3D Geometry

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@ Chapler 14. “Thee: dimens ech Cosines : ie i Dinechon _Cosines = Consider 0 fine making an angle a bith pean, B RIA yams and with Z-Oxts at Shen below. ZA - ry /P then (Cosa, CosB, Cost) are Called clanecton cosines. Deis ame alte denoted vy CL, m,A)- Recall: 9a wsnal notabins paeie tak Cosix 4 CoP Bt ST = | on See teres Posp:- Consider a ine L making 0” ange a, pand t with My | ant % artes espechvely. Let 2 be a unit vector alorg the line t- Ones. despedively. j be unit vechrs alerg a, Y ard 2 td 2, gana ® Pee ges RR RASS a ge aaa a shana od ae ah el @ \ Wwe Know BiB = [2] Vl Oso sO. De Lal il sd = Case 3 Component of @ along %-aais is Cos why 2.52 Gep and @- Re Ose > Components oF 2 dong y-anis and X-anis are (osB and cost espe dinely 0 > é = Cosa + Op f+ oar Taking modalus on both Sides of equation 0,10 gt [él= (cosa + asp) raise ®] 1. [arcane arr Saponing | t= “en oop OS | 0% [Rerer] Dinechon Rates (DAs) + Let (Lymn) be the Dos oF % line Le An ordered tiple of heal numbes (a,b,c) beri, one prbotioe! te (yma) one Called alizection safios te ee Be ES Mm n 4. Detecuninakion of PCS using DRS le Know a = B= s\p v x K ek n v a 22K be L m dK b=mK c=nKk | sa a ee ge ee ee ga ee © 3 maa he K (teen) 4 aye es we =» Ke [aba bt 2 =K b. 2K eK A mn A acne me & hae a te K K K >4-— me Me ns ede [ebro (antec Disieckon Rodics and _Difrechon Cosines of 0 (tne joining 2 pois Dinechon Readies _and_Disrechin MSInel _® _ PC 1) Yr) 9%, 4,3) Da’s of pas (4-%, bo, 4-*) Des of PA = (= uy 521) pa’ PROP __ where p@ = Pym Ty ee ae Solved parol lems 4) 9f a line rakes angle Jo’, 60° and 30° ag direchim Casines. toith a, Yyand 2 anes nrespechvely. Find Die : Sol: Des = (CsA, Cosp, cost) Given & = 90° p= 60° = (Cos 90°, Cos 60", Cos30") Pe 30° = (0 4) 8) 2) ar 2 * ® J ap a dine has dinechm haber ©,-1-2). Pind Oc's Soi? n> cS Vater Vt Pe ct Vober = wk Seal =2 | Viet Vieeiey Veate§ = 2 1 foes e out 2 | 3 3 3 q , 3) Rad the dihechm cesives oF the line Joining iso points (-2, 4-5) And (1,2, 3) ”. (3, 4-5) iw {2 Q C1,2,3) ay, Rom) = (42, 2-4, 3+5)= (3,-2,8) ji 27 + Aso PRE y(da)*e Tou) e(ars = Vt et oe Des of PRE (4-%, YB S DCS OF PRs (=e, a a). (z. =. 2) pa’ pa pe) in Fe Sar h) Find the athecton cosines of %, yond aoe Gol? years makes angles 0, 4° and get with %,¥ and 2078 A Des of 2 ams = Coose®, cosee’, Cosse") = (1,00) caso’, cos 90°) = (6,1,0) yeanis= Ccome’, aso) = (8,,1) uly Des. oF ( cosa’, ase, bcs. OF R~ ans > ® 5) Shoo that th i H the points 402,3,~4), BC1-2 ss iellione. 72, 3) and C035) Soi; . "I Sol: Dag of | AB = (1-2, 2-3, 344) = (-L 3% prs of Bee (31, O42, -tra) = 0 10, -I4) cL: cB + z lo -I4 poropontional . wwe note that he dihodion robes one = A,B, ce One collinear. Exencise Ie) 1) 9 a line mates angles 90", 5°, bs® with %, y and 2-08 shespechvely Find os Des | Sis (cosa, Cosp, COST) = (cos go%, Cos 35" cos4s*) | ( e(o-t.t se) hich makes equal argles a) Find ahe divechon Cesines of a line wide the co-crelinate anes. gio, Given k= Be G pes og the lene = (C084, cosp, Cos) : © 3) of a dine hot divectim Suatos ~18, 2,-% then what One i dinecton cosines} Sol): Given oe 1B, ENA, Cand ome ne oO (eae c® oe = vuey -& = lB > 7 92 a2 ‘5 @, 9) ane Collineodr tahase 4) sha thak the potas (2,3,4), (12,1) ¢ 5) Rad the clttechm cosine of the bides of the