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Model Question Papers (Issued by the Department of PU Education) (For 2021-22 Academic Year Only) SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Max. marks: 70 Time 3:15 hrs, Instruetions: 1) This question paper contains of four parts-A, ‘nd seetion II Cand D, Part D consists of two sections~section ii) Allparts are compulsory. il) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams ar illustrations do not attract any marks PART-A I. Answer any ten of the following questions in ane word or in one sentence each. 1x 10=10 1, Mention the unique reproductive behaviour of Strobilanthuskunthiana. Ans: Sirobilanthus kunshiana (neel Kuranji) flowers once in 12 years is the unique reproductive behaviour 2. Name the type of pollination that brings genetically different types of pollen to stigma, Ans: Xenogamy 3. State the function of filiform apparatus. ‘Ans: The fore apparatus play an important role in guiding the pollen tubes to penetrate into the synergid. 4. Give an example for non-medicated 1UD. ‘Ans: Lippes loop. 5. With reference to the Mendelian laws of iaheritance, state the meaning of ‘dominance’. ‘Ans: In a dissimilar pair of factors, one member of the pair dominates (dominant) the other (recessive), it is called dominance. 6. Which autosome-linked disorder Is associated with the reduced rate of synthesis of one of the globin: chains of haemoglobin? ‘Ans: Thalassemia 7. Name the pyrimidine present both in RNA and DNA. Ans: Cytosine 8, Patients who have undergone surgery are treated with a very effective sedative and pain killer. Name this, Ans: Morphine ‘Student's luminatar PU Bietogy 2 Handbook (2021-22) 9, Mother's milk is considered very essential for new born infant, If'se, how #t provides immunity? ‘Ans: The colostrum secreted by mother during the initial days of lactation has abundant antibodies (IgA) to protect the infant, 10. Mention the role of Avospiritlum as biofertilizer. izospirilium is the free living bacteria fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and thus inereasing nitrogen content of 1, How do statins function in our body as bloactive blood-cholesterol lowering agent? ‘Ans: Statin acts as competitive inhibitor for the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol, hence it acts as bioactive blood-cholesterol towering agents 12, Which is the source for agarose used as matrix in gel electrophoresis? ‘Ans: A natural polymer agarose extracted from sea weed like Gracilaria and Gelidium, 13, Give an example for the technique used in molecular diagnosis based on the principle of antigen- antibody interaction. ‘Ans: ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) 14, “India has more than 1,000 varieties of mango”. Which level of diversity does this represent ‘Ans; Genetic diversity 15. Define endemism. “Ans: The species confined to that region and not found anywhere else is called endemism. PART-B I Answer any Five of the following in about two to five sentences each. 2x5-10 16, Name the vegetative propagulesin: (i) Potato_—_(ii) Water hyacinth Ans: (i) Tuber (i) Offset 17, Differentiate between syngamy and triple fusion. Ans: Syngamy: One of the male gametes (n) fuses with the egg ¢ell (n) is ealled syngamy. Triple fusion: The other male gamete (n) fuses with secondary nucleus (2n) inthe central cel to form a tip Primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN). As this involves the fusion of three haploid muclel itis termed as triple fusion. 18. “GnRH and LH are absolutely necessary for the process of spermatogenesis”. Justify this by giving one reason for each. ‘Ans: Due to significant increase in the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), Spermatogenesis starts at the age of puberty Lif acs on leydig cells and stiumulates the synthesis and secretion of Andragen (Testosterone) 49, Give onc example for: (i) Codominant phenotype (ii) Animal with XO type of sex determination. ‘Ans: (i) AB blood group in Human (i) Grass hopper 20. Give reason for the occurrence of (I) Polyploidy {lip Turner's syndrome. Ans i) The phenomenon of increase in a whole set of chromosomes in an organism is known as polyploidy. This condition is often seen in plants, (ii) Thisis an allosomal sbnormatity due to absenge of one "X" ehramasome from the female karyotype ‘Student's iuminator MPU Biology = 3 21, “Evolution can also occur by anthropogenic action”, Substantiate the statement by giving two examples, ‘Ans: i) Excess use of herbicides, pesticides has resulted in selection of resistant varieties in a lesser time. iit is also true for microbes against which we use antibiotics or drugs against eukaryotic organisms / cell. 22, List any two physiological barriers of innate immunity. Ans: ())Saliva (ji) Hel (Gastric juice} 23, Even though inbreeding is disadvantageous in agriculture, stil it is essential, Justify this by giving two reasons. Ans: (I) Inbreeding increases homorygosity. (i) Helpful in accumulation of superior genes. 24, Mention one method for the introduction of recombinant DNA into (i) animal cell (i) plant cell Ans: (I) Micro injection method () Biolistie/ Gene gun method 25, State how does ex situ conservation help in protesting biodiversity, ‘Ans: (I) Zoological Park (Gi) Botanical garten Gi) Conservation of gamete by cryopreservation (iv) Genetic strains are preserved in seed bank PART-C IIL Answer any Five of the following questions in about 40-80 words each where ever applicable. 3x 5=15 26, Write a note on external fertilization. ‘Ans: External fertilization: Fertilization occurs outside the body of the parents ie., in the extemal medium such as surrounding water, It occurs in aquatic organisms like Fishes and Frogs. ‘The major disadvantage of extemal fertilization is that, the gametes or offspring’s are vulnerable to predators. Therefore, they need to produce large number of gametes in order to ensure fertilization. 27, Explain any three outbreeding devices in flowering plants. ‘Ans (#) Unisexuality is another device to prevent self pollination. Ex. Castor and maize are monoecious where | unisexual male and female flowers bore on same plant prevents autogamy but not geitenogamy. In several species like papaya, mate and female flowers present on different plants (dioecious). This condition (i) Dichogamy: In bisexual lower male and female reproductive parts mature at different times. (Ui Herkogamy: There is a physical banier between anther and stigma that ean prevents self pollination. Ex: Calotropis. 28, List the functions of placenta, Ans: (i) The placenta facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo and also removal of carbon dioxide and excretory materials produced by the embryo. Gi) The placenta is connected to the embryo through an umbilical cord which helps in the transport af substances to and from the embryo. (ii) Placenta also acts as an endocrine tissue and produces several hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogen and progestogen. (iv) 1 transports antibodies from mother to foetus to provide immunity. ‘Student's illuminator PU Biclogy a 4 Handbook (2021-22) 29, Why Drosophila melanogaster is considered suitable for genetic studies? ‘Ans: (i) They could be grown easily on synthetic medium in the laboratory. i) They complete their life cycle within 15 days. i) A single m: 1g can produce large number of progenies, (iv) They exhibit sexual dimorphism Le.,elear differentiation between male and female sexes (males are smaller in size and females are larger). (v) Many hereditary variations ean be seen in microscopes. 30, Mention the role of (i) Promoter (ii) Terminator (iii) Cistron in a transcription unit, Ans: (i) Promoter -It is a short sequence of DNA that provides binding site for RNA polymerase. (i) Terminator - 11 is also-a short segment of DNA which recognizes the termination factor. (p -faetor). It terminates the process of transcription. (ii) Cisteon in a teanseription unit- Gene is a unit of function called eistrom. ‘31. Enlist any three measures useful for prevention and control of alcohol and drug abuse among, adolescents, Ans: Avoiding undue peer pressure ‘+ Education and counselling: Secking help from parents and peers + Looking for danger signs 32, What is biofortification? Mention any two objectives. Ans: Biofortification: “Breeding crops which produce higher levels of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and healthier fats to improve public health” Objectives of biofortification ‘a, Protein content and quality b. Ol content and quality 33. Graphically represent Logistic growth curve. = £ 34, Schematically represent simplified model of phosphorus cycling in terrestrial ecosystem, fon | coos —— resi] Decomposition Liter fat Detritus Run off Weathering Rock minerals 35. Write a note on catalytic converters. Ans: (a) The Catalytic converters, having expensive metals namely platinum-palladium and rhodium as the ‘catalysts, are fitted into automobiles for reducing emission of poisonous gases. (b) As the exhaust passes through the catalytic converter, unburet hydracarbons are converted into carbon dioxide and water, and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide are changed to carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas, respectively. (©) Motor vehicles equipped with catalytic converter should use unleaded petrol because lead in the petrol inactivates the catalyst PART-D Sestion-{ Answer any Four of the following questions in about 200-250 words each, where ever applicable $x4=20 36. Explain the following: (i) Pollination in Vallisneria, (jl) Wall of pollen grain, Ans: (i) pollination in Vallisnaria. * In Vallisnaria, the female flower reach the surface of water by the long stalk and the male flowers or pollen grains released on to the surface of water which are carried passively by water currents, Some of them ‘eventually reach the female flowers and the stigma finally. i) Ws (@) Ithas two walls namely an outer exine and inner intine, of pollen grain (b) Exine is made up of sporopollenin which is one of the most resistant organic materials. It can with stand strong. acid and alkali, No enzyme that degrades sporopollenin is so far known. Because of this property, pollen grains can be preserved as fossils, (©) Exine has prominent apertures called germ pores where sporopolienin is absent. (@) Intine is a thin and continuous layer made up of cellulose and pectin. ‘Student's Hluminator 11PU Biology 6 Handbook (2021-22) 37, Sketch and label the sectional view of human female reproductive system Uterine fundus ‘Uterine cavity Ams: Cervical canal Vagina 38, Discuss various special techniques involved in ART that enable couples to have children. Ans: The couples could be assisted to have children through assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Such as IVF, ZIFT GIFT, ICSI and AI (0) IVF and ET - Inviteo fertilization and Embryo transfer: (a): Popularly called test