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Exercise 12, page 48

2.the tallest

3.later than

4.more expensive than

5.warmer than

6.the best


8.the most intelligent

9.bigger than

10.the cheapest

11.more difficult than

12.any better

Exercise 13



4.the tallest

5.more modern


7.more attractive

8.the most expensive

Exercise 14

2.more beautiful than

3.the prettiest

4.the most expensive

5.nicer than



8.the smallest

9.the cheapest


11.the loveliest


Exercise 15

2.Venice is the nicest place I have ever been to.

3.Honey is sweeter than sugar.

4. I can draw well, but I can write stories even better.

5.I think Maths is the most difficult subject of all.

6.Diamonds are more valuable than rubies.

7.Vegetables are the healthiest food of all.

8.Modern phones are more efficient than old ones.

9.My best friend is the most intelligent person I have ever met

10.Golden jewellery is more expensive than silver jewellery.

Exercise 16(page 49)

3.harder and harder

4.the colder; the more

5.faster and faster

6.the higher; the louder

7.cheaper and cheaper

8.the younger; the easier

9. more and more

10.the older; the taller

Exercise 17

1.Carpentry is the less artistic of all.

2.Painting is the least tiring of all.

3.Carpentry is the most tiring of all.

4.Golf isn’t as relaxing as painting.

5.Painting is the most relaxing of all.

6.Golf isn’t as expensive as painting.

7.Carpentry is the cheapest of all.

8.Golf is the easiest to learn.

9.Painting is the least easy to learn of all.

Exercise 18

10 речень з активною лексикою

1.The sense of space is very important for me.

2.I often romanticized about what it would be like to live in another country.

3.I am quite impulsive and I tend to step into unknown.

4. I don’t like when my parents see me off.

5.I like to roam around in the town where I live.

6.Sometimes I find it hard to make my own decisions and I ask for help.

7.When I was younger, I gave up at dancing because of problems with my health.

8.My close friend has a laid-back lifestyle and it’s really easy to communicate with her.

9.My best friend is incredibly intelligent and he tends to explore the possibilities of creating something

10.Two of my former classmates emigrated and now studying abroad.

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