triangle Verbees ene (3,5,74), (let 2) and (-8,-8)72) More_preblems 1) af dk, B.and 1 one the angles made ty a dine with the oo-mrcinate axes, then Show dat a) Srtk+ Supe Guere 2 DD Asads Msrpe locate - gt. a) kns = Subk+ SrPpe SuPer ” 1 Cota 1- CoB et Cos4 = B- Cas Gost p+ Cos*s) @ b) LHS = Cosac+ WS28+ Cosor q @s26 = Cos’b- Si?e cost) + Log +2008} = l- 269 = 2Co2p- = 2 (Crsa+ Cootp + cos? 1) -3 foes = 2cn-3 =-) = RHS 2) the dimechon Cosines of too lines one Conneckd by the Helokons dem-n=0 and mn 6ln—l24m= 0. Brad the dlirechm drahios of the lines. Sold : Gin = tam-n=0 —o® mn+ 6ln-tadm= 0 ~~ @ kom © neem ——O Using Ou @ om (le m) + 640 Atm) = adm = ° 3 dm+n+ 6124 64m - [24m =? as w+ él @ —aim=° « (LJP) Ahn aja) {atari Peed 3 afay-re0 AEh)-I*? a ah =! BL 21 > ale m on Bdsm Giels Lek a= m Q4em Bien Fon © dem-na o Doan 14 L4ai-nse _. 2 Bi-nzo as d.met . 1 2 3 Blen » Dss ane (12,3) CoseQ: Let SL= ™ ae tice Fron © d+m-n= 0 Lom aon 1 d I 4 f+3l-n=0 1.0-4 Wi-n=0 oa 3 yy woe 4 Dats one C1, 3,4) 3) the dineckon cosines of & pair of lines Aockt fy the eqpoctions [-Gmean=0 and ti245m? -3r’s 0. Find the dinectsm Srabias of the Lines. Sol: Gin L-5m+ 3020 — oO qeppnt- aco — © From @ 42 3m-3n —o@ Sabatihdag @w ® 1(om- any+ om an = 0 * 7 (251 4+On— Zorn) 45mr-3n*20 @ 3 Werta 630 -Qlomant Bm Sere e & 1Q0m*4 bor Alomn > 6 ® : 5 the dunectin Cosind of a pate of tenet tokefy the equations L43m+ Bn=0 and omn ~6nd~ 5dms 0. Find alisrection ratios Line in Space : we denive equohim of & line a) passing ahsongh 9 foiat Ard fponollel tp & Nee &) passing qnnough 2 points. 1) Denive the equation oF & lene passing thirough polat and Parallel to a line in vectnt foam. Aso find its cartesian form. Roofs Congicler a line L_ passing Anrough a point Ain v3 [3 the positim Vector oF the point A. Let Pp be an arbitrony pocat o% dhe UL: Lee be: the position vechA of the point P. Let the tine & M FB be porallel + & vedor B. toe Know, H two vectors ane poswltel ty cach other, then one vey sa Seaton velisplicodion OF the other. a Bp-d? — oo phere A home neok num ben Bit by Vedor addin tha = of » Ho —® @ Using © in @, we get ap -ok - a B a 3 R- B= * > [ean | Vector foarn Cartesian foam : let Az (ty ¥v2) > ha Be ube yd 22 Op = perder ype 2k a uteve 4,59 (a3 +¥d +2) +r (ale bf + ck) > abeyge+2e = cuore) ba larder Br 09 He AtrO Ys yrrAb = Zt 76 sy HUF Dra Yy-ye Z-2,2 AC SB X% 2d y- = Z-2 2 > a b c 3 epnesens eqnacton of a line passing ansough (41 Yn) chin S108. (0, b,c) i ® LL) Denive the equccion of a dine passing Ahaeagh 2 peinls in vector form. Alge find the egrahon (0 Cartesinn fhm, Proof: Consider a Mae b pascing Froough too potas A and B. bel p be an arbit sary point % the Nae Let & and B be the position vectos of Aart B p b nee / ak a 7) hregpeckvely Mso Let R be the positin veoh - . ot the point P. y by vector Subtractin “ Bp = OB - OA a Be R- 2 —o By vector Subwacten = - oF m.t-? —®” Bat FB and FB one Collineos. @ 5 a Cartesian fm ty Ae fh ded @ Ae Bey feud oak 2 Pe Iua) Bh. Be vieyge 2k * Be [4,4,4) 2 OB Be aiegjeSk We Ramo wow fim ff Be Fe a P-*) wm atayJaet = (niend a, Ber { hyena tatyew98 laa Balseyge ahs (4rrly- wir (ye aty-9) do #2, alge adh Equadng Correspondiag Cemyenett Ht get ae Ht alyen) Ys yt AGH) 2 Z4 AlB-*) net, 2 > Me 4) Y-ys Alyy) 277% > (y=%) 3% o> BoM 2 > 2:4 ad 4 44 B-3, Eqpation ef O line passing thnowgs foo plats. Angle_between tee lines : gh 6 ts the angle bchaven tue mm) and (4s, av) Jing b, and ty with Dea ( dy hespectuely, thea Phar tak Cotes Ady Hm TMs @® Proof: Consider dso Hiner L, and L making an argh 6 bekseen them. Let (4, m,n) and Cb, m, %) be the DCs oF We liner by Gnd by nespectvely. Let & and 4 be che unit vechos along 1, and by he spedvely. , et 7 /. 