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Post 2005 Role of Ethiopian Economic Diplomacy in the

Implementation of Integrated Housing Development Program

and Real Estate Development: A case of Addis Ababa
2021; X(X): XX-XX

doi: 10.11648/j.XXXX.2021XXXX.XX

ISSN: XXXX- XXXX (Print); ISSN: XXXX - XXXX (Online)

Author’s Name: Fasikaw Eseyneh (Eng.)

School of Diplomacy & International Relations , College of Leadership and Governance , Ethiopian Civil
Service University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Email adverse:
To cite this article:
Fasikaw Eseyneh. Post 2005 Role of Ethiopian Economic Diplomacy in the Implementation of Integrated
Housing Development Program and Real Estate Development: A case of Addis Ababa. International
journal of economic diplomacy. Vol-1, No-1,2021, pp 1-25 doi: : 10.11648/

Abstract: This study focused on post 2005 role of Ethiopian economic diplomacy in the implementation of integrated
housing development program and real estate development. Besides, the paper explores the contribution of housing on the
economic, political and social life of the society. Then it assessed the challenges of housing development in Addis Ababa.
Thus, qualitative research method and semi structured in-depth interview was conducted. Addis Ababa is selected as a case
study because the housing crisis is acute. The thesis found colossal number of houses are constructed and transferred to the
society which has direct economic, political and social effect to the beneficiaries, contractures, consultants, MSE’s, suppliers
and others. The paper uncovers Addis Ababa housing sector had shortcomings of not utilizing technology, financial scarcity
and maladministration. Moreover, Ethiopian economic diplomacy had a strategic advantage for affordable housing in getting
the specified amount of materials and quality at reasonable cost directly from producers. The study concluded that the
prospects and challenges of Addis Ababa housing exude from the socialist oriented government decrees, policy and
procedures. Ethiopian economic diplomacy is imperative motor for housing development in Addis Ababa. The
recommendation for Addis Ababa City Administration was to curb its internal maladministration problem and prepare
pragmatic policies that proliferate formal housing. Finally, Ethiopian economic diplomats and joint task force shall vigorously
pursuit options for housing development by breaking bureaucratic red tapes, showing gaps of housing, attraction of mega
manufacturing firms, tycoon housing developers, soliciting technical and financial aid.
Keywords: economic diplomacy, foreign direct investment, technology transfer and trade.
The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 1

1 Introduction Democratic Republic of Ethiopia formulated and

approved a consolidated Urban Development
The center of Ethiopian foreign relation is
Policy. They also created the national Ministry
economic diplomacy that relay on the principle
of Works and Urban Development (MWUD) to
of “Inside Out” approach. The corner stone
guide the overall development of the country’s
behind “Inside Out” approach is first use the
urban areas and conducting studies on its
domestic capacity and resources to our problems
urbanization patterns [6].
next fill gaps by external [1]. Ethiopian
economic diplomacy (EED) lead by the principle Addis Ababa City Administration Housing
of “Inside Out” approach have succeeded in Development Administration Office
attracting myriad of entrepreneurs as well as (AACAHDAO) has a mandate to follow up,
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) , trade and aid monitor, supervise, lead and control, coordinates
[2]. concerned bodies in the housing sector to supply
affordable housing in Addis Ababa. The goal is
Housing is an indispensably component of a
to construct condominiums, create job
nation’s economy. It’s in reverse and forward
opportunities, promote the development of
linkages with other parts of the economy closely
MSE’s, enhance the capacity of the construction
bond people’s needs, demands and social
sector, upgrading slums in cities and home
processes with the supply of land, infrastructure,
ownership of low and middle income citizens
building materials, innovation, labor, and
housing finance. These linkages allow housing to
act as an important engine for sustainable Housing is multidisciplinary. The intersection of
development and poverty reduction in both economic diplomacy and housing as well as
society and the economy [3]. Revitalized global Ethiopian economic diplomacy and Addis Ababa
partnership and universal solidarity, guided by housing founded on construction material
the Charter of the United Nations (UN) are supply, investment in housing development
crucial to meet adequate housing [4]. projects, technology transfer, financial and
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) Target technical aid. Ethiopian economic diplomacy is
11.1 “By 2030, ensure access for all adequate, the artery of the country to the external world.
safe and affordable housing and basic services The gaps in Addis Ababa housing development
and upgrade slums.” It relates innovation and could be filled through Ethiopian economic
capacity building, domestic public resources, diplomacy by the principle of “Inside Out
address systemic issues, science, technology, Approach”.
international trade, debt and debt sustainability,
monitoring and follow up [5].

