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 Statement for Linked Answer Q.3 and Q. 4.

1. At time t = 0, a charge distribution   r , 0  exists
Consider the propagation of electromagnetic
within an ideal homogeneous conductor of waves in a linear, homogenous and isotropic ma-
permitivity  and conductivity  . At a later time terial medium with electric permittivity  , and

  r , t  is given by [GATE 2008] magnetic permeability  .
3. For a plane wave of angular frequency  and

   t  propagation vector k propagating in the medium
(a)   r , t     r , 0  exp   
   Maxwell’s equations reduce to
 [GATE 2010]
   r , 0          
(b)   r , t   (a) k  E = 0; k  H =0; k  E =  H; k  H = E
1   t /  
         
(b) k  E = 0; k  E=0; k  E =  H; k  H = E
   t 2           
  (c) k×E = 0; k×E=0; k×E = H; k  H = E
(c)   r , t     r , 0  exp     
              
(d) k×E = 0; k×E=0; k×E = H; k×H =  E
   t 
(d)   r , t     r , 0  exp sin   4. If  and  assume negative values in a certain
t    frequency range, then the directions of the propa-
2. The charge distribution inside a material of con-  
ductivity  and permittivity  at initial time t = 0 gation vector k and the Poynting vector S in
that frequency range are related as
is   r , 0   0 , constant. At subsequent times [GATE 2010]
 
  r , t  is given by [NET June 2017] (a) k and S are parallel
 
 t  (b) k and S are anti-parallel.
(a)  0 exp     
   (c) k and S are perpendicular to each other
 
1    t  (d) k and S make an angle that depends on
(b)  0 1  exp   
2     the magnitude of  and  .
0 5. An electromagnetically-shielded room is designed
(c) 1  exp   t   so that at a frequency   107 rad/s the intensity
 
    of the external radiation that penerates the room is
1 % of the incident radiation. If
(d) 0 cosh 
 106  m  is the conductivity of the


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shielding material, its minimum thickness should be
(given that ln 10 = 2.3) (b) 
(a) 4.60 mm (b) 2.30 mm 2
(c) 0.23 mm (d) 0.46 mm
2 
[NET June 2014]  
6. The skin depth of a metal is dependent on the con- 
ductivity (  ) of the metal and the angular fre- (d)
quency  of the incident field. For a metal of high
10. Suppose that free charges are present in a mate-
conductivity, which of the following relations is
rial of dielectric constant   10 and resistivity
correct ? (Assume that   1 where  is the
electrical permittivity of the medium).   1011 -m . Using Ohm’s law and the equa-
[JEST 2015] tion of continuity for charge, the time required for
the charge density inside the material to decay by
(a) d    (b) d  1/  1/e is closest to
(c) d   (d) d    [NET Dec. 2016]
7. At ‘equilibrium’ there can not be any free charge (a) 10-6 s (b) 106 s
inside a metal. However, if you forcibly put charge (c) 1012 s (d) 10 s
in the interior then it takes some finite time to ‘dis- 11. An electromagnetic wave (of wavelength 0 in
appear’, i.e. move to the surface. If the conduc- free space ) travels through an absorbing medium
tivity,  , of a metal is 106   m  and the di-
with dielectric permittivity given by

electric consatant 0  8.85  1012 Farad/m, this I

   R  i I , where  3 . If the skin depth
time will be approximately:
(a) 105 sec (b) 1011 sec 0
is , the ratio of the amplitude of electric field
(c) 109 sec (d) 1017 sec
E to that of the magnetic field B, in the medium (in
[JEST 2013] ohms) is [NET June 2017]
(a) 120  (b) 377
8. The skin depth of the electromagnetic waves in a
poor conductor is : (c) 30 2  (d) 30 
  2 1
12. The wave number of an electromagnetic wave in-
(a)  [ 1 ( )  1] 2
2  cident on a metal surface is  20  750i  m1 in-
 side the metal, where i  1 . The skin depth of
(b) 
2 the wave in the metal is __________
(Specify your answer in mm to two digits after
2 
(c) the decimal point )
 
13. Consider a metal with free electron density of

(d) 6  1022 cm 3 . The lowest frequency electro-
magnetic radiation to which this metal is transpar-
9. The skin depth of the electromagnetic waves in a
good conductor is : ent is 1.38  1016 Hz . If this metal had a free elec-

  1
tron density of 1.8  10 23 cm 3 instead, the low-
(a)  [ 1  ( ) 2  1] 2 est frequency electromagnetic radiation to which
2 
it would be transparent is ________  1016 Hz .
(up to two decimal places).

