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ead w/- a! NCERT Maps Tetiving woes ME SIRCUNG ee) Doss vin of fe folowing 12 coon in at |S INCERT Po. (0) Grom i) Settconsciouaness 2) Specie epinet (3) Family townie t blongs 1) Family Solanaceae Which of the folowing statements is ‘ncomeet? INCERT Ps 4 number of inuidls are Win (characte of roth Moun and sand dunes ono row Usictar xgunims gow by cat Reproduction i eynonymous win growtnin | 0 INCERT Po. 4] (1) Bacteria (2) Anoeba (9) Mica organisms (4) Bom (1) na (2) (1) Roproce 2) Show 5 (2) Sst ne surtuncings ICBN ands for nes (7) buertonat™ Codes llor Bader! (9) nsraaonal Code for Sacenconages Nomen (6) trata! Cade tran green age Wc of te fotomig incorrect about Promialeatntaure? —INCERT Pa 7] (@yBpeiica nae ere generaly Latin on ported nas (2) Fst werd fs gorus and soeond word eros te specie epithet (@)B0m ne words ate separately (4) Both te words sta with capital ler (1) entiation (4) Nemancatne 2/8 taxonmic catagories togother ‘consti taonoms herrchy (0) Taxonomic categories are merely merpelgialaaegate (4) Eeencankie a catenory Select the odd one wet genus whien anise many species? (NOERT Po 9 2) Hem @) Solanum Genus ieagrup ofralated (NCERT Po 9) (0) Species (Classes ‘akash Educational Services Limited Reg OfieAalaah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei TO005 Ph OF 47S2SI@S 3 Markthe odd anew. taxonomic calegoy 2) Solanaceae (3) Caridae 1) Cava omen afer exer in ascending order of tery? INOERT Pg, 10 2) Spaces (9) Cass Find he ncoract mach INCERT Pp 1) 1) Men = Homiiase 2) Howsoly Fob °) Menge = Amacarsacose INCERT Po $1 asiy mult by rapmertaton. INCERT Pp. ofthe boy is daring feature of ietorme INCERT P96] ne fry INCERT Po] the comectopton CERT PS) specimens of plants and anal species is ‘sent and is prme sores of tsoromie species of plas, animals and. ober (1) Ony statement is comect, (2) Oni slam is or centane si gen infomation, except ine erry (1) Date anderen pox (Hone he specimar Qhinxindin Context eo frost he INCERT Pg 2 INCERT Pp 10 [As we go higher fom species to Kingdom, CERT Maps Indian otarical garden ie stunted in INCERT Py (0) Lieknom Horan 3) Oajeaing (Das Which of the folowing siaoment is Incoret for museum? OE P20 1) They have collcion of preserved plant ‘and animal specimens for std) and thet food habits and behaviour Selec! the corect statement for keys INCERT Pa 13 (2) Each statement in hey i called coupat & the stow hovte of coleted flat pecmens hat re ded, pressed and ‘akash Educational Services Umied- Rag fice Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New DenTWO005 Ph OF 47S2SISS NCERT Maps Monographs contain intrmaton on ary ‘ean INCERT Po. 1 ea INcERT Pa. 2. Selene name of mangols INCERT Po 4. Order gmat is placed i cass INERT Pa “The word eyctomates darved fom tho Uon logan ane tir wh saver common fegures' ae at spoces of ho. garus Tetiving woes MER compte teste of al vn xgniama is ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei -TWO005 Ph FATES Biological Clas: Y// cme | NCERT Maps SIECUNMcena) Poses Two kingdom systom of caseication not 4songishbetweon ao the gen, exzent INCERT Pe. 15), 1) Pretosynhate ond non pholoaynete 2) Eukanotes and prokaryotes (3) Pons and avmale (4) Unica and mutate in which kingdom, —_chemesyhalc organisms are saan ou of fve ongdors proposed by wnaker? Incerr Ps. 17) 3) Fura! Panoe ‘Slat ne incorrect steer, Inoer In tree domain sya, al eukaryotes ‘pled n single domain Pantsheve cotos a wall {Cot ype 16 prokanyete in kingdom Morera ‘coesty organisms inte ngsom ‘Te composition of tung cal was INCERT Pg, 17 (2) Non-colloe Polrsaccharges +i Kngdom Protsia has brought logeter Chlamydomonas. Chierate. wah INCERT Py. 1 (1) Ne eterarophic (2) Have cl wa (9) Lack ct a (4) Nectar and exkaryo Select tne Incorrect statement about ngiom Mone’ NER (Baga Se pe soe mene of Fr he inorrect mich wit shapes of (1) Codes > Sphoncs hoped (Bache Rod sped (Meru ¢ Chotar shaped (4) Sonu Spa shapes Rie folowing tatements and solect (oconeetoption lca Ps Stent: ace 36 2 youp show ‘Statement®: Bactaia_ may te. pole: (1) Oniy statement is cerect, (2) Only statement Bis corect (9) Bath statements A ad Ba correct (4) Bat tstemeni A and B ar ncorost INCERT Pa. 19 (1) Feand inthe gus of uminnts (2) Responsible fr prosucton of methane [NCERT P19 (1) Red aoe (2) Green algae (9) Brown algae (4) Bt green ae Jl of te following are functors. of hotrcrephic banter, exzept INCERT Ps. 11 (1) Making eur ot (2) Fixing nirogon in ogunes (2) Production of antbites (4) Fhing stmosphere carbon ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakaah Tower 6, Puss Road New DeRi-T1O005 Ph 11 47E2SISS HE sictocica! ctsssinestion 2. Salat the wrong or mycopiasma 1) Can survive wineut angen 2) Complete ack oa wa (3) Pathogenct plats are anima Select the incorrect one about Kinasom Being suerte, pets ca ody 2) They reproduce asexually oly (4) Members re primarily aquatic Which statement fe wrong out ceysoenos? Necer 1) They are meroscople 2) Most of them are photosyrete etapa sel, wich ogee Proposed ve kingdom aicaton INoERT Pg. 1 ‘inion of the ftlning response fred (1 Ditons (2) Desmics (9) Gonyauex —_() Sime mous nen of te folowing sttamsnts ls (1) Dinoagettes have wo eget (2) Euplenié are rsh water orgariems (2) fine nuts 2 sappy ei The bi for lon of te kgm ng! Doers, (2) Mey fl nt tt (2) Mode of sora arnt (a hrps ttn boos QP Thinking in Context Beciesal Ais very simple, but they ra very complerin_ 8 CERT Maps ‘Select the ncomect match INCERT Pp. 2324) (1) Rizo Sec fing (2) Pencitur utcolr (@) Morland es: Esl fing (4) Ustiago Sout Select the incomect statement 1) Kingdom planta incides al eukaryotic age oF pans ta to te 9) Kingtom erimalie nudes mice 4 Anal store ghycogen or starch ak the wrong satemert [CERT P9.271 (1) Vises, welds an pons are scatuar @)Lichens are symbate associstons (2) Vises contain gente mater (@)Prees. are abeomally folded RNA ‘rchacbaceia found in sally areas aro sreen plans TINGERT Pa 19] ‘aaah Educational Services Umled Reif Paka Tower, 8 Psa Rood, New Dan T0005 Ph. O14 TEDRSE NCERT Maps 6 cori nde vanovs expan ammonia and use the released ener) for Deir ATP producton. INGER P9. 19) CERT Pg 2 INCERT Py.) loctes A ane INERT Py Egenids ck ell wal they have IncenT Pe 21 and foms INCERT Pe. 21 Funai that depend on Ihing plants en Siotogica Classincation MET takes pace by A or by 8 tngh grou on Statue xsd th ng eal ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei -TWO005 Ph FATES ingdom Za rt f 7 3 NCERT Maps SIC) Pose INCERT 2) Gecrge Benham (2) Joseph Hooker Natural classifcaon systoms were based on INCERT Pp. 2] 2} Only extemal featres 3) Natura fines among organs (2) Superica festres Chemical constuents ofthe parts ae uses 10 rosoWo contusion by taxonomists trees (aye. Reomesunder INCE? Po (2) Karytaxonomy ‘The dlassitcaton system when assumes ‘a egansms belnging tothe same tx INCERT Pg. 20 (2) Pyogenetc syst (4) Sistem bases on chomosome number VWnich of the folowing algae shows Isogarous Seal rept wth fageloed gametes? (CERT Po 2 (1) Spay (@) Vovox (4) Fuca Hydtocotid ke algae prosuces by (1) Bx tae 2) Res li, Goon ale 4) eegreen she Agar 2 commercial pect Wied grow ‘baied om eer aa (2) create and vowox (0) Eetocarus ena Desita (4) Poysipton and Fucus Prong, cha slrage odes located ne ‘@keopnyoeae contain poten besides INCERT Pp. 2 (9) Cetuose (8) Anvopecin depending upon the amount ofthe pment (yomaae ome (9) Focorantin (@)romyevennn lateral