4 Ae ‘ t J 2 / 23 AY o [~— _y 5 J ; y Us / toe note thot & = eo ee g+ 4iemiro® —® Consider Be Be [os 1B) sb a & & = 14) 16) eae 3 &. & = 1 a+ Je) = 16te! 1 A / 4 (ses & & a) Ca tem)e > Gss= Ute mgt tose = Jidat mp, + S Obtain an expression Fr angle beboeen tuo [eres to team oF Sine Proof: We Know Oose= Sdp+ mm, +2,n, —— dg + MM, +7, Ay @ Here 6 is the cangle between hae linet L, and Ly With DCs (4, mn) and (s,m, %) respechvely . We Know St®ge 2 1- bse = AP em2e m2) semen) — Ci da-tm, m,+0\ns)” = se se Sims + A ne md mn mpemeny ng ty tN) mh nen -(2 Mamba ena + od, Ayre, + 92mymnny + 24d.) = (m ny ¢m2n2 - 2mm,r%) + (mea? + frm? - 2442 mm) + (np + AP ng? = 24,49. 1192) Si20 = Cmng = MN (nd AAI + CA ~ Hh, my)” > Sme= + Jz tna sata? © Removk : 1) af hoo liner by and by ove 1” then Gyr tgs o oO LL emmrnm =e 3) 9F hoo Itnes Ly amd Ly re porrallet then as be Sor Wet, ma£M. m= 2% a % Angle beboeen to lass Obtacn an exphession for angle belvieen too lines in teams of DRS Proof - Consider foo lines Ly and by making an angle 8 bebveen then, Let (dip m,,m) and Cla, mtr) be the DCs oF Land ty nespechvely Alco Jet (a, bis) and (4, by, &) be the Dols oF L, And L respecvely. toe Know Cos6 = Lids tm, mt MM oO Moo 42 —& m= b, 4. AL Vozenns o2 Vahehg™ az tbe o> 4, m= ba = —& Ay = n (ener ror From ©, we have. Coco s Art bbe tae ae ® (Solved) problems 4) Find the angle between the lines Whose Dn's ane (By i) and (5, 1,- 8) Sol: Gren (An bv 1 = (By, B (a b G)= (5, 1-8) -3 woe Know — Cosé= 0% th byt = a =i 3 6: as'(+) 2) Find the angle bebseen the Kes whose DHS one a) (21,0 ana (4, Bel, --) b) (3,28) ond C3, 4-28) 3) Find the angle bebveen the lines whose 0c's ane Gee =) ei’ fe and {8-1 8-1, +) 24, a & so Gi 4 al, 2 Given (by, mam) = (Lr hr & J (n,m m= (2, Et, +.) Ge Say” Sau toe Know 06 = Lida # mM, Mo = fpa-B-asepe + eee Ve (ay 2 ® &) Find the angle bebveen hoo hines those Des abe a) (4,2,3) and Cl 2,9 b) (3, 4,7) and (1, -2, 3) 5) Rnd the angle bebveen the lines AB and CD, Gren Ae (3,4,5) 8* 6) Show tat AB I cd given A c=(4,2,) and O= (12,5) (4,63) C= (h2,W and De Ll0,5) = (47,8) Be 25,4) a) Show that AB L cD gren A= (4-2) 8-34-49 C=(6,3,2) and D= (3.5,0 9) Find the value of K 40 Hak AB Is LY CD gen A= (K,L-0 B= (2,0,2K) C= (4 2KA) De (2,3,2) Sol: (0, by ci) = Dm's of AB = (2-K, -1, 2K) (ay, bp G) = Das of De (-2, 22k, 4) Shen ABL CD > OQ) Op + bby + OCr> O D> -h+2K-3¢ 2K t2K41 posallel then fad A and b Gren ce (2,53) and De (4,b,-8) 0 S Kel 9) 35 the lines AB and CD ove ae he (a, Sn) Ore (uu-2) Jo) Find the value of K kuch that the angle bebseen the hao lines Ishoce Dis ane (-9,1,-!) and CA,-K, -1) IS 120° @ Skew lines and Shortest distance bebveen the_4Kew lines oF we hare 2 lenes, then «) tivo lénes intersect oes _— b) too lines one posollet rm A 8 co) two lines one ron rs 7 ie and non - tnterseckm i jay a | 9n first too Coses the kenes one Ap ll BC Coplanar. Sn dhird Cose, the lines m and fn one Skero AD is Skew ate non~ oplanon. Such line one te HG Called