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Day 1 of January secured by eternal victory and peace never-

Topic I: The City of God ending.

“Also, do good things for the city I sent you Today, Christians continue to debate

to. Pray to the Lord for the city you are how involved we should be in the world. We

living in, because if there is peace in that are reminded that our citizenship is in

city, you will have peace also” (Jer. 29:7). heaven (Phil. 3:20). However, we are also

After the church became dominant in commanded to pray for and support our

the Roman Empire, some Christians felt that leaders (1Tim. 2:1-2) and submit to earthly

God’s people had become too worldly. authorities (Rom.13:1-7). We, too,

Many people debated how deeply they remember God’s command to Jeremiah to

should be involved in politics and in the seek the welfare of the city where I have

world. For instance, Augustine of Hippo, a sent you into exile, and to pray on its behalf.

notable theologian, dealt with this subject As a Christian, remember to pray for your

for more than fifteen years. The result was a country and its leaders. Ask God to help you

profound book: The City of God. In this be a responsible citizen and a good example.

book, he illustrated how the true home for Notably, always seek first the Kingdom of

Christians was in a spiritual city. He argued God, and remember that your citizenship is

that the earthly city was not everlasting and in heaven.

that those in it seek the good in this world. Prayer: Father, I pray for my

While there might be good things associated country and our leaders. Help me walk in

with the earthly city, better things are your ways. Help me to be a good example.

associated with the heavenly city, which are In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: Jeremiah 29.

Day 2 of January But believers throughout the country agreed

Topic II: Praying For Your Country that God was the answer. On the selected

“I EXHOURT therefore, that, first of all, day, the churches were filled to the capacity.

supplications, prayers, intercessions, and As people sought God, the crisis reduced

giving of thanks, be made for all men; for and war was stopped.

kings and for all that are in authority; that Today, our world is filled with wars

we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all including civil wars, racism, Covid-19

godliness and honesty. For this is good and pandemic and problems that do not seem to

acceptable in the sight of God our savior” (1 have solutions. There are divisions among

Tim. 2:1-3). people of the same blood. As in the situation

In 1797 through the courtesy of John Adams faced, it is time to turn to

history, the young American republic faced prayer and seek God. When we seek Him,

a possible war with France. Once some may mock and ridicule. But, we must

instrumental in America’s fight for realize that He is our only answer! Make

independence, France had become a thorn in sure that you are doing your part in this

their side. Many felt that war was inevitable. spiritual battles. Follow the direction of Paul

However, President John Adams was not gave to Timothy and pray for your leaders.

convinced. Compelled to seek God, he Whether or not you agree with their acts,

called for a day of prayer and fasting. A pray for your local leaders. Pray for your

recent biographer describes how many national leaders and the decisions they

people were critical of this call. In fact, make. Commit yourself to pray diligently

Adams was roundly mocked in the press.

for your country. Seek God. Ask for His

help, His wisdom, and His mercy.

Prayer: Father, our country needs

You-God. I pray for these specific leaders:

……... Raise up godly leaders who will

serve You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: 1 Tim. 2.


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