tube baby programme. (b) Itinvolves, fertilisation outside the body i ¢ in laboratory conditions-IVE (almost si the body) followed by embryo transfer (ET) (©) Ova from the wife/donor (female) and sperms from the husband/donor (male) are collected (and allowed to fertilise ilar conditions as that in (©) Ferilization taken place outside the female body means in the lab ic. inthe test tube called is results in formation of zygote. witrofertilization, (@) The zygote or early embryos (with up to 8 blastomeres) could then be transferred into the fallopian tube (ZtFT- zygote intra fallopian transfer) and embryos with more than 8 blastomeres, into the uterus (IUT — intra uterine transfer) to complete its further development. Embryos formed by In-vive fertilisation (Fusion of ‘gametes within the female) also could be used for such transfer to assist those females who eannot conceive. (GIFT gamete intra fallopian transfer: It involves the transfer of healthy ova and potent sperms into the upper pan of the fallopian tube, where fertilization takes place, The ovum collected from a donor and transferred into the fallopian tube of another female who cannot produce one, but ean provide suitable environment for fertilisation and further development Q) Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): It is another specialized procedure to form an embryo in the laboratory in which a sperm is directly injected into the ovum, to achieve fertilization. Sperm is collected from the male partner by masturbation. Single healthy sperm then injected into the prepared ovum. (4) Artifical insemination (Al) ta ths technique,he semen collected ether from the husband ota healthy donor is antficially introduced either into the wagina or into the uterus (IUI ~ intra-uterine insemination) of the female. = 39. Schematic example snapdragon. ly represent incomplete dominance by taking the inheritance of flower colour in plantas an Ans: 5 Parent generation (P): Bensayintn vo 3 Homorygous white Phenoope flowered plant flowered plant Genotype: at i Gametes: Syngamy First fiat (F generation Rey Rr Pink flowered Pink flowered Gametes: ‘When two F, offaprings are self erossed © © Punnett’ square showing gametie combinations and the nature of second filial (F,) generation © Re Pink _Mowercd White “Tlawered Phenotypic ratio 5 1 > 2 P 7 Red Pink white Nowered Aowered Mlowered Genotypic ratio : 1 2 1 Red, Pink white flowered flowered flowered, 40. Explain the experiment that made Frederick Griffith to conclude that R strain of Streptocoecus pneumoniae somehow been transformed by heat killed S strain, Ans: Transforming principle + The transforming principle was discovered by Frederick Griffith in 1928, + Transformation is a kind of sexual reproduction in bacteria, ‘where genetic material of donor bacteria transferred into recipient bacteria without physieal contact’ + His experiment based on Streptococcus pnewmoniae that causes pneumonia (a respiratory disorder). * There are two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria such as smooth shiny colonies called S strain and rough colonies called R strain. bacteria. # _ S-strain bacteria have a mucous (polysaccharide) coat and called eapsula R-strain does not have mucous coat and called eeapsulated bacteria, ‘+ S.strain is virulent and eaused preurnonia ia mice and dies when infested, ‘+ Restrain is non-virulent and doesn’t cause pneumonia in mice when infected, | | © Heat killed $-Strain is non-virulent and does not eauses pneumonia, 7 ‘+ The heat killed S ~ strain mixed with live R — strain injected into mice, the mice developed pneumonia and dies. | ‘Student's iuminatar MPU Biology | | a 8 Handbook (2021-22) «He recovered live § — strain bacteria form the dead mice, R ~ strain becteria had shown that genetic material thas been transformed by the heat killed $—strain bacteria to R—strain bacteria «Some ‘transforming principle‘, transferred from heat killed $ — strain bacteria, had enabled the R ~ strain to synthesize smooth polysaccharide coat and become virulent (S — strain). ©The transformation of R- strain to $ — strain is duc to transfer of Genetic material. = However the biochemical nature of genetic material was not idemtified from his experiment, whether it is protein or RNA or DNA? 41, State any five salient features of genetic cade. ‘Ans: 1. Triplet Codon: The genetic code is a triplet code. That is a codon is represemted by three nucleotide sequences present of m-RNA strand that codes for 8 type of amino acid. 2. Comma less: The codons present on m-RNA strand are translated or decoded continuously without stop unless it reaches terminator codon. 3. Non-overlapping: Each three successive nucleotides present on m-RNA strand is a codon that codes for 2 specific amino acid, Hence a letter or nucleotide of one codon never shares with another codon. 4. Sensible: A specific codan codes for a specific type of amino acid during protsin synthesis, Ex, AUG is the codon codes for an amina acid Methionine only. 5, Dogencracy or Redundancy: In a triplet codon system, 64 codons are existed. In which three codons such as UAA, UAG and UGA are the terminator codons which do not codes for any amino acids. Hence remaining 61 codons eodes for 20 amino acids. Because few amino acids are coded by more than two codons. This phenomenon is called degeneracy or redundancy. UUG, CUU, CUC ,CUA, CUG > Codes for an amino acids Leucine 42, Answer the following: (© Diterentiate between convergent and divergent evolution. (i) Explain the views of Lamarck on the evolution of ife forms. ‘Ans:() Divergent evolution: The organs with same structure developed along different directions duc to ‘sdaptations to different needs itis called divergent evolution and these structures arc homologous. (ii) Convergent: “The organs whose structure oF origin is not similar but Functionally same” Hence exhibit convergent evolution. The wings of bird and butterfly are not anatomically similar, but they perform similar function. Hence, analogous siructures ar a result of convergent evolution. (i) Lamark theory of evolution (Theory of inheritance of aequired characters): + According to Lamark evolution of life forms had occurred by use and disuse of ongans, «According to him the aequired characters are inherited generation after generation He gave an example of development of present day long necked and long legged Giraffe’s from short necked ‘and short legged ones in the past. = 9 43. Schematically represent the life cycle of Plasmodium. Ans: (© Life eyete of Plasmodium is given in the Sgure. Wham te mosauto ‘Sausages (cartacyies) Siernee sauued sane Section-II Answer any THREE af the following questions in 200-250 words each, wherever applicable: (3x 5~15) 44, Explain the steps involved in breeding a new genetic variety of a crop, Ans: Steps in plant breeding techniques { Collection of genetic variability or germ plasm # Genetic variability isthe root of any breeding programme. + Pre-xisting genetic variabil ity is available from wild relatives of crop. * Collection and preservation of all the different wild varieties, species and relatives of the cultivated species. Evaluation for their characteristics, ‘The entire collection (of plants /seeds) having all the divers called germplasm collection, ation and selection of parents leles for all genes in e given crop is Ew + The germplasm is evaluated so as to identify plants with desirable combination of characters. © The selected plants are multiplied and used in hybridization, ‘Student's luminaior PU Biology ee 40 Handbook (2021-22) «Pure line is ereated wherever desirable and possible, Cross hybridization among the seleeted parents + Cross hybridization of two selected parent by emaseulation and bagging, to produce hybrid of combined character of both parents. + Forexample high protein quality of one parent may need to be combined with disease resistance from another patent. ‘+ Usually one in few hundred to a thousand erosses offspring’s shows desirable combinations. Selection and testing of superior recombinants ‘+ Selection is dane from the progeny of hybrids produced by cross hybridization, + Irrequires careful scientific observations and evaluation of prog © Hybrid plants that are superior to both of the parents are selected These hybrids are self-pollinated for several generations tll they reach a state of uniformity (homozygosity) ‘Testing, release and commereialization of new cultivars Selected pure lines are evaluated for their yield and other agronomic traits of quality, disease resistance etc, ‘© This evaluation is done in the research fields and recording their performance under ideal Fert ‘+ Testing is done in the farmers “fields” at Least for three generation. ‘+The material is compared with best available local erop evltivar (a reference cultivar), 445, Name the following: (Group of chemical substances produced by some microbes that can kill or retard the growth of other: microbes. (i) Immunosuppressive agent used in organ transplant patient. Aili) Viruses used as biocontrol agents having species-specific, narrow spectrum insecticidal application, iv) Nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium distributed in aquatic and terrestrial environment. (v) The fungal genus that form mycorrhiza with plants. Ans: (9) penecillin (ii) Cyclosporin =A Gili) Baculovinuses (genus Nucleopolvhedrowiras.) (ix) Anabaena, Nostoc, and Oscilfatoria ete. (¥) genus Glomus 46, Describe the procedure involved in the isolation of genetic material (DNA) in different organisms. Ans: Isolation of DNA (Desired gene) ‘The desired DNA can be isolated from a cell by digesting its eell wall using specific enzymes. ‘= Bacterial cell wall is digested by Lysozyme. Plant cell wall is digested by cellulase and pectinase. Fungal cell wall is digested by chitinase, ‘© Other chemicals in a cell such as RNA and proteins are digested with the help of Ribonucleases and proteases. ‘= Addition of chilled Ethanol which precipitates out the purified DNA which can be seen as collection of fine | threads in the suspension. ‘Students ituminator PU Biology = 4 47, Explain how ADA defieieney can be cured by gene therapy. Add a note on other types of therapies for curing ADA deficiency. Ans: steps of gene therapy: 1. Genes are inserted into a person’s cells and tissue to treat the disease. ‘2. The first clinical trial on gene therapy was attempted on 14* August 1990 on a young girl suffering from a _genetic disease called SCID (Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency), 3. SCID is caused by a defective ADA gene that is unable to synthesize adenosine de amtnase enzyme required to breakdown deoxyadenosine into urie aci 4, Asa first step towards gene therapy, Iymphocytes ftom the blood of the patient are grown in a culture outside the body. 5. A functional ADA eDNA (using a retroviral vector) is then introduced into these lymphocytes, which are subsequently returned ta the patient. 