Skew lines. Shortest distance 4) GF too lines intersect, then hotest Adstance bio them ts Zee 2) 9F ro lines are fonallel then Shontect distance the 1 distance _ fo 3) Lek Ly and ty be Pro Skew lines. Let Pp be a Polat on Ly and @ be & point on by Auch drat f4 is LY te both & and ly.then p@ is Caled the shostest distance bebseen L, 64 obtain an enphessiim for Shortest clistance behveen > Aker Ines 4 Vector foam. Mso find ik in Crtesinn Hun: Consider theo Ske Sines Ly and Ly. Leb P be a Point onc and @ be a foiat on 4 Such thot the line PQ is I t both Land Ly. Then PG ts the Shostest distance behseen L, and b his 4, Lt He Q+r ze — oO and he Ba rB ——@® ve te equations of the &Kew ltnes. Here & iS the pv of A, B is the pv of B.& is a Vector parallel to L, and B be the veehr pasiallel to the line We note PQ = Psajectim of 7B oon PE = BW. * prujectin of &% along B= a.t = AB « Unit vector along Pq = WwW. Arp Ae Ba meprcer o laxF) unit Soe both @ SS (e Shontest distance n- [0 Ga) cane This ts the Vector foxm @ Wwe Ghul find the Cartesian fAn Let 4: wee 2 YM 2 Ror U a b cq clesly @ = airy dr ak boe find 3 (xB) = BC byG-bats) —3 (ou) +R (ar Pd > ‘ (8-2) »(4 *8) = Gx) (b,G- bo) - (4,- (46-46) + (3-2) (ab- 4b) = (B-2)- (2 xP) = | BY 2-2 a, by, 4 ao by o Mso Rx Bl = | Weebl Ee (qa= sort lake 6% = | Cb GY t (ails - 01% (ab, b) >) thus Shonteck dastarce bebJeen too Skew lines L, and ty, is Distare big Ay, YY, Bs Skew lines & a, boo denoted ‘vy Oy, bb G ———————— z eg ea (= a) * CM ba BA) Shortest distance between too parallel lines Consider hoo a lines Ly and by oo Let “s ot and ot be the equatons of dhe Ieaes by and by ine spe ctvely. Here Ris the pv of A and Q be the Pv of B. Hew B is a vectr ee wl ob 2 Johich is ponallel t both the kaet L, and by Diop a 2” from & onto the Ine by. bet M be the frot of the ponpendicalas . Bemis dhe Ghostest oigtance behecen the lined Ly and by From the sight angled triangle ABM ® Consider Bx ABS JE) 3 } gas i 10 < AB) = 181148) Sine = >» }B«(@-a%)]= 1B] 6" 3 pms b= mL 1B) Exencise 2 1) Show that the lines with Des (4 and (2-, =. 2) ane mdbally 1” 1s > OB we Moo hb Sa Leb Gy mam) = (2, 3, st) be fet of by 18 B hens (ER a ot Usmnd= (205k. BR) es 5 ug 36 - 12 20 Consider Ay dy tm mens = ue = 169g z uae be : = Land ly one 1° mB AL dy + many +0, M = 0 alt & owed Jy dy emmy 40% 20 BL tha" @ 2) Show that dhe line tHrongh the Polats Cl-)2), (3,4, -2) arch ts Iv ty the line thhongh the Points (03,2) and (35,6) Som Let A= CI -t, 2) and Be [34,2 3 pws of AB > (2,5. 4) oy (a, b,G) Lee c= (03,9) and D= (3,5,6) 3 Dats of CD= (354) w lh, be, 6) Congrder Aa +b tUG = 2*3 43x24 yyy = 6410-16 =0 > AB is LY to CD. e qorouge the Points (4,7, 8) (2,3,¥) Is panaLlel 3) Shoo that the dia 2,1) and C2, 5). to the line Hrough the points (-l, So: Lek = (47,8) and B= (23,4) a de op AB = (-2,-H, I) a4 (A, bn) 2,1) anh De 12,5) Lee c= (-1L peg of CD= (2,4, 4) & (1 be, ) Gnstdr GQ-b = Aa > 2 2 tH ak % bb © 2 4 4 > Line one parallel. 