein shall ye ha)e all that your souls shall desire; therein shall ye ha)e all that ye as# for25 32. 1A hos"itable ift from one /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful21 33. (ho is better in s"eech than one who calls $men% to Allah, wor#s ri hteousness, and says, 1I am of those who bow in Islam13 3 . 4or can oodness and 7)il be e;ual. +e"el $7)il% with what is better0 !hen will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate2

3!. And no one will be ranted such oodness e8ce"t those who e8ercise "atience and self5 restraint,5 none but "ersons of the reatest ood fortune. 3". And if $at any time% an incitement to discord is made to thee by the 7)il /ne, see# refu e in Allah. ,e is the /ne (ho hears and #nows all thin s. 3#. Amon ,is Sin s are the 4i ht and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, (ho created them, if it is ,im ye wish to ser)e. 3&. 'ut is the $*nbelie)ers% are arro ant, $no matter%0 for in the "resence of thy &ord are those who celebrate ,is "raises by ni ht and by day. And they ne)er fla $nor feel themsel)es abo)e it%. 3'. And amon ,is Si ns in this0 thou seest the earth barren and desolate; but when (e send down rain to it, it is stirred to life and yields increase. !ruly, ,e (ho i)es life to the $dead% earth can surely i)e life to $men% who are dead. .or ,e has "ower o)er all thin s. (. !hose who "er)ert the !ruth in /ur Si ns are not hidden from *s. (hich is better35 he that is cast into the .ire, or he that comes safe throu h, on the Day of Jud ment3 Do what ye will0 )erily ,e seeth $clearly% all that ye do. 1. !hose who re-ect the Messa e when it comes to them $are not hidden from *s%. And indeed it is a 'oo# of e8alted "ower. 2. 4o falsehood can a""roach it from before or behind it0 It is sent down by /ne .ull of (isdom, (orthy of all Praise. 3. 4othin is said to thee that was not said to the a"ostles before thee0 that thy lord has at his Command $all% for i)eness as well as a most Grie)ous Penalty. . ,ad (e sent this as a <ur9an $in the lan ua e% other than Arabic, they would ha)e said0 1(hy are not its )erses e8"lained in detail3 (hat2 $a 'oo#% not in Arabic and $a Messen er an Arab31 Say0 1It is a Guide and a ,ealin to those who belie)e; and for those who belie)e not, there is a deafness in their ears, and it is blindness in their $eyes%0 !hey are $as it were% bein called from a "lace far distant21 !. (e certainly a)e Moses the 'oo# aforetime0 but dis"utes arose therein. ,ad it not been for a (ord that went forth before from thy &ord, $their differences% would ha)e been settled between them0 but they remained in sus"icious dis;uietin doubt thereon. ". (hoe)er wor#s ri hteousness benefits his own soul; whoe)er wor#s e)il, it is a ainst his own soul0 nor is thy &ord e)er un-ust $in the least% to ,is Ser)ants. #. !o ,im is referred the =nowled e of the ,our $of Jud ment0 ,e #nows all%0 4o date5fruit comes out of its sheath, nor does a female concei)e $within her womb% nor brin forth the Day that $$Allah%% will "ro"ound to them the $;uestion%, 1(here are the "artners $ye attributed to Me31 !hey will say, 1(e do assure thee not one of us can bear witness21 &. !he $deities% they used to in)o#e aforetime will lea)e them in the lurch, and they will "ercei)e that they ha)e no way of esca"e. '. Man does not weary of as#in for ood $thin s%, but if ill touches him, he i)es u" all ho"e $and% is lost in des"air. !(. (hen we i)e him a taste of some Mercy from /ursel)es, after some ad)ersity has touched him, he is sure to say, 1!his is due to my $merit%0 I thin# not that the ,our $of Jud ment% will $e)er% be established; but if I am brou ht bac# to my &ord, I ha)e $much% ood $stored% in ,is si ht21 'ut (e will show the *nbelie)ers the truth of all that they did, and (e shall i)e them the taste of a se)ere Penalty.

!1. (hen (e bestow fa)ours on man, he turns away, and ets himself remote on his side $instead of comin to *s%; and when e)il sei6es him, $he comes% full of "rolon ed "rayer2 !2. Say0 1See ye if the $+e)elation% is $really% from Allah, and yet do ye re-ect it3 (ho is more astray than one who is in a schism far $from any "ur"ose%31 !3. Soon will (e show them our Si ns in the $furthest% re ions $of the earth%, and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the !ruth. Is it not enou h that thy &ord doth witness all thin s3 ! . Ah indeed2 Are they in doubt concernin the Meetin with their &ord3 Ah indeed2 It is ,e that doth encom"ass all thin s2

Surah 2. $oun3el. $onsultation

1. ,a5Mim 2. 9Ain. Sin. <af. 3. !hus doth $,e% send ins"iration to thee as $,e did% to those before thee,5 Allah, 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom. . !o ,im belon s all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 and ,e is Most ,i h, Most Great. !. !he hea)ens are almost rent asunder from abo)e them $by ,im Glory%0 and the an els celebrate the Praises of their &ord, and "ray for for i)eness for $all% bein s on earth0 'ehold2 >erily Allah is ,e, the /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. ". And those who ta#e as "rotectors others besides ,im,5 Allah doth watch o)er them; and thou art not the dis"oser of their affairs. #. !hus ha)e (e sent by ins"iration to thee an Arabic <ur9an0 that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities and all around her,5 and warn $them% of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt0 $when% some will be in the Garden, and some in the 'la6in .ire. &. If Allah had so willed, ,e could ha)e made them a sin le "eo"le; but ,e admits whom ,e will to ,is Mercy; and the (ron 5doers will ha)e no "rotector nor hel"er. '. (hat2 ,a)e they ta#en $for worshi"% "rotectors besides ,im3 'ut it is Allah,5 ,e is the Protector, and it is ,e (ho i)es life to the dead0 It is ,e (ho has "ower o)er all thin s, 1(. (hate)er it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof is with Allah. such is Allah my &ord0 In ,im I trust, and to ,im I turn. 11. $,e is% the Creator of the hea)ens and the earth0 ,e has made for you "airs from amon yoursel)es, and "airs amon cattle0 by this means does ,e multi"ly you0 there is nothin whate)er li#e unto ,im, and ,e is the /ne that hears and sees $all thin s%. 12. !o ,im belon the #eys of the hea)ens and the earth0 ,e enlar es and restricts. !he Sustenance to whom ,e will0 for ,e #nows full well all thin s. 13. !he same reli ion has ,e established for you as that which ,e en-oined on 4oah 5 the which (e ha)e sent by ins"iration to thee 5 and that which (e en-oined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus0 4amely, that ye should remain steadfast in reli ion, and ma#e no di)isions therein0 to those who worshi" other thin s than Allah, hard is the $way% to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to ,imself those whom ,e "leases, and uides to ,imself those who turn $to ,im%. 1 . And they became di)ided only after =nowled e reached them,5 throu h selfish en)y as between themsel)es. ,ad it not been for a (ord that went forth before from thy &ord, $tendin % to a !erm a""ointed, the matter would ha)e been settled between them0 'ut truly

those who ha)e inherited the 'oo# after them are in sus"icious $dis;uietin % doubt concernin it. 1!. 4ow then, for that $reason%, call $them to the .aith%, and stand steadfast as thou art commanded, nor follow thou their )ain desires; but say0 1I belie)e in the 'oo# which Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to -ud e -ustly between you. Allah is our &ord and your &ord0 for us $is the res"onsibility for% our deeds, and for you for your deeds. !here is no contention between us and you. Allah will brin us to ether, and to ,im is $our% .inal Goal. 1". 'ut those who dis"ute concernin Allah after ,e has been acce"ted,5 futile is their dis"ute in the Si ht of their &ord0 on them will be a Penalty terrible. 1#. It is Allah (ho has sent down the 'oo# in !ruth, and the 'alance $by which to wei h conduct%. And what will ma#e thee realise that "erha"s the ,our is close at hand3 1&. /nly those wish to hasten it who belie)e not in it0 those who belie)e hold it in awe, and #now that it is the !ruth. 'ehold, )erily those that dis"ute concernin the ,our are far astray. 1'. Gracious is Allah to ,is ser)ants0 ,e i)es Sustenance to whom ,e "leases0 and ,e has "ower and can carry out ,is (ill. 2(. !o any that desires the tilth of the ,ereafter, (e i)e increase in his tilth, and to any that desires the tilth of this world, (e rant somewhat thereof, but he has no share or lot in the ,ereafter. 21. (hat2 ha)e they "artners $in odhead%, who ha)e established for them some reli ion without the "ermission of Allah. ,ad it not been for the Decree of Jud ment, the matter would ha)e been decided between them $at once%. 'ut )erily the (ron 5 doers will ha)e a rie)ous Penalty. 22. !hou wilt see the (ron 5doers in fear on account of what they ha)e earned, and $the burden of% that must $necessarily% fall on them. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds will be in the lu8uriant meads of the Gardens0 they shall ha)e, before their &ord, all that they wish for. !hat will indeed be the ma nificent 'ounty $of Allah.. 23. !hat is $the 'ounty% whereof Allah i)es Glad !idin s to ,is Ser)ants who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds. Say0 14o reward do I as# of you for this e8ce"t the lo)e of those near of #in.1 And if any one earns any ood, (e shall i)e him an increase of ood in res"ect thereof0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most +eady to a""reciate $ser)ice%. 2 . (hat2 Do they say, 1,e has for ed a falsehood a ainst Allah.3 'ut if Allah willed, ,e could seal u" thy heart. And Allah blots out >anity, and "ro)es the !ruth by ,is (ords. .or ,e #nows well the secrets of all hearts. 2!. ,e is the /ne that acce"ts re"entance from ,is Ser)ants and for i)es sins0 and ,e #nows all that ye do. 2". And ,e listens to those who belie)e and do deeds of ri hteousness, and i)es them increase of ,is 'ounty0 but for the *nbelie)ers their is a terrible Penalty. 2#. If Allah were to enlar e the "ro)ision for ,is Ser)ants, they would indeed trans ress beyond all bounds throu h the earth; but he sends $it% down in due measure as ,e "leases. .or ,e is with ,is Ser)ants (ell5ac;uainted, (atchful. 2&. ,e is the /ne that sends down rain $e)en% after $men% ha)e i)en u" all ho"e, and scatters ,is Mercy $far and wide%. And ,e is the Protector, (orthy of all Praise. 2'. And amon ,is Si ns is the creation of the hea)ens and the earth, and the li)in creatures that ,e has scattered throu h them0 and ,e has "ower to ather them to ether when ,e wills.

3(. (hate)er misfortune ha""ens to you, is because on the thin s your hands ha)e wrou ht, and for many $of them% ,e rants for i)eness. 31. 4or can ye frustrate $au ht%, $fleein % throu h the earth; nor ha)e ye, besides Allah, any one to "rotect or to hel". 32. And amon mountains. ,is Si ns are the shi"s, smooth5runnin throu h the ocean, $tall% as

33. If it be ,is (ill ,e can still the (ind0 then would they become motionless on the bac# of the $ocean%. >erily in this are Si ns for e)eryone who "atiently "erse)eres and is rateful. 3 . /r ,e can cause them to "erish because of the $e)il% which $the men% ha)e earned; but much doth ,e for i)e. 3!. 'ut let those #now, who dis"ute about /ur Si ns, that there is for them no way of esca"e. 3". (hate)er ye are i)en $here% is $but% a con)enience of this life0 but that which is with Allah is better and more lastin 0 $it is% for those who belie)e and "ut their trust in their &ord0 3#. !hose who a)oid the reater crimes and shameful deeds, and, when they are an ry e)en then for i)e; 3&. !hose who hear#en to their &ord, and establish re ular Prayer; who $conduct% their affairs by mutual Consultation; who s"end out of what (e bestow on them for Sustenance; 3'. And those who, when an o""ressi)e wron is inflicted on them, $are not cowed but% hel" and defend themsel)es. (. !he recom"ense for an in-ury is an in-ury e;ual thereto $in de ree%0 but if a "erson for i)es and ma#es reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. for $$Allah%% lo)eth not those who do wron . 1. 'ut indeed if any do hel" and defend themsel)es after a wron $done% to them, a ainst such there is no cause of blame. 2. !he blame is only a ainst those who o""ress men and wron 5doin and insolently trans ress beyond bounds throu h the land, defyin ri ht and -ustice0 for such there will be a "enalty rie)ous. 3. 'ut indeed if any show "atience and for i)e, that would truly be an e8ercise of coura eous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs. . .or any whom Allah lea)es astray, there is no "rotector thereafter. And thou wilt see the (ron 5doers, when in si ht of the Penalty, Say0 1Is there any way $to effect% a return31 !. And thou wilt see them brou ht forward to the $Penalty%, in a humble frame of mind because of $their% dis race, $and% loo#in with a stealthy lance. And the 'elie)ers will say0 1!hose are indeed in loss, who ha)e i)en to "erdition their own sel)es and those belon in to them on the Day of Jud ment. 'ehold2 !ruly the (ron 5doers are in a lastin Penalty21 ". And no "rotectors ha)e they to hel" them, other than Allah. And for any whom Allah lea)es to stray, there is no way $to the Goal%. #. ,ear#en ye to your &ord, before there come a Day which there will be no "uttin bac#, because of $the /rdainment of% Allah. that Day there will be for you no "lace of refu e nor will there be for you any room for denial $of your sins%2 &. If then they run away, (e ha)e not sent thee as a uard o)er them. !hy duty is but to con)ey $the Messa e%. And truly, when (e i)e man a taste of a Mercy from /ursel)es, he doth e8ult thereat, but when some ill ha""ens to him, on account of the deeds which his hands ha)e sent forth, truly then is man un rateful2

'. !o Allah belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth. ,e creates what ,e wills $and "lans%. ,e bestows $children% male or female accordin to ,is (ill $and Plan%, !(. /r ,e bestows both males and females, and ,e lea)es barren whom ,e will0 for ,e is full of =nowled e and Power. !1. It is not fittin for a man that Allah should s"ea# to him e8ce"t by ins"iration, or from behind a )eil, or by the sendin of a messen er to re)eal, with Allah.s "ermission, what Allah wills0 for ,e is Most ,i h, Most (ise. !2. And thus ha)e (e, by /ur Command, sent ins"iration to thee0 thou #newest not $before% what was +e)elation, and what was .aith; but (e ha)e made the $<ur9an% a &i ht, wherewith (e uide such of /ur ser)ants as (e will; and )erily thou dost uide $men% to the Strai ht (ay,5 !3. !he (ay of Allah, to (hom belon s whate)er is in the hea)ens and whate)er is on earth. 'ehold $how% all affairs tend towards Allah.

Surah 3. Orna*ents Of @ol1. LuAur+

1. ,a5Mim 2. 'y the 'oo# that ma#es thin s clear,5 3. (e ha)e made it a <ur9an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand $and learn wisdom%. . And )erily, it is in the Mother of the 'oo#, in /ur Presence, hi h $in di nity%, full of wisdom. !. Shall (e then ta#e away the Messa e from you and re"el $you%, for that ye are a "eo"le trans ressin beyond bounds3 ". 'ut how many were the "ro"hets (e sent amon st the "eo"les of old3 #. And ne)er came there a "ro"het to them but they moc#ed him. &. So (e destroyed $them%5 stron er in "ower than these;5 and $thus% has "assed on the Parable of the "eo"les of old. '. If thou wert to ;uestion them, 9(ho created the hea)ens and the earth39 !hey would be sure to re"ly, 9they were created by $,im%, the 78alted in Power, .ull of =nowled e9;5 1(. $:ea, the same that% has made for you the earth $li#e a car"et% s"read out, and has made for you roads $and channels% therein, in order that ye may find uidance $on the way%; 11. !hat sends down $from time to time% rain from the s#y in due measure;5 and (e raise to life therewith a land that is dead; e)en so will ye be raised $from the dead%;5 12. !hat has created "airs in all thin s, and has made for you shi"s and cattle on which ye ride, 13. In order that ye may sit firm and s;uare on their bac#s, and when so seated, ye may celebrate the $#ind% fa)our of your &ord, and say, 1Glory to ,im (ho has sub-ected these to our $use%, for we could ne)er ha)e accom"lished this $by oursel)es%, 1 . 1And to our &ord, surely, must we turn bac#21 1!. :et they attribute to some of ,is ser)ants a share with ,im $in his odhead%2 truly is man a blas"hemous in rate a)owed2 1". (hat2 has ,e ta#en dau hters out of what ,e himself creates, and ranted to you sons for choice3

1#. (hen news is brou ht to one of them of $the birth of% what he sets u" as a li#eness to $$Allah%% Most Gracious, his face dar#ens, and he is filled with inward rief2 1&. Is then one brou ht u" amon trin#ets, and unable to i)e a clear account in a dis"ute $to be associated with Allah.3 1'. And they ma#e into females an els who themsel)es ser)e Allah. Did they witness their creation3 !heir e)idence will be recorded, and they will be called to account2 2(. $1Ah21% they say, 1If it had been the will of $$Allah%% Most Gracious, we should not ha)e worshi""ed such $deities%21 /f that they ha)e no #nowled e2 they do nothin but lie2 21. (hat2 ha)e (e i)en them a 'oo# before this, to which they are holdin fast3 22. 4ay2 they say0 1(e found our fathers followin a certain reli ion, and we do uide oursel)es by their footste"s.1 23. Just in the same way, whene)er (e sent a (arner before thee to any "eo"le, the wealthy ones amon them said0 1(e found our fathers followin a certain reli ion, and we will certainly follow in their footste"s.1 2 . ,e said0 1(hat2 7)en if I brou ht you better uidance than that which ye found your fathers followin 31 !hey said0 1.or us, we deny that ye $"ro"hets% are sent $on a mission at all%.1 2!. So (e e8acted retribution from them0 now see what was the end of those who re-ected $!ruth%2 2". 'ehold2 Abraham said to his father and his "eo"le0 1I do indeed clear myself of what ye worshi"0 2#. 1$I worshi"% only ,im (ho made me, and ,e will certainly uide me.1 2&. And he left it as a (ord to endure amon those who came after him, that they may turn bac# $to Allah.. 2'. :ea, I ha)e i)en the ood thin s of this life to these $men% and their fathers, until the !ruth has come to them, and an a"ostle ma#in thin s clear. 3(. 'ut when the !ruth came to them, they said0 1!his is sorcery, and we do re-ect it.1 31. Also, they say0 1(hy is not this <ur9an sent down to some leadin man in either of the two $chief% cities31 32. Is it they who would "ortion out the Mercy of thy &ord3 It is (e (ho "ortion out between them their li)elihood in the life of this world0 and (e raise some of them abo)e others in ran#s, so that some may command wor# from others. 'ut the Mercy of thy &ord is better than the $wealth% which they amass. 33. And were it not that $all% men mi ht become of one $e)il% way of life, (e would "ro)ide, for e)eryone that blas"hemes a ainst $$Allah%% Most Gracious, sil)er roofs for their houses and $sil)er% stair5ways on which to o u", 3 . And $sil)er% doors to their houses, and thrones $of sil)er% on which they could recline, 3!. And also adornments of old. 'ut all this were nothin but con)eniences of the "resent life0 !he ,ereafter, in the si ht of thy &ord is for the +i hteous. 3". If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of $$Allah%% Most Gracious, (e a""oint for him an e)il one, to be an intimate com"anion to him. 3#. Such $e)il ones% really hinder them from the Path, but they thin# that they are bein uided ari ht2

3&. At len th, when $such a one% comes to *s, he says $to his e)il com"anion%0 1(ould that between me and thee were the distance of 7ast and (est21 Ah2 e)il is the com"anion $indeed%2 3'. (hen ye ha)e done wron , it will a)ail you nothin , that Day, that ye shall be "artners in Punishment2 (. Canst thou then ma#e the deaf to hear, or i)e direction to the blind or to such as $wander% in manifest error3 1. 7)en if (e ta#e thee away, (e shall be sure to e8act retribution from them, 2. /r (e shall show thee that $accom"lished% which (e ha)e "romised them0 for )erily (e shall "re)ail o)er them. 3. So hold thou fast to the +e)elation sent down to thee; )erily thou art on a Strai ht (ay. . !he $<ur9an% is indeed the messa e, for thee and for thy "eo"le; and soon shall ye $all% be brou ht to account. !. And ;uestion thou our a"ostles whom (e sent before thee; did (e a""oint any deities other than $$Allah%% Most Gracious, to be worshi""ed3 ". (e did send Moses aforetime, with /ur Si ns, to Pharaoh and his Chiefs0 ,e said, 1I am an a"ostle of the &ord of the (orlds.1 #. 'ut when he came to them with /ur Si ns, behold they ridiculed them. &. (e showed them Si n after Si n, each reater than its fellow, and (e sei6ed them with Punishment, in order that they mi ht turn $to *s%. '. And they said, 1/ thou sorcerer2 In)o#e thy &ord for us accordin to ,is co)enant with thee; for we shall truly acce"t uidance.1 !(. 'ut when (e remo)ed the Penalty from them, behold, they bro#e their word. !1. And Pharaoh "roclaimed amon his "eo"le, sayin 0 1/ my "eo"le2 Does not the dominion of 7 y"t belon to me, $witness% these streams flowin underneath my $"alace%3 (hat2 see ye not then3 !2. 1Am I not better than this $Moses%, who is a contem"tible wretch and can scarcely e8"ress himself clearly3 !3. 1!hen why are not old bracelets bestowed on him, or $why% come $not% with him an els accom"anyin him in "rocession31 ! . !hus did he ma#e fools of his "eo"le, and they obeyed him0 truly were they a "eo"le rebellious $a ainst Allah.. !!. (hen at len th they "ro)o#ed *s, (e e8acted retribution from them, and (e drowned them all. !". And (e made them $a "eo"le% of the Past and an 78am"le to later a es. !#. (hen $Jesus% the son of Mary is held u" as an e8am"le, behold, thy "eo"le raise a clamour thereat $in ridicule%2 !&. And they say, 1Are our ods best, or he31 !his they set forth to thee, only by way of dis"utation0 yea, they are a contentious "eo"le. !'. ,e was no more than a ser)ant0 (e ranted /ur fa)our to him, and (e made him an e8am"le to the Children of Israel. "(. And if it were /ur (ill, (e could ma#e an els from amon st you, succeedin each other on the earth.

"1. And $Jesus% shall be a Si n $for the comin of% the ,our $of Jud ment%0 therefore ha)e no doubt about the $,our%, but follow ye Me0 this is a Strai ht (ay. "2. &et not the 7)il /ne hinder you0 for he is to you an enemy a)owed. "3. (hen Jesus came with Clear Si ns, he said0 14ow ha)e I come to you with (isdom, and in order to ma#e clear to you some of the $"oints% on which ye dis"ute0 therefore fear Allah and obey me. " . 1.or Allah, ,e is my &ord and your &ord0 so worshi" ye ,im0 this is a Strai ht (ay.1 "!. 'ut sects from amon themsel)es fell into disa reement0 then woe to the wron 5doers, from the Penalty of a Grie)ous Day2 "". Do they only wait for the ,our 5 that it should come on them all of a sudden, while they "ercei)e not3 "#. .riends on that day will be foes, one to another,5 e8ce"t the +i hteous. "&. My de)otees2 no fear shall be on you that Day, nor shall ye rie)e,5 "'. $'ein % those who ha)e belie)ed in /ur Si ns and bowed $their wills to /urs% in Islam. #(. 7nter ye the Garden, ye and your wi)es, in $beauty and% re-oicin . #1. !o them will be "assed round, dishes and oblets of old0 there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that their ayes could deli ht in0 and ye shall abide therein $for eye%. #2. Such will be the Garden of which ye are made heirs for your $ ood% deeds $in life%. #3. :e shall ha)e therein abundance of fruit, from which ye shall ha)e satisfaction. # . !he sinners will be in the Punishment of ,ell, to dwell therein $for aye%0 #!. 4owise will the $Punishment% be li htened for them, and in des"air will they be there o)erwhelmed. #". 4owise shall (e be un-ust to them0 but it is they who ha)e been un-ust themsel)es. ##. !hey will cry0 1/ Mali#2 would that thy &ord "ut an end to us21 ,e will say, 14ay, but ye shall abide21 #&. >erily (e ha)e brou ht the !ruth to you0 but most of you ha)e a hatred for !ruth. #'. (hat2 ha)e they settled some "lan $amon themsel)es%3 'ut it is (e (ho settle thin s. &(. /r do they thin# that (e hear not their secrets and their "ri)ate counsels3 Indeed $(e do%, and /ur messen ers are by them, to record. &1. Say0 1If $$Allah%% Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worshi".1 &2. Glory to the &ord of the hea)ens and the earth, the &ord of the !hrone $of Authority%2 $,e is free% from the thin s they attribute $to him%2 &3. So lea)e them to babble and "lay $with )anities% until they meet that Day of theirs, which they ha)e been "romised. & . It is ,e (ho is Allah in hea)en and Allah on earth; and ,e is full of (isdom and =nowled e. &!. And blessed is ,e to (hom belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth, and all between them0 with ,im is the =nowled e of the ,our $of Jud ment%0 and to ,im shall ye be brou ht bac#. &". And those whom they in)o#e besides Allah ha)e no "ower of intercession;5 only he who bears witness to the !ruth, and they #now $him%.

&#. If thou as# them, who created them, they will certainly say, Allah. ,ow then are they deluded away $from the !ruth%3 &&. $$Allah% has #nowled e% of the $Pro"het9s% cry, 1/ my &ord2 !ruly these are "eo"le who will not belie)e21 &'. 'ut turn away from them, and say 1Peace21 'ut soon shall they #now2

1. ,a5Mim.