6 However, as these cells are not immortal, the patient requites' periodic infusion of such genctically engineered Iymphoeytes. However, if the gene isolate from marrow cells praducing ADA is introduced into eclls at carly embryonic stages, it cauld be a permanent cure. Types of gene therapy a) Somatic gene therapy: Gene therapy is carried on to a somatic cell. 1b) Germ line gene therapy: Gene therapy is carried on to 4 germ cell or sex cell 48. Answer the following: (@) List the advantages of predation for an ecosystem. (i) Name the types of interaction between the following: (a) Sea anémone and Clown fish ¥ (b) Flower and pollinator species visiting it. Ans: (i) Predation helps to keep prey populations under control (Gi) But for predators, prey species could achieve very high population densities and cause ecosystem instability. iv) Biological control methods adopted in agricultural pest control are based on the ability of the predator to regulate prey population, ; {v) Predators also help in maintaining species diversity in a communi among competing prey species. by reducing the intensity of competition (ii) (@) Commensalism (b) Mutualism 49. Explain the steps involved in decomposition. Ans: The process of decomposition completed in following steps: 1, Fragmentation: Break down of detritus into smaller particles by detrivore (earthworm). 2. Leaching: Water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon and get precipitated as una salts. lable 3. Catabolism: Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade de substances. ‘Students tuminator PU Biology 12 Handbook (2021-22) 4. Humification: Accumulation of dark coloured amorphous substances called humus. 5. Mineralization: The humus is further degraded by some microbes and release of inorganic nutrients occurs. 50, Write a note on: 1) Advantages of using CNG. if) Joint forest management, Ans: (i) Advantages of CNG 1, CNG bums most efficient 2. Very litte remain unbumt, 3. Cannot be siphoned. 4, Cannot be adulterated like petrol or diese! 5. CNG is cheaper than petrol and diesel, Gi Joint Forest Management (JEM): JFM is a concept of developing partnerships between both the State forest departments and local communities on, the basis of mutual trust and jointly defined roles and responsibilities with regard to forest protection and development. Villagers agree to assist in the safeguarding of forest resources through protection from fire, grazing, and illegal harvesting in exchange for which they receive non-timber forest products and a share of the revenue from the sale of timber products. fitted Model Question Paper - 1 (For 2021-22 Academic Year Only) MODEL PAPER -I SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Max.marks: 70 ‘Time 3:15 hrs. Tastructions: i) This question paper contains of four parts-A, B, C and D, Part D consists of two seetions— section and section Il. All parts are compulsory. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams or illustr marks. ions do not attract any PART-A 1. Answerany ten of the following questions in one word or in one sentence each, 1x 10= 10 Namie the type of reproductive cycle that occurs in non-primate mammals. Ans: Oestrus eyele 2, -Name the innermost wall layer of microsporangiam? Ans: Tapstum 3, How are pollen grains preserved? ‘Ans: The large number of pollen grains can be preserved for many years in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. 4, Name the new oral contraceptive of pill developed by CDRI. ‘Ans: Sabeli 5. Givean example for female heterogamety. ‘Ans: Birds and butterflies 6, Define linkag ‘Ans: “It is the tendency of two or more genes to remain together chromosome from generation to generations". the original combination on the same 7. Which is the largest known human gene? ‘Ans :Dystrophin 8. What are interferons? Ans: “Interferon are the antiviral proteins/drugs secreted by viral infected cells”. Interferon’s prevents multiplication of virus by triggering synthesis of several enzymes by the cells. 9. Which property of immune system is the principle of vaccination? ‘Ans: By vaccination i Hepatitis etc. now possible for active immunization against the disease like small pox, polio, ‘Student's ituminator MPU Biology “ Handbook (2021-22) 10. Define Biological Oxygen Demand? Ans: BOD refers to the amount of oxygen requifed to oxidize total organic matter by bacteria present in one titer of water. 11, Write the clinical significance of Cyclosporin A. ‘Ans: It is used 2s immuno suppressive agent during organ transplantation. 12. Expand PCR. Anst polymerase chain reaction 13. Define biopiraey? Anst It isdefined as “the use of bio-resources by mult authorization from the countries and peaple concemed withaut compensatory payment 14, What are endemism? Ans The species confined to that region and not found anywhere else is called endemism 15. Among vertebrates, which group of animals share highest number in the global biodiversity? Ant Fishes ial companies and other ore: PART-B II_Answer any Five of the following in about two to five sentences each. 2xS=10 16. What are hermaphrodites? Mention one example. ‘Ans: The animal that has both male and female reproductive organs is called bisexual or hermaphrodite, Example: Sponge, Tapeworm, Farthivorm, Leech etc. 17. Differentiate : Geitonogamy and xenogamy. Ans: Geitonogamy the same plant. Xenogamy: “Pollination takes place between two flowers borne on two different plants of the same species”. the stigma of another flower borne on, fransfer of pollen grains from an anther of a flowes 18. Mention the accessory duets of male reproductive system. ‘Ans: The male sex accessory ducts include Rete testis, vasa efferentia, epididymis and vas deferens. 19, What is test cross? Write its significance. ‘Ans: “It is the eross made between F; [or F,] hybrids with its double recessive parent to confirm that, the F; [or hybrid is homozygous or heterozygous”. Significance: ‘= Ichelps in knowing whether the organism is homorygous or heteroyzygous for a trait ‘= Ieholps in knowing the genotype of an individual fora particular character. 20. Distinguish between homozygous and heterozygous condition. ‘Ans: Homozygous condition: - It isa condition in which homologous chrasomes of a plant have identical genes for acharacter. ‘Heterozygous condition: It is « condition in which homologous chromesomes of a hybrid plant have non- idemtical genes for a character. 3 21. Analyze the evolutionary relationship between forelimbs of whales and human, ‘Ans: The fore limb of whales and human (all mammals) share similarities in the pattern of forelimb bones. ‘© Though these forelimbs have similar anatomical structure, but they perform different functions, ‘Student's ituminator 11 PU Biology | 45 © Hence in these animals, the same structure developed along different directions duc to adaptations to different needs. © This is divergent evolution and these structures are homologous. + Homotogy indicates common ancestry, | 22. Mention any two physiological barriers that provide non-specific type of defense to our body, | Ans: (i) Tear: Seercted by lacrimal glands that wash away the micro-organisms and keep the eye balls lean. (Gi) Sweat: Secreted by the sweat glands of the skin that flushes some microbes from skin. 23. Why bee hives are kept ina crop field during flonering period? Ans: Bees are the pollinator for many plants, hence keeping beehives in crop fields during flowering period, increases pollination and improve honey yield. | 124, Differentiate between exonuclease and endonuclease. Ans: Endonuclease: Make cuts at specific positions within the DNA. Exonuclease: Removes nucleotides from the free ends of the DNA. 2, Define biodiversity. Write any two levels af biodiversity. Ans: “Biodiversity can be defined as the sum total of all kinds of life forms of the biosphere. (a) Genetic diversity (b) Species diversity PART-C Answer any Five of the following questions in about 40-80 words each where ever applicable, 3x5 =15 26. Name the vegetative propagules in onion, ginger and Agave. “Ans: a) Onion-Bulb b) Ginger- Rhizome ©) Agave -Bulbil 27, Differentiate albuminous and non — albuminods seeds with an example for each. ‘Ans: (8) Albuminous seeds (Endospermic seeds): The seeds retain a part of endosperm as it is not completely used up during embryagencsis, but remaining endosperm is utilised during seed germination. Ex. Wheat, Maize, Barley, ’ Castor, Sunflower etc. (ii) Ex-albuminaus seeds (Non ~ endospermic seeds): The seeds have no residual endosperm as it is completely consumed during embryogenesis. Ex, Pea and Ground nut ete, 28, What is implantation? Name the eells of blasteyst. [Ans: The Attachment of blastocyst tothe endometrium wall of the uterus is called implantation”, An outer layer of cells called trophoblast and inner group of cells is called inner cell mass. 29, Explain sex determination in humans. ‘Ans: Sex Determination in Man +The sex determination mechanism in ease of man is XX= XY type. ‘+ Apair of X-chromosomes is present in female, where as the presence of an X and Y chromosome are determinant of the male characteristics. + During spermatogenesis among males, two types of gametes are produced. 50% of the total sperms carry ‘X-chromosomes and the rest 50% has Y-chromosomes besides the autosomes, * Females, however, produce only one type of Ovum with an X-chromosome. ‘Students uminator PU Biology ——————— 16 Handbook (2021-22) © There is an equal probability of fertilization of the ovum with the sperm carrying either X or Y chromosome. Male Female MeRY + aa ex ome EDED G @ ™ 44 xx as+xy Female progeny Male progeny In case of ovum fenilization of evum with Y-chromosome carrying sperm results into a male offspring. Thus, it is evident that itis the genetic make up of the sperm that determines the sex of the child. ‘© Itis also evident that an each pregnancy there is always 50% probability of either a male ora female child. 30, List any three criteria that a molecule has to fulfill to act as a genetic material, Ans: It should be able to generate its replica (replication). It should be chemically and structurally stable. It should provide the scope for slow changes (mutation) that required for evolution, It should be able to express itself inthe form of ‘Mendelian Character’. 31, Briefly explain any three prevention and control measures of drug and alcohol abuse. ‘Ant Avoiding undue peer pressure: Every child has its own choice and personality and therefore should mat be pressurized to perform beyond its limits in any act Education and counseling: The child should be educated and counseled to face problems and siresses and to accept disappointments and failures. It should be encouraged to take up healthy hobbies like Music, Reading, sports etc. Secking help from parents and peers: The cl problems. 