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Which do you think was the most important news story

last week? Which story do you think is going to dominate
the news this week?
How much do you think your government spies on its citizens?
Listen to the first story and note down what the National
Security Administration has been up to in the US.
Discussion Do you think this type of surveillance is ever justified?
How do you think soda affects young children? Listen to the next part of the news and answer
these questions:
1 How many five-year-olds were surveyed?
2 How did soda affect the children?
3 In which publication did the research appear?
4 What information does Shakira Suliya’s research not include?
5 How has the American Beverage Association reacted to the
Discussion What other foods do you think affect children negatively?
Which are your favourite children’s movies? Say whether you think these statements are
true or false. Then listen to the next part of the news and check your ideas.
 The Lion King appeared first on Broadway then at the
 Now there’s a special stage version for children with autism.
 Autism affects communication and social interaction.
 Disney produced a different version of the Lion King for
children with autism.
 The strobe light was slowed down for the new version.
 The main hero of the show is Mufasa.
 Daniel Chickelson is nine years old.
 At the end of the show Daniel was crying.
Discussion Which theatre adaptations of books or films have you seen?
Is security in schools an issue where you live? You are going to hear a story that includes the
following: security - school - staff - handgun - unintended consequences - illegal What do you
think the story is about? Listen and check your ideas while making notes below.

Discussion Do you think arming teachers is a good idea?

How well are students prepared for college and university
where you live? Listen to the next part of the news and make
notes on the story below. Then tell the story in your own

Discussion What skills do you think students need to succeed at university?

Listen to the final part of the news and write it as a dictation on the back of this page.
Teacher’s notes
Total pages 2 / student pages 1 / week of 02.09.13 / CD track 3 / advanced (C1)
Privacy rules, the National Security Administration has been breaking them regularly. Here’s CBS’s Larry Miller. Since
2008 the NSA has been out-of-bounds thousands of times a year according to secret documents provided to the
Washington Post by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Most breaches involved unauthorized surveillance of Americans
inside the US. What’s more, NSA personnel were instructed to remove details in reports to those responsible for oversight
including the Justice Department. CBS News senior national security analyst Juan Zarate. This is going to raise serious
concerns about not just what’s in this report but perhaps what’s not being reported. Zarate says the administration is
under heavy pressure to create new, more effective oversight mechanisms.

Little kids and a lot of soda, not necessarily a good mix. Based on a survey of 3,000 five-year-olds those who drank the
most soda were more badly behaved. Higher aggressive behaviors and attention problems. Shakira Suliya writes in the
Journal of Pediatrics that a five-year-old who drinks four sodas a day is twice as likely to destroy toys and get into fights.
Her information doesn’t say if sugar-free makes a difference, or no caffeine. The American Beverage Association says
this is not solid science.

Well first at the movies then on Broadway, the Lion King has delighted young and old. Now, as CBS’s Heather Bosch
tells us, there’s a special stage version for kids with autism. It’s great entertainment but even family-friendly theater
like the Lion King can be overwhelming for people with autism. Previous shows that we had gone to he hadn’t made
it through the whole thing. Stephen Chickelson’s son Daniel has the disorder that affects communication and social
interaction, many do. So the Theatre Development Fund produced a different version of the Lion King. Director Lisa
Carling. The sudden bursts, the steam blasts, those were toned down. Mufasa’s fall, the strobe light was eliminated
there. They added an understanding environment. No explaining necessary, no my child is doing this because. Children
with autism, they don’t restrain themselves, their excitement for something. Performer Derrick Davis found that to be a
bonus. They’re verbal and they’re moving and they’re giving you back everything that you’re giving to them. The main
hero of the show is Simba. And ten-year-old Daniel Chickelson gained a new love of theatre. He made it through the
whole thing and at the end he was crying, not because he was upset by anything that happened but because he was
sad that it was over. Heather Bosch, CBS News, New York.

As school opens in Clarksville, Arkansas a controversial security proposal is on hold. Here’s CBS’s Jim Krasula. School
superintendent David Hopkins wanted to have some 20 teachers and staff armed with handguns as the new school year
gets underway today in Clarksville, Arkansas. It wasn’t a question of can we be first, it was what can we do to take care
of our kids? Many parents objected to the idea. Kristen Gould is a lawyer with the Arkansas School Board Association.
You know, there could be some really tragic and unintended consequences, that the good guy could be the guy that’s
taken out. The Arkansas Attorney General blocked the plan saying arming teachers would be illegal in the state.

Students off to college may be in for quite a shock. A new report says many just aren’t ready for the work that’s ahead.
Live to CBS’s Barry Bagnato. The people who run the ACT tests have determined the minimum performance levels high
school graduates must achieve to have a good chance of passing first year college courses for English, math, reading
and science. Barely a quarter of all grads meet all four. More startling an even higher number, 31% don’t reach any of
them meaning they’re totally unprepared for the work ahead of them. Minorities perform the worst, only 5% of African
Americans hit all the subject benchmarks, the two states with the best showings Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Well there was some heart-stopping excitement in West Carrollton, Ohio. It began badly when 37-year-old mechanic
Tony Yahle was declared dead, his heart had stopped beating. Forty-five minutes later when nurses were preparing
him to be seen by his family he started showing signs of life. Five days later he woke up and now he’s talking about it.
It definitely strengthened my faith, my family’s faith, everybody I know’s faith. This is all new ground for his doctor Raja
Nazir. I’ve never seen it, actually I’ve never heard of it. The guess is Yahle suffered some kind of viral infection.

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