otacred agetain INCERT Py. 2 @)Porera (2) Cou () Detyota 11. Polouphste esters are fund inte ce wa or INCERT Py. 2 (1) Green algae 2) Brown algae (0) Redalgae (@) Goldertrown alge 12 The ceeping. green, branched, tequenty Seated INCERT Pp. 36 (0) Leafy stage (2) Secondary petonems (2) Paimarypotonema (@)Promats “aaah Educational Services United "Re Oifes Fakaah Tower, 8, Pua Rood, ‘New Da T10005 Ph. OF 4TRDRSE Pant Kingdom 3. Bryophytes are caled anphibins of the plentkingom because INCERT P25) oanecenye ‘They play ‘portant rele in plant trea.wing most photosyntiete Malod ametogytes proce ptaatphytes alee INCERT Po. 2 (1) Srebius (2) Pretonema (3) Prometus (4) Gommas {5 based on ll observable characters. INCERT Pg, 20 yfotonomy i based on he benavour INCERT Ps. INERT Pg. 2 Ic uricalr aiga rich in pots, ‘Wich is used as food supoloment even by sac avers INCERT Pp. 2 Wich of the folowing genera of INCERT Po. 2 ‘The crabs oct of Gyeas ae sssncated wih Neng | INCERT P (0) Fung 2) Riad (2) Myeormizn (4) Cyaooa Qinimainconen Atleast aaltot i elon ear Ip. cared cut by aloo troush hoveyrmesi, InceRT Pp. 2 Meribeff\o chlocophycese are usualy Sraeegreeninelour ve fo be dominance atpments incerta Food is red os compl cathy CERT Maps The smallest argospern is (0) Eveapons (2) Zamia ©) Wotia (4) yet \Wech of he flowing algae shows nape: ‘dporde le eee ptr? INCERT Pa 3) (2) Chlamydomonas () Poysipnania Voto plowing Woe patn? DICER 42 (©) Hapledinlonte (4) Bam (1) na) ‘The foot in redalgae isin he form of A song wih 8 ore he fst ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dan1O005 Ph 11 47E2SISS NCERT Maps Ssrocurs calle [nicer Pp. 35] Vegetative reproduction in messes is by ‘ragmontaton and tng the INCERT Pg. 26 ‘The sametoohyes of perioohys require cook damp, shady places to gom Serauce ofthis specie rested requrement ard ‘eons INCERT Pg. 2 ddeveloment of te zygotes nto young ‘ometophyies, The event isa precise the" censidered an import step in rclton INCERT Pp 28 magaspores. In gymnosperms, the mae ard he ferse sametoghytes do ct have an independent ‘A and te 8 covelop into fut NCERT Po 41 ‘Te main plant body of a Brophyte ie ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei -TWO005 Ph FATES Dae eager Ra eae V/ caaet JO9% OF C8 0@ Morphology of Flowering Pants CERT Maps SIRICUNG ee) Doss Cut rots are foundin CERT Pg 7) | 8 Wh of heaven option has galt plan 1) Sugorcane (2) Rzephore fn whieh stom i maded to ste loa? 3) Banyan @ Tumip INCERT Py 0] Troms ae InceRr Ps, 63) | (Polat, mip Mite sil bude (2) Zamikand, tame > Foundin Opuntia (3) Swoot potte, Colooai & Motiscatons of stom to protect plants | (4) Gingor, carat 1) aand only (2) band cony ; {)aand only (4) Ala. bande When of he folowing s not tue fr Pistia sna Bema? TNCERT Ps. (2) Span te, 1) Sem has sort nterades campy (3) Stem meds to sors food (4) Bot (1) a9) 1) Each node bear tt foes Paimetty compaundlanes_ rat in (1) Gites payne infer ovary if eeen in al ofthe flowing gente. pons except TPO 73) | asco engine 1) Guava (@) Staaten Neo (2) Ray terest of suntower Fe et eien, | @) Accessory organs ar absent Insts towetsMe iy (CERT Py 2) (1) Calpe era are present (2) Pennie the outermost eral whet 1) Root cap (4) Cova ae fed wih strane (2) Maturation zone Fowars ae asyrmeticin INCERT Py (3) Eongaton zone (1) cas (2) Bs0n (4) Merstamate zone (2) Dota (4) Coona Iniaaysteger, oot shows INCERT Py. 74 (2) Vexary estan Select the wrong meh (NCERT P75) 8) Pelyadlghous stamens — China rose ) Eipetsous stamens. — Bria {@Gynoocum has singe capa 1 Gynoedum i epocarpous (1) Oniyais te 2) Oniybistue Nach the columns and slat the correct coon INCERT P78) (olan (Pracentation) Primrose () Basal Maze (Pano 1) 0.00.60) at, bain, (2) a(i,.06 0) ) a, 8) ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Reg Of Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Den-T1O005 Ph 1 47E2SIS5 NCERT Maps INceRT Ps, 8) Is outer covering of sed coat (4) Resresents ts single caleson aie INCERT Pg, 7 covery (9) Have wo sorted paca Lewes originate trom nd a INCERT Po 9 INceRT Pg. 6] dering 234 pean TG. 71 in __ ype of itorescence, fowers are bomen onder INCERT Ps. 72 'n fora formula of fabacese family the InceRT Py. an 2) hw Om a Salet he correct QFrisking in Gomoxs Florofwen Symon in be doa verter INCERT Po. 72 rary —__ fone is said tobe superar Lsae INGER Po. 72 INCERT Po. 14 TNGERT Po 75 Morphology of Flowering Plants “The cman plant of solnacoae amy ie [NCERT Py. 6 (6 Gros \Which ofthe gin isnot tue for gynoncum 0) Pata pacerason Clas are bone on cenval ais and sap ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rafi Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New DeRi-TWO005 Ph O11 47EISISS Morphology of Flowering Plants CERT Maps 3. Generally monocots seeds a Fabacaae was eae caled a sub | 18 The mesocarp is frousin ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph OF -47S2SISS OC ae V// coast ‘Anatomy of Powering Parts EINE) Tess except INGER Pg. 5 1) Scot aical merstom 1) Ret apeal mere ‘Te common featute between parenehyina and colencymsa cel INCERT Po 25) 1) Baing ng {3} Proving mechanic! support, (4) Having pectin deposed at comers of men ofthe fawn tosue 6 emmanty Incer (3) rercalary mestom 1) Catena eww gen feutues, —— [NCERT Pe oF Absent in gmmoaspers Xylem parenchyma nots INceRT Po 7 (2) yom een ype (6) ym is endaren ype Choose te eoeret ons) (i aendb 2) band @ecny (@) cony (1) Specie peenymatous cle (2) Connie to sve bos by Fae (0) Heli tomas cretiine raciet in (4) Tce ated a Trchomasini| =Biche 1 (@) 52 mttaer sd voerenea (ey Besct {C0 rrr water tos (6) lve in mineral ard water abortion (ifesbemedony —@) vand conty @abandcony ) Ata.b.cande INCERT Py. 61 (Pim (2) Petcyso (@)Conex (4) Mesopnyt CERT Maps Corjot oponvasculr buco aofund in INCERT Pp. 90 (1) Monaco tom (2) Dictieat (4) Monocot to nich of te given suc i absent in rmonooot er? INCERT Py. 9 Ccasoaron srgs ae seenin [CERT Py. 92 (1) Root erdodermis (2) Stom ondadarmis (4) Som perigee Ieoitera leaves er tom corset INCERT Py. 93.94 (1) Pace parenchyma 2) Cute (9) Butorm cots ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag OficeAakash Tower 6, Puss Road New DeR-T1O005 Ph 11 -47S2SISS NCERT Maps 3. Choose the ed one for bul oats InceRT Ps. 9 2) Emory 1) Colours cats Spring woos Inert Po. Read the below hen slatoments ant dently correct ones). [NICER Po. 25) A Aonual rg ar sn in rats of parts €. Sapood ae tnard parol TRCERT Pp. 5} regenerates pais removed by azinghetwcres, CET Po 6a) tor INoERT Pp. 86] Bark doos notices [NOERT Py 67] (2) Phesodern (2) Secondary phim Pa opton mecarhs 87 oe 65h Column Column (A) Lacon Help © ©) some cxseous tom Conia Aw, oe Qirking context INCERT Py 67 Anatomy of Flowering Ponts MEE Pere includes al excopt INCERT Py 96 2) Prelocerm Secondary gratis abaentin (ofr ing cots ‘aaah Educational Services Umied Reis Paka Tower, 8 Pua Rood, New DaN-TT0005 Ph O11 47RD HE anstomy ot Fiowering Pionts CERT Maps 2. The conjont vescuarbundes usualy Pave | 13. In ‘ool pit i large ord wall | 17. Phetogenis made of walled meaty phoem tuted on ot mim. | devcoped INGER Ps a ae iat TROERT PS) | 14 In len sem, endoderm is ceferad a8 INCERT Po. 2 — 2 | 1a. corkisimpeniou to wate duet in corvental leaves vascusr bundes ao | '* Somsne pont Pate ark fre to 9 number of eve ve 2 AI the tases on the inner side of | 16 Atercortinuous secondary growth 2 INCERT Py. 91 " ‘ncn. INCERT PG OT ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph OF -47S2SISS HEE cou