32. Give any three examples for biofortified plants with their significance. Ans: Vitamin A enriched carrots, spinach pumpkin, Vitamin C enriched bitter gourd, bathua mustard tomato. Iron and Calcium enriched spinach and bathua, 33. Write the diagrammatic representation of exponential and logistic growth curves. Ans: should seck help from parents and close friends to solve aN at N BR y(K® ion density (N) Population demsity (MD Popul Time) —> Time () > Exponential growth curve: Logistic growth curve = it 34, What are ecological pyramids? Mention any two types. ‘Ans: “It is a schematic representation of various trophic levels of a food chain for their number, biomass and energy” 8) Pyrmid of number ). Pyraid of bioass 35, What is palyblend? Write a brief note on a ease study of remedy for plastic wastes. Ans: + Polyblend, a fine power of recycled modified plastic, was developed by his company. + Polyblend is mixed with bitumen that is used to lay roads. « Itincreases the water repelling property of bitumen, and helped to increase road life by a factor of three. + The raw material used for polyblend is plastic film waste. PART-D Section- Answer any Four of the following questions in about 200-250 words cach, where ever applicable Sx4=20 36. Draw a neat labeled diagram of T.S of young anthe Ans: Structure of microsporangium + Ina TS. itappears almost cireularin outline, + Its surrounded by four wall layers called epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and tapetum. ‘+ The outer three wall layers perform the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release potten rains. ‘+ The innermost layer tapetum nourishes the developing pollen grains, + Cells of tapetum possess dense cytoplasm and have more than one nucleus. + In young anther, microsporangium contains sparagenous tissue at the centre which undergoes meiosis to produce microspore tetrads which further develop into pollen grains. nd explain, ‘Student's Mlurminator 112U Biology 18 Handbook (2021-22) rat labelled diagram of sectional view of female reproductive system. Uterine fundus Fallopian Ampulla ieee qc endvelen ) Fimbriae Cervix Cervical canal Vagina 38, Explain five measures that can be taken to build up a socially responsible and reproductively healthy society? Ans: 4) Wide publicity to create awareness among people about reproduction related aspects; +b) Take help of audio-visual and print media | ¢} Introduction of sex education in schools to give right information about reproductive organs d) Avoid misconceptions and myths regarding sex related aspects, ©) Propet information regarding sex organs, adolescent stage and hormonal changes in the body ) Giving knowledge about safe and hygienic sexual practices 2) Knowledge about unsafe sex and sexually transmitted diseases. { Statutory ban on amniocentest = 19 39, Schematically represent the inheritance of two genes in pea plants with reference to seed colour and shape. Ans: Round yellow : Round groen: 3 Wrinkts yellow: 3 Wetbide groom: 1 Perit tier ts] 40. Write the sequential steps invotved in DNA fingerprinting. Ans: Steps Involved in DNA Finger Printing 4. Collection of Samples: A sample of blood, semen (sperm), saliva, hair-follile, skin, bone, oF any ether tissues even in the dried condition is collected. b. Extraction of DNA: The sample is centrifuged at 2000 rpm to spin off and separate the cells. The cells are treated with enzymes to digest plasma membrane and nuclear membrane to split open the nucleus and freeing the specs of DNA. The sample of DNA is treated with REN (Restriction Nuclease Enzymes) to obtain fragments of DNA of different length. ‘Student's iluminator 11 PU Biology —— ———————- oO ODM 20. Hanbook (2021-22) c Separation of DNA Fragments: The DNA fragments are allowed to separate on Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. The DNA fragments ate separated on the gel plate according to their density gradient, where heavier DNA. strands are setting at the bottom of the gel plate and lighter fragments towards the top. These DNA fragments are treated with alkaline solution to dissolve hydrogen bonds ta produce single stranded DNA, 4. Extraction of DNA Fragments: The single stranded DNA fragments present on the gel plate are extracted on to the nylon mesh or Nitra-cellulose membrane by the process called Southern blotting technique, ¢. Tagging Radioactive DNA probes: The nylon mesh caniaining single stranded DNA fragments are ineubated swith radioactive probe, The probe is a radioactive synthetic DNA of know nucleotide sequences generated by cloned restriction fragments. The DNA probe binds to the restriction fragments on the nylon mesh. f Autoradiography: An x-ray film is placed on the nylon mesh to obtain an autoradiography print. The x-ray film is then processed to obtain visible pattems of bands of DNA. It is nothing but DNA finger print. A comparison of such two different DNA prints can provide information about the degree of similarities and differences 41, “DNA replication is said to be semiconservative’. Why? Describe the experimental proof of Messelson and Stahl to show DNA replication is semiconservative ‘Ans: In each new DNA molecule, one strand is parental (original) while the other Watson and Crick described this method as semi-conservative replication, Experimental proof for semi conservative nature of DNA replication It was first shown by Mathew Messelson and Franklin Stabl (1988) in Escherichia coli and subsequently in higher organism. It is popularly known as Messelson and Stall Experiment. 1) They grew E.coli in [SNHaCI medium for many generations. (15N is heavy nitrogen not radioactive clement) b) The result was that ISN was incorporated into newly synthesized -DNA and other nitrogen containing eompound as well. ©) This heavy DNA molecule could be (CsCl) density gradient d) Then they transferred the E.cofi into a medium with normal I4NH4CI and let them grow.(E.coli divides in 20 minutes) fe) They took samples at definite time intervals as the cells multiplied, and extracted the DNA that remained as double-stranded helices, f) Various samples were separated indepenclently on CsCl gradients to measure the densities of DNA. 8) The DNA that was extracted from the culture one generation after the transfer from 15N to 14N medium had a hybrid or intermediate density. 1h) DNA extracted from the culture after another generation (after 40 min.) was composed of equal amount of this hybrid DNA and of “light DNA. newly formed. Hence, fnguished from normal DNA by centrifugation in a cesium chloride (— 2 42, Explain evolution by natural selection by taking an example of white-winged moths and dark- winged moths of England in pre and post-indutrialization period. ‘Ans: Evidences for Natural Selection Industrial Melanism ‘+ In England there was a moth species ealled Biston betufaria commonly called peppered moth in the early 19" century. Its body colour was white and its wings were having pepper like black spots. ‘+ Inthe same period, another variety called Biston earbanaria commonly knows as melanie form was appeared with having black bady and wings. = Inthe early 19° century the popol n of peppered moth was 99% and melanie forms was 1%. ‘+ The reason is that, both the moth varieties took rest on the tree trunk covered by lichens. The peppered moths ‘were camouflaged with the background of the tree trunks but the melanis forms were visible to the predators like birds and ate them, As a result peppered moth remained 99% and melanie form 1%, ‘+ This indicated that nature has selected peppered moths with extermination of melanic forms. ‘+ During the middle of the 19" century, due to industrial revolution, the tree trunks were covered by soot and thier pollutants emitted by the industries. ‘+ _In this new and changed cavironment, the peppered moths were elcarly visible to the binds but the melanie forms were camouflaged with the tree trunk. As a result population of peppered moths reduced to 1% and melanie forms increased 10.99%, ‘+ This indicated that nature has seleeted melanie forms with the extermination of peppered moths, But no variant at any time is completely wiped out but only the population reduced. ‘+ Similarly, excess use of herbicides, pesticides ete., resulted in the selection of resistant varieties ion a much lesser time seale. This is also truc for microbes against which we employ antibiotics for eukaryotes. Hence, resistant organisms/cells are appearing in time scale of months or years but not centuries. 43, Write the schematic representation of the life eycle of HIV. ean Oe ‘oesy he Taken Nw: nde nine me incu ‘eal bn eed ‘Student's ituminator NPU Biology 2 Handbook (2021-22) Section-IL 44, (a) What is artificial Insemination? What is its advantage in animal breeding? Ans 2M = The semen is colleeted from the male and injected into the reproductive tract of the sclected female by the breeder. +The cost of high quality Sires (male animals) is expensive. The cost of semen is much lower than that of buying a sire of desired quality. (b) Discuss the MOET technique of animal breeding. 3M .M the herd size (a group of similar animals). 1. Itis used to improve chances of successful production af hybrids. 2. Cow is administered hormones with FSH-like act many numbers of ova called Multiple ovulation or super evulation. 3. Production of 6-8 eggs instcad of one egg per oestrous cycle. 4. The female is cither mated with an clite bull or artificially inseminated. 5, Non-surgical recovery of fenilized eggs at 8-32 eells stages. 6. Each one transferred to surrogate mother. 7. The genetic mother is available for another round of super ovulation. 