. S*o4e

2. 'y the 'oo# that ma#es thin s clear;5 3. (e sent it down durin a 'lessed 4i ht0 for (e $e)er% wish to warn $a ainst 7)il%. . In the $4i ht% is made distinct e)ery affair of wisdom, !. 'y command, from /ur Presence. .or (e $e)er% send $re)elations%, ". As Mercy from thy &ord0 for ,e hears and #nows $all thin s%; #. !he &ord of the hea)ens and the earth and all between them, if ye $but% ha)e an assured faith. &. !here is no od but ,e0 It is ,e (ho i)es life and i)es death,5 !he &ord and Cherisher to you and your earliest ancestors. '. :et they "lay about in doubt. 1(. !hen watch thou for the Day that the s#y will brin forth a #ind of smo#e $or mist% "lainly )isible, 11. 7n)elo"in the "eo"le0 this will be a Penalty Grie)ous. 12. $!hey will say0% 1/ur &ord2 remo)e the Penalty from us, for we do really belie)e21 13. ,ow shall the messa e be $effectual% for them, seein that an Messen er e8"lainin thin s clearly has $already% come to them,5 1 . :et they turn away from him and say0 1!utored $by others%, a man "ossessed21 1!. (e shall indeed remo)e the Penalty for a while, $but% truly ye will re)ert $to your ways%. 1". /ne day (e shall sei6e you with a mi hty onslau ht0 (e will indeed $then% e8act +etribution2 1#. (e did, before them, try the "eo"le of Pharaoh0 there came to them an a"ostle most honourable, 1&. Sayin 0 1+estore to me the Ser)ants of Allah. I am to you an a"ostle worthy of all trust; 1'. 1And be not arro ant as a ainst Allah. for I come to you with authority manifest. 2(. 1.or me, I ha)e sou ht safety with my &ord and your &ord, a ainst your in-urin me. 21. 1If ye belie)e me not, at least #ee" yoursel)es away from me.1 22. $'ut they were a ressi)e0% then he cried to his &ord0 1!hese are indeed a "eo"le i)en to sin.1 23. $!he re"ly came0% 1March forth with My Ser)ants by ni ht0 for ye are sure to be "ursued. 2 . 1And lea)e the sea as a furrow $di)ided%0 for they are a host $destined% to be drowned.1 2!. ,ow many were the ardens and s"rin s they left behind, 2". And corn5fields and noble buildin s,

2#. And wealth $and con)eniences of life%, wherein they had ta#en such deli ht2 2&. !hus $was their end%2 And (e made other "eo"le inherit $those thin s%2 2'. And neither hea)en nor earth shed a tear o)er them0 nor were they i)en a res"ite $a ain%. 3(. (e did deli)er aforetime the Children of Israel from humiliatin Punishment, 31. Inflicted by Pharaoh, for he was arro ant $e)en% amon inordinate trans ressors. 32. And (e chose them aforetime abo)e the nations, #nowin ly, 33. And ranted them Si ns in which there was a manifest trial 3 . As to these $<uraish%, they say forsooth0 3!. 1!here is nothin beyond our first death, and we shall not be raised a ain. 3". 1!hen brin $bac#% our forefathers, if what ye say is true21 3#. (hat2 Are they better than the "eo"le of !ubba and those who were before them3 (e destroyed them because they were uilty of sin. 3&. (e created not the hea)ens, the earth, and all between them, merely in $idle% s"ort0 3'. (e created them not e8ce"t for -ust ends0 but most of them do not understand. (. >erily the Day of sortin out is the time a""ointed for all of them,5 1. !he Day when no "rotector can a)ail his client in au ht, and no hel" can they recei)e, 2. 78ce"t such as recei)e Allah.s Mercy0 for ,e is 78alted in Mi ht, Most Merciful. 3. >erily the tree of ?a;;um . (ill be the food of the Sinful,5 !. &i#e molten brass; it will boil in their insides. ". &i#e the boilin of scaldin water. #. $A )oice will cry0 1Sei6e ye him and dra him into the midst of the 'la6in .ire2 &. 1!hen "our o)er his head the Penalty of 'oilin (ater, '. 1!aste thou $this%2 !ruly wast thou mi hty, full of honour2 !(. 1!ruly this is what ye used to doubt21 !1. As to the +i hteous $they will be% in a "osition of Security, !2. Amon Gardens and S"rin s; !3. Dressed in fine sil# and in rich brocade, they will face each other; ! . So; and (e shall -oin them to Com"anions with beautiful, bi , and lustrous eyes. !!. !here can they call for e)ery #ind of fruit in "eace and security; !". 4or will they there taste Death, e8ce"t the first death; and ,e will "reser)e them from the Penalty of the 'la6in .ire,5 !#. As a 'ounty from thy &ord2 that will be the su"reme achie)ement2 !&. >erily, (e ha)e made this $<ur9an% easy, in thy ton ue, in order that they may i)e heed. !'. So wait thou and watch; for they $too% are waitin .

Surah !. $rou3hing
1. ,a5Mim.

2. !he re)elation of the 'oo# is from Allah the 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom. 3. >erily in the hea)ens and the earth, are Si ns for those who belie)e. . And in the creation of yoursel)es and the fact that animals are scattered $throu h the earth%, are Si ns for those of assured .aith. !. And in the alternation of 4i ht and Day, and the fact that Allah sends down Sustenance from the s#y, and re)i)es therewith the earth after its death, and in the chan e of the winds,5 are Si ns for those that are wise. ". Such are the Si ns of Allah, which (e rehearse to thee in !ruth; then in what e8"osition will they belie)e after $re-ectin % Allah and ,is Si ns3 #. (oe to each sinful dealer in .alsehoods0 &. ,e hears the Si ns of Allah rehearsed to him, yet is obstinate and lofty, as if he had not heard them0 then announce to him a Penalty Grie)ous2 '. And when he learns somethin of /ur Si ns, he ta#es them in -est0 for such there will be a humiliatin Penalty. 1(. In front of them is ,ell0 and of no "rofit to them is anythin they may ha)e earned, nor any "rotectors they may ha)e ta#en to themsel)es besides Allah. for them is a tremendous Penalty. 11. !his is $true% Guidance and for those who re-ect the Si ns of their &ord, is a rie)ous Penalty of abomination. 12. It is Allah (ho has sub-ected the sea to you, that shi"s may sail throu h it by ,is command, that ye may see# of his 'ounty, and that ye may be rateful. 13. And ,e has sub-ected to you, as from ,im, all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 'ehold, in that are Si ns indeed for those who reflect. 1 . !ell those who belie)e, to for i)e those who do not loo# forward to the Days of Allah. It is for ,im to recom"ense $for ood or ill% each Peo"le accordin to what they ha)e earned. 1!. If any one does a ri hteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does e)il, it wor#s a ainst $his own soul%. In the end will ye $all% be brou ht bac# to your &ord. 1". (e did aforetime rant to the Children of Israel the 'oo# the Power of Command, and Pro"hethood; (e a)e them, for Sustenance, thin s ood and "ure; and (e fa)oured them abo)e the nations. 1#. And (e ranted them Clear Si ns in affairs $of +eli ion%0 it was only after #nowled e had been ranted to them that they fell into schisms, throu h insolent en)y amon themsel)es. >erily thy &ord will -ud e between them on the Day of Jud ment as to those matters in which they set u" differences. 1&. !hen (e "ut thee on the $ri ht% (ay of +eli ion0 so follow thou that $(ay%, and follow not the desires of those who #now not. 1'. !hey will be of no use to thee in the si ht of Allah. it is only (ron 5doers $that stand as% "rotectors, one to another0 but Allah is the Protector of the +i hteous. 2(. !hese are clear e)idences to men and a Guidance and Mercy to those of assured .aith. 21. (hat2 Do those who see# after e)il ways thin# that (e shall hold them e;ual with those who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds,5 that e;ual will be their life and their death3 Ill is the -ud ment that they ma#e.

22. Allah created the hea)ens and the earth for -ust ends, and in order that each soul may find the recom"ense of what it has earned, and none of them be wron ed. 23. !hen seest thou such a one as ta#es as his od his own )ain desire3 Allah has, #nowin $him as such%, left him astray, and sealed his hearin and his heart $and understandin %, and "ut a co)er on his si ht. (ho, then, will uide him after Allah $has withdrawn Guidance%3 (ill ye not then recei)e admonition3 2 . And they say0 1(hat is there but our life in this world3 (e shall die and we li)e, and nothin but time can destroy us.1 'ut of that they ha)e no #nowled e0 they merely con-ecture0 2!. And when /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed to them their ar ument is nothin but this0 !hey say, 1'rin $bac#% our forefathers, if what ye say is true21 2". Say0 1It is Allah (ho i)es you life, then i)es you death; then ,e will ather you to ether for the Day of Jud ment about which there is no doubt10 'ut most men do not understand. 2#. !o Allah belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth, and the Day that the ,our of Jud ment is established,5 that Day will the dealers in .alsehood "erish2 2&. And thou wilt see e)ery sect bowin the #nee0 7)ery sect will be called to its +ecord0 1!his Day shall ye be recom"ensed for all that ye did2 2'. 1!his /ur +ecord s"ea#s about you with truth0 .or (e were wont to "ut on +ecord all that ye did.1 3(. !hen, as to those who belie)ed and did ri hteous deeds, their &ord will admit them to ,is Mercy that will be the achie)ement for all to see. 31. 'ut as to those who re-ected Allah, $to them will be said%0 1(ere not /ur Si ns rehearsed to you3 'ut ye were arro ant, and were a "eo"le i)en to sin2 32. 1And when it was said that the "romise of Allah was true, and that the ,our5 there was no doubt about its $comin %, ye used to say, 9(e #now not what is the hour0 we only thin# it is an idea, and we ha)e no firm assurance.91 33. !hen will a""ear to them the e)il $fruits% of what they did, and they will be com"letely encircled by that which they used to moc# at2 3 . It will also be said0 1!his Day (e will for et you as ye for ot the meetin of this Day of yours2 and your abode is the .ire, and no hel"ers ha)e ye2 3!. 1!his, because ye used to ta#e the Si ns of Allah in -est, and the life of the world decei)ed you01 $.rom% that Day, therefore, they shall not be ta#en out thence, nor shall they be recei)ed into Grace. 3". !hen Praise be to Allah, &ord of the hea)ens and &ord of the earth,5 &ord and Cherisher of all the (orlds2 3#. !o ,im be lory throu hout the hea)ens and the earth0 and ,e is 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom2

Surah ". The /in183ur2e1 San1hills. The 6unes

1. ,a5Mim. 2. !he +e)elation of the 'oo# is from Allah the 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom.

3. (e created not the hea)ens and the earth and all between them but for -ust ends, and for a !erm A""ointed0 'ut those who re-ect .aith turn away from that whereof they are warned. . Say0 1Do ye see what it is ye in)o#e besides Allah. Show me what it is they ha)e created on earth, or ha)e they a share in the hea)ens brin me a boo# $re)ealed% before this, or any remnant of #nowled e $ye may ha)e%, if ye are tellin the truth2 !. And who is more astray than one who in)o#es besides Allah, such as will not answer him to the Day of Jud ment, and who $in fact% are unconscious of their call $to them%3 ". And when man#ind are athered to ether $at the +esurrection%, they will be hostile to them and re-ect their worshi" $alto ether%2 #. (hen /ur Clear Si ns are rehearsed to them, the *nbelie)ers say, of the !ruth when it comes to them0 1!his is e)ident sorcery21 &. /r do they say, 1,e has for ed it13 Say0 1,ad I for ed it, then can ye obtain no sin le $blessin % for me from Allah. ,e #nows best of that whereof ye tal# $so libly%2 7nou h is ,e for a witness between me and you2 And he is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.1 '. Say0 1I am no brin er of new5fan led doctrine amon the a"ostles, nor do I #now what will be done with me or with you. I follow but that which is re)ealed to me by ins"iration; I am but a (arner o"en and clear.1 1(. Say0 1See ye3 If $this teachin % be from Allah, and ye re-ect it, and a witness from amon the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity $with earlier scri"ture%, and has belie)ed while ye are arro ant, $how un-ust ye are2% truly, Allah uides not a "eo"le un-ust.1 11. !he *nbelie)ers say of those who belie)e0 1If $this Messa e% were a ood thin , $such men% would not ha)e one to it first, before us21 And seein that they uide not themsel)es thereby, they will say, 1this is an $old,% falsehood21 12. And before this, was the 'oo# of Moses as a uide and a mercy0 And this 'oo# confirms $it% in the Arabic ton ue; to admonish the un-ust, and as Glad !idin s to those who do ri ht. 13. >erily those who say, 1/ur &ord is Allah,1 and remain firm $on that Path%,5 on them shall be no fear, nor shall they rie)e. 1 . Such shall be Com"anions of the Gardens, dwellin therein $for aye%0 a recom"ense for their $ ood% deeds. 1!. (e ha)e en-oined on man #indness to his "arents0 In "ain did his mother bear him, and in "ain did she i)e him birth. !he carryin of the $child% to his weanin is $a "eriod of% thirty months. At len th, when he reaches the a e of full stren th and attains forty years, he says, 1/ my &ord2 Grant me that I may be rateful for !hy fa)our which !hou has bestowed u"on me, and u"on both my "arents, and that I may wor# ri hteousness such as !hou mayest a""ro)e; and be racious to me in my issue. !ruly ha)e I turned to !hee and truly do I bow $to !hee% in Islam.1 1". Such are they from whom (e shall acce"t the best of their deeds and "ass by their ill deeds0 $!hey shall be% amon the Com"anions of the Garden0 a "romise2 of truth, which was made to them $in this life%. 1#. 'ut $there is one% who says to his "arents, 1.ie on you2 Do ye hold out the "romise to me that I shall be raised u", e)en thou h enerations ha)e "assed before me $without risin a ain%31 And they two see# Allah.s aid, $and rebu#e the son%0 1(oe to thee2 ,a)e faith2 for the "romise of Allah is true.1 'ut he says, 1!his is nothin but tales of the ancients21 1&. Such are they a ainst whom is "ro)ed the sentence amon the "re)ious enerations of Jinns and men, that ha)e "assed away; for they will be $utterly% lost.

1'. And to all are $assi ned% de rees accordin to the deeds which they $ha)e done%, and in order that $$Allah%% may recom"ense their deeds, and no in-ustice be done to them. 2(. And on the Day that the *nbelie)ers will be "laced before the .ire, $It will be said to them%0 1:e recei)ed your ood thin s in the life of the world, and ye too# your "leasure out of them0 but today shall ye be recom"ensed with a Penalty of humiliation0 for that ye were arro ant on earth without -ust cause, and that ye $e)er% trans ressed.1 21. Mention $,ud% one of 9Ad9s $own% brethren0 'ehold, he warned his "eo"le about the windin Sand5tracts0 but there ha)e been warners before him and after him0 1(orshi" ye none other than Allah. !ruly I fear for you the Penalty of a Mi hty Day.1 22. !hey said0 1,ast thou come in order to turn us aside from our ods3 !hen brin u"on us the $calamity% with which thou dost threaten us, if thou art tellin the truth31 23. ,e said0 1!he =nowled e $of when it will come% is only with Allah. I "roclaim to you the mission on which I ha)e been sent0 'ut I see that ye are a "eo"le in i norance21.. 2 . !hen, when they saw the $Penalty in the sha"e of% a cloud tra)ersin the s#y, comin to meet their )alleys, they said, 1!his cloud will i)e us rain21 14ay, it is the $Calamity% ye were as#in to be hastened25 A wind wherein is a Grie)ous Penalty2 2!. 17)erythin will it destroy by the command of its &ord21 !hen by the mornin they 5 nothin was to be seen but $the ruins of% their houses2 thus do (e recom"ense those i)en to sin2 2". And (e had firmly established them in a $"ros"erity and% "ower which (e ha)e not i)en to you $ye <uraish2% and (e had endowed them with $faculties of% hearin , seein , heart and intellect0 but of no "rofit to them were their $faculties of% hearin , si ht, and heart and intellect, when they went on re-ectin the Si ns of Allah. and they were $com"letely% encircled by that which they used to moc# at2 2#. (e destroyed aforetime "o"ulations round about you; and (e ha)e shown the Si ns in )arious ways, that they may turn $to *s%. 2&. (hy then was no hel" forthcomin to them from those whom they worshi""ed as ods, besides Allah, as a means of access $to Allah.3 4ay, they left them in the lurch0 but that was their falsehood and their in)ention. 2'. 'ehold, (e turned towards thee a com"any of Jinns $;uietly% listenin to the <ur9an0 when they stood in the "resence thereof, they said, 1&isten in silence21 (hen the $readin % was finished, they returned to their "eo"le, to warn $them of their sins%. 3(. !hey said, 1/ our "eo"le2 (e ha)e heard a 'oo# re)ealed after Moses, confirmin what came before it0 it uides $men% to the !ruth and to a Strai ht Path. 31. 1/ our "eo"le, hear#en to the one who in)ites $you% to Allah, and belie)e in him0 ,e will for i)e you your faults, and deli)er you from a Penalty Grie)ous. 32. 1If any does not hear#en to the one who in)ites $us% to Allah, he cannot frustrate $$Allah%9s Plan% on earth, and no "rotectors can he ha)e besides Allah. such men $wander% in manifest error.1 33. See they not that Allah, (ho created the hea)ens and the earth, and ne)er wearied with their creation, is able to i)e life to the dead3 :ea, )erily ,e has "ower o)er all thin s. 3 . And on the Day that the *nbelie)ers will be "laced before the .ire, $they will be as#ed,% 1Is this not the !ruth31 they will say, 1:ea, by our &ord21 $/ne will say0% 1!hen taste ye the Penalty, for that ye were wont to deny $!ruth%21

3!. !herefore "atiently "erse)ere, as did $all% a"ostles of infle8ible "ur"ose; and be in no haste about the $*nbelie)ers%. /n the Day that they see the $Punishment% "romised them, $it will be% as if they had not tarried more than an hour in a sin le day. $!hine but% to "roclaim the Messa e0 but shall any be destroyed e8ce"t those who trans ress3

Surah #. :uha**a1
1. !hose who re-ect Allah and hinder $men% from the Path of Allah,5 their deeds will Allah render astray $from their mar#%. 2. 'ut those who belie)e and wor# deeds of ri hteousness, and belie)e in the $+e)elation% sent down to Muhammad 5 for it is the !ruth from their &ord,5 ,e will remo)e from them their ills and im"ro)e their condition. 3. !his because those who re-ect Allah follow )anities, while those who belie)e follow the !ruth from their &ord0 !hus does Allah set forth for men their lessons by similitudes. . !herefore, when ye meet the *nbelie)ers $in fi ht%, smite at their nec#s; At len th, when ye ha)e thorou hly subdued them, bind a bond firmly $on them%0 thereafter $is the time for% either enerosity or ransom0 *ntil the war lays down its burdens. !hus $are ye commanded%0 but if it had been Allah.s (ill, ,e could certainly ha)e e8acted retribution from them $,imself%; but $,e lets you fi ht% in order to test you, some with others. 'ut those who are slain in the (ay of Allah,5 ,e will ne)er let their deeds be lost. !. Soon will ,e uide them and im"ro)e their condition, ". And admit them to the Garden which ,e has announced for them. #. / ye who belie)e2 If ye will aid $the cause of% Allah, ,e will aid you, and "lant your feet firmly. &. 'ut those who re-ect $$Allah%%,5 for them is destruction, and $$Allah%% will render their deeds astray $from their mar#%. '. !hat is because they hate the +e)elation of Allah. so ,e has made their deeds fruitless. 1(. Do they not tra)el throu h the earth, and see what was the 7nd of those before them $who did e)il%3 Allah brou ht utter destruction on them, and similar $fates await% those who re-ect Allah. 11. !hat is because Allah is the Protector of those who belie)e, but those who re-ect Allah ha)e no "rotector. 12. >erily Allah will admit those who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which ri)ers flow; while those who re-ect Allah will en-oy $this world% and eat as cattle eat; and the .ire will be their abode. 13. And how many cities, with more "ower than thy city which has dri)en thee out, ha)e (e destroyed $for their sins%3 and there was none to aid them. 1 . Is then one who is on a clear $Path% from his &ord, no better than one to whom the e)il of his conduct seems "leasin , and such as follow their own lusts3 1!. $,ere is% a Parable of the Garden which the ri hteous are "romised0 in it are ri)ers of water incorru"tible; ri)ers of mil# of which the taste ne)er chan es; ri)ers of wine, a -oy to those who drin#; and ri)ers of honey "ure and clear. In it there are for them all #inds of fruits; and Grace from their &ord. $Can those in such 'liss% be com"ared to such as shall dwell for e)er in the .ire, and be i)en, to drin#, boilin water, so that it cuts u" their bowels $to "ieces%3

1". And amon them are men who listen to thee, but in the end, when they o out from thee, they say to those who ha)e recei)ed =nowled e, 1(hat is it he said -ust then31 Such are men whose hearts Allah has sealed, and who follow their own lusts. 1#. 'ut to those who recei)e Guidance, ,e increases the $li ht of% Guidance, and bestows on them their Piety and +estraint $from e)il%. 1&. Do they then only wait for the ,our,5 that it should come on them of a sudden3 'ut already ha)e come some to#ens thereof, and when it $actually% is on them, how can they benefit then by their admonition3 1'. =now, therefore, that there is no od but Allah, and as# for i)eness for thy fault, and for the men and women who belie)e0 for Allah #nows how ye mo)e about and how ye dwell in your homes. 2(. !hose who belie)e say, 1(hy is not a sura sent down $for us%31 'ut when a sura of basic or cate orical meanin is re)ealed, and fi htin is mentioned therein, thou wilt see those in whose hearts is a disease loo#in at thee with a loo# of one in swoon at the a""roach of death. 'ut more fittin for them5 21. (ere it to obey and say what is -ust, and when a matter is resol)ed on, it were best for them if they were true to Allah. 22. !hen, is it to be e8"ected of you, if ye were "ut in authority, that ye will do mischief in the land, and brea# your ties of #ith and #in3 23. Such are the men whom Allah has cursed for ,e has made them deaf and blinded their si ht. 2 . Do they not then earnestly see# to understand the <ur9an, or are their hearts loc#ed u" by them3 2!. !hose who turn bac# as a"ostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,5 the 7)il /ne has insti ated them and busied them u" with false ho"es. 2". !his, because they said to those who hate what Allah has re)ealed, 1(e will obey you in "art of $this% matter1; but Allah #nows their $inner% secrets. 2#. 'ut how $will it be% when the an els ta#e their souls at death, and smite their faces and their bac#s3 2&. !his because they followed that which called forth the (rath of Allah, and they hated Allah.s ood "leasure; so ,e made their deeds of no effect. 2'. /r do those in whose hearts is a disease, thin# that Allah will not brin to li ht all their rancour3 3(. ,ad (e so wiled, (e could ha)e shown them u" to thee, and thou shouldst ha)e #nown them by their mar#s0 but surely thou wilt #now them by the tone of their s"eech2 And Allah #nows all that ye do. 31. And (e shall try you until (e test those amon you who stri)e their utmost and "erse)ere in "atience; and (e shall try your re"orted $mettle%. 32. !hose who re-ect Allah, hinder $men% from the Path of Allah, and resist the Messen er, after Guidance has been clearly shown to them, will not in-ure Allah in the least, but ,e will ma#e their deeds of no effect. 33. / ye who belie)e2 /bey Allah, and obey the a"ostle, and ma#e not )ain your deeds2 3 . !hose who re-ect Allah, and hinder $men% from the Path of Allah, then die re-ectin Allah,5 Allah will not for i)e them.

