Amino Resins (Reaction Products of Melamine, Urea, Etc. With Formaldehyde and Alcohols)

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Amino Resins (Reaction

Products of Melamine, Urea,
etc. with Formaldehyde and
by J. O w e n Santer 1


Definition and Description /

AMINO, OR AMINOPLAST,RESINS for coatings are the p r o d u c t s of
the r e a c t i o n of either urea (Fig. 1) o r m e l a m i n e (Fig. 2) with FIG. 1-Urea.
f o r m a l d e h y d e a n d an alcohol. Besides u r e a a n d melamine,
o t h e r c o m p o u n d s with s i m i l a r f u n c t i o n a l i t y - - s u c h as
b e n z o g u a n a m i n e , glycoluril, e t c . - - a r e also used in specific
a p p l i c a t i o n s where certain p r o p e r t y advantages are required.
However, use of these m a t e r i a l s is quite limited, a n d sales of
a m i n o resins are d o m i n a t e d b y those b a s e d on u r e a a n d mela-
mine, with U.S. c o n s u m p t i o n of a b o u t 100 million lb (45 •
106 kg) p e r year.
As p r e p a r e d , a m i n o resins are usually water-white, viscous NH 2
m a t e r i a l s which m a y c o n t a i n a d d e d solvent to reduce viscos- FIG. 2-Melamine.
ity for ease of handling. W h e r e a solvent is used, it is m o s t
often an alcohol such as n-butanol, iso-butanol, o r iso-propa-
ways m a d e with m e t h a n o l or c o m b i n a t i o n s of m e t h a n o l a n d
nol, all of w h i c h are excellent solvents for a m i n o resins.
butanol, a l t h o u g h a small n u m b e r of high-solids resins are
Mixed solvents, such as n- o r iso-butanol with xylene are also
available which are m a d e exclusively with butanol.
used, especially for the h i g h e r - m o l e c u l a r - w e i g h t resins m a d e
with b u t a n o l as a co-reactant. S o m e a m i n o resins are w a t e r
soluble or w a t e r reducible with co-solvent.
Amino resins for coatings are g r o u p e d s o m e w h a t a r b i t r a r -
Where Used
ily into two classes: (1) high solids resins, i.e., resin solutions Amino resins are used in coatings to cross-link the p r i m a r y
at ---80% solids (weight/weight), including resins which con- film-former, usually a n acrylic, polyester, o r alkyd resin
tain no solvent, a n d (2) conventional resins, i.e., resin solu- carrying p r i m a r y o r s e c o n d a r y hydroxyl groups. The cross-
tions at < 8 0 % solids (weight/weight). linking r e a c t i o n ("cure") is p r i n c i p a l l y one of trans-etherifica-
tion between hydroxyl groups on the p r i m a r y film-former
a n d alkoxymethyl groups on the a m i n o resin. In a d d i t i o n to
History the trans-etherification reaction, the a m i n o resin a l m o s t al-
Historically, the first a m i n o resins used in coatings were ways u n d e r g o e s self-condensation reactions.
the r e a c t i o n p r o d u c t s of u r e a o r m e l a m i n e with formalde- The m a j o r b y - p r o d u c t s of the cure r e a c t i o n include m e t h a -
hyde a n d b u t a n o l (either n- or iso-). They were substantially nol a n d / o r butanol, formaldehyde, a n d water. Cure t e m p e r a -
p o l y m e r i c a n d were f o r m u l a t e d at a b o u t 50 to 60% solids in tures are in the range of 180 to 400~ (82 to 204~ for t i m e s
butanol/xylene mixtures. They have been c o m m e r c i a l l y avail- w h i c h vary from 20 to 30 m i n at the lower end of the t e m p e r a -
able for a b o u t 60 years. Parenthetically, it should be noted ture range to p e r h a p s only 30 s at the u p p e r end. An a c i d
that resins m a d e by reacting u r e a o r m e l a m i n e with formal- catalyst m a y be used to accelerate cure, d e p e n d i n g on the
d e h y d e w i t h o u t subsequent r e a c t i o n with an alcohol have cure t e m p e r a t u r e a n d the p a r t i c u l a r a m i n o used. Claims have
b e e n available for 70 years o r more. These resins are used as been m a d e for a m i n o resin f o r m u l a t i o n s w h i c h cure at r o o m
m o l d i n g p o w d e r s a n d adhesives a n d are generally unsuitable t e m p e r a t u r e , but as far as is known, no such f o r m u l a t i o n s are
for coatings applications. presently c o m m e r c i a l l y available.
High-solids coating resins, usually m a d e with higher ratios Urea resins are less expensive t h a n m e l a m i n e resins, w h i c h
of r e a c t e d f o r m a l d e h y d e t h a n the older, conventional resins, is u n d e r s t a n d a b l e given that m e l a m i n e is m a d e f r o m urea.
have been available for a b o u t 35 years. They are a l m o s t al- Urea resins are also faster curing t h a n m e l a m i n e resins, b u t
are m o i s t u r e sensitive a n d therefore not suitable for use out-
1Principal technologist, Monsanto Chemical Co., 730 Worcester doors. They are used widely for w o o d finishing, e.g., furni-
Street, Springfield, MA 01151. ture, kitchen cabinets, a n d in paper, film, a n d foil applica-
Copyright 1995 by ASTM lntcrnational
CHAPTER 8 - - A M I N O R E S I N S 61

