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Academic year: 2023-24


Design test cases for sign in form of Gmail account

Program: CO Program code: CO5I

Course: Software Testing Course code: 22518
Class: TYCO1

Submitted By:
1. Mahefuz shaikh

2. Moin Momin

3. Sarwar Peerzade

Guided By:
Mrs.Shital Kaulage


This is to certify that

Mr Mahefuz,Moin,Sarwar Roll No: 33,11,12 of Semester Fifth of Diploma in Computer

Engineering of Institute, JS POLYTECHNIC (Code:0711) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily in Subject- Software Testing (22518) for the academic year 2023- 2024

as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Hadapsar, Pune Enrollment No:- 1 . 2107110104



3 . 2107110076

Date: Exam Seat No: 200030 , 200031


Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-28
Department of Computer
Engineering Academic Year 2023-24
Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of student: Mahefuz Shaikh Enrollment No: 2107110104

Name of program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth

Course Title: Software Testing Code: 22518

Title of Micro Project: Design test cases for sign in form of Gmail account

Brief Description:
To test a Gmail sign-in form, cover valid and invalid credentials, account security, compatibility,
usability, performance, localization, and accessibility to ensure a secure and user-friendly, delete and insert data in the database with this project.

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The micro-project on designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form aims to enhance security, user
experience, and efficiency, while its benefits include improved data protection, seamless user
interactions, and reduced operational costs.ces regarding the selection of guided media for their
communication infrastructure. By evaluating different types of guided media, this report will help
identify the most suitable options based on specific industry requirements and constraints.

Course Outcomes Achieved:

By working on the project related to designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form,
you likely achieved outcomes in quality assurance, security awareness, usability
testing, performance evaluation, localization, accessibility, problem-solving, and
efficient testing practices.

Action Plan:
Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
No start date Finish date Responsible Team
1 Introduction 9/10/23 10/10/23
2 Brief Detail 10/10/23 11/10/23
3 Explaination 11/10/23 13/10/23
4 Advantages / 13/10/23 15/10/23 1. Mahefuz
Disadvantages 2. Moin
5 References 15/10/23 15/10/23 3. Sarwar
6 Conclusion 16/10/32 17/10/23

Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks


1 Hardware computer 1
2. Software - 1

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good -lent
No assessed (Marks1- 3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6 - (Marks 9 -
8) 10)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
Information collection
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the Target as
per Project Proposal
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of Prototype/
7 Report preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Par B - Project Individual
Project Methodology Report/ working Presentation/ 10
Proposal (2 Marks) Model Viva
(2 Marks) (2 Marks) (4 Marks)

Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evaluation in first 3
columns and individual evaluation 4th column
Comment/ suggestion about team work/leadership/ interpersonal communication (If
Any other comment:
Name and Designation of the Faculty Member: Mrs.Shital Kaulage

Signature: ………………………….

Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-28
Department of Computer
Engineering Academic Year 2023-24
Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of student: Moin Momin Enrollment No: 2107110073

Name of program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth

Course Title: Software Testing Code: 22518

Title of Micro Project: Design test cases for sign in form of Gmail account

Brief Description:
To test a Gmail sign-in form, cover valid and invalid credentials, account security, compatibility, usability,
performance, localization, and accessibility to ensure a secure and user-friendly, delete and
insert data in the database with this project.

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The micro-project on designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form aims to enhance security, user
experience, and efficiency, while its benefits include improved data protection, seamless user interactions,
and reduced operational costs.ces regarding the selection of guided media for their communication
infrastructure. By evaluating different types of guided media, this report will help identify the most suitable
options based on specific industry requirements and constraints.