the unit ortite BCU) Dosey INCERT Pa. 125 INCERT Po. 126-129 1) Rober Brown (1) Bactel cas may be mote oF nen made ofa special protein (2) Mesosome hols in DNA reptcation Teena an) | Semen ae co tit ron (9) Sctedten ond Schwann together eee ee 8. Gas plop ar Yed inal exc past val 0) fue grr aaag 2) Pipl prtesythet baci @) Green phetosyrna baci cexgencios () Mycota ich of the fOowing est roan is acsortm igh as Oa preset fnimsicate? Nga Po. 120 Prokanjles donot have INCERT Ps, 1) Callmembrane om (0) Ribosomes (2) Nucleus {icc Al of the fotowag are toyers of cat | (ay yoncme enveope n prokaryotes, except ‘Selet he od one wt. ct cannes of INGERTP a. 1281 |” endomnembraneaytem. (NCERT 9, 135) 1) ca wat (2) Gos 2) hyeoca @er 3) Calimembrane (9) Vacwole CERT Maps Solct tte Incorect statement for maschondi INCERT Pp. 135 (1) Dovble momtrane bound src (2) Matric has 708 rbosomes {@) The cote decrease he sutace area (@) The to mantranes have their own Specteennymen INCERT Pa. 196 for the syineseof prose and Coreonysats| (@) Possess yids (G) inner membrane. ie rlabvely toss peroablo Pan ota fom eke a an teeta enue (0) Ste for ato rbosomal RNA syntesis (4) Found ns pope Ribosomes INCERT Po, 126 (1) composed er RNA and rte (2) Ar suroundod by single mombrane (2) A ot foun eukaryote (4) Are composed of sing eutunt ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Regi Ofice Aalash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-TO005 Ph YATES NCERT Maps 14 Choro pigments re preset in INCERT Py 136 2) Matix ra some of halengest call INcERT Po. 12: ements. INGER Po. 129 Part collwll mainly contains al, xcept 2 Pests (2) Homicotioss (4) Calum ertonate Select the Incorrect one for (9) Exempt by Norm* pup ATP i vtses Woioclet = mg-0 acne (4) energie Qh contd Sever somes may atch o & single RNA and fers chin ced erent poh and parent is Many mclecues can move bey acoes the DNA containing cel organaio re (0) Chronast (2) Lysorome (@) Mitochondria (4) ot (1) and @) INCERT Po, 194 (2) Packaging and sring of mataris (2) Formaton fis (@) Oridaton a cataryerates \Wrich ones nota double membrane bound (2) Lysocome @)tochonaia Hyertye eraymes optimaly acive at he INCERT Pg, 194 Te varies touna bys sngle membrane ‘Aakash Educational Services Ulted- Reif Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei T0005 Ph O11 47S2SISS HE con tne unit ortite ‘Amon tore TNCERT Po. 135) Uke mitochon, the crops ae ao Ses cjeswaagren Berane.” by shy away from the mide of the CERT Maps Incent 134 INCERT Pg. 195 ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph OF -47S2SISS Cell Cycle and Cell Division Mf Chapter | NCERT Maps ‘coll ycie and Cell Division MEE ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Rood Ofc Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Doti-110005 Ph OTI-ATS2IASE NCERT Maps SURO) Kesey Calleydeincader- ——(NCERT Pp 162) | 5 fb) Calgomtn——_(e) Callin 1) Ont (9) 94) (2) Ono (3) Only) and te) 1) (6) 208) INCERT Py 16 (0) 24nows 2) 24 minutos (3) 90 minutos (4) hows Human cote can dvide- (CERT Pp. 1) Once hs approximately every 24 hours Rea the folowing satement and eheose theceomect opton.——(NCERT Py. 185) ‘Statement A: The M-phase represents ne Statement B: Interphase represens the 1) Ont statement Ai corect 2) Only statement Bis creck (9) Bat he statements ar nce ath the clams and chose to eorect ton INCERT Ps, 163 8164 Column Colum (0) Grphase (Quiescent stage ()Grptase ——_@) DNA denote an (2 Synesisthace (i) Proteins re mbes reparation or (9) Go me 1) Cacia DNA, 20 Ped bone 4,00. 4 Nos ramate pened ctcot eyes: Gan joy) Mpnase (2 S-abe only (4) Inerhase Peebabe Is marked by the inition of (1) DNA synthesis (2) Decondeneaion of evomasoma (2) Condensation of vomosomal mater (4) Conta pletion Cer cycle ana cen ovsion MESH INGER Ps. 1648 165) (1) Brg ft novement = Protas oppesto poles 2) Twoasters spindle Mtote fares spparaus ©) Aten otspniie —Neprme (4) Carmosome moveto. Metaphase roost oles “Te complete asntegraton ofthe mule rveope marks Bepning INCERT Po. 165 (1) Fetoghase (2) Netognase QiProphare (4) Anata ‘them as true (7) false (F) and accordingly 3. Durng metaphase of mitosis each romatd of @ comasome remsih Nuclolas, Golgi complex and ER Inara cts pots cae ou InceRT Pp. 15-166) a or ar OF ‘aaah Educational Servicns Uited- Reg Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Den-TWO005 Ph OF -47E2SISS ‘uring which of the gen phases, | 16 coronene? INCERT PS 1 1) Anaphase of miss (3) Anaphase | () Metaphase | A bivalents [CERT 168 2) The complex fomed by a pair of 2) Dakin Desappearance of mueots Terminalesten of hssmata INGERT Pp. 168 (2) kinase hich one ie odd wrt sgiicanca of reo? INCeRT Pe. 1678 170 (9) neease genatic varabity in rgeniems love in rastorage of oii (2) nace between two stages'of al 3) des: ON opaor long with eat of eter reall. 4 Fotowed ty rophas ss? (ny areprasoh (@) Tepnase (@ Tetophase ‘arsames is compat by th and ot CERT Maps (9 2ygctene 2) Ditene chaos incorrectly mated ai (| cena [ Dette (@ | Ractaton of ater roti fom coer uptesten ‘Algnment of bles on equatorial pate onus uring INCERT Pp, 16 (2) Motaphaso I (@) Metaphase ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aalash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph FT 47E2SISS NCERT Maps the duration of cl pce. [NCERT Pa 168 ing wich cl i prapasiog fr don by undergong bon band cn = he naw ONA moles ‘Tho to astors togattar wih s Chromosomal mater condenses to fem INGER Pa Ori inking in Context Knetochoreis a sma dec shaped suet custo pie cunng ung cromosomes cust at Cat plate rprosonia oe walg of wa adacent ls Oe, *8) Desai of Sri eormatin of homologous sehomdomas ab batt rom each cher except athe X-shane ste otevssovaecatd B.NOK CERI) Incocie of some "aptene can Nantor monger years cer Po The process of aesoraion of homelonous chromosomes ie caled a, whch thos aaa Cet cycle ana Cet Ovsion ln te Me cycle of sexaty eeprocucng organisms oting bin slants and nial INCERT Po 1 MoossinoWes _@_ seqvental eyes of ® INCERT Pa. 167 hy dhcats. (NET Pg 170 ung phase, INCERT Ps 171 conserved th daughier ae INcERT Ps. 1711 (phan is the prado growth ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei -TWO005 Ph FATES NCERT Maps SIRCUNO ee) Doss (1) Nutints move across memtrane by (2) Rreques every Phioemsapia main: (NCERT P9190 (9) Amno-akls nd wat (4) Hormones ony 1) Neropen (@) Calcium {3 Potassim ——_(4) Phosphorus 4) Ugain 2) cutn 8) Ag (@) subern The plant factor tha fect transpaton fe (1) Humisty (2) Wind sped 8) Canopy srucure (4) ght teres in tut paso, nthe fom of toplts arcund special panins of voins near the to of ass biades Is due to INCERT Py. 186) (1) Gutaton (2) Transpaton (3) Root pressure (4) Both (1) 0nd (5) a comet Symlaste sytem isthe sytem of The bulk movant of blac hog the vosoiae tues ot pt te tod eat Po. 164) (1) Festtteaatuson (2) Aeterna (0) Translocation In ine’myeormizalassceaton of a ngs ‘td tne root system of plans, the ons frovda tothetungeNOERT Py. 185) (1 Mews (2) Wate (3) Neortaning compounds (ups ‘Sings have been able to emerge out of eatin due to INCERT Pg. 183 (1) Rootpresaze 2) Gutation tote INCERT Pg. 12 ()Hypetonie ——@) Hyparene (@) soon (@) Paemotyses Wat ozzupes the space between the col wall and the shrinkan protoplet in the Dieioheed oak? INCERT Py 182) 1) Mypetni ton (2) ecto outon () Prrewtor 15 degrees duet evapratve cooing, by to process ot INGER Pg. 18 (@)Rootpresuze 4) Gutaton By canvenon, the wal potental ofp INCERT Pa. 178 (1)Mrimum ———@) Negative ()Postve (200 ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-WO005 Ph O11 47S2SI@S “Transport in Plans 5. Sate potential fr a soon is always: 2) Negative 2) Postie () Equal to othersaaions a prossuro groatr than atrospherc pressure applod to pure water or a INCERT Pp. 179 2) Decreases (2) Remade unatectes 1) Becomes posite The mare the solite moles _ te sokte potenti. [NCERTP 781 INCERTPs ‘i ‘The patnays of agacent cot wats Dat INCERT Po. 185 ‘atv vanspertis ——(NOERT Py. 178) (2) Ne dependent on ATE (4) Upnit movement Independent of ener molecules in one | 2. (1 syn (2) Batvo inking in Comuext The incr Wat of each gut cal, awards say Be wer surace of lat has gear ramber of somatain syste probabiy ona of he stag or rmaxamizing the svslablly of CO: whe rinenizng INCERT Po. 180) CERT Maps Select the odd one out wat. cision? INCERT Pg. 176 (@) Dependent ona Wing system (9) Aected by temperate 1m foctes plants, anspor of water ang INceRT Pe. 175 The chiefs for mineral elements ar the growing regions of he plan, seh 3 te 7 INCERT Po, 190 lone are absorbed fram the sal by both anspor (NOERT P9180 prossies sufcent 10 It a xylem sized ‘colrn of water ove INGERT Pg, 18 ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Den-TWO005 Ph O11 47S NCERT Maps Lossthan____offhewaterrachingthe aro INERT Pa 187] ‘The torlocaton in phoem = eepsined by INCERT Ps. 193] INCERT Pp. 192 (One tn of toe, ang of bark up to 8 (oft plants by heeping elt wanou te presence of We can sty water loss rom ala using INCERT Pg, 185 Water sbsored along in mineral sales by he otha pure by ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei -TWO005 Ph FATES CERT maps EIRICUNO ee) Dosey ofan clement except INCERTP. 195) (1) The alement must be absoltly nacassry or supparing nama Growth prediction The lant muster inated in the metabo of ne part In abcance ofthe eloment the pants shout compet thor ce 2 Wher of the folowing & not a 1) Carbon (2) Hyerogen 3) One (4) Born 8. Essential elment that fe campanené of nergy telated chal compoundin plans 2) Oxygen eatbon soso 3) Magnesium in clrophyt 1) Hyaronen in wate 4. Which af he folowing is race lament? INCERT Py. 198) 1) New (2) Phosphorus (3) Sule (4) Passo “The process of comenson of tegen to anmoniaistemedas —|NCERT Ps. 207) (1) Armmonitetion (2) Nitestion (9) Nitegenfaton (4) Deinestion INCERT Pg, 2041 (1) Muceysis 2) Nitrosomonas (@) Mtobactr (4) Both (1) a nniricabonss. cared ot by basta ar ego (9) Metacter (4) Nrceoeees NER TP 2 ‘capate offing nitrogen (2) cabs wcw ving eegen er (Wj Arctacter “Gy fe ving serie Select np. odd one we nitogen. INCERT P9127) 1) Requeed by te plans in greatest (2) Asoreea many 26 NO} (9) One of the major consbuents of Protas, nui acs ote (4) Netrequred by marsemat cls INCERT Po, 1971 (2) Petszeum Maina tury of cos @) catsum Requeea ny ten Constituent of allpetins Slur ound in al excapt INCERT Pg, 197 (@) Thiamine 4) Thymine Wich of te flowing mineral lemene is atoun senynes epecily corbenoss? INCERT Po. 191 (en acu @)Mo young issues aves duoto delaancy of INCERT Py. 196-190) (1) Cate (2) Nironen (0) Prosprons () Potassiom ‘aaah Educational Servions Umited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dan-WO005 Ph 1 47S2SI@5 NCERT Maps Minera Nutrition '4. Wier one is odd. te dace element | 16. Selectihe incorrect ene wir. nroganase, | (3) Paloeyesis ofthe host calls Involved in ecross?—INGERT Pa. 195 INCERT Ps, 202209) | (4) Respation of the bacteria 1) 20 (1) Senstive 2 099909 In reductive amination, he enzyme reuted 2) ca @BMoFe pon * INCERT Pe 204 a Me (@) Protected by lap emogibin (1) Nite rca \a)cu (4) ound seme plans 0 (2) Ghtamate denyopenase Select he odd one wi:t_manganese | 17, To sninesize 2NHs molecules rom one N: | (8) Nitogonase 1) Aopearance of rown spots surrounded | Te bp ere vei (yeare @aate (2) Inne caleum wanslacaien in snoot | (3) 16ATR 201 — 18 The ergy reqlked to fe trap im} (1) Ghtomic 1) Ganges a mogresu tr brag |" gun ated ==" | 2) Asparage - (4) Nira reductase Which of he along aie? INCERT Po, 204 (1) Photosyptnos of bacterial cls 5) Apa ce Q hinting in Gontoxs Tectnique of grawng plans In 8 nutient | 6, and me growth of te plant Cesants ook 0 product and ‘jets ae betrthan parts INCERT Py, 2 onnme A black © INCERT Py. 2 wnesis in Wigner tons MEE (2) No change in prosctty (@) Very ow photosyntesis Selctne ads cnet. eeralfacore (2) Avani of sun (4) COs encotation & water ‘equate the formation of one molec of ‘ducote? INCERT Pg.217 (1) One cempetotur (2) Twocompetotuns 0) Situs of ey For every ever the Calvin aro roquicee INCERT Pp 218 ‘The regeneration step of Calvin oyele reoquee Tor be phosphono to om Rule INCERT Pp 217 The cartonyaton sep of Calin oye, catalysed by he enzyne INCERT Pp 216 Cyele photophosphonfaion oes when ‘valle for exctaten(NCERTPS 219) ‘aaah Educational Services Umited "Reif Paka Tower, 8 Psa Rood, New Dan- 110005 Ph O11 4TEDRNSE HE Protosyntnesis in Higner Plants Water sping complex is aesoited wih INGER Po. 212 ‘ poomyttens ERT Py 210) hen Ha the drogen donar or pure and green sulphur Bectera the oxdaten products INCERT Pg. 20 which he plants use energy tive te uing chemategaphic Separation of te leat plneats yetow-green cxour in te cromatcram in shown by CERT Maps ‘daion INCERT P92 tah INCERT Py 219 Inphetosyaneis,ATP synthesised 0 memerane NCEA Pg 213) ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph OF -47S2SISS test Pa enc} V2 aml Respitatin a Plants NCERT Maps EIU) Pose Wie of fe falloving exgaiamse can | 5. During yeas ATP is utiaed in the | ©, The enzyme which eee the conversion prepare thee own food by the process of | camesin of NCERT Pa 29) | of pynmate ino ace COA inthe photosmiesis? INERT Pa.225) | (4) @ucaoe ino gucnse- phosphate ‘maochonail matixiaINCERT Pg 231) 1) Horbioros (2) Breese. phosphate into Fructose. | (1) Lactate debyerogerase 2) Sapropytes peste (2) Succinate dohyrooenase 12) Cyanbsetera (2) Phosphoenelpyuvateinipranicacd | 6) Pwate dehydrogenase ia ecoits (0) Sehosphagyeare act ino 2 | preva nen 2. manaorbicomanis. he ony ocossin |, a, Subsrate lel phosphoraion in the respirations INCERT Pe 226 noheyprodet of yeas is Toneyde takes lace during the 1) EMP patway INCERT Pg conversion of INCERT Pp, 232 (2) Treartonie aid eyo A ih (1) Suceny-CoA to usdne acs (4) Oi ci cyte ae (3) Mac ato oxlacetic at 3. Sure is comened in ghcose and | le gal w conf Cte ado ote ‘rst by te lp of he enzyn cdc onlin Which of the folowing compl refers #2 IncerTP, ‘fechrome-¢ oxdase compex containing ‘echoes 8 ada and {40 cOppet cones? [NceRT Pg 203 (0) Aryase (1) toate aeafretsien wer {2 Neonat fomertaten (0) Complexy (2) CompienV @)Comploett (4) Compion Woat wil be the respiratory quant vate (0) ort ay ac, gam? (2) Matiace (0) seb yo (2) ease Suerte prosprryaen 4. Inge, chain often eacton, under | 6. Yoga olson theses to death when ‘meconwolotaterent enzymes. takes pace | he soncenaton of alos! reaches about 19 proauce INCERT P9229 INCERT Pp. 220) (1) Suose fomghcose (1) Spexcont er (2) Pyewate rom acetyl CoA (0) < percent ao (4) Pyewate om gucoee (4) 13 percent or ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Den-TWO005 Ph OF 47E2SISS NCERT Maps deyaded'o INCERT P9235] 1) Oxalacette (2) Pyne aid 2) AccACoA (4) POAL Tho respiratory patway should be conedered = INCERT Py. 296 (8) Calabi ony (4) Syitais What wl be the net gain of ATP mola for each molecule of glucose used fermentation? INGER Po. 206 (9) 7ATP (4) Ony2aTP ‘rom ADP ar nega phosphate, present