4) Find the eqnodson of the Line passing through the poiak (12,3) and is posable to af 429-2. Equadin of a line passing jrrongly R and Re Weab- (Leap+ak)+a(2t+29- 9). Ps Se: poraUle! to b is ® of the dine tn Vechr and ia Cartesian Ren is ia the 5) Find the equation that passes through the point with BY ai-grk® and dinechon of 2429-R. Salt “ = passes through the Polat A pik py Re h-gtek Given , lene Given dine ic ta the clinech of Be i+aj-R 2. Equochm of the ltee © Re A+r¥ 3 Re(ak- fru) +r (Raap-2) Corresponding Cartesian fam 6 X41 Soh 22 6) Find the Cartesian equodim ef the line fhich paces Ahorongh. allel to the Nae given by the egnahrm the polat (-2,4,-5) and por td. U-4s Zee 3 5 6 Hod. We. De 3.5 6 Salt: ° Given L passes tAnough (2,4, -5) e = (%, 2) €2,4,-5) Gren Lk parallel 4 a line with Do's (3,5,6) 3S Eqpatm of the line Lis @® #) the Cartesian eqpotion of a line 3 XSL Ute 2 2-6 3 7 2 SI: From Cartesran ejnaton, We note that the Ine paccet dso (5, -4, 6) > pv of (5-46) 4 B= 52-49 +6. Myo we note that the Dats of the Mine She (3,7,2) s line Le ia the clinechin of BD _ Pe 3f+7h+ 2k sthus the Vettor ‘pam of the Ktne I R= Berd 5 Re GR-u}esh)erGiederh) 8) Find the vecbr and the Catdesian fim of line passing Hronsh the poinls (0, 0,0) Gnd (5,-2, 3) Sol9: Let Rand BP be the prs oF the polnts (0.0.0)and (5-2,3) Srespechvely oh eoj+ok a= an B= 54-2)543% le Know the vecby foam of egpotin af a Mdne passing thonsh too points A and B® With pys BW and Bis gen by Re RtA(B-B) z > = N(si-2j+ 3%) We Know Cartesian foam of a line passing Htagh 2 polals (42) and (%,4,%) is Hem = YW = 2-2, Ym BY Zy-2y %-0 YO _ ZO 5-0 -2-0 3-0 te 32d 5 2 3 @ 4) Find the Vector and Cartesian firm of enatonr of the Me pasting nongh the petals (3,-2, -5) and (3,-2, 6) SoM: Let Be 32-29-5R Le Qi, Y, 22 3,-2, 5) Bagh -2p+6R (%, 9,2) = (3-2, 9 Veckor foam of the line o Required kine Re BeatB-4) wee Ye = 22s aM) 4-5, 4-2) 3 Re Gi-2}-sRea(nR) AD, yer 25 3 Re 3t-2$+dp-5) &) ° ° Af 46) Find the angle between the Following pair of linet a) ReQP-5I+R)+r (9ir28 462) ond Be 7P—6R) + MCS 125 28) B) R= BL 43-2) + AC 4-3 -2K) ane Ra(at—f-seR) +p (3t-55-4R) Sol; ve 4 a) First Kine ts ponallel to 32ea9+ 6k he Das of this line ase (ay, b= (3%) Secona Ikne i paballel te £4 2g+ 2k te Dats of this Ine ase (a, 2, @) = (12,2) Lek & be the angle bln the lenes 4 we Know Cos = mat bet Ge _ Bere — = Jareeiee fogviec Sua 19 . ost (2) > bs ws (2) b) 6: os' (S) @a) N) Find the angle behocen the folbioing paces of lines Sols a) pwn of the fiest Woe are (ay, br, &) = (2, 8,-9) Do's of the Second Ine one (a, by) = 61,8, fosp, ee tb beta 2 roto 2 = 2h Vo2+ 3a {a7 9/36 6= bos” ( 26 9 fe b) @= Gs" es) 12) Find the Value of P do that the Maes Ads aw. 28 2 2p and 7-74 = YB. 6-2 ore at bh angle. 3p 1 5 So: Gen Ly t 3 (a, by, &) = (-3, 22,2) Given Lt 3 (a, 2, G) = (2, 1-5) Given Ly and ty ase at Sight angles D> At btGQ=? @ > 3x TBR 4 Px ax-F=0 7 7 = BINEAES = 110 eee Pree P7 u 13) Show shad the Whnes AaB = BH = Band AL Yee 7 -5 ! Tas ane — pen pendicalar to each cthen Sol: Given (ay, bn & = OT ~ 89 and (a,b, a) = C4, % 3) Consider 1a, + brbyt 4O = 7-W+t3=° = the Inet one 1” to each othen atect cligtance bebseen the Ldnes 14) Find the Sh and B= (ot Benes 32h) Ros Geajet rae Goh) Sol”: a4 Sol: Bret ene is parallel to d-dt z setond line 1% hall to (35 an the divecsin of) ahr g42r = te tines one not parallel ie they ane Skew lines 2 > Let Bz taadek pee eee qeetegek Bx rtrdest we find B-A = g-34-2% > i 3 a Bx B= 4 -\ 1 = ah 40g +3 2 1 2 © Mo IBxBle Tarora= fie = faa =F toe Kno) Shostesh Aistance between dhe liner is gion by Sp: Bx Bb) (8-%) ~ 4% 23 1B, x83) Bo Try: Find the Shontest distance bebicen the lines Whose Very eynadons ate 4 Re ter Dd (28-3 +8) and Re aap —R+ m(ai-5g + 2k) 15) Find the shortest distance bebveen she lines a4 2 At 1. 