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al lS ce a — i be | » | ~~ z “ ©6erewrvs « Define Prolog: * Analogy ts semetring that Shows how boo things are alike, but with ultimate grat of mating a point about tt comparision. The puspose af analogy ts mot merely to srow,but alo to eapain, For tH reason, an analogy is more compler than a Simile Gr) a Metayhor.(eteriles and metaphors Can be usedl fo make on arralogy » but usually analogies have additonal information 4o get thds point cross) . : Toference:- That if two or more -things agee with one another 0 Some respects they wil! Pobaldy aque 47 Others. | Define Syponyms and wilte examples? A synonym is a word that has the same meaning ac anolher | word. Syrenyme Gan be boo oF mae words ,Cor)even complete exprecdone, ‘in the same language while ‘hey may have other meanings, at least two of theiy meantons are steiilen or fdenttal. Male, a4. qrierm ek... eee sevvevevs UU wew | Fernale, lad, git eke- 3.) Child » infant, kid ete. - baby ‘nfan' | 'y.) Number Figure, Sum, statist | | | 5: Problern Wouble, issue, obslacle ele... | pede [a a me « | Look Consider, qarce, notice, - | | Mate | Compose, Forrn, Cause, - | a |3. . 18. know appredate, learn, have, - - - 1 | Fun erlang, enjoyable. u {to Good Buceptae, Salisactony,.- ee Define Prion valtn 10 excerples Antonyms are words that have Conkiaating (o*) oppostle mrtg Ue so much of Engh largo” fnloryin ts rooled to ect lo The qk word antl means Oppostte, while onynn means name | Copposile name—trat mate sense), dick boo Frosty . Fasdinating tmmodest Neglect Compe Comfort question PF Bee ereV ee deve eveo vse ECCECEE i; Define one word substitution With 10 etamyles? One word Substitution 18 & process in which people use One ward to replae & wordy pinate to mate the sentence sbuchne mor chav. This also mates work more — suctint, instead Of Comolited. ecccecdc Stee ee Ceecee evevevevevve » For exampe, 4 you have Q sentence that states "He drives me in Veticle around town") Instead gpa can use "He chauffrs me around 40.00". The meaning is ickneal. Here (or) tt the Serene In shorter. This adds -flestilty tp vorittng, vohtle ll eating sure tating ts conctsed « Sit Senerce es |" | fall apart over time ot te \2. sh aoa wll aa 3-) Move tases Accelerate | 4.) pastnes An ctime Accomplice 5) Feax of hela Aéio phobia 6.| A collection OF Flowere Bouquet . J.) 4 peilod of ten years Decade 8.) Adtve at tape Noch | %) Murder of ing Regt ctde | hn] One who cuts stones Stulptor Define Tetons anc phrases with 10 etarglec! An fdtorn ts a phiase or eapresston “that “yptealy Peserits a Hawwatve, 90n- Lleral meant attached to the pros, but some phrases bevome Haurative ‘Uloms while fetatning the Jteral rearing of the prog, | Gegoiized as Formulate Jorquage, an ‘dfom's Fi ratte | mearing 5 different fromthe Siteral mearirg, eilladred tothe Prrave; but some, Phroway besonne Figurative. ‘Atoms white elaining Are Idtom's our “frequently in all languages yin english alone thee au an estimated twenty the Thousand idiomatic | exprecions. uy ae i elo Ge Sid Talom|phene | Meanog hy (t Have a blast \» eofoy oneselfshave ca goad ine ® yg) [2-Jonce tn a Bue mon, Ney rarely & UV) 3: | out of the woods. i ey Ve A 7 No org chrger a lo . tant | Ma night aq, 5. | End in smote Fall Wy (6. | Be alleas | JSisten attentively « 4. 70 wake up TO vise and act 8.) childs play | A very asy tad. 9.| Sold on Convined of sometting . A Stonés throw | A very chork distance. o 4 Meaning voronaly agatn back oo much above not Define prefites with 0 etannplect Prefites (or) prefix is an afte Swhich spaced bejore the stem Migucty, mi reuanile , veturn. overload, over do Supersonic, Superstar. non-sense, Aon. verbal | {fn the alo alld as a performative, worde 40 which ik fs affixed at word. Adding tt 4p ~the bederirg Of one word changes it into | g 2noter word . For example, when the pefic un- 4s added 4o the ¢ word happy » Tt creates “the word unhappy Particularly cua, oF languages » 2 prefix ts Fbeause ‘ik alters the pro of 4 nteinalonal interad Not Injustice, frseqular undey Subeditor | Cause to Embrace, tmphasts Midale Midday, Midvong : COCECCCECCCeSe - Define Suffixes vith to examples! 