In 2005, the council of Ministers of the Federal

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 2

2 The significance of Ethiopian EIC is mandated to facilitate the allocation of

economic diplomacy for housing land for FDI projects throughout the country.

supply in Addis Ababa The lease and rental prices of urban and rural
land vary according to location, type of
Interlocking of housing development and investment and class of land. Land cannot be
economic diplomacy yields prosperity in Addis sold or mortgaged, but the rent or rental value of
Ababa. The Addis Ababa City Administration land and the settled assets consequently may be
facilitates land, infrastructure, incentives and sold or exchanged to a third party.
protection of the housing developer’s
investment. Addis Ababa City Administration Ethiopia is a member of a lot of international
gets construction materials manufacturing firms organizations such as Multilateral Investment
and direct involvement of housing development Guarantee Agency, a World Bank affiliate and a
from FDI. Construction materials that are not signatory to the Convention on the Settlement of
produced in Ethiopia are imported from abroad investment disputes among States and Nationals
by trade. The gaps of international experience of other States.
and financial shortage alleviated through
EIC allowed foreign investors the right to make
technical and financial aid. The interaction
the listed remittances out of Ethiopia in foreign
between international actors and Addis Ababa
currency: dividends and profits, principals and
City Administration relay on the contract,
interest payments on external loans, technology
international norms, national housing
transfer based payments, payment made for
development and administration policies.
compensation of investor and income from the
The significance of Ethiopian economic sale or liquidation of an enterprise, transfer of
diplomacy in the housing sector presented shares or partial ownership of an enterprise to a
through FDI, trade and aid. domestic investor.

A FDI As Abebe Abebayehu (Commissioner, EIC)

speech to CGTN,” FDI quadrupled in Ethiopia
According to a team leader in Ethiopian over the last five years. Ethiopia has positioned
Investment Commission (EIC),
itself as strategic location of choice for FDI. The
EIC opens investment licenses for the Chinese base companies are the forerunners.”
construction Grade one general, road, building,
One of the team leaders in EIC said,
water or special construction for foreign
investors. Besides real estate development is also The attraction of foreign companies in
given to foreign investors. Further construction construction sector builds the human capital by
materials manufacturing like cement, rebar, training. This has spillover effect of constructing
ceramic and others investment licenses are open on time and quality. It is possible to say foreign
to the foreign investors. construction companies have changed the

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 3

culture of the construction. It enabled our

in the usage of urban land effectively. The
capacities in the building of mega projects.
housing developers share technical and
Further number of foreign investors registered in administrative knowledge for Ethiopians.
the real estate sector is enormous. But their
I visited housing development projects that are
significance is nearly negligible currently limited
built by foreign investors and Ethiopian
to Tsehaye Real Estate and Metropolitan Real
Government. Tsehay real estate, Meri loki and
Estate. Nearly all real estate developers ask for
Hintsa Akerabi sites. The project of AAIHDP in
incentives from the government to build
Meri Loki and Hintsa Akerabi sites lags more
than threefold because
Chinese real estate developer has built a city
1) Design of Meri Loki and Hintsa
with in a city in CMC, Addis Ababa. It is an
Akerabi site is not fully finished before
investment project that targets the rich. As Mr.
the construction. Because of technical
Tenaadam Zewudie has made speech on EBS
and administrative problem.
TV [8]
2) The structural construction and
infrastructure works aren’t done
Tsehaye real estate is compact city complex. The
parallel. The causes are technical and
design of the city complex was done 15 times
administrative problem.
before the construction. The designers did in 3) There is no work in the night. The main
detail about concept design, necessary facilities causes are administrative and financial
and others before starting the construction. problem.
4) The coordination of contractors,
After that the construction started in 2013. The aluminum, electrical MSE’S, sanitary
structural construction, infrastructure and MSE’S and others are very poor.
greenery were done in parallel way. The Correction works are recurrent this
structural construction took 8 months for 13 leads to additional cost for demolition

blocks B+G+12. The project used batching and construction.

plants for concrete casting. Even though Tsehaye real estate finishes the
construction before three years, the houses are
Each day the strength and weakness of the
not fully transferred. The cost is more than
project is analyzed. Day and night were working
threefold when you compared to AAIHDP built
times. The team works in coordination and houses like Meri Loki and Hintsa Akerabi sites.
discipline. It is the international experience. It is It is unaffordable because
possible to say the first in most African countries  The areas of the houses are very vast;
 It is luxury apartment;

