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Word order adalah aturan menyusun kata-kata agar menjadi kalimat sempurna.
Polanya adalah : S + Verb + Object + Adv of Manner + Adv of Place + Adv of Time
Contoh :
Our teacher spoke to us very rudely in the class yesterday.
S V O Manner Place Time
Catatan :
A. Adverb of time bisa disimpan di awal kalimat, bisa juga disimpan di akhir kalimat.
o Yesterday I visited her.
o I visited her yesterday.
B. Adverb of place selalu disimpan di akhir kalimat.
o I read a book in the library.
C. Adverb of manner dalam intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tidak menghendaki objek).
o I slept soundly.
o He studies hard.
D. Adverb of manner dalam transitive verb (kata kerja yang menghendaki objek).
o He speaks English well.
o She sings a song melodiously.
Adverb of manner dengan akhiran -ly yang digunakan dengan transitive verb dapat ditempatkan
setelah subjek maupun di akhir.
o I had completely forgotten it.
o I had forgotten it completely.
E. Adverb of frequency ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja atau sesudah auxiliary verb.
o I always come late.
o He always at home on Sunday.
1. The bills are folded in an origami style in a ______.
A. three-dimensionals frame
B. three-dimensional frame
C. three-dimensional-frame
D. three-frames dimensional

2. Those football matches will be ______ on television tonight.

A. internationally broadcasting
B. broadcasted international
C. internationally broadcasted
D. broadcasting international

3. The Whitney Boomerang is the first ______ which exceeds all crash testing requirements.
A. two seater aircraft
B. two-seater aircraft
C. two seaters aircraft
D. two-sealers aircraft
4. There will be ______ in this town next two days.
A. an essential five days convention
B. an essential-five-day convention
C. an essential-five-days convention
D. essential five days convention

5. Not only ______ the best student in his school, but he also receives a scholarship.
A. Markus becomes
B. did Markus become
C. does Markus become
D. Markus becoming

6. She woke up ______ this morning because of studying hard in the previous night.
A. late
B. lately
C. lattest
D. later
7. Not only _____ a good thing; he did the right thing.
A. Did Sam do
B. Will Sam do
C. Sam did
D. Sam do

8. Thomas Alfa Edison invented _____.

A. electric lights
B. the electric lights
C. an electric lights
D. electric light

9. ______, Airlangga University has a well-respected medical school.

A. As university
B. As Public university
C. As the university
D. As a Public university

10. There are only 90 questions in this test, _____?

A. did there
B. didn’t there
C. don’t there
D. aren’t there

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