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One topic that can be debated by grade 5 students is the difference between needs and wants.

Here are some ideas and

activities that can be used to teach this topic:

Make a list: Have students make a list of all the things they want. Once they have made their list, help them to prioritize
their items by placing a star next to the items that they need. This will help them to see that some of the things they
want are actually needs.

Fishbowl activity: Fill a fishbowl with slips of paper that have either a need or a want written on them. Have students
take turns picking a slip of paper and then discussing whether it is a need or a want.

Basket collection: Find a basket or something similar around the house that kids can use to collect items. Task them with
collecting items that they think are both needs and wants. Go through each item that they added to the basket and talk
about whether that item is a need or a want.

Debate: Have students debate whether certain items are needs or wants. For example, is a smartphone a need or a
want? Is a bicycle a need or a want? This can help students to think critically about the difference between needs and

Worksheet: Use a worksheet to help students identify needs and wants. For example, provide a list of items and have
students circle which ones are needs and which ones are wants.

By teaching kids the difference between needs and wants, we can help them develop into more mindful consumers,
appreciate what they have, and set priorities for their spending

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