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 4

 Government facilitates little or no guide-lines. One of the most important things

incentives and that we do is we constantly communicate up to
 Profit oriented project date information to our contacts. We also focus
on the investment incentives in targeted sectors
As Ambassador Shamebo Fitamo, MoFA Middle for UAE investors and ensure that potential
East Affairs Director General, interview with investors get the most current information
Ethiopian Herald [9] stated that the renewed available.
approach to economic diplomacy has given
Recently we had a roundtable discussion with
utmost priority to capitalize on the Gulf State’s
key stakeholders to identify current priority
enormous capital in a view to ensuring economic
sectors and incentives. We are now working to
progress and curbing extreme poverty and
create a campaign to promote these priority
unemployment. A big UAE-based company,
sectors and incentive schemes for UAE Investors
namely Eagle Hills, invested two billion USD in
to attract them to invest in Ethiopia.
La Gare’s real estate project for residential and
business purposes, many other Gulfs flagship
Housing (real estate) development gets attention
corporates are coming here with huge financial
by higher officials and international investors.
and technological calibers, and he pointed out.
Adanech Abiebie (Deputy Mayor of Addis
As Ms. Tewabech H. Molla , Head of Dubai Ababa) signed a contract agreement for the
Chamber International Office, Ethiopia, construction of 30,000 houses with Wadi
interview to MOFA Business Diplomacy Update housing developer in May, 2021. The UAE
[10], government supports the project. The Addis
I have been with Dubai Chamber since August 1, Ababa City Administration prepared land [11].
2018. I can tell you that since I started, we have
The Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech
re-launched our office and have been actively
Abiebie signed a contract agreement for the
promoting bilateral trade. We have created a
construction of 100,000 houses with Property
means for investors to have a streamlined
2000 South African Company. The company
process so that they can make investment
invested 4.2 Billion Dollar that can be paid in 30
decisions quicker and start their projects faster.
yrs. with 1% interest. 90% of jobs will be
There are a few projects in the pipeline that I am
created for the local people. The Addis Ababa
happy to say it will be implemented in the near
City Administration prepared land and tax
exemptions for imported construction materials
We work closely with the EIC and other key [12].
stakeholders to keep up to date on current
Ethiopia’s foreign policy, in fact, maintains that
investment opportunities as well as follow
economic diplomacy is an instrument of rapid
current changes to investment policies, rules and
economic growth, pivotal to build the capacity to

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 5

withstand internal and external threats. Over 17 companies are engaged in Ethiopia’s
Economic diplomacy, therefore, implies the cement market. Dangote Cement’s Dangote
removal of domestic and international handicaps Industry Ethiopia holding the lion’s share after
to rapid development using diplomatic the Nigerian-based company commissioned a 2.5
instruments such as representation, protection, million-ton plant in 2015. The plant, 90km from
communication, negotiations and political Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, is the largest and
pressure. Central to this is the importance of most modern cement plant in Ethiopia,
juxtaposing the rhetoric of policy with the praxis, producing 32.5 and 42.5-grade cements,
the practical application, reviewing the according to the company’s latest annual report
performance of economic diplomacy in creating [14].
conducive international environment for
Derba Midroc Cement PLC. (DMC) invested a
economic development [13].
total cost of USD$ 600 million, the company is
One of the officials in EIC said that Ethiopian
one of the largest and state-of-the-art cement
government followed the import substitution of
factories in Ethiopia. This includes Derba
most construction materials. Domestic and
Cement, Derba Transport with over 800 Volvo
foreign investors are involved in import
trucks and Maya PP Bag. The cement plant is
substitution. The companies started
located at the top of Muger valley – some 70
manufacturing like cement, rebar, sanitary and
kms North-West of Addis Ababa [15].
electrical materials. The vast market in Ethiopia
attracts foreign investors. Ethiopia’s cement and Ethio Cement has been incorporated as a joint
other industry have enjoyed substantial growth in venture between an Ethiopian investor and
the past decade. So, Ethiopian markets WACEM (West African Cement SA) a company
especially in cement were stable for long time. promoted by Indian entrepreneurs, having the
base at Togo, West Africa. The plant is located
One of the contractors in AAIHDP said,
near Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, where the
Before 15 years most of the construction
75% of cement is consumed in the country. The
materials comes from foreign countries.
project cost of about birr 1700 Mln is financed
Currently enormous construction materials are
by equity capital Birr 1000 Million and balance
produced in Ethiopia. The materials include
by way of term loans from Development bank of
ceramic, cement, quartz, EGA and others. This
allows us to get a better quality, to the required
quantity and fair price construction materials.
According to one of the director in AAIHDP the
That means the cost of transportation and other
attraction of foreign investors’ in the
issues are reduced. So, directly or indirectly it
manufacturing of construction materials are very
has a great role in the housing projects.
critical for the construction of affordable
housing. For example Dangote planted the
biggest cement factory in Ethiopia. Aftermath of

