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Life’s simple meanings (5)

 It’s not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced

 It’s not about finding yourself, It’s about creating yourself
 It’s growth
 It’s a gift, don’t waste it
 It has ups and downs



 No foundation on which you base your decisions.

 Keep changing directions


 Purpose to live for

 People to live with
 Principles to live by
 Profession to live out
 Power to live on


1. You were planned for god’s pleasure.

Love god with all your heart
2. You were formed for God’s family
Learning to love others
3. You were created to become Christ
Grow to maturity through discipleship
4. You were shaped for serving god
Love your neighbor as self
5. You were made for a mission
Sharre god’s message

The Meaning of Life According to different philosophers (HAPN------CEHCP)

hedonistic theory, pursuit of pleasure and self- indulgence is most important.

Aristotle's theory, purpose of life is that humans are meant to do everything with a goal in mind, and that goal
must be good.

Platonism, attaining the highest form of knowledge

nihilist theory, life has no meaning and that values are baseless.

Cynicism to reject the conventional, be self- sufficient, and master one's mental abilities.

existentialism, to act as a free and responsible as possible.

Naturalistic pantheism care for nature and environment

Humanist theory life is extremely personal, therefore each person's purpose will be different.

Classical liberalism of individual liberty, to defend this inalienable right.

pragmatic subjective, and is only discoverable via experience.


 Death Is an Enemy. The last enemy to be conquered by God, and as such, it is the result of a cause,
the result of sin and the fall of the human race.

1. separates man from his body

2. result of sin and Satan's attack on man who was created In the image of God for fellowship with God,

3. separates us from our loved ones,

4. it ends ministries and often makes life seem futile or without purpose,

5.,if men are without Christ, it sends them into a Christ less eternity, forever separated from God.

Victory Over Death

 God assures us in His Word that this separation is not permanent for believers in Christ.
 their souls and spirits were reunited in a place called Abraham's bosom or paradise.
 being in the presence of the Lord as well as in the presence of other believing loved ones. In II Timothy
4:6, Paul wrote to Timothy "for I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand”


1. Promotes social harmony (BRPP)

 Believes in supernatural beings.
 Regards religious leaders in high esteem.
 Promotes unity among people.
 People participates rituals that have basic uniformity of beliefs
2. Promotes Moral Values (DOS)
 Distinguish right and wrong
 Organized human behavior
 System of reward and punishment
3. Provides social change (T)
 issues of concerning poverty, reproductive health, gender equality and religious
4. Reduces Fear of the unknown (MM)
 Man need a sense of origin and destination to discover where they came from and where they
bound to go.
 Made a death a better alternative to living in uncertainty.
5. Gives positive goal in life(PS)
 People were inspired by the stories of different people.
 Showed how ordinary people were given important missions.
6. Gives people sense of belonging (PP)
 Provides people with personal identity as a part of a group
 Provides communities with prospects to recognize and offer vital actions and service


1. Affirms Social Hierarchy (SCC)

 Some religions often favor men and as the result the notions of class or gender discrimination or


 Confucianism - relationship between ruler and the subject

 Caste system - people are divided into certain social classes.

2. Impedes scientific success and development (CSD)

 Catholic church claimed that earth was flat and that is the center of solar system.Copernicus stated that
sun is the center of solar system.He was banned from church and his book was banned of more than
200 years
 Some are even unsanitary which cause danger to people

EXAMPLE : During the cholera outbreak in the Philippines, catholic practice having the dead body of cholera
victims brought to church for a mass……..

3. Causes discrimination
 Prejudicial treatment of diff categories of people or things
4. Serves as an economic tool for exploiting the masses
 KARL MARX “religion is the optimum of the masses”. He proposed the bourgeoisie keep the proletariat
In control

Bourgeoisie – capitalist own means of production

Proletariat- wage earners who do not means of production

5. Historical effects caused by religion

 Elderly monk called THICH QUANG sat down in lotus position.Act of protest over discrimination
towards Buddhist by the south Vietnamese government.
6. Widow burning in Hindus in India
 SATI meant a woman who performed the act of immolating herself after husband death.Derived from
Sanskrit word ASTI means pure or true
 According to ancient hindu customs, sati symbolize closure to a marriage.
7. The godhra train incident in india 2002
 59 hindu pilgrims and karsevaks , were killed
 KAR SEVAK-someone offer services for free religious cause
 Pilgrims- traveler


 The greater the parents religious involvements the more likely they have a higher education
 The will communicate more with their children and children avoid cutting classes.
 To view one another with dignity means to respect labor and property.

2.1 Charity

 Linked to greater generosity in charitable giving and volunteering

 More likely to report having tender, concerned feelings for the disadvantaged

2.2 Social mobility

Religious families and friends serves to integrate youth into broader society and shapes their
aspirations for education.

2.3 Crime

 Higher level of religious involvement is associated with reduced likelihood of abusing drugs and alcohol.

2.4 Health

 Increased in self esteem and well being, greater longevity and reduces risk of number of health

2.5 Family Relationship

 It improves the quality.

 If husband attended religious services the happier their wives because there’s level of affection and
understanding that they receive.

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