cated INGER Py. 234 ‘esoous exchange by InceRT Py. 2571 Tho Brooking of CC tonds of complx one INGER Py (2) Fe component (2) Vbiuinone (@) Cyoewonee system (ETS) present onthe ine (0) Scena donyrosprasecompex (@) NADH canyrogenase complex takes pace Gung eomerson INGER CR 220 1) 2-onesotegycetae193.26R @) 2-shosghoojeratato PE (@) PEP Ie pmicaees QrinkGag AF Context “The io. ho wehane of CO: eveted to {gpg oO: conse veep is ‘phedine or. ‘The NADH synthassed in ghoolss is Respiration in Ponts ME (@) Gucose-S phosphate 1 Fructose-6 phosphate INCERT Pp 238 Poa, (@) Proteases The small pot atached to he outer fn in the elacten transport aya 158 InceRT Pg. 233 (0) Ubieinone (0) Croetromee takes pace ont n mo resence of onyeen thor of oxygen rite oh. ote proces. INCERT Py 2 \whon th lactons pass am ona cari 6 INCERT Pg 230 ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Reg Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New DeRi-TWO005 Ph OFT 47EDSISS The TOA ole sats with tho of cay groups oxleacetic ci and water toyeotieaas CERT Py 731) many prokaryotes and uneaiar utaryotes INCERT Pp. 230 in gyeohsi._gluense red frcose ae hosphoniaiog 10 ghe rise 10 goose Dhosphate by the ecu of the enzyme INCERT Py 229 in plants, gucse is dvd from INCERT Pp. 22] Tho scnome of lyosysc was given by amas, and of refered 0 2 te wiout the help of oxygen, tis breakdown n__ycotsisis ho only processin Some organisms adapted to anaerobic “The campbunds tht ae cnn wong ne INGER "PE CERT Maps What f= imporiant to recogni ie that ‘lena he fod tal sep or energy, Bu rin. fete and even organic INCERT Pp 227 Inbot ace ac ementtonand aloha fermentation, the reducing agent ak INCERT Py. 230 Protsyntesis, tes place win the ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dan-TWO005 Ph O11 -47E2SISS Den eu CT Tae V/ cat HEE isnt Growin ana Development BICC) Pose ‘The messom that cause increase in te |S, The ving aferetted cob, at have lst gh ofthe gars n when they aeatne |” the capaey of vison can regain the ® INCERT Pe 241] | capac of dvson under ceri condor, 1) Roe plea mentor This phenomenen scaled (3) Corecantium| (1 Diteretiaion 1) rtercaary mento (2) Doeretiation (ne single maze ect apical mestom can | (2) Re ferantat dhe se tomore then INCERT PS 2431 | Gy Spocgieanon 1) 17.500 raw cn porta Heteoonvlous evelopment cus) 10 (3) 17800 naw cals pe ay CRT 6) 1) 17500 new as pe week 1) Lakage 2), Coandor Cals ave on protoplasm, posses age | @) Buteroup. _ @) Caton The tile ieestlar fecor wn con grou anderson 6 lt is ’ : iconate (a pors @Len 1) Messtemate ron 2) Zone of elongton (2) Maturation phase ‘The owe cure pica oral eal, sues ifs ide by FW. Went fom tos andargana che ponte: (NCERT Py 243} | Steneneies of INGERT Pg 2471 1) Artima curve (1) Oat seatiogs 2) Lnesr ove (2) Canary orass 2) Smad cave (2) Maze seedings 1) shaped carve (@) Tomato secaigs CERT Maps ierenton anaes in celina : inccer Py 20 (A (2) Gowns Cyt) Eine tite aes and oi, wore Proved chnicaly Wve ardraed INOSRT Py 20 (iy Enyere 2) Gown G@)Atecoe acd (4) Ann Balin, odo dono ja pr > tower mbt tongs, nd many or "nose Ps 2 (i) tortns 2) Etyow (@)Atecoe acd (4 yokin Wit the flow ln crow substance haps w produce naw eaves and INCERT Pg. 248250) (Aon (2) Gberetin @)CyoKnin (a) Etyone (0) xin 2) Etryene (2) Abecise aid (@)Damin ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aalaah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-TWO005 Ph 1 47E2SISS NCERT Maps Which ofthe folowing ocournokraly ents? INCERT Pg. 248,249,250) 1) hep hon 2) Naghthsene aoa ace The PR which tbe the seeds 10 Untvourabie for grow sCERT Py 250 1) Abscisic 90 (2) Eryene 8) Oyekinn (Aut ‘Tha plants hich need be exoosed ght cles INCERT Pp 25 soe in lemme of wal thickening and ‘The calle derived fomro0t pica and shat peal mers mar to perm spetic ‘Srotons, This att of maturation fermen (@) Shortday pons (4) Doy-noura pts ‘The phenamenen which proverts to have suficer me wo reach matury Is (4) Meche wresion Secgdofany 5 dye to cen rial (4) Option 2 ans ras QFPinking m Context Brony, deveopmeit s conscored as the NCERT Fo. 250 ‘ermaton, thos meng he plants Increase ther absorption surace. Pant Grown and Development EZ Which PGR prorat rapid iemodefpetoleengaton i deep water res pant when hips Ianvesonpe pre (2) Abscise ad ©) Cyn (4) Gbberains The willy used herbicide, uted (0 ki eatledorous weeds, which does rot (@) Gbeeratc aot (@) Para ascorbic cd antagonst to gece wads INCERT Pg 250 \ hare ther sno auch craton between fexgomur o ight duration and indo of {NceRT Po. 251 ‘he ans and apical Nook formation nest INCERT Pp 25 ‘aaah Educational Services Umied Rees Paka Tower, 8, Pua Rood, New Dan-TT0005 Ph. OT 4TEDRSE HEM Pian Growin ana Development contols both growth and dferentition INCERT Py 247 Cytotiins wore dlscovered as Kt, fom me autoclaved INGER Po. 249 bus inhi the growth of the lateral fila) buss, 8 phenomenon caled hastnod the egorng of stared eipened inate germination in peant seeds spcuting of potato tubers ce P20) Fowormg bape of ow tera ERT alas CERT Maps Effect ofinitorysubsiances on seeds can be removed by subjecing the seeds to Eimyene enhances respraton rte dung pening of the fats. Tha ras In ate of ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Rag Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei-T1O005 Ph OF -47S2SISS Reproduction in Organisms Mf Chapter NCERT Mops Reproduction Organisms MEE ECR een Kes INCERT Pa. 3) 1) isthe period tom beth to natal death ‘compara io a poopal toe 14) No nal emma, excant sage cated organisms INCERT Py. 5 1) Sing pent 2) Game fomaton 1 single cal dvds ito two haves sn och rally grows to en adult te process casa INCERT Po. 6] 2) eusdng (2) Fragmentation (4) Sporuation zoospores ae INCERT Po. 1 1) Motle 2) Non motie (3) Mewscople (4) Both(t)and (8) (1) Mostivasve woes 2) Aco cal terror of Bengal (9) Drains oxygen fam water, lacs 10 Bcntyiom rexadice vegeta by PeERTPR 8) Ro @) sm Lat bu 4) Foner Wie of tne floats 2 Preston (1) Fusion of gamete 2) Gamer vaste ‘@Foniston sh yocte (4) Extnbjeness Heniogemetes ae (NCERT Po 11 (1) Siar in appoaranco (2) Merpnelogealystnct pes (8) Aso cal isogametas (4) Bot (1) ana (3) 10. thin the moboete of apple there aro 34 chromosomes then Row many chomeomes wilbeseonin gometa? [NER Pa. 1 oe air os i241 2 Movement of gton gine (0) Trnstrfpolon rans to stgme (@) Fusion of gametes | {¢) erow ortenton in etonal mesiom [> @)Praduce ga insite te female bay (0) Adnays have msle gaat {aso srey bee ease 2ygot i tay [CERT Py. 15 (9 Dis (2) Helos Tint (9) Pertapas (0) Seed 2) Eno 1 0ne (Perce “akash Educational Sewvices Limited Raga Oca Aakash Tower, 8, Puss Roa, ‘New Dav- 110005 POV 4TEDNSE HEE reproduction in organisms INCERT Py. 1) Bryephyies (2) Fung 9) Mostef hese (4) Angeparm ©. Monoediove pln ate (NCERT Pp. 11) ycifo mae of reodueo CET Svoblarthus kuntiane fowers once ‘hon bot male and female towers ae ‘ormedas TNOERT Py INCERT Pp. 15 Is the procass of developmen of Sb tem the age. INSERT Po ‘erzaton INCEAT PS. i The ___ develops into the fut when ceveaps ack wal catea INERT Po. 16 yt voreducas by (9) conga (2) Zeospaes (@) Ofepregs ae ent Qrhitking Yo Context flowers cabed Sever organisms betinhing to moners, fing. ajar and ghontytes have INGERT F Bisng entiyoqenes, zygote undergoes cent Pe. cendion INCERTP NCERT Maps CGametes in all Ptorathalle fing! are of @)Fourypes (4) Sngiatype (2) Oogenim| ©) Samen (4) Aner game INCERT Pg. 1 Ina majoriy of organisms the male garete 