Course Outcomes Achieved:

By working on the project related to designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form, you
likely achieved outcomes in quality assurance, security awareness, usability testing,
performance evaluation, localization, accessibility, problem-solving, and efficient testing

Action Plan:
Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
No start date Finish date Responsible Team
1 Introduction 9/10/23 10/10/23
2 Brief Detail 10/10/23 11/10/23 1 Mahefuz
3 Explaination 11/10/23 13/10/23
2 Moin
Advantages / 13/10/23 15/10/23
4 3 Sarwar
5 References 15/10/23 15/10/23
6 Conclusion 16/10/32 17/10/23

Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks


1 Hardware Computer 1
2. Software - 1

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good -lent
No assessed (Marks1- 3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6 - (Marks 9 -
8) 10)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
Information collection
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the Target as
per Project Proposal
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of Prototype/
7 Report preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Par B - Project Individual
Project Methodology Report/ working Presentation/ 10
Proposal (2 Marks) Model Viva
(2 Marks) (2 Marks) (4 Marks)

Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evaluation in first 3
columns and individual evaluation 4th column
Comment/ suggestion about team work/leadership/ interpersonal communication (If
Any other comment:
Name and Designation of the Faculty Member: Mrs.Shital Kaulage

Signature: ………………………….

Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-28
Department of Computer
Engineering Academic Year 2023-24
Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of student:Sarwar Peerzade Enrollment No: 2107110076

Name of program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth

Course Title: Software Testing Code: 22518

Title of Micro Project: Design test cases for sign in form of Gmail account

Brief Description:
To test a Gmail sign-in form, cover valid and invalid credentials, account security, compatibility, usability,
performance, localization, and accessibility to ensure a secure and user-friendly, delete and
insert data in the database with this project.

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The micro-project on designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form aims to enhance security, user
experience, and efficiency, while its benefits include improved data protection, seamless user
interactions, and reduced operational costs.ces regarding the selection of guided media for their
communication infrastructure. By evaluating different types of guided media, this report will help
identify the most suitable options based on specific industry requirements and constraints.

Course Outcomes Achieved:

By working on the project related to designing test cases for a Gmail sign-in form, you
likely achieved outcomes in quality assurance, security awareness, usability testing,
performance evaluation, localization, accessibility, problem-solving, and efficient testing

Action Plan:
Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
No start date Finish date Responsible Team
1 Introduction 9/10/23 10/10/23
2 Brief Detail 10/10/23 11/10/23
3 Explaination 11/10/23 13/10/23
4 Advantages / 13/10/23 15/10/23 1. Mahefuz
Disadvantages 2. Moin
5 References 15/10/23 15/10/23 3. Sarwar
6 Conclusion 16/10/32 17/10/23

Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks


1 Hardware Computer 1
2. Software - 1

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good -lent
No assessed (Marks1- 3) (Marks 4 -5) (Marks 6 - (Marks 9 -
8) 10)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature Survey /
Information collection
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the Target as
per Project Proposal
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of Prototype/
7 Report preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Par B - Project Individual
Project Methodology Report/ working Presentation/ 10
Proposal Model Viva
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks) (2 Marks) (4 Marks)

Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evaluation in first 3
columns and individual evaluation 4th column
Comment/ suggestion about team work/leadership/ interpersonal communication (If
Any other comment:
Name and Designation of the Faculty Member: Mrs.Shital Kaulage

Signature: ………………………….


We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our subject teacher
Mrs. Shital Kaulage as well as our principal sir and HOD sir who gave us the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful Report on the topic of design test cases
for sign in form of Gmail account which also helped us doing lot of Research and
we came to know about so many new things related to Software Testing we are
really thankful to them.

Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-28
Academic Year 2023-2024


Sr.No Title Page No.

1 Introduction 14

2 Diagram 14

3 Test Cases 15-16

4 17
Outputs of the Micro Projects

6 Advantages / Disadvantages 18-19

7 References 20

8 Conclusion 21

Design test cases for sign in form of Gmail account

1. Introduction:
In today's digital age, the sign-in process is a critical gateway to online services,
and ensuring its functionality, security, and user-friendliness is paramount. This
project focuses on the meticulous design of test cases for Gmail's sign-in form,
aiming to safeguard user data, provide a seamless experience, and prevent
unexpected disruptions. By scrutinizing each aspect of the sign-in process, from
the robustness of security measures to the accessibility for all users, this project
aims to ensure that Gmail's sign-in is not only a key to personal communication
but a model of best practices in online security and user satisfaction.