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[GATE 2017] [TIFR 2017]
14. The electric field E (r,t) at a point r at time t in a 18. A uniform volume charge density is placed inside
metal due to the passage of electrons can be de- a conductor (with resistivity 10 2 m ). The charge
scribed by the equation density becomes 1/(2.718) of its original value af-
[GATE 2001] ter time ______ femto seconds. (up to two deci-
 
  1   E r ,t 
   mal places) (  0  8.854  1012 F / m )
 E r ,t   2 
   2
E  r , t 
c  t 2  [GATE 2017]
Data for Q.19 and Q.20
Where   is a chargacteristic frequency associ-
Consider two conducting plates of infinite extent,
ated with the metal and c is the speed of light in one plate at z = 0 and the other at z = L, both
vacuum. The dispersion relation corresponding to parallel to the xy plane. The vector and scalar
the plane wave solutions of the form exp potential in the region between the plates is given

i k .r  t  is given by :
  by :
 
A  r , t   A0i cos  kz    cos  kct  ;   r , t   0
(a)  2  c 2 k 2   2 (b)  2  c 2 k 2   2
19. For this to represent a standing wave in the empty
(c)  2  ck    (d)  2  ck    region between the plates:
15. A medium with refractive index n (  ) , where  [GATE 2003]
is the frequency, is said to posses anomalous dis- (a) k =  /L and   0
persion when (b) k = 2 /L and    / 2
0 (c) k =  /  2L  and    / 2
(a) (b)
ω ω
(d) k =  /2L and   0
n 2
n 2
(c) 0 (d) 0 20. The energy density at z = 0 and t = 0 is :
ω 2
ω2 [GATE 2003]
16. The frequency dependent dielectric constant of a (a) 0
meterial is given by
(b)  0 c 2 k 2 A02
    1  (c) 1 / 2  μ 0 A02 k 2
   2  i

Where A is a positive constant, 0 the resonant (d) 1 / 2  μ 0 A02 k 2  1 / 2   0c 2 k 2 A02

frequency and  the damping coefficient. For an 21. A wavelguide ha a square cross-section of side
electromagnetic wave of angular frequency 2a. For the TM mode of wavevector k, the trans-
verse elelctromagnetic modes are obtained in terms
  0 , which of the following is true? ( Assume
of a function   x, y  which obeys the equation

that   1 ).   2   2 
  2  k 2    x, y   0
 2 
 x y  c
(a) There is a negligible absorption of the wave 
(b) The wave propagation is highly dispersive
with the boundary condition
(c) there is strong absorption of the electromag-
netic wave    a, y     x,  a   0 . The frequency  of
(d) the group velocity and the phase velocity will the lowest mode is given by
have opposite sign.
 4 2 
(a)   c  k 
2 2 2
17. A beam of plane microwaves of wavelength 12 
 a2 
cm strikes the surface of a dielectric at 45o. If the
refractive index of the dielectric is 4/3, what will
 2 2 
(b)   c  k  2 
2 2
be the wavelength, in units of mm, of the micro-
waves inside the dielectric?  a 

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2 2   2
 
(c)   c  k  2 
(a) 3 (b)
 2a   

 2  1  1 
(d)   c  k 
2 2 2
 (c) (d)
 4a  2 2  3 
22. A hollow rectangular wave guide has a cm and 27. For a wave propagating in an air filled metallic rect-
b cm. The frequency of the incident signal is 3 angular waveguide, the frequency and the wave
vector are related as (c is the speed of light and
Gz. Calculate (i) c ,  ii   g ,  iii  v p and  iv  v g
c is the cut off frequency)
23. An electromagnetic wave propagating along the
z-direction in a rectangular waveguide in the TE (a) c 2 k 2   2  c2 (b) c 2 k 2   2
mode is characterized by
(c) c 2 k 2   2  c2 (d) c 2 k 2   4  c4
(a) Ez  0, H z  0 (b) H z  0, Ez  0
28. The ratio of the maximum and minimum widths of
(c) Ez  0, H z  0 (d) Ez  0, H z  0 a waveguide of square cross-section, if it is to
24. A hollow waveguide supports transverse electric transmit waves in the TE01 mode only, is___.
(TE) modes with the dispersion relation
29. The maximum wavelength that will propagate in
k   2  mn 2
where mn is the mode fre- the TE01 mode, in a rectangular wave guide with
quency. The speed flow of electromagnetic en- dimensions 1cm 1cm is
ergy at the mode frequency is (a) 0.01 m (b) 0.002 m
[NET June 2018] (c) 0.03 m (d) 0.04 m
30. In previous question, the phase velocity and en-
mn ergy velocity through the guide at a frequency
(a) c (b)
k equal to twice the cut-off frequency are given by
(c) 0 (d)  (a) 1.15c and 0.86c (b) 0.86c and 1.15c
25. Electromagnetic wave of angular frequency  is (c) 0.15c and 0.23c (d) 0.23c and 0.15c
propagating in a medium in which, over a band of 31. Consider a rectangular wave guide with dimen-
frequencies, the refractive index is sions 2.28 cm × 1.01 cm. Which of the following
2 TE modes will propagate in the waveguide, if the
n    1    , where 0 is a constant. The driving frequency is 1.70  1010 Hz .
 0 
(a) TE10 and TE30 but not TE20
ratio v of the group velocity to the phase veloc- (b) TE10 and T11 but not TE30
(c) TE02 and T02 but not TE10
ity at   is [NET Dec 2018] (d) TE30 and T11 but not T10
32. The ratio of the lowest TM cut off frequency to
1 the lowest TE cut off frequency for a rectangular
(a) 3 (b)
4 waveguide with dimensions a  b is
2 1 2 2
(c) (d) 2 (a) a b
3 a
26. the wave number k and the angular frquency 
1 2
of a wave are realted by the dispersion relation (b) a  b2
 2   k   k 3 , where  and  are positive
constants. The wave number for which the phase (c) a2  b2
velocity equals the group velocity, is
[NET June 2019]
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1 (a) TM 12 (b) TM 21
a 2  b2 (c) TE12 (d) TE21