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 6

Dangote, the cost of cement reduced from 500 There are lack of coordination among
and above to less than 250. This is very clear and stakeholders, a shortage of competent and
easy way of showing the impact of FDI in the intuitive diplomats and professionals, and an
supply of affordable housing. over-stringent bureaucracy as well as the danger
of saturation, land leases politically contentious,
One of the directors in AAIHDP said:
increasing tension between political and
“Construction materials manufacturer and
economic priorities or even the recent political
housing construction projects relation is win-
unrest remains constraints that the government
win. For example cement manufacturers directly
must work out [13].
supply in bulk for the housing projects. The
housing projects benefited in quantity, quality
B) Trade
and cost. The cost of cement reduced from 500
and above to less than 250 this has a great impact According to one of the directors in AAIHDP,

to the supply of affordable housing. They get Before 2018 most of the construction materials

opportunity of bulk sales in hundred millions. were bought by international bid. Federal
procurement and asset removal authority
One of the officials in EIC in the construction announce, procure and sign a contract for
sector mega construction material producers supply of construction materials. AAIHDP
mainly asks for electric power and foreign administer the contact signed by Federal
currency. Currently the demand and supply of procurement and asset removal authority.
construction materials are not balanced
specifically on cement. So the government The strategic materials like rebar imported from

invited additional two cement producing China, Ukraine and Turkey. There are great

companies. Cement producing companies get benefits for the supply of construction materials

priorities for the foreign currency. discount with cost, sufficient quantity and
required quality. Besides the government
Melaka Alebel, Minister of Trade and Industry, allowed tax free construction material supply for
attributed the root cause of the supply shortage to affordable housing projects. For example rebar
shortcomings in the cement industry, such as a were bought from 9 up to 18 birr per k.g
lack of spare parts, power outages, lack of inputs currently in Ethiopian market 1k.g of rebar is
including raw materials, security issues and a around 50 birr which is triple to the cost of
lack of leadership and professional skills. In the international bid.
past, foreign currency availability has also been
On the other side one director of AAIHDP said,
an issue for companies seeking to source space
parts from overseas. Truck shortages have also The government entered in to non-strategic
hindered the delivery of cement [17] construction material supply. The process has a
problem of foreign currency, delay and transport
problem in Djibouti which lead to additional

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 7

demurrage payments. In addition there are also As Qian Xiao, Owner of Tsehay Real Estate,
problems how to handle those materials at stoke “The biggest challenge is importation. In
and site level. Further the project time elapsed Ethiopia there is no enough industry system to
triple times because of shortage of materials and different construction materials. So, most
coordination problems among stake holders. construction materials are imported from abroad
After 2018 we have entered supply and fix
contract that means the contractor is responsible As Eng. Tsedeqe Yihuni ,founder of Flint stone
for the entire project. The contractor plan which homes, “Housing provision becomes difficult
material shall be available for what he will do. for us due to sequence of shortage of material,
AAIHDP controls the progress, quality and time. foreign currency problem for importing finishing
AAIHDP couldn’t manage a lot of stakeholders
to adders the burning issue. In addition the As one of the managers of Metropolitan Real
internal problems related to capacity problems Estate “Nearly 99% of our finishing materials
and others the project couldn’t move forward. So come from Turkey and Europe [20].”
decentralizing the powers from AAIHDP to a lot
According to one of directors in AAIHDP,
of contractors, suppliers and others could
“International actors contribute to the supply of
provide the expected goals.
construction materials like rebar, sanitary,
One of the directors in AAIHDP responded that electric and finishing materials with international
we don’t have any differences about the bid. The supply of construction materials
problems. The solution isn’t taking responsibility international bid abroad takes the lion share of
from the government to the incapable housing projects.”
contractures. 1k.g of rebar is around 50 birr
which increases three folds. The incremental cost
C) Aid
is added to affordable housing program. This One of the senior officials in MUDC said that
leads the program unaffordable. the relation between MOFA and MUDC is very
weak. Housing needs cooperation including
The AAIHDP shall identify strategic
attraction of financial and technical aid. The
construction materials which has major quality,
cooperation shall be tight to meet the housing
cost and quantity problems. So the strategic
demand. Ethiopian diplomats and ambassador
materials shall be supplied by the international
shall work closely to technology transfer like
bid. If the material isn’t produced in Ethiopia the
preparing exposure visit. We can copy
issue of foreign currency still not solved. The
international experience in cooperation with
supply of construction materials from abroad by
MOFA. International housing developers shall
international bid allow affordable housing.
be invited from MOFA based on their relation