8. This technology is used to increase herd size ina short time. 45. Write the scientific names of microbes from which following products are obtained. ‘Ans: (a) Ethanol (b) Acetic acid (c) Butyric acid (dl) Citric acid (c) Streptokinase 1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) used for production of ethanol 2. Acetobacter aceti (a bacterium) produce acetic acid. 3. Glostridium butylicum (a bacterium) produce butyric acid 4. Aspegillus niger (a fungus) produces citric acid. 5, by Streptococcus (Bacterium)produces by Streptokinase 46. Mention the steps of recombinant DNA technology. Write its diagrammatic representation. Ans: Steps of Recombinant . ‘+ Isolation of the Genetic Material (DNA) © Cutting of DNA at Specific Locations ‘+ Amplification of Gene of Interest using PCR Insertion of Recombinant DNA into the Host Cell/Organism + Objaining the Farcign Gene Product » Downstream Processing tiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET): It is one of the programmes for increasing juces follicular maturation and production of Forsign DNA ‘Snime restriction enzyme cutting both forsign 306 20 30000 Ligases join foreign DNA to plasmid ef Cosdive Ny GEOE GSI modified plants can reduce the use of chemical pesticides”. Justify this. 47. “Genetics Ans: Genetically modified plants can reduce the use of chemical pesticides si Ex: BrCotton + "Bteotton is « genetically modified insect resistant variety of cotton producing an insecticide”, + Some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) prodiice crystalline proteins that kill certain insects such, as lepidopterans (tobacco budworm, army worm), ealeopterans (beetles) and dipterans (flies, mosquitoes). ‘= B.thuringiensis forms protein erystals during a particular phase of their growth, These erystals contain a toxie insecticidal protein, : ‘+ These proteins are present in inactive protoxin form, but become active toxin in the alkaline pH of insect gut. ‘The activated toxin binds to the surface of midgut epithelial cells and creates pores that cause cell swelling and lysis and eventually cause death of insect. Specific Bt toxin genes were isolated form 8, thuringiensis and genetically transferred to several plants such as sotton, + Crystal proteins are praduced by a gene called ery in B. shuringiensis. + The protein coded by genes eryIAc and eryI1Ab control the cotton bellworms. The protein coded by gene eryIAb controls corn borer 48, Explain mutualism with examples. ‘Mutualism : is an association between individuals of two species, both of which are benefitted Examples: 1) hermit erab-sea anemone association and tick-bird and rhinoceros association. e they are resistant insects and pests ‘Student's iturminator MPU Biology 2 Handbook (2021-22) 2) mycorthizae with association of fungus The fungi help the plant in the absorption of water and essential nutrients from the soil which the plant in turn provides the fungi with earbohydrates. 3) Flowers and insect association where insects get nectar and pollen for use as their food and in return for this, cause cross-pollination, 4) Mediterranean orchid Ophrys employees sexual deceit to get pollination done by a species of bee. One petal of its flower bears clear resemblance to the female of the bee in size, colour and markings and that attracts male bee to the flower and helps in cross pollination. 49, Deseribe the various steps involved in the process of decomposition. ‘Ans: ‘The decomposers break down complex organic matter into inorganic substances like carbon dioxide, water and nutrients, called decomposition. “The process of decomposition completed in following steps: 1. Fragmentation: Break down of detritus into smaller particles by detrivore (earthworm). 2. Leaching: Water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon and get precipitated as unavailable salts, 3. Catabolism : Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus into simple inorganic substances, 4. Humification: Accurmulation of dark coloured amorphous substances called hunvus. 5. Mineralization: The humus is further degraded by some microbes and release of inorganic nutrients occurs. 50. Write a brief account of functioning of electrostatic precipitator with a neat labelled diagram, ‘Ans: Electrostatic precipitator Itis a device that removes suspended dust particles from a gas or exhaust by applying a high-voltage electrostatic charge and collecting the particles on charged plates, Funetioning of Electrostatic precipitator « ESP-can remove over 99% particulate maiter present in the exhaust from a thermal power plant. © ESPhas electrode wires that are maintained at several thousand volts which produce corona that releases ‘electrons. # Electrons bind with dust particles giving them a net negative eharge. © The positively charged collecting plates are grounded and attract the negatively charged dust particles. ‘©The velocity of air between the two plates must be low enough to allow the dust to fall. dade ‘Student's ituminator 1 PU Biology 25 Model Question Paper - 2 (For 2021-22 Academic Year Only, MODEL PAPER -2 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Maxamarks:70 Time 3:18hes. Instructions: 1) This question paper contains of four parts-A, B, C and D, Part D consists of two sections—section and section IT ii) All parts are compulsory. iii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any marks PART-A J. Answer any ten of the following questions in one word or in one sentence each. 1x 10=10 1. Define Embryogenesis. ‘Ans: The process of development of an embryo from the aygote by cell di embryogenesis, 2. Name the first cell of male gametophy ‘Ans: pollen grain 3. Hows does the kernel.and coconut water differ? ‘Ans: i) Kemal is the cellular endosperm (solid endosperm) ii) Coconut water is free nuclear endosperm (liquid endosperm) mn and cell differention is called ic generation in flowering plant 4. Name the method of obtaining embryo in the laboratory by dircet injection of sperm into ovum, ‘Ans: ICSI -Intra Cytoplasmic Speem Injection 5. Name the amino acid which substitutes glutamic acid in the beta globin chain of haemoglobin in sickle cel Ans: Valine 6 Define alleles. ‘ ‘Ans: A pair of genes occupying a same Locus on homologous chromosomes and controlling a single or contrasting character are called alleles, 7. Which type of RNA polymerase enzyme transeribes precursor m-RNA? Ams: RNA polymerase II transcribes precursor of m-RNA, the heterogeneous nucle 8 What is allergy? RNA (hnRNA). ‘Aus: The exaggerated response of the iiune system to certain antigens present in the environment is called allergy”. i 9. Which enzyme is involved during reverse transcription in retrovirus. Ans: Revere transcriptase ‘Studont's ituminatar PU Biology 26 Handbook (2021-22) 10, What are floes? Ans: Floes is 2 masses of bacteria associated with fungal filaments to form mesh like structures. 11, Write the scientific namie of the fungal microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. Ans: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) 12, What are plasmids? ‘Ans; Plasmid is an extra nuclear or extra chromosonial self replicating double stranded ct 13, What are genetically modified plants? ‘Ans: The Plants, bacteria, Fungi and animals whose genes have been altered by manipulation through genetic engineering are called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). 14, What are key stone species? ‘Ans: Predators may increase the biodiversity of communities by preventing a single species from becoming dominant. Such predators are ealled Keystone species. 15. What is genetic diversity? ‘Ans: The genetic variability (variety af alleles and genotypes) found within species is called genetic diversity. jar DNA of bacteria, PART-B TL Answer any Five of the following in about two (o five sentences each. 2x5=10 16, What are the differences between Zoospore & Conidispores? Ans: Differences between Zoospore & Conidium ‘ZOOSPORE . ‘CONIDIUM 1. Flagellated Non — flagellsted 2. Motile spores Non ~ motile spores 3. Formed inside sporangium (Endogenous) Formed atthe tip of eonidiophores Eg; Chlamydomonas © Bg: Pencils 17. Differentiate perisperm and pericarp. ‘Ans: Perisperm: This residual persistent nucellus in a is called perisperm, Periearp: The avary wall develops into the fruit wall called pericarp 18 Whats corpus luteum? Name the hormone secreted by It. ‘Ans: The ruptured parts of the Graafian follicle transforms into yellow body called Corpus luteum, The corpus Juteum scercies large amounts of progesterone 19, What is codominance? Mention the eodoiminant alleles, Ans: “When the alleles for two contrasting characters are together in heterozygous condition, both the alleles express theie character together is called codominance”. Ex 20, Explain sex determination in Honey bees, ‘Ans: Sex determination in honey bees is based on the number of sels of ehromosomes (hag individual receives, + The female is diploid having 32 chromosomes. + Male is haploid having 16 chromosomes. I* Pare the cadominant alleles which regulates AB blood group in man. ‘Student's ituminstor 1PU Biology x= 2 + An offspring formed from the fertl are female, ion of a sperm and an egg developed into cither queen or workers both + Anunfertilized egg develops into a male (drone), i.e by means of parthenogenesis. ‘+ This method of sex determination is called haplo — diploid sex determination, ‘+ Male produce sperms by mitosis and female produce eng by meiosi ‘+ > Hence, the male honey bee don't have father and thus cannot have sons, but have grandson. Parents Female x Male 32 16 : Meiosis Mitosis 16 16 16 16 32 Fi Male Female 21. Mention any two examples of evolution by anthropogenic action. Ans: a) Excess use of herbicides, pesticides has resulted in selection of resistant varieties in a lesser time. byt is also true for microbes against which we use antibiotics or drugs against eukaryotic organisms / cell 22, Name the breeds used to develop 2 new breed of sheep Hisardale in Punjab. ‘Ans: Hisardale is a new breed of sheep developed in Punjab by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams. 23, Define polymerase ehai ie the enzyme used in it. Ans: It is the technique of obtaining multiple copies of gene of interest ean be synthesized in vitra using two sets of primers. It is achieved by the use ofa thermostable DNA polymerase is also called Taq polymerase enzyme. 24, Write two examples for loss of biodiversity due to atien species invasions. Ans: Nile perch introduced into Lake Vietoria in east Africa led to extinction of 200 species of ci lake. i Partheniwm, (carrot grass), Lantana, and water hyacinth (Efchormia) posed a threat to indigenous species. 25, What is auto immunity? Give an example. ‘Ans: Dus to genetic and other unknown reasons the body attacks self cells. This results in damage to the body cells and is called auto-immune disease. E.g. Rheumatoid arthritis, PART-C IIL, Answer any Five of the following questions in about 40-80 words each where ever applicable. 