tions. Wood and paper applications capitalize on the >NCH2N< (methylene) or >NCH2OCH2N< (methylene
relatively rapid cure of the urea resin since lower tempera- ether) bridge. The reactions leading to self-condensation may
tures must be used to avoid damage to the substrate. In some be written as follows:
wood applications, cure temperature is at or near ambient.
>NCH2OR + HN< ~ >NCH2N< + ROH (5)
Melamine resins, on the other hand, find much b r o a d e r
R = H, alkyl
application since they are not nearly as water sensitive as the
ureas. Perhaps the largest single use for melamine resins is in >NCH2OH + HOCH2N< ~ >NCH2OCH2N< + H20 (6)
automotive OEM (original equipment manufacture), where
The bridging groups in amino resins manufactured for
the finished paint must stand up to extremes of temperature,
coatings applications are predominantly methylene ether
humidity, and the degradative effects of sunlight, etc, Mela-
bridges. When formulated and cured, additional bridges of
mine resins are used also in coil coatings, metal containers,
both types may be formed; how many of each will depend on
etc. (see E n d U s e s o f A m i n o R e s i n s ) .
factors such as the composition of the amino resin, cure
temperature, and catalyst level.
It can be seen, then, that a variety of amino resins may be
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO RESINS prepared, with properties which depend on such factors as
the choice of starting material, i.e., urea, melamine, etc., the
Reactions of Synthesis combining ratios of the various reactants, the choice of alco-
The synthesis of amino resins for coatings is a two-step hol (or alcohols, if more than one is used), and the degree of
process. In the first step, the parent compound is reacted with polymerization of the resin. The principal manufacturers of
formaldehyde (methylolation reaction); in the second, the amino resins for coatings typically offer a product line of 25
methylolated intermediate is reacted with an alcohol (etheri- or more resins. A generalized composition of a typical mela-
fication reaction). Equations 1 through 4 exemplify the pro- mine resin is shown in Fig. 3.
cess, with urea as the parent compound. Reactions with mel-
amine are analogous. Structure/Property Variations
H2NCONH2 + CH2O ) H2NCONHCH2OH (1) The difference between conventional solids and high-solids
monomethylolurea a m i n o resins represents not so much a difference in solids
HaNCONHCH20H + CH20 ) content as it does a distinction between resin structures. The
HOCH2NHCONHCH20H (2) conventional solids (<80%) resins are made from melamine
dimethylolurea or urea reacted with relatively low levels of formaldehyde,
typically 1.5 to 2.0 tool for urea resins and 2.5 to 3.5 tool for
HOCH2NHCONHCH20H + ROH ) melamine resins, and etherified with either n- or iso-butanol.
HOCH2NHCONHCH2OR + H20 (3) Because of these low reaction ratios, considerable self-con-
HOCH2NHCONHCH20R + ROH ) densation takes place during the synthesis, leading in the case
ROCH2NHCONHCH2OR + H20 (4) of melamine resins to products with degrees of polymeriza-
bis(alkoxymethyl)urea tion (DP) ->3 and perhaps somewhat higher for the ureas.
Because of the relatively high polymer content, these resins
Reactions shown in Eqs 1 and 2 proceed quite rapidly when are viscous and must be reduced with solvent to less than 80%
catalyzed by either acid or base. Reactions shown in Eqs 3 to obtain a manageable viscosity.
a n d 4 take place only under acid conditions, with the rate of Another, possibly the major, contributor to high viscosity is
reaction strongly pH dependent; the lower the pH, the faster the residual imino (>NH) and methylo] (>NCH2OH) groups
the reaction. All four reactions are equilibrium reactions. on the amino resin, which can form strong hydrogen bonds
Hence, the extent of the reaction is dependent on the charge with unshared electrons on nitrogen and oxygen.
ratios of the various reactants and on whether or n o t the The high-solids amino resins have much higher levels of
reactions are driven by removal of by-products in order to combined formaldehyde than the conventional solids resins.
shift the equilibrium. Typical values for combined formaldehyde are in the range
The reactions of melamine are similar to those of urea with 2.0 to 2.7 for urea resins and 3.5 to 6.0 for melamine resins.
one exception. With urea, two of the four available hydrogens The etherifying alcohol is most often methanol, although res-
are readily reacted with formaldehyde (Eqs 1 and 2), while
the remaining two hydrogens react more slowly and require
an excess of formaldehyde to force the reaction. With mela- ROCH2\ /CH2OH
mine, on the other hand, all six hydrogen atoms may be
reacted with relative ease to give hexa(methylol)melamine. ROCH2./N"'~NI~N'H
The kinetics of the methylolation reactions of urea and
melamine have been studied extensively [1-7], but there is
nothing in the literature on the kinetics of the etherification
N. N
reaction. Although both of these reactions are superficially
straightforward, a number of other reactions may take place
which complicate the kinetics. These reactions are all self- ROCH2/ "CH 2 0 ' ' 9
condensation reactions in which two or more molecules of FIG, 3-Representative structure of a mela-
the parent species are joined together through either a mine resin,