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 8

According to the data given by UN facilities and services. NGOs like Concern,
representative in MOFED Ms. Hanna, Ethiopia Oxfam and Norwegian Save the Children Fund
gets technical assistance grant and loans from have been involved in upgrading of slum areas
UN group, international financial institutions, and were working together with communities in
European Union and bilateral relations. Some of poverty mitigation efforts in both rural and urban
the aid is given to urban development Addis centers in Ethiopia [21].
Ababa, capacity building, social development
According to the senior official in MUDC,
and others. The bilateral relation with Germany
“International actors are working for poverty
provides GTZ technical assistance to low cost
alleviation and sustainable development. GTZ,
housing at the beginning of the low cost housing
UN Habitat and World Bank have been
in Addis Ababa. The reason for the withdrawal
financing problem solving research for housing.
of GTZ from technical assistance of low cost
UN Habitat, GTZ and World Bank works closely
housing is not clear.
with MUDC research works. These have to be
On the other hand one of the higher officials in transferred to technical and financial support for
MUDC said, the provision of adequate and affordable
There is backdrop of technical aid in AAIHDP.
When GTZ worked in cooperation with AAIHDP GTZ, UN Habitat and World Bank direct
the projects were going on time with little involvement has multiplier effect to the
deviations. After the withdrawal of GTZ around provision of affordable housing. It enables
2012/13 the housing projects time frame elapsed technology transfer, financial support and
more than triple folds from. Technical aids technical assistance.
related to engineering know how and technology
2.1. Economic, social and political
transfer is very critical in AAIHDP.
contribution of housing in Addis Ababa
AAIHDP mimicked agro stone technology from
The ambitious plan of Ethiopian government
China. Technology transfer with regard to agro
home ownership for the low and middle income
stone shall be expanded. The main advantage of
citizens in extended period of credit gets the
agro stone is saving time, energy and cost in
heart and mind of enrolled family units and
the construction of partition work. It can be
numerous others. Housing is the imperative
called as the best practice. The advantage of
motor for sustainable development and poverty
technology transfer is modernizing the housing
reduction work. On its implementation the
development and providing adequate home with
fulfillment of the program to enrolled family
the given time.
units is diverse. Most of family units are not

International NGOs have also been engaged in satisfied since they couldn’t get their home based

upgrading urban houses and provision of on the agreements. The success and failures of
the government is related to its policies,

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 9

proclamation and bureaucracy of the colossal numbers of work openings encourage

government. The home ownership is more of youth and diminish unemployment. After the
capitalist idea. The construction of housing is transfer of houses the society organized
mainly dominated by the government which is themselves and low level organization takes
socialist concept. Besides, the government place.
couldn’t facilitate infrastructure, land, finance
and other related issues for housing 2.2. Factors obstructing IHDP and Real
development. Estate Development in Addis Ababa

The main challenge of integrated housing

The social effect of housing is exceptionally
development and real estate development in
incredible. Socially home ownership creates
Addis Ababa emanates from the socialist
stability and psychological advantages. It is a
oriented government decrees, policy and
primary need after food and medical care.
procedures that entitled the government as a
Habitable homes make a sense of socially
major actor. The State dominated the production,
respected and psychological benefits. Inhabitants
consumption and allocation of housing. It
have improved physical environment from
doesn’t result housing for all. On the other hand,
slums, unsecured security of tenure and
housing shall not be considered as a commodity
homelessness. Habitable home is a fundamental
or investment mainly. The right to housing is
input for prevention and care of illnesses.
human rights. Housing rights are economic,
Integrated housing development program and social and cultural rights. So, the bounded
real estate development in Addis Ababa have a interference of the government is important
multiplier impact on the economy. Housing has a because there are market disequilibrium and
direct spillover effect to the MSE’s, construction failure of private sector to supply housing for the
materials suppliers, contractures, consultants, poor, medium and high income citizens. As Mr.
real estate developers and others. Housing Samuael Tafese, President of Sunshine
development is the major and biggest job Investment group,
creation center in Addis Ababa City
Most of the time the government couldn’t have a
chance to construct homes to the required
Politically housing is a bone of contention quantity in a specified time. The role of the
between political parties. That means it has government shall be changed from main actor to
effects to the grievances and support of the planning, monitoring and controlling. So the
government. Politically housing development private sector shall help based on the need of the
needs strong political will, commitment and society. The international experiences show us
investment. Any political party who can adders the private sector is the main actor in the
the housing crisis in Addis Ababa can get the provision of adequate housing [19].
heart and election card of the society. Besides

