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South Dhahran Home Ownership Project


Report No. : 27 Date: 30 Aug 2015

Rectified Status
Sr.# Observation / Findings Area Recommendations Action Taken by Nesma
Date Close/Open
1 Poor housekeeping Box culvert Need Housekeeping Site Engineer/HSE ASAP Negative&open

2 Uncomplete barication Box culvert Need barication Site Engineer/HSE ASAP Negative & open

Need to provide proper

3 No proper ramps & Access way Box culvert Site Engineer/HSE ASAP Negative & Open

4 Genarator found without grounding Box culvert Need grounding for genrator Site Engineer/HSE ASAP Negative & close

Complete shade to be constructed

5 Uncomplete shade for carpenters Box culvert Site Engineer ASAP Negative & open
for the Carpentor work area

Drinking water station to be

6 Water igloo kept on ground Box culvert Site Engineer ASAP Negative & Open
provided for water igloo

Seprate area for denailing to be

7 No denailing area BOx culvert Site Engineer ASAP Negative & Open

Originator : Naveed Ahmed Qureshi

Position : HSE Supervisor

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