ins made with both methanol and butanol or even butanol polar, i.e., carries appreciable > N H and >NCH2OH groups,
alone are also widely used. These resins are less polymeric, and (2) the solvent is not low boiling. Apparently, the increase
with DP <3, and usually more fully etherified and so less in viscosity as solvent evaporates slows the diffusion rate and
polar than the conventional resins. In some cases, these res- effectively prevents complete removal of solvent within the
ins are sufficiently low in viscosity that no solvent is needed. time frame of the test. There may also be a hydrogen-bonding
Where solvent is required, it is usually either isopropanol or effect between solvent and resin which contributes to the
butanol (n- or iso-). Resins are also made which can be retention of solvent.
reduced with water. Other test methods involve much higher temperatures,
where resin condensation/degradation does occur. One stan-
dard method is the ASTM Test Methods for Volatile Content
Analysis/Analytical Methods of Coatings (ASTM D 2369), where a small resin sample (0.3
Structural analysis of amino resins has been reviewed by to 0.5 g) is diluted with xylene and placed in a 110~ oven for
Christensen [8 ]. Methods discussed include 1H NMR and 13C 1 h. There are a number of other, similar tests.
NMR for determining levels of combined formaldehyde and
alcohol, analysis of alkoxy groups by Zeisel cleavage, and by Viscosity Measurement
trans-etherification followed by gas chromatography. Chris- Amino resin viscosities are most commonly measured by
tensen [8] and Kambanis and Rybicky [9] also describe non- the Gardner bubble viscometer method. This method is simi-
destructive methods for removing solvent from amino resin lar to the Test Method for Viscosity of Transparent Liquids by
solutions in order to determine nonvolatile content. Bubble Time Method (ASTM D 1545). A tube containing the
Classically, amino resins for coatings have been character- resin under test is placed in a rack containing reference tubes
ized by three test procedures. These procedures, which tell of known viscosity. The tubes are equilibrated to 25~ in a
the coating formulator most of what he needs to know with constant temperature bath. The rack is quickly inverted, and
regard to formulation and cure conditions, are measurement the rate of rise of an air bubble in the sample tube is com-
of (1) solids content, (2) viscosity, and (3) solvent tolerance. pared against similar bubbles in the reference tubes. The
These are discussed below. reference tubes are letter graded A through Z and Z1 through
Solids Content
The most common methods used to determine solids con- Solvent Tolerance
tent are gravimetric. Solvent is allowed to evaporate from a There are a number of different solvent tolerance tests. All
weighed sample under carefully controlled conditions of time involve titrating a weighed sample of the amino resin with a
and temperature. The sample is then reweighed. The loss in standard reagent (solvent). The object of the test is to mea-
weight gives a measure of solvent content, and the solids sure how much of the reagent the amino resin can accept
content is obtained by difference. One difficulty with this test before the solution turns cloudy/milky. Results are typically
is the tendency of amino resins to deformylate and/or self- reported in milliliters of reagent per gram of sample. Typical
condense when heated, with evolution of formaldehyde, alco- reagents used include xylene, iso-octane, and the iso-octane/
hol, and water. To the extent that this occurs, the measured decahydronaphthalene/toluene mixture described in ASTM
solids content will be lower than the "true" value. Frequently, Test Method for Solvent Tolerance of Amine Resins (D 1198).
however, the paint formulator is interested in the "contrib- While the immediate objective of the solvent tolerance test
uted solids," i.e., what fraction of the amino resin solution is to determine the amount of reagent which the amino resin
remains in the cured film. In that case, a solids test method can accept before solution clouding occurs, the real purpose
which approximates the time and temperature of cure might of the test is to gain insight into the structure and composi-
be more appropriate. tion of the resin and hence have a better understanding of
For these reasons, solids test methods fall into two groups: how it will perform in a given coating application. In general,
(1) methods which reflect the solids content in the absence of amino resins of high molecular weight, or having high levels
self-condensation, etc., and (2) other methods, which reflect of polar functional groups, i.e., >NH, >NCH2OH, will have
varying degrees of self-condensation in addition to loss of limited compatibility with the typical hydrocarbons used and
formaldehyde and solvent(s). hence will give low tolerance test results. Experience shows
The most common of the first methods is the so-called foil that a low tolerance value means a faster curing resin and vice
solids test, which is used almost universally for high-solids versa, especially in the absence of acid catalyst. However,
amino resins. Essentially, a 1-g sample of resin solution is although the tolerance test represents a quick and easy way to
weighed onto a piece of preweighed aluminum foil. The foil is measure potential cure response, it does not uniquely define
folded over on itself and the sample compressed between the the resin structure. Thus, a low tolerance reading can be
two foil surfaces to provide a thin film about 3 to 4 in. (7 to 10 caused by either high polarity or high molecular weight or
cm) in diameter. The foil is then opened up to give a thin film both.
on each foil surface. The foil is placed in a 45~ oven for 45
min, at the end of which time it is removed, reweighed, and Size Exclusion and High-Performance Liquid
the solids content calculated. These conditions are known to Chromatography
be sufficiently mild that no resin condensation occurs; nor To obtain more detailed knowledge of resin structure,
does the resin lose formaldehyde via demethylolation. Sur- amino chemists now rely very heavily on gel permeation or
prisingly, the foil solids test may on occasion overestimate size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and on high-perform-
the solids content, particularly when (1) the resin is relatively ance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The size exclusion

