Review of Fiction and Non-Fiction Story

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Angka Giliran : 2022172440212

No Kad Pengenalan : 040506-08-0738

Kumpulan : PT1S1-12

Kod Kursus : MPU3122m



Tarikh Hantar : 29 SEPTEMBER 2023

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Tanda tangan Pelajar: Kong Tarikh: 29/9/2023

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For my first review, “Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing - Point of View” is a
fascinating story about how a teacher handled an argument between two students. It
explores themes of life lessons, communication and tries to understand the different
points of view of the other. In this review, we will analyse the story’s content,
highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, and the reader’s response to its key

The story revolves around a teacher using wise way in resolving an argument
between two students over their differing opinions. The students clashed over a white
and black ball that had been placed in the centre of the desk. When the teacher
asked them to switch places, demonstrating that they had opposing viewpoints but
that both were correct. The teacher’s intervention helped to end the argument and
foster a productive learning environment.

The story effectively conveys guidance and lessons through a simple yet
profound narrative, emphasising understanding others’ perspectives and the value of
being enlightened by an excellent teacher. For instance, the teacher utilised one
distinct coloured ball to counsel two students and help them comprehend each
other’s perspectives. Furthermore, the language and vocabulary of the story are
simple, including terms like teacher, argument and difference. The story’s illustration
is likewise simple to understand. For example, the teacher used the ball as an
extraordinary example to illustrate a lesson. It is suitable for readers of all ages.

The weakness of the story is that it lacks contextual details which can
increase reader’s interest. The first paragraph features two students arguing,
expressing their disinterest in each other, but the teacher can’t thoroughly investigate
their reasons for argument. In addition, there aren’t many sensory descriptions in the
story, and adjectives aren’t employed frequently. For instance, in paragraph 5, “took
out a ball” may have been changed to “took out a mystery ball” to pique readers’
curiosity in the approach the teacher would take to deal with the issue.
Responding to Text:
This story inspires me greatly, thus I like it. It is simple to comprehend, and
the idea is clearly conveyed. In this story, the teacher serves as the students’
personal superhero, helping them find solutions to their problems. Furthermore, I’ve
learned that we should understanding each other’s perspectives in disagreement

In conclusion, “Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing - Point of View” is a
motivating tale that serves as a gentle reminder to readers to consider other people’s
points of view because everyone has a unique perspective on carious circumstances.
In this story, the teacher imparts a lesson to the students. You never really
understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

For my second review, I will look at a non fiction entitled “Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia”, which offer advice to young
people interested in TVET. This review aims to provide an analysis of the article’s
content, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, and the reader’s response to its key

In the article, TVET offers various learning opportunities for young people,
including formal, non-formal and informal learning. The Ministry of Higher Education
(MOHE) offers the most TVET certificate, diploma, and degree programmes among
seven ministries. MOHE’s education is accredited by the Malaysia Qualifications
Agency (MQA), while skills training institutions are accredited by the Department for
Skill Development (DSD). The article also provided a graphic outlining three
pathways for TVET and five levels of skill qualifications.

One of the article’s notable strengths is that each paragraph has a clear topic
sentence. In fact, there are five levels of skills qualifications (Level 1-5) under the
National Skills Qualification Framework. It successfully correlated with the subtopic.
Then, the article well supported the ideas discussed with evidence. It provided a
wealth of precise data and examples of TVET in Malaysia. One example is the fact
that over 50% of the 321,000 students enrolled in higher education and training
programmes attend TVET institutions. Besides, the article also uses creative mind
maps. It is simple to understand and enables readers or students to see clearly. To
illustrate, the article employs tree mapping to show the paths for TVET.

The weakness of this article is that it lacks a conclusion. Instead, a conclusion
should restate the thesis and emphasise the major points for the readers. For
example, TVET institutions must encourage and motivate more talented youths to
enrol in TVET programmes. Additionally, the article could benefit from a more
detailed exploration of the TVET programmes. It can suggest pathways for TVET
students who are prepared for the workforce. For instance, TVET offers programmes
in many fields, such as automotive, culinary arts, engineering, and others.

Responding to Text:
I like this article because I found that the article was helpful to all the students
since TVET can close the skills gap by giving students the training abilities they need
to thrive in particular careers. I wholeheartedly agree that people wishing to take
charge of their lives and create a bright future can make a great choice at the TVET.

In conclusion, “Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in
Malaysia” offers a concise overview of a vital and timely topic. It serves as a
guideline for students to participate in TVET programmes. For individuals who are
interested in Malaysia’s TVET offerings, the article is a great place to start.

(874 words)

1) (2016). Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Malaysia.

2) (2021). Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing - Point of View.

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