3!. 'e not weary and faint5hearted, cryin for "eace, when ye should be u""ermost0 for Allah is with you, and will ne)er "ut you in loss for your $ ood% deeds. 3". !he life of this world is but "lay and amusement0 and if ye belie)e and uard a ainst 7)il, ,e will rant you your recom"ense, and will not as# you $to i)e u"% your "ossessions. 3#. If ,e were to as# you for all of them, and "ress you, ye would co)etously withhold, and ,e would brin out all your ill5feelin . 3&. 'ehold, ye are those in)ited to s"end $of your substance% in the (ay of Allah. 'ut amon you are some that are ni ardly. 'ut any who are ni ardly are so at the e8"ense of their own souls. 'ut Allah is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. If ye turn bac# $from the Path%, ,e will substitute in your stead another "eo"le; then they would not be li#e you2

Surah &. Bi3tor+. $on=uest

1. >erily (e ha)e ranted thee a manifest >ictory0 2. !hat Allah may for i)e thee thy faults of the "ast and those to follow; fulfil ,is fa)our to thee; and uide thee on the Strai ht (ay; 3. And that Allah may hel" thee with "owerful hel". . It is ,e (ho sent down tran;uillity into the hearts of the 'elie)ers, that they may add faith to their faith;5 for to Allah belon the .orces of the hea)ens and the earth; and Allah is .ull of =nowled e and (isdom;5 !. !hat ,e may admit the men and women who belie)e, to Gardens beneath which ri)ers flow, to dwell therein for aye, and remo)e their ills from them;5 and that is, in the si ht of Allah, the hi hest achie)ement $for man%,5 ". And that ,e may "unish the ,y"ocrites, men and women, and the Polytheists men and women, who ima ine an e)il o"inion of Allah. /n them is a round of 7)il0 the (rath of Allah is on them0 ,e has cursed them and ot ,ell ready for them0 and e)il is it for a destination. #. .or to Allah belon the .orces of the hea)ens and the earth; and Allah is 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom. &. (e ha)e truly sent thee as a witness, as a brin er of Glad !idin s, and as a (arner0 '. In order that ye $/ men% may belie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er, that ye may assist and honour ,im, and celebrate ,is "raise mornin and e)enin . 1(. >erily those who "li ht their fealty to thee do no less than "li ht their fealty to Allah. the ,and of Allah is o)er their hands0 then any one who )iolates his oath, does so to the harm of his own soul, and any one who fulfils what he has co)enanted with Allah,5 Allah will soon rant him a reat +eward. 11. !he desert Arabs who la ed behind will say to thee0 1(e were en a ed in $loo#in after% our floc#s and herds, and our families0 do thou then as# for i)eness for us.1 !hey say with their ton ues what is not in their hearts. Say0 1(ho then has any "ower at all $to inter)ene% on your behalf with Allah, if ,is (ill is to i)e you some loss or to i)e you some "rofit3 'ut Allah is well ac;uainted with all that ye do. 12. 14ay, ye thou ht that the Messen er and the 'elie)ers would ne)er return to their families; this seemed "leasin in your hearts, and ye concei)ed an e)il thou ht, for ye are a "eo"le lost $in wic#edness%.1 13. And if any belie)e not in Allah and ,is Messen er, (e ha)e "re"ared, for those who re-ect Allah, a 'la6in .ire2

1 . !o Allah belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 ,e for i)es whom ,e wills, and ,e "unishes whom ,e wills0 but Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1!. !hose who la ed behind $will say%, when ye $are free to% march and ta#e booty $in war%0 1Permit us to follow you.1 !hey wish to chan e Allah.s decree0 Say0 14ot thus will ye follow us0 Allah has already declared $this% beforehand10 then they will say, 1'ut ye are -ealous of us.1 4ay, but little do they understand $such thin s%. 1". Say to the desert Arabs who la ed behind0 1:e shall be summoned $to fi ht% a ainst a "eo"le i)en to )ehement war0 then shall ye fi ht, or they shall submit. !hen if ye show obedience, Allah will rant you a oodly reward, but if ye turn bac# as ye did before, ,e will "unish you with a rie)ous Penalty.1 1#. 4o blame is there on the blind, nor is there blame on the lame, nor on one ill $if he -oins not the war%0 'ut he that obeys Allah and his Messen er,5 $$Allah%% will admit him to Gardens beneath which ri)ers flow; and he who turns bac#, $$Allah%% will "unish him with a rie)ous Penalty. 1&. Allah.s Good Pleasure was on the 'elie)ers when they swore .ealty to thee under the !ree0 ,e #new what was in their hearts, and ,e sent down !ran;uillity to them; and ,e rewarded them with a s"eedy >ictory; 1'. And many ains will they ac;uire $besides%0 and Allah is 78alted in Power, .ull of (isdom. 2(. Allah has "romised you many ains that ye shall ac;uire, and ,e has i)en you these beforehand; and ,e has restrained the hands of men from you; that it may be a Si n for the 'elie)ers, and that ,e may uide you to a Strai ht Path; 21. And other ains $there are%, which are not within your "ower, but which Allah has com"assed0 and Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. 22. If the *nbelie)ers should fi ht you, they would certainly turn their bac#s; then would they find neither "rotector nor hel"er. 23. $Such has been% the "ractice $a""ro)ed% of Allah already in the "ast0 no chan e wilt thou find in the "ractice $a""ro)ed% of Allah. 2 . And it is ,e (ho has restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the midst of Ma##a, after that ,e a)e you the )ictory o)er them. And Allah sees well all that ye do. 2!. !hey are the ones who denied +e)elation and hindered you from the Sacred Mos;ue and the sacrificial animals, detained from reachin their "lace of sacrifice. ,ad there not been belie)in men and belie)in women whom ye did not #now that ye were tram"lin down and on whose account a crime would ha)e accrued to you without $your% #nowled e, $$Allah% would ha)e allowed you to force your way, but ,e held bac# your hands% that ,e may admit to ,is Mercy whom ,e will. If they had been a"art, (e should certainly ha)e "unished the *nbelie)ers amon them with a rie)ous Punishment. 2". (hile the *nbelie)ers ot u" in their hearts heat and cant 5 the heat and cant of i norance,5 Allah sent down ,is !ran;uillity to his Messen er and to the 'elie)ers, and made them stic# close to the command of self5restraint; and well were they entitled to it and worthy of it. And Allah has full #nowled e of all thin s. 2#. !ruly did Allah fulfil the )ision for ,is Messen er. ye shall enter the Sacred Mos;ue, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads sha)ed, hair cut short, and without fear. .or ,e #new what ye #new not, and ,e ranted, besides this, a s"eedy )ictory.

2&. It is ,e (ho has sent ,is Messen er with Guidance and the +eli ion of !ruth, to "roclaim it o)er all reli ion0 and enou h is Allah for a (itness. 2'. Muhammad is the a"ostle of Allah. and those who are with him are stron a ainst *nbelie)ers, $but% com"assionate amon st each other. !hou wilt see them bow and "rostrate themsel)es $in "rayer%, see#in Grace from Allah and $,is% Good Pleasure. /n their faces are their mar#s, $bein % the traces of their "rostration. !his is their similitude in the !aurat; and their similitude in the Gos"el is0 li#e a seed which sends forth its blade, then ma#es it stron ; it then becomes thic#, and it stands on its own stem, $fillin % the sowers with wonder and deli ht. As a result, it fills the *nbelie)ers with ra e at them. Allah has "romised those amon them who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds for i)eness, and a reat +eward.

Surah '. The ;ri2ate Apart*ents. The -nner Apart*ents

1. / :e who belie)e2 Put not yoursel)es forward before Allah and ,is Messen er. but fear Allah. for Allah is ,e (ho hears and #nows all thin s. 2. / ye who belie)e2 +aise not your )oices abo)e the )oice of the Pro"het, nor s"ea# aloud to him in tal#, as ye may s"ea# aloud to one another, lest your deeds become )ain and ye "ercei)e not. 3. !hose that lower their )oices in the "resence of Allah.s Messen er,5 their hearts has Allah tested for "iety0 for them is .or i)eness and a reat +eward. . !hose who shout out to thee from without the inner a"artments 5 most of them lac# understandin . !. If only they had "atience until thou couldst come out to them, it would be best for them0 but Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. ". / ye who belie)e2 If a wic#ed "erson comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm "eo"le unwittin ly, and afterwards become full of re"entance for what ye ha)e done. #. And #now that amon you is Allah.s Messen er. were he, in many matters, to follow your $wishes%, ye would certainly fall into misfortune0 'ut Allah has endeared the .aith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and ,e has made hateful to you *nbelief, wic#edness, and rebellion0 such indeed are those who wal# in ri hteousness;5 &. A Grace and .a)our from Allah. and Allah is full of =nowled e and (isdom. '. If two "arties amon the 'elie)ers fall into a ;uarrel, ma#e ye "eace between them0 but if one of them trans resses beyond bounds a ainst the other then fi ht ye $all% a ainst the one that trans resses until it com"lies with the command of Allah; but if it com"lies then ma#e "eace between them with -ustice and be fair0 for Allah lo)es those who are fair $and -ust%. 1(. !he 'elie)ers are but a sin le 'rotherhood0 So ma#e "eace and reconciliation between your two $contendin % brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may recei)e Mercy. 11. / ye who belie)e2 &et not some men amon you lau h at others0 It may be that the $latter% are better than the $former%0 4or let some women lau h at others0 It may be that the $latter are better than the $former%0 4or defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by $offensi)e% nic#names0 Ill5seemin is a name connotin wic#edness, $to be used of one% after he has belie)ed0 And those who do not desist are $indeed% doin wron . 12. / ye who belie)e2 A)oid sus"icion as much $as "ossible%0 for sus"icion in some cases is a sin0 And s"y not on each other behind their bac#s. (ould any of you li#e to eat the flesh of his

dead brother3 4ay, ye would abhor it...'ut fear Allah. .or Allah is /ft5+eturnin , Most Merciful. 13. / man#ind2 (e created you from a sin le $"air% of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may #now each other $not that ye may des"ise $each other%. >erily the most honoured of you in the si ht of Allah is $he who is% the most ri hteous of you. And Allah has full #nowled e and is well ac;uainted $with all thin s%. 1 . !he desert Arabs say, 1(e belie)e.1 Say, 1:e ha)e no faith; but ye $only%say, 9(e ha)e submitted our wills to Allah,9 .or not yet has .aith entered your hearts. 'ut if ye obey Allah and ,is Messen er, ,e will not belittle au ht of your deeds0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.1 1!. /nly those are 'elie)ers who ha)e belie)ed in Allah and ,is Messen er, and ha)e ne)er since doubted, but ha)e stri)en with their belon in s and their "ersons in the Cause of Allah0 Such are the sincere ones. 1". Say0 1(hat2 (ill ye instruct Allah about your reli ion3 'ut Allah #nows all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 ,e has full #nowled e of all thin s. 1#. !hey im"ress on thee as a fa)our that they ha)e embraced Islam. Say, 1Count not your Islam as a fa)our u"on me0 4ay, Allah has conferred a fa)our u"on you that ,e has uided you to the faith, if ye be true and sincere. 1&. 1>erily Allah #nows the secrets of the hea)ens and the earth0 and Allah Sees well all that ye do.1

Surah !(. Qaf. >the Letter?. > Q ?

1. <af0 'y the Glorious <ur9an $!hou art Allah.s Messen er.. 2. 'ut they wonder that there has come to them a (arner from amon themsel)es. So the *nbelie)ers say0 1!his is a wonderful thin 2 3. 1(hat2 (hen we die and become dust, $shall we li)e a ain3% !hat is a $sort of% return far $from our understandin %.1 . (e already #now how much of them the earth ta#es away0 (ith *s is a record uardin $the full account%. !. 'ut they deny the !ruth when it comes to them0 so they are in a confused state. ". Do they not loo# at the s#y abo)e them35 ,ow (e ha)e made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it3 #. And the earth5 (e ha)e s"read it out, and set thereon mountains standin firm, and "roduced therein e)ery #ind of beautiful rowth $in "airs%5 &. !o be obser)ed and commemorated by e)ery de)otee turnin $to Allah.. '. And (e send down from the s#y rain charted with blessin , and (e "roduce therewith ardens and Grain for har)ests; 1(. And tall $and stately% "alm5trees, with shoots of fruit5stal#s, "iled one o)er another;5 11. As sustenance for $$Allah%9s% Ser)ants;5 and (e i)e $new% life therewith to land that is dead0 !hus will be the +esurrection. 12. 'efore them was denied $the ,ereafter% by the Peo"le of 4oah, the Com"anions of the +ass, the !hamud, 13. !he 9Ad, Pharaoh, the brethren of &ut,

1 . !he Com"anions of the (ood, and the Peo"le of !ubba9; each one $of them% re-ected the a"ostles, and My warnin was duly fulfilled $in them%. 1!. (ere (e then weary with the first Creation, that they should be in confused doubt about a new Creation3 1". It was (e (ho created man, and (e #now what dar# su for (e are nearer to him than $his% -u ular )ein. estions his soul ma#es to him0

1#. 'ehold, two $ uardian an els% a""ointed to learn $his doin s% learn $and noted them%, one sittin on the ri ht and one on the left. 1&. 4ot a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready $to note it%. 1'. And the stu"or of death will brin !ruth $before his eyes%0 1!his was the thin which thou wast tryin to esca"e21 2(. And the !rum"et shall be blown0 that will be the Day whereof (arnin $had been i)en%. 21. And there will come forth e)ery soul0 with each will be an $an el% to dri)e, and an $an el% to bear witness. 22. $It will be said0% 1!hou wast heedless of this; now ha)e (e remo)ed thy )eil, and shar" is thy si ht this Day21 23. And his Com"anion will say0 1,ere is $his +ecord% ready with me21 2 . $!he sentence will be0% 1!hrow, throw into ,ell e)ery contumacious +e-ecter $of Allah.25 2!. 1(ho forbade what was ood, trans ressed all bounds, cast doubts and sus"icions; 2". 1(ho set u" another od beside Allah. !hrow him into a se)ere "enalty.1 2#. ,is Com"anion will say0 1/ur &ord2 I did not ma#e him trans ress, but he was $himself% far astray.1 2&. ,e will say0 1Dis"ute not with each other in My Presence0 I had already in ad)ance sent you (arnin . 2'. 1!he (ord chan es not before Me, and I do not the least in-ustice to My Ser)ants.1 3(. /ne Day (e will as# ,ell, 1Art thou filled to the full31 It will say, 1Are there any more $to come%31 31. And the Garden will be brou ht ni h to the +i hteous,5 no more a thin distant. 32. $A )oice will say0% 1!his is what was "romised for you,5 for e)ery one who turned $to Allah. in sincere re"entance, who #e"t $,is &aw%, 33. 1(ho feared $$Allah%% Most Gracious *nseen, and brou ht a heart turned in de)otion $to ,im%0 3 . 17nter ye therein in Peace and Security; this is a Day of 7ternal &ife21 3!. !here will be for them therein all that they wish,5 and more besides in /ur Presence. 3". 'ut how many enerations before them did (e destroy $for their sins%,5 stron er in "ower than they3 !hen did they wander throu h the land0 was there any "lace of esca"e $for them%3 3#. >erily in this is a Messa e for any that has a heart and understandin or who i)es ear and earnestly witnesses $the truth%. 3&. (e created the hea)ens and the earth and all between them in Si8 Days, nor did any sense of weariness touch *s.

3'. 'ear, then, with "atience, all that they say, and celebrate the "raises of thy &ord, before the risin of the sun and before $its% settin . (. And durin "art of the ni ht, $also,% celebrate ,is "raises, and $so li#ewise% after the "ostures of adoration. 1. And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a "lace ;uiet near,5 2. !he Day when they will hear a $mi hty% 'last in $)ery% truth0 that will be the Day of +esurrection. 3. >erily it is (e (ho i)e &ife and Death; and to *s is the .inal Goal5 . !he Day when the 7arth will be rent asunder, from $men% hurryin out0 that will be a atherin to ether,5 ;uite easy for *s. !. (e #now best what they say; and thou art not one to o)erawe them by force. So admonish with the <ur9an such as fear My (arnin 2

Surah !1. The /inno%ing /in1s

1. 'y the $(inds% that scatter broadcast; 2. And those that lift and bear away hea)y wei hts; 3. And those that flow with ease and entleness; . And those that distribute and a""ortion by Command;5 !. >erily that which ye are "romised is true; ". And )erily Jud ment and Justice must indeed come to "ass. #. 'y the S#y with $its% numerous Paths, &. !ruly ye are in a doctrine discordant, '. !hrou h which are deluded $away from the !ruth% such as would be deluded. 1(. (oe to the falsehood5mon ers,5 11. !hose who $flounder% heedless in a flood of confusion0 12. !hey as#, 1(hen will be the Day of Jud ment and Justice31 13. $It will be% a Day when they will be tried $and tested% o)er the .ire2 1 . 1!aste ye your trial2 !his is what ye used to as# to be hastened21 1!. As to the +i hteous, they will be in the midst of Gardens and S"rin s, 1". !a#in -oy in the thin s which their &ord i)es them, because, before then, they li)ed a ood life. 1#. !hey were in the habit of slee"in but little by ni ht, 1&. And in the hour of early dawn, they $were found% "rayin for .or i)eness; 1'. And in their wealth and "ossessions $was remembered% the ri ht of the $needy,% him who as#ed, and him who $for some reason% was "re)ented $from as#in %. 2(. /n the earth are si ns for those of assured .aith, 21. As also in your own sel)es0 (ill ye not then see3 22. And in hea)en is your Sustenance, as $also% that which ye are "romised.

23. !hen, by the &ord of hea)en and earth, this is the )ery !ruth, as much as the fact that ye can s"ea# intelli ently to each other. 2 . ,as the story reached thee, of the honoured uests of Abraham3 2!. 'ehold, they entered his "resence, and said0 1Peace21 ,e said, 1Peace21 $and thou ht, 1!hese seem% unusual "eo"le.1 2". !hen he turned ;uic#ly to his household, brou ht out a fatted calf, 2#. And "laced it before them.. he said, 1(ill ye not eat31 2&. $(hen they did not eat%, ,e concei)ed a fear of them. !hey said, 1.ear not,1 and they a)e him lad tidin s of a son endowed with #nowled e. 2'. 'ut his wife came forward $lau hin % aloud0 she smote her forehead and said0 1A barren old woman21 3(. !hey said, 17)en so has thy &ord s"o#en0 and ,e is full of (isdom and =nowled e.1 31. $Abraham% said0 1And what, / ye Messen ers, is your errand $now%31 32. !hey said, 1(e ha)e been sent to a "eo"le $dee"% in sin;5 33. 1!o brin on, on them, $a shower of% stones of clay $brimstone%, 3 . 1Mar#ed as from thy &ord for those who tres"ass beyond bounds.1 3!. !hen (e e)acuated those of the 'elie)ers who were there, 3". 'ut (e found not there any -ust $Muslim% "ersons e8ce"t in one house0 3#. And (e left there a Si n for such as fear the Grie)ous Penalty. 3&. And in Moses $was another Si n%0 'ehold, (e sent him to Pharaoh, with authority manifest. 3'. 'ut $Pharaoh% turned bac# with his Chiefs, and said, 1A sorcerer, or one "ossessed21 (. So (e too# him and his forces, and threw them into the sea; and his was the blame. 1. And in the 9Ad $"eo"le% $was another Si n%0 'ehold, (e sent a ainst them the de)astatin (ind0 2. It left nothin whate)er that it came u" a ainst, but reduced it to ruin and rottenness. 3. And in the !hamud $was another Si n%0 'ehold, they were told, 17n-oy $your brief day% for a little while21 . 'ut they insolently defied the Command of their &ord0 So the stunnin noise $of an earth;ua#e% sei6ed them, e)en while they were loo#in on. !. !hen they could not e)en stand $on their feet%, nor could they hel" themsel)es. ". So were the Peo"le of 4oah before them for they wic#edly trans ressed. #. (ith "ower and s#ill did (e construct the .irmament0 for it is (e (ho create the )astness of "ace. &. And (e ha)e s"read out the $s"acious% earth0 ,ow e8cellently (e do s"read out2 '. And of e)ery thin (e ha)e created "airs0 !hat ye may recei)e instruction. !(. ,asten ye then $at once% to Allah. I am from ,im a (arner to you, clear and o"en2 !1. And ma#e not another an ob-ect of worshi" with Allah. I am from ,im a (arner to you, clear and o"en2

!2. Similarly, no a"ostle came to the Peo"les before them, but they said $of him% in li#e manner, 1A sorcerer, or one "ossessed12 !3. Is this the le acy they ha)e transmitted, one to another3 4ay, they are themsel)es a "eo"le trans ressin beyond bounds2 ! . So turn away from them0 not thine is the blame. !!. 'ut teach $thy Messa e% for teachin benefits the 'elie)ers. !". I ha)e only created Jinns and men, that they may ser)e Me. !#. 4o Sustenance do I re;uire of them, nor do I re;uire that they should feed Me. !&. .or Allah is ,e (ho i)es $all% Sustenance,5 &ord of Power,5 Steadfast $for e)er%. !'. .or the (ron 5doers, their "ortion is li#e unto the "ortion of their fellows $of earlier enerations%0 then let them not as# Me to hasten $that "ortion%2 "(. (oe, then, to the *nbelie)ers, on account of that Day of theirs which they ha)e been "romised2

Surah !2. The :ount

1. 'y the Mount $of +e)elation%; 2. 'y a Decree inscribed 3. In a Scroll unfolded; . 'y the much5fre;uented .ane; !. 'y the Cano"y +aised ,i h; ". And by the /cean filled with Swell;5 #. >erily, the Doom of thy &ord will indeed come to "ass;5 &. !here is none can a)ert it;5 '. /n the Day when the firmament will be in dreadful commotion. 1(. And the mountains will fly hither and thither. 11. !hen woe that Day to those that treat $!ruth% as .alsehood;5 12. !hat "lay $and "addle% in shallow trifles. 13. !hat Day shall they be thrust down to the .ire of ,ell, irresistibly. 1 . 1!his0, it will be said, 1Is the .ire,5 which ye were wont to deny2 1!. 1Is this then a fa#e, or is it ye that do not see3 1". 1'urn ye therein0 the same is it to you whether ye bear it with "atience, or not0 :e but recei)e the recom"ense of your $own% deeds.1 1#. As to the +i hteous, they will be in Gardens, and in ,a""iness,5 1&. 7n-oyin the $'liss% which their &ord hath bestowed on them, and their &ord shall deli)er them from the Penalty of the .ire. 1'. $!o them will be said0% 17at and drin# ye, with "rofit and health, because of your $ ood% deeds.1 2(. !hey will recline $with ease% on !hrones $of di nity% arran ed in ran#s; and (e shall -oin them to Com"anions, with beautiful bi and lustrous eyes.

21. And those who belie)e and whose families follow them in .aith,5 to them shall (e -oin their families0 4or shall (e de"ri)e them $of the fruit% of au ht of their wor#s0 $:et% is each indi)idual in "led e for his deeds. 22. And (e shall bestow on them, of fruit and meat, anythin they shall desire. 23. !hey shall there e8chan e, one with another, a $lo)in % cu" free of fri)olity, free of all taint of ill. 2 . +ound about them will ser)e, $de)oted% to them. :ouths $handsome% as Pearls well5 uarded. 2!. !hey will ad)ance to each other, en a in in mutual en;uiry. 2". !hey will say0 1Aforetime, we were not without fear for the sa#e of our "eo"le. 2#. 1'ut Allah has been ood to us, and has deli)ered us from the Penalty of the Scorchin (ind. 2&. 1!ruly, we did call unto ,im from of old0 truly it is ,e, the 'eneficent, the Merciful21 2'. !herefore "roclaim thou the "raises $of thy &ord%0 for by the Grace of thy &ord, thou art no $)ul ar% soothsayer, nor art thou one "ossessed. 3(. /r do they say05 1A Poet2 we await for him some calamity $hatched% by !ime21 31. Say thou0 1Await ye25 I too will wait alon with you21 32. Is it that their faculties of understandin ur e them to this, or are they but a "eo"le trans ressin beyond bounds3 33. /r do they say, 1,e fabricated the $Messa e%13 4ay, they ha)e no faith2 3 . &et them then "roduce a recital li#e unto it,5 If $it be% they s"ea# the truth2 3!. (ere they created of nothin , or were they themsel)es the creators3 3". /r did they create the hea)ens and the earth3 4ay, they ha)e no firm belief. 3#. /r are the !reasures of thy &ord with them, or are they the mana ers $of affairs%3 3&. /r ha)e they a ladder, by which they can $climb u" to hea)en and% listen $to its secrets%3 !hen let $such a% listener of theirs "roduce a manifest "roof. 3'. /r has ,e only dau hters and ye ha)e sons3 (. /r is it that thou dost as# for a reward, so that they are burdened with a load of debt35 1. /r that the *nseen in it their hands, and they write it down3 2. /r do they intend a "lot $a ainst thee%3 'ut those who defy Allah are themsel)es in)ol)ed in a Plot2 3. /r ha)e they a od other than Allah. 78alted is Allah far abo)e the thin s they associate with ,im2 . (ere they to see a "iece of the s#y fallin $on them%, they would $only% say0 1Clouds athered in hea"s21 !. So lea)e them alone until they encounter that Day of theirs, wherein they shall $"erforce% swoon $with terror%,5 ". !he Day when their "lottin will a)ail them nothin and no hel" shall be i)en them. #. And )erily, for those who do wron , there is another "unishment besides this0 'ut most of them understand not.

&. 4ow await in "atience the command of thy &ord0 for )erily thou art in /ur eyes0 and celebrate the "raises of thy &ord the while thou standest forth, '. And for "art of the ni ht also "raise thou ,im,5 and at the retreat of the stars2

Surah !3. The Star

1. 'y the Star when it oes down,5 2. :our Com"anion is neither astray nor bein misled. 3. 4or does he say $au ht% of $his own% Desire. . It is no less than ins"iration sent down to him0 !. ,e was tau ht by one Mi hty in Power, ". 7ndued with (isdom0 for he a""eared $in stately form%; #. (hile he was in the hi hest "art of the hori6on0 &. !hen he a""roached and came closer, '. And was at a distance of but two bow5len ths or $e)en% nearer; 1(. So did $$Allah%% con)ey the ins"iration to ,is Ser)ant5 $con)eyed% what ,e $meant% to con)ey. 11. !he $Pro"het9s% $mind and% heart in no way falsified that which he saw. 12. (ill ye then dis"ute with him concernin what he saw3 13. .or indeed he saw him at a second descent, 1 . 4ear the &ote5tree beyond which none may "ass0 1!. 4ear it is the Garden of Abode. 1". 'ehold, the &ote5tree was shrouded $in mystery uns"ea#able2% 1#. $,is% si ht ne)er swer)ed, nor did it o wron 2 1&. .or truly did he see, of the Si ns of his &ord, the Greatest2 1'. ,a)e ye seen &at. and 9*66a, 2(. And another, the third $ oddess%, Manat3 21. (hat2 for you the male se8, and for ,im, the female3 22. 'ehold, such would be indeed a di)ision most unfair2 23. !hese are nothin but names which ye ha)e de)ised,5 ye and your fathers,5 for which Allah has sent down no authority $whate)er%. !hey follow nothin but con-ecture and what their own souls desire25 7)en thou h there has already come to them Guidance from their &ord2 2 . 4ay, shall man ha)e $-ust% anythin he han#ers after3 2!. 'ut it is to Allah that the 7nd and the 'e innin $of all thin s% belon . 2". ,ow many5so5e)er be the an els in the hea)ens, their intercession will a)ail nothin e8ce"t after Allah has i)en lea)e for whom ,e "leases and that he is acce"table to ,im. 2#. !hose who belie)e not in the ,ereafter, name the an els with female names. 2&. 'ut they ha)e no #nowled e therein. !hey follow nothin but con-ecture; and con-ecture a)ails nothin a ainst !ruth.