2. Diagram:

4. Test Cases:
Test Case Description Input Expected Actual Status
Id Data Result Result

TC1 Login(email Enter It shall It prompts Pass

id) Field of ―abc123‖ prompt to to enter
form and click enter password
of Gmail on Password
TC2 Password Enter It shall It opens Pass
field of ―xyz‖ open Gmail
Signin form (valid Gmail account
of Gmail id)and account
click on
―Sign in‖

TC3 Login(email Without It shall It gives Pass

id) Field of entering give message
form login id, message as
GMAIL click on as ―Please
"Next" ―Please enter your
button enter your email"

TC4 Password Without It shall It gives Pass

field of entering give message
Signin form password, message as
of Gmail click on as ―Please
―Sign in‖ ―Please enter your
button enter your password‖

TC5 Login(email Enter It shall It give Pass
id) Field of ―pqr‖ give message
form (invalid message as‖ Sorry,
of Gmail id)and as Google
click on ―Sorry, doesn‘t
―Next Google recognize
button‖ doesn‘t that email‖
that email‖

TC6 Password Enter It shall It gives Pass

field of ―abc123‖ give message
Signin form (invalid message ―Wrong
of Gmail password) as password.
at ―Wrong Try again‖
password password.
field after Try again‖
valid login

5. Output of Micro project:

6. Advantage of Design test cases for sign in form of
Gmail account:

1. Enhanced Security: By identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities

through testing, you can protect user data and privacy, reducing the risk of
unauthorized access.

2. Improved User Experience: Thoroughly testing the sign-in process helps

ensure it is user-friendly, with clear instructions and helpful error messages,
enhancing the user experience.

3. Error Prevention: Identifying and rectifying issues in the sign-in form can
prevent user frustration and potential system downtime, saving time and

4. Compliance: Designing test cases ensures that the sign-in form complies
with accessibility standards, supports multiple languages, and aligns with
security and industry regulations.

5. Risk Mitigation: By proactively addressing potential problems, you reduce

the likelihood of system disruptions, data breaches, or other critical issues.

6. Efficiency: Testing cases in advance can streamline the development

process, avoiding costly bug fixes and updates after deployment.

7. Quality Assurance: It contributes to overall quality assurance, reinforcing the

reliability and reputation of the Gmail platform.

8. Data Protection: Robust testing helps safeguard sensitive user information,

promoting trust and credibility.


 Resource Intensive: Developing and executing comprehensive test

cases can be time-consuming and require a significant allocation of
resources, including personnel and testing tools.

 Complexity: As Gmail is a complex application, creating test cases for all

possible scenarios can be challenging, and some cases might be missed.

 Maintenance Overhead: Test cases may need to be updated frequently

as the Gmail platform evolves, incurring ongoing maintenance costs.

 False Positives and Negatives: Test cases may occasionally produce

false results, both in terms of false positives (identifying issues that
don't exist) and false negatives (failing to detect real problems).
 Testing Limitations: It may not be possible to cover all potential real-
world usage scenarios, leaving some risks unaddressed.

 Overemphasis on Testing: Excessive focus on testing can lead to delays

in product release and potential missed opportunities in the market

 Cost: Rigorous testing can increase the overall cost of software

development and quality assurance.

 Diminished User Experience: Overzealous security testing might lead to

cumbersome sign-in procedures, negatively impacting the user


2. Chat GPT


In conclusion, designing test cases for the sign-in form of a Gmail account is
a vital practice that offers numerous advantages, including enhanced
security, improved user experience, and compliance with standards. While
there are potential disadvantages, such as resource intensity and
maintenance overhead, these can be managed through effective planning
and prioritization. Ultimately, the benefits of robust testing far outweigh the
drawbacks, ensuring the Gmail platform remains a trusted and reliable tool
for millions of users, safeguarding their data and delivering a seamless sign-
in experience.


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