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.Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear guests of Muslims who have been blessed by Allah SWT,

Friends, at this moment we are invited to remember the story of the struggle of our Prophet
Muhammad SAW in his jihad to fight for the Islamic religion. Because of his struggle and sacrifice, Islam
is what it is today, and we can worship Allah SWT in peace.

Dear friends, the Prophet's birthday celebration that we are holding now is a momentum to get closer to
Allah and emulate the morals of our lord Prophet Muhammad SAW. We must always remember that
our life in this world is only temporary, so we should live it guided by the Al-Qur'an and the Sunnah of
the Prophet Muhammad SAW so that we can safely live our next life in the afterlife.

Dear friends, since childhood we may have heard a lot of stories about the life of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, both from our parents, from our Koran teachers, and from our teachers at school, but
to this day have we really taken lessons from his life story? That is what we must reflect on together at
this moment.

Finally, hopefully we will all be a people who will always receive intercession from the Prophet
Muhammad in the future and hopefully we can emulate his morals.

I thank you for your attention, and apologize if there are any wrong words in what I have conveyed.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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