2'. !herefore shun those who turn away from /ur Messa e and desire nothin but the life of this world. 3(. !hat is as far as #nowled e will reach them. >erily thy &ord #noweth best those who stray from ,is Path, and ,e #noweth best those who recei)e uidance. 31. :ea, to Allah belon s all that is in the hea)ens and on earth0 so that ,e rewards those who do e)il, accordin to their deeds, and ,e rewards those who do ood, with what is best. 32. !hose who a)oid reat sins and shameful deeds, only $fallin into% small faults,5 )erily thy &ord is am"le in for i)eness. ,e #nows you well when ,e brin s you out of the earth, And when ye are hidden in your mothers9 wombs. !herefore -ustify not yoursel)es0 ,e #nows best who it is that uards a ainst e)il. 33. Seest thou one who turns bac#, 3 . Gi)es a little, then hardens $his heart%3 3!. (hat2 ,as he #nowled e of the *nseen so that he can see3 3". 4ay, is he not ac;uainted with what is in the 'oo#s of Moses5 3#. And of Abraham who fulfilled his en a ements35 3&. 4amely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another; 3'. !hat man can ha)e nothin but what he stri)es for; (. !hat $the fruit of% his stri)in will soon come in si ht0 1. !hen will he be rewarded with a reward com"lete; 2. !hat to thy &ord is the final Goal; 3. !hat it is ,e (ho ranteth &au hter and !ears; . !hat it is ,e (ho ranteth Death and &ife; !. !hat ,e did create in "airs,5 male and female, ". .rom a seed when lod ed $in its "lace%; #. !hat ,e hath "romised a Second Creation $+aisin of the Dead%; &. !hat it is ,e (ho i)eth wealth and satisfaction; '. !hat ,e is the &ord of Sirius $the Mi hty Star%; !(. And that it is ,e (ho destroyed the $"owerful% ancient 9Ad $"eo"le%, !1. And the !hamud nor a)e them a lease of "er"etual life. !2. And before them, the "eo"le of 4oah, for that they were $all% most un-ust and most insolent trans ressors, !3. And ,e destroyed the /)erthrown Cities $of Sodom and Gomorrah%. ! . So that $ruins un#nown% ha)e co)ered them u". !!. !hen which of the ifts of thy &ord, $/ man,% wilt thou dis"ute about3 !". !his is a (arner, of the $series of% (arners of old2 !#. !he $Jud ment% e)er a""roachin draws ni h0 !&. 4o $soul% but Allah can lay it bare. !'. Do ye then wonder at this recital3 "(. And will ye lau h and not wee",5

"1. (astin your time in )anities3 "2. 'ut fall ye down in "rostration to Allah, and adore $,im%2

Surah ! . The :oon

1. !he ,our $of Jud ment% is ni h, and the moon is cleft asunder. 2. 'ut if they see a Si n, they turn away, and say, 1!his is $but% transient ma ic.1 3. !hey re-ect $the warnin % and follow their $own% lusts but e)ery matter has its a""ointed time. . !here ha)e already come to them +ecitals wherein there is $enou h% to chec# $them%, !. Mature wisdom;5 but $the "reachin of% (arners "rofits them not. ". !herefore, $/ Pro"het,% turn away from them. !he Day that the Caller will call $them% to a terrible affair, #. !hey will come forth,5 their eyes humbled 5 from $their% ra)es, $tor"id% li#e locusts scattered abroad, &. ,astenin , with eyes transfi8ed, towards the Caller25 1,ard is this Day21, the *nbelie)ers will say. '. 'efore them the Peo"le of 4oah re-ected $their a"ostle%0 they re-ected /ur ser)ant, and said, 1,ere is one "ossessed21, and he was dri)en out. 1(. !hen he called on his &ord0 1I am one o)ercome0 do !hou then hel" $me%21 11. So (e o"ened the ates of hea)en, with water "ourin forth. 12. And (e caused the earth to ush forth with s"rin s, so the waters met $and rose% to the e8tent decreed. 13. 'ut (e bore him on an $Ar#% made of broad "lan#s and caul#ed with "alm5 fibre0 1 . She floats under our eyes $and care%0 a recom"ense to one who had been re-ected $with scorn%2 1!. And (e ha)e left this as a Si n $for all time%0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3 1". 'ut how $terrible% was My Penalty and My (arnin 3 1#. And (e ha)e indeed made the <ur9an easy to understand and remember0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3 1&. !he 9Ad $"eo"le% $too% re-ected $!ruth%0 then how terrible was My Penalty and My (arnin 3 1'. .or (e sent a ainst them a furious wind, on a Day of )iolent Disaster, 2(. Pluc#in out men as if they were roots of "alm5trees torn u" $from the round%. 21. :ea, how $terrible% was My Penalty and My (arnin 2 22. 'ut (e ha)e indeed made the <ur9an easy to understand and remember0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3 23. !he !hamud $also% re-ected $their% (arners. 2 . .or they said0 1(hat2 a man2 a Solitary one from amon oursel)es2 shall we follow such a one3 !ruly should we then be strayin in mind, and mad2

2!. 1Is it that the Messa e is sent to him, of all "eo"le amon st us3 4ay, he is a liar, an insolent one21 2". Ah2 they will #now on the morrow, which is the liar, the insolent one2 2#. .or (e will send the she5camel by way of trial for them. So watch them, $/ Salih%, and "ossess thyself in "atience2 2&. And tell them that the water is to be di)ided between them0 7ach one9s ri ht to drin# bein brou ht forward $by suitable turns%. 2'. 'ut they called to their com"anion, and he too# a sword in hand, and hamstrun $her%. 3(. Ah2 how $terrible% was My Penalty and My (arnin 2 31. .or (e sent a ainst them a sin le Mi hty 'last, and they became li#e the dry stubble used by one who "ens cattle. 32. And (e ha)e indeed made the <ur9an easy to understand and remember0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3 33. !he "eo"le of &ut re-ected $his% warnin . 3 . (e sent a ainst them a )iolent !ornado with showers of stones, $which destroyed them%, e8ce"t &ut9s household0 them (e deli)ered by early Dawn,5 3!. As a Grace from *s0 thus do (e reward those who i)e than#s. 3". And $&ut% did warn them of /ur Punishment, but they dis"uted about the (arnin . 3#. And they e)en sou ht to snatch away his uests from him, but (e blinded their eyes. $!hey heard0% 14ow taste ye My (rath and My (arnin .1 3&. 7arly on the morrow an abidin Punishment sei6ed them0 3'. 1So taste ye My (rath and My (arnin .1 (. And (e ha)e indeed made the <ur9an easy to understand and remember0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3 1. !o the Peo"le of Pharaoh, too, aforetime, came (arners $from Allah.. 2. !he $"eo"le% re-ected all /ur Si ns; but (e sei6ed them with such Penalty $as comes% from /ne 78alted in Power, able to carry out ,is (ill. 3. Are your *nbelie)ers, $/ <uraish%, better than they3 /r ha)e ye an immunity in the Sacred 'oo#s3 . /r do they say0 1(e actin to ether can defend oursel)es13 !. Soon will their multitude be "ut to fli ht, and they will show their bac#s. ". 4ay, the ,our $of Jud ment% is the time "romised them $for their full recom"ense%0 And that ,our will be most rie)ous and most bitter. #. !ruly those in sin are the ones strayin in mind, and mad. &. !he Day they will be dra ed throu h the .ire on their faces, $they will hear0% 1!aste ye the touch of ,ell21 '. >erily, all thin s ha)e (e created in "ro"ortion and measure. !(. And /ur Command is but a sin le $Act%,5 li#e the twin#lin of an eye. !1. And $oft% in the "ast, ha)e (e destroyed an s li#e unto you0 then is there any that will recei)e admonition3

!2. All that they do is noted in $their% 'oo#s $of Deeds%0 !3. 7)ery matter, small and reat, is on record. ! . As to the +i hteous, they will be in the midst of Gardens and +i)ers, !!. In an Assembly of !ruth, in the Presence of a So)erei n /mni"otent.

Surah !!. The 5enefi3ent. The :er3+ @i2ing

1. $$Allah%% Most Gracious2 2. It is ,e (ho has tau ht the <ur9an. 3. ,e has created man0 . ,e has tau ht him s"eech $and intelli ence%. !. !he sun and the moon follow courses $e8actly% com"uted; ". And the herbs and the trees 5 both $ali#e% bow in adoration. #. And the .irmament has ,e raised hi h, and ,e has set u" the 'alance $of Justice%, &. In order that ye may not trans ress $due% balance. '. So establish wei ht with -ustice and fall not short in the balance. 1(. It is ,e (ho has s"read out the earth for $,is% creatures0 11. !herein is fruit and date5"alms, "roducin s"athes $enclosin dates%; 12. Also corn, with $its% lea)es and stal# for fodder, and sweet5smellin "lants. 13. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 1 . ,e created man from soundin clay li#e unto "ottery, 1!. And ,e created Jinns from fire free of smo#e0 1". !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 1#. $,e is% &ord of the two 7asts and &ord of the two (ests0 1&. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 1'. ,e has let free the two bodies of flowin water, meetin to ether0 2(. 'etween them is a 'arrier which they do not trans ress0 21. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 22. /ut of them come Pearls and Coral0 23. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 2 . And ,is are the Shi"s sailin smoothly throu h the seas, lofty as mountains0 2!. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 2". All that is on earth will "erish0 2#. 'ut will abide $for e)er% the .ace of thy &ord,5 full of Ma-esty, 'ounty and ,onour. 2&. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 2'. /f ,im see#s $its need% e)ery creature in the hea)ens and on earth0 e)ery day in $new% S"lendour doth ,e $shine%2

3(. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 31. Soon shall (e settle your affairs, / both ye worlds2 32. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 33. / ye assembly of Jinns and men2 If it be ye can "ass beyond the 6ones of the hea)ens and the earth, "ass ye2 not without authority shall ye be able to "ass2 3 . !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 3!. /n you will be sent $/ ye e)il ones twain2% a flame of fire $to burn% and a smo#e $to cho#e%0 no defence will ye ha)e0 3". !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 3#. (hen the s#y is rent asunder, and it becomes red li#e ointment0 3&. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 3'. /n that Day no ;uestion will be as#ed of man or Jinn as to his sin. (. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 1. $.or% the sinners will be #nown by their mar#s0 and they will be sei6ed by their foreloc#s and their feet. 2. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 3. !his is the ,ell which the Sinners deny0 . In its midst and in the midst of boilin hot water will they wander round2 !. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 ". 'ut for such as fear the time when they will stand before $the Jud ment Seat of% their &ord, there will be two Gardens5 #. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 &. Containin all #inds $of trees and deli hts%;5 '. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 !(. In them $each% will be two S"rin s flowin $free%; !1. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 !2. In them will be .ruits of e)ery #ind, two and two. !3. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 ! . !hey will recline on Car"ets, whose inner linin s will be of rich brocade0 the .ruit of the Gardens will be near $and easy of reach%. !!. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 !". In them will be $Maidens%, chaste, restrainin their lances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched;5 !#. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 !&. &i#e unto +ubies and coral. !'. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 "(. Is there any +eward for Good 5 other than Good3 "1. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 "2. And besides these two, there are two other Gardens,5

"3. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 " . Dar#5 reen in colour $from "lentiful waterin %. "!. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 "". In them $each% will be two S"rin s "ourin forth water in continuous abundance0 "#. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 "&. In them will be .ruits, and dates and "ome ranates0 "'. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 #(. In them will be fair $Com"anions%, ood, beautiful;5 #1. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 #2. Com"anions restrained $as to their lances%, in $ oodly% "a)ilions;5 #3. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 # . (hom no man or Jinn before them has touched;5 #!. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny35 #". +eclinin on reen Cushions and rich Car"ets of beauty. ##. !hen which of the fa)ours of your &ord will ye deny3 #&. 'lessed be the name of thy &ord, full of Ma-esty, 'ounty and ,onour.

Surah !". The E2ent. The -ne2ita0le

1. (hen the 7)ent ine)itable cometh to "ass, 2. !hen will no $soul% entertain falsehood concernin its comin . 3. $Many% will it brin low; $many% will it e8alt; . (hen the earth shall be sha#en to its de"ths, !. And the mountains shall be crumbled to atoms, ". 'ecomin dust scattered abroad, #. And ye shall be sorted out into three classes. &. !hen $there will be% the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and;5 (hat will be the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and3 '. And the Com"anions of the &eft ,and,5 what will be the Com"anions of the &eft ,and3 1(. And those .oremost $in .aith% will be .oremost $in the ,ereafter%. 11. !hese will be those 4earest to Allah. 12. In Gardens of 'liss0 13. A number of "eo"le from those of old, 1 . And a few from those of later times. 1!. $!hey will be% on !hrones encrusted $with old and "recious stones%, 1". +eclinin on them, facin each other. 1#. +ound about them will $ser)e% youths of "er"etual $freshness%, 1&. (ith oblets, $shinin % bea#ers, and cu"s $filled% out of clear5flowin fountains0 1'. 4o after5ache will they recei)e therefrom, nor will they suffer into8ication0

2(. And with fruits, any that they may select0 21. And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. 22. And $there will be% Com"anions with beautiful, bi , and lustrous eyes,5 23. &i#e unto Pearls well5 uarded. 2 . A +eward for the deeds of their "ast $life%. 2!. 4ot fri)olity will they hear therein, nor any taint of ill,5 2". /nly the sayin , 1Peace2 Peace1. 2#. !he Com"anions of the +i ht ,and,5 what will be the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and3 2&. $!hey will be% amon &ote5trees without thorns, 2'. Amon !alh trees with flowers $or fruits% "iled one abo)e another,5 3(. In shade lon 5e8tended, 31. 'y water flowin constantly, 32. And fruit in abundance. 33. (hose season is not limited, nor $su""ly% forbidden, 3 . And on !hrones $of Di nity%, raised hi h. 3!. (e ha)e created $their Com"anions% of s"ecial creation. 3". And made them )ir in 5 "ure $and undefiled%, 5 3#. 'elo)ed $by nature%, e;ual in a e,5 3&. .or the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and. 3'. A $ oodly% number from those of old, (. And a $ oodly% number from those of later times. 1. !he Com"anions of the &eft ,and,5 what will be the Com"anions of the &eft ,and3 2. $!hey will be% in the midst of a .ierce 'last of .ire and in 'oilin (ater, 3. And in the shades of 'lac# Smo#e0 . 4othin $will there be% to refresh, nor to "lease0 !. .or that they were wont to be indul ed, before that, in wealth $and lu8ury%, ". And "ersisted obstinately in wic#edness su"reme2 #. And they used to say, 1(hat2 when we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised u" a ain35 &. 1$(e% and our fathers of old31 '. Say0 1:ea, those of old and those of later times, !(. 1All will certainly be athered to ether for the meetin a""ointed for a Day well5#nown. !1. 1!hen will ye truly,5 / ye that o wron , and treat $!ruth% as .alsehood25 !2. 1:e will surely taste of the !ree of ?a;;um. !3. 1!hen will ye fill your insides therewith, ! . 1And drin# 'oilin (ater on to" of it0 !!. 1Indeed ye shall drin# li#e diseased camels ra in with thirst21

!". Such will be their entertainment on the Day of +e;uital2 !#. It is (e (ho ha)e created you0 why will ye not witness the !ruth3 !&. Do ye then see35 !he $human Seed% that ye throw out,5 !'. Is it ye who create it, or are (e the Creators3 "(. (e ha)e decreed Death to be your common lot, and (e are not to be frustrated "1. from chan in your .orms and creatin you $a ain% in $forms% that ye #now not. "2. And ye certainly #now already the first form of creation0 why then do ye not celebrate ,is "raises3 "3. See ye the seed that ye sow in the round3 " . Is it ye that cause it to row, or are (e the Cause3 "!. (ere it /ur (ill, (e could crumble it to dry "owder, and ye would be left in wonderment, "". $Sayin %, 1(e are indeed left with debts $for nothin %0 "#. 1Indeed are we shut out $of the fruits of our labour%1 "&. See ye the water which ye drin#3 "'. Do ye brin it down $in rain% from the cloud or do (e3 #(. (ere it /ur (ill, (e could ma#e it salt $and un"alatable%0 then why do ye not i)e than#s3 #1. See ye the .ire which ye #indle3 #2. Is it ye who row the tree which feeds the fire, or do (e row it3 #3. (e ha)e made it a memorial $of /ur handiwor#%, and an article of comfort and con)enience for the deni6ens of deserts. # . !hen celebrate with "raises the name of thy &ord, the Su"reme2 #!. .urthermore I call to witness the settin of the Stars,5 #". And that is indeed a mi hty ad-uration if ye but #new,5 ##. !hat this is indeed a ;ur9an Most ,onourable, #&. In 'oo# well5 uarded, #'. (hich none shall touch but those who are clean0 &(. A +e)elation from the &ord of the (orlds. &1. Is it such a Messa e that ye would hold in li ht esteem3 &2. And ha)e ye made it your li)elihood that ye should declare it false3 &3. !hen why do ye not $inter)ene% when $the soul of the dyin man% reaches the throat,5 & . And ye the while $sit% loo#in on,5 &!. 'ut (e are nearer to him than ye, and yet see not,5 &". !hen why do ye not,5 If you are e8em"t from $future% account,5 &#. Call bac# the soul, if ye are true $in the claim of inde"endence%3 &&. !hus, then, if he be of those 4earest to Allah, &'. $!here is for him% +est and Satisfaction, and a Garden of Deli hts. '(. And if he be of the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and,

'1. $.or him is the salutation%, 1Peace be unto thee1, from the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and. '2. And if he be of those who treat $!ruth% as .alsehood, who o wron , '3. .or him is 7ntertainment with 'oilin (ater. ' . And burnin in ,ell5.ire. '!. >erily, this is the >ery !ruth and Certainly. '". So celebrate with "raises the name of thy &ord, the Su"reme.

Surah !#. -ron

1. (hate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth,5 let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. for ,e is the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise. 2. !o ,im belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 It is ,e (ho i)es &ife and Death; and ,e has Power o)er all thin s. 3. ,e is the .irst and the &ast, the 7)ident and the Immanent0 and ,e has full #nowled e of all thin s. . ,e it is (ho created the hea)ens and the earth in Si8 Days, and is moreo)er firmly established on the !hrone $of Authority%. ,e #nows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from hea)en and what mounts u" to it. And ,e is with you wheresoe)er ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do. !. !o ,im belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth0 and all affairs are referred bac# to Allah. ". ,e mer es 4i ht into Day, and ,e mer es Day into 4i ht; and ,e has full #nowled e of the secrets of $all% hearts. #. 'elie)e in Allah and ,is a"ostle, and s"end $in charity% out of the $substance% whereof ,e has made you heirs. .or, those of you who belie)e and s"end $in charity%,5 for them is a reat +eward. &. (hat cause ha)e ye why ye should not belie)e in Allah.5 and the Messen er in)ites you to belie)e in your &ord, and has indeed ta#en your Co)enant, if ye are men of .aith. '. ,e is the /ne (ho sends to ,is Ser)ant Manifest Si ns, that ,e may lead you from the de"ths of Dar#ness into the &i ht and )erily Allah is to you most #ind and Merciful. 1(. And what cause ha)e ye why ye should not s"end in the cause of Allah.5 .or to Allah belon s the herita e of the hea)ens and the earth. 4ot e;ual amon you are those who s"ent $freely% and fou ht, before the >ictory, $with those who did so later%. !hose are hi her in ran# than those who s"ent $freely% and fou ht afterwards. 'ut to all has Allah "romised a oodly $reward%. And Allah is well ac;uainted with all that ye do. 11. (ho is he that will &oan to Allah a beautiful loan3 for $$Allah%% will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will ha)e $besides% a liberal +eward. 12. /ne Day shalt thou see the belie)in men and the belie)in women5 how their &i ht runs forward before them and by their ri ht hands0 $their reetin will be%0 1Good 4ews for you this Day2 Gardens beneath which flow ri)ers2 to dwell therein for aye2 !his is indeed the hi hest Achie)ement21 13. /ne Day will the ,y"ocrites5 men and women 5 say to the 'elie)ers0 1(ait for us2 &et us borrow $a &i ht% from your &i ht21 It will be said0 1!urn ye bac# to your rear2 then see# a

&i ht $where ye can%21 So a wall will be "ut u" betwi8t them, with a ate therein. (ithin it will be Mercy throu hout, and without it, all alon side, will be $(rath and% Punishment2 1 . $!hose without% will call out, 1(ere we not with you31 $!he others% will re"ly, 1!rue2 but ye led yoursel)es into tem"tation; ye loo#ed forward $to our ruin%; ye doubted $$Allah%9s Promise%; and $your false% desires decei)ed you; until there issued the Command of Allah. And the Decei)er decei)ed you in res"ect of Allah. 1!. 1!his Day shall no ransom be acce"ted of you, nor of those who re-ected Allah.1 :our abode is the .ire0 that is the "ro"er "lace to claim you0 and an e)il refu e it is21 1". ,as not the !ime arri)ed for the 'elie)ers that their hearts in all humility should en a e in the remembrance of Allah and of the !ruth which has been re)ealed $to them%, and that they should not become li#e those to whom was i)en +e)elation aforetime, but lon a es "assed o)er them and their hearts rew hard3 .or many amon them are rebellious trans ressors. 1#. =now ye $all% that Allah i)eth life to the earth after its death2 already ha)e (e shown the Si ns "lainly to you, that ye may learn wisdom. 1&. .or those who i)e in Charity, men and women, and loan to Allah a 'eautiful &oan, it shall be increased manifold $to their credit%, and they shall ha)e $besides% a liberal reward. 1'. And those who belie)e in Allah and ,is a"ostles5 they are the Sincere $lo)ers of !ruth%, and the witnesses $who testify%, in the eyes of their &ord0 !hey shall ha)e their +eward and their &i ht. 'ut those who re-ect Allah and deny /ur Si ns,5 they are the Com"anions of ,ell5 .ire. 2(. =now ye $all%, that the life of this world is but "lay and amusement, "om" and mutual boastin and multi"lyin , $in ri)alry% amon yoursel)es, riches and children. ,ere is a similitude0 ,ow rain and the rowth which it brin s forth, deli ht $the hearts of% the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it row yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. 'ut in the ,ereafter is a Penalty se)ere $for the de)otees of wron %. And .or i)eness from Allah and $,is% Good Pleasure $for the de)otees of Allah.. And what is the life of this world, but oods and chattels of dece"tion3 21. 'e ye foremost $in see#in % .or i)eness from your &ord, and a Garden $of 'liss%, the width whereof is as the width of hea)en and earth, "re"ared for those who belie)e in Allah and ,is a"ostles0 that is the Grace of Allah, which ,e bestows on whom he "leases0 and Allah is the &ord of Grace aboundin . 22. 4o misfortune can ha""en on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before (e brin it into e8istence0 !hat is truly easy for Allah. 23. In order that ye may not des"air o)er matters that "ass you by, nor e8ult o)er fa)ours bestowed u"on you. .or Allah lo)eth not any )ain lorious boaster,5 2 . Such "ersons as are co)etous and commend co)etousness to men. And if any turn bac# $from Allah.s (ay%, )erily Allah is .ree of all 4eeds, (orthy of all Praise. 2!. (e sent aforetime our a"ostles with Clear Si ns and sent down with them the 'oo# and the 'alance $of +i ht and (ron %, that men may stand forth in -ustice; and (e sent down Iron, in which is $material for% mi hty war, as well as many benefits for man#ind, that Allah may test who it is that will hel", *nseen, ,im and ,is a"ostles0 .or Allah is .ull of Stren th, 78alted in Mi ht $and able to enforce ,is (ill%. 2". And (e sent 4oah and Abraham, and established in their line Pro"hethood and +e)elation0 and some of them were on ri ht uidance. 'ut many of them became rebellious trans ressors.

2#. !hen, in their wa#e, (e followed them u" with $others of% /ur a"ostles0 (e sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gos"el; and (e ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Com"assion and Mercy. 'ut the Monasticism which they in)ented for themsel)es, (e did not "rescribe for them0 $(e commanded% only the see#in for the Good Pleasure of Allah. but that they did not foster as they should ha)e done. :et (e bestowed, on those amon them who belie)ed, their $due% reward, but many of them are rebellious trans ressors. 2&. / ye that belie)e2 .ear Allah, and belie)e in ,is Messen er, and ,e will bestow on you a double "ortion of ,is Mercy0 ,e will "ro)ide for you a &i ht by which ye shall wal# $strai ht in your "ath%, and ,e will for i)e you $your "ast%0 for Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. 2'. !hat the Peo"le of the 'oo# may #now that they ha)e no "ower whate)er o)er the Grace of Allah, that $,is% Grace is $entirely% in ,is ,and, to bestow it on whomsoe)er ,e wills. .or Allah is the &ord of Grace aboundin .

