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general overview |
"Private Viewing" is an exclusive showcase event where we bring together a diverse and highly talented group of film
directors to present a captivating array of both released and unreleased projects. This exceptional event provides a
wonderful opportunity for film enthusiasts to not only enjoy these films but also engage with the directors directly.
Attendees will have the unique chance to gain insights into the creative process, ask thought-provoking questions, and
delve deeper into the intricacies of each film's execution. To ensure an intimate and immersive experience, the event will
be held in a private movie theater, carefully chosen to create the perfect ambiance. It is worth noting that seating
will be deliberately limited to guarantee that every guest receives the utmost attention and enjoys a truly exceptional
experience that will be cherished for years to come.

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the purpose |
A Filmmaker's Dream Come True: Showcasing Your Work on the Big Screen
If you're a filmmaker, you probably dream of seeing your work on the big screen. Fortunately, this event provides directors
with the opportunity to do just that. But it's more than just a screening – it's a chance to move the industry forward by
bringing together established and up-and-coming directors in the same room. Our goal is to inspire and provide value
to all who attend, the purpose Is for you to be Inspired to start your next project or complete the one you have on hold.

Our industry is known for its gatekeeping and closed doors, but this event aims to bridge that gap and allow attendees
to ask directors industry-related questions and engage directly with people whom they look up to or can learn from.

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event structure |

cocktail hour take your movie show let’s

| |
welcome seats
As guests arrive they are greeted
Please grab some popcorn and
take a seat as the feature
As each project is presented, every
director will be given an
| love
Following the screenings, guests
Following the critiques, guests will
with complimentary drinks as they will have the opportunity to give have the opportunity to interact
presentation is about to begin. opportunity to deliver a quick
network amongst eachother. feedback directly to the director with the directors and connect
introduction and provide a brief
via our web platform. with one another.
overview of the project.
Feedback can remain anonymous
or you can Include your Information
to connect with the director.

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attendees/invitees |

“Private Viewing” Is a special ticketed entry event that will have 80 tickets for attendees to purchase for $15 each.
20 Tickets will be gifted to specially selected directors who will be invited to showcase their work.
The total count of attendees Is 100.

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feedback/critique |
In order for guests to give feedback directly to the directors, we will have a web platform accessible via phone or computer.
They will be able to rate the screenings, answer thought-provoking questions about the film, and provide valuable critiquing
for things such as storyline, character development, look and feel, cinematography, color, etc.
Feedback can be left anonymous or in public for everyone to see.

This web platform will not only benefit the directors but also the guests themselves. By giving their opinions on the film, they
will feel more involved in the process and have a sense of contribution to the art form. Moreover, the feedback will help the
directors to better understand what the audience wants and needs, and as a result, create films that resonate with a wider
audience. The platform will also allow for constructive criticism which will help the directors to improve their craft and
continue to push the boundaries of storytelling. Overall, this web platform is an innovative way to bridge the gap between
filmmakers and their audiences and create a community of film enthusiasts who are passionate about the art form and want
to see it flourish.

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the venue |
Private Theatre/Lounge

Silverspot Cinema - Downtown Miami

Location: 300 SE 3rd St #100, Miami, FL 33131

Parking Available on Site

Mac Capacity 130 guests

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partners/sponsorships |

For this event, we are looking for various sponsors/partners for the following:

-Creative/Industry Partner

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future aspirations |
We see this event as something bigger than just for the film Industry, private viewing can become something for other
Industries such as music, poetry, fashion, etc. The goal Is to connect, Inspire, and elevate the creative space we

By creating opportunities for private viewing experiences, we can break down barriers and foster a sense of community
within various artistic fields. Imagine attending a private fashion show where you can interact with the designers and
models, or a poetry reading where you can discuss the works with the poets themselves. These types of immersive
experiences not only elevate the art form but also provide a unique and memorable experience for attendees. Through
connection and inspiration, we can continue to push the boundaries of creativity and bring people together in a
meaningful way.

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