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A : BA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY FINAL EXAMINATION COVER PAGE Mathematics Department of the College of Natural and Social Science Final Examination for the Course Mathematics for Natural Sciences (Math1007) 5 Examination Date: Aug 08, 2022 \X« Maximum score: 50% ‘Time Allowed: 2 hours and 45 minutes Tick the box, where it applies you. a Applied Science Engineering | r Undergraduate Z| Postgraduate | Continuing Education Undergraduate ml Postgraduate Student’s name: _A}.el Tesserna M geton ID No: _ ETs 0027/14 Section: _ A. Ifyou are adding this course, please tick the box O General Directions Check that there are seven pages including the cover page in this closed book examination booklet. ‘Check that there are six multiple choice, seven fill the blank space and five work-out questions. Attempt all the questions according to the instruction of each part. Use the backside of the pages for any rough work Strictly forbidden materials to use: 4 Any Calculators, mobile phone, extra papers, red pen and pencil. Cheating is strictly forbidden and automatically nullifies your total scores, DO NOT START UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO! WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!! PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT ISSUE BEFORE USE 1 SAU 2e . fee toh lathe & ae Solids ACs ntti E é Ces Instruction I. Choose the choice with the right answer and write the letter of your choice 3....-, axsrsavh on the shaded space provided ONLY (1 points each) Brae Bessie aa The possible complex number 2=a+i such thatz2 =25 and a+b=Tis ae (A) 245i (B) 5421 C. 146i D. 443) tenn B20 if the eccentricity values of four ellipses with the same major axis length are 0.1, 0.5 <5 Je is the ellipse with eccentricity of s+: 0.8 and 0.3 , then the ellipse closest to be the circ : A. 05 B. 03 @o1 DOs ee ae exact numerical value of cosh(-In3)+sinh(In2) is__. ee u 13 5 29 : A US a Dee 6 is oma ® 12 (L) ; () HEQIIEK For propositions p.g andr , which pair of compound propositions are not equivalent? ea een eae ox a ee oe Es. ‘Which one has truth value false in the set of real numbers? AL (Vay): ty)? C. (Wx)Gy):x7 / yevy):y- D. @x)@y):x? +9" Which of the following is not true about the conic section 4x? ~24x—25y* +250y = 489? length is 10 @one focus is (3,9) vertex is (3,7) A. Center is (3,5) B. conjugate the following blank spaces by the most simplified and finalized answers on the Instruction I: given shaded spaces ONLY. (2 points each) — ' The domain of f(x)= V5x-x* } : Fortwo sets A andB if n(4\B)=n(B\ A)=4 and (4B) =3, n(AVB) = ‘The point of tangency of a circle with center lying on the line y= 4x is (I, 0); its radius wane, » 4, The LCM wt Foti es ASST and 6. If one of the numbers is 3? x 2x7, then the other number is “420.0 <7 a santa as oe 6. When f(x) =x‘ +3x? -8is divided by x—2, the remainder is iq Poy ae B 5. The principle argument of | + . If 244i is one root of the equation x? +bx+c=0 then the value of c is Am tnd A sence 2 i | Maedeaacfe #s fo [mariana saad Instruction IM: Work Out the following questions showing all the necessary steps cl the given space provided (6 points each) 1. Consider the argument, TEEthiopia is the origin of mankind, then Ethiopia isin East Africa, It is not true to say that either Ethiopia is in East Africa or Afar is in Ethiopia. Therefore, if Ethiopia is not the origin of mankind, then Afaris not in Ethiopia, i. Write the above argument using logical operators (2 points) ii, Check the validity of the argument using or without using truth table (4 points) a) Let pt Ethropia & the orgie of mankind: qr Ethiopta te im Eacl Africa. vi Afar u th Ethropia, ~ “Thus, the argument casbe written as arab is haa Up ToC ees : OR @ 2 avr) ts due Hypothests ) Lets make a truth toble: D qvr w false --.Negalion of O e Yor or PES Ge ae) apBar OS chreaata f2 S04 Geis @ Fie false & Fis alc falee % + 1G => fronl@ GapaGe; eee fw detardien J TEAL) Teese Bee Orryeien tyes | TER L TEE TT @ Pu fale--From@@eute | Fo 7 Po 7 7 a 3 rule of ference ee 7 Fe @ mp te true-- Negation of © rf f 1 1 @ @mey @ mr u bue-. Negetron of © Only on the aed row ore both promutsl @® 7p 3 nr H true from ©,@, and true: And on that row, the conclosion the rll Jeet: ts alles trues ‘ / e By esiurrong that our premuc: oe | Stree du mpessille forthe premsiesnl true ue always get atonclusren | Pus yet the co ten fel | which u also true orgument oe Ergo, it ts valid: 5 Te \ ee x ‘se mnie ofmaihnatzalidaon pve | a 6" —1 is multiple of 5, Vine N= set of natural numbers Prost Shep ti For m4, ©7425 ubsch & © mmulitple of Step 2 Assume Wal chu true for nek, te, Gh-t ce 0 multiple of 5, pr t-isSm for met Step 2 We atonlii chem ts true for n= kts Assumption on Step 22 bhoa = bm for mez 2 6h Smits, Nes Gee ae = (Sm tu) 1 Gy = 30m ae = 30mt = S(bem+i) Blom+i) ta multiple of 5 since 5 u Hence, GI) cs o multiple of We hove proved thet it & tu tus fer ak: fodlo Ge for a= kit whenever Therefore, tk ts true for all natural numbers a. lon f(x), i (1 point) b) X and y intercepts ifany (1 point) s ©) All possible existing asymptotes if any (2 points) qd) Sketch the graph (2 points) a) 3,. Oe b a b =, Sioa) tae ae Jo intercept a Sa 8 24320 9 2x BN SS Yor 9 Y= 200) te ° VV-A® 21209 xed HA ® Money Bere xo Joe 43 OAD 4. A satellite is an elliptical o-4; Ptical Figure. The height ofthe age Assume that the earth ig¢ sp Tha solid matter is stationed Permanently ‘Ses. Do you think the satelite coltide vi V) 2a= 4404 3, 0x24 > 4000°- 15¢ cth, k) > C0, 0) Gen", oes A Laces oo v ay 7m T) P(4o00,0) 3 4000 4 40007 45.977,500 The point ts found tr the orbit with the solid matter v(4002/0) YOO Ars Acum: + 16,000,000 - 22500 at coordinate of (4000, 0) with the given coordinate ith the solid matter? (Justify your answer) (2 points) “thes ook quite rapresedalivaly eae 8,000 3 a=4,00Q C4 go 4140 9 ¢ = 450, = 15,977, S00, Coles + Thus, the sotelli a Q bent earcras A pea GQ Lets teke the pbint Ge, 1)+ (200,450) 300 = 4p 150 >/ p= Seens09 / #150 Ths, the equation re: fats s50y | f&) 2-30, y=? >» 450- xt: 450y 9

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