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Projekt: SSOr phase 2

Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 1

Hrvatski Telekom d.o.o.

Document purpose:
Integration plan
Project name:
SSO redesign phase 2

Date: 18.03.2014.
Project: SSO redesign 2 Signature
Version: 1.0
Project manager
Project manager

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

Document history
Version Date Autor Changes description
1.0 18.03.14. Marko Krencer Initial version of the document

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0


1 Summary.............................................................................................................................................4
2 Project Scope.......................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Admin logged in......................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Full SSO pages....................................................................................................................23
2.3 EndUser logged in.................................................................................................................25
2.3.1 Full SSO pages....................................................................................................................27
2.4 Nobody logged in..................................................................................................................31
3 Schedule............................................................................................................................................32
4 Pricing................................................................................................................................................32
5 Key Assumptions...............................................................................................................................32

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

1.1 Overview

Homepage is split into sections Shop, Information, Support and Profile. Shop and Information
sections are parts of Marketplace application, and Support is external WordPress portal. Profile
section is part of SSO application, and is part of the scope defined by this document. Profile
section is split into Sign in procedure, registration form and forgotten password mechanism.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

User front page consists of installed applications carousel, web shop catalog, ICT Marketplace
information, Support and Profile sections. Installed applications carousel is generated partialy
from Marketplace application database, combined with SSO application database. MKP
(Marketplace application) is responsible for invoking SSO (SSO application) web service, by
sending it GUID* (generated from the username) of the logged user and currently selected
language. SSO is responsible for returning all the applications available for user that MKP has
provided, on language that the MKP has provided.

Shop and Information sections are MKP responsibility. Support section is external WordPress
portal. Profile section is SSO responsibility, and is part of the scope defined by this document.
Profile section is split into My profile and My Messages sections, and Sign out button. SSO is
responsible Sign Out procedure it destroys SSO session, all appropriate SaaS sessions and MKP

* On the SSO (and MKP) side, it is needed to adjust the database with GUID fields for
applications, users, and customers, generated by application name, users username and
customers name.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

UserAdmin front page consists of installed applications carousel, web shop catalog, ICT
Marketplace information, Support, Settings and Profile sections. Installed applications carousel
is generated partialy from Marketplace application database, combined with SSO application
database. MKP (Marketplace application) is responsible for invoking SSO (SSO application) web
service, by sending it GUID (generated from the username) of the logged user and currently
selected language. SSO is responsible for returning all the applications available for user that
MKP has provided, on language that the MKP has provided.

Shop and Information sections are MKP responsibility. Support section is external WordPress
portal. Profile section is SSO responsibility, and is part of the scope defined by this document.
Profile section is split into My profile and My Messages sections, and Sign out button. SSO is
responsible Sign Out procedure it destroys SSO session, all appropriate SaaS sessions and MKP

Settings section consists of MKP and SSO URLs, MKP is responsible for providing Settings-
>Applications endpoint, and SSO is responsible for providing Settings->Users endpoint.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

1.2 Admin logged in

Settings menu is generated partially by MKP and partially by SSO, „Name Surname“ menu is
generated fully by SSO and sent to MKP by web service, My Apps and Shop URLs are endpoints
provided by MKP, Information menu is generated by MKP web service and Support menu by
SSO web service. On SSO pages, SSO invokes appropriate MKP web services to get menu items,
and on MKP pages SSO web services are invoked. Settings menu consists of two endpoints,
provided by both MKP (Applications) and SSO (Users).

Next to “Name Surname” menu, number of unread messages is shown. On MKP pages, this
number is generated by invoking appropriate web service on SSO side, sending it GUID of
logged user.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

The page has been completely generated by the MKP, except for the section with the installed
Installed applications carousel is generated partialy from the Marketplace application database,
combined with SSO application database. MKP is responsible for invoking SSO web service, by
sending it GUID (generated from username) of the logged user and currently selected language.
SSO is responsible for returning all the applications available for user that MKP has provided, on

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

language that the MKP has provided. Service returns only URLs of the applications, while
handling SSO login to application process in the background. Application names, descriptions,
icons, grades, prices, more info URLs are all under MKP responsibility.

MKP in header part of the page calls the SSO web service to retrieve the Profile menu and
shows Settings -> Users endpoint in Settings menu. MKP also calls SSO web service for the
Support menu, which is generated on the Wordpress portal, static URLs are passed to SSO, and
from SSO to MKP via web service.