chromatograph provides an excellent measure of number acted. For example, see hexa(methoxymethyl)melamine
and weight-average molecular weight and molecular weight (HMMM) (Fig. 6), which has exactly 6 mol each of combined
distribution (polydispersity), while HPLC, which fractionates formaldehyde and methanol per mole of melamine. Unlike
the resin components primarily by functional groups, pro- HMMM, most resins are, of course, mixtures of products
vides information on resin composition. The more polar spe- which are best described by an average composition. One of
cies are eluted first, followed by the less polar fractions. Thus, the most widely sold commercial high-solids methylated mel-
taken together, SEC and HPLC provide detailed information amine resins has an average combining ratio melamine/form-
on molecular weight and functionality which cannot be di- aldehyde/methanol of about 1/5.6/5.1. Because methanol re-
rectly obtained or inferred from any of the various solvent acts with an already-reacted formaldehyde molecule, a resin
tolerance tests. Size exclusion and liquid chromatograms for can never have combined methanol greater than the com-
a representative commercial high-solids methylated mela- bined formaldehyde. The excess formaldehyde, 0.5 tool in
mine resin are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. the commercial example, represents formaldehyde which
has not reacted with methanol and which must therefore
Combining Ratios be present as methylol (>NCH2OH), bridging groups
Amino resins may also be characterized by measurement (>NCHzOCH2N<), and acetals (>NCH2OCH2OCH3). Acetals
of the amounts of formaldehyde and alcohol which have re- are formed when an excess of formaldehyde is used in the