3 x5= 15 26, Mention the main three events in sexual reproduction. Ans: : reaction. Ni id fish in the Pre-fertilization Events , Fertilization Events 3. Post-fertlization Events 27, What are the advantages of seeds? ‘Ans: Seeds have better adaptive strategies for dispersal to new habitats and help the plant species grow in a new: area. As the seeds have sufficient reserve food, young seedlings are nourished until they are eapable of photosynthesis on. their own. ‘Student's iuminator PU Biology 28 Handbook (2021-22) ‘The hard seed coat provides protection to the embryo. As they are the products of sexual reproduction, they contribute new gen leading to variation which is a necessary tools for evolution. ‘combinations to new generation that 28. Write the schematic representation of oogenesis, ‘Gogonia (Chromosomes number ie | Mitosis diferertiation per cel mt oT ite (48) @) (23) Oogenesis in human female showing formation of ovum 29. What is aneuploidy? Mention two aneuploidy disorders in human. ‘Ans: Failure of scgregation of chromatids during cell division cycle results in the gain or loss of a chromosome(s), called aneuploidy. Ex: Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome. 30. Mention any three levels of gene regiation. ‘Ans: (i transcriptional level (formation of primary transcript), ii) processing level (regulation of splicing), (iii) transport of mRNA from nucleus to the cytoplasm, (iv) translational level 31. What is tumor? Mention two types of tumor ‘Ans: Cancefous cell just continue to ing rise to masses of cell called tumors. ‘Types of tuors + Benign tumors:- ‘+ Malignant tumors 32. What is poultry? Mention three important steps of poultry farm management. Ans: Poultry is the class of domesticated fowl (birds) used for food or for their epps. They typically inelude chicken and ducks, and sometimes turkey and geese Egg and meat produetion in poultry can be enhanced by 8) selection of disease free and suitable breeds, ) proper and safe farm conditions €) proper feed and water d) hygiene and health care ‘Student's iluminator 1 PU Biology c_ 29 What are age pyramids? Mention their types. f the age distribution (percentage of individuals of a given age or age group) is plowed for the population, the resulting structure is called age pyramids ‘The age pyramids are of three types @) Expanding of population b) Stable of population ©) Declining of population 34. Write the diagrammatic representation of pyramid of energy. Ans: Te] | 103 sc 1003 Pc 10005 PP e000 3 An Iden! pyramid of exergy 35. What are radioactive wastes? Give examples. Mention haw radioactive wastes are disposed? ‘Ans: Radivactive wastes; They are the wastes which emit radioactive particles or rays and are the by-products of nuclear technology or nuclear power generation. ‘* Nuclear energy was hailed as a non-polluting way for generating electricity. ‘+ Later on it was realized that it has two very serious inherent problem:- ‘= Accidental leakage, as oceurred in Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. ‘+ Safe disposal of radioactive wastes. © Radi jon from radioactive waste causes mutation at very high rate ‘+ High dose of nuclear sadiation is lethal, but lower doses ereate genetic disorders and also cause cancer. Disposal of nustear mastes + Storage of nuclear waste, after sufficient pre-treatment, should be done in suitably shicided containers buried within the rocks about 500 m deep below the earth’s surface. PART-D Section-I Answer any Four of the following questions in about 200-250 ‘words each, where ever applicable, Sx 4= 20 36. Describe the structure of anatropus ovule (megasporangium) with labelled diagram, ‘© Ovule is an integumented megasporangium located within the ovary. ‘* The ovule is attached to the placenta by means of stalk ~ funiele.. ‘© The body of the ovule fuses with funicle in the region called ~ hilum, ‘Students ltuminator 37. Handbook (2021-22) Each ovule has one or two envelopes called integuments. Integuments encircle the ovule except at the tip where there is a small opening called the micropyle. Opposite the micropylar end, there is a chalaza, representing the basal part of the ovule, Nucellus is a nourishing tissue of the ovule found between the integuments and the embryosae. Cells of the rnucellus have abundant reserve food materials. Embryosac is located in the nucellus. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Human ’sperm and explain Ans: Structure of a sperm “The sperm is a motile, baploi “The sperm is about 50460 in length and consists ofa head, neck, a i ) » xa 4) iferous tubules of the testis” ‘elvomosomal material —— Middle pice ‘ = Mitochondsia é (energy source for swirnming) Tail le piece and a tail. Head: Head is the anterior segment af the sperm which is oval in shape. Head includes a paternal haploid nucleus (n). Above the nucleus cap like structure present called Acrosome, which consi hydrolytic enzymes like acrosin, hyalourinidase and proteinase. Acrosome helps in the penetration of sperm into ovum, Acrosome is formed by Golgi apparatus. Neck: Itis an indistinct part conneets the middle piece. It includes a pra» sperm nucleus. It helps in the formation of spindle fibers in diploid zygote. Middle piece: It contains distal centriole, It gives rise to.a long slender axial filament. Around the axial filament double raw of mitochondrial sheath is present called Neubenkern, which provides energy needed for the movement of the sperm, hence middle piece may slso be referred to/as engine room of the speem. Axial filament is also called Axonene and arises from the distal centriole which forms the axis of til centriole; it lies close to the ‘Tail: It is divided into two parts namely, main piece covered by a cytoplasmic sheath and end piece and it is naked forms terminal part of the tail. ‘Studont’s iluminator PU Biology = 3 Human male ejects about 200 to 300 million sperms during coitus. For normal fertility atleast 60% of sperms ‘must have normal shape and size, about 40% of them must show vigorous motility Sporms released from the seminiferous tubules, are transported by the accessory duets. Seeretions of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are essential for maturation and motility of sperms, The seminal plasma along with the sperms constitute the 38, What is contraception? Briefly explain two barrier methods and two surgical methods to prevent contraception, Ans: Prevention of conception is called contraception and the methods adopted to prevent conception are called. contraceptive methods”. i Barrier methods a) condoms : i) They are the barriers made of thin rubber! latex sheath that are used to cover the penis in the male or vagina and cervix in the female, just before coitus so that the ejaculated semen would not enter into the female reproductive tract. ii) Both the male and the ferssle condoms are disposable, can be self-inserted and thereby gives privacy to the usc. b) Diaphragms, cervieal eaps and vaults: )) They are also barriers made of rubber that are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix during coitus. They prevent conception by blocking the entry of sperms through the cervix. fi) Surgical methods 15 sectomy: This is a method of male sterilization. It involves surgical removal or tied up of a small partion of each vas deferens, An incision is made in the scrotum on each side. Then each vas deferen: tied at two places and the portion between the two ties is removed, It prevents the passage of sperms into the urethra. 2. Tubectomy (Tubal ligation): This is a method of female sterilization. t involves the surgical removal of a small portion of each fallopian tube. The fallopian tubes are idemtified and cut off. The eut ends are tied, It prevents the passage of ovum into the uterus and thus avoids fertilization. 39. With reference to flower colour in Snapdeagon, explain inconiplete dominance, Ans: Incomplete Dominance (Partial dominance or Blending Inheritance) “When the wo heterozygous alleles are together, one of the dominant allele fails to suppress the recessive allele ‘completely as a result both the alleles together express intermediate character Example: Flower colour in Snapdragon or Antirelifum specics (Dog flower) or Four dalapa), ‘The phenotype of F1 generation does not resemble cither of the two parents and the expression is in between the ttwo. It is noticed in the inheritance of flower colour in the dog flower or snapdragon (Antierhiniem sps.) is 4 good example for incomplete dominance, In a cross between true breeding red flowered (RR) plant and true breeding white flowered (rr) plants, the F1 hybrids produce pink coloured flowers (Rr). When the F1 hybrids are self pollinated (self cross), the F2 generation resulted in the ratio of 1 : 2: 1 [1 Red (RR) : 2 Pink (Re}: 1White (2), Here the phenotype ratio doesnot resemble the Mendelian monohybrid ross but he genotype ratio i exactly similar to that of Mendefian monohybrid cross. clock plant (Mirabilis ‘Student's iluminatoe PU Biology 2 Handbook (2021-22) Parent gencration (P). Homorygousred —X Homozygous white Phenotype Hewett Aomered plant Genotype : 1 Gametes: Syngamy First filial (F,) generation: Rr Pink Mowered Pink flowered ~ Gametes: ‘When two F, offiprings are scl crossed ae Punnett’s square showing gametic combinations and the nature of second filial (F) generation Phenotypic ratio © Rr Pink _flowered «Red Pink lowered flowered Genotypic ratio 1 2 Red Pink flowered flowered 40. Explain working of Lac-operan with diagrammatic representation, [Ans: The mechanism of operon concept is explained as follows: I} In the absence of inducer/lactose |, When lactose molecules are absent in the nutrient medium, DNA is switched off for protcin synthesis. 2, The regulator gene produce a kind of protein called repressor that binds to the operator gene. 3. This do not allows RNA polymerase enzyme to transcribe the structural genes. Hence there is no transcription, translation and the required protein is not synthesized 4, Henee itis ealled switch off mechanism. It) In the presence of an inducer 1. When the lactose molecules are present in the nutrient medium, DNA is switched on for pratein synthesi 2, The lactose molecules added in the nutrient medium acts as inducer which binds to the repressor to form inducer-repressor complex. 3. Now the repressor become inactive and release from the operator gene, This enables the RNA polymerase enzyme to transcribe all the three structural genes zy. a, “This result in the synthesis of three m-RNA molecules continuously are called polysistroni¢ m-RNA. 5. All these three m-RNA strands undergo translation to produce three polypeptide chains or three proteins which acts as three enzymes such as f-galactosidase, permease and transacetylase: 6. These three enzymes together break laciose into glucose and galactose, ‘Student's lumninator PU Biology cE i P ei 2 Y [2] tnabience of inducer | Repressor binds tothe operator region (0) and prevents RNA polymerase from Tepesworentwa | aMa events RNA poy @ Repressor Be PPR LT a] tee one | | Transcription Repropsoe mRNA lactaRNA ‘I | | pees + FFeslacosdase POPP transncen ase Inducer > (nactive repressor) 41. List out the salicat features of Double helix model of DNA. sine “Gaining c) ‘or ‘The ur bases of DNA, showing te gen Roding Bete see Siacta of DNA 1. Based on the observations of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Fraklin ie. X-ray diffraction data, James Watson and Francis Criek proposed Double Helix mode! for the structure of DNA (1953) and published the discovery in a scientific journal called “Nature”, 2. According to this model, DNA is composed of two polynucleotide chains which are helically coiled, Both the chains are oriented in an antiparallel manner, : 3. The poly nucleotide chain on one strand is formed by phospho diester linkages in 5" — 3* direction, ‘whereas the phosphodiester linkage on other strand is in 3’ S' divection, Hence both these DNA strands are said to be arranged in an anti parallel manner, ‘Student's ilurminator PU Biology “ Handbook (2021-22) 4, Both the poly nucleotide chains are held together by means of hydrogen ponds formed between nitrogen ‘bases. Here Adenine pairs with Thymine by two hydrogen bonds (A =) and Guanine pairs with Cytosine by three hydrogen bonds (G = C). Hence in.a DNA molecule the number of purines is equal to number of pyrimidines. This is called ‘Chargaff's base pair rule’, 5. Both the polynucleotide chains take a tum for every 344° that containing 10 nul the inter nucleotide distanse is 344°. 