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 10

Housing development firms are not fruitful in Housing Development and Administration in
meeting the demand. They don’t utilize high MUDC, “Housing development program has a
construction technology that meets the request of critical scarcity of finance and technology. We
mass housing. Other than there are no enough shall see other options. The government only
construction materials fabricating industries in couldn’t solve the problems. To address the
Ethiopia. This leads the housing provision housing problem the private investors and
troublesome due to a series of imported materials government shall work cooperatively [19].”
with lack of foreign currency. It is exceptionally
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia facilitates credits
clear the construction material supply is indebted
for 10/90, 20/80 and 40/60 schemes. The loan is
with negative trade balance. As Dr. Meskerem
partitioned in to two construction bond and the
Zewudie, Head of AACAHDAO, “we don’t
beneficiaries’ of schemes. Besides based on the
utilize technology on the housing development.
memorandum of understanding the bank gives
In addition financial options are not used/ seen
mortgage for Embassies, NGO’s and
very well [12].”
international organizations if they save at least
The government utilized housing as a stick and 500,000 USA dollars annually. The bank doesn’t
carrot. Before 2018 supporters of the party get have a direct mortgage for private real estate
employments and houses. After 2018 the new developers. Besides CBE didn’t give priority for
administration pioneers are changed regularly. housing development. Housing development
Most of the leaders take houses built for low and needs secured financial sources both on the
middle income citizens. The new administration supply and demand side of the housing chain.
claimed the distribution of houses as a So, to alleviate this challenge to cherished values
distributive justice for disadvantaged farmers. National Housing Mortgage Bank is critical.
The housing provision, administration and
Private real estate developers construct houses
development are not reasonable, transparent and
for diplomats and tycoon Ethiopians. The private
responsible which is the manifestation of
real estate developers focus on presale to adders
socialist theory of housing.
the challenge of finance. It is not affordable for
Integrated housing development and real estate all income levels. The government couldn’t
development in Addis Ababa confronted basic facilitate the easy of accesses to infrastructure
financial issue. The government policies didn’t land, mortgage loans and incentives for the
attract and protect foreign housing developers. private sector. The private sector focuses on
The current financial approach of housing presale. In addition some private developers
development is unsustainable. Besides, there's an have a problem of security of tenure. The
intense deficiency of foreign cash for the supply number of houses built in the private sector is
of construction materials. Housing has a least less than 1% (non-existent) when it is compared
priority in CBE with regard to getting foreign to the government.
currency. As Mr. Tadesse Kebebe , Manager of

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 11

The construction industry and the nation in development in Ethiopia on time and quality
general lag behind in terms of technological wise. Our capacities of building mega projects
development. However, the improvement of the are increasing.
capacity and performance of the industry to
Foreign companies, joint ventures and local
international competitiveness cannot be achieved
investors enlisted for housing development is
through use of obsolete or inappropriate
colossal. Their significance in creating houses is
technologies and practices. Thus, to
insignificant and unaffordable to the society.
meaningfully improve the competitiveness of the
industry, vigorous pursuit for technological
development is needed. The strategic application  There are no incentives related to
of information technology that's progressively construction materials,
getting to be cheaper, more effective and more  Lack of serviced land supply by the
effortlessly accessible requires too aggressive government
advancement [22].  Under developed financial system that
is manifested by lack of mortgage
Moreover, world-wide, there are famous
research and advancement institutions which act
as gatherings for exchange of knowledge. In any The relation between housing development and
case, Ethiopia does not successfully take an construction materials manufacturing firms are
interest in most of these forums. In this way, it win-win. Ethiopian government pulls in bunch of
loses opportunities for capturing best construction materials fabricating firms based on
experiences much required for technological the import substitution principles. It is
change. Over a long time, there has too been an productive in cement, gypsum, paints, and a few
unfortunate neglect of good traditional materials sanitary and electrical materials. However the
and technologies. However, attainment of the firms couldn’t fulfill the local request and begin
nation's development goal requires the optimal export. Till presently most finishing materials
use of traditional or local materials and and others are imported from overseas. This is
technologies [22]. the cause of intense deficiency of foreign
currency. So, the government shall attract
2.3 The role Ethiopian economic
foreign construction materials manufacturing
diplomacy for housing supply in Addis
Ababa firms by creating favorable environment for
The Chinese base companies are forerunners in
Ethiopia FDI. Foreign construction companies Before 2018 most of the construction materials
have changed the culture of construction in were bought by international bid by AAIHDP. It
Addis Ababa. They capacitate the local human has advantage of getting the specified amount
capital by training. It has impact on the culture of and quality at reasonable cost directly from