400 -
mV Monomer
350 -
300 -

200 - Dimer
150 ~


50 -

20 25 30 35 40 45

FIG. 4-Size exclusion chromatogram of a typical high-solids methylated mela-
mine resin.

500- Hexamethoxy

400 - Penta-

200 -

0 -
20 25 30 35 40 45 50

FIG. 5-High-performance liquid chromatogram of a typical high-solids methylated
melamine resin.

in Analysis/Analytical Methods. The problem is particularly

(C H 30C H2)2N...h/N__,h/N(CH 20C H 3)2 acute with resins having high methylol functionality.
The viscosity of an amino resin is a function of (1) polymer
N(CH2OCH3)2 content (degree of polymerization) and (2) the nature of its
FIG. 6-Hexa(methoxymethyl)melamine. functional groups. The latter may be a more important con-
tributor to viscosity than the former.
Amino resins are not generally very polymeric, especially in
synthesis. They are therefore present in many high-solids
comparison with other coating resins, e.g., polyesters, alkyds,
amino resins.
and acrylics. Typically, average degrees of polymerization are
Determination of combining ratios may be done most eas-
in the range of I to 5. High-molecular-weight "tails" increase
ily by either IH or 13C NMR techniques [8]. Older methods
viscosity significantly.
involve complete hydrolysis of the resin to the starting mate-
Because of strong hydrogen bonding, resins carrying sig-
rials, followed by wet-chemical analysis for formaldehyde
nificant amounts of >NH and >NCH2OH functionality are
and gas chromatographic determination of alcohol (metha-
quite viscous, even though they may not be highly polymer-
nol or butanol).
ized. There is a marked drop in viscosity when amino resins
Free Formaldehyde are diluted with solvent, largely due to breaking of hydrogen
bonds. Good solvents (e.g., alcohols) are more effective at
Amino resins always contain some unreacted formalde- reducing viscosity than poor ones [11 ]. Methanol is probably
hyde, usually referred to in product specifications as "free" the best, although it is not widely used because of its low
formaldehyde. Free formaldehyde may be analyzed quantita- boiling point. Isopropanol is almost as effective, and because
tively by a number of methods. One of the most commonly it is somewhat higher boiling, represents a good compromise.
used is the sodium sutfite method [10]. Formaldehyde reacts
rapidly and completely with aqueous sodium sulfite to form a
bisulfite addition complex. Sodium hydroxide is liberated Surface Tension
quantitatively on a mole-for-mole basis
The surface tension of amino resins is quite strongly re-
CH20 + Na2SO3 + HaO ~NaOH + CHa(OH)NaSO3 (7) lated to the nature of the etherifying alcohol and is much less
The NaOH is either titrated directly with a standard HC1 affected by the level of combined formaldehyde and alcohol.
In the author's laboratory, surface tension measurements on
solution, or neutralized with a known excess of standard HC1,
which is then back-titrated with NaOH. Care must be taken to high-solids, solvent-free resins using a DeNouy tensiometer
ensure that reacted formaldehyde, particularly methylol have given values ranging from about 45 dynes/cm for meth-
groups, is not analyzed as free formaldehyde. This can occur ylated resins to about 28 dynes/cm for butylated resins. Mixed
because of the following reaction, which can be minimized by methyl/butyl resins give intermediate values, depending on
performing the titration as rapidly as possible at cool temper- the methyl and butyl content. The reduction in surface ten-
atures, e.g., room temperature or lower. sion vghen butanol is the etherifying alcohol may be one rea-
son that high-solids butyl and methyl/butyl resins provide
>NCH2OH ) >NH + CHaO (8) improved flow and leveling in high-solids formulations com-
pared to their fully methylated counterparts.