6. ‘The diameter or dimension of two polynucleotide chains is about 20A°. 7. Ina DNA molecule the pentose sugar and phosphate form the back bone of DNA. 42, (a) Name the two primates those were existing in 15 mya. Ans: (a) i) Dryopithecur. ii) Ramapitheeus: (b) Sketch and label Miller's Experiment. base pair. Hence To vacuum Pump <— Water in ‘Water droplets ‘Water containing organic compounds L_ Liquid water in trap 43. (a) Define immunity and name two different types of immunity. “Ans: Immunity: “The overall ability of the:host to fight with disease causing organism by immune system is, ‘called immunity®. ‘There are two types of immunity namely a) Innate Immunity (Non ~ Specific immunity) b) Acquired immunity (specific immunity) L_ 35 (b) Draw a neat labelled diagram of structure of an antihady molecule. SS -Antigen binding ite Antigen binding site ‘Ans: Section-II 44. Define the following terms. (a) Inbreeding depression (b) Inter specific hybridisation | (©) Biofortiication (d) Somaclone, e) Micropropaga Ans: (a) Inbreeding depression: Inbreeding depressio productivity. This is called inbreeding depression. (b) Inter specific hybridisation Inter specific hybridisation: It is a method of erossing (mating) between male and female animals belong to different species (©) Biofortification: Breeding crops which produce higher levels of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and healthier fats to improve public health” . (@) Somaclone: Plants grown by micropropagation are genet produced by somatic eells ‘ontinuous inbeeeding reduces fertility and even lly identical called somaclones. Because they are (©) Micropropagation; The method of production of thousands of plants through tissue culture is called micropropagation. 45, Explain the role of microbes in House-hold products, ‘Ans: Mierobes in Household Products + Lactic acid Bacteria (LAB) grow in milk and convert it to curd, LAB produces acids that coagulate and partially digest milk proteins. A small amount of curd added to fresh milk as inoculums or starter. LAB proves nutritional quality of milk by increasing vitamin Bj: + LAB plays very important role in checking disease causing microbes. + Dough, used to make dara and idlt is also fermenied by bacteria, The puffed-up appearance of doug! the production of COs, + Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is used to making bread, + “Toddy" a traditional drink is made by fermentation of sap from palms, ‘Large holes in “Swiss cheese” are due to production of large amount of CO; by a bacterium named Proptonibacteriam skermanti. duc 10 ‘Student's iluminator 1 PU Biology 28 46. Handbook (2021-22) ‘The ‘Roquefort cheese’ is ripened by specific fungi, which gives specific flavor. Ans: 1. Heat shock treatment; By this method r-DNA is introduced in to the Bacterial cell 2. Microinjection; By microinjection the recombinant DNA directly injected into the nucleus of the animal eel! 3. Biolisties: Plant cells are bombarded with high velocity method known as biolisties or gene gun. (a) Write the methods to introduce alien DNA into Host cells. (b) Draw a neat labelled diagram of plasmid pBR322 ro-particles of gold or tungsten soated with DNA in 47. “One of the application of biotechnology is the production of insect resistant crop plants.” Just statement with reference to BT-cotton’, Ans: a, BtCotton + “Btcotton isa genctically modified insect resistant variety of cotton producing an insecticide”. + Some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produce crystalline proteins that kill certain insects such as lepidopterans (tobacco budworm, army Worm), coleopterans (beetles) ancl dipterans (flies, mosquitoes). + Buthuringiensis forms protein crystals during a particular phase of their growth, These crystals contain a toxic insecticidal protein. + These proteins are present in inactive protoxin form, but become active toxin in the alkaline pH of insect ut ‘+ The activated toxin binds to the surface of midgut epithelial cells and creates pores that cause cell swelling and lysis and eventually cause death of insect, ‘© Specific Bt toxin genes were isolated form B. thuringfensts and genetically transferred to several plant such as cotton. Crystal proteins are produced by a gene called ery in 2. shuringéens ‘The protein coded by genes erylAc and eryl1Ab control the cotton bollworms. ‘The protein coded by gene eryIAb controls corn borer. _ = a 48, (a) What is adaptation? (hb) Write n cause and symptom of altitude sickness. (c) What is brood. parasitism? Give an example. ‘Ans: a) Adaptations : 1) Adaptation means adjustment of an organism by having certain morphological physiolo response ina stressful habitat, b) The altitude sickness symptoms include nausea, fatigue and heart palpitations. This is because in the low atmospheric pressure of high altitudes, the body does not get enough oxygen. ' ©) Brood parasitism in which the females of a species Inys its eggs in the nest of another animal. Here, the parasitic bird lays its eggs in the nest of host and the host incubates and feeds them e.g, kos! and cuckoo female lay their eggs in the erow's nest. 49. (i) Name the pioneer species of Xerarch and Hydrarch succession, Gi) Weite the schematic representation of Phosphorus eycle. ‘Ans: (a) (i) The species that invades bare area are called pioneer species. In primary succession on bare rock the pioneer species is the lichen. (b) In primary succession in water, the pioneer species are phytoplankton. @ 50, Write a note on the following: (a) Radioactive wastes (b) Joint Forest Management Ans: a) RADIOACTIVE WASTES ‘+ Nuclear energy was hailed as a non-polluting way for generating electricity. Later on it was realized that it has two very serious inherent prablem:- Accidental leakage, as occurred in Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Safe disposal of radiosetive wastes. ‘© Radiation from radioactive waste causes mutation at very high rate. ‘+ High dose of nuclear radiation is lethal, but lower doses create genstie disorders and also eause cancer, Disposal of nuclear wastes ' ‘+ Storage of nuclear waste, after sufficient pre-treatment, should be done in suitably shielded containers buried ‘within the rocks about 500 m deep below the earth's surface. 'b) Joint Forest Management (JFM) : JFM is a concept of developing partnerships between both the State forest departments and local communities on, the basis of mutual trust and jointly defined rofes and responsibilities with regard to forest protection and development. + Villagers agree to assist in the safeguarding af forest resources through protection from fire, grazing, and illegal harvesting in exchange for which they receive non-timber forest products and a sharc of the revenue from the sale of timber products. fades ‘Student's illuminetor MPU Biology 38 Handbook (2021-22) Model Question Paper - 3 . (For 2021-22 Academic Year Only) MODEL PAPER -3 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Maxamarks:70 Time 3:15hes, Tastructions: i, This question paper contains of four parts-A, B, C and D, Part D consists of two sections—section and section n ii, All parts are compulsory. iii, Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any marks PART-A 1. Answer any ten of the following questions in one word or in onc sentence cach. 1x 10=10 1, Define Parthenogen Ans: The development of female gamete in to a new organism without fertilization is called parthenogenesis 2, Name the protective covering of the evule which develops in ta sced coat, ‘Ans: Integuments 3. How the self pollination is prevented during artificial hybridization ‘Ans: By emasculation 4, Name the male sterilization contracey ‘Ans: Tubeciomy 5. Give an example for polygenic inheritance, re technique Ans: Skin colour in Human 6. Who proposed the chromosomal theory of inheritance Ans: Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri 7. Which Is the chromosome of human having the highest number of genes? Ans: Chromosome-1"(First chromosome) 8. What is auto immunity? Ans: Itis the body's defense mechanisms in which antibodies are produced products of our own tissues or cells, eating them as forcign material and attacking them. 9. In which stage plasmodium is infects to human, Ans: Sporozoite 10. Mention the use of statins, ‘Ans: Itacts as blood cholesterol reducing agent : 11. Name the microbe used in production of eltric acid. Ans: Asperguiltus niger ‘Student's ilurninator MPU Biology = 2 12, Name the first discovered REN ‘Ans: Hinds 13, Mention the gene that codes for insecticidal protein in Bt cotton. Ans: Cride 14. What are sacred species? ‘Ans: A plant or animal species traditionally conserved due to religious and cultural importance. 15, What is cryopreserv: Ans: The cells or whole ti cxyopreservation, jon? ues are preserved in liquid nitrogen at — 196°C for indefinite period’ is called PART. TL Answer any Five of the following In about two to five sentences each, 2xS8=10 16. What is vegetative propagation? Why is it called asexual reproduction? ‘Ans: The asexual reprodvetion through a vegetative parts or propagules of the plant is called vegetative | reproduction. In this method of reproduction there is no involvement of reproductive cells, hence it is called | asexual reproduction. 17. What is filiform apparatus? What is Its significance? ‘Ans: The synergids have special cellular thickenings at the micropylar tip called Mliform apparatus, which play ‘an important role in guiding the pollen tubes to penetrate into the synergid 18, Write any four functions of placenta, ‘Ans:- Functions of Placenta + The placenta facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo and also removal of earbon dioxide and exeretory materials produced by the embryo, + The placenta is connected to the embryo through an umbilical cord which helps in the transport of substances to.and feom the embryo, ; + Placenta also acts as an endocrine tissue and produces several hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogen and progestogen. { * Wiransports antibodies fram mother to foetus to provide immunity. 19, What is pleotrophy? Give an example, ‘Ans: A single gene can exhi 20, What are exons & introns? ‘many phenotypic expressions. Ex:Symptoms of Phenylkctomuria ‘Ans: The Exons are the segments of DNA which have the information to synthesis proteins (coding sequences). | Whereas, Introns are the segments of DNA which have no information to synthesize proteins (non-coding | sequences). 