Post Assessment-Narrative Paulina Moreno 6.2

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Today, write the best personal narrative that you can write. Make this be the story
of one time in your life, a scene or two. You will have 45 minutes to plan, draft,
revise and edit. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about
narrative writing.

In your writing, make sure you:

● Write a beginning for your story

● Use transition words to tell what happened in order.
● Elaborate to help readers picture your story.
● Show what your story is really about.
● Write an ending for your story.

“Mom, I don’t want to go so we can get on a helicopter,” I said terrified. My

experiences with helicopters aren't very good because my dad died in one so
every time I see a helicopter, I get really scared.

“Come on, this is only going to be a one time opportunity and look on the bright
side, you are going to get to see all of the beautiful things that Hawaii has.”

“Well yes, I know that butt what if something goes wrong.”

“Nothing is going to go wrong and if something does, well we’ll be all together.”
My mom conforted me. “But also, These people have done this more than once, I
think they will know how this works.”

In Hawaii, it is really hard to get taxis or some car to takes us where we want so
we had to go walking and in our way, we found some bikes.

“Mom, why don’t we take these bike and then when the flight is finished, we can
take them back.” said my sister Elena looking at us like if we were dumb.
“Well that is a good idea,” said Isabella, my other sister.

“Sure, we can take them and we can also go and take a little trip because if we go
straight to there, we will be really early because our flight is at 4.00 and it is only
2:00.” screamed my mom with joy. My mom got so excited because she loves to
take trips with us and specially when they are like tours. We got each our bikes
and we started to go and see what we could find in the way.

More ahead in the road, we found a little path but we had no idea where that
could take us. But either way we decided to go check it out.

We couldn’t believe our eyes everything was so beautiful. Until we got to the
end, so we had to go back and really fast because we were going to be late.

Once we got there, my mom checked us in really quick so we wouldn’t be that

late. Then we figured out that we were actually right on time and they were just
about to start with the safety video.

We all got so bored with the video because it was really long.

“Mom when is it going to stop,” I whispered complaining about the video.

“Shhhhh, it will be over at any time,” whispered my mom back to me. Finally,
the video was over and as we walked out, they would give us our group of
people and we had to wait of the helicopter to get here.

We were so lucky that since we were a group of four, we didn’t get other people.
Then, the helicopter started landing and we could hear the loud noise it was
making, it was so loud that I could almost feel the sound running through my

When we got on the helicopter, the driver gave us some headphones so we could
talk to him and to all of us because you could still hear the sound really hard.

I was really lucky and I got to sit in the front with my mom on one side and the
driver on the other side.
We started to lift off and I squeeze my mom’s hand as hard as I could.
“Sorry, how impolite of me. My name is Noah and I will be your driver for

“Well hello Noah, my name is Isabel.”said my mom, “And these are my three
children, Isabella, Elena and Paulina.”

“Well nice to meet you. Today you will get to see lots of Hawaiian mountains,
volcanoes, beaches and other really cool things.”

“How nice.”

“So over here we have the bach where Bethany Hamilton got bit by the
shark”He want on and on about all of the beautiful things that Hawaii had. We
even got to see a volcano with lava.

When we got off, at first we couldn’t believe some things that we saw but then
we were sad that our flight was over.

“Thank You very much for everything,” we all responded at the same time. It
was time to go to the hotel and to take the bikes back. We were really thankful
that nothing happened to us and that we had a really fun and new adventure.

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