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 12

producers in China, India, Turkey, Ukraine and to achieve housing projects on the time outline
others. Besides there are government incentives with small deviations.
tax free. This makes affordable housing
AAIHDP replicated agro stone technology from
applicable with its challenges. Post 2018 the
China. It has advantage in time, cost and superior
material supply is transferred to each contractor.
efficiency for partition work. The advantage of
So, the importation takes place the other means.
technology transfer in housing construction is
This has advantage of lessening the load in
AAIHDP. The cost of material delivery increases
due to lack of incentives and profits in a series of The paper clearly showed that there is a loose
steps from manufacturer. The costs have a direct connection among intra ministries and between
impact on the provision of affordable housing. In the government and private (local, joint venture
both cases the deficiency of material and foreign and foreign) investors. The government
currency is a major challenge. dominated housing development couldn’t
provide “housing for all”
Post 2018 tycoon housing developers and
government begin to work cooperatively to The interlocking of housing development and
address the crisis of housing in Addis Ababa. Ethiopian economic diplomacy is the best way to
The Addis Ababa City Administration opened adders the crisis of housing in Addis Ababa
the entryway for foreign housing developers and through revitalized global partnership. Attraction
signed a series of memorandum of understanding of FDI in the housing sector needs the revision
and agreements. International cooperation is of government decrees, policies and
basic to illuminate the housing crisis. Who proclamations that can attract through incentives
benefits and who misfortunes depends on the and protect investment with legal documents.
detail of the contract and strategy of each actor.
Till now the contract and policy issues are not Addis Ababa City Administration shall focuses

unveiled. on how to effectively utilize resources

specifically land and tax incentives to address the
There's backdrop in aid at AAIHDP. At the challenges of housing in Addis Ababa. Mass
beginning of AAIHDP China had given financial housing experience, technology and finance are
aid for the construction of condominiums. expected from the private (local, joint ventures
Further GTZ had given technical assistance at and foreign) investors. National/International
the starting of the project. Right now Mortgage Banks are the missed actors of housing
international actors are working with research development in Addis Ababa.
work only. GTZ, UN-Habitat and World Bank
have been financing problem tackling researches
for housing development. Currently the
government confronted a financial issue. It failed

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 13

3. Conclusion and firms based on the import substitution principles

and its economic diplomacy. Addis Ababa
integrated housing development has the
The researcher concludes the significances of advantage of getting the desired amount, quality
Ethiopian economic diplomacy in the and reasonable cost at a given time. The
implementation of integrated housing manufacturers get tremendous market that can
development in Addis Ababa. Then it shows the devour colossal number of their items. In any
spillover impact of housing on the economic, case the firms couldn’t fulfill the local demand
social and political life of the society. Further it and begin export. Till presently the housing
shows the challenge within the housing sector. development imports incalculable amount and
Based on the principle of Ethiopian economic number of finishing materials and others. On the
diplomacy the recommendations are classified in other hand, there is a backdrop in technical and
to two that can be fixed by domestic capacity and financial aid. The FDI directly constructing
international cooperation. houses were small in number and focus on
luxury apartments.
3.1. Conclusion
The major challenge of integrated housing
Ethiopian’s national interest is all about
development and real estate development in
democracy and development. The strategy to
Addis Ababa exudes from the government
realize our national interest is based on
decrees, policy and procedures that entitled the
“Domestic First and External second” approach.
government as major actor within the housing
So housing development is the subset of the
provision. This is the orientation of the socialist
nation’s development. Besides housing is the
ideologies. The program has intense problem of
imperative motor for sustainable development
finance, mass housing experience and
and poverty reduction. Addis Ababa City
technology. It is exposed to high political
Administration succeeds in the construction of
interferences and repetitive changes. This leads
colossal number of houses in Addis Ababa. It
to the failure of both private and government led
has economic, social and political impact to the
housing development in Addis Ababa. The
recipients, contractures; MSE’S and to the entire
government utilized housing as a stick and
the society.
carrot. Political affiliation has a great value than

