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It was a cold, silent morning in the city of Toledo, Ohio. It was around 4 a.m.

April 15 when no one expected what happened.

Alarmingly and unexpectedly, the citizens of Toledo were alerted by cell phones.
It was reported that a tornado had hit the city of Toledo in less than 15 minutes.
People woke up terrified and in no time everyone was in their bunkers waiting for
the catastrophe to occur. Houses were lifted, trees uprooted and debris flew at
over 130 kilometers per hour. After the passage of this tornado, the firefighting
agency "All for Ohio" came to the rescue of the victims. A total of 12 people were
killed and more than 105 injured by the tornado.

The fire chief clarified "this catastrophe affects all of us as part of Toledo, but
we will strive to help everyone in need, to make Toledo a prosperous place".

A contribution to find the missing and help the families is being provided by the
mayor of Toledo

During the last few days there have been discussions about the implementation of
drills in schools and practices for the population in order to reduce injuries in
case of upcoming tornadoes.

This catastrophe was very sudden for the inhabitants of Toledo because given the
geographical characteristics of the area, they are not used to seeing tornadoes. In
the last 20 years no tornadoes have been reported in the area, however, this is not
a reason to be unconcerned.

Conducting drills in the schools and practices for the population in order to
reduce injuries in case of upcoming tornadoes have been discussed by the principals
and the Ohio safety center.

It is expected to return to normal in the next few weeks. Finally, some statements
from some of the people involved in this event.

"It was a very cold night when I was awakened by the alarm, after understanding
what was happening, I woke my husband and went to prepare the bunker to protect us.
The children were awakened by my husband and we went inside 5 minutes before the
tornado hit. The children were terrified, I lost most of my house, fortunately we
managed to save our dog, Rex.

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