2) cy Linguistics, O suffta is an apfia whichis placed after | w ithe slem 0f a word — common, evamplec ave (case endings whith B jindiate the qamratical ee OF Mune, adjectives B verb endings, S which fom -the Conjugation oF vibs. Suffixes Gn Gary qramm- “9 atical ‘nformation CInfectional sugftees) Cor) deatcal ‘Tnforration (det- ; ioral | dewlcat suite. ee 2] Particularly in the ead of Semitic targuoges Suffises 3 Ae called Offormatives . | (nel Supe | Meant Exmples % 9| |' 14 [tah quetthy ead a) (t| -> beers enlignien | a| a ~ate | bewme Tequiate 2 | 4. — Sess | gtthout Cove lee s 5. — The | Abfithy Flenible s 6. -ism | Areiats or | Judatem 3| i} jy of A adtion or “ a jeutg | Pafnting 9| | eile 4 eS sjeacher 2 | ja} -fon [a protec sat | _ Pecoration _ ee 2 Ss | | | | | | es SS v a v 4.19) Deftne Bustness Notabulary t Syl Buscines, Yorabulay allows -wo Individuals or grup: 2 ho & | ©) stmpler, Cleauer comeriation slthouk the need 19 explain complicaled . . t Y) Tdeac or conctantly chede that ‘nfomation ts understood. while 7 ’ dems ae udlvercal Ahrough out dhe udness word - Some Vorabulay og ts redbicted to Speific -flelde Of business. &y TE ts the voebulay about the business conterts, such as | &, Finance, banting, international rock, investment , Commerce, advertisirg, | © gy matteting etc... Buches English vocbulany ts spedalised and tt | | "ys may be dlifficult 40 understand een For mary native speaterc € . » wh ; 3 Of english. one 4 i of tearing budness -Grplich 16 -thal ‘ Hh needs to be spedaliced on negolatng and mating a » presentations fy di _ © Fy Isyy Word Meaning ay : a | Bil) A lee OF paper money ea |2 Author zatton Of ffcial permission € 9 |3.) Discount price Reduction © iy. Employee porter e 5.) establish el oa “p ea |& Deadtine sthe latest time (oda ‘7 4 Goal Targets ain ‘od 8:) Increase indore of qoung 6 4 (4+) Inve Bill 4 '0 A opinion view (01) Tedgement tao fF F FF FF F FF Fr - - Hom Meee ee eee CCC EOE EE EEG EE Define c@llo@tion with 10 examples? “The defination of Collocatfon wefers toa Often often go together. Such as Examples on Folia Wis ye I dont hae a car. 0 Iwill fo. “The former is ageing out oF bustness. She loves 40 lo launday . to do weit. 0 to vist someone. Cormewe enengy “fr wok. Tate a bak -pr fo mines « He drunk a lot of wine. 0. AS OF wade in QQ sentence. SNq__ Collocation |] Go abroad. 2-| €0 on Fook . 3.| Out of business 4.| Do Lovancng 5 | Break ales: 6. Pay avd J.| Save energy 8 | Tate a break q.| Get chunk '0.| Get started tT want to slat a batery . T think we should go abroad 7 p of words that | fi logether 01 that ove Udy +o our together TW words that | Mat deeper (1) eadly riser are an cranple Colloaon. A calocating a belng aclocaled « Spec , an na a a ae - se Hnne2nnnaaee ey Sl e Weite effective self ‘hatuction? ¥ Wishes: Goad Morning [ Afternoon. | emer My name is SWalshnavi . Family. My -fither name ts SSathotah. He is a tetlved teacher. | s My mother name is oneal a house wife. s Dhave 2 sisters and a brother. | cae Tam a sudent, and passuing btech a'dyear of ch ‘ a f avil fag{reeting . allocation (or) Native plawr My Native ts Nelgorda. ¥ ° Ane ° Hobbies'- Mu hobbies are Read boots, iskening mude et a - 4 i) "4 | y Habits My habit is having tea thee 0 day | ») Achievements nto AMevements - | a. . os , : Life Aimy IT want +o a a ctyi\ “Engineer. My aim is 2 +to sewe the Socteby Favouvile person: My Favour person is my mother . Role model: my Role model i dr. #.p-J Abdul talam. 5 vs Favourite 4h; i \, 4 Ing My favourite colour is black - 3 My Nature! 1 om Lind hearted percon Strength: a complet ny soar within time without any delay.

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