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IP2 Self reflection

By: Jesse Fardin (400001)

Throughout the process of writing the advice report for Sneakers Fris, I gained valuable experience
and developed various competences that have contributed to my personal growth. In this self-
reflection, I will discuss how I approached the assignment, what went well, what less well, and what I
would do differently if given the opportunity to work on a similar project in the future.

When I first received the assignment to write an advice report I immediately thought of Sneakers Fris
because I am social media manager for that company. I approached the assignment with a systematic
and organized mindset and I didn’t stress a lot because I already knew of the company. I began with
the assignment by setting up the research question and sub questions. I did extensive research on
inventory management, operational efficiency, and supply chain management practices to gather
relevant information and insights for the theoretical framework. This first phase helped me gain a
good understanding of the challenges faced by the company so I could map potential solutions.
After gathering the necessary information, I structured the report in a logical manner, starting with an
introduction, followed by the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations. I ensured that each
section was cohesive and provided a clear flow of information by looking at the study guide on

One aspect that went well during the writing process was my ability to analyze the research findings
and present them in a coherent manner. I was able to identify the key bottlenecks faced by Sneakers
Fris and provide practical recommendations for optimizing their processes. Another positive point is
that I already knew of the company, which saved me a lot of time in information gathering, because I
already worked there for over a year. The clear structure of the report allowed for easy navigation and
understanding of the information presented.
Furthermore, I successfully integrated theoretical knowledge on inventory management, operational
efficiency, and supply chain management into practical recommendations made to the specific
challenges faced by Sneakers Fris. This demonstrated my ability to apply theoretical concepts to
practical scenarios and provide practical solutions.

While the overall process went smoothly, there are areas that could be improved. Firstly, I could have
allocated more time for data collection and analysis. Although I conducted thorough research and had
a lot of background information already, additional time would have allowed for an even better
understanding of the company's operations and challenges. This would have further strengthened the
recommendations provided in the report.
Secondly, I could have gotten more information from other employees than the owner and maybe
even customers. Looking for input from employees and customers of Sneakers Fris would have
provided valuable perspectives and insights in my opinion. It would have improved the credibility of
the recommendations and ensured that all relevant factors were taken into consideration.

If given the opportunity to work on a similar assignment in the future, I would approach it with a few
different things in mind. Firstly, I would prioritize gaining more information from employees and
customers. By involving all these people, I could absolutely gain better insights into the challenges
faced and potential solutions. This would make for a more collaborative and complete approach to
problem solving.
Additionally, I would invest more time in conducting interviews or surveys with customers and
analyzing social media trends to better understand consumer behavior. This would allow me to
provide more personalized recommendations to Sneakers Fris regarding marketing aspects for
Lastly, I would embed more visual aids, such as charts or graphs, to present the data in a visually
appealing and easy to see format. Visual representations can improve the clarity and impact of the
information presented.
In conclusion, writing the advice report for Sneakers Fris has been a valuable learning experience that
has contributed to my personal development. Through thorough research, analysis, and the
formulation of recommendations, I have enhanced my competences in areas such as inventory
management, operational efficiency, and supply chain management. The process has also reinforced
the importance of stakeholder engagement and the value of incorporating various data sources to
inform decision-making.
Moving forward, I will apply the lessons learned from this experience to future assignments. By
making enough time time for research and analysis, engaging stakeholders early on, and utilizing
visual aids effectively, I can further improve the quality and impact of my work. Overall, this project
has been instrumental in expanding my knowledge and skills, preparing me for future challenges in
the field of business consulting and problem-solving.

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