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Hello everyone, my topics are” do you like reading books,

What type of books do yu like” so lets start with the first

questing which is do you like reading books
Yes, I enjoy reading books because it initially keeps me
mentally engaged and I think that reading is associated with
intelligence, which appeals to me.
However, I do prefer movies over books because they provide
a visual representation of the world, making it easier to find
myself in the story without having to imagine everything.
And I struggle to maintain my concentration when reading.
Especially if my phone or any electoronic device is nearby, but
if the book is charming, I can overcome these distractions
So When it comes to the types of books I like, I can say that I
am a big fan of fiction. I enjoy stories that whisk me away to a
different world, where I can escape reality for a little while.
Fantasy and science fiction are two genres that I particularly
enjoy because they allow me to explore imaginary worlds and
characters that are completely different from what I
encounter in my everyday life.
I also enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies from
time to time. They are not only inspiring but also provide a
glimpse into the lives of successful people.
Reading about their struggles and achievements helps me
gain perspective on my own life and motivates me to work
harder towards

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