24) om I 2 Qnd 2422- YT = 2 2 1 1. Sol: Ly Passes though (41, ¥,2,) = (lol ~) Ly poset tare (2, 2) = (3, 9, 7 (4,,b, 4) = (7,-6, D (a,b G) = (1-21) ht, bY) Bz a ob & G; b, Shortest distance = = pe (bq bye (AG ~ Ae) [4b B42)” 4 6 ¢ 7 -6 ! \ -2 1 J cea) (TN (“14 46) &) Ik) Find the Shortest distance behoeen the lines Re (04 2) 43k) ra d- ahah) and Ra (uh as) 6B) + (92 43g +k) eae Shortest distance = 2 units ‘iv 1a) Find the Shostect distance bebreen the llaes pe U-pi+ G-ae4 (3-at) @ and Re Git (as) e— (ast Soll: Given lines one (af +aR)+t(-f4d #20) Re FeO -R) + 9C4 r2d-2k) Try: Find the Shortest distance bebseen Re (8429- ER) + n(ale 3gr6h) and Re (32 eagepk) + p(2i +33 + 68) @ Planes A plane 8 a Surface uch that omy line Joining 2 poink on the &Sface lies entirely on the Sinface, J) Le7/ Sucface Surface Not & plane Plane alco. Result + Show dat the general fist clegice eqpatiny dae by +c2rd =o always Shepsesen a plane. Proofs Let the Suface be ant bys cztd=0 — 06 Let A, 4,2) and 8 0%,42,) be ‘hoo potnts on the Surface O 3 aa, + by + ez, +4, 0 — ® ® and a Foy +C Kt ay 20 2 Let AB be a line and Pp (%,y,2) be a point on the dine AB dividing it ia the Satio min By Section formula Pe “= 0%) my +ny, mays 21 | mtn mtn mtn Consider an+ by+ C2+d = a [Micetts) +b (MAA +c (mana, 4 m+n mn m+n @ amy + anx, + bmy, + bn¥,+cmZ, + cn2, +dm+dn men m ( a% + bY + cated) +n (ax, + by, + 62,4) m+n =0 > pla,y,2) is a point on the plane. But m and n arbitrary 3 every point o” athe line AB lies on the ple Surface 3 line AB Ives on the Surface O 3 Surface OD Mepresens a plane. Note: 4) gn the ejnatin of & plane, the So-e}ficlents of 1,42 Le a,’ and © ane dinection sratios of the normal tp the plane, 2) Equation Ff Y-plane ts 220, ¥2-planc is X=0 and x2 plane IS Y=O 3) Equobon of a plane passing through o polat (%,,¥,,2,) toith (a,b, 0) a the Aihecbm Sabos of i$ noamal is Alu-n) +b (yy) + 662-2) =0 4) Equation of a plane parallel XY Plane is 22@ y2 plane % *= 4 Zx plane TS Yoo & Denive eguahen of a plane in nommal fomm in vector fem Also find its Cartesian femm Freep: Commider a plane at Shao Leb Ow be Perfendicaber from origin cetn the plane Leb one p Leb A be a tnt werter along /, the normal ON Let p be a print on the / Hane Let 0 pesition veer be 8 i — A pn f@ Om © pa ae: Rk By Wecher Seb action NP - OP - ON > Rpe R-pa Loe atte that NP IS. prhpenddicalsy to Oe 3 Np. ON =o a(R- pale pave 5 K-pn - pr(a-a) = 0 as x 5 fe place dosnt trough is the vettpe Fume oF Lo eat peas Ben of & plane (0 Achmad fm, aii i ® We shall fad iS Cartestan foam, Let pe (4,2) > Paadsysds2e Let CL, m,n) be the direction cosines of the nosmal On a 2 4 A => dtemgtnk= a We Know eguodon of the plane in normal fim is Renz P 4 (adeyhs2)+ (424m) rok) = P > Ant my nz =P. no Qs im plane Sh or Fas Conn & givenfoint in vecterand Cartesian Jos, Equeton of a plane passing thaough 3 points > Equatm of @ plane passing ansouge 3 potab (%), Y,2)s (%,%, %) and (1, %,%) #® Yay, UY, R-Zy Myra 4Y, 4-2 =O wrt, %Y BA Derive the equahm of a plane ‘a intercept foom * passing thsrougn the z Consider & plane points P(A,0, 0), g (0, b,2) and €0%,0,¢). R (0,0, c) Globo) Y Pla,o,0) @® Let (%, 4,3) = (0,0. 