's__anametemae games are cared 10 female gamele by Tranter of polen grins 12 sigma ie relatively easy in than 9 papaya 1A naples paront produces gametes by ‘akash Educational Services Uited- Regi Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei 10005 Ph OFT 47S Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Mf camel NCERT Mops Sexual Reproduction n Flowering Ponts MET ICRC) Doses ‘Tha tienes of rosding. martaing, | 5. I ove 60 parcat of angosparms, palin | 10. The only type of plination which tings ceatvaon and arengement of fowers © | sins a sed om the aber st genetealy erent peso Palen grains to alec INCERT Py. 20 InceRT Ps 25) | estgma dug potnaton 1) Fereunae (1) Sole stage INCERT Po. 2 rari gu (2) 20eted stage (9) Atagamy (2) Clstogamy 8) Poyapery stage (@)Getonagamy (4) Xenogamy (4) Merospor tetrad stage Sele’ tho eomeet orton forthe pale of nic ofthe folowing species came ito | pants posited by water? INCERT Po. 25 2. Tha poxenal end of filament of a pic! | ns conan wth impo nes, Stomon is atoched to wtich por of the | std hg became’ ypiqutous in occurence tower? TINDER Po. 21] | andy? equso | pollen ra ype ae | (@)Waterity an Parton 1) aus 2) Stawbery (@),Waternyaceh & water iy @) Polen sac (4) Mirospores. ; 9) Agreince i) Sivewtre (1) Valens & Hye (2) Zostra& wate ty (0) Aner (2) Tatars Potronue —(4)/Agemene rong enim, the dominant bite 9. The inermost wall layer of the micro- | 7, The number of omnes he Ofmy canbe f° poling gents are INCERT F920) soorengim, wich routes te | gtr ra coh wearing polon rains goneaty hg * (1) Hummag tds (2) Sun beds Woter men ori (2) Bees (4) toms (2) Papaya & wnat The residual, persistent nucalus, pcan (9) Pasdy and Margo cccasonaty, ound m some seeds suchas 1) Euasheclam (2) Enothacium (4) Mango ana vet ack pooper and bee, i known 36: {) Epidemis (4) Tapetum The owls tached to te placenta by PART ou ta ty) fe aah dalle etetsd ce la reefassiealedtne: Cents 23) | (1) Paneap (2) tegument bocause of praconen of sy ar (@) Funicle (@)Perepem (4) Endospem {@) Mierpye (4) Nucetus tna few spcie such a apple, cashew Gen chee b Dee oe | Senenrachneeceke 2) Gammpore erp ip ot INCERT Ps. 27 INCERT Pp, 2 (3) Sparopotenin (1) Anioadats——@) Polar ac (1) Partenecarie (2) Fase rts 1) Pectin & case (©) Syncs (4) Eogcal @)Twetnite (4) Eucarp “Aakash Educational Services Umited- Regi Off Aakah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei 10005 Ph OF 47E2SRSS WERE sera: Reproduction in Flowering Thm oldest known vo soods ave bon reported from which fling ent? INCERT Py. 26 1) Phooni dashes 1) Coes occa ‘Te spacial mechanism to produc se0cs witht fentizaton eed in some species INCERT Po (2) Aoi (4) Sonal reproduction Active research is going on fy many the gonetes of apomivs ard to varater | INCERT Po ‘Bat mimics senval reproduction, INCERT Pg, 2 A_ and 8 cfmahra sed are crucial fe storage, which can be used a6 toot “The Endosporm pres in tho mature coed and is used up aunng the process of seed ‘erminaon a whch of he flowng prot ports? INCERT Po 251 (9) Caster and coconat (8) Grund and castor Removal tanner fom the fower bud ot levers was INCERT Page 0) Baga. 2) Emadieien Ress Wf lbeoena Q finviagIacontent Tadao Yor act aa ore crpin the nt essen INCERT Pp 28] Fl of rid ond parte plats auch a3 (rosa ar Sing conan tousands ot INCERT Po. 2 Peanenconpy can be invod through he trots re INGERT PS 27 The radical and the rot ap in manccat shea called he INCERT Po 961 ® NCERT Maps ‘Contnued eal gotinationn lowering pants (2) Hyon vigour (0) Production of tient! were (4) roreding depression Maeety of isectpolinated towers ravelare INCERT Pp 20 (1) Upht and non-stekysolen (2) Large feathery stigma to wap pon 1) Shale oven ach ovary. ‘The PEN undergoes successive nuclear INCERT Py 5 WF the female parent produces uriseml fowors, there i& no need for acl hyrdzaton, —INCERT Po ‘The ganstc. mecheniem 10 pr snoring i [CERT P ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph OF 47S NCERT Mops in some species of plants the fora rewards frame is tat of he tales! ower of INCERT Pp INCERT Po. 9 fot very eslourul and donot. produce TNOERT Po. 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants tn the cam cab the we oe =e rushing but tho signe andabio which ware Inthe wind w rap pollen grams INGERT Po. 29 bayophytes and plondopnyfos that ferzston 73) CGatonogany gon ‘Stored polen can be used ae poten tanks Te ema, opine shaped wth ‘Though the seeds dtr greaty, the eaty stages of sre oimilor in both ‘aaah Educational ServionsUmited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph OF 47S te nt NCERT Mops Principles of nnertance and vareion MET SIRCUNG ee) Reser ‘The degree by which progeny der fom | 6: ther paresis cae: INCERT Ps. 69) ) Heraay (2) wbertarce 2) Stine (6 Varaton The process by which characters are INCERT Po. 6] (1) Wertance (2) Vaiaon (3) Ofepeng (4) Chaocar Coregor Mendel, conducted hyiasten xoormerts on gordon poss for eeven years between INCERT Po, 70 (9) 1855-19684) 1788-1763, Senter except for one characer win contrasting rate: INCERT Py. 7 (1) Tvateies (2) 14 varieties (9) varies (4) 10aroes ‘Sgn afro forms ofthe same geno calc INCERT Pp. 72 (2) Heterceygous Fenda resi wane pan Ts ‘scaled ineenr Py 8 (2) Monon oss (0) Se oss (9 oncoss Ina re breeding se varity these ps 9) titan ) (4) Nonsensa Trelahetince of fower cobueFie J) Aowethnapiago Att eames! ft 1) nema mie (0) oDorina-2 (4) octave rn of r INCERT Pp. 771 1) «eit ences & 6 preotpes (2 fteretgenaypes 86 pence (ater georges 84 pena (4 6 teen. genotypes & 4 phenohpes Experinenalvereatn oft Ctremosama theory of imhetancs was dene or INERT Py, (9) Thomas Hunt Morgan (2) Water Suter (0) Theodor Borer (4) Gregor Mende ‘mute phenoyple expression, is cone INCERT Po. 05 (0) Picropy [CERT Pp. 6 In haplodsod sox deterninaton sstom aasceninhaney bee: CERT Ps 87 (1) Maes prose spams by mlois (2) Maes dove eer ad tuscan have )Unteises opp develops a6 2 male (Gone) by moans of parhenagoness (4) Female ara moet had CChemosomal aberatons ate commonty cosorod INCERT Py 88] (9) Cancer cats (2) Only atosemas (2) Only sex-ctromesomes (4) Onty gem cas ‘akash Educational Services Limited Reg Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai10005 Ph OF 47S HEE Pricciptes orinneritance and Variation ‘Sect the ode one ot wr. xarpi ot Mendolan dsower?INCERT Pp 69) 1) Cyc Rois 1) Subatuten of amino cit othe gltin protin resuts due 10 sila base bate gin gene am GAG to GUC. 2) The detects caused by the sunetston of aie (a) by gam ac (), humans knew fam as ey a8 09001000 nisden INCERT Pp. 6 undergone eonttuous septation generations INCERT Pg. 7 uring Mendats investigators into Inhertance patos it as forthe fest tre Bioay INCERT Po. 7] (©) The mutant haeregkbn meee (4) Snaps of RAC enange tom beaneave dis 1 longed sel the struct. INCERT Po ot (2 ange gone Hes (2) genes prasent on Ctt Flu of togosaton of tomate dng calkahisoneyee guts ne gargs othe eget: (NCEREERAD Ponnlcley™ a Anbwriey QeTarOR sores T ah ae cathe’ A of te plant whe. descrpive lems ta and dar ae fee INCERT Po. 72 The ftodscton of gametes bythe paren, iho omation of he zypoos tbe Fs and Fs called [Neen Pp. 75 canwoting one character (hight, 2 INCERT Py 73 NCERT Maps ‘semua enaastrs INCERT 02 (0) Downs smarome 01 Toners syndome (9) Otero ‘vera masculine development wth [By kines synerome (4) Heemetia In case of the Fs goneraton resemble types. INCERT Po, 77 ‘Sine nanindhidvl ont two alles canbe presen, mei ales can be fond only INCERT Po. 7 