Surah !&. She That 6isputeth. The ;lea1ing /o*an

1. Allah has indeed heard $and acce"ted% the statement of the woman who "leads with thee concernin her husband and carries her com"laint $in "rayer% to Allah. and Allah $always% hears the ar uments between both sides amon you0 for Allah hears and sees $all thin s%. 2. If any men amon you di)orce their wi)es by ?ihar $callin them mothers%, they cannot be their mothers0 4one can be their mothers e8ce"t those who a)e them birth. And in fact they use words $both% ini;uitous and false0 but truly Allah is one that blots out $sins%, and for i)es $a ain and a ain%. 3. 'ut those who di)orce their wi)es by ?ihar, then wish to o bac# on the words they uttered,5 $It is ordained that such a one% should free a sla)e before they touch each other0 !hus are ye admonished to "erform0 and Allah is well5ac;uainted with $all% that ye do. . And if any has not $the wherewithal%, he should fast for two months consecuti)ely before they touch each other. 'ut if any is unable to do so, he should feed si8ty indi ent ones, this, that ye may show your faith in Allah and ,is Messen er. !hose are limits $set by% Allah. .or those who re-ect $,im%, there is a rie)ous Penalty. !. !hose who resist Allah and ,is Messen er will be humbled to dust, as were those before them0 for (e ha)e already sent down Clear Si ns. And the *nbelie)ers $will ha)e% a humiliatin Penalty,5 ". /n the Day that Allah will raise them all u" $a ain% and show them the !ruth $and meanin % of their conduct. Allah has rec#oned its $)alue%, thou h they may ha)e for otten it, for Allah is (itness to all thin s. #. Seest thou not that Allah doth #now $all% that is in the hea)ens and on earth3 !here is not a secret consultation between three, but ,e ma#es the fourth amon them, 5 4or between fi)e but ,e ma#es the si8th,5 nor between fewer nor more, but ,e is in their midst, wheresoe)er they be0 In the end will ,e tell them the truth of their conduct, on the Day of Jud ment. .or Allah has full #nowled e of all thin s. &. !urnest thou not thy si ht towards those who were forbidden secret counsels yet re)ert to that which they were forbidden $to do%3 And they hold secret counsels amon themsel)es for ini;uity and hostility, and disobedience to the Messen er. And when they come to thee, they salute thee, not as Allah salutes thee, $but in croo#ed ways%0 And they say to themsel)es,

1(hy does not Allah "unish us for our words31 7nou h for them is ,ell0 In it will they burn, and e)il is that destination2 '. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye hold secret counsel, do it not for ini;uity and hostility, and disobedience to the Pro"het; but do it for ri hteousness and self5 restraint; and fear Allah, to (hom ye shall be brou ht bac#. 1(. Secret counsels are only $ins"ired% by the 7)il /ne, in order that he may cause rief to the 'elie)ers; but he cannot harm them in the least, e8ce"t as Allah "ermits; and on Allah let the 'elie)ers "ut their trust. 11. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye are told to ma#e room in the assemblies, $s"read out and% ma#e room0 $am"le% room will Allah "ro)ide for you. And when ye are told to rise u", rise u" Allah will rise u", to $suitable% ran#s $and de rees%, those of you who belie)e and who ha)e been ranted $mystic% =nowled e. And Allah is well5 ac;uainted with all ye do. 12. / ye who belie)e2 (hen ye consult the Messen er in "ri)ate, s"end somethin in charity before your "ri)ate consultation. !hat will be best for you, and most conduci)e to "urity $of conduct%. 'ut if ye find not $the wherewithal%, Allah is /ft5 .or i)in , Most Merciful. 13. Is it that ye are afraid of s"endin sums in charity before your "ri)ate consultation $with him%3 If, then, ye do not so, and Allah for i)es you, then $at least% establish re ular "rayer; "ractise re ular charity; and obey Allah and ,is Messen er. And Allah is well5ac;uainted with all that ye do. 1 . !urnest thou not thy attention to those who turn $in friendshi"% to such as ha)e the (rath of Allah u"on them3 !hey are neither of you nor of them, and they swear to falsehood #nowin ly. 1!. Allah has "re"ared for them a se)ere Penalty0 e)il indeed are their deeds. 1". !hey ha)e made their oaths a screen $for their misdeeds%0 thus they obstruct $men% from the Path of Allah. therefore shall they ha)e a humiliatin Penalty. 1#. /f no "rofit whate)er to them, a ainst Allah, will be their riches nor their sons0 they will be Com"anions of the .ire, to dwell therein $for aye%2 1&. /ne day will Allah raise them all u" $for Jud ment%0 then will they swear to ,im as they swear to you0 And they thin# that they ha)e somethin $to stand u"on%. 4o, indeed2 they are but liars2 1'. !he 7)il /ne has ot the better of them0 so he has made them lose the remembrance of Allah. !hey are the Party of the 7)il /ne. !ruly, it is the Party of the 7)il /ne that will "erish2 2(. !hose who resist Allah and ,is Messen er will be amon those most humiliated. 21. Allah has decreed0 1It is I and My a"ostles who must "re)ail10 .or Allah is /ne full of stren th, able to enforce ,is (ill. 22. !hou wilt not find any "eo"le who belie)e in Allah and the &ast Day, lo)in those who resist Allah and ,is Messen er, e)en thou h they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their #indred. .or such ,e has written .aith in their hearts, and stren thened them with a s"irit from ,imself. And ,e will admit them to Gardens beneath which +i)ers flow, to dwell therein $for e)er%. Allah will be well "leased with them, and they with ,im. !hey are the Party of Allah. !ruly it is the Party of Allah that will achie)e .elicity.

Surah !'. EAile. 5anish*ent

1. (hate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. for ,e is the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise. 2. It is ,e (ho ot out the *nbelie)ers amon the Peo"le of the 'oo# from their homes at the first atherin $of the forces%. &ittle did ye thin# that they would et out0 And they thou ht that their fortresses would defend them from Allah. 'ut the $(rath of% Allah came to them from ;uarters from which they little e8"ected $it%, and cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their dwellin s by their own hands and the hands of the 'elie)ers, ta#e warnin , then, / ye with eyes $to see%2 3. And had it not been that Allah had decreed banishment for them, ,e would certainly ha)e "unished them in this world0 And in the ,ereafter they shall $certainly% ha)e the Punishment of the .ire. . !hat is because they resisted Allah and ,is Messen er. and if any one resists Allah, )erily Allah is se)ere in Punishment. !. (hether ye cut down $/ ye Muslim2% !he tender "alm5trees, or ye left them standin on their roots, it was by lea)e of Allah, and in order that ,e mi ht co)er with shame the rebellious trans resses. ". (hat Allah has bestowed on ,is Messen er $and ta#en away% from them 5 for this ye made no e8"edition with either ca)alry or camelry0 but Allah i)es "ower to ,is a"ostles o)er any ,e "leases0 and Allah has "ower o)er all thin s. #. (hat Allah has bestowed on ,is Messen er $and ta#en away% from the "eo"le of the townshi"s,5 belon s to Allah,5 to ,is Messen er and to #indred and or"hans, the needy and the wayfarer; In order that it may not $merely% ma#e a circuit between the wealthy amon you. So ta#e what the Messen er assi ns to you, and deny yoursel)es that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah. for Allah is strict in Punishment. &. $Some "art is due% to the indi ent Muha-irs, those who were e8"elled from their homes and their "ro"erty, while see#in Grace from Allah and $,is% Good Pleasure, and aidin Allah and ,is Messen er. such are indeed the sincere ones05 '. 'ut those who before them, had homes $in Medina% and had ado"ted the .aith,5 show their affection to such as came to them for refu e, and entertain no desire in their hearts for thin s i)en to the $latter%, but i)e them "reference o)er themsel)es, e)en thou h "o)erty was their $own lot%. And those sa)ed from the co)etousness of their own souls,5 they are the ones that achie)e "ros"erity. 1(. And those who came after them say0 1/ur &ord2 .or i)e us, and our brethren who came before us into the .aith, and lea)e not, in our hearts, rancour $or sense of in-ury% a ainst those who ha)e belie)ed. /ur &ord2 !hou art indeed .ull of =indness, Most Merciful.1 11. ,ast thou not obser)ed the ,y"ocrites say to their misbelie)in brethren amon the Peo"le of the 'oo#3 5 1If ye are e8"elled, we too will o out with you, and we will ne)er hear#en to any one in your affair; and if ye are attac#ed $in fi ht% we will hel" you1. 'ut Allah is witness that they are indeed liars. 12. If they are e8"elled, ne)er will they o out with them; and if they are attac#ed $in fi ht%, they will ne)er hel" them; and if they do hel" them, they will turn their bac#s; so they will recei)e no hel". 13. /f a truth ye are stron er $than they% because of the terror in their hearts, $sent% by Allah. !his is because they are men de)oid of understandin .

1 . !hey will not fi ht you $e)en% to ether, e8ce"t in fortified townshi"s, or from behind walls. Stron is their fi htin $s"irit% amon st themsel)es0 thou wouldst thin# they were united, but their hearts are di)ided0 that is because they are a "eo"le de)oid of wisdom. 1!. &i#e those who lately "receded them, they ha)e tasted the e)il result of their conduct; and $in the ,ereafter there is% for them a rie)ous Penalty;5 1". $!heir allies decei)ed them%, li#e the 7)il /ne, when he says to man, 1Deny Allah.0 but when $man% denies Allah, $the 7)il /ne% says, 1I am free of thee0 I do fear Allah, the &ord of the (orlds21 1#. !he end of both will be that they will o into the .ire, dwellin therein for e)er. Such is the reward of the wron 5doers. 1&. / ye who belie)e2 .ear Allah, and let e)ery soul loo# to what $"ro)ision% ,e has sent forth for the morrow. :ea, fear Allah. for Allah is well5ac;uainted with $all% that ye do. 1'. And be ye not li#e those who for ot Allah. and ,e made them for et their own souls2 Such are the rebellious trans ressors2 2(. 4ot e;ual are the Com"anions of the .ire and the Com"anions of the Garden0 it is the Com"anions of the Garden, that will achie)e .elicity. 21. ,ad (e sent down this <ur9an on a mountain, )erily, thou wouldst ha)e seen it humble itself and clea)e asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which (e "ro"ound to men, that they may reflect. 22. Allah is ,e, than (hom there is no other od;5 (ho #nows $all thin s% both secret and o"en; ,e, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 23. Allah is ,e, than (hom there is no other od;5 the So)erei n, the ,oly /ne, the Source of Peace $and Perfection%, the Guardian of .aith, the Preser)er of Safety, the 78alted in Mi ht, the Irresistible, the Su"reme0 Glory to Allah. $,i h is ,e% abo)e the "artners they attribute to ,im. 2 . ,e is Allah, the Creator, the 7)ol)er, the 'estower of .orms $or Colours%. !o ,im belon the Most 'eautiful 4ames0 whate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, doth declare ,is Praises and Glory0 and ,e is the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise.

Surah "(. She That -s To 5e EAa*ine1. EAa*ining Her

1. / ye who belie)e2 !a#e not my enemies and yours as friends $or "rotectors%,5 offerin them $your% lo)e, e)en thou h they ha)e re-ected the !ruth that has come to you, and ha)e $on the contrary% dri)en out the Pro"het and yoursel)es $from your homes%, $sim"ly% because ye belie)e in Allah your &ord2 If ye ha)e come out to stri)e in My (ay and to see# My Good Pleasure, $ta#e them not as friends%, holdin secret con)erse of lo)e $and friendshi"% with them0 for I #now full well all that ye conceal and all that ye re)eal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Strai ht Path. 2. If they were to et the better of you, they would beha)e to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their ton ues a ainst you for e)il0 and they desire that ye should re-ect the !ruth. 3. /f no "rofit to you will be your relati)es and your children on the Day of Jud ment0 ,e will -ud e between you0 for Allah sees well all that ye do.

. !here is for you an e8cellent e8am"le $to follow% in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their "eo"le0 1(e are clear of you and of whate)er ye worshi" besides Allah. we ha)e re-ected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for e)er,5 unless ye belie)e in Allah and ,im alone10 'ut not when Abraham said to his father0 1I will "ray for for i)eness for thee, thou h I ha)e no "ower $to et% au ht on thy behalf from Allah.1 $!hey "rayed%0 1/ur &ord2 in !hee do we trust, and to !hee do we turn in re"entance0 to !hee is $our% .inal Goal. !. 1/ur &ord2 Ma#e us not a $test and% trial for the *nbelie)ers, but for i)e us, our &ord2 for !hou art the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise.1 ". !here was indeed in them an e8cellent e8am"le for you to follow,5 for those whose ho"e is in Allah and in the &ast Day. 'ut if any turn away, truly Allah is .ree of all (ants, (orthy of all Praise. #. It may be that Allah will rant lo)e $and friendshi"% between you and those whom ye $now% hold as enemies. .or Allah has "ower $o)er all thin s%; And Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. &. Allah forbids you not, with re ard to those who fi ht you not for $your% .aith nor dri)e you out of your homes, from dealin #indly and -ustly with them0 for Allah lo)eth those who are -ust. '. Allah only forbids you, with re ard to those who fi ht you for $your% .aith, and dri)e you out of your homes, and su""ort $others% in dri)in you out, from turnin to them $for friendshi" and "rotection%. It is such as turn to them $in these circumstances%, that do wron . 1(. / ye who belie)e2 (hen there come to you belie)in women refu ees, e8amine $and test% them0 Allah #nows best as to their .aith0 if ye ascertain that they are 'elie)ers, then send them not bac# to the *nbelie)ers. !hey are not lawful $wi)es% for the *nbelie)ers, nor are the $*nbelie)ers% lawful $husbands% for them. 'ut "ay the *nbelie)ers what they ha)e s"ent $on their dower%, and there will be no blame on you if ye marry them on "ayment of their dower to them. 'ut hold not to the uardianshi" of unbelie)in women0 as# for what ye ha)e s"ent on their dowers, and let the $*nbelie)ers% as# for what they ha)e s"ent $on the dowers of women who come o)er to you%. Such is the command of Allah. ,e -ud es $with -ustice% between you. And Allah is .ull of =nowled e and (isdom. 11. And if any of your wi)es deserts you to the *nbelie)ers, and ye ha)e an accession $by the comin o)er of a woman from the other side%, then "ay to those whose wi)es ha)e deserted the e;ui)alent of what they had s"ent $on their dower%. And fear Allah, in (hom ye belie)e. 12. / Pro"het2 (hen belie)in women come to thee to ta#e the oath of fealty to thee, that they will not associate in worshi" any other thin whate)er with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit adultery $or fornication%, that they will not #ill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally for in falsehood, and that they will not disobey thee in any -ust matter,5 then do thou recei)e their fealty, and "ray to Allah for the for i)eness $of their sins%0 for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 13. / ye who belie)e2 !urn not $for friendshi"% to "eo"le on whom is the (rath of Allah, of the ,ereafter they are already in des"air, -ust as the *nbelie)ers are in des"air about those $buried% in ra)es.

Surah "1. The Ran4s. 5attle Arra+

1. (hate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. for ,e is the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise.

2. / ye who belie)e2 (hy say ye that which ye do not3 3. Grie)ously odious is it in the si ht of Allah that ye say that which ye do not. . !ruly Allah lo)es those who fi ht in ,is Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure. !. And remember, Moses said to his "eo"le0 1/ my "eo"le2 why do ye )e8 and insult me, thou h ye #now that I am the a"ostle of Allah $sent% to you31 !hen when they went wron , Allah let their hearts o wron . .or Allah uides not those who are rebellious trans ressors. ". And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said0 1/ Children of Israel2 I am the a"ostle of Allah $sent% to you, confirmin the &aw $which came% before me, and i)in Glad !idin s of an Messen er to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.1 'ut when he came to them with Clear Si ns, they said, 1this is e)ident sorcery21 #. (ho doth reater wron than one who in)ents falsehood a ainst Allah, e)en as he is bein in)ited to Islam3 And Allah uides not those who do wron . &. !heir intention is to e8tin uish Allah.s &i ht $by blowin % with their mouths0 'ut Allah will com"lete $the re)elation of% ,is &i ht, e)en thou h the *nbelie)ers may detest $it%. '. It is ,e (ho has sent ,is Messen er with Guidance and the +eli ion of !ruth, that he may "roclaim it o)er all reli ion, e)en thou h the Pa ans may detest $it%. 1(. / ye who belie)e2 Shall I lead you to a bar ain that will sa)e you from a rie)ous Penalty35 11. !hat ye belie)e in Allah and ,is Messen er, and that ye stri)e $your utmost% in the Cause of Allah, with your "ro"erty and your "ersons0 !hat will be best for you, if ye but #new2 12. ,e will for i)e you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which +i)ers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of 7ternity0 that is indeed the Su"reme Achie)ement. 13. And another $fa)our will ,e bestow,% which ye do lo)e,5 hel" from Allah and a s"eedy )ictory. So i)e the Glad !idin s to the 'elie)ers. 1 . / ye who belie)e2 'e ye hel"ers of Allah. As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disci"les, 1(ho will be my hel"ers to $the wor# of% Allah.1 Said the disci"les, 1(e are Allah.s hel"ers21 then a "ortion of the Children of Israel belie)ed, and a "ortion disbelie)ed0 'ut (e a)e "ower to those who belie)ed, a ainst their enemies, and they became the ones that "re)ailed.

Surah "2. The $ongregation. )ri1a+

1. (hate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah,5 the So)erei n, the ,oly /ne, the 78alted in Mi ht, the (ise. 2. It is ,e (ho has sent amon st the *nlettered an a"ostle from amon themsel)es, to rehearse to them ,is Si ns, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scri"ture and (isdom,5 althou h they had been, before, in manifest error;5 3. As well as $to confer all these benefits u"on% others of them, who ha)e not already -oined them0 And ,e is e8alted in Mi ht, (ise. . Such is the 'ounty of Allah, which ,e bestows on whom ,e will0 and Allah is the &ord of the hi hest bounty. !. !he similitude of those who were char ed with the $obli ations of the% Mosaic &aw, but who subse;uently failed in those $obli ations%, is that of a don#ey which carries hu e tomes $but understands them not%. 7)il is the similitude of "eo"le who falsify the Si ns of Allah. and Allah uides not "eo"le who do wron .

". Say0 1/ ye that stand on Judaism2 If ye thin# that ye are friends to Allah, to the e8clusion of $other% men, then e8"ress your desire for Death, if ye are truthful21 #. 'ut ne)er will they e8"ress their desire $for Death%, because of the $deeds% their hands ha)e sent on before them2 and Allah #nows well those that do wron 2 &. Say0 1!he Death from which ye flee will truly o)erta#e you0 then will ye be sent bac# to the =nower of thin s secret and o"en0 and ,e will tell you $the truth of% the thin s that ye did21 '. / ye who belie)e2 (hen the call is "roclaimed to "rayer on .riday $the Day of Assembly%, hasten earnestly to the +emembrance of Allah, and lea)e off business $and traffic%0 !hat is best for you if ye but #new2 1(. And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye dis"erse throu h the land, and see# of the 'ounty of Allah. and celebrate the Praises of Allah often $and without stint%0 that ye may "ros"er. 11. 'ut when they see some bar ain or some amusement, they dis"erse headlon to it, and lea)e thee standin . Say0 1!he $blessin % from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bar ain2 and Allah is the 'est to "ro)ide $for all needs%.1

Surah "3. The H+po3rites

1. (hen the ,y"ocrites come to thee, they say, 1(e bear witness that thou art indeed the Messen er of Allah.1 :ea, Allah #noweth that thou art indeed ,is Messen er, and Allah beareth witness that the ,y"ocrites are indeed liars. 2. !hey ha)e made their oaths a screen $for their misdeeds%0 thus they obstruct $men% from the Path of Allah. truly e)il are their deeds. 3. !hat is because they belie)ed, then they re-ected .aith0 So a seal was set on their hearts0 therefore they understand not. . (hen thou loo#est at them, their e8teriors "lease thee; and when they s"ea#, thou listenest to their words. !hey are as $worthless as hollow% "ieces of timber "ro""ed u", $unable to stand on their own%. !hey thin# that e)ery cry is a ainst them. !hey are the enemies; so beware of them. !he curse of Allah be on them2 ,ow are they deluded $away from the !ruth%2 !. And when it is said to them, 1Come, the Messen er of Allah will "ray for your for i)eness1, they turn aside their heads, and thou wouldst see them turnin away their faces in arro ance. ". It is e;ual to them whether thou "ray for their for i)eness or not. Allah will not for i)e them. !ruly Allah uides not rebellious trans ressors. #. !hey are the ones who say, 1S"end nothin on those who are with Allah.s Messen er, to the end that they may dis"erse $and ;uit Medina%.1 'ut to Allah belon the treasures of the hea)ens and the earth; but the ,y"ocrites understand not. &. !hey say, 1If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable $element% will e8"el therefrom the meaner.1 'ut honour belon s to Allah and ,is Messen er, and to the 'elie)ers; but the ,y"ocrites #now not. '. / ye who belie)e2 &et not your riches or your children di)ert you from the remembrance of Allah. If any act thus, the loss is their own. 1(. and s"end somethin $in charity% out of the substance which (e ha)e bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, 1/ my &ord2 why didst !hou not

i)e me res"ite for a little while3 I should then ha)e i)en $lar ely% in charity, and I should ha)e been one of the doers of ood1. 11. 'ut to no soul will Allah rant res"ite when the time a""ointed $for it% has come; and Allah is well ac;uainted with $all% that ye do.

Surah " . :utual 6isillusion. Haggling

1. (hate)er is in the hea)ens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. to ,im belon s dominion, and to ,im belon s "raise0 and ,e has "ower o)er all thin s. 2. It is ,e (ho has created you; and of you are some that are *nbelie)ers, and some that are 'elie)ers0 and Allah sees well all that ye do. 3. ,e has created the hea)ens and the earth in -ust "ro"ortions, and has i)en you sha"e, and made your sha"es beautiful0 and to ,im is the final Goal. . ,e #nows what is in the hea)ens and on earth; and ,e #nows what ye conceal and what ye re)eal0 yea, Allah #nows well the $secrets% of $all% hearts. !. ,as not the story reached you, of those who re-ected .aith aforetime3 So they tasted the e)il result of their conduct; and they had a rie)ous Penalty. ". !hat was because there came to them a"ostles with Clear Si ns, but they said0 1Shall $mere% human bein s direct us31 So they re-ected $the Messa e% and turned away. 'ut Allah can do without $them%0 and Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all "raise. #. !he *nbelie)ers thin# that they will not be raised u" $for Jud ment%. Say0 1:ea, 'y my &ord, :e shall surely be raised u"0 then shall ye be told $the truth% of all that ye did. And that is easy for Allah.1 &. 'elie)e, therefore, in Allah and ,is Messen er, and in the &i ht which we ha)e sent down. And Allah is well ac;uainted with all that ye do. '. !he Day that ,e assembles you $all% for a Day of Assembly,5 that will be a Day of mutual loss and ain $amon you%, and those who belie)e in Allah and wor# ri hteousness,5 ,e will remo)e from them their ills, and ,e will admit them to Gardens beneath which +i)ers flow, to dwell therein for e)er0 that will be the Su"reme Achie)ement. 1(. 'ut those who re-ect .aith and treat /ur Si ns as falsehoods, they will be Com"anions of the .ire, to dwell therein for aye0 and e)il is that Goal. 11. 4o #ind of calamity can occur, e8ce"t by the lea)e of Allah. and if any one belie)es in Allah, $$Allah%% uides his heart $ari ht%0 for Allah #nows all thin s. 12. So obey Allah, and obey ,is Messen er. but if ye turn bac#, the duty of /ur Messen er is but to "roclaim $the Messa e% clearly and o"enly. 13. Allah. !here is no od but ,e0 and on Allah, therefore, let the 'elie)ers "ut their trust. 1 . / ye who belie)e2 !ruly, amon your wi)es and your children are $some that are% enemies to yoursel)es0 so beware of them2 'ut if ye for i)e and o)erloo#, and co)er u" $their faults%, )erily Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 1!. :our riches and your children may be but a trial0 but in the Presence of Allah, is the hi hest, +eward. 1". So fear Allah as much as ye can; listen and obey and s"end in charity for the benefit of your own soul and those sa)ed from the co)etousness of their own souls,5 they are the ones that achie)e "ros"erity.

1#. If ye loan to Allah, a beautiful loan, ,e will double it to your $credit%, and ,e will rant you .or i)eness0 for Allah is most +eady to a""reciate $ser)ice%, Most .orbearin ,5 1&. =nower of what is o"en, 78alted in Mi ht, .ull of (isdom.

Surah "!. 6i2or3e

1. / Pro"het2 (hen ye do di)orce women, di)orce them at their "rescribed "eriods, and count $accurately%, their "rescribed "eriods0 And fear Allah your &ord0 and turn them not out of their houses, nor shall they $themsel)es% lea)e, e8ce"t in case they are uilty of some o"en lewdness, those are limits set by Allah. and any who trans resses the limits of Allah, does )erily wron his $own% soul0 thou #nowest not if "erchance Allah will brin about thereafter some new situation. 2. !hus when they fulfil their term a""ointed, either ta#e them bac# on e;uitable terms or "art with them on e;uitable terms; and ta#e for witness two "ersons from amon you, endued with -ustice, and establish the e)idence $as% before Allah. Such is the admonition i)en to him who belie)es in Allah and the &ast Day. And for those who fear Allah, ,e $e)er% "re"ares a way out, 3. And ,e "ro)ides for him from $sources% he ne)er could ima ine. And if any one "uts his trust in Allah, sufficient is $$Allah%% for him. .or Allah will surely accom"lish his "ur"ose0 )erily, for all thin s has Allah a""ointed a due "ro"ortion. . Such of your women as ha)e "assed the a e of monthly courses, for them the "rescribed "eriod, if ye ha)e any doubts, is three months, and for those who ha)e no courses $it is the same%0 for those who carry $life within their wombs%, their "eriod is until they deli)er their burdens0 and for those who fear Allah, ,e will ma#e their "ath easy. !. !hat is the Command of Allah, which ,e has sent down to you0 and if any one fears Allah, ,e will remo)e his ills, from him, and will enlar e his reward. ". &et the women li)e $in 9iddat% in the same style as ye li)e, accordin to your means0 Annoy them not, so as to restrict them. And if they carry $life in their wombs%, then s"end $your substance% on them until they deli)er their burden0 and if they suc#le your $offs"rin %, i)e them their recom"ense0 and ta#e mutual counsel to ether, accordin to what is -ust and reasonable. And if ye find yoursel)es in difficulties, let another woman suc#le $the child% on the $father9s% behalf. #. &et the man of means s"end accordin to his means0 and the man whose resources are restricted, let him s"end accordin to what Allah has i)en him. Allah "uts no burden on any "erson beyond what ,e has i)en him. After a difficulty, Allah will soon rant relief. &. ,ow many "o"ulations that insolently o""osed the Command of their &ord and of ,is a"ostles, did (e not then call to account,5 to se)ere account35 and (e im"osed on them an e8em"lary Punishment. '. !hen did they taste the e)il result of their conduct, and the 7nd of their conduct was Perdition. 1(. Allah has "re"ared for them a se)ere Punishment $in the ,ereafter%. !herefore fear Allah, / ye men of understandin 5 who ha)e belie)ed25 for Allah hath indeed sent down to you a Messa e,5 11. An Messen er, who rehearses to you the Si ns of Allah containin clear e8"lanations, that he may lead forth those who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds from the de"ths of Dar#ness into &i ht. And those who belie)e in Allah and wor# ri hteousness, ,e will admit to Gardens

beneath which +i)ers flow, to dwell therein for e)er0 Allah has indeed ranted for them a most e8cellent Pro)ision. 12. Allah is ,e (ho created se)en .irmaments and of the earth a similar number. !hrou h the midst of them $all% descends ,is Command0 that ye may #now that Allah has "ower o)er all thin s, and that Allah com"rehends, all thin s in $,is% =nowled e.

