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Dear KVN Family,

With a heart full of pride and excitement, I present to you the very
first edition of "Chronicle," our e-newsletter. The colourful pages
cover the splendid tapestry of events and celebrations that have
earmarked our journey from April to August.

As you flip through the pages, you will be reminded not just of the
events themselves, but of the spirit, the passion, and the togetherness
that make KVN more than just a school—it's a blooming community.

Our students' achievements gleam brighter than ever, and the credit
goes to our dedicated educators who have nurtured, guided, and
believed in them every step of the way. From the innovations in
academic endeavours to the triumphs on the sports field, each
achievement is a testament to the incredible rapport between our
teachers and students.

"Chronicle" encapsulates the laughter, the hard work, the creative

fervour, and the strong bonds that define us. It showcases our
commitment to holistic education and the unwavering support of our
parents, who are our pillars of strength.

To the talented writers, photographers, and editors who have woven

this newsletter with care, thank you for freezing our memories in
these digital pages.

As we celebrate the art of teaching on this special day, let's also

celebrate the love for learning.
We dedicate this first Chronicle to our teaching community in
appreciation of their unflinching services.

Warm regards,
Elizabeth Joseph

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