Chapter 1

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Dalam susunan sebuah kalimat bahasa inggris terdapat 8 bagian. Mereka disebut “parts of
speech”. Berikut merupakan pembagianya.

no Part of Function Example words Example sentence

1. Verb Action/state (kt kerja) (to) be, have, do, I have two red pens.
like, work, sing, can,
2. Noun Thing/person (kt benda) Pen, dog, work, I come from London.
music, town,
teacher, London,
3. Adjective Describes a noun (kt a/an, the, 69, some, Let me tell you about my
benda deskripsi/ kt sifat) good, big, red, well, interesting place to eat
interesting. dinner.
4. Adverb Describe a verb, Quickly, silently, Sofi can song clearly.
adjective/adverb (kt well, badly, very,
keterangan) really.
5. Pronoun Replace a noun (kt ganti) I, You, he, she, some. Amir is friendly. He is my
6. Preposition Links a noun to another To, at, after, on, but. Please check the remote on
word (kt depan) the table.
7. Conjunction Joins And, but, when. I have pet. They are cat, dog,
clauses/sentence/word and rabbit.
(kt penghubung)
8. Interjection Short exclamation, Oh!, ouch!, hi!, well Hi! How are you?
sometimes inserted into a
sentence (kt seru)
Example :

my cute and beautiful sister sings beautifully on the Stage

pronoun adj conj adj noun verb adv prep adj noun
Tetapi ada berberapa kata yang bisa lebih dari 1 fungsi, untuk menganalisis bentuk part of speech kita
harus paham dan mengerti terlebih dahulu makna dari sebuah kalimat tersebut. Berikut meupakan
contoh kata yang dapat memiliki 2 fungsi.

Word Part of speech Example

Noun My work is hard.
Verb She work in elementary school.
But Conjunction I can come to your house, but she can’t.
Preposition Everyone came but Marry
Adjective Is Cintya well ?
well Adverb I can speak English well.
Interjection Well! That’s Cheap!
Noun We ate in the afternoon.
Noun acting as adjective We had afternoon tea.

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