Surah "". 5anning. ;rohi0ition

1. / Pro"het2 (hy holdest thou to be forbidden that which Allah has made lawful to thee3 !hou see#est to "lease thy consorts. 'ut Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful. 2. Allah has already ordained for you, $/ men%, the dissolution of your oaths $in some cases%0 and Allah is your Protector, and ,e is .ull of =nowled e and (isdom. 3. (hen the Pro"het disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his consorts, and she then di)ul ed it $to another%, and Allah made it #nown to him, he confirmed "art thereof and re"udiated a "art. !hen when he told her thereof, she said, 1(ho told thee this3 1,e said, 1,e told me (ho #nows and is well5ac;uainted $with all thin s%.1 . If ye two turn in re"entance to ,im, your hearts are indeed so inclined; 'ut if ye bac# u" each other a ainst him, truly Allah is his Protector, and Gabriel, and $e)ery% ri hteous one amon those who belie)e,5 and furthermore, the an els 5 will bac# $him% u". !. It may be, if he di)orced you $all%, that Allah will i)e him in e8chan e consorts better than you,5 who submit $their wills%, who belie)e, who are de)out, who turn to Allah in re"entance, who worshi" $in humility%, who tra)el $for .aith% and fast,5 "re)iously married or )ir ins. ". / ye who belie)e2 sa)e yoursel)es and your families from a .ire whose fuel is Men and Stones, o)er which are $a""ointed% an els stern $and% se)ere, who flinch not $from e8ecutin % the Commands they recei)e from Allah, but do $"recisely% what they are commanded. #. $!hey will say%, 1/ ye *nbelie)ers2 Ma#e no e8cuses this Day2 :e are bein but re;uited for all that ye did21 &. / ye who belie)e2 !urn to Allah with sincere re"entance0 In the ho"e that your &ord will remo)e from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which +i)ers flow,5 the Day that Allah will not "ermit to be humiliated the Pro"het and those who belie)e with him. !heir &i ht will run forward before them and by their ri ht hands, while they say, 1/ur &ord2 Perfect our &i ht for us, and rant us .or i)eness0 for !hou hast "ower o)er all thin s.1 '. / Pro"het2 Stri)e hard a ainst the *nbelie)ers and the ,y"ocrites, and be firm a ainst them. !heir abode is ,ell,5 an e)il refu e $indeed%. 1(. Allah sets forth, for an e8am"le to the *nbelie)ers, the wife of 4oah and the wife of &ut0 they were $res"ecti)ely% under two of our ri hteous ser)ants, but they were false to their $husbands%, and they "rofited nothin before Allah on their account, but were told0 17nter ye the .ire alon with $others% that enter21 11. And Allah sets forth, as an e8am"le to those who belie)e the wife of Pharaoh0 'ehold she said0 1/ my &ord2 'uild for me, in nearness to !hee, a mansion in the Garden, and sa)e me from Pharaoh and his doin s, and sa)e me from those that do wron 1; 12. And Mary the dau hter of 9Imran, who uarded her chastity; and (e breathed into $her body% of /ur s"irit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her &ord and of ,is +e)elations, and was one of the de)out $ser)ants%.

Surah "#. The So2ereignt+. $ontrol

1. 'lessed be ,e in (hose hands is Dominion; and ,e o)er all thin s hath Power;5 2. ,e (ho created Death and &ife, that ,e may try which of you is best in deed0 and ,e is the 78alted in Mi ht, /ft5.or i)in ;5 3. ,e (ho created the se)en hea)ens one abo)e another0 4o want of "ro"ortion wilt thou see in the Creation of $$Allah%% Most Gracious. So turn thy )ision a ain0 seest thou any flaw3 . A ain turn thy )ision a second time0 $thy% )ision will come bac# to thee dull and discomfited, in a state worn out. !. And we ha)e, $from of old%, adorned the lowest hea)en with &am"s, and (e ha)e made such $&am"s% $as% missiles to dri)e away the 7)il /nes, and ha)e "re"ared for them the Penalty of the 'la6in .ire. ". .or those who re-ect their &ord $and Cherisher% is the Penalty of ,ell0 and e)il is $such%, Destination. #. (hen they are cast therein, they will hear the $terrible% drawin in of its breath e)en as it bla6es forth, &. Almost burstin with fury0 7)ery time a Grou" is cast therein, its =ee"ers will as#, 1Did no (arner come to you31 '. !hey will say0 1:es indeed; a (arner did come to us, but we re-ected him and said, 9$Allah% ne)er sent down any $Messa e%0 ye are nothin but an e re ious delusion291 1(. !hey will further say0 1,ad we but listened or used our intelli ence, we should not $now% be amon the Com"anions of the 'la6in .ire21 11. !hey will then confess their sins0 but far will be $.or i)eness% from the Com"anions of the 'la6in .ire2 12. As for those who fear their &ord unseen, for them is .or i)eness and a reat +eward. 13. And whether ye hide your word or "ublish it, ,e certainly has $full% #nowled e, of the secrets of $all% hearts. 1 . Should ,e not #now,5 ,e that created3 and ,e is the /ne that understands the finest mysteries $and% is well5ac;uainted $with them%. 1!. It is ,e (ho has made the earth mana eable for you, so tra)erse ye throu h its tracts and en-oy of the Sustenance which ,e furnishes0 but unto ,im is the +esurrection. 1". Do ye feel secure that ,e (ho is in hea)en will not cause you to be swallowed u" by the earth when it sha#es $as in an earth;ua#e%3 1#. /r do ye feel secure that ,e (ho is in ,ea)en will not send a ainst you a )iolent tornado $with showers of stones%, so that ye shall #now how $terrible% was My warnin 3 1&. 'ut indeed men before them re-ected $My warnin %0 then how $terrible% was My re-ection $of them%3 1'. Do they not obser)e the birds abo)e them, s"readin their win s and foldin them in3 4one can u"hold them e8ce"t $$Allah%% Most Gracious0 !ruly $$Allah%% Most Gracious0 !ruly it is ,e that watches o)er all thin s. 2(. 4ay, who is there that can hel" you, $e)en as% an army, besides $$Allah%% Most Merciful3 In nothin but delusion are the *nbelie)ers.

21. /r who is there that can "ro)ide you with Sustenance if ,e were to withhold ,is "ro)ision3 4ay, they obstinately "ersist in insolent im"iety and fli ht $from the !ruth%. 22. Is then one who wal#s headlon , with his face ro)ellin , better uided,5 or one who wal#s e)enly on a Strai ht (ay3 23. Say0 1It is ,e (ho has created you $and made you row%, and made for you the faculties of hearin , seein , feelin and understandin 0 little than#s it is ye i)e. 2 . Say0 1It is ,e (ho has multi"lied you throu h the earth, and to ,im shall ye be athered to ether.1 2!. !hey as#0 (hen will this "romise be $fulfilled%3 5 If ye are tellin the truth. 2". Say0 1As to the #nowled e of the time, it is with Allah alone0 I am $sent% only to warn "lainly in "ublic.1 2#. At len th, when they see it close at hand, rie)ed will be the faces of the *nbelie)ers, and it will be said $to them%0 1!his is $the "romise fulfilled%, which ye were callin for21 2&. Say0 1See ye35 If Allah were to destroy me, and those with me, or if ,e bestows ,is Mercy on us,5 yet who can deli)er the *nbelie)ers from a rie)ous Penalty31 2'. Say0 1,e is $$Allah%% Most Gracious0 (e ha)e belie)ed in ,im, and on ,im ha)e we "ut our trust0 So, soon will ye #now which $of us% it is that is in manifest error.1 3(. Say0 1See ye35 If your stream be some mornin lost $in the under round earth%, who then can su""ly you with clear5flowin water31

Surah "&. The ;en. >the Letter? N

1. 4un. 'y the Pen and the $+ecord% which $men% write,5 2. !hou art not, by the Grace of thy &ord, mad or "ossessed. 3. 4ay, )erily for thee is a +eward unfailin 0 . And thou $standest% on an e8alted standard of character. !. Soon wilt thou see, and they will see, ". (hich of you is afflicted with madness. #. >erily it is thy &ord that #noweth best, which $amon men% hath strayed from ,is Path0 and ,e #noweth best those who recei)e $true% Guidance. &. So hear#en not to those who deny $the !ruth%. '. !heir desire is that thou shouldst be "liant0 so would they be "liant. 1(. ,eed not the ty"e of des"icable men,5 ready with oaths, 11. A slanderer, oin about with calumnies, 12. $,abitually% hinderin $all% ood, trans ressin beyond bounds, dee" in sin, 13. >iolent $and cruel%,5 with all that, base5born,5 1 . 'ecause he "ossesses wealth and $numerous% sons. 1!. (hen to him are rehearsed /ur Si ns, 1!ales of the ancients1, he cries2 1". Soon shall (e brand $the beast% on the snout2 1#. >erily (e ha)e tried them as (e tried the Peo"le of the Garden, when they resol)ed to ather the fruits of the $ arden% in the mornin .

1&. 'ut made no reser)ation, $1If it be Allah.s (ill1%. 1'. !hen there came on the $ arden% a )isitation from thy &ord, $which swe"t away% all around, while they were aslee". 2(. So the $ arden% became, by the mornin , li#e a dar# and desolate s"ot, $whose fruit had been athered%. 21. As the mornin bro#e, they called out, one to another,5 22. 1Go ye to your tilth $betimes% in the mornin , if ye would ather the fruits.1 23. So they de"arted, con)ersin in secret low tones, $sayin %5 2 . 1&et not a sin le indi ent "erson brea# in u"on you into the $ arden% this day.1 2!. And they o"ened the mornin , stron in an $un-ust% resol)e. 2". 'ut when they saw the $ arden%, they said0 1(e ha)e surely lost our way0 2#. 1Indeed we are shut out $of the fruits of our labour%21 2&. Said one of them, more -ust $than the rest%0 1Did I not say to you, 9(hy not lorify $$Allah%%391 2'. !hey said0 1Glory to our &ord2 >erily we ha)e been doin wron 21 3(. !hen they turned, one a ainst another, in re"roach. 31. !hey said0 1Alas for us2 (e ha)e indeed trans ressed2 32. 1It may be that our &ord will i)e us in e8chan e a better $ arden% than this0 for we do turn to ,im $in re"entance%21 33. Such is the Punishment $in this life%; but reater is the Punishment in the ,ereafter,5 if only they #new2 3 . >erily, for the +i hteous, are Gardens of Deli ht, in the Presence of their &ord. 3!. Shall (e then treat the Peo"le of .aith li#e the Peo"le of Sin3 3". (hat is the matter with you3 ,ow -ud e ye3 3#. /r ha)e ye a boo# throu h which ye learn5 3&. !hat ye shall ha)e, throu h it whate)er ye choose3 3'. /r ha)e ye Co)enants with *s to oath, reachin to the Day of Jud ment, $"ro)idin % that ye shall ha)e whate)er ye shall demand3 (. As# thou of them, which of them will stand surety for that2 1. /r ha)e they some 1Partners1 $in Allah.ead%3 !hen let them "roduce their 1"artners1, if they are truthful2 2. !he Day that the shin shall be laid bare, and they shall be summoned to bow in adoration, but they shall not be able,5 3. !heir eyes will be cast down,5 i nominy will co)er them; seein that they had been summoned aforetime to bow in adoration, while they were whole, $and had refused%. . !hen lea)e Me alone with such as re-ect this Messa e0 by de rees shall (e "unish them from directions they "ercei)e not. !. A $lon % res"ite will I rant them0 truly "owerful is My Plan. ". /r is it that thou dost as# them for a reward, so that they are burdened with a load of debt35

#. /r that the *nseen is in their hands, so that they can write it down3 &. So wait with "atience for the Command of thy &ord, and be not li#e the Com"anion of the .ish,5 when he cried out in a ony. '. ,ad not Grace from his &ord reached him, he would indeed ha)e been cast off on the na#ed shore, in dis race. !(. !hus did his &ord choose him and ma#e him of the Com"any of the +i hteous. !1. And the *nbelie)ers would almost tri" thee u" with their eyes when they hear the Messa e; and they say0 1Surely he is "ossessed21 !2. 'ut it is nothin less than a Messa e to all the worlds.

Surah "'. The Realit+

1. !he Sure +eality2 2. (hat is the Sure +eality3 3. And what will ma#e thee realise what the Sure +eality is3 . !he !hamud and the 9Ad Peo"le $branded% as false the Stunnin Calamity2 !. 'ut the !hamud,5 they were destroyed by a terrible Storm of thunder and li htnin 2 ". And the 9Ad, they were destroyed by a furious (ind, e8ceedin ly )iolent; #. ,e made it ra e a ainst them se)en ni hts and ei ht days in succession0 so that thou couldst see the $whole% "eo"le lyin "rostrate in its $"ath%, as they had been roots of hollow "alm5trees tumbled down2 &. !hen seest thou any of them left sur)i)in 3 '. And Pharaoh, and those before him, and the Cities /)erthrown, committed habitual Sin. 1(. And disobeyed $each% the a"ostle of their &ord; so ,e "unished them with an abundant Penalty. 11. (e, when the water $of 4oah9s .lood% o)erflowed beyond its limits, carried you $man#ind%, in the floatin $Ar#%, 12. !hat (e mi ht ma#e it a Messa e unto you, and that ears $that should hear the tale and% retain its memory should bear its $lessons% in remembrance. 13. !hen, when one blast is sounded on the !rum"et, 1 . And the earth is mo)ed, and its mountains, and they are crushed to "owder at one stro#e,5 1!. /n that Day shall the $Great% 7)ent come to "ass. 1". And the s#y will be rent asunder, for it will that Day be flimsy, 1#. And the an els will be on its sides, and ei ht will, that Day, bear the !hrone of thy &ord abo)e them. 1&. !hat Day shall ye be brou ht to Jud ment0 not an act of yours that ye hide will be hidden. 1'. !hen he that will be i)en his +ecord in his ri ht hand will say0 1Ah here2 +ead ye my +ecord2 2(. 1I did really understand that my Account would $/ne Day% reach me21 21. And he will be in a life of 'liss, 22. In a Garden on hi h,

23. !he .ruits whereof $will han in bunches% low and near. 2 . 17at ye and drin# ye, with full satisfaction; because of the $ ood% that ye sent before you, in the days that are one21 2!. And he that will be i)en his +ecord in his left hand, will say0 1Ah2 (ould that my +ecord had not been i)en to me2 2". 1And that I had ne)er realised how my account $stood%2 2#. 1Ah2 (ould that $Death% had made an end of me2 2&. 1/f no "rofit to me has been my wealth2 2'. 1My "ower has "erished from me21... 3(. $!he stern command will say%0 1Sei6e ye him, and bind ye him, 31. 1And burn ye him in the 'la6in .ire. 32. 1.urther, ma#e him march in a chain, whereof the len th is se)enty cubits2 33. 1!his was he that would not belie)e in Allah Most ,i h. 3 . 1And would not encoura e the feedin of the indi ent2 3!. 1So no friend hath he here this Day. 3". 14or hath he any food e8ce"t the corru"tion from the washin of wounds, 3#. 1(hich none do eat but those in sin.1 3&. So I do call to witness what ye see, 3'. And what ye see not, (. !hat this is )erily the word of an honoured a"ostle; 1. It is not the word of a "oet0 little it is ye belie)e2 2. 4or is it the word of a soothsayer0 little admonition it is ye recei)e. 3. $!his is% a Messa e sent down from the &ord of the (orlds. . And if the a"ostle were to in)ent any sayin s in /ur name, !. (e should certainly sei6e him by his ri ht hand, ". And (e should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart0 #. 4or could any of you withhold him $from /ur wrath%. &. 'ut )erily this is a Messa e for the Allah.fearin . '. And (e certainly #now that there are amon st you those that re-ect $it%. !(. 'ut truly $+e)elation% is a cause of sorrow for the *nbelie)ers. !1. 'ut )erily it is !ruth of assured certainty. !2. So lorify the name of thy &ord Most ,i h.

Surah #(. The As3en1ing Stair3ases Up%ar1. S34epti3

1. A ;uestioner as#ed about a Penalty to befall5 2. !he *nbelie)ers, the which there is none to ward off,5


3. $A Penalty% from Allah, &ord of the (ays of Ascent. . !he an els and the s"irit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is $as% fifty thousand years0 !. !herefore do thou hold Patience,5 a Patience of beautiful $contentment%. ". !hey see the $Day% indeed as a far5off $e)ent%0 #. 'ut (e see it $;uite% near. &. !he Day that the s#y will be li#e molten brass, '. And the mountains will be li#e wool, 1(. And no friend will as# after a friend, 11. !hou h they will be "ut in si ht of each other,5 the sinner9s desire will be0 (ould that he could redeem himself from the Penalty of that Day by $sacrificin % his children, 12. ,is wife and his brother, 13. ,is #indred who sheltered him, 1 . And all, all that is on earth,5 so it could deli)er him0 1!. 'y no means2 for it would be the .ire of ,ell25 1". Pluc#in out $his bein % ri ht to the s#ull25 1#. In)itin $all% such as turn their bac#s and turn away their faces $from the +i ht%. 1&. And collect $wealth% and hide it $from use%2 1'. !ruly man was created )ery im"atient;5 2(. .retful when e)il touches him; 21. And ni ardly when ood reaches him;5 22. 4ot so those de)oted to Prayer;5 23. !hose who remain steadfast to their "rayer; 2 . And those in whose wealth is a reco nised ri ht. 2!. .or the $needy% who as#s and him who is "re)ented $for some reason from as#in %; 2". And those who hold to the truth of the Day of Jud ment; 2#. And those who fear the dis"leasure of their &ord,5 2&. .or their &ord9s dis"leasure is the o""osite of Peace and !ran;uillity;5 2'. And those who uard their chastity, 3(. 78ce"t with their wi)es and the $ca"ti)es% whom their ri ht hands "ossess,5 for $then% they are not to be blamed, 31. 'ut those who tres"ass beyond this are trans ressors;5 32. And those who res"ect their trusts and co)enants; 33. And those who stand firm in their testimonies; 3 . And those who uard $the sacredness% of their worshi";5 3!. Such will be the honoured ones in the Gardens $of 'liss%. 3". 4ow what is the matter with the *nbelie)ers that they rush madly before thee5 3#. .rom the ri ht and from the left, in crowds3

3&. Does e)ery man of them lon to enter the Garden of 'liss3 3'. 'y no means2 .or (e ha)e created them out of the $base matter% they #now2 (. 4ow I do call to witness the &ord of all "oints in the 7ast and the (est that (e can certainly5 1. Substitute for them better $men% than they; And (e are not to be defeated $in /ur Plan%. 2. So lea)e them to "lun e in )ain tal# and "lay about, until they encounter that Day of theirs which they ha)e been "romised25 3. !he Day whereon they will issue from their se"ulchres in sudden haste as if they were rushin to a oal5"ost $fi8ed for them%,5 . !heir eyes lowered in de-ection,5 i nominy co)erin them $all o)er%2 such is the Day the which they are "romised2

Surah #1. Noah

1. (e sent 4oah to his Peo"le $with the Command%0 1Do thou warn thy Peo"le before there comes to them a rie)ous Penalty.1 2. ,e said0 1/ my Peo"le2 I am to you a (arner, clear and o"en0 3. 1!hat ye should worshi" Allah, fear ,im and obey me0 . 1So ,e may for i)e you your sins and i)e you res"ite for a stated !erm0 for when the !erm i)en by Allah is accom"lished, it cannot be "ut forward0 if ye only #new.1 !. ,e said0 1/ my &ord2 I ha)e called to my Peo"le ni ht and day0 ". 1'ut my call only increases $their% fli ht $from the +i ht%. #. 1And e)ery time I ha)e called to them, that !hou mi htest for i)e them, they ha)e $only% thrust their fin ers into their ears, co)ered themsel)es u" with their arments, rown obstinate, and i)en themsel)es u" to arro ance. &. 1So I ha)e called to them aloud; '. 1.urther I ha)e s"o#en to them in "ublic and secretly in "ri)ate, 1(. 1Sayin , 9As# for i)eness from your &ord; for ,e is /ft5.or i)in ; 11. 19,e will send rain to you in abundance; 12. 19Gi)e you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you ardens and bestow on you ri)ers $of flowin water%. 13. 19(hat is the matter with you, that ye "lace not your ho"e for #indness and lon 5sufferin in Allah,5 1 . 19Seein that it is ,e that has created you in di)erse sta es3 1!. 19See ye not how Allah has created the se)en hea)ens one abo)e another, 1". 19And made the moon a li ht in their midst, and made the sun as a $Glorious% &am"3 1#. 19And Allah has "roduced you from the earth rowin $ radually%, 1&. 19And in the 7nd ,e will return you into the $earth%, and raise you forth $a ain at the +esurrection%3 1'. 19And Allah has made the earth for you as a car"et $s"read out%, 2(. 19!hat ye may o about therein, in s"acious roads.91

21. 4oah said0 1/ my &ord2 !hey ha)e disobeyed me, but they follow $men% whose wealth and children i)e them no increase but only &oss. 22. 1And they ha)e de)ised a tremendous Plot. 23. 1And they ha)e said $to each other%, 9Abandon not your ods0 Abandon neither (add nor Suwa9, neither :a uth nor :a9u;, nor 4asr9;5 2 . 1!hey ha)e already misled many; and rant !hou no increase to the wron 5 doers but in strayin $from their mar#%.1 2!. 'ecause of their sins they were drowned $in the flood%, and were made to enter the .ire $of Punishment%0 and they found5 in lieu of Allah. none to hel" them. 2". And 4oah, said0 1/ my &ord2 &ea)e not of the *nbelie)ers, a sin le one on earth2 2#. 1.or, if !hou dost lea)e $any of% them, they will but mislead !hy de)otees, and they will breed none but wic#ed un rateful ones. 2&. 1/ my &ord2 .or i)e me, my "arents, all who enter my house in .aith, and $all% belie)in men and belie)in women0 and to the wron 5doers rant !hou no increase but in "erdition21

Surah #2. The 7inn. Sprites

1. Say0 It has been re)ealed to me that a com"any of Jinns listened $to the <ur9an%. !hey said, 9(e ha)e really heard a wonderful +ecital2 2. 9It i)es uidance to the +i ht, and we ha)e belie)ed therein0 we shall not -oin $in worshi"% any $ ods% with our &ord. 3. 9And 78alted is the Ma-esty of our &ord0 ,e has ta#en neither a wife nor a son. . 9!here were some foolish ones amon us, who used to utter e8tra)a ant lies a ainst Allah. !. 9'ut we do thin# that no man or s"irit should say au ht that untrue a ainst Allah. ". 9!rue, there were "ersons amon man#ind who too# shelter with "ersons amon the Jinns, but they increased them in folly. #. 9And they $came to% thin# as ye thou ht, that Allah would not raise u" any one $to Jud ment%. &. 9And we "ried into the secrets of hea)en; but we found it filled with stern uards and flamin fires. '. 9(e used, indeed, to sit there in $hidden% stations, to $steal% a hearin ; but any who listen now will find a flamin fire watchin him in ambush. 1(. 9And we understand not whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their &ord $really% intends to uide them to ri ht conduct. 11. 9!here are amon us some that are ri hteous, and some the contrary0 we follow di)er ent "aths. 12. 9'ut we thin# that we can by no means frustrate Allah throu hout the earth, nor can we frustrate ,im by fli ht. 13. 9And as for us, since we ha)e listened to the Guidance, we ha)e acce"ted it0 and any who belie)es in his &ord has no fear, either of a short $account% or of any in-ustice. 1 . 9Amon st us are some that submit their wills $to Allah., and some that swer)e from -ustice. 4ow those who submit their wills 5 they ha)e sou ht out $the "ath% of ri ht conduct0 1!. 9'ut those who swer)e,5 they are $but% fuel for ,ell5fire95

1". $And Allah.s Messa e is%0 1If they $the Pa ans% had $only% remained on the $ri ht% (ay, (e should certainly ha)e bestowed on them +ain in abundance. 1#. 1!hat (e mi ht try them by that $means%. 'ut if any turns away from the remembrance of his &ord, ,e will cause him to under o a se)ere Penalty. 1&. 1And the "laces of worshi" are for Allah $alone%0 So in)o#e not any one alon with Allah. 1'. 1:et when the De)otee of Allah stands forth to in)o#e ,im, they -ust ma#e round him a dense crowd.1 2(. Say0 1I do no more than in)o#e my &ord, and I -oin not with ,im any $false od%.1 21. Say0 1It is not in my "ower to cause you harm, or to brin you to ri ht conduct.1 22. Say0 14o one can deli)er me from Allah $If I were to disobey ,im%, nor should I find refu e e8ce"t in ,im, 23. 1*nless I "roclaim what I recei)e from Allah and ,is Messa es0 for any that disobey Allah and ,is Messen er,5 for them is ,ell0 they shall dwell therein for e)er.1 2 . At len th, when they see $with their own eyes% that which they are "romised,5 then will they #now who it is that is wea#est in $his% hel"er and least im"ortant in "oint of numbers. 2!. Say0 1I #now not whether the $Punishment% which ye are "romised is near, or whether my &ord will a""oint for it a distant term. 2". 1,e $alone% #nows the *nseen, nor does ,e ma#e any one ac;uainted with ,is Mysteries,5 2#. 178ce"t an a"ostle whom ,e has chosen0 and then ,e ma#es a band of watchers march before him and behind him, 2&. 1!hat ,e may #now that they ha)e $truly% brou ht and deli)ered the Messa es of their &ord0 and ,e surrounds $all the mysteries% that are with them, and ta#es account of e)ery sin le thin .1

Surah #3. The Enshrou1e1 One. 5un1le1 Up

1. / thou folded in arments2 2. Stand $to "rayer% by ni ht, but not all ni ht,5 3. ,alf of it,5 or a little less, . /r a little more; and recite the <ur9an in slow, measured rhythmic tones. !. Soon shall (e send down to thee a wei hty Messa e. ". !ruly the risin by ni ht is most "otent for o)ernin $the soul%, and most suitable for $framin % the (ord $of Prayer and Praise%. #. !rue, there is for thee by day "rolon ed occu"ation with ordinary duties0 &. 'ut #ee" in remembrance the name of thy &ord and de)ote thyself to ,im whole5heartedly. '. $,e is% &ord of the 7ast and the (est0 there is no od but ,e0 ta#e ,im therefore for $thy% Dis"oser of Affairs. 1(. And ha)e "atience with what they say, and lea)e them with noble $di nity%. 11. And lea)e Me $alone to deal with% those in "ossession of the ood thin s of life, who $yet% deny the !ruth; and bear with them for a little while.