0) ftv, 4) = fe. bo (ay Uy 2p) = C0, 20) Equation of the Diane is jay, ey, 2, a Bon, Yy-¥, Ze? aa y a 2 -a b ° 20 -a ° c = (t-a)be -y(-90) +z(ab) <0 ~~ abe +yac +Zab = abc Divide by abe = taMinZel . = Gl a intersechm of te Equahm oF @ plane passing Anaough the Given planes Required plane Te. Re CA ah) = dy trae Ph. or (xsbys zea) tr (xr Byro2+4) =0 @ ®@ C . . oplanarity of lines Tio lines are Coplanar if they are on the Aame plane eH Cae U2 2-2) and Wy: Hee He Ee one 1 b, G a b, Gq Coplanar if | %-% %-', 4-2) ea by S Angle between too planes : gt iS defined as the angle befocen “hete normals. oF 6 is the angle between aaebyr G2zra= ? and Axthytozta=e then Cocp = O04 + by by + 4 Vary-raa V +b Note : 1) Two planes ane 1” if ar biker Se =o 2) Two planes ane vel, @=2sbe a %. b Gq Distance of a Point from _ plane > > Vector Foxm : Perpencliculasr distance = a.w-al 0% + by +6249 [debect Cartesian fhm: Perpenclicalan distance = Angle between 4 line_and a plane : Angle between a line and & plane is defined as the Complement of the angle bebveen the line and the normal + the plane. @ Exencise 3_ 4. Bn each of the following Cates, determine the Dc's of the néhmal ty the blane and the distane from the origina (a) 2: 2 Sat 6 . 4 , = Sol: Given plane 4 ORF Yt 2 = def m= ! Equation ef the plane is das mytn2= p Orsoysdze 2 Y DES one (0,0,1) and bagth= % units (b) xey+ 22) SoM. (a, bo) = (LI) a 4: 4 me bz t- Se Ia@abee we {ae Bec? ces me 3 loe Know eqpaton of the plane is dx + my+n2= P Ginn 9 At UtR= Divide fe as ‘ cry . a a oca= (F- 7 @® Tre: . ry: Find the distance of the plane Qx-3y +42- 6-0 from he origin. 2) Find the vectr equahm oF plane Which is at a distance of 7 units from the origin and noamal te the vector air 5g - ~6k Sol0: we Know Vector equation 1S Rin ad Apne a= R . Bie ban bk 17) [0 . % zR)+ 3242p -L£k = gquaton s (WL48d* z =e £® 7 3) Find the Carkesian equations oF athe following planes a) R. (249-8) = Sol: Carkestan form | txteggez@)-(2ed-B = 2 3 xry-222 BR. (20439 - #2) =) oc) B. [(s-ab? +8- 1) + cask) =8 i) Bn the fellwing Cases Find the Coordinates of “he Soot oF the J’ drawn From the origin. ’ 0 (0,0,0) Nowmal a) ons By t4Z- 120 @ Deh of normal = (2, 3, 4) dors of lene OF = GY, 21) But 0A is ponalld 4D noamol 3 We ek 2 > 452K y=3k 2% = 4K But A is on the plane > A Sotsties planes erat, 3 9(9k) +3(3K) tH(AK) ~!2 =o > QqK = 12 1 3 Ke 24 Fook of the v= Az (m1, 42) = (2%, 26 Le 23’ °29' ye b) By+ 42-6 = 0 Foot of ive (0, 85> he) o uryeae t Foot of LY = (%+ %' %) d) by+ 9=0 Foot of Is (0,-8%,% 5) Find the Vector and Cartesian equations OF the plane a) that passes Ahnough the Polat (1,0,-2) and the noamal the plane in 2+ 3 -i b) thab passes Ahnough ‘the plane ut Re og+k point (1)'4,6) anc the normal Yo the Sol) : a 9% a) Here print ts (1,0,-2) 3 @= B+oj - 2k a a0 n = f+9-% Equodtsm of a plane passing thiough a point bith pv @ and Nowat A ds (F-B).Az 0 Cortestan 7AM * [@-ni + (y-Og+ (24k J+ (i4g-R) =0 sy (at) + (y-9)- (248) =0 ay xe ytZ-142 = 0 a aurytz ~3 2° b) %-2y+zt1 =? 