iendais rents on te chertance of characters INCERT Pp. 11 ‘akash Educational Servioes Umlted- Reg Off Aakah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai1O005 Ph OF 47S NCERT Mops nied the knowledge of two tinbwrtanee,—INCERT Po. 83 staring part the sequencing of whoe genomes. INCERT Pa. 82-64} IncERT Po. 21 esis he involvement of multiple ganas secount he INCERT Po. 5 body of Honing was in fact te nome beer tga 1 INCERY Pa Principles ef nhertance end Variation MCE Colour blindness f due to mation in TNCERT Po. 09 sumer of haemopic descendants 6s she wore cf thedecsse Thalassemia dif fem ska snoamia thatthe formar is 8A grcblem of sythesizng 100 few gcdin Imokeueswiethetatariea 8 probiem ‘aaah Educational ServionsUmited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph OF 47S Veet eg Peed at V/ cant Rose DR __, XO TRIN, re NCERT Maps ECU eee) Desens What f te hapoléeontnt of ONA in a ‘peal humans! [NCERT Pe. so) 1) 68% 10% (2) 33" 108% ‘Nk by INERT Po. 7 (4) Rosalind Frorkin naan and equals one? INCERT P9 © 1) Ewe Charge (2) James Watson 3) Rosana Feelin) Frederick Gt The distance between a base pairina hate INCERT Pa.97-98) 1) 340m (2) 034m 2) tam (6 200m Who proposed. the Centrl Dogma in ‘eneticintrmation tows fromONA -> RNA > Prtin? TNOERT Po, 8 (9) James Watson (2) Mautce Wi (0) Francie Grek (4) Ervin Charatt resis ie TNCERT Py 29] (1) oystine an arginine (2) Lyne ana ering (2) Nani and Lysine (4) Sete an tyxne wpe n (1) Dons paces (2) Teenscptonatyinacive (0) Tranerotinaly ecto Which of the tla (eraymes, ii ransfomaten dunng the Wor of Osvile Nsaslorting princple © Pert Ps. 100) (Q)Prtesses (2) ONases RNase (4) Uomes ‘The emivocal prof tht DNA i the o INCERT Pa, 1011 (1) ates Harsey and Mara Chase (2) Freda Gaten (8) Oowald Avery trogenous bases, at he pace of Url of NA? INCERT Pa. 103 (1) otesve 2) Thymne (0) Aserion () Guan Taylor and eeaques proved that he ONA Inehromosomes of Vico fe alo replete sam conseraiay ung, INCERT Pa, 1081 2) and S™ isctopes 1) Cataracts (@) Radesctve nymiine The sructral gone nv tanscption unt in bacteria or prokanctesis mosty, INCERT Po, 10 (4) Eons and non “The recurso of RNA, nthe aay ie vanscrmed by INCERT Pg. 11] () BNA polymerase: ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Regi Off Aakash Tower 8, Puss Road New Dei T0005 Ph OF 47S NCERT Mops \4. Some amine acide ae coded by more han 3) Non degenerate (@) Degenerate 2 change of sine base pain te gene for eta glob chain tat esuts inthe change 3) palassemia (4) Haemophin The socandary sete of RNA locks ko (9) Adoubla ali (4) Stig polypeptide chan human genome as wal as of DNA fngepning INCERT Ps. 121 ‘Te probity of polymorphism to be fectinpact in an nid eprouctie sty INCERT Ps. 122 Witch of the folowing ie a nbazyne in one? INCERT Py 15) (255 (2) 585iRNA, (ozs mAM (4) 16S7RNA operon INCERT Pg 6 (1) ota gos GQ MiakiAg In Comext “Te VNTR boing ols of Satta Is crested for developing method {etiderminaton cf amin act sequences dvelooment of anew ein key called Molecular Basis of nnertance MET The bing approach of simpy sequencing the asin ferent reins Be sequence ‘veh nctensie eed INCERT Po. 11 (1) Biorvomates (2) Sequence annotation (@)EST approach (4) Tearscrteme mottos Foymorpism, ie, varaion atthe gene levelancesaueto” INGER PS 121] 4) Asexual epocucten trogen INGERTPS. 17 In prokaryotes, contol of the rata of Taovevmresson INERT PS ln fet piso of rancaton ds ano ‘oleae acvated fhe posers of ATP nd ned hae cognate sea process INCERT Pg 114 ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Reg Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai1U005 Ph OF 47S MEER irorecuier Basis ot inhertance or itaton of transaton, the boeame bind tothe mRNA atte tar codon (AUG) INCERT Pa 116 oneer. CERT Pg 1121 had dual fnctons,K codes for a ‘domo esidve (200-300) That a piso of DNA # noses to oe process of tarceapion except the NCERT Maps ‘The henry DNA molecule could be conoxt Planes and ater gesting her call wats TR released varity of carrots tht se Mathod of producing thousands of parts tough iesue cutie 1 cated NCERT Maps ‘Select the incomect ons for SOP? INCERT 9,17 (1) Prokanotes can be seurce of SCP (2) 8GA can be grown easly on matrais (0) Ony single cles osenams ae uses Ponts deveoped in thsue cutie we ome INCERT Pg 177 ‘Somat hybridization between tomato and potato reeuts In fomalon of INGER Pg. 17 ‘ough the pani infected wth 9 ves, 7 INCERT Po. 177 ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Reg Off Aaah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph OF 47S NCERT Mops ‘ring tesue cutive the plant gromh INCERT Py. 1771 12 te root of any prading pemenine. INCERT P9171 ‘strategies for Enhancement inFoos Production TEM Brass, INCERT Fa. 174 16. In mung bean resistence ta yellow mosale Method of recovery of hea lane from éseased plant's (NCERT Pa Hon asparte ow nagen and suger INcent Po. 75 P1642 is avarey of INceRT Pe. 172 ‘aaah Educational ServionsUmited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph OF 47S 6 Dees SEEN Cc | Chapter NCERT Maps SIUC) Dose rocese. The frm nonaim acy means 1) Rehinvlamin Be and Bs 2) Having patropene merobes (3) Froduing lage moun! of CO: (4) Rich in mitlons of LAB 1) Specie batea (2) Fermentea fen ‘Tho ‘Roqutor choose’ gots a partcular INcERT 1) Lactic ai bacteria 2) Saccharomyens (3) Aspect ung ()Aspergits Wick ofthe folowing aleoole drs re INCERT Po 18, 1) Wine nd beer (2) Wane ard um 3) Rum and whisky (4) Brandy and wine was extensively used to feet American INCERT Pe 1821 (1) Seepomyen Penn (4) Bacivacin ‘Suther Inia s mace by ementing (1) Frahibamcd hoot (2) Soyendan (2) Geroaid (1) Asporamus niger (2) Seccharomycescoeilve (9) Acetate act (@rscatoasie mufdeuporessive agent in open Fanspiart ations, & produced by te fungus INCERT Pg. 183) (1) Asperats niger (2) Peni notatum (3) Thenoder patysponam (4) Soconaonyees Wie of he folowing bo-sehve molecule fs boon” commeroalved 36" biod Cholesterol lowerng agen? INCERT Py 189 (1) Statos 2) Criosprink @)Penictin 4) Lose ‘nin otte fling chemical roduc by the bacorum Streplococeus and mediod by gence enginowing an be used to INCERT Pg 189) (Sons 2) Sroptokraso 2) Tokina (4) Pyrat Kinase the STP, Rotng dates removed by INCERT P9184) (2) Sequentt teaon (4) Efe rastment Durng secondary weatmant of swage, ne sedmentis cated (NCERT Po 18s) (1) Aetiated sedge) Primary sutge (@)stury (4) Supernatant ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Regi Off Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai-10005 Ph OF 47E2SISS NCERT Mops ‘Tha bactora commonly found inthe quaty of eso ae known as 1) Natl manure (2) Organic manure 3) Boconrl agents (4) Bicertieers ene a an important bore py (1) Methanogens (2) Gyancbaciora (3) rchaebacera (4) Prtozoans Merches are prosert evn at tes whore ro citer fo frm cou possibly ext even at sore. INCERT Pp 179) in cur stomach, the LAB pays very eretcal rele in chacting INCERT Pe. 161 Many members of whch of the following IncERT Pg 185) 2) Asporats 9) Monascus (4) Soconaonyees Tha cragnfies ae use to get i of cy Nin (2) Mosgunola (@) Patmonuer 4) manana Inout procuetn of nay acts done (1 Lectin (2) Clostnny tug Qinsts in Gomis The. deus ose oF making foods sucha | 6 oft fermented oath (0) Aeatobacter ace (4) Stapiyoeec INcERT P9187 (1) insect ther antroneds Which ofthe olowna group of gases form the bogas and can be used a8 source of INCERT Pe 1981 [60:18 (2) CO, C0, He prin 946, INCERT Py. 182 2 b/conpetvay nn elated INCERT 169 te