12. (ith *s are .etters $to bind them%, and a .ire $to burn them%, 13. And a .ood that cho#es, and a Penalty Grie)ous. 1 . /ne Day the earth and the mountains will be in )iolent commotion. And the mountains will be as a hea" of sand "oured out and flowin down. 1!. (e ha)e sent to you, $/ men2% an a"ostle, to be a witness concernin you, e)en as (e sent an a"ostle to Pharaoh. 1". 'ut Pharaoh disobeyed the a"ostle; so (e sei6ed him with a hea)y Punishment. 1#. !hen how shall ye, if ye deny $$Allah%%, uard yoursel)es a ainst a Day that will ma#e children hoary5headed35 1&. (hereon the s#y will be cleft asunder3 ,is Promise needs must be accom"lished. 1'. >erily this is an Admonition0 therefore, whoso will, let him ta#e a $strai ht% "ath to his &ord2 2(. !hy &ord doth #now that thou standest forth $to "rayer% ni h two5thirds of the ni ht, or half the ni ht, or a third of the ni ht, and so doth a "arty of those with thee. 'ut Allah doth a""oint ni ht and day in due measure ,e #noweth that ye are unable to #ee" count thereof. So ,e hath turned to you $in mercy%0 read ye, therefore, of the <ur9an as much as may be easy for you. ,e #noweth that there may be $some% amon you in ill5health; others tra)ellin throu h the land, see#in of Allah.s bounty; yet others fi htin in Allah.s Cause, read ye, therefore, as much of the <ur9an as may be easy $for you%; and establish re ular Prayer and i)e re ular Charity; and loan to Allah a 'eautiful &oan. And whate)er ood ye send forth for your souls ye shall find it in Allah.s Presence,5 yea, better and reater, in +eward and see# ye the Grace of Allah. for Allah is /ft5.or i)in , Most Merciful.

Surah # . The $loa4e1 One. The :an /earing A $loa4

1. / thou wra""ed u" $in the mantle%2 2. Arise and deli)er thy warnin 2 3. And thy &ord do thou ma nify2 . And thy arments #ee" free from stain2 !. And all abomination shun2 ". 4or e8"ect, in i)in , any increase $for thyself%2 #. 'ut, for thy &ord9s $Cause%, be "atient and constant2 &. .inally, when the !rum"et is sounded, '. !hat will be5 that Day 5 a Day of Distress,5 1(. .ar from easy for those without .aith. 11. &ea)e Me alone, $to deal% with the $creature% whom I created $bare and% alone25 12. !o whom I ranted resources in abundance, 13. And sons to be by his side25 1 . !o whom I made $life% smooth and comfortable2 1!. :et is he reedy5that I should add $yet more%;5

1". 'y no means2 .or to /ur Si ns he has been refractory2 1#. Soon will I )isit him with a mount of calamities2 1&. .or he thou ht and he "lotted;5 1'. And woe to him2 ,ow he "lotted25 2(. :ea, (oe to him; ,ow he "lotted25 21. !hen he loo#ed round; 22. !hen he frowned and he scowled; 23. !hen he turned bac# and was hau hty; 2 . !hen said he0 1!his is nothin but ma ic, deri)ed from of old; 2!. 1!his is nothin but the word of a mortal21 2". Soon will I cast him into ,ell5.ire2 2#. And what will e8"lain to thee what ,ell5.ire is3 2&. 4au ht doth it "ermit to endure, and nau ht doth it lea)e alone25 2'. Dar#enin and chan in the colour of man2 3(. /)er it are 4ineteen. 31. And (e ha)e set none but an els as Guardians of the .ire; and (e ha)e fi8ed their number only as a trial for *nbelie)ers,5 in order that the Peo"le of the 'oo# may arri)e at certainty, and the 'elie)ers may increase in .aith,5 and that no doubts may be left for the Peo"le of the 'oo# and the 'elie)ers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the *nbelie)ers may say, 1(hat symbol doth Allah intend by this 31 !hus doth Allah lea)e to stray whom ,e "leaseth, and uide whom ,e "leaseth0 and none can #now the forces of thy &ord, e8ce"t ,e and this is no other than a warnin to man#ind. 32. 4ay, )erily0 'y the Moon, 33. And by the 4i ht as it retreateth, 3 . And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,5 3!. !his is but one of the mi hty $"ortents%, 3". A warnin to man#ind,5 3#. !o any of you that chooses to "ress forward, or to follow behind;5 3&. 7)ery soul will be $held% in "led e for its deeds. 3'. 78ce"t the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and. (. $!hey will be% in Gardens $of Deli ht%0 they will ;uestion each other, 1. And $as#% of the Sinners0 2. 1(hat led you into ,ell .ire31 3. !hey will say0 1(e were not of those who "rayed; . 14or were we of those who fed the indi ent; !. 1'ut we used to tal# )anities with )ain tal#ers; ". 1And we used to deny the Day of Jud ment, #. 1*ntil there came to us $the ,our% that is certain.1 &. !hen will no intercession of $any% intercessors "rofit them.

'. !hen what is the matter with them that they turn away from admonition35 !(. As if they were affri hted asses, !1. .leein from a lion2 !2. .orsooth, each one of them wants to be i)en scrolls $of re)elation% s"read out2 !3. 'y no means2 'ut they fear not the ,ereafter, ! . 4ay, this surely is an admonition0 !!. &et any who will, #ee" it in remembrance2 !". 'ut none will #ee" it in remembrance e8ce"t as Allah wills0 ,e is the &ord of +i hteousness, and the &ord of .or i)eness.

Surah #!. The Rising Of The 6ea1. Resurre3tion

1. I do call to witness the +esurrection Day; 2. And I do call to witness the self5re"roachin s"irit0 $7schew 7)il%. 3. Does man thin# that (e cannot assemble his bones3 . 4ay, (e are able to "ut to ether in "erfect order the )ery ti"s of his fin ers. !. 'ut man wishes to do wron $e)en% in the time in front of him. ". ,e ;uestions0 1(hen is the Day of +esurrection31 #. At len th, when the si ht is da6ed, &. And the moon is buried in dar#ness. '. And the sun and moon are -oined to ether,5 1(. !hat Day will Man say0 1(here is the refu e31 11. 'y no means2 4o "lace of safety2 12. 'efore thy &ord $alone%, that Day will be the "lace of rest. 13. !hat Day will Man be told $all% that he "ut forward, and all that he "ut bac#. 1 . 4ay, man will be e)idence a ainst himself, 1!. 7)en thou h he were to "ut u" his e8cuses. 1". Mo)e not thy ton ue concernin the $<ur9an% to ma#e haste therewith. 1#. It is for *s to collect it and to "romul ate it0 1&. 'ut when (e ha)e "romul ated it, follow thou its recital $as "romul ated%0 1'. 4ay more, it is for *s to e8"lain it $and ma#e it clear%0 2(. 4ay, $ye men2% but ye lo)e the fleetin life, 21. And lea)e alone the ,ereafter. 22. Some faces, that Day, will beam $in bri htness and beauty%;5 23. &oo#in towards their &ord; 2 . And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal, 2!. In the thou ht that some bac#5brea#in calamity was about to be inflicted on them;

2". :ea, when $the soul% reaches to the collar5bone $in its e8it%, 2#. And there will be a cry, 1(ho is a ma ician $to restore him%31 2&. And he will conclude that it was $the !ime% of Partin ; 2'. And one le will be -oined with another0 3(. !hat Day the Dri)e will be $all% to thy &ord2 31. So he a)e nothin in charity, nor did he "ray25 32. 'ut on the contrary, he re-ected !ruth and turned away2 33. !hen did he stal# to his family in full conceit2 3 . (oe to thee, $/ men2%, yea, woe2 3!. A ain, (oe to thee, $/ men2%, yea, woe2 3". Does man thin# that he will be left uncontrolled, $without "ur"ose%3 3#. (as he not a dro" of s"erm emitted $in lowly form%3 3&. !hen did he become a leech5li#e clot; then did $$Allah%% ma#e and fashion $him% in due "ro"ortion. 3'. And of him ,e made two se8es, male and female. (. ,as not ,e, $the same%, the "ower to i)e life to the dead3

Surah #". Ti*e. :an. >e2er+? :an. This >1a+8an18?age

1. ,as there not been o)er Man a lon "eriod of !ime, when he was nothin 5 $not e)en% mentioned3 2. >erily (e created Man from a dro" of min led s"erm, in order to try him0 So (e a)e him $the ifts%, of ,earin and Si ht. 3. (e showed him the (ay0 whether he be rateful or un rateful $rests on his will%. . .or the +e-ecters we ha)e "re"ared chains, yo#es, and a bla6in .ire. !. As to the +i hteous, they shall drin# of a Cu" $of (ine% mi8ed with =afur,5 ". A .ountain where the De)otees of Allah do drin#, ma#in it flow in unstinted abundance. #. !hey "erform $their% )ows, and they fear a Day whose e)il flies far and wide. &. And they feed, for the lo)e of Allah, the indi ent, the or"han, and the ca"ti)e,5 '. $Sayin %,1(e feed you for the sa#e of Allah alone0 no reward do we desire from you, nor than#s. 1(. 1(e only fear a Day of distressful (rath from the side of our &ord.1 11. 'ut Allah will deli)er them from the e)il of that Day, and will shed o)er them a &i ht of 'eauty and $blissful% Joy. 12. And because they were "atient and constant, ,e will reward them with a Garden and $ arments of% sil#. 13. +eclinin in the $Garden% on raised thrones, they will see there neither the sun9s $e8cessi)e heat% nor $the moon9s% e8cessi)e cold.

1 . And the shades of the $Garden% will come low o)er them, and the bunches $of fruit%, there, will han low in humility. 1!. And amon st them will be "assed round )essels of sil)er and oblets of crystal,5 1". Crystal5clear, made of sil)er0 they will determine the measure thereof $accordin to their wishes%. 1#. And they will be i)en to drin# there of a Cu" $of (ine% mi8ed with ?an-abil,5 1&. A fountain there, called Salsabil. 1'. And round about them will $ser)e% youths of "er"etual $freshness%0 If thou seest them, thou wouldst thin# them scattered Pearls. 2(. And when thou loo#est, it is there thou wilt see a 'liss and a +ealm Ma nificent. 21. *"on them will be reen Garments of fine sil# and hea)y brocade, and they will be adorned with 'racelets of sil)er; and their &ord will i)e to them to drin# of a (ine Pure and ,oly. 22. 1>erily this is a +eward for you, and your 7ndea)our is acce"ted and reco nised.1 23. It is (e (ho ha)e sent down the <ur9an to thee by sta es. 2 . !herefore be "atient with constancy to the Command of thy &ord, and hear#en not to the sinner or the in rate amon them. 2!. And celebrate the name or thy &ord mornin and e)enin , 2". And "art of the ni ht, "rostrate thyself to ,im; and lorify ,im a lon ni ht throu h. 2#. As to these, they lo)e the fleetin life, and "ut away behind them a Day $that will be% hard. 2&. It is (e (ho created them, and (e ha)e made their -oints stron ; but, when (e will, (e can substitute the li#e of them by a com"lete chan e. 2'. !his is an admonition0 (hosoe)er will, let him ta#e a $strai ht% Path to his &ord. 3(. 'ut ye will not, e8ce"t as Allah wills; for Allah is full of =nowled e and (isdom. 31. ,e will admit to ,is Mercy whom ,e will; 'ut the wron 5doers,5 for them has ,e "re"ared a rie)ous Penalty.

Surah ##. The E*issaries. /in1s Sent )orth

1. 'y the $(inds% sent forth one after another $to man9s "rofit%; 2. (hich then blow )iolently in tem"estuous Gusts, 3. And scatter $thin s% far and wide; . !hen se"arate them, one from another, !. !hen s"read abroad a Messa e, ". (hether of Justification or of (arnin ;5 #. Assuredly, what ye are "romised must come to "ass. &. !hen when the stars become dim; '. (hen the hea)en is cleft asunder; 1(. (hen the mountains are scattered $to the winds% as dust;

11. And when the a"ostles are $all% a""ointed a time $to collect%;5 12. .or what Day are these $"ortents% deferred3 13. .or the Day of Sortin out. 1 . And what will e8"lain to thee what is the Day of Sortin out3 1!. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 1". Did (e not destroy the men of old $for their e)il%3 1#. So shall (e ma#e later $ enerations% follow them. 1&. !hus do (e deal with men of sin. 1'. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 2(. ,a)e (e not created you from a fluid $held% des"icable35 21. !he which (e "laced in a "lace of rest, firmly fi8ed, 22. .or a "eriod $of estation%, determined $accordin to need%3 23. .or (e do determine $accordin to need%; for (e are the best to determine $thin s%. 2 . Ah woe, that Day2 to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 2!. ,a)e (e not made the earth $as a "lace% to draw to ether. 2". !he li)in and the dead, 2#. And made therein mountains standin firm, lofty $in stature%; and "ro)ided for you water sweet $and wholesome%3 2&. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 2'. $It will be said0% 1De"art ye to that which ye used to re-ect as false2 3(. 1De"art ye to a Shadow $of smo#e ascendin % in three columns, 31. 1$(hich yields% no shade of coolness, and is of no use a ainst the fierce 'la6e. 32. 1Indeed it throws about s"ar#s $hu e% as .orts, 33. 1As if there were $a strin of% yellow camels $marchin swiftly%.1 3 . Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 3!. !hat will be a Day when they shall not be able to s"ea#. 3". 4or will it be o"en to them to "ut forth "leas. 3#. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 3&. !hat will be a Day of Sortin out2 (e shall ather you to ether and those before $you%2 3'. 4ow, if ye ha)e a tric# $or "lot%, use it a ainst Me2 (. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 1. As to the +i hteous, they shall be amidst $cool% shades and s"rin s $of water%. 2. And $they shall ha)e% fruits,5 all they desire. 3. 17at ye and drin# ye to your heart9s content0 for that ye wor#ed $+i hteousness%. . !hus do (e certainly reward the Doers of Good. !. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 ". $/ ye un-ust2% 7at ye and en-oy yoursel)es $but% a little while, for that ye are Sinners.

#. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 &. And when it is said to them, 1Prostrate yoursel)es21 they do not so. '. Ah woe, that Day, to the +e-ecters of !ruth2 !(. !hen what Messa e, after that, will they belie)e in3

Surah #&. The Ti1ings. The Announ3e*ent

1. Concernin what are they dis"utin 3 2. Concernin the Great 4ews, 3. About which they cannot a ree. . >erily, they shall soon $come to% #now2 !. >erily, )erily they shall soon $come to% #now2 ". ,a)e (e not made the earth as a wide e8"anse, #. And the mountains as "e s3 &. And $ha)e (e not% created you in "airs, '. And made your slee" for rest, 1(. And made the ni ht as a co)erin , 11. And made the day as a means of subsistence3 12. And $ha)e (e not% built o)er you the se)en firmaments, 13. And "laced $therein% a &i ht of S"lendour3 1 . And do (e not send down from the clouds water in abundance, 1!. !hat (e may "roduce therewith corn and )e etables, 1". And ardens of lu8urious rowth3 1#. >erily the Day of Sortin out is a thin a""ointed, 1&. !he Day that the !rum"et shall be sounded, and ye shall come forth in crowds; 1'. And the hea)ens shall be o"ened as if there were doors, 2(. And the mountains shall )anish, as if they were a mira e. 21. !ruly ,ell is as a "lace of ambush, 22. .or the trans ressors a "lace of destination0 23. !hey will dwell therein for a es. 2 . 4othin cool shall they taste therein, nor any drin#, 2!. Sa)e a boilin fluid and a fluid, dar#, mur#y, intensely cold, 2". A fittin recom"ense $for them%. 2#. .or that they used not to fear any account $for their deeds%, 2&. 'ut they $im"udently% treated /ur Si ns as false. 2'. And all thin s ha)e (e "reser)ed on record. 3(. 1So taste ye $the fruits of your deeds%; for no increase shall (e rant you, e8ce"t in Punishment.1 31. >erily for the +i hteous ther

Surah #'. Those /ho 6rag )orth. Soul8 snat3hers

1. 'y the $an els% who tear out $the souls of the wic#ed% with )iolence; 2. 'y those who ently draw out $the souls of the blessed%; 3. And by those who lide alon $on errands of mercy%, . !hen "ress forward as in a race, !. !hen arran e to do $the Commands of their &ord%, ". /ne Day e)erythin that can be in commotion will be in )iolent commotion, #. .ollowed by oft5re"eated $commotions%0 &. ,earts that Day will be in a itation; '. Cast down will be $their owners9% eyes. 1(. !hey say $now%0 1(hat2 shall we indeed be returned to $our% former state3 11. 1(hat2 5 when we shall ha)e become rotten bones31 12. !hey say0 1It would, in that case, be a return with loss21 13. 'ut )erily, it will be but a sin le $Com"ellin % Cry, 1 . (hen, behold, they will be in the $full% awa#enin $to Jud ment%. 1!. ,as the story of Moses reached thee3 1". 'ehold, thy &ord did call to him in the sacred )alley of !uwa05 1#. 1Go thou to Pharaoh for he has indeed trans ressed all bounds0 1&. 1And say to him, 9(ouldst thou that thou shouldst be "urified $from sin%35 1'. 19And that I uide thee to thy &ord, so thou shouldst fear ,im391 2(. !hen did $Moses% show him the Great Si n. 21. 'ut $Pharaoh% re-ected it and disobeyed $ uidance%; 22. .urther, he turned his bac#, stri)in hard $a ainst Allah.. 23. !hen he collected $his men% and made a "roclamation, 2 . Sayin , 1I am your &ord, Most ,i h1. 2!. 'ut Allah did "unish him, $and made an% e8am"le of him, 5 in the ,ereafter, as in this life. 2". >erily in this is an instructi)e warnin for whosoe)er feareth $$Allah%%. 2#. (hat2 Are ye the more difficult to create or the hea)en $abo)e%3 $$Allah%% hath co

Surah &(. He )ro%ne1C

1. $!he Pro"het% frowned and turned away, 2. 'ecause there came to him the blind man $interru"tin %. 3. 'ut what could tell thee but that "erchance he mi ht row $in s"iritual understandin %35 . /r that he mi ht recei)e admonition, and the teachin mi ht "rofit him3 !. As to one who re ards ,imself as self5sufficient,

". !o him dost thou attend; #. !hou h it is no blame to thee if he row not $in s"iritual understandin %. &. 'ut as to him who came to thee stri)in earnestly, '. And with fear $in his heart%, 1(. /f him wast thou unmindful. 11. 'y no means $should it be so%2 .or it is indeed a Messa e of instruction0 12. !herefore let whoso will, #ee" it in remembrance. 13. $It is% in 'oo#s held $ reatly% in honour, 1 . 78alted $in di nity%, #e"t "ure and holy, 1!. $(ritten% by the hands of scribes5 1". ,onourable and Pious and Just. 1#. (oe to man2 (hat hath made him re-ect Allah. 1&. .rom what stuff hath ,e created him3 1'. .rom a s"erm5dro"0 ,e hath created him, and then mouldeth him in due "ro"ortions; 2(. !hen doth ,e ma#e ,is "ath smooth for him; 21. !hen ,e causeth him to die, and "utteth him in his ra)e; 22. !hen, when it is ,is (ill, ,e will raise him u" $a ain%. 23. 'y no means hath he fulfilled what Allah hath commanded him. 2 . !hen let man loo# at his food, $and how (e "ro)ide it%0 2!. .or that (e "our forth water in abundance, 2". And (e s"lit the earth in fra ments, 2#. And "roduce therein corn, 2&. And Gra"es and nutritious "lants, 2'. And /li)es and Dates, 3(. And enclosed Gardens, dense with lofty trees, 31. And fruits and fodder,5

Surah &1. The O2erthro%ing. EAtinguishe1C /rapping Things Up

1. (hen the sun $with its s"acious li ht% is folded u"; 2. (hen the stars fall, losin their lustre; 3. (hen the mountains )anish $li#e a mira e%; . (hen the she5camels, ten months with youn , are left untended; !. (hen the wild beasts are herded to ether $in the human habitations%; ". (hen the oceans boil o)er with a swell; #. (hen the souls are sorted out, $bein -oined, li#e with li#e%; &. (hen the female $infant%, buried ali)e, is ;uestioned 5

'. .or what crime she was #illed; 1(. (hen the scrolls are laid o"en; 11. (hen the world on ,i h is un)eiled; 12. (hen the 'la6in .ire is #indled to fierce heat; 13. And when the Garden is brou ht near;5 1 . $!hen% shall each soul #now what it has "ut forward. 1!. So )erily I call to witness the "lanets 5 that recede, 1". Go strai ht, or hide; 1#. And the 4i ht as it dissi"ates; 1&. And the Dawn as it breathes away the dar#ness;5 1'. >erily this is the word of a most honourable Messen er, 2(. 7ndued with Power, with ran# before the &ord of the !hrone, 21. (ith authority there, $and% faithful to his trust. 22. And $/ "eo"le2% your com"anion is not one "ossessed; 23. And without doubt he saw him in the clear hori6on. 2 . 4either doth he withhold rud in ly a #nowled e of the *nseen. 2!. 4or is it the word of an e)il s"irit accursed. 2". (hen whither o ye3 2#. >erily this is no less than a Messa e to $all% the (orlds0 2&. $(ith "rofit% to whoe)er amon you wills to o strai ht0 2'. 'ut ye shall not will e8ce"t as Allah wills,5 the Cherisher of the (orlds.

Surah &2. The $lea2ing. 5ursting Apart

1. (hen the S#y is cleft asunder; 2. (hen the Stars are scattered; 3. (hen the /ceans are suffered to burst forth; . And when the Gra)es are turned u"side down;5 !. $!hen% shall each soul #now what it hath sent forward and $what it hath% #e"t bac#. ". / man2 (hat has seduced thee from thy &ord Most 'eneficent35 #. ,im (ho created thee. .ashioned thee in due "ro"ortion, and a)e thee a -ust bias; &. In whate)er .orm ,e wills, does ,e "ut thee to ether. '. Day2 nit ye do re-ect +i ht and Jud ment2 1(. 'ut )erily o)er you $are a""ointed an els% to "rotect you,5 11. =ind and honourable,5 (ritin down $your deeds%0 12. !hey #now $and understand% all that ye do. 13. As for the +i hteous, they will be in bliss; 1 . And the (ic#ed 5 they will be in the .ire,

1!. (hich they will enter on the Day of Jud ment, 1". And they will not be able to #ee" away therefrom. 1#. And what will e8"lain to thee what the Day of Jud ment is3 1&. A ain, what will e8"lain to thee what the Day of Jud ment is3 1'. $It will be% the Day when no soul shall ha)e "ower $to do% au ht for another0 .or the command, that Day, will be $wholly% with Allah.

