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Subject/Grade: P.E.

20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Basketball Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Students will be introduced to Basketball. Teachers will introduce the skills that are involved
Overview: in Basketball, such as shooting, dribbling, passing, defense, performing a layup and rebound,
learning about a variety of offensive strategies, and putting all together what they have learned
through playing games or participating in a tournament. Students at the end of the class will
learn the uniqueness of the sport and will have a better grasp of the skills, which will aid them
to better their understanding of the sport.
GLOs: Students will:
● General Outcome A
o Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
movement activities related to Basketball
● General Outcome C
o Students will positively work together and/or with each other with activities related
to Basketball
● General Outcome D
o Students will assume responsibility to lead an active lifestyle through creation of
activities and ensuring safety standards involving Basketball
SLOs: Students will:
● A20-5: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of manipulative skills and concepts
—effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance
● C20-6: Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
● D20-3: Develop and apply safety standards and rules in a variety of activities
Lesson Students will:
● Learn the skills that are involved in Basketball

● Demonstrate the skill of shooting

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● Rubric

● Observation

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Safety: ● Introduction and learning of the
Lesson: ● Basketballs skills will provide students with
more safety.
● Basketball Net ● Discuss proper gym attire for the
unit to ensure safety and build
● Cones team cohesion
● Ensuring there are no obstacles in
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Basketball Time:
the way.
● Teaching students to let others
know when to stop when a ball is
in the way.
● Teach students to yell “HEADS”
when a ball is about to hit
● Teacher supervision
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
● Blow whistle to get all the students attention and make them sit in
Pre-assessment (FA)
front of the teacher
● Briefly introduce Basketball
Transition: Get everyone to sit down or pay attention
Learning Activity 1:
● Demonstration
● Introduction of Basketball of how to do
o Teacher will explain what the focus will be for the the activity
will help
Basketball Unit. Write down on board
● Introduction of the Basics of Shooting Learners
o Teacher will teach and demonstrate BEEF or student will. ● Allowing
Students will get into partners and there will be 1 ball per Peers to do
partner. Students will use a line in the gym to practice demonstration
BEEF, while having their partners give feedback will allow
them to feel
● Shooting Placement more at ease
o Students will get into 6 groups, numbers depend on how knowing that
many students there are. Each group will have a basket. they can also
There will be certain spots that students will have to shoot perform the
at, every member must get 3 shots in that certain sport for skills
each group to move to the next area. ● Observation
will allow
teacher to
feedback to
Transition: Bring everyone back in to explain Chuck the Chicken
Learning Activity 2:
● Demonstration
● The Ultimate Shooting Game of how to do
the activity
will help
● At each hoop, 2 teams of 3-5 players per team face-off against each Visual
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Basketball Time:
other to be the first team to get 5 baskets. The losing team stays at ● Allowing
the hoop and plays against a new opponent (winner from the game Peers to do
on their other side who rotates to them). Or time the games demonstration
will allow
them to feel
more at ease
knowing that
they can also
perform the
● Observation
will allow
teacher to
feedback to
Transition: Get everyone to sit down and pay attention
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
● What does BEEF mean?

● Tell students that we will play a modified game the next class
Stage 4: Reflection

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