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Redux 308 is a high strength l¡lm adhesive curing at 'l7O"C. tt is suitable for a wide range of structural
bonding applicat¡ons including metal to metal bonding and sandwich constructions, where operat¡ng
temperatures of up to 125'C may be exper¡enced.


r Cures at 170'C
¡ Good structural pelormance and service temperature up to 125rc
I Excellent environmental resistance
I Superior agelng performance for continuous operation up to '120.C
r Low volatile content (solventless process)


r Metal to metai bonding

r Structuralsandwichconstructions

B ack unsupported epoxy fl m with a paper release back ng and a poly,thene interleaving

Product Descr¡ption Areal We¡ght g/m' Roll Width mm Standard Boll m'¿

Redux 308 300 1000 50

Instructions Fol Use

It is essentialthai all substrates to be used are free of contamination and are in as ideal a state for bonding
as possable. As pretreatment varies signilicantly depending on the substrates used, please refer to the
Hexcel Composites publrcation Redux Bonding Technology for optimum procedures.

lf there is to be a delay between the pretreatment and bonding of alumin¡um, the pretreated surlace should
be protected with Redux 108 or Redux 140 suface pretreatment protection solut¡on to conserve the
optimum bonding surface. fhis will enable bonding to be delayed lor up to 2 weeks without deierloration of
the pretreated surface. The correct application oi Redux 108 or Redux 140 should not alter the bond ng
pelormance of Redux 308 (for full application details consult the relevant data sheet).

1 . Allow suff iclent t jme lor ihe adhesive to warm to room temperature (15'C - 27'C) before removing the protect]ve pol,,thene.
2. Cut the film to the shape and size required.
3. Remove the release paper and posjtion the adhesive on the prepared bondlng suface.
4. Remove the poly,thene backing sheet.
5. Complete the ioint assembly and apply pressure while the adhesive is being cured. For sandwich structures the pressure
aoolicat on should be se'ected to surt the type ol co'e used Atter lhe ao'les ve 1ds cured il is advrsable to mainta 1 pressure
on the bonded assembly until it has cooled sufflcient y 10 be handled without discomfort.

Redux 308 should be cured at '170 a 5'C for 60 minutes to obtain optimum properties. Enough time should be allowed lor heat to
penelrate through the assembled parts to ensure that the adhesive reaches that temperature before timing starts. Cure pressures
of around 170 - 350 kPa and heat up rates of approximately sec per minute are recommended during cure. After curing it is
recommended that components are cooled to below 70'C before releas ng the pressure.

Méchá¡r¡cál P?ol'artiés
All the performance va ues given n this data sheet are based on experimental results obtained during test ng under laboratory
condltions. They are typical values expected for Redux 308 prepared and cured as recommended and under the conditions
indicated. They do not and should not constitute specification minima.

Metal Bonding Strengths

Redux 308 at areal weight 300 g/m'?was used to bond Alclad 2024-f3 alum¡nium test spec¡mens; the aluminium was pretreated ¡n
accordance with DfD 9158 (i ) (chromic/sulphuric acld plckling). Redux 108 primer was used after the pretreatment. The
honeycomb tests used Hexcel's 7.9-1/4-40 (5052) T aluminlum honeycomb.

Iest I Test i Redux 308

Temperature "C i 3009/m'?

Lap Shear 21 47
Skength 70 43
MPa I 120 20

Bell Peel 22 | 120


Climb ng Drum Pee 21 460


Flatwise Tensile I 21 I 8.0


Redux 308 has been formulated for max¡mum storage life consistent w¡th its high performance. Certain precaut¡ons, however, wi¡l
help to enhance that storage life as fo!lows:

1 . When stored at room temperature (less lhan 27'C) it should be kept on a horizontal mandrel passed through the tube core on
which the roll is wound. This avoids the risk of local thinning of the film under the weight of the roll.

When storing under refrigeration the original packaging should be retáned if possible. Vvhen return¡ng to the refrioerator after
use t s essential to protect the film with a water vapour barrier packaging material such as polythene.

On wthdrawal from the refrigerator the water vapour barrier packaging should not be removed untii the roll of adhesive has
reached room temperature. This may take up to 24 hours depending on the size of the roll and the temperature involved
(failure to observe this will result in the f¡lm becominq damp).

4. Thefilm should be handled with care wh lst in tlre frozen state since itwill bebrtteandeaslycracked.

On rece pt, Redux 308 w have a storage fe of at east 12 months at 18'C plus an additional shop llfe of 1 month at below 27"C.

Volatile content
Redux 308 has a very low volatile content, usually well below 1%. ln practice, the loss in weight when cured is neg igible and
emission of volatile products is not of pract cal signil cance.

Associated products
Redux 108 and Redux 140 surface pretreatment protection solutions (primer)
Redux 208/4NA and 208/5NA foaming lilm adhesive

Handllng and safety precautions

ln common with all Redux adhesives in fiim form, Redux 308 ls particularly free from handling hazards for the following reasons:

r F¡lm is covered on both sides by protective release paper and polythene sheet which are not removed until final component
assembly. lt should be cut to shape before removing the protective coverings and virtually no handling of the film ¡s necessary.

Vlrtually tackjree (dry) at normal room temperature. The f lm ls dependent on elevated temperature for wetting-out the
adherend surfaces.

Volalile-free at normal room temperature.

Splash-free, leakjree, spillageJree.

However, the usua precaut ons necessary when hand lng synthetic res ns should be observed. A Material Safety Data Sheet for
Redux 308 is ava lable on request.
Belease Certll¡cation
The Ouality Syslem at Hexcel Composites Dulord has been certified to ISO S001 by Lloyd's Begister Quality Assurance,
and is approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Ministry of Defence. Certificates of Conformity and Test Beports
can be issued for batches ot Redux 308 on request.

A nforrnatio¡ s beleved to be accurate but is given without acceptance of iability. Users shou d make therr own
assessment ol the sLritabilily of any product for the purposes required. All sales are made subjecl to our standard terms
of sale which rnclude limalalions on labil¡ty and other importanl terms.
"Copyright Hexce Compos les
Publlcat on BTA025b (March 2007)

For More trlohation

Hexcel is a leadrng worldwide supplier ol composite materials lo aerospace and other demanding industries. Our
comprehensive product range includes:
I Carbon F bre I Struciural Fim Adhesives
I RTM 1\laterials ¡ Honeycomb Sañdwich Panels
I Honeycomb Cores I Special Process Honeycombs
I Conlinuous F bre Re nforced Thermop astics
I Carbon, g ass, aiamld and hybr d prepregs
E Reinlorcement Fabrics

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