Surah &3. $heating




1. (oe to those that deal in fraud,5 2. !hose who, when they ha)e to recei)e by measure from men, e8act full measure, 3. 'ut when they ha)e to i)e by measure or wei ht to men, i)e less than due. . Do they not thin# that they will be called to account35 !. /n a Mi hty Day, ". A Day when $all% man#ind will stand before the &ord of the (orlds3 #. Day2 Surely the record of the wic#ed is $"reser)ed% in Si--in. &. And what will e8"lain to thee what Si--in is3 '. $!here is% a +e ister $fully% inscribed. 1(. (oe, that Day, to those that deny5 11. !hose that deny the Day of Jud ment. 12. And none can deny it but the !rans ressor beyond bounds the Sinner2 13. (hen /ur Si ns are rehearsed to him, he says, 1!ales of the ancients21 1 . 'y no means2 but on their hearts is the stain of the $ill% which they do2 1!. >erily, from $the &i ht of% their &ord, that Day, will they be )eiled. 1". .urther, they will enter the .ire of ,ell. 1#. .urther, it will be said to them0 1!his is the $reality% which ye re-ected as false2 1&. Day, )erily the record of the +i hteous is $"reser)ed% in 9Illiyin. 1'. And what will e8"lain to thee what 9Illiyun is3 2(. $!here is% a +e ister $fully% inscribed, 21. !o which bear witness those 4earest $to Allah.. 22. !ruly the +i hteous will be in 'liss0 23. /n !hrones $of Di nity% will they command a si ht $of all thin s%0 2 . !hou wilt reco nise in their faces the beamin bri htness of 'liss. 2!. !heir thirst will be sla#ed with Pure (ine sealed0 2". !he seal thereof will be Mus#0 And for this let those as"ire, who ha)e as"irations0 2#. (ith it will be $ i)en% a mi8ture of !asnim0 2&. A s"rin , from $the waters% whereof drin# those 4earest to Allah.

2'. !hose in sin used to lau h at those who belie)ed, 3(. And whene)er they "assed by them, used to win# at each other $in moc#ery%; 31. And when they returned to their own "eo"le, they would return -estin ; 32. And whene)er they saw them, they would say, 1'ehold2 !hese are the "eo"le truly astray21 33. 'ut they had not been sent as #ee"ers o)er them2 3 . 'ut on this Day the 'elie)ers will lau h at the *nbelie)ers0 3!. /n !hrones $of Di nity% they will command $a si ht% $of all thin s%. 3". (ill not the *nbelie)ers ha)e been "aid bac# for what they did3

Surah & . The Sun1ering. Splitting Open

1. (hen the s#y is rent asunder, 2. And hear#ens to $the Command of% its &ord, and it must needs $do so%;5 3. And when the earth is flattened out, . And casts forth what is within it and becomes $clean% em"ty, !. And hear#ens to $the Command of% its &ord,5 and it must needs $do so%;5 $then will come ,ome the full reality%. ". / thou man2 >erily thou art e)er toilin on towards thy &ord5 "ainfully toilin ,5 but thou shalt meet ,im. #. !hen he who is i)en his +ecord in his ri ht hand, &. Soon will his account be ta#en by an easy rec#onin , '. And he will turn to his "eo"le, re-oicin 2 1(. 'ut he who is i)en his +ecord behind his bac#,5 11. Soon will he cry for "erdition, 12. And he will enter a 'la6in .ire. 13. !ruly, did he o about amon his "eo"le, re-oicin 2 1 . !ruly, did he thin# that he would not ha)e to return $to *s%2 1!. 4ay, nay2 for his &ord was $e)er% watchful of him2 1". So I do call to witness the ruddy low of Sunset; 1#. !he 4i ht and its ,omin ; 1&. And the Moon in her fullness0 1'. :e shall surely tra)el from sta e to sta e. 2(. (hat then is the matter with them, that they belie)e not35 21. And when the <ur9an is read to them, they fall not "rostrate, 22. 'ut on the contrary the *nbelie)ers re-ect $it%. 23. 'ut Allah has full #nowled e of what they secrete $in their breasts% 2 . So announce to them a Penalty Grie)ous,

2!. 78ce"t to those who belie)e and wor# ri hteous deeds0 .or them is a +eward that will ne)er fail.

Surah &!. The :ansions Of The Stars. $onstellations

1. 'y the s#y, $dis"layin % the ?odiacal Si ns; 2. 'y the "romised Day $of Jud ment%; 3. 'y one that witnesses, and the sub-ect of the witness;5 . (oe to the ma#ers of the "it $of fire%, !. .ire su""lied $abundantly% with fuel0 ". 'ehold2 they sat o)er a ainst the $fire%, #. And they witnessed $all% that they were doin a ainst the 'elie)ers. &. And they ill5treated them for no other reason than that they belie)ed in Allah, 78alted in Power, (orthy of all Praise25 '. ,im to (hom belon s the dominion of the hea)ens and the earth2 And Allah is (itness to all thin s. 1(. !hose who "ersecute $or draw into tem"tation% the 'elie)ers, men and women, and do not turn in re"entance, will ha)e the Penalty of ,ell0 !hey will ha)e the Penalty of the 'urnin .ire. 11. .or those who belie)e and do ri hteous deeds, will be Gardens; beneath which ri)ers flow0 !hat is the reat Sal)ation, $the fulfilment of all desires%, 12. !ruly stron is the Gri" $and Power% of thy &ord. 13. It is ,e (ho creates from the )ery be innin , and ,e can restore $life%. 1 . And ,e is the /ft5.or i)in , .ull of &o)in 5=indness, 1!. &ord of the !hrone of Glory, 1". Doer $without let% of all that ,e intends. 1#. ,as the story reached thee, of the forces5 1&. /f Pharaoh and the !hamud3 1'. And yet the *nbelie)ers $"ersist% in re-ectin $the !ruth%2 2(. 'ut Allah doth encom"ass them from behind2 21. Day, this is a Glorious <ur9an, 22. $Inscribed% in a !ablet Preser)ed2

Surah &". Night3o*er





1. 'y the S#y and the 4i ht5>isitant $therein%;5 2. And what will e8"lain to thee what the 4i ht5>isitant is35 3. $It is% the Star of "iercin bri htness;5

. !here is no soul but has a "rotector o)er it. !. 4ow let man but thin# from what he is created2 ". ,e is created from a dro" emitted5 #. Proceedin from between the bac#bone and the ribs0 &. Surely $$Allah%% is able to brin him bac# $to life%2 '. !he Day that $all% thin s secret will be tested, 1(. $Man% will ha)e no "ower, and no hel"er. 11. 'y the .irmament which returns $in its round%, 12. And by the 7arth which o"ens out $for the )e etation%,5 1 . It is not a thin for amusement. 1!. As for them, they are but "lottin a scheme, 1". And I am "lannin a scheme. 1#. !herefore rant a delay to the *nbelie)ers0 Gi)e res"ite to them ently $for awhile%. ushin of s"rin s or the s"routin of

13. 'ehold this is the (ord that distin uishes $Good from 7)il%0

Surah &#. The :ost High. @lor+ To Your Lor1 -n The Highest
1. Glorify the name of thy Guardian5&ord Most ,i h, 2. (ho hath created, and further, i)en order and "ro"ortion; 3. (ho hath ordained laws. And ranted uidance; . And (ho brin eth out the $ reen and luscious% "asture, !. And then doth ma#e it $but% swarthy stubble. ". 'y de rees shall (e teach thee to declare $the Messa e%, so thou shalt not for et, #. 78ce"t as Allah wills0 .or ,e #noweth what is manifest and what is hidden. &. And (e will ma#e it easy for thee $to follow% the sim"le $Path%. '. !herefore i)e admonition in case the admonition "rofits $the hearer%. 1(. !he admonition will be recei)ed by those who fear $$Allah%%0 11. 'ut it will be a)oided by those most unfortunate ones, 12. (ho will enter the Great .ire, 13. In which they will then neither die nor li)e. 1 . 'ut those will "ros"er who "urify themsel)es, 1!. And lorify the name of their Guardian5&ord, and $lift their hearts% in "rayer. 1". Day $behold%, ye "refer the life of this world; 1#. 'ut the ,ereafter is better and more endurin . 1&. And this is in the 'oo#s of the earliest $+e)elation%,5 1'. !he 'oo#s of Abraham and Moses.

Surah &&. The O2er%hel*ing. The ;all

1. ,as the story reached thee of the o)erwhelmin $7)ent%3 2. Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated, 3. &abourin $hard%, weary,5 . !he while they enter the 'la6in .ire,5 !. !he while they are i)en, to drin#, of a boilin hot s"rin , ". 4o food will there be for them but a bitter Dhari9 #. (hich will neither nourish nor satisfy hun er. &. $/ther% faces that Day will be -oyful, '. Pleased with their stri)in ,5 1(. In a Garden on hi h, 11. (here they shall hear no $word% of )anity0 12. !herein will be a bubblin s"rin 0 13. !herein will be !hrones $of di nity%, raised on hi h, 1 . Goblets "laced $ready%, 1!. And cushions set in rows, 1". And rich car"ets $all% s"read out. 1#. Do they not loo# at the Camels, how they are made35 1&. And at the S#y, how it is raised hi h35 1'. And at the Mountains, how they are fi8ed firm35 2(. And at the 7arth, how it is s"read out3 21. !herefore do thou i)e admonition, for thou art one to admonish. 22. !hou art not one to mana e $men9s% affairs. 23. 'ut if any turn away and re-ect Allah,5 2 . Allah will "unish him with a mi hty Punishment, 2!. .or to *s will be their return; 2". !hen it will be for *s to call them to account.

Surah &'. The 6a%n. 6a+0rea4

1. 'y the brea# of Day 2. 'y the 4i hts twice fi)e; 3. 'y the e)en and odd $contrasted%; . And by the 4i ht when it "asseth away;5 !. Is there $not% in these an ad-uration $or e)idence% for those who understand3 ". Seest thou not how thy &ord dealt with the 9Ad $"eo"le%,5 #. /f the $city of% Iram, with lofty "illars, &. !he li#e of which were not "roduced in $all% the land3

'. And with the !hamud $"eo"le%, who cut out $hu e% roc#s in the )alley35 1(. And with Pharaoh, lord of sta#es3 11. $All% these trans ressed beyond bounds in the lands, 12. And hea"ed therein mischief $on mischief%. 13. !herefore did thy &ord "our on them a scour e of di)erse chastisements0 1 . .or thy &ord is $as a Guardian% on a watch5tower. 1!. 4ow, as for man, when his &ord trieth him, i)in him honour and ifts, then saith he, $"uffed u"%, 1My &ord hath honoured me.1 1". 'ut when ,e trieth him, restrictin his subsistence for him, then saith he $in des"air%, 1My &ord hath humiliated me21 1#. 4ay, nay2 but ye honour not the or"hans2 1&. 4or do ye encoura e one another to feed the "oor25 1'. And ye de)our inheritance 5 all with reed, 2(. And ye lo)e wealth with inordinate lo)e2 21. 4ay2 (hen the earth is "ounded to "owder, 22. And thy &ord cometh, and ,is an els, ran# u"on ran#, 23. And ,ell, that Day, is brou ht $face to face%,5 on that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance "rofit him3 2 . ,e will say0 1Ah2 (ould that I had sent forth $ ood deeds% for $this% my $.uture% &ife21 2!. .or, that Day, ,is Chastisement will be such as none $else% can inflict, 2". And ,is bonds will be such as none $other% can bind. 2#. $!o the ri hteous soul will be said0% 1/ $thou% soul, in $com"lete% rest and satisfaction2

Surah '(. The $it+. This $ountr+si1e

1. I do call to witness this City;5 2. And thou art a freeman of this City;5 3. And $the mystic ties of% "arent and child;5 . >erily (e ha)e created man into toil and stru !. !hin#eth he, that none hath "ower o)er him3 ". ,e may say $boastfully%; (ealth ha)e I s;uandered in abundance2 #. !hin#eth he that none beholdeth him3 &. ,a)e (e not made for him a "air of eyes35 '. And a ton ue, and a "air of li"s35 1(. And shown him the two hi hways3 11. 'ut he hath made no haste on the "ath that is stee". 12. And what will e8"lain to thee the "ath that is stee"35 13. $It is0% freein the bondman; 1 . /r the i)in of food in a day of "ri)ation le.

1!. !o the or"han with claims of relationshi", 1". /r to the indi ent $down% in the dust. 1#. !hen will he be of those who belie)e, and en-oin "atience, $constancy, and self5restraint%, and en-oin deeds of #indness and com"assion. 1&. Such are the Com"anions of the +i ht ,and. 1'. 'ut those who re-ect /ur Si ns, they are the $unha""y% Com"anions of the &eft ,and. 2(. /n them will be .ire )aulted o)er $all round%.

Surah '1. The Sun

1. 'y the Sun and his $ lorious% s"lendour; 2. 'y the Moon as she follows him; 3. 'y the Day as it shows u" $the Sun9s% lory; . 'y the 4i ht as it conceals it; !. 'y the .irmament and its $wonderful% structure; ". 'y the 7arth and its $wide% e8"anse0 #. 'y the Soul, and the "ro"ortion and order i)en to it; &. And its enli htenment as to its wron and its ri ht;5 '. !ruly he succeeds that "urifies it, 1(. And he fails that corru"ts it2 11. !he !hamud $"eo"le% re-ected $their "ro"het% throu h their inordinate wron 5doin , 12. 'ehold, the most wic#ed man amon them was de"uted $for im"iety%. 13. 'ut the Messen er of Allah said to them0 1It is a She5camel of Allah. And $bar her not from% ha)in her drin#21 1 . !hen they re-ected him $as a false "ro"het%, and they hamstrun her. So their &ord, on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them e;ual $in destruction, hi h and low%2 1!. And for ,im is no fear of its conse;uences.

Surah '2. The Night

1. 'y the 4i ht as it conceals $the li ht%; 2. 'y the Day as it a""ears in lory; 3. 'y $the mystery of% the creation of male and female;5 . >erily, $the ends% ye stri)e for are di)erse. !. So he who i)es $in charity% and fears $$Allah%%, ". And $in all sincerity% testifies to the best,5 #. (e will indeed ma#e smooth for him the "ath to 'liss. &. 'ut he who is a reedy miser and thin#s himself self5sufficient, '. And i)es the lie to the best,5 1(. (e will indeed ma#e smooth for him the "ath to Misery;

11. 4or will his wealth "rofit him when he falls headlon $into the Pit%. 12. >erily (e ta#e u"on /ursel)es to uide, 13. And )erily unto *s $belon % the 7nd and the 'e innin . 1 . !herefore do I warn you of a .ire bla6in fiercely; 1!. 4one shall reach it but those most unfortunate ones 1". (ho i)e the lie to !ruth and turn their bac#s. 1#. 'ut those most de)oted to Allah shall be remo)ed far from it,5 1&. !hose who s"end their wealth for increase in self5"urification, 1'. And ha)e in their minds no fa)our from anyone for which a reward is e8"ected in return, 2(. 'ut only the desire to see# for the Countenance of their &ord Most ,i h; 21. And soon will they attain $com"lete% satisfaction.

Surah '3. The :orning Hours. :orning 5rightC

1. 'y the Glorious Mornin &i ht, 2. And by the 4i ht when it is still,5 3. !hy Guardian5&ord hath not forsa#en thee, nor is ,e dis"leased. . And )erily the ,ereafter will be better for thee than the "resent. !. And soon will thy Guardian5&ord i)e thee $that wherewith% thou shalt be well5"leased. ". Did ,e not find thee an or"han and i)e thee shelter $and care%3 #. And ,e found thee wanderin , and ,e a)e thee uidance. &. And ,e found thee in need, and made thee inde"endent. '. !herefore, treat not the or"han with harshness, 1(. 4or re"ulse the "etitioner $unheard%; 11. 'ut the bounty of the &ord 5 rehearse and "roclaim2

Surah ' . Sola3e. $onsolation. Relief

1. ,a)e (e not e8"anded thee thy breast35 2. And remo)ed from thee thy burden 3. !he which did all thy bac#35 . And raised hi h the esteem $in which% thou $art held%3 !. So, )erily, with e)ery difficulty, there is relief0 ". >erily, with e)ery difficulty there is relief. #. !herefore, when thou art free $from thine immediate tas#%, still labour hard, &. And to thy &ord turn $all% thy attention.

Surah '!. The )ig. The )igtree

1. 'y the .i and the /li)e, 2. And the Mount of Sinai, 3. And this City of security,5 . (e ha)e indeed created man in the best of moulds, !. !hen do (e abase him $to be% the lowest of the low,5 ". 78ce"t such as belie)e and do ri hteous deeds0 .or they shall ha)e a reward unfailin . #. !hen what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the -ud ment $to come%3 &. Is not Allah the wisest of -ud es3

Surah '". The $lot. Rea1C

1. Proclaim2 $or read2% in the name of thy &ord and Cherisher, (ho created5 2. Created man, out of a $mere% clot of con ealed blood0 3. Proclaim2 And thy &ord is Most 'ountiful,5 . ,e (ho tau ht $the use of% the "en,5 !. !au ht man that which he #new not. ". Day, but man doth trans ress all bounds, #. In that he loo#eth u"on himself as self5sufficient. &. >erily, to thy &ord is the return $of all%. '. Seest thou one who forbids5 1(. A )otary when he $turns% to "ray3 11. Seest thou if he is on $the road of% Guidance35 12. /r en-oins +i hteousness3 13. Seest thou if he denies $!ruth% and turns away3 1 . =noweth he not that Allah doth see3 1!. &et him beware2 If he desist not, (e will dra him by the foreloc#,5 1". A lyin , sinful foreloc#2 1#. !hen, let him call $for hel"% to his council $of comrades%0 1&. (e will call on the an els of "unishment $to deal with him%2 1'. Day, heed him not0 'ut bow down in adoration, and brin thyself the closer $to Allah.2

Surah '#. ;o%er. )ate

1. (e ha)e indeed re)ealed this $Messa e% in the 4i ht of Power0 2. And what will e8"lain to thee what the ni ht of "ower is3 3. !he 4i ht of Power is better than a thousand months. . !herein come down the an els and the S"irit by Allah.s "ermission, on e)ery errand0 !. Peace2...!his until the rise of morn2

Surah '&. The $lear ;roof. E2i1en3e

1. !hose who re-ect $!ruth%, amon the Peo"le of the 'oo# and amon the Polytheists, were not oin to de"art $from their ways% until there should come to them Clear 7)idence,5 2. An a"ostle from Allah, rehearsin scri"tures #e"t "ure and holy0 3. (herein are laws $or decrees% ri ht and strai ht. . 4or did the Peo"le of the 'oo# ma#e schisms, until after there came to them Clear 7)idence. !. And they ha)e been commanded no more than this0 !o worshi" Allah, offerin ,im sincere de)otion, bein true $in faith%; to establish re ular "rayer; and to "ractise re ular charity; and that is the +eli ion +i ht and Strai ht. ". !hose who re-ect $!ruth%, amon the Peo"le of the 'oo# and amon the Polytheists, will be in ,ell5.ire, to dwell therein $for aye%. !hey are the worst of creatures. #. !hose who ha)e faith and do ri hteous deeds,5 they are the best of creatures. &. !heir reward is with Allah. Gardens of 7ternity, beneath which ri)ers flow; they will dwell therein for e)er; Allah well "leased with them, and they with ,im0 all this for such as fear their &ord and Cherisher.

Surah ''. The Earth=ua4e

1. (hen the earth is sha#en to her $utmost% con)ulsion, 2. And the earth throws u" her burdens $from within%, 3. And man cries $distressed%0 9(hat is the matter with her395 . /n that Day will she declare her tidin s0 !. .or that thy &ord will ha)e i)en her ins"iration. ". /n that Day will men "roceed in com"anies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they $had done%. #. !hen shall anyone who has done an atom9s wei ht of ood, see it2 &. And anyone who has done an atom9s wei ht of e)il, shall see it.

Surah 1((. The $ourser. The $hargers

1. 'y the $Steeds% that run, with "antin $breath%, 2. And stri#e s"ar#s of fire, 3. And "ush home the char e in the mornin , . And raise the dust in clouds the while, !. And "enetrate forthwith into the midst $of the foe% en masse;5 ". !ruly man is, to his &ord, un rateful; #. And to that $fact% he bears witness $by his deeds%;

&. And )iolent is he in his lo)e of wealth. '. Does he not #now,5 when that which is in the ra)es is scattered abroad 1(. And that which is $loc#ed u"% in $human% breasts is made manifest5 11. !hat their &ord had been (ell5ac;uainted with them, $e)en to% that Day.3

Surah 1(1. The $ala*it+. The Stunning 5lo%. The 6isaster

1. !he $Day% of 4oise and Clamour0 2. (hat is the $Day% of 4oise and Clamour3 3. And what will e8"lain to thee what the $Day% of 4oise and Clamour is3 . $It is% a Day whereon men will be li#e moths scattered about, !. And the mountains will be li#e carded wool. ". !hen, he whose balance $of ood deeds% will be $found% hea)y, #. (ill be in a life of ood "leasure and satisfaction. &. 'ut he whose balance $of ood deeds% will be $found% li ht,5 '. (ill ha)e his home in a $bottomless% Pit. 1(. And what will e8"lain to thee what this is3 11. $It is% a .ire 'la6in fiercely2

Surah 1(2. Ri2alr+ -n /orl1 -n3rease. $o*petition

1. !he mutual ri)alry for "ilin u" $the ood thin s of this world% di)erts you $from the more serious thin s%, 2. *ntil ye )isit the ra)es. 3. 'ut nay, ye soon shall #now $the reality%. . A ain, ye soon shall #now2 !. 4ay, were ye to #now with certainty of mind, $ye would beware2% ". :e shall certainly see ,ell5.ire2 #. A ain, ye shall see it with certainty of si ht2 &. !hen, shall ye be ;uestioned that Day about the -oy $ye indul ed in2%.

Surah 1(3. The 6e3lining 6a+. E2enti1e. The Epo3h

1. 'y $the !o#en of% !ime $throu h the a es%,

2. >erily Man is in loss, 3. 78ce"t such as ha)e .aith, and do ri hteous deeds, and $-oin to ether% in the mutual teachin of !ruth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Surah 1( . @ossip*onger




1. (oe to e)ery $#ind of% scandal5mon er and5bac#biter, 2. (ho "ileth u" wealth and layeth it by, 3. !hin#in that his wealth would ma#e him last for e)er2 . 'y no means2 ,e will be sure to be thrown into !hat which 'rea#s to Pieces, !. And what will e8"lain to thee !hat which 'rea#s to Pieces3 ". $It is% the .ire of $the (rath of% Allah #indled $to a bla6e%, #. !he which doth mount $+i ht% to the ,earts0 &. It shall be made into a )ault o)er them, '. In columns outstretched.

Surah 1(!. The Elephant

1. Seest thou not how thy &ord dealt with the Com"anions of the 7le"hant3 2. Did ,e not ma#e their treacherous "lan o astray3 3. And ,e sent a ainst them .li hts of 'irds, . Stri#in them with stones of ba#ed clay. !. !hen did ,e ma#e them li#e an em"ty field of stal#s and straw, $of which the corn% has been eaten u".

Surah 1(". /inter. Qura+sh

1. .or the co)enants $of security and safe uard en-oyed% by the <uraish, 2. !heir co)enants $co)erin % -ourneys by winter and summer,5 3. &et them adore the &ord of this ,ouse, . (ho "ro)ides them with food a ainst hun er, and with security a ainst fear $of dan er%.

Surah 1(#. S*all Din1nesses. Al*sgi2ing. Ha2e You SeenE

1. Seest thou one who denies the Jud ment $to come%3 2. !hen such is the $man% who re"ulses the or"han $with harshness%,

3. And encoura es not the feedin of the indi ent. . So woe to the worshi""ers !. (ho are ne lectful of their "rayers, ". !hose who $want but% to be seen $of men%, #. 'ut refuse $to su""ly% $e)en% nei hbourly needs.

Surah 1(&. A0un1an3e. ;lent+

1. !o thee ha)e (e ranted the .ount $of Abundance%. 2. !herefore to thy &ord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice. 3. .or he who hateth thee, he will be cut off $from .uture ,o"e%.

Surah 1('. The 6is0elie2ers. Atheists

1. Say 0 / ye that re-ect .aith2 2. I worshi" not that which ye worshi", 3. 4or will ye worshi" that which I worshi". . And I will not worshi" that which ye ha)e been wont to worshi", !. 4or will ye worshi" that which I worshi". ". !o you be your (ay, and to me mine.

Surah 11(. Su33our. 6i2ine Support

1. (hen comes the ,el" of Allah, and >ictory, 2. And thou dost see the "eo"le enter Allah.s +eli ion in crowds, 3. Celebrate the "raises of thy &ord, and "ray for ,is .or i)eness0 .or ,e is /ft5+eturnin $in Grace and Mercy%.

Surah 111. ;al* )i0re. The )la*e

1. Perish the hands of the .ather of .lame2 Perish he2 2. 4o "rofit to him from all his wealth, and all his ains2 3. 'urnt soon will he be in a .ire of 'la6in .lame2 . ,is wife shall carry the $crac#lin % wood 5 As fuel25 !. A twisted ro"e of "alm5leaf fibre round her $own% nec#2

Surah 112. The Unit+. Sin3erit+. Oneness Of Allah

1. Say0 ,e is Allah, the /ne and /nly; 2. Allah, the 7ternal, Absolute; 3. ,e be etteth not, nor is ,e be otten; . And there is none li#e unto ,im.

Surah 113. The 6a+0rea4. 6a%n

1. Say0 I see# refu e with the &ord of the Dawn 2. .rom the mischief of created thin s; 3. .rom the mischief of Dar#ness as it o)ers"reads; . .rom the mischief of those who "ractise secret arts; !. And from the mischief of the en)ious one as he "ractises en)y.

Surah 11 . :an4in1
1. Say0 I see# refu e with the &ord and Cherisher of Man#ind, 2. !he =in $or +uler% of Man#ind, 3. !he Allah $for -ud e% of Man#ind,5 . .rom the mischief of the (his"erer $of 7)il%, who withdraws $after his whis"er%,5 !. $!he same% who whis"ers into the hearts of Man#ind,5 ". Amon Jinns and amon men.

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