6) Find the equation of the plane that pastes thgrongh 3 pola a) GQ au-), (4% 5) and b4,-2, 3) we, bo ?y Sol9: Eqyahon Is ay IY, | ze 43-4 43-4, 43-4) 4-1 yo 24 - 5 3 -% | =0 -5 8 4 > 020° Points one Collénenn => there oe infinitely many planes through these points b) C1,),0) (4,2,1 and (-2,2, -D Are: 24434-3225 (Ais (2, 5,-9 , (2,-3.8) and (8, 3,-2) ® B® Fu ) Find the Enterceps cat off by the plane Sa y-2=5 So, ‘ =e Given Qazy-2=5 Divide bys 24 We Ze a 5 ae ol > %yB4e Bel 5 -5 %, y and Z intercepls one (2,5 -5) 2) Find the equation of the plane with intercept 3 on the y-ous and posollel 4o 20x plane. Gol). Equodsm ef Zox plane TS Y=? Equaton of ao plane porallet to 20% pane © Ye Qonstant tere fk is Yo 3 4) Find the eqpatin of athe plane passing though the intersechrs ¢ the planes 3%-Y paz-4s0 and mrye 2-20 and the point 2,2,). Sol: Equation of the Seywined plane's (Bx-yran-4) tr (ays 2) = 0 —O Given that the grequined Plane passes trough (2,21) > (6-2 +4) + r(arrtl-2) = 0 2 Rrarso > Az AH From © (ax-yraz-t) ~E(aryr 2-8) = 2 9n-8yF62- 12-an-2y-Aaz+ 4 = 0 Ty Bu 4h7 —-R=0 ® 10) Find the ved eqpodion of the plane passing trouge the intersechon of the Planes Re (el e9f-Bh)=7, R- (ahs 55438) = 9 and through the point (21,3) Sol: Equation oF the Sequined plane & {H. (ab+2h-3R) 7h + rn { Rohe s§49R) -9} =° 3 BR [caterer aladesjeedh = 007 —O Gien frat equine? Plane passes thous (211.3) > (at+g +3k)- fersa)2 +(2 45S Jr -3t any} = Ort7 3 2(242NF L(945r)43(-343A) = INET > ent LEED THIN = INT 5 e a Aze > 9210 a From © R- {tea} stdeig(atens 28) on12 +7 4 {x (23425 -32) wipe {R. (of+5} +aR)} =0 TRY: Find che vector equation of the Plane passing through the tatersection of the planes N.C P494R) = 6 and eo. fener Re (at ea} e4R) =-5 and passing through the polat Crlv1) NN) Ftad the eqnoatn of the plane thitongh the line of iaterceckon of the planes atyrZeland Ine Byph2=5 tohich ts penpendicalan to the plane x-y+2=0 & Sol: Eqwotim of the Sequined plone ts 1) A( 244 sye4z-5) =° (At YF Em > (teary (taal t2(LthA) + (-1-5A)= 0 heguined plane is A to x-Yr2=0 Given that this 3 (Aran + (143d) X71 + (l4'rA)=0 2 14 an-1- Satie er =O > By ec) > Asst -. Regpined planes Kaoys(g) eta x -AtTA=0. 12) Find the adpadbo angle bebseen the planes bohose vector eyratms one Te (ateap-3hr)= 5 and R. (37-39 +5K)= 3 Sol? Here 7 is the nonmal to the first plane RP 2 2heap-ak ts the nowmat to the second plane tows N= 3i-3g+5K Let 6 be the angle behveen R, and B & > Cose= Tee ~ 6-6-!5 aie aii) Tir Fae > Ox cos" [ >. Vv 73) 13) an the following Cases find Whether the given planes ore Ponallel or ie cose they ome neither, Find che angle behoeen them and in a) Ter Sy + 6273020 and 3x-y [02+ h=o Sol: (a), bi, C1) = (75,8) (a, bs @) = (3,4 -10) that pac gh a eee a Bp te we note -l -lo parallel = o1- 5-60 #0 > planes oe nok C1, O% F by bg + nok perpendicalah planes Also => planes one Let 6 be the aagle blo the a4 b, by + 4% a cose = 0, 4 Fb bet = 2 = 6-as(4) [arevred Vas bite” B ynt By + 2-37 and yr z- FH 0 9 Sol: 8 = HS © A ) Ont Y+B2-2=0 and X-2yF 5 =0 $09: Here (Ay bry GI = (21,3) (@ be &) = C1,-2,0) we note tak a sae 3 Seo st tis te Bb ey = planes ome nok parallel. Consider aya, +b, bb taG = Q-2F0=0 = planes ane a oo Qux-—2y + her F=0 and ax- By 62-1 =? Sol: Here (4, bn a) = (2,-2,4) @ bo) (2,-3.4) toe note that ashe t & 2 eet a. bb & 3 3 § = planes oe poraillel « 4) on-y ¢32- 17° and 24-Y FEZFI=D. Wh) 9a the Following Cates, find the distance of the potat fam dhe plane- P b) (B,-2,1) 2a- yrk243 = 0 a) (00,0) and 3a-Wyr aaa 3 0) (2,3, 5) #982 =9 Aye da 3y 462-2= Sol: Here (hay Yr?) = (0.0.9) (4,00) Pandya dee (a, b.¢,4) = (3-4 2-3) aa, toy AF a 8% FOU TE Vote bec? Distance =

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