The finding of this study uncovered that knowledge, experience and other fundamental

economic diplomacy is the imperative motor of things for the work. The private housing

integrated housing development in Addis Ababa. developers have a problem with security of

Ethiopian economic diplomacy has a direct tenure and focus on presale. The housing

impact within the quality, quantity and cost of provision, administration and construction are

housing provision. Ethiopian government draws not fair, transparent and responsible. This is

in bunch of construction materials manufacturing

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 14

against our rapid development and shall be multiplied. Adequate and affordable
democratization plan. houses shall be constructed for the poor, medium
and high income citizens.
The relationship between MOFA and MUDC is
very weak. This has spillover effect in attraction The Addis Ababa City Administration shall curb
of international cooperation within the housing its internal administrative issues within the
sector and facilitation of international experience housing sector. It needs strong commitment, high
and technological know-how. The critical issues investment and political initiation. The decree,
of Addis Ababa housing is related to the nations policies, goals and bureaucracy shall attract and
international relations. International cooperation protect the investment of each actor. The
is crucial for addressing finance and technology government shall
transfer in Addis Ababa housing.
 Facilitate infrastructure
The paper shows that post 2018 there are  Ease of getting land
changes with respect to the inclusion of foreign  Tax discount for affordable housing
companies in the affordable housing material supply
construction. Tycoon housing developers and  Incentives to housing development and
government begin to work cooperatively to curb  Building National Mortgage Housing
the housing crisis in Addis Ababa. The Addis Bank.
Ababa City Administration marked a series of
The research clearly proved technology transfer
memorandum of understanding and agreements.
and financial issues couldn’t be addressed by
International cooperation is basic to tackle
domestic capacity only. Interlocking of housing
housing crisis. However, policy issues like real
development and Ethiopian economic diplomacy
estate development and administration are on
is the best way to adders the crisis of housing in
Addis Ababa through revitalized global
3.2 Recommendations partnership. The housing sector could be
meaningfully changed by vigorous pursuit,
The approach of housing development policies
attraction and promotion of
shall be pragmatic not socialist, capitalist and
distributive justice only. Leaving the housing  Mimicking technology and technology
sector to a particular ideology and modality has transfer
no guarantee to fulfill its objectives. Because  Participate in international mass
housing development is multidisciplinary and housing forums
deviates from different philosophies. All the  Mass construction material
actors should compete and contribute in quality, manufactures
amount and cost. The number of houses built by  Tycoon international real estate
the government, local and international investors developers

The issue name 2021; X(X): XX-XX 15

 International suppliers Acknowledgement

 Financial and technical aid
Foremost, I want to offer this endeavor to
The EIC, MOFA, MUDC and Addis Ababa City our God Almighty for his wisdom upon me,
Administration shall work cooperatively to fill the strength, peace of mind and good health
the crevices. A joint task force shall be initiated in order to finish this research.
to curb the failure in housing development.
International cooperation is critical to adders the I would like to express my special gratitude
housing crisis. The duty of the task force is and thanks to my adviser, Dr. Chuol
R.Kompuok for imparting his knowledge
 Facilitation of information flow
and expertise in this study.
 Breaking bureaucratic red tapes
 Changing the attitude of the concerned I am highly indebted to ECSU College of
bodies and civil servants Leadership and Governance School of
 Showing the gap of housing for local Diplomacy & International Relation
and international investors graduate studies for their guidance and
 Attracting tycoon housing developers consent supervision as well as for providing
 Attracting mega construction material the necessary information for the last three
manufacturers and/ or suppliers years.
 Soliciting financial and technical aid
I would like to express my gratitude towards
Post 2018 there are some positive changes within my parents, Belta Lakew and Eseyneh
the attraction of international real estate Dagnew, for the encouragement since I was
developers. We shall utilize the political device a teenager.
for economic prosperity of the nation. Policy
guides shall be prepared and endorsed by the This thesis becomes a reality with the kind

concerned bodies. It shall be open, fair and support and help of many individuals. I

transparent for all actors. would like to extend my sincere thanks to all
of them.
The recommendation for further study:
My thanks and appreciations also go to my
 Check the role of construction material
colleague and informants who willingly
manufacturing firms, international
helped me.
trade, financial and technical aid in
Addis Ababa housing development in
mixed or quantitative research. References

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