Amino resins are typically viscous liquids, with an amine-
Cure Reactions
like odor. Depending on composition, they may also smell of Amino resins in coating formulations cure by reactions
formaldehyde and/or solvent. They are readily soluble in alco- which are chemically and mechanistically similar to those
hols, ketones, hydroxy-functional glycol ethers, esters, etc., which take place during synthesis of the resin. The principal
but have limited solubility in hydrocarbons. Some resins, reaction of cure is one of trans-etherification, wherein a hy-
especially methylol-rich resins with low levels of both com- droxyl group on the primary film-former (acrylic, polyester,
bined formaldehyde and combined methanol, are water solu- or alkyd) reacts with an alkoxymethyl group on the amino
ble. Many more are water reducible in the presence of other resin
solvents, e.g., alcohols and glycol ethers.
Because of their resinous nature, aminos have neither a >NCH2OR + HO--A ~ >NCH20--A + ROH (9)
well-defined freezing point nor boiling point. Uncured resins where
typically have glass transition temperatures around -40~
R = alkyl, and
When heated, they undergo decomposition, with release of
A = primary film-former.
formaldehyde and alcohol, at temperatures above about
140~ This tendency to decompose causes difficulties in de- Additionally, direct etherification may take place, the end
termining the solids content of resin solutions, as described result being the same
CHAPTER 8 - - A M I N O R E S I N S 65

>NCH2OH + HO--A ) >NCH20--A + H20 (10) enced by heat. The trans-etherification reaction takes place
very rapidly under strong acid catalysis, even at low tempera-
tures. This is especially true for aminos with a high level of
A = primary film-former. alkoyxmethyl substitution, i.e., a very low NH content, which
tends to inhibit catalysis. Thus, most formulations involving
These two reactions both result in chemical bond forma-
tion between the amino and the primary film-former (co- resins with high alkoxymethyl ether content and designed for
condensation). Two other reactions may also take place, both low-temperature cure (250~ or lower) will call for a sulfonic
acid catalyst, either blocked or free.
of which involve reaction of the amino resin with itself (self-
condensation). These are Although the individual reactions of cure are reasonably
well understood and have been described in numerous pa-
>NH + ROCHzN< ) >NCH2N< + ROH (11) pers [13-18], there is still much to be learned about the overall
where behavior of amino resins during cure, in particular the rela-
tive contributions of each of the various reactions. One of the
R = H, alkyl. difficulties is, of course, that the coating becomes intractable
>NCH2OH + HOCH2N< ) >NCH2OCHzN< + H20 (12) as cure progresses. Hence, a majority of studies involve analy-
sis of the by-products of cure [13,17,30]. Other methods, such
Besides the co-condensation and self-condensation reac- as dynamic mechanical analysis [19], nuclear magnetic reso-
tions, hydrolysis and deformylation reactions may also occur nance [20,21], FTIR [17], ESCA, etc. investigate the structure
>NCH2OR + H20 ) >NCHzOH + ROH (13) of the cured film.
These techniques are useful not only for analyzing the
>NCH2OCH2OR + H20 ) >NCH20H + CH20 + ROH (14) freshly cured coating, but also as a means of following the
>NCHzOH ~ >NH + CH20 (15) coating through its lifetime, either natural or accelerated.