21, What fs point mutation? Give an example ‘Ans: The change in DNA due to replacement nitrogen base within the gene is ealled point mutation .Ex; sickle cell anemia, 22, What are allergen ‘Ans: Allergens: The substances that cause allergy are called allergens, Ex: Pollen grains, mites, dust, animal - dander, ete. ? Give two examples. ‘Student's ituminator PU Biology 40 Handbook (2021-22 23. Name any two fungal diseases in plants. Ans: Brown must af wheat, red rot of sugarcane, late blight of potato, 24. Mention the function of Ti plasmid. Name the source organism from which it is isolated. ‘Ans: Ti-plasmids are used as gene vectors. They are used for genetic transformation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens is source of Ti plasmid 28, Despite having the great biodiversity why Amazon rain forest is is under the risk of desertification. ‘Ans: Amazon forest commonly called lungs of the planet is being cut and cleared for cultivating soybeans and developing grasslands to raise cattle. PART-C IIL. Answer any Five of the following questions in about 40-80 words each where ever applicable, 3x 5=15 26. (a) Differentiate between external fertilization and internal fertilization. (b) Name the plant which produce flowers once in twelve years. ‘Ans: (f) External fertilization: Ferilization occurs outside the body of the parents i.e. in the external medium such as surrounding water, It occurs in aquatic organisms like Fishes and Frogs. (i) internal fertilization :Festilization that occurs inside the body of the female. Example: Reptiles, Birds and ‘Mammals. {(b) Strobitanthus kunthiana (neel Kuranji) 27, What are the characters of inseet pollinated flowers (entamophilous flowers) Ans: Characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers + Flowers are large, colourful and attractive. + Flowers are fragrant and produce nectar. + Pollen grains are sticky in nature + When the flowers are small,a number of lowers are clustered into an inflorescence to make them conspicuous. + The flowers pollinated by flies and beetles scerete fowl odours to attract certain animals, 28, Draw a neat labeled diagrammatic sectional view of mammary gland. Ans: ‘Marunary ss feats 1 | iv Lactiferous duct ar = “ 29. Mention the six possible types of genotypes of blood groups of human, ‘Ans: Genotypes of Blood groups in man Blood Group | Genotypes A ns 14 B 1a 18 AB. 1" o ii 30. Write the diagrammatic representation of transcriptional unit "Transeription stat site — ‘Testor PT sent gene Template strand 7H a 31, Write the sefentific names of plants from which following drugs are obtained (a) opioids (b) Cannabinoids (¢) Coca alkaloids ‘Ans: a) Opioids- Papaver somniferum. 1b) Cannabinoids - Cannabis sativa. ©) Coea alkaloids - Erthroxylum coca. 32, Write thrce applications of plant tissue culture pplication of tissue eulture Production of large number of plant from small tissue of single cell (micropropagation). Production of genetically identical plants (somaclanes). (Coding strand > Production of disease free varictis through “meristem culture” especially to obtain vinas free plants. , Production of Haploid plants through pollen culture. 33, List the defence developed by prey against predator in. Ans: i) Some species of insects and frogs are cryptically-coloured (camouflaged) to avoid being detected easily by the predator. ii) Some are poisonous and therefore avoided by the predators. The Monarch butterfly is highly distasteful to its predator (bird) because of a special chemical present in its body. You must have seen the weed iii) Calotropis growing in abandoned fields. The plant produces highly poisonous cardiac glycosides and that is why you never see any cattle or goats browsing on Studont's ituminator It PU Biology 42 Handbaok (2021-22 34. Construct an ideal pyramid of biomass. Ans: ?P 309 ‘Pyramid of Biomam showing a thre In blomass at higher trophic evela, 35. What is ozone hole? Mention Its effects. = The depletion of ozone resulted in form: the ozone hole. mn of a large area of thinned ozone layer, commonly called as _ Effects of ozone depletion © UV adi is are almast completely absorbed by Earth”s atmosphere, if the ozone layer is intact. + DNA and proteins of fiving organisms are damaged by UV rays as they potentially absorb it ‘+ The high energy of UV rays breaks the chemical bond in these molecules. + UV damages DNA and mutation may occur. + Teeauses ageing of skin, + Damage skin cells and causes skin cancers. + Th human eye comea absorb UV radiation and high dose of UW causes inflammation of comes called snow-blindness, cataract ete. © Such exposes may damage comes, ‘+ Snow blindness: Inflammation and photophobia caused by exposure of eycs to UW rays reflected from snow or Ice. or A burn of the comea by ultraviolet = rays reflected from snow or Ice. PART-D Section-I ‘Answer any Four of the following questions in about 200-250 words each, where ever applicable. § x 4= 20 36. Briefly explain the structure of pollen grain with the help of neat labelled diagram. ‘Ans: Pollen Grain Vegsiative cell nucleus imine sytephasm vegetative cell erm pore senerative cell enerative cell nucleus Structure of a mature pollen grain ‘Student's itumins or PU Bietogy L- 2 ‘© The pollen grains represent the male gametophytes, ‘© Pollen grains are generally spherical and measuring about 25-50 mm in diameter. ‘© Ithas two walls namely an outer exine and inner intine. + Exine is made up of sporopollenin which is one of the most resistant organic materials. It can with stand strong acid and alkali, No enzyme that degrades sporopollenin is so far known. Because of this property, pollen grains can be preserved as fossils, + Exine has prominent apertures called germ pores where sporopellenin is absent. ¢ Intine isa thin and continuous layer made up of cellulose and pectin. The cytoplasm fs surrounded by plasma membrane, Formation of haploid male gametes: ‘+ Amature pollen grain consists of two cells namely vegetative cell and generative cell ‘+ The vegetative cell is bigger in size contains abundant reserve food and a large irregular nucleus. ‘© The generative cell is small and floats in the eytoplasm of the vegetative cell. 1t is spindle shaped with dense eytoplasm anda nucleus. ‘© The generative cell divides mitotically to produce two haploid male gametes before pollen grains are shed Gecelled stage). 37. Draw a neat labelled diagram of sectional view of Human male reproductive system. ee: Urinary badder i Vas deferens ‘Seminal vesicle Prostate gland Bulbourctnal gland Vasa efferentia. et Rete te Epididymis Testicular lobules Gilanspenis ‘The male reproductive system 38. (a) What is medical termination of pregnancy (MTI simple principles to prevent STDs, ‘Ans: (a) Intentional or Voluntary termination of pregnaney before full term is called MTP o induced abortion. It helps to avoid increased human population (b) MTPs are considered relatively safe during the first trimester, ie., upto 12 weeks of pregnancy. Second trimester abortions are much more riskier. Mention the safe period for MTP. (b) Write three 39, Explain Mendel’s experiment to deseribe “Inheritance of one Gene” with reference to height of pea plants, Ans: Inheritance of “One Gene” a Mandbook (2021-24 Law of Segregation or Purity of gametes or Monohybrid cross. “When the alleles for two contrasting characters are brought together in F, generation, they separate or segregate F; generation during the formation of gametes”, Explanation + When a tall plant is crossed with dwarf plant, all the Fy hybrids are tall. Because tall is do + When the Fy hybrids are self crossed, in the (25%) of the plants are dwarf in the ratio of 3:1 The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 where 1/4" of the progenies are homozygous tall (TT), % of the progenies art heterozygous tall (Tt) and 1/4* of the progenies are homozygous dwarf (t) nt generation there are 3/3" (75%) of the plants are Parent generation (P): Hemozygous (pure) x Homozygous (pure) Finan: ‘Tall pea plant Dwarf pea plant Genotype : 1 ! | ‘Gametes: rs ; Syngamy | Te nt F; F, tion: Heterozygous Heterc “Us Firs fia (F) generation zy eae tall hybrid tall hybrid oe ob Punnett’s square showing gametic combination and the nature of second filial (F,} generation: Gametes: ‘When two F, hybrid offsprings are self crossed 9 o ® T @ Homozygous al Heterozygons tall Tt tu ® Neterozygous tall Homorygous dwart Varieties of plants in F; Tall pea plants 203 Duar pen pla 101 Phenotypic ratio aoe ry Tall Dwarf Genotypic ratio. 1 w 4 : i Homozygous Heterozygous Homozygous all tall dwarf Schematic representation illustrating Monohybrid cross zz “8 40. Enumerate any five salient features of genetic code. Ans: Features of Genetie Code 4, Genetic Code is Universal: The genetic code is common and found in all living organisms. E.g, UUU isthe codon that codes for an amino acid pheny! alanine in all organisms b, Triplet Codon: The genetic code is triplet code, That is a eodon is represented by thres nucleotide sequences present on m-RNA strand that codes for a type of amino acid, c. Initiator Codon: The process of translation is initiated by the initiator codon AUG that codes for an amino acid methionine, Incase AUG is absent, GUG act as it tor codon that code for an amino acid valine. 4. Terminator Codon: The process of translation is terminated or stopped by a terminator codon or non sease codons which do not code for any aminoacids. They are UAA (Ochre), UAG (Amber), and UGA (Opal). Comma less: The codons present on m-RNA strand! are translated or decaded continuously without stop unless it reaches terminator codon, AL, Describe the experiments of Hershey and Chase that proves DNA is the genetic material. ‘Ans: Hershey ~ Chase experiment (Blenders Experiment) + ‘DNA is the genetic material” is proved by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase (1952) + They worked on the virus that infects bacteria called bacteriophage. * During normal infection the bacteriophage first attaches the bacteria cell wall and then inserts its genetic material into the bacterial cell + The viral genetic material became integral part of the bacte virus particle using host machinery. genome and subsequently manufactures more + Hershey and Chase worked to diseaver whether it was protein ar DNA from the viruses that entered the bacteria. . ‘+ They grew some vinises on a medium having radioactive phosphorus and some others on medium having radioactive sulfur. * Viruses grown in radioactive Phosphorus have radioactive DNA but not radioactive protein because Phosphorus present in DNA not in prot ‘+ Vinuses grown in radioactive sulfur have radioactive protein not radioactive DNA because sulfur preseat in protein but not in DNA. * Infectio Radioactive phages were allowed to attach to E.coli bacteria; the phages transfer the genetic material to the bacteria, + Blending: The viral coats were separated from the bacteria surface by agitating them in a blender. + Centrifugation: The virus particles were separated from the bacteria by spinning them in a centrifuge machine. Student's ituminator PU Biology

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