reser he eae of uptake of ocgan by man-organims ma samp ot water and ts, sdrecty, BOD ‘measur ofthe organic mater presentinthe voer INcenT Te ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Reg Off Aaah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai 10005 Ph 11 47S reat INCERT Pa 185) The temolegy of _was developed Kwc. INCERT Pp. 1861 rere to the use of bilogial posts TNCERT 9 16) measures wil gealy reduce a that can be invodices to conrc butery conic incenT Po 167 Nodulos onthe rots of guns plane ae farmed bythe syrbite associat of INCERT Pp, 168 troduce methane (bogs) while “omrecia plariwaste, INCERT Po, 106 ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Regi Offa Aaah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei 10005 Ph OATES Paes C V/ comet O° Sarno HEE organisms and Poputations EIRCUN Gee) Rosen cology at which of th ftowing foves is | 5- Among he agae tat ined the sa, when Ccoentay phyiongise ecaiegy, which | Te Bkely %0 Be found Inthe ceepest ‘resto understand ow eterent organisms | wales? INCERT Pg. 223) sural and rproducton|NCERT Po, 220) 1) Ogrismic (2) Popuaion €) Green age 8) Community (4) Biome (4) Golden town sige ‘The most imgonant ecalegaty relevant | 6. An overahsining msorty cf animale ana ervirnmentl factors: (CERT Py 221} | neatly aah eqnot main a constant said aoe Inemé yr, Taye 2 vast monty of organics a estes e to a narow range of temperaures, such orgaioms we cales:(NCERT Py 222 2) Pata ragitr) 1) Euryaemat (4) Suspense ray fund pb 90% (2) Senter (3) Halos () Stonohatine (A) 93 60a gin 9 Haeton of ee (2) Themoregulation is rerpecaty (4) They gain heat fast when & is cod 3) rand waters NCERT Maps nich of ne folowing orginame stow bohaviowal responses to cope uP with INcERT Pg, 226 (2) Fenes ting io trezing Anacte (0) Desert ards (2) Kangaroo at. sets by INCERT Pe. 226 (1) rereasing RBC production (2) nereasing binding stint of hamelcin (@) Decroesng te treating ate (4) Decreesng REC proaucton INcERT Py, 227 (0) Sexcato 2) itn rates (0) Death rates (4) Gonder which f the olowing may conte more anifeay © population growth than th rales? INCERT Pg, 228 ‘aaah Educational Services Uited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei 10005 Ph OATES NCERT Mops ) Now fofowing phases i Seon, when the opuaton densiy reaches the caming 1) Lag pase f) Asympote ‘Species facing competion might evoke (One such mechanism is esoure parisning frond past in rae of paras cts NCERT rifle py | (2) The post ba lays ts 69@ nest of The crows tbons ist ot Kot) The: interac species benefit nthe sr nether harmed ror doo of higher lant (2) Sea anemane and sown fh (9) Avngen tose and goats in (4) Cuseute on hedge pants organisms ona Populations NEEM The Mexteransan orchis Opin empoys winch cf he folowing storages t get palinaton done by a species of tee? INCERT Pp 228 (1) Sonal decot (2) Commanstism (2) Amensatn A species whose citruton is ested to resence of a compatitvely superar species, ie found to expand is datrbutonal 96 oramatesty when the cempeing (0) Co-sistence (@) Compete raease The mophologe, pysolgial or Beraviouralatibute of an organism at enable to sunive and raroauce ine abate calla INCERT Po, 2 (Niche (2) Adepaton @)Hbematon (4) Moby ‘aaah Educational Services Umited- Reg Offa alah Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei10005 Ph OF 47S EEE organisms and Poputations Region! and leal vantions witin each INCERT Py. 220 ach expan hoe en vatobly dened Gein fnctonsl rie in the ecg INCERT Pg 221 ‘Now organisms can tolerate an rivain wie ange of tampeatues, they ae ceed ThceRT Py 22 For equate organisms the quality iecones mpotant. INGERT Py, Many plants are dependent on sung 1 meet ther pholoperod requrement fo INCERT P9. Evowwionsy Wologst beleve hat ne sbaty 9 main 8 nd tre Sonera deca INCERT Pg. 22 Some snails and feb go to » esecaion INGERT Pg. 205 Under unfsvourtie condtins many Krown to enter 2 sage of stspended development [WERT Pp. 225) QiThinking in Context Mammals from ealder climates generaly popdetion densi Fat __svaiabtyccovoutjaneertal pater Neer ce 27 No popula spades in are nas Pik Paar Cane rouse Ausra ina 182 cauang toe by seeding rapidy io milons ot neces. was Twn under cond only ater a trom entre habit was Some species of ineecs and frogs ae iyo pred. INCERT Pp. 233) aaa NCERT Maps WF te predator Is to efit and ver INGER Pg, 223 Nearly 25 percent ofalinsects ore nowt te (focing on plant x39 and cher patel) (NCERT Pa 230) ‘A wido vray of choral substances hat we ontacs fom plants on 2 conmarcl fesle tke neoine, cats, gunne, siyetine, opm, ete are produced by tom actly 96 defences against Incent Pp 234 Mac Artur showed that ve cosy elated species of wartlrs wg on he same toe Rehaviowst diferences Ta tek fragg IncerT Po. 238 (One petal of four of Mactranean orci (pts boos an uncany esentance 10 the female of bee in the male boo psoudo copuitos withthe flower and dusts paler ror flower. [NER Po. 2365 ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Regi Ofc Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dei 10005 Ph OATES EEE ecosystem NCERT Maps EIRCUNG ee) Desens Won fhe folowing maybe conacered 2) Desert and grassinds 8) Crop ls and an aquarim Vestal dsnbuton of diferent species ccaupyng erent vesicles 1) Sratiemton (2) Scaleston ®) Orns (4) Popatons ‘Sect he odd one out wt. deoompocers 2) acta (9) Fagetotes| byyconsumeris noun as [NCERTP9. 285) 1) Primary preductvty 2) Secondary productivity &) Gross prmaryproductvy (4) Netpmary roduetvty The annual nat pemary podustity of me whole basphere inary woh i (1) $5 lon ons of erga mater (2) 7Oibon one of erganic mater (4) 195 bain torso orgie mater ‘The process by which, water scutle lnorgane nuters 92 down into the so setae cota TNoer Fa 2 ratte? PRORR P9 2 (1) Kou tempers and ansorotiosis (2) Warr anc. molt ewe (9) Oxygen eonaion (4) Nene and ugar deh dott “Teor candi for energy flow i an acuste ecosystem ie NER 265) (1) Grazing fod cin (2) Dew ood chain (4) Dead organic mater ‘The macs of ng mate presenta 90h INCERT Pa. 247 (1) Stang ss (2) Sanding cop Tho scobgical pyramid of every InceRT Po, 240 Secondary succession begins In areas been destroyed suchas INCERT Pa 2511 (1) Newly costed tava (2) Abandoned farm ands (8) Newly rate roservar ‘The pioneer species that evade 3 bar rock (1) sua tener (2) Boeohtes (2) Phytpianktons (4) Hane plants ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Reg Offa Aakash Tower 8, Puss Road New DeiWO005 Ph OF 47S NCERT Mops ‘Alsuccesson wheter taking placa in water communtyealeethe (NCEA Pa 1) nae 2) yt (3) Mose (4) seat in primary succession in water, the loners 1) Smal phyepantons 2) Reed-nanp stage (2) Submerged part tage (4) Submergeatre Natng sage (2) Poneee 4) cimax isthe avaiable biomass forthe , materiale whieh ae {ooe,erganisins occupy a specfe pace in the food chain at is krona thir The number c wohl eels inthe grazing foe chan treated a8 the tansfor of energy felon INCERT 9.2 Ecosystem EEN Select the incorrect stomort we (1) assumes a ample fod eran (2) oes nt accommodate food wab (3) Sepoopytes ore given © prominent fooe, 22 they play = vil ele in czar pecs blengng to two armor Hope Pamary consumers are cates p (0) aut (0) Top camvores \When any oan esi comers anenerp tonvetercocmnpeses INERT 2m “ros vl ropresens rota poe meme INCERTG 2 ‘Tey oat no rey ‘akash Educational Services Umited- Regi Offa Aakash Tower 6, Puss Road New Dai1U005 Ph O11 47S

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