By clicking on the Sign Out button, MKP web service is invoked, forwarding the GUID of the user
to log out, destroying session, redirecting the process to the SaaS applications logout page, and
finally to the MKP not logged in page.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

The page is full SSO responsibility. The header menu is divided into Shop (MKP provides
endpoint), Support section which shows static URLs of Wordpress portal provided by HT,
Settings section which is composed of MKP and SSO endpoints and the Profile section which is
completely SSO responsibility. Buttons for adding single user and multiple users open the
corresponding form in the lightbox window. Buttons Assign All users and Assign applications to
users open a sliding div with appropriate content. Footer links are static.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

By clicking on the arrow icon next to the user icon, contextual menu pops up, containing items
which lead to user data editing / password change pages and action buttons user deletion, user
role change and user deactivation / reactivation. On the left side of the grid, checkboxes for

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

multiple user selection are located. Once desired users are checked, appropriate action can be
selected from Actions menu under the grid. Also, multiple applications can be assigned to
multiple users.
Right side of the grid shows user assigned applications, with the ability of selected application
user roles editing. Also, SSO is responsible for MKP web service invoking, by sending the users
GUID and MKP is responsible to return all MKP applications assigned to the user. The user can
change the user role of SSO application (equivalent to Manage user roles) in the drop-down
grid, while it is assumed that for MKP applications he can’t. Clicking the application name sends
the process to the MKP editing application page, regardless of the application origin – SSO or
MKP. The "Add Application" button opens Lightbox window for assigning user application
(equivalent to "Add User Application"). Clicking on the "Assign applications to users," closes the
current div and opens new sliding div. The page is completely under SSO responsibility.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

Assign applications to users is consisted of two sections. In first section, customer available
applications are shown. SSO applications can be selected by clicking appropriate checkboxes,
and MKP applications can only be clicked and transfered to. For getting MKP applications,
appropriate MKP web service is invoked by SSO, sending customer GUID (generated from
customer name).

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

In the second section, list of users is show, with their applications and application roles (only for
SSO applications). For each user, appropriate MKP web service is invoked, sending user GUID
(generated from username) and receiving list of MKP applications assigned to that particular

SSO is responsible for assigning applications to users, triggered by clicking on the “POTVRDI”

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

Reporting section is completely under SSO responsibility, besides MKP reporting data which is
imported by invoking appropriate web services.

Users page which is first menu item shows list of all customer’s SSO users, with assigned
applications, without possibility of editing data. Report can be exported to .csv, .pdf, or .xls file,
by selecting appropriate action via Download report button. On the users page, MKP’s web

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

service is invoked for each user, sending user GUID (generated from username), and returning
all the applications assigned to that particular user.

Applications page shows list of all customer’s applications, with users assigned to them, without
possibility of editing data. Report can be exported to .csv, .pdf, or .xls file, by selecting
appropriate action via Download report button. In case of big number of users assigned to
certain applications, only first three (alphabetically) are shown and “See all” button appears to
view other users in lightbox.

On the applications page, MKP’s web service is invoked, sending customer GUID (generated
from customer name), and returning all the applications assigned to that particular customer’s
users, together with users that are assigned to the applications.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

Requests page shows all requests, report can be exported to .csv, .pdf, or .xls file, by selecting
appropriate action via Download report button. Requests can be searched, or shown only from
certain period, selected via “Select a period” calendar plugin. In case of an error, “Contact
support” button appears, opening mail send dialog. On the requests page, MKP’s web service is
invoked, sending customer GUID (generated from customer name), and returning all the
requests that were on the MKP side for that particular customer.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

By clicking on Users in the MKP page (only SSO applications have Users section), sliding div
opens containing the SSO customer’s user list. Grid contains information for each user, whether
he is assigned to the application, and a list of assigned application roles. In the Users section,
MKP opens SSO’s page in iFrame by calling URL provided by SSO and sending applications GUID
(generated from application name). By clicking on the arrow icon next to the user icon,
contextual menu is opened. Users section is available only for SSO applications.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

1.3 EndUser logged in

Settings menu is generated partially by MKP and partially by SSO, „Name Surname“ menu is
generated fully by SSO and sent to MKP by web service, My Apps and Shop URLs are generated
by MKP, Information menu by MKP and Support menu by SSO. On SSO pages, SSO invokes
appropriate MKP web services to get menu items, and on MKP pages SSO web services are

Next to “Name Surname” menu, number of unread messages is shown. On MKP pages, this
number is generated by invoking appropriate web service on SSO side, sending it GUID of
logged user.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

The page has been completely generated by the MKP, except for the section with the installed
Installed applications carousel is generated partialy from the MKP applications database,
combined with SSO applications database. MKP is responsible for invoking SSO web service, by
sending it GUID (generated from username) of the logged user and currently selected language.
SSO is responsible for returning all the applications available for user that MKP has provided, on
language that the MKP has provided. Service returns only URLs of the applications, while
handling SSO login to application process in the background. Application names, descriptions,
icons, grades, prices, more info URLs are all under MKP responsibility.

The MKP header calls the SSO web service to retrieve the Profile menu and Settings -> Users
menu. By clicking on the Sign Out button, MKP web service is invoked, forwarding the GUID of
the user to log out, killing the session, redirecting the process to the SaaS applications logout
page, and finally to the MKP not logged in page.

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Project: SSO redesign 2
Date: 18.03.2014.
Document: Integration plan Version: 1.0
Revision: 0

1.4 Nobody logged in

SSO is responsible for sending the registration form, forgotten password and login functionality
endpoints. SSO is also responsible for sending static Support URLs to MKP via web service. Login
process will remain as is.

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