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Notes on Understanding the Self

Eliminative Materialism This is the development of a new, neuroscience-based vocabulary

that will enable us to think and communicate clearly about the
mind, consciousness, and human experience.
Dualistic This is the kind of conception that viewed the self as being
comprised of a mortal body and an immortal soul.
Super-ego This is considered as the moral principle according to Freud.
Appetite According to Plato, the soul is divided into 3 parts. What does he
considered as the physical urges?
Substance It is defined as something that is capable of existing independently
of all things besides the sustaining power of God.
Philosophy This study answers the questions regarding the nature and
existence of man and the world we live in.
St. Augustine He stated the idea that knowledge of our true self entails
knowledge of our divine origin and will enable us to return to
Tabula Rasa The nurture argument that was first articulated by John Locke in
the seventeenth century. He contended that at birth, children
were blank slates.
“Harnessed together” What is the “Official Doctrine” as described by Gilbert Ryle in his
philosophical perspective?
Philosophical Perspective It is an inquiry into the fundamental nature of the self. It has
preoccupied the earliest thinkers in the history of philosophy
Passion/s What are the determinants of behavior according to Hume?
Trinitarian-structured According to St. Augustine, this accounts for the unity of
level of Prereflexivity consciousness and the identity of the self.
Soul (Mind) This is the term Kant used to describe the inner self.
Eros and Thanatos Sigmund Freud focused his theory on these two factors that’s why
it became too controversial during his time.
Reason, Appetite, Will What are the parts of the “Tripartite Structure of the Soul”
according to Plato?
Living body This is a natural synthesis of mind and biology according to
Happiness Socrates believed that human choice was motivated by
Pleasure Principle Freud viewed the Id as what kind of principle?
David Hume as a This school of thought believes that humans learn in the same
behaviorist manner as lower animals; that is through reward and
Id, Ego, Superego According to Freud, what are the “Provinces of the Mind”?
The philosophical perspective of Socrates caught my attention most because I feel like I am so into it. His
perspective made myself interested because of the unquestionable knowledge he has. First thing I liked
about is, “ultimate wisdom comes from knowing oneself”. For me, the more I know myself the more I
feel like I am complete, satisfied and the feeling like I know myself better than anyone and I feel happy
about it. One personal example for what Socrates stated is like my spiritual belief in God, that for me
knowing Him gives me wisdom. Another thing about what Socrates stated that I am interested about is
the’ human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness’. Yes, it is true that our decisions are
based on our happiness. We decided to stay in a relationship because we are happy. We decided to do
some impulsive decisions because we knew we are going to be happy. We choose such things that gives
us happiness. Another personal example is, I chose to let go of some people, regrets, past and pain
because I know that will make me happy, truly.

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