The relative contributions to cure of the co-condensation and

self-condensation reactions will depend on a variety of fac- Degradation and Weathering
tors. These include:
Amino-based cross-linked coatings exposed to the atmo-
1. The functionality of the amino resin, i.e., the relative pro-
sphere are subject to both hydrolysis and UV-degradation.
portions of >NCH2OR, >NCH2OH, and >NH groups pres-
The mechanisms by which melamine resins hydrolyze have
ent initially, as well as those generated during formulation
and/or cure. been described in detail by Berge [22-24], who was the frst to
2. The functionality (hydroxyl number) of the primary film- distinguish between mono- and di-substituted nitrogen with
former (coreactant). respect to their behavior towards acid or base hydrolysis.
3. The amino/coreactant ratio. Thus, in an alkaline medium, hydrolysis of an alkoxymethyl
4. The level and type of catalyst (weak acid/strong acid). group on a singly substituted nitrogen is initiated by removal
5. Cure time and temperature. by the base of the proton attached to nitrogen
A coreactant resin with a low hydroxyl number is best if --NHCH2OR + B ) --I~ICH2OR + BH § (16)
formulated with a "polar" amino (i.e., one rich in >NH and/or
--NCH2OR ) - - N = CH2 + OR- (17)
>NCH2OH) since these groups help build molecular weight
during cure via self-condensation, particularly if little or no - - N = CH2 + H20 ) --NHCH2OH (18)
catalyst is present. Conversely, a high hydroxyl resin is best if
OR- + BH + ) ROH + B (19)
matched with an alkoxymethyl-rich amino and cured with a
strong acid catalyst. Where high cure temperatures are em- This mechanism is clearly not applicable to di-substituted
ployed (e.g., can or coil coating operations), the choice of nitrogen (N(CH2OR)2), and these groups are in fact extremely
amino resin is less obvious, and, in practice, both polar and resistant to alkaline hydrolysis.
nonpolar aminos are used. On the other hand, acid hydrolysis takes place readily for
Acid catalysts are usually used as an aid in curing amino- both mono- and di-substituted nitrogen. Berge proposed two
based formulations. These catalysts include very strong mechanisms (a) specific acid catalysis
acids such as p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA), dodecyl-
>NCH2--OR + H + :, >NCH2OHR + (20)
benzenesulfonic acid (DDBSA), dinonylnaphthalenedi-
sulfonic acid (DNNDSA), etc., and weaker acids such as phe- >NCH2OHR + ) >NCH~- + ROH (21)
nyl acid phosphate (PAP), butyl acid phosphate (BAP), etc.
> N C H f + H20 ) >NCH2OH + H + (22)
Amine blocking agents are sometimes used to help minimize
resin advancement prior to cure. Some coatings, particularly and (b) general acid catalysis
those designed for high-bake temperatures, need no catalyst,
>NHCHzOR + HA ) >NCH2OHR + + A- (23)
relying instead on the combination of high temperature and
perhaps carboxylic acid functionality on the primary film- >NHCH2OHR + + A- ) >N = CH 2 + ROH + HA (24)
former to bring about cure [12]. While all of the various
- - N = CH 2 + H20 ) --NHCHEOH (25)
reactions which take place during cure are accelerated by
either acid or heat, it is fair to say that reactions of Berge's work with melamine resins is undoubtedly relevant
transetherification are most influenced by catalyst level and to acid hydrolysis of paint films, which has been studied by a
type, while reactions of self-condensation are most influ- number of workers.

English et al. [25,26] found that coatings prepared from in exterior applications, despite some of the recent difficulties
highly alkylated melamines underwent extensive hydrolysis described earlier in connection with water spotting and acid
of residual methoxy groups during two years exposure in etch of automobiles. Besides automobiles, they are used in
Florida, but there was no evidence of hydrolysis of bonds appliance formulations (both coil appliance and conven-
between melamine and the primary film-former. Bauer [27- tional post-sprayed), general metal applications, container
28] used IR to analyze acrylic-melamine coatings exposed to coatings (beer and beverage cans), etc.
both UV and moisture and found evidence of hydrolysis of In choosing an amino resin for a particular application,
both residual methoxy groups and acrylic-melamine bonds, consideration must be given not only to interior versus exte-
with the rate of hydrolysis being faster in the presence of UV rior use, but also to possible restrictions on cure conditions
light. The rate of hydrolysis was slowed considerably when a and compatibility of the amino resin with its co-reactant
hindered amine light stabilizer was used. resin, both when formulated and as the paint film is formed
In recent years, degradation of melamine-containing auto- during solvent flash-off and cure, etc. Compatibility of the
motive coatings has been particularly severe because of etch- amino is especially important in water-borne coatings, which
ing and spotting due to "acid rain." The problem is com- are becoming more widely used. Another factor is the stabil-
pounded because modern high-solids automotive coatings ity of the amino towards advancement (molecular weight
use very high levels of melamine resins (35 to 45% of total buildup) during storage of the formulated paint.
binder weight), giving rise to correspondingly high levels of Benzoguanamine-based (Fig. 7) amino resins are used
acrylic-melamine bonds and residual alkoxymethyl groups in where film flexibility and hardness are required, as in some
the cured film, all of which are susceptible to hydrolysis appliance applications (e.g., refrigerator doors made from
under acid conditions. Suppliers of high-solids coatings for coil stock, etc.). They also have good corrosion and humidity
automobiles are presently evaluating and using alternative and detergent resistance. Their use is limited by cost and poor
cross-linkers, such as isocyanates and epoxies, which are exterior durability due to the pendant phenyl group on the
more stable under acid rain conditions and which can serve benzoguanamine molecule.
as either a partial or complete replacement for melamines. An Glycoluril (Fig. 8) resins have been available for about a
interesting aspect of the acid etch problem is that the damage dozen years. They may require a higher cure temperature or a
always occurs to relatively new coatings. If a newly painted higher catalyst level than melamine-based resins, but show
automobile is protected from the acid environment for the excellent corrosion and humidity resistance and release
first six to twelve weeks, damage thereafter is much less lower amounts of formaldehyde during cure [29].
severe. An obvious conclusion is that the paint is undergoing
additional cure (probably melamine self-condensation) as it
Automotive paint manufacturers are also actively pursuing ENVIRONMENTAL/TOXICITY
waterborne systems, which use higher molecular weight, less
functional coreactant resins, and lower levels of melamine The past 20 years have seen increased emphasis on the
cross-linker and which are therefore less severely degraded quality of the environment both in the workplace and beyond.
by acid rain. At the present time, however, these waterborne In the coatings industry, this has meant strict controls on
systems are only used in the base coat, where acid attack is in exposure of workers to hazardous ingredients in the coating
any case minimized by the protective clear top coat. It is the formulation when applied, as well as on the nature and
top coat, with its high melamine content, which is the princi-

pal site for acid attack. But it is also the high level of mela-
mine resin which provides the excellent gloss and "distinct-
ness of image" (DOI), characteristic of basecoat/clearcoat
technology. The melamine resin also minimizes the amount
of solvent required because of its low viscosity at high-for-
mulated solids, behaving in some ways as a reactive diluent
and plasticizer.

E n d Uses o f A m i n o R e s i n s
Amino-based surface coatings protect and decorate the
substrate to which they are applied. Their technology and use
has developed over many years. As already mentioned, resins FIG. 7-Benzoguanamine.
based on urea and melamine dominate the field. Urea resins
are traditionally used in clear coatings for wood, e.g., furni-
ture, kitchen cabinets, in paper, film, and foil applications, H H
and in some appliance and general industrial coatings. They
are also used to some extent in automotive primers. They
cannot be used in automotive topcoats because of their sensi-
tivity to hydrolysis. "N~ ~'N ~
Melamine resins are much more widely used. They give H H
better chemical resistance, as well as resistance to weathering FIG. 8-Glycoluril.
CHAPTER 8 - - A M I N O R E S I N S 67

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