20 20 39. The electric field E in a rectangular waveguide of
33. The interior of a cm  cm rectangular
3 4 inner dimensions a  b is given by
waveguide is completely filled with a dielectric of   2 x 
r  4 waves of free space wavelength shorter E  0.1H 0 sin   sin  t   z  yˆ
 a 
than  can be propagated in TE11 mode, where
where H 0 is a constant, a and b are the dimen-
 is sions along the x axis and y axis respectively. The
(a) 8 cm (b) 0.8 cm mode of propagation in the waveguide is
(c) 0.08 cm (d) 80 cm
(a) TE20 (b) TM 20
34. A rectangular air filled waveguide has a cross sec-
tion of 4cm 10cm . The minimum frequency (c) TM 11 (d) TM 10
which can propagate in the waveguide is 40. The magnetic field of the TE11 mode of a rectan-
(a) 1.5GHz (b) 2.5GHz
gular waveguide of dimensions a  b as shown in
(c) 2.0GHz (d) 3.0GHz
the figure is given by
35. The phase velocity of waves propagating in a hol-
low metal waveguide is H z  H 0 cos  0.3 x  cos  0.4 y  , where x and
(a) Greater than velocity of light in free space y are in cm. [NET JUNE 2011]
(b) Less than velocity of light in free space
(c) Equal to velocity of light in free space
(d) Equal to group velocity
36. The velocity with which energy propagates in
waveguide is
(a) More than phase velocity
(b) Less than phase velocity z
(c) Equal to phase velocity
(d) None of the above
37. Consider an air filled rectangular waveguide with
dimensions 2cm 1cm . The increasing order for A. The dimensions of the waveguide are
the cut off frequency for different modes is (a) a  3.33cm, b  2.50cm
(a) TE01  TE10  TE11  TE20 (b) a  0.40cm, b  0.30cm
(b) TE20  TE11  TE10  TE01 (c) a  0.80cm, b  0.60cm
(c) TE10  TE20  TE01  TE11 (d) a  1.66cm, b  1.25cm
B. The entire range of frequencies f for which the
(d) TE10  TE11  TE20  TE01
38. The longitudinal component of the magnetic field TE11 mode will propagate is:
inside an air filled rectangular waveguide made of (a) 6.0GHz  f  7.5GHz
a perfect electric conductor is given by the fol- (b) 7.5GHz  f  9.0GHz
lowing expression
(c) 7.5GHz  f  12.0GHz
BZ  0.5cos  25 x  cos  30.3 y 
(d) 7.5GHz  f
cos 12  10   z  in SI units.
41. In a rectangular waveguide for which a  2b ,
The cross sectional dimensions of the waveguide the cut off frequency for TE02 mode is 12GHz ,
are given as a  0.08m and b  0.33m . The
the cut off frequency for TM 11 mode is
mode of propagation inside the waveguide is

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(a) 3GHz (b) 3 5GHz

(c) 12GHz (d) 6 5GHz

42. A 1cm  2cm rectangular air filled waveguide
operates in TE12 mode at a frequnecy that is
20% higher than the cut off frequency, the
operating frequnecy is
(a) 56.75GHz (b) 12.92GHz
(c) 19.09GHz (d) 21.63GHz
43. In the above question, the phase and grounp
velocities are respectively
(a) 5.43  108 m / s and 1.66  108 m / s
(b) 7.43  108 m / s and 1.66  108 m / s
(c) 5.43  108 m / s and 7.66  108 m / s
(d) None of the above.


1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (d)

4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (b)
7 (d) 8 (c) 9 (d)
10 (c) 11 (d) 12 (1.33)
13 (2.39) 14 (*) 15 (d)
16 (*) 17 (090) 18 (88.54)
19 (b) 20 (0) 21 (c)
22 (*) 23 (a) 24 (c)
25 (a) 26 (b) 27 (c)
28 (1.414) 29 (d) 30 (a)
31 (b) 32 (b) 33 (a)
34 (a